Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Principles and New Design: November 2011
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Principles and New Design: November 2011
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Principles and New Design: November 2011
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1. Introduction
It is generally believed that fossil fuels, the current primary but limited energy resources,
will be replaced by cleaner and cheaper renewable energy sources for compelling
environmental and economic challenges in the 21st century. Solar energy with its unlimited
quantity is expected to be one of the most promising alternative energy sources in the
future. Devices with low manufacturing cost and high efficiency are therefore a necessity for
sunlight capture and light-to-energy conversion.
The dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), invented by Professor M. Grätzel in 1991 (O’Regan &
Grätzel, 1991), is a most promising inexpensive route toward sunlight harvesting. DSSC
uses dye molecules adsorbed on the nanocrystalline oxide semiconductors such as TiO2 to
collect sunlight. Therefore the light absorption (by dyes) and charge collection processes (by
semiconductors) are separated, mimicking the natural light harvest in photosynthesis. It
enables us to use very cheap, wide band-gap oxide semiconductors in solar cells, instead of
expensive Si or III-V group semiconductors. As a result, much cheaper solar energy at $1 or
less per peak Watt ($1/pW) can be achieved. For comparison, the dominant crystalline or
thin-film Si solar cells have a price of >$4-5/pW presently and are suffering from the world-
wide Si shortage. The fabrication energy for a DSSC is also significantly lower, 40% of that
for a Si cell.
In this book chapter, we will present the principles of DSSC and detail the materials
employed in a DSSC device in section 2. In section 3, the fabrication processes are shown.
Then we discuss the energy conversion mechanism at the microscopic level in section 4.
After this we try to give new design of the dye molecule and adsorption anchoring
configurations to give hints on improving the energy conversion efficiency and making
more stable devices in section 5. At last we present our conclusion and perspectives.
Scheme 1. Flow diagram depicting preparation of TiO2 colloid and paste used in screen-
printing technique for DSSC production. Adopted from (Ito et al., 2008). Copyright: 2007
Elsevier B. V.
2.1.3 Dyes
Dye molecules are the key component of a DSSC to have an increased efficiency through
their abilities to absorb visible light photons. Early DSSC designs involved transition metal
coordinated compounds (e.g., ruthenium polypyridyl complexes) as sensitizers because of
their strong visible absorption, long excitation lifetime and efficient metal-to-ligand charge
transfer (O’Regan & Grätzel, 1991; Grätzel, 2005; Ito et al., 2008). However, high cost of Ru
dyes (>$1,000/g) is one important factor hindering the large-scale implementation of DSSC.
Although highly effective, with current maximum efficiency of 11% (Grätzel, 2005), the
costly synthesis and undesired environmental impact of those prototypes call for cheaper,
simpler, and safer dyes as alternatives.
Organic dyes, including natural pigments and synthetic organic dyes, have a donor-acceptor
structure called as push-pull architecture, thus improving short circuit current density by
improving the absorption in red and infrared region. Natural pigments, like chlorophyll,
carotene, and anthocyanin, are freely available in plant leaves, flowers, and fruits and fulfill
these requirements. Experimentally, natural-dye sensitized TiO2 solar cells have reached an
efficiency of 7.1% and high stability (Campbell et al., 2007).
Even more promising is the synthetic organic dyes. Various types have recently been
developed, including indolic dyes (D102, D149) (Konno et al., 2007), and cyanoacrylic acids
(JK, C209). The same as some natural dyes, they are not associated with any metal ions,
134 Solar Cells – Dye-Sensitized Devices
being environmental benign and easily synthesized from abundant resources on a large
scale. The efficiency has reached a high level of 10.0-10.3% (Zeng et al., 2010). They are
relatively cheap, at the cost of one-tenth of corresponding Ru dyes. Light soaking
experiments have confirmed they possess long-time stability: 80% efficiency has been
maintained after 1,200 hours of light-soaking at 60 °C (~5 million turnovers). The
commercialized production of these synthetic dyes has been established in China this year.
A single dye usually has a limited adsorption spectrum, so some research groups use
several kinds of dyes to relay energy transfer and compensate each other and have achieved
good results (Hardin et al., 2010).
