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Poetics Today
Yet there have always been those who claimed that the theory of
evolution is not really a "scientific theory." Such claims were made not
only by creationists who maintained that Darwin's theory of evolution
was, at best, an article of faith, like the biblical creation story, but also
by philosophers like Popper who were profound adherents of an evo-
lutionary outlook. Among biologists themselves, there have been many
(e.g., G. G. Simpson, E. Mayr and F. Ayala) who insisted that biology in
general and the theory of evolution in particular should have unique
status among scientific theories, a status that would highlight their
basic difference from the physical sciences which have traditionally
been considered the paradigmatic model of a "Science."
This paper was prepared while I was a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in
Berlin. The many discussions with the other fellows of the Institute were invaluable
to me. But above all, it was my wife Ruma who helped me to crystallize my thoughts
and who was a constant critical reader of what I wrote and rewrote. Thanks to her
the paper does not include more mistakes and blunders than it actually does.
Poetics Today 9:1 (1988). Copyright ? The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semi-
otics. ccc 0333-5372/88/$2.50.
This paper examines some of the claims for the unique position
of Darwin's theory of evolution and argues that not only do physical
sciences not correspond to the utopian or normative model that many
scientists and philosophers of science still attach to them, but also that
biological research differs only in degree, and not in substance, from
physical research. More specifically, it will be shown that Darwin's
theory of evolution is one of the best examples of a successful scientific
The idea of evolution, i.e., the notion that groups of living organ-
isms change gradually over generations so that the species of today
stem from organisms of other species in the past, is not new. There
are claims that even the story of creation in the first chapters of Gen-
esis alludes to the idea of evolution with its sequential description of
the creation. Whether this interpretation is correct, there is no doubt
that the idea that forms might change and one species might be trans-
formed into another was discussed in the ancient world as indicated
by the evidence for evolutionary thinking in the writings of the Greeks
Anaximander in the sixth century B.C. and Empedocles in the fifth
century B.C. However, these abstract attempts of the ancients to ex-
plain the organization of the living world (and indeed of the nonlivin
world too) through some kind of developmental or transformational
processes were not significant in the scientific thinking of the ancient
world or in that of the Middle Ages.
Evolution as we understand it stems from the age of the scientific
revolution-at the end of the sixteenth century and especially at the
beginning of the seventeenth century. It was probably inspired by
the ideas of constant development or of "progress" of culture in gen-
eral and science and technology in particular which were the guiding
forces of the time (Bury 1920). Progress, it was believed, gradually
leads to a better understanding of nature, particularly the nature of
man and thus to change or to higher and more complete values, both
in matter and mind. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) extended these ideas
of cultural progress to the subject matter of the life sciences and it wa
probably due to him that the idea of evolution, as change in species
leading to perfection, was established in biology.
Evolutionary ideas must be contrasted with the notion that living
creatures not only form fixed and well separated entities but tha
intraspecific variation observed in nature merely represents deviation
from some ideal or characteristic types. Such typological thinking wa
deeply entrenched in the Middle Ages and left its mark on biologica
research, exerting a profound effect on the philosophy of biology even
now. The present classification of organisms, for example, is based
on the Systema Naturae published in 1775 by Carlus Linnaeus (1707-
1778) who believed in the stability of forms and hence catalogued the
2. In the first edition of The Origin of Species, Darwin used the term "evolution"
only once, at the end of the book, and then in a context completely different from
that of today. It seems that it was Herbert Spencer-one of the central figures
in the (over)interpretation of Darwin's theory beyond its biological contexts-who
introduced the term "evolution" in the sense known to us today.
theory since its inception over one hundred years ago.3 Even now, it
seems that most resistance to the theory comes from those circles who
focus on what they believe to be the explicit and implicit consequences
implied by the acceptance of a theory of "evolution by natural selec-
tion" rather than on how far it can make sense of observations and
experimental data.
3. Darwin took special care not to formulate his theory about the origin of sp
in evaluative terms. The amoeba is adapted to its environment as well as we ar
ours. Who is to decide that we are more "advanced" living beings? Unfortuna
Darwin was nearly the only one who insisted on the fact that evolution leads
to a better adaptation of the organisms to their environment and is irreleva
any abstract ideal of "progress." If we had heeded Darwin's words, we could h
saved many confusions and misunderstandings between researchers of evolut
and nonexperts. Ever since Darwin, there have been those who saw in this th
support for the development of enlightenment and others who found in it jus
cation for social orders as different as Victorian liberalism on the one hand and
Soviet Marxism, on the other.
win's Bulldog" as a result. This verbal fight can hardly be noted for its thorough
arguments but rather for the eloquence of the discussants that was demonstrate
on that occasion.
