Competitive Futures White Paper: Social Media and Customer Relationship Management
Competitive Futures White Paper: Social Media and Customer Relationship Management
Competitive Futures White Paper: Social Media and Customer Relationship Management
relationship management:
Social media has radically changed the way people meet and interact. Huge crowds
from all over the world gather into a handful of social networks where they connect,
share, collaborate, and influence. Conversations are immediate, and ideas, emotions,
and information can spread globally within minutes. This new landscape poses both
great challenges and tremendous opportunities for businesses, organizations,
and brands.
Two data points tell a powerful story about the shifting landscape of CRM:
- According to a Conscore report Fron Iune :o, social nedia activity now accounts
For out oF every 6 ninutes spent online.
The media is the message, and the message is that social interaction will forever
replace the one-way, mass communications employed by most major brands.
Additional statistics prove the size and explosive growth oF this branch oF inFornation
- Facebook has over 6oo nillion regular users with over oo nillion unique
visitors every day. It is the nost visited website in the world reaching o% oF
web users globally.
- Facebook currently registers between o and oo nillion ad inpressions every day.
- 1witter counts over ) nillion users sharing over billion tweets per week.
. As wild as it sounds, coning soon:
2004-2006 Google Earth & Skype
1994-1998 The Internet (WWW)
2004-2009 Facebook
2001-2008 iPod
1983-1997 Cell Phone
1928-1966 Television
1876-1965 Telephone
2 years
4 years
5 years
7 years
14 years
38 years
89 years
- In a recent study oF :ooo users by InboxQ
, 6z% oF respondents said they were nore
likely to buy Fron a conpany which answered their questions via 1witter.
- A :o study Fron the Center For Marketing at the University oF Massachusetts
Dartnouth shows that 1witter users are tines nore likely to share content than an
average nenber oF the U.S. population.