Earth Odyssey
Earth Odyssey
Earth Odyssey
Topic:Sustainable Development
[It is the year 2123 , Andrew an astronaut and Thunberg a Historian, two
colleagues live on Mars in a colony setup by humans.
Humans haven’t evolved to adapt to the peculiar climate, and the presence of
Oxygen is very low, so everyone wears spacesuits to protect themselves from the
gusty and cold wind which carries the red soil .
The colony, a hemispherical glass capsule, stands out from its environment as the
surface of the planet is red and all one can see is stretch of never ending red
desert, and a horizon beyond which one could see Mars’ two beautiful moons.]
[The two historians are heading to Earth to research and retrieve data of Earths
geography. They are at the Mars Space Station. Both are changing from Mars-
spacesuits to a space-travel suit as they talk about their plan for the trip.]
Andrew: Hey Thunberg! Did you download the GPS and Navigator Program for
Thunberg: Yes, I have uploaded it on the rover… I do hope you still remember how
to drive because on our last trip you ipped the rover over trying to y over a
Andrew: Very funny, I will give you the honour to drive this time then.
[Both start working on checking the rocket and rovers program on their laptops]
Thunberg: How does earth have such a low amount of gases in its atmosphere,
our Entry Sequence would not be requiring the Cyro-system at all to cool the
spaceship while landing.
Andrew: It’s actually a very sad story, Earth once had more atmosphere on it than it
is here. For many years Earth had one of the purest air. But now its all gone,
humans on Earth got to spend plenty of time with the fresh air, they exploited It for
many years, they used CFCs and all kinds of green gases, they did not keep their
production of toxins in check and produced all kinds of toxic gases like nitrous
oxide, carbon dioxide more.To make it worse, the Ozone layer was destroyed from
the nuclear explosions during the the Third World War. Earths atmosphere is full of
satellites too.
Thunberg: What even were the people thinking back then? How careless could one
be to not realise. My grandpa was a very consistent protester for climate change
and was a member of the United Nations General Assembly.He was one of the
many people who helped bring the 17 SDG goals .
Thunberg: Yes, they created a list of challenges like poverty, hunger, and high-
quality education which they wanted to tackle and eradicate by 2030-
Andrew: -Ah yes, I know what happened next, the capitalists did ot let that
happen, and here we are!
Thunberg: We could still be living on Earth which is not so barren as our planet if
they would have been careful of over utilising their resources.
[Both sigh]
Earth has no ozone hence the sunlight hits the surface with a very high intensity.
Andrew: No way! Why is the ocean frozen and so close to Delhi ? The maps I had
seen were de nitely way di erent! We have been lied to! The maps were fake! The
matrix was brainwashing us! Are you sure this is Delhi?
Thunberg: Woah, Calm down, the GPS system says that its Delhi. Let me explain
what happened, the global warming increased the water levels to this crazy
extent.Later the nuclear explosion dust blocked sunlight and cooled the oceans.Its
another Ice Age.
Thunberg: Let’s get into the rover and visit the places we had planned to.
Andrew: yeah yeah,Now, Thunberg. Be careful, we are exposed to the Suns UV. Be
covered at all times. these rays can are cancer causing. Wear those gloves
Andrew: Okay! So where do we go?
Thunberg: Yeah, you ew a spaceship all the way here, hopefully you’ll learn how
to drive a rover too this time. Watch
[They both reach the Parliament where they start looking for the media and public
a airs o ce.]
Thunberg: Why do they have so many computers crammed into this one room.
The computers are in good conditions too, how?
They extracted the les and uploaded it to the rover, it had all sorts of data of the
country’s progress and development reports like the poverty and hunger index and
surveys of di erent social and economic classes.]
Thunberg: Yeah of course, it helped the government better understand the unique
challenges faced by its citizens and helped them tackle this issue by being more
organised and being aligned with an international committee.
Andrew: Truly amazing. Wait! I see a video here too. It is labeled as” Open after
[They play the video, in the video a man seems to be sitting on a chain ]
Walter: Hello discoverers! My name is Walter Hartwell White. I am the president of
India and this is the year 2065. The Third World War has destroyed everything,
buildings, bridges, forests ,ocean everything. Our planet has become a battle eld
and everyone is now moving to the moon colony, abandoning our very own
mother. I really hope that this video is found by the right people who will help me
spread my message to the next generation. I tried stopping everyone, but….but
how could I ask them to stay when Earths end is inevitable?
All I can do is protect the next world, We failed. Please respect the resources, be
grateful of it, protect it.
I will be staying on this planet and rest peacefully in the soil I was born from. Dont
let the past repeat itself, take care.
Andrew: That’s the proudest I’ve felt in my life. We had such brave leaders who
tried their best to protect the planets.
Thunberg: True, there were many people who actually wanted to save the planet
but they lost against capitalists and bureaucrats and sel sh people. But In the end,
everyone lost and everything was lost.
Thunberg: Great, I’ll write a book on the SDG17 goals after I return, I have got the
data I wanted.
Andrew: I’ll learn to drive a rover, Lets go. Kidding kidding, I’ll visit the Artemis
moon colony.
Thunberg: Great.