6. Notice that this argument differs from that of Popper, who suggested that the
theory of evolution is a metaphysical theory because it does not qualify as a science,
while the argument here is that all scientific theories are, in reality, metaphysical.
x x
Yet, reasonable people prefer the simple graph theory, even though
there is nothing in the data to indicate logically that, on more detailed
observation, the more complex theory would turn out to be "correct."
This is the Principle of Simplicity.
ground affecting the results only slightly. When, however, the relia-
bility of the initial conditions is not very high or when not enough
meaningful initial conditions are available, obviously, the possibility of
arriving at reliable predictions is also low.8
Thus we face a continuum of explanations, from those for which
the assumption of a closed system holds rather well within wide limits,
like astronomic ones, to those in the social and life sciences which
are so "open" that it is practically impossible to describe their initial
conditions adequately. Furthermore, there are good reasons to believe
that, in many of these open systems, a full description of the initial
conditions is not even possible since, in principle, the effect of so-called
undeterministic factors must be considered.
In such circumstances, it seems that, in open systems, a priori dec
sions on what are "main factors" and what are "negligible" ones often
depend on the subjective relative values of the investigators. The best
that a rational scientist can do is to be aware of this and to constantl
remain alert to the possibility of change in the weights given differen
factors in the research program, according to the degree of success o
the initial predictions. Such a procedure may increase the degree of
objectivity of the weights allocated to various factors but these are als
relative decisions for which no stringent procedural prescriptions can
be given, and whose success in achieving the desired objectivity is no
The description of scientists as people who pursue their work with-
out a shade of prejudice or bias not only errs as a description of scien-
tists and their society but also does a great disservice to the successful
development of research either in the social sciences, the life sciences
or physics. No doubt, the repeated emphasis on the demands for ob-
jectivity, for strict and logical analysis of data, for the performance
of controls and repeated attempts to verify the results is extremely
important. But to insist on these demands without also stressing the
impossibility of achieving these noble goals is bound to lead to dog-
matic and regressive research and to create conceited people. Hence,
I cannot accept the claim that the public image of scientists, still widely
current, as "rational, open minded investigators proceeding methodi-
cally, grounded incontrovertibly in the outcome of controlled experi-
ments, and seeking objectively for the truth, let the chips fall where
they may" (Brush 1974: 1164), is an illusion vital for scientific work.
As with every illusion, it is a distraction from reality. As such, it is
dangerous for science as well as for the status of scientists in society.
The days of the heroic stories of the life and deeds of scientists like
those in Paul DeKruif's Microbe Hunters may be over but the images
are still with us. In 1974, the title of a paper in Science magazine asked
"Should the history of science be rated X?" (Brush 1974). Considering
the stringent standards that many people expected from a scientist,
the author asks ironically if most modern studies of the life histories of
prominent scientists should not be purged at least from the curricula
of future scientists.
As one illustration of this, the paper cites the case of an eminent
scientist who, in spite of his better "objective judgment," rationally
applied his "subjective intuitions." During the 1850s, the laws of pres-
ervation of energy and thermodynamics were formulated but scien-
tists were not sure if one could neglect the "ether-theory" in favor
of the new, fashionable "kinetic-theory." When James Clerk Maxwell
(1831-1879) wrote his first paper on the kinetic theory of the gases, he
was quite cautious and for good reason: It turned out that two of the
deductions from the kinetic theory conflicted with known experimen-
tal facts about gases. Concerning one of these deductions, Maxwell
boldly told the British Association for the Advancement of Science
in 1860: "This result of the dynamical theory, being at variance with
experiment, overturns the whole hypothesis, however satisfactory the
other results may be" (Brush 1974: 1169). Fortunately, in spite of his
declaration, Maxwell ignored the "critical experiment" and continued
to develop the new kinetic theory and inspired others to follow him.
Later, when a new interpretation of the old results was advanced, the
discrepancy between "facts" and theory disappeared ("Facts," too, are
theory dependent!). Even though the other discrepancy could not be
brushed aside so easily, Maxwell refused to abandon his simple, co-
herent theory, which agreed with so many observations and suggested
explanations and meaningful connections not seen before for one or
a couple of contradictory results.
