Housing Planing & Mangement
Housing Planing & Mangement
Housing Planing & Mangement
Express any tow basic concepts on which slum housing PROJECT APPRAISAL unit - 5
programs areformulated. (May/June 2007)To bring down Once projects have been formulated, it is the job of the B riefl explain a bout Site Planning, Design Process, and
the disparity difference in the living standards of the people planner to appraise the formation
of variousplaces project. That is, decide if the project should be: housi ng project?
To prevent the occurrence of epidemics in the town/city To Recommended for funding; or Planning and design occur as a process, by which we mean t
provide the obsolute basic minimum standard of essential That further work is required of a minor nature that can be hat t hey follow a
amenities for healthy living to remove the ugly spots/slums completed quickly and logical sequence of actions or events t hat must be carried
from the may of town/city Methods of Slum Clearance then be considered for funding; or out t o arrive at a viable
Compare, in a tabular statement, contents and standards of That project requires further work and should be solution. It is a multi-disciplinary problem –s olving
any four slum housing programs implemented in Tamil considered for funding in a future year; operation often involving
Nadu. (May/June 2007) or,Due to the complex nature of the project, feasibility architects, l andscape architects and engineers, and
1) Complete Removal Method In this method badly needs to be undertake; or frequently may r equire i nput f rom
constructed house re completely demolished and those That the project should be rejected. physical scientist as well t o address environment i ssues. I t
which are really good are retained. The open spaces are Feasibility Studies r equires logical objectives
used for road widening, providing the recreation, building Most donor funded projects involve a feasibility study, for some steps, but also allows r oom f or subjective design
of new houses of approval standards. Advantages usually undertaken by i nterpretation at others.
Permanent remedy for the slum people Good health external technical assistance, to provide sufficient There are several notable models f rom which we can draw
condition is maintained Good living environment is created information to make a funding decision. t o understand t he basic
Disadvantages Any Project that is appraised as needing a feasibility study components of t he site planning and design process.
Costlier method should then be modified and Kevin Lynch outlines an eight-stage site planning cycle t
The people are to be provided an alternative housing included in the approved list of projects cearly tiled as a hat : i ncludes
facility feasibility study. 5.2 APPRAISAL METHODOLOGY 1. Defining t he problem
Consideration Projects are appraised under 3 headings: Relevance, 2. Programming and analysis of site and user
The following points are important when the slum Feasibility and 3. Schematic design and t he preliminary cost estimate
clearance is done Sustainability. Using the information supplied in the project 4. Developed design and detailed costing
The degree of public health hazards involved profile from, the 5. Contract documents
An economic potential of the land should be maintain Logical Framework Approach is used to assess the quality of 6. Bidding and contracting
2) Improvement Method the project proposal, assess the 7. Construction
Certain slum areas in which poor drainage arrangement gaps in information supplied in the project profile, and 8. Occupation and management ( Lynch 1 1)
and insanitary environment are decide which Appraisal Outcome John Simonds outlines a six-phase planning-design process
present cannot be demolished. They can be improved by should be assigned to the project, including if a feasibility that applies to
filling of low ground, modification study is needle. Ideally, issues of relevance, feasibility and architecture, l andscape architecture, and engineering, t his
drainage arrangement, removal of unwanted structure. sustainability were already addressed during project is organized as f ollows:
Advantages identification and formulation. However, many project 1. Commission
Minimum expenditure is involved proposals will not contain sufficient 2 . Research
The people can live in the same area information. 3 . Analysis
Disadvantages Therefore, the appraisal involves: 4 . Synthesis
The improvement/modification is required often Editing the proposal into a logframe format to assess the 5. Construction
The people are disturbed when improvement is done Relevance, Feasibility and 6 . Operation
frequently Sustainability of the project, or There are many v ariations on these models. They differ
Checking the Relevance, Feasibility and Sustainability of a essentially i n the
HOUSING FINANCE – units 5 Log frame where one has breakdown of component phases and some, such as
Housing finance is done by state government departments already been prepared (for example, with a donor Simonds, extend t he process t o
like Tamilnadu Housing sponsored project). include preliminary contractual agreement and post-c
Board, Tamilnadu Slum Clearance Board, Tamilnadu Police The Logframe will assist to determine: onstruction o perations.
