Amyloid Metal Ion 2
Amyloid Metal Ion 2
Amyloid Metal Ion 2
ANA BUDIMIR In the last few years, various studies have been provid-
ing evidence that metal ions are critically involved in the
University of Zagreb pathogenesis of major neurological diseases (Alzheimer,
Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry Parkinson). Metal ion chelators have been suggested as
10000 Zagreb, Croatia potential therapies for diseases involving metal ion im-
balance. Neurodegeneration is an excellent target for ex-
ploiting the metal chelator approach to therapeutics. In
contrast to the direct chelation approach in metal ion
overload disorders, in neurodegeneration the goal seems
to be a better and subtle modulation of metal ion homeo-
stasis, aimed at restoring ionic balance. Thus, moderate
chelators able to coordinate deleterious metals without
disturbing metal homeostasis are needed. To date, seve-
ral chelating agents have been investigated for their po-
tential to treat neurodegeneration, and a series of 8-hy-
droxyquinoline analogues showed the greatest potential
for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Keywords: metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegene-
Accepted January 27, 2011 ration, metal chelators, chelation therapy
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
pus, basal forebrain and amygdale. Brain regions with plaques typically exhibit reduced
numbers of synapses, and neurites associated with the plaques are often damaged. Neu-
rons that use glutamate or acetylcholine as neurotransmitters appear to be particularly
affected, but neurons that produce serotonin and norepinephrine are also damaged.
Neurofibrillary tangles
Neurofibrillary tangles are intracellular fibrillar aggregates of the microtubule-asso-
ciated proteins Tau, which exhibit hyperphosphorylation and severe oxidative modifica-
tions. Native Tau proteins possess between 352 and 441 amino acids (molecular weight
55 to 62 kDa). These Tau proteins are microtubule-associated proteins abundant in neu-
rons. They interact with tubulin to stabilize microtubules and to promote tubulin assem-
bly into microtubules. Hyperphosphorylation of Tau proteins at abnormal sites (serine
and threonine residues) can result in the self-assembly of tangles of paired helical fila-
ments and straight filaments (5, 6) in neurons undergoing degeneration, which are in-
volved in the pathogenesis of AD and other tauopathies. It has also been proposed that
Al(III) and Fe(III) cations, found within the neurofibrillary tangles, could be partially in-
volved in the polymerization processes of hyperphosphorylated Tau proteins (7–9).
Amyloid peptides
Extracellular proteic plaques are built up by fibrils (10), whose major components
are peptides known as b-amyloid (Ab), which range in length from 39 to 43 amino acids.
These amyloid peptides originate from sequential proteolytic cleavages (11, 12) of a co-
mmon precursor called Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) (13). APP is a large glycopro-
tein of 695 to 770 amino acids that comprises three parts, the extracellular N-terminal re-
gion, a single hydrophobic transmembrane region and the cytoplasmic C-terminal do-
main. Overexpression of APP could lead to early AD forms (14). The amino acid sequen-
ce of the largest amyloid peptide Ab-(1–42) is given in Fig. 1 (15).
38 40 41 42 –
Gly-Gly -Val-Val -Ile -Ala -COO
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
The brain is a specialized organ that requires metal ions for a number of important
cellular processes. As such, the brain contains a relatively high concentration of a num-
ber of transition metals such as Fe, Zn, and Cu where they take part in the neuronal ac-
tivity within the synapses (ZnII in particular) and ensure the function of various metallo-
proteins (cytochrome C-oxidase, Cu/Zn superoxyde dismutase...). Cells have therefore
developed a sophisticated machinery for controlling metal-ion homeostasis. However, a
breakdown of these mechanisms, or absorption of metals with no known biological func-
tion, alter the ionic balance and can result in a disease state, including several neurode-
generative disorders such as AD (21). Understanding the complex structural and func-
tional interactions of metal ions with the various intracellular and extracellular compo-
nents of the central nervous system, under normal conditions and during neurodegene-
ration, is essential for the development of effective therapies.
Many studies have shown that the most important biometals, i.e., copper, zinc, and
iron as well as nonphysiological aluminium are involved in AD. They are suggested to
have two distinct roles in the pathophysiology of AD: (i) aggregation of Ab peptide, and
(ii) production of reactive oxygen species induced by Ab.