No one can honestly respect all the demands made of the perfect,
utopian scientist. Taking such demands seriously must lead investi-
gators to despair or to bigotry and, in fact, the demands themselves
change constantly since they are socially determined by the commu-
nity and are context dependent. Indeed, we do expect a scientist to
use his "intuition" and thus we expose our flanks to subjectivity; but
this cannot be helped. The rational response is to be aware of the
situation and to try to build alarm systems and controls so that, in the
long run, unavoidable mistakes will cancel each other out. Paradoxical
not). Biologists have more modest goals; all they want is to explain the
phenomena of life and life, as we know, constitutes only a tiny part of
the universe. Does this call for a "uniqueness of biology" as a research
Even if it were feasible to describe life by writing a long list of
formulae for the time-space coordinates of each molecule in a living
organism (as well as those molecules surrounding the creature and
participating "meaningfully" in its metabolism) and further to specify
all the rules and laws for causal interactions between them, this would
be utterly uninteresting (except perhaps for the final demonstration
that the laws of physics and chemistry are valid for the components of
living organisms as well as for the nonliving material).
It is futile to force a method of solving problems that worked for
one type of question on another group of problems. One of the basic
premises for a scientist's success is his ability to be judicious, not only
in the selection of the goals of the investigation but also in the method
of research to ensure attention to those factors that are relevant for
him or her.
When all details above the line are given, the conclusion belo
line can be predicted. When two systems of data or observatio
known, one above the line and the other below it, specifyin
connecting the two systems so that one set of data could be de
from the other provides an explanation.
Strictly speaking, the deductive prediction presented here is
possible when the basic laws and the initial conditions are not
necessary but also sufficient. And it has been amply demonstrat
this is possible only rarely. De facto, unequivocal conclusions f
basic laws and initial conditions can be deduced only in very si
situations in physics and in biology. In many biological situation
best we can do is to express our initial conditions in probabilistic
Obviously, the conclusions would also have to be only in proba
terms. The need to be satisfied with statistical predictions is esp
compelling in biological research since, often, some of the "ini
conditions are simply impossible to give. As we noted earlier, fo
theory of evolution, the data are often stochastic and the stochastic
nature of initial conditions makes the conclusions contingent rather
than logical necessities, thus relieving us from the uneasy conclusion
of a deterministic sequence of events (Grene 1974b).
As for a posteriori explanations, i.e., explanations that reconcile
sets of data or observations already available to the investigator, these,
it may be claimed, should be most suspect. With post factum expla-
nations, everything can be explained and explanations that explain
everything and eliminate every difficulty do not leave room for com-
parisons and controls and thus render the research barren, preventing
any further investigation.
Even though, logically, it makes no difference if a specific event
occurred in the past or is about to occur in the future, we see it differ-
ently. To explain events in the past, we can know that, of all possible
contingencies, only one occurred. When, however, we consider a fu-
ture event, we may at best enumerate all the possible contingencies
and perhaps also attach relative probabilities to each. The situation
is like asking an expert about the probability of winning the lottery.
Applying the basic laws of probability theory and detailed initial data
(the number of tickets sold, the number of tickets I've bought, the
policy of the distribution of the prizes, the honesty of the people in-
volved, etc.), the expert will be able to calculate the probability of my
winning. If it was one in fifty million, the rational prediction would
be that my chances of winning are practically nil. If, next morning I
were to come to the statistician and tell him that I did win the prize, it
would be ridiculous for him to explain to me that my winning is highly
improbable since the chances were one in fifty million. All that can be
"explained" with great accuracy is that my win is one of fifty million
such events, each of which has a probability, tiny as it may be but still
more than zero-i.e., it could have happened.
An illuminating demonstration of such a confusion between an ex-
planation and a prediction is the criticism often raised against the
claim that the origin of living matter is from nonliving matter. It is
not necessary to go into details to be convinced that the probability of
such an event is extremely low. If somebody (something?) had been
asked a priori to state the chances that living matter as we know it was
produced from nonliving matter on our planet, the answer would be
that, beyond any reasonable doubt, there is no chance of such an event
occurring. Yet, once we know that this improbable event did occur (at
least according to the explanation given by many investigators), the
claim that the a priori probability that such an event would occur is
negligible does not hold.
As for the claim that a posteriori explanations lead to "explanations"
of practically any set of data and observations by appropriate adjust-
ments within the theory, no matter what the "real" situation was, it
should be asked what the "real" situation was. As we already noted, this
is a question that a scientific theory does not at all pretend to attend to.