Housing board (TNPHB), and The adequacy of the target group description and problem 1. Research and Analysis Phases:
development banks, provident fund loan (PF house loan), analysis. The relationship between stakeholders, I n t his process, t he designer can use t his general goal
housing finance for group identified problems, and the proposed project statement plus the
housing scheme for Aadhidravider development, building intervention. identification of t he site t o begin collecting i nformation
centre at all district collector Completeness and coherence of project objectives, and the relevant t o t he site and t he
offices. Private organization, limited companies are also adequacy of surroundings area and compiling i t i n a f orm i n which i t
granting loans for housing assumptions. The extent to which mechanisms to build can be mapped. This data i s
but the interest rate for finance is higher than other central sustainability have been incorporated into the then analyzed i n terms of i ts i mplications for
and state Govt.department. project’s design. development of the site for stated
Central Govt. departments like HUDCO, HDPC, LIC etc also The adequacy of the proposed monitoring system. p urpose.
grant loans for The output of this analysis is a set of questions concerning 2. Program Development:
housing projects. the project’s Relevance, The development of t he program i s t he bridging step
Banks Feasibility and Sustainability. If the project is large or between t he analysis and
All nationalized and private banks also provide housing complex and many questions the synthesis or design phases.
finance facilities. All the remain, then these question could be incorporated into the 3. Design Phase
State Govt., Central Govt., private, departments and bank Terms of Reference for a a. Conceptual Design
provide housing finance it Feasibility Study. Relevant: C onceptual design begins with functional diagram i n which
purchasing land Consistent with the policy and programming framework; we explore the
To construct new houses Within the institutional capacity of the project sponsor to relationships of program elements and activities. This i s f
To purchase a flat in an apartment implement irst done as “ ideal” or non-
To purchase an individual houses Addressing key problems of the sector or stakeholders, and site r elated diagrams t o establish t he best abstract
To extent or additional construction takes account of key relationships among t he various
To repair or maintain the houses crosscutting issues such as gender and the environment); components of t he project program. This i s essentially a
For land development by layout formation Complements or is consistent with other ongoing and diagrammatic exploration i n
It also provide housing finance for facilities like water planned projects, programmes or which the designer may move through a series of
supply, power supply, arrange recurrent activities alternative arrangements until
road facility, communication and common facilities line Feasible: he/she achieves a solution which maximizes t he positive r
park, playground, indar Strategy adopted by the project is realistic and within elationships and minimizes
stadium, recreational club etc government policy (e.g. does t he number of c onflicts.
The housing finance is investing the money carrying out any not conflict with a private sector driven growth strategy) c. Site Plan / Master Plan
housing project. Various The “hierarchy of objectives” make sense and are logical Presuming that the project is to go forward, the designer
methods are: (Project Objective, refines the
1) Rent supplement. purpose, results and activites); development of t he preliminary plan, giving precise f orm,
2) Long term low interest loans Cost estimates are sound dimension and f indication o
3) Public subsidized housing Assumptions made by the project are justified (the planner materials to the proposed elements. In other words, he/she
4) Tax reliefs may have to identify these precisely locates
5) State insurance for home mortages underlying assumptions during appraisal) buildings and paved surfaces, delineates ground forms and
6) Mortages – pledging of land or any property to the bank The project implementing agency has the management, planted areas, and
for getting loan. HUDCO, HDFC, LIC, GIC (General insurance coordination and financing indicates necessary utilities.
corporation housing societies, Bank, arrangements to implement the project (including Formation of Housing Project
Private loan facilities for the people intending to construct availability of complementary recurrent The housing projects are f ormulated undo t he f ollowing f
their houses in a housing funds if required); ive categories
project.) Sustainable: 1. Detached / i ndividual house 2. Semidetached houses
There is adequate ownership of the project by project ( Twin houses)
beneficiaries 3. Row / Line houses
Policy will remain supportive after the project has ended. 4. Flats / Apartments
Technology is appropriate 5. Sky scrapers / High r ise building.