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
A significant amount of literature has accrued on examining the role of copper in
the pathogenesis of AD (for recent review see ref. 22). One of the key findings emerging
from these studies is that there is an excess of copper in the extracellular space of the
brain (23). Studies by Lovell et al. (24) demonstrated high concentration of Cu in amy-
loid plaques (~400 mM) compared to the normal brain extracellular concentration of
0.2–1.7 mmol L–1. This accumulation of extracellular copper is likely to be mediated by
copper binding to the Ab peptide. Aggregation of Ab peptides is a central phenomenon
in AD. Although Ab peptides undergo spontaneous self-aggregation, it is clear from ex-
periments in vitro that Cu2+ affects aggregation behavior of Ab. The Cu-induced Ab agg-
regation is still controversial, as accelerating and inhibiting effects have been published,
which apparently depend on the experimental conditions such as pH, salt and metal con-
centrations (25, 26). It is suggested that, on one hand, Cu promotes amorphous aggre-
gates and, on the other, Cu reduces formation of fibrils (27). In addition, Cu binding to
Ab can result in production of hydrogen peroxide through reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I)
and subsequent generation of a highly toxic hydroxyl radical through the Fenton reac-
tion. Consequently, a cascade of events related to oxidative stress and subsequent neu-
ronal death occurs (28).
In contrast to increased extracellular Cu levels, intracellular Cu levels appear to be
reduced in AD brain compared to controls (29). Moreover, the activity of several cupro-
enzymes is diminished in AD, including copper/zinc superoxide (30) and cytochrome c
oxidase (31). Additionally, interactions of copper with Tau peptide have been assumed
to induce the development of neurofibrillary tangles, one of the hallmarks of AD (32).
The potential role of zinc in the pathology of AD (for recent review see ref. 33) was
emphasized by the finding of Zn enrichment within AD plaques and a Zn increase in
the neuropil of AD patients compared to controls (24). Zinc has a crucial role in Ab ag-
gregation, which is the most well-established contribution that zinc may have in AD pa-
thogenesis. Aggregation of Ab peptides into protease-resistant deposits can be rapidly
induced in the presence of zinc ions under physiological conditions in vitro (34, 35). Zn
binds to Ab in a monomeric and stoichiometric Zn-Ab complex, which is transiently sta-
ble prior to aggregation; the structure of the aggregates was described to be more amor-
phous, i.e., to contain less fibril (36). This activity may not be that of a neurotoxic modu-
lator but rather of a neuroprotective agent since Zn can alleviate Ab toxicity in cortical
cultures (37). The precise mechanism of the protective effect of zinc against Ab toxicity is
unclear; nevertheless, the possible mechanism may include competing with Cu (or iron)
for Ab binding. Binding of zinc to Ab changes its conformation to the extent that copper
ions cannot reach its metal binding sites. Preventing copper from interacting with Ab
may prevent the Cu-Ab induced formation of hydrogen peroxide and free radicals.
Recently, it has been shown that zinc can also accelerate the aggregation of a Tau
peptide, the major protein subunit of neurofibrillary tangles, under reducing conditions
(38). Zinc inhibited the formation of intramolecular disulphide bonds but promoted in-
termolecular bonds between key cysteine residues.
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
Iron is a redox active metal, and its contributions to AD pathology are still unclear.
Within AD plaques, iron accumulates to almost 3 times that of normal neuropil levels
(~ 1 mmol L–1 compared to ~ 350 mmol L–1 in a healthy control neuropil) (24). Despite
having a high concentration in AD plaques, Fe ions are not likely to interact directly
with Ab in vivo. Although in vitro studies indicate that Fe induces Ab aggregation (39),
Fe does not copurify with Ab extracted from plaques (40), unlike Cu and Zn ions, and is
found primarily complexed with ferritin in the plaque-associated neuritic processes.
Oxidative stress is one of the earliest events in AD and seems to be involved in the
onset, progression and pathogenesis of the disease (41). A variety of studies have de-
monstrated that iron plays a pivotal role in the oxidative damage observed in proteins,
lipids, sugars, and nucleic acid. Like Cu, Fe has been associated with free radical genera-
tion through the Fenton reaction, leading to the formation of a highly reactive hydroxyl
In addition, Fe was found to accumulate in neurons with neurofibrillary tangles
(42). Fe3+ has the ability to bind with hyperphosphorylated Tau and to induce its aggre-
gation in vitro, leading to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in AD. This process
can be reversed by reduction of Fe3+ back to Fe2+ (8).
Aluminium is the most widely distributed metal in the environment and is widely
used in daily life, thus providing easy exposure to human beings. Al was first suspected
to be implicated in the progression of AD, when it was observed that intra-cerebral in-
jection of this element into rabbits induced the formation of neurofibrillary tangles (43,
44). Al(III) is known to localize at high concentrations in AD amyloid deposits, but stud-
ies aimed at determining if it is elevated in AD brains, have not achieved consensus. It
was reported that Al(III) can induce Ab aggregation, but the reported metal concentra-
tions have since been claimed to be significantly above physiological levels, and when
Ab was exposed to lower micromolar levels of aluminium, no Ab aggregation was in-
duced (45). Overall, it appears that although this element may be a contributing factor to
the neurodegeneration in AD, it does not appear to have a causative role.