All it strives for is to increase both the coherence of the observations
and our capacity to explain them in a way that might suggest new and
fruitful theories. Not every theory does this and, thus, there are not
many theories that do it better than Darwin's theory of evolution. And
if we extend predictions not only to single experiments but also to
research programs, as should actually be done (see Lakatos 1970), we
may agree with Jacques Monod's statement that "the predictive power
of Darwin's theory of evolution" is unique in its efficiency. At least
on two occasions did Darwin's theory "predict" or anticipate major
developments of new theories, which both considerably increased our
understanding of nature (Monod 1975).
Shortly after Darwin published his book on the origin of species,
he had to confront one of the most eminent physicists of his time.
Lord Kelvin, the founder of modern thermodynamics, calculated that
our planet could not be more than twenty-five million years old. He
assumed that the sun was a huge coal furnace and when he applied
the most liberal estimates available to him to the prevalent theories, he
concluded that the amount of coal in the sun could not suffice for a pe-
riod exceeding twenty-five million years. Darwin was left with an acute
feeling of failure, since it was obvious to him that, under these cir-
cumstances, the time for evolution as he envisioned it was insufficient.
Monod suggested that Darwin inadvertently "predicted" the inade-
quacy of Kelvin's explanation as well as the formulation of a new physi-
cal theory whose explanatory power would supercede the theory of the
preservation of energy. It can be argued that Darwin's theory actually
included premises that would have refuted Einstein's theory if they
had not been answered by it, as Popper demanded of scientific theo-
ries. Eventually, the falsifying argument was turned into an impressive
Functional Explanation
A scientific explanation is largely a search for "causes." The assump-
tion that there is an antecedent cause (or causes) for every event is
fundamental to scientific explanation. Modern physics started when
scientists got rid of explanations that argued that the stone falls down
"because the stone strives for the ground." While such teleological ex-
planations were by and large eliminated from science, it is claimed
that such explanations, or at least one kind-functional explanations
-are still common in biology. A functional explanation refers to the
purposes that a thing or a process has, rather than to its causes: "The
function of chlorophyll in plants is to enable them to perform photo-
synthesis (or to assimilate carbon-dioxide and water to sugars)"; or,
"The function of the blood is to provide oxygen to the tissues" and
similar phrases that refer to the goals rather than to the causes. The
term "goal" as a premeditated intention is foreign to a system lacking
cognition or conscience; it derives from our tendency for introspec-
tion. Being conscious and cognitive creatures, we tend to impose our
concepts on nature. "To 'explain' the presence of the heart in ver-
tebrates by appeal to what the heart does is to 'explain' its presence
by appeal to factors that are causally irrelevant to its presence ... to
explain why it is there, why such a thing exists in the place (system,
context) it does-this does require specifying factors that causally de-
termine the appearance of that structure or process" (Cummins 1975:
745). Barring the possibility of the intervention of an all-knowing and
all-powerful god, we cannot assume a mechanism that intentionally
directs or chooses the necessary means to achieve the goal.
This is not to say that there are no goal-directed processes. As
we have indicated previously, components of a system often interact
in an autoregulative manner which may be described as functioning
in a "goal-directed" fashion (Nagel 1977). The homing torpedo and
the steam-engine governor are well-known examples. The causal fac-
tor that designed the goal-directedness in these cases stems, however,
from the will and intentions of their god-the human designer. Living
organisms are even more complex interacting entities, exhibiting goal-
directed structures and functions, i.e., autoregulation, in their embry-
onic development and physiology which may be explained causally.
The question is, however: "How did it come to be, how did it arise?"
(Grene 1974a: 210). Kant already saw this very clearly, as Lenoir
(1981) has shown. Kant realized that "reciprocal effects due to the
dynamic interaction of matter" were not limited to the organic world.
But, whereas in the inorganic world the phenomena could often be
simplified so that they were "capable to be analyzed in some way as
a linear combination of causes and effects, A -> B -> C etc.," (p.301)
this was not the case in the organic realm. In the organic world, "cause
and effect are so mutually interdependent that it is impossible to think
of one without the other, so that instead of a linear series it is much
more appropriate to think of a sort of circular series A -> B -> C -- A.
This is a teleological model of explanation, for it involves the notion of
not a necessary solution to the problem. "We do reason from the per-
formance of a function to the presence of certain specific processes
and structures ... it is a species of inference to the best explanation
[but] inference to an explanation has been mistaken for an explanation
itself" (Cummins 1975: 748).