2.1.4 Electrolyte
Currently three different kinds of electrolytes have been used in real DSSCs with pros and
cons of each kind: (i) the most common electrolyte is I-/I3- in organic solvents, such as
acetonitrile. Sometimes lithium ion is added to facilitate electron transport. This kind of
electrolyte is good for ion diffusion and infiltrate well with TiO2 film, keeping highest
efficiency of all DSSCs. But limited long-term stability due to volatilization of liquid hinders
its wide use. (ii) Inorganic ionic liquids made of salts or salt mixture. It looks like solid while
it has properties of liquid and it performs well in conductivity. But after a long period of
time, its efficiency declines. (iii) Solid electrolyte, such as spiro-MeOTAD or CuI (Konno et
al., 2007). For CuI, its instability and crystallization makes it hard to fill in the porous TiO2
films. The problem can be solved by adding ionic liquid into the electrolyte. Spiro-MeOTAD
is a typical kind of organic hole conductor, which has been developed for years and the
DSSC based on this kind of electrolyte has reached the efficiency of 5% (Yu et al., 2009).
2.2 Fabrication
In this section, we introduce Grätzel’s new fabrication technologies for DSSCs having a
conversion efficiency of solar light to electricity power over 10% (Ito et al., 2008). It consists
of pre-treatment of the working photoelectrode by TiCl4, variations in layer thickness of the
transparent nanocrystalline-TiO2 and applying a topcoat light-scattering layer as well as the
adhesion of an anti-reflecting film to the electrode's surface.
First, one prepares glass substrate with a transparent conducting layer. Then, the DSSC
working electrodes are prepared as shown in Scheme 1 & 2. Scheme 1 depicts procedures to
produce paste (A) containing 20 nm nanocrystalline TiO2 particles. For the paste used in the
light-scattering layers (paste B), 10nm TiO2 particles which were obtained following the
peptization step and in a procedure analogous to those of 20 nm TiO2 outlined in Scheme 1,
were mixed with 400 nm TiO2 colloidal solution. Paste A and B are coated on FTO, forming
the TiO2 ”double layer” film. It is treated with TiCl4 before sintering. After cooling, the
electrode is immersed in dye solutions.
Finishing fabrication of all parts, the dye-covered TiO2 electrode and Pt-counter electrode
are assembled into a sandwich type cell and sealed with a hot-melt gasket. For the counter
electrode, a hole (1-mm diameter) is drilled in the FTO glass. The hole is made to let the
electrolyte in via vacuum backfilling. After the injection of electrolyte, the hole is sealed
using a hot-melt ionomer film and a cover glass as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Fabrication of the dye sensitized solar cells. Adopted from (Ito et al., 2008). Copyright:
2007 Elsevier B. V.
136 Solar Cells – Dye-Sensitized Devices
3. Processes
The way that DSSC works is quite simple, shown by the scheme in Fig. 3. The central idea is
to separate the light absorption process from the charge collection process, mimicking
natural light harvesting procedures in photosynthesis, by combining dye sensitizers with
semiconductors. For most DSSC devices, the I-/I3- couple is often used as a redox shuttle.
Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the operation principle for molecular photovoltaic cell.
Adopted from (Grätzel, 2009) Copyright: 1991 Nature Publishing Group.
between the cathode and the dye molecule. At the same time, reduction of oxidized dye by
iodide produces triiodide. The triiodide diffuses to counter electrode and accepts electrons
from external load, regenerating the iodides. The overall process will provide electron flow
from the ITO side (anode) to the outer circuit, with the potential difference equals to the
incident photon energy if no voltage loss occurs during electron injection, diffusion and the
neutral dye regeneration. In reality, however, these processes are always present. So the
anode-cathode potential difference, namely, the open-circuit voltage Voc, is mainly
determined by the difference between conduction band bottom and electrolyte anion energy
level, typically around 0.6-0.9 V.
3.4 Recombination
In all solar cells, the light generated carriers have a probability to meet their conjugate
carriers and recombine. Recombination reduces the output of electrical power in DSSC. The
photo injected electrons in the TiO2 have two possible recombination pathways: direct
recombination with the oxidized dyes or with the I3- in the electrolyte (Haque et al., 2005),
which are shown in Fig. 4. The latter process is dominant and has been thoroughly studied.
It can be reduced by adding a thin TiO2 under-layer between the FTO and the
nanocrystalline porous TiO2 layer, because the connection between the FTO and the
electrolyte is an important recombination route (Liu et al., 2006).