Metal coordination properties of Ab have been investigated employing a wide ran-
ge of techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, electron para-
magnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, and mass
spectrometry (MS) (46–48). These studies have suggested that the coordination of Cu(II)
and Zn(II) in Ab species could occur via three histidine residues (H6, H13, and H14) and
possibly another N-terminal residue or the peptide backbone.
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
proaches to help slow down the rate of both cognitive and functional declines associated
with aging while maintaining a positive quality of life. One of the currently accepted hy-
potheses, the metal hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease states that the interactions between
metal ions and Ab, as well as abnormal metal ion homeostasis, are connected with AD
neuropathogenesis (49–51). Based on this hypothesis, disruption of metal-Ab interactions
via metal chelation therapy has been proposed in order to reduce neurotoxicity of me-
tal-Ab species and restore metal ion homeostasis in the brain (52). However, in order to
be used as potential drugs in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, chelators
must have particular properties. They must have a low molecular weight, be poorly or
not charged to favor the blood brain barrier (BBB) crossing and stable. They must selec-
tively target certain metal ions, because a strong non-specific chelation would result in a
general depletion of metal ions, including those of metalloenzymes, which are essential.
Once the chelator is in the brain, the molecule must be able to complex the metal ions
present in excess in the aggregated proteins so as to allow their dissolution and elimina-
tion. Finally, successful treatment with any chelator requires low toxicity and minimum
side effects of the drug itself.
To date, several metal chelators have been used as agents for metal ion chelation
therapy in AD. Desferrioxamine B (Desferal®, Fig. 3) was the first compound used to
treat metal overload in the CNS and to dissolve amyloid aggregates. The use of this com-
pound significantly reduced the behavioral and cognitive declines of AD patients (53).
However, the use of this siderophore also led to various disadvantages: (i) its hydrophi-
lic and charged character disables the BBB crossing (ii) it is rapidly degraded in vivo, and
(iii) it causes significant side effects (anemia...) because of its strong affinity for Fe(III)
and other divalent cations.
(CH2 )5 N N (CH2) 5
N (CH2) 5 N N
Several other chelating agents (Fig. 4) have been investigated for their potential to
treat neurodegeneration (54–59). The lipophilic metal chelator DP-109 significantly re-
duced amyloid pathology in brains of human amyloid b precursor protein transgenic
mice (59). Compound XH1, based on a novel »pharmacophore conjugation« concept, is a
bifunctional metal chelator containing a DTPA-based binding unit and 4-benzothiazole-
-2-yl-phenylamine-amyloid binding units. It was shown to specifically reduce APP pro-
tein expression in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and to attenuate cerebral Ab
amyloid pathology in PS1/APP transgenic mice without inducing apparent toxicity and
behavior disturbances (57). Derivatives of a 14-membered saturated tetraamine have
also attracted some recent interest. Bicyclam analogue JKL169 (1,1’-xylyl bis-1,4,8,11 tetra-
azacyclotetradecane) was effective in reducing Cu levels in the brain cortex and was able
to maintain normal Cu levels in the blood, CSF and corpus callossum in rats (60).
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
VK-28 HLA-20 MK-30
JKL-169 XH-1
CO 2Na
C 18H 37 O O O O
O O O O C18H 37
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
The brain requires high metal ion concentrations to carry out its numerous essential
functions. However, triggered by unclear mechanisms, the metal ion homeostasis is se-
verely dysregulated in Alzheimer’s disease and abnormal levels of Cu(II), Zn(II) and
Fe(III) have been found. Consequently, the brain has a poor capacity to cope with the ox-
idative stress generated by the redox active Cu(II) and Fe(III) ions accumulated in Ab
aggregates. Faced with these neurological disorders, a number of therapeutic strategies
aimed at ameliorating or inhibiting Ab aggregation and induced ROS generation, inclu-
ding the use of antioxidants and metal chelators, are currently being investigated for their
possible application in AD therapy. Among the few chelators tested so far, clioquinol
was the first to reach the pilot phase II clinical trial, which demonstrates the applicabili-
ty of this exogenous metal chelator. Although the use of clioquinol has been suspended
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
in AD research, a new and promising oxine based analogue PBT2 is presently under de-
velopment, which clearly indicates that this strategy will be favored. Clioquinol and
other lipophilic and mild chelators based on phenanthrolines or N-aroyl-N’-picolinoyl
hydrazine binding units have shown a great potential in vitro or in vivo and pave the
way to the design and preparation of new drugs for AD therapy. Combining antioxidant
activity and binding functionality into a single drug would undoubtedly broaden the
chances of success in AD therapy.
A. Budimir: Metal ions, Alzheimer’s disease and chelation therapy, Acta Pharm. 61 (2011) 1–14.
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Klju~ne rije~i: kovinski ioni, Alzheimerova bolest, neurodegeneracija, kovinski kelatori, kelacijska