To turn a functional necessity from a mere causally sufficient ex-
planation into a necessary explanation as well, we need something
else which could be another argument, independent of the one given,
that would convince us that, in the given circumstances, the functional
explanation was not only a possible explanation but the only possible
This is exactly what the theory of evolution does. It gives us the
"historic factor" that enables us to demonstrate that, under the given
circumstances, our functional explanation was, if not the only possi-
ble one, at least the most probable or the optimal explanation. When
we specified in the functional statement that we were talking about
a vertebrate, we mentioned the existence of a complex and compli-
cated system of interactions that have actually been performed for
millions of years, each upon the previous ones. Thus, they left only
a very narrow and limited range of possibilities and constraints for a
satisfactory answer to the demand of efficient oxygen supply to the tis-
sues. Once we specify that we are dealing with certain organisms, i.e.,
with vertebrates whose ancestors were provided with something that
could act as a "potential heart" and not with a system that could func-
tion as tracheae, we assert, with our functional statement, that a heart
was not only a sufficient answer but, under the circumstances, also a
necessary answer to the need for oxygen supply to the tissues. Once
the Darwinian theory of evolution was formulated, there was no place
anymore for a teleological explanation. It is not that "the function (or
purpose) of the heart is to supply oxygen to the tissues" but rather:
"since vertebrates are equipped with a heart, it serves (or functions)
to supply oxygen to the tissues." As for the historical constraints, we
conclude, albeit post factum, that there was only one alternative. Had
this alternative not been utilized, the creatures we discussed would
not have survived. Evolution is not an a priori necessity. "The privilege
of living beings is not to evolve but on the contrary to conserve....
[However,] the privilege of living beings is the possession of a struc-
ture and of a mechanism which ensures two things: (i) reproduction
true to type of the structure itself, and (ii) reproduction equally true
to type, of any accident that occurs in the structure" (Monod 1973; see
also footnote 4).
In fact, taking this interpretation of the theory of evolution strictly,
"it apparently forces us to interpret the whole history of life in a
ficulty is therefore ours and not in the concept. Thus Darwin con-
structed his argument in a different way from the one that is adopted
now, arguing by analogy. He compared natural selection to artificial se
lection. In the first chapters of The Origin of Species, Darwin explains in
great detail how pigeon breeders select pigeons to maintain the stock.
The breeder knows what he wants to achieve and thus he provides the
"environmental conditions" conducive to the survival of the fitter ones
according to his criteria. The "fitter" ones are those that survive since
the breeder decided that he wanted them to survive. In nature there
is no one who makes such decisions but the case of artificial selection
is an experimental analogy of natural selection (Schweber 1977). In
artificial breeding, the breeder expresses his wishes by "changing the
environmental conditions" of the pigeon population so that only some
individuals survive, those whom the breeder is interested in. These
survive because their "fitness" is desired by the breeder. Natural selec-
tion is nothing more than the response of the population to changes in
the environment, even if nobody specifically "desired" these changes.
Certain traits, structures or behaviors are a priori preferential for life
in a new environment and will survive because they fit the given condi-
tions, even when-contrary to the situation with the pigeon breeder-
we cannot know ahead of time what characteristics the environmental
conditions would "choose" (Gould 1977a: 39-45). According to this
kind of argument, there is in principle a possibility for a definition of
"fitness" even though we still lack the criteria that allow us to do so.
A promising path to break such a circular argument and to achieve
a "real" definition is to try to form a definition outside the theoretical
framework where the problem is defined. Some years ago, the philoso-
pher and biologist Henry Atlan suggested to me that such a solution
may also be offered to the problem of the definition of the "survival of
the fitter." This solution is based on the experimental system in which
scientists endeavor to replicate in vitro the conditions for the origin of
life from nonliving matter. Alfred Eigen and his colleagues were able
to define in pure chemico-physical terms the conditions of systems in
which molecules capable of self-replication were present with limited
resources of raw materials ("food" molecules and energy-supplying
molecules) and to predict the outcome of the system (Eigen, Gardiner,
Schuster and Winkler-Oswatisch 1981). Under such limiting condi-
tions, a situation like Darwinian evolution ensues: Since the process
of self-replication of these molecules is not very accurate, a "halo" of
self-replicating molecules, similar to but not identical with the ones
originally put into the vial, is produced ("mutants"). Thus, heritable
variability has been produced and competition for resources starts
(see footnote 4). A detailed description of the initial chemical and
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