Fig. 4. Different electron transfer processes in the solar cell: (1) electron injection from dye
excited state into the conduction band of TiO2 semiconductor; (2) regeneration of the dye
cation by electron transfer from the redox couple; (3) charge recombination to the cation of
the dye; (4) recombination to the redox couple; and (5) excited state decay to the ground
state. Adopted from (Haque et al., 2005), Copyright: 2005 American Chemical Society.
Fig. 5. Structure of the three organic dyes investigated and their absorption spectra. Blue
lines: neutral dye; Red: deprotonated dyes. Adopted from (Meng & Kaxiras, 2010).
Copyright: 2010 American Chemical Society.
On the basis of a previous work which illustrates an ultrafast electron-hole separation
process at the anthocyanin/TiO2 interface (Meng et al., 2008), they extended to demonstrate
further that various factors including dye molecular size, binding geometry, and point
defects on the TiO2 surface will greatly influence electron collection efficiency. To analyze
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Principles and New Design 139
quantitatively the charge transfer and electron-hole separation process, they use the integral
of excited electron (hole) density projected onto the TiO2 orbitals, , as a function of time
after photon absorption, with defined as
dr|ψ(r )|2 ψ r cφ
jTiO 2
r (1)
where cj are the coefficients of atomic basis states φj in the Kohn-Sham orbital ψKS r of
interest ( either the excited electron or the hole)
ψKS r cφ
j j r
The curves in Fig. 6 show the injection probability, χ , of the excited electron and hole as a
function of simulation time.
5. New design
Recent developments of effective all-organic dyes have introduced a novel Donor-π-
Acceptor (D-π-A) structure, with the donor and acceptor connected via a molecular bridge
conductor (π-group) and the acceptor directly bound to semiconductor surface. Upon
excitation, electrons in the HOMOs, originally distributed around the donor group, are
promoted to the LUMOs, which are centred around the acceptor. This excitation process
effectively pushes extra electrons to the acceptor part of the dyes and leaves holes on the
donor part. Importantly, the proximity between the acceptor and the semiconductor surface,
mutually bound via covalent and/or hydrogen bonds, allows ultrafast transfer of excited
electrons to the conduction bands of the semiconductor (Meng et al., 2008; Duncan &
Prezhdo, 2007). Consequently, this leads to efficient electron-hole separation and ultimately
electricity generation.
Laboratory development of D-π-A dyes often invokes a trial-and-error approach, which
requires extensive chemical synthesis and expensive materials processing with a slow
progress. In this regard, theoretical screening of potential organic dyes using state-of-the-art
first principles computation shows a great promise, significantly reducing the cost to
develop efficient dyes and expediting discovery of new ones.
account for the long-range charge transfer excitation while retain the reliable description of
short-range correlation interactions. Our previous work shows that the long-range corrected
(LC) functionals ωB97X (Chai & Head-Gordon, 2008) and CAM-B3LYP (Yanai et al., 2004) )
yield better comparison with experiment. Since ωB97X has less parameters and shows better
agreement with experimental results (after solvent effect correction of 0.1-0.3 eV (Pastore et
al., 2010)), we use this functional in the following for predicting optical properties of new
For structure optimization, we use pseudopotentials of the Troullier-Martins type to model
the atomic cores, the PBE form of the exchange-correlation functional, and a local basis set of
double- ζ polarized orbitals. An auxiliary real space grid equivalent to a planewave cutoff of
680 eV is used for the calculation of the electrostatic (Hartree) term. A molecular structure is
considered fully relaxed when the magnitude of forces on the atoms is smaller than
0.03eV/Å. Optical absorption are extracted from TDDFT simulations within the linear
response regime at fixed dye geometry in gas phase. We use the 6-31G(d) basis set
throughout this book chapter, which has been shown to yield negligible difference in
electron density and energy accuracy compared with those including additional diffuse
functions (Pastore et al., 2010). Within TDDFT, different functionals based on adiabatic
approximation are used, including B3LYP and ωB97X. The latter one, belonging to LC
functionals, are employed to correct excitation energies for charge-transfer excitations,
which prevail in these dyes. The spectrum is obtained using the following formula based on
calculated excitation energies and oscillator strengths,
ε ω = 2.174 10 8
exp 2.773
ω ωI 2 , (3)
I Δ Δ2
where ε is the molar extinction coefficient given in unit of M-1cm-1, energies and ωI are in
unit of cm-1 and f I is the corresponding oscillator strength. Such a formula will satisfy the
well-known relationship
The calculated optical absorption spectra are shown in Fig. 8. We found that the absorption
spectra will be red shifted by prolonging the oligoene backbone (compare the green and red
lines) and inserting cyclohexadiene moiety (compare the lines in the same colour). Attaching
benzene rings to the amide nitrogen could enhance the absorption intensity a little but
barely changes the position of maximum absorption (compare blue and green lines). On the
other hand, inserting cyclohexadiene group could modify the spectra significantly, both in
peak positions and intensity (compare the lines in Fig. 8 in the same colour). This would
make dyes with cyclohexadiene group attractive candidates for future development of
DSSC devices, especially for high extinction, long wavelength light absorption.
