AUB Treatment
AUB Treatment
AUB Treatment
Control bleeding
Prevent recurrence
Correct anaemia
Improve quality of life
Medical Surgical
management management
When should we consider medical management ???
if there is : -
improve dysmenorrhea
Combination hormonal contraceptives (CHCs)
Types of CHCs
oral contraceptive pill
contraceptive patch
vaginal ring
Oral progestin
Injectable progestin
excellent contraception
intrauterine system
amenorrheic by 12 months
high cost
pregnancy, unexplained vaginal bleeding,
uterine sepsis
Etiology Treatment
(Adenomyosis) If LNG IUS is not accepted– CHCs, NSAIDs,
GnRH agonists with add back therapy
Medical treatment options for abnormal uterine
bleeding based on PALM-COEIN etiology
Etiology Treatment
Etiology Treatment
Etiology Treatment
Etiology Treatment
AUB-I Medications causing AUB should be changed to
(Iatrogenic other alternatives
causes) If no alternatives are available, LNG-IUS is
Murji, A., Whitaker, L., Chow, T.L., Sobel, M.L. (2017) Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews; Selective progesterone receptormodulators
(SPRMs) for uterine fibroids
Maybin, J.A. and Critchley (2016) Medical management of heavy menstrual
bleeding, Womens health, 12(1), 27-34
NICE (2007) Heavy menstrual bleeding, clinical guidance 44
SOGC (2013) Abnormal uterine bleeding in pre-menopausal women,
Clinical practice guideline No. 292
Sriprasert, I. , Pakrashi, T., Kimble, T. and Archer, D.F. (2017) Heavy
menstrual bleeding diagnosis and medical management, Contraception
and Reproductive Medicine,(2)20