We analyse further the electronic energy level calculated using B3LYP/6-31G(d) and the
first excitation energy from ωB97X/6-31G(d) (Table 1). It is known that the solvent effects
will lower dye absorption energy by 0.1-0.3 eV (Pastore et al., 2010); therefore experimental
values quoted in Table 2 which are measured in solution would have been corrected by 0.1-
Fig. 7. Chemical structure of model dyes. The left column from up to bottom depicts Y-1, Y-
2, Y-3, and the right column shows Y-1ben (Y-1ben2), Y-2ben, Y-3ben.
0.3 eV, this leads to a better agreement with the results from LC-TDDFT for dyes in vacuum.
For Y-1 dye the LC seems not necessary, maybe due to its short length.
Intuitively, the energy levels of the whole dye molecule are modified by the electric field
introduced by the presence of chemical groups at the acceptor end. They would change
according to the electronegativity of these chemical groups. The higher negativity, the lower
the LUMO level, the smaller the energy gap would be. Our results proved this simple rule
by showing that inserting electron withdrawing groups C=C or cyclohexadiene will down
shift the LUMO level and producing a smaller energy gap (Table 1).
Following this way we obtain a small energy gap of 1.41 eV for Y-1ben2. In particular, we
emphasize that the LUMO level is still higher by at least 0.7 eV than the conduction band
edge (CBE) of anatase TiO2, located at -4.0 eV (Kavan et al., 1996). This would provide
enough driving force for ultrafast excited state electron injection. Another requisite in
interface energy level alignment for DSSCs to work properly is that the dye HOMO has to
be lower than the I-/I3- redox potential at about -4.8 eV. The potential level is comparable to
cyclohexadiene dye HOMOs in Table 2. However, we note here that by comparing
calculated energy levels with experimental measured potentials, the HOMO and LUMO
positions are generally overestimated by ~0.6 eV and ~0.3 eV, respectively. We expect the
same trend would occur for dyes discussed in the present work; taking this correction into
account, the designed new dyes would have a perfect energy alignment with respect to the
CBE of TiO2 ( more than 0.4 eV lower than LUMOs) and the I-/I3- redox potential (~0.5-1 eV
higher than HOMOs) favouring DSSC applications.
Fig. 9. Wavefunction plots for the representative dye Y-1ben. HOMO and LUMO orbitals are
a b
Fig. 10. (a) Optimized structure for the model dye da1. (b) The structure of acceptor groups
by design and corresponding electronic level. The dashed circle marks the carbon atom
connecting the acceptor part and the π bridge. Adapted from (Meng et al., 2011). Copyright:
2011 American Chemical Society.
Chemical groups of different electronegativity, size and shape and at different sites have
been investigated. As an example, we consider here a specific modification on existing dye
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Principles and New Design 145
structures: replacement of the -CN group of cyanoacrylic side with other elements or
groups. This gives a group of new dyes which we label da-n (with n = 1-5, an index).
Organic dyes with the carboxylate-cyanoacrylic anchoring group have been very successful
in real devices. From the point of view of electronic structure and optical absorption, it is
possible that the side cyano group (-CN) has a positive influence on light absorption and
anchoring to the TiO2 surface (Meng et al., 2010). Accordingly, we consider the possibility of
replacing -CN by other chemical groups and examine the dependence of dye performance
on these groups. In Fig. 10 we show the set of dye acceptor structures we have investigated.
We have replaced the cyano -CN group in model dye da1 by –CF3, -F, and –CH3 groups,
which are labelled da2, da3, and da4, respectively. Model dye da1, shown in Fig. 10, has a
very similar structure to that of D21L6 dye synthesized experimentally (Yum et al., 2009),
except that the hexyl tails at the donor end are replaced by methyl groups. The electronic
energy levels of these modified dyes in the ground-state are also shown in Fig. 10, as
calculated using B3LYP/6-31G(d). Compared to the relatively small gap of 2.08 eV for da1,
the energy gap is increased by all these modifications. We have also tried many other
groups, such as –BH2, -SiH3, etc., for substituting the -CN group. All these changes give a
larger energy gap. This may explain the optimal performance in experiment of the cyano
CN group as a part of the molecular anchor, which yields the lowest excitation energy
favouring enhanced visible light absorption. The changes in electronic structure introduced
by substitution of the -CN group by other groups are a result of cooperative effects of both
electronegativity and the size and shape of the substituted chemical groups.
We did not find any single-group substitution for the -CN that produces a lower energy
gap. Therefore we extended our investigation to consider other possibilities. We found that
with the substitution of the -H on the next site of the backbone by another -CN group, the
ground-state energy gap is reduced to 1.67 eV (see Fig. 10, dye da5). The LUMO level is
higher than the conduction band edge of anatase TiO2 (dashed line, Fig. 10) and HOMO
level is lower than the redox potential of tri-iodide, providing enough driving force for fast
and efficient electron-hole separation at the dye/TiO2 interface. With the above systematic
modifications of the dye acceptor group, the electronic levels can be gradually tuned and as
a consequence dyes with desirable electronic and optical properties can be identified.
Influence of these acceptor groups on excited state electron injection can be studied in the
same way as that in Section 4.
We also strive to design dye acceptors that render a higher stability of the dye/TiO2
interface when used in outdoors applications. It was previously found that some organic
dyes do not bind to the TiO2 photoanode strongly enough, and will come off during
intensive light-soaking experiments, while other dyes show higher stability in such tests (Xu
et al., 2009). Dye anchors with desirable binding abilities will contribute greatly to the
stability of interface. A type of dye anchor under design is a cyano-benzoic acid group,
whose binding configuration to the anatase TiO2 (101) surface is shown in Fig. 11. A
particular advantage of cyano-benzoic acid as a dye acceptor is that, it strongly enhances
dye binding onto TiO2 surfaces. We investigate the binding geometries of this organic dye
on TiO2 (101) using DFT. Among several stable binding configurations, the one with a
bidentate bond and a hydrogen bond between -CN and surface hydroxyl (originating from
dissociated carboxyl acid upon adsorption), is the most stable with a binding energy of 1.52
eV. The bond lengths are dTi1-O1=2.146 Å, dTi2-O2=2.162 Å, and dCN…HO=1.80 Å. Since there
are three bonds formed, the dye is strongly stabilized on TiO2. Experimentally dyes with
cyano-benzoic acid anchors have been successfully synthesized and the corresponding
stability is under test (Katono et al., submitted).
146 Solar Cells – Dye-Sensitized Devices
a b
Fig. 11. (a) Side and (b) front views of adsorption of the dye with a cyano-benzoic acid
anchor on a TiO2 nanoparticle.
6. Conclusion
In summary, after a brief introduction of the principles of DSSCs, including their major
components, the fabrication procedures and recent developments, we try to focus on the
atomic mechanisms of dye adsorption and electron transport in DSSCs as obtained from
accurate quantum mechanical simulations. We discovered that electron injection dynamics
is strongly influenced by various factors, such as dye species, molecular size, binding group,
and surface defects; more importantly, the time scale for injection can be tuned by changing
these parameters. Based on the knowledge about the interface electronic structure and
dynamics at the molecular level, we strive to design new dye molecules and anchoring
configurations employing state-of-the-art first principles calculations. Our results show that
upon systematic modifications on the existing dye structures, the optical absorption and
energy levels could be gradually tuned. In particular, we propose that by inserting
cyclohexadiene groups into spacing C=C double bonds, simple organic dyes could be
promising candidates for enhanced red to infrared light absorption. This study opens a way
for material design of new dyes with target properties to advance the performance of
organic dye solar cells.
7. Acknowledgment
We thank our collaborators Professor Efthimios Kaxiras and Professor Michael Grätzel. This
work is financially supported by NSFC (No. 11074287), and the hundred-talent program and
knowledge innovation project of CAS.
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