Environmental concerns have been addressed.
The implementing agency is able to provide follow-up once
the project has ended
Agricultural building
Commercial building
Definition of Basic Terms – House, Home, Household, Residential building
Apartments, Multi storied Buildings, Educational building
Special Buildings: Government building 1. Tamilnadu Housing Board [TNHB]
Housing:(NOV/DEC 2015,MAY/JUNE 2006) Housing Industrial building TNHB was formed I 1961 to cope up with the increaing
generally refers to houses, social or public houses, Military building demand in housing sector all
enclosure Religions building over the state of Tamilnadu due to urban growth leading to
(electrical), i.e. contain some equipments or mechanism. Parking building and storage building migration to urban areas in
Housing is a particular area where all the facilities are Other building search of employment opportunties. It is also the principal
provided. It may be SUSTAINABLE HOUSE town planning and city and
1.Social “A sustainable house is one that uses energy and material Suburb development arm of the Tamilnadu Government. It
2.Physical more effectively both in under the Department of
3.Environmental amentias etc. production and operation while polluting and damaging Housing and Urban Developmet (Tamilnadu)
Home: (NOV/DEC 2015, MAY/JUNE 2006) natural systems as little as Objectives
Home is a residents or refuge and comfort. It is usually possible.” 1. To clear all the slums in Chemical and to proviode self
place in which on individual Sustainable building refers to a structure and using process contained hygienic tenements. 2. To prevent the groeth of
or a family can resist and able to store personal properties. that is environmentally slams and encroachments
Home contains sanitary facilities and means of responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s 3. To prevent the eviction of slum dwellers by private
preparation of food, Animals have life-cycle: from siting to design, oweners and to provide the
their own house assign well, either living in wild or in construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and slum families with security of tenure.
domestic environment. demolition. This requires close To provide basic amenities like water supply, street lights,
Different Terminolgies in Home: cooperation of the team, the architects, the engineers, and storm water drains, sewer
House are residential dwelling is often referred to as a the client at all project line, etc to the slum areas. Policies / Strategy
home. stages. The Green Building practice expands and The Three pronged strategy for developing / clearing slums
The concept of home expressed itself upon a much complements the classical building followed by tamil nadu
broader denotation of physical design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and Slum Clearance Board are:
dwelling. Many people think that home in terms of where comfort. The common objective is that green buildings are i) In – Situ plotted development and infrastructure
they grew up or lived, a place designed to reduce the overall impact improvement
that brings back old memories of feelings and home can of the built environment on human health and the natural Whereever In-situ plotted development is feasible, such
even be a time rather than an environment by: slums are identified and taken up
actual place. Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources for in-situ improvement for provision of absic facilities to
A work home can be used for various types of residential Protecting occupant health and improving employee make the areas habitable and for
institution in which people can productivity provision of tenurial rights to the occupiers after getting the
live such as nursing home, group home i.e. orphanages for Reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation land transferred to the ii) In-situ tenemental schemes
children, retirement home for Principles of sustainable Housing The slums located in unobjectionable poramboke areas,
seniors, persons for criminal, treatment facilities, etc and State any two principles of sustainable housing. (Apr./May wherein equitable
faster homes. 2005, May/June 2006) distribution of space to all is not feasible, are cleared and
Physiological Impact on Home: Sustainable housing is defined as the meeting of the needs tenemental (public housing)
It can be said that humans are generally creative of habit; of the person wihout schemes put up.
state of persons Home has been compromising the ability of future generation to meet their iii) Rehabilitation and Resettlement scheme
known to physiologically influence their behaviors, own needs. The important features or principles of Wherever neither tenemental nor insitu development is
emotions and overall mental health. sustainable housing is as follows. The needs of the housing feasible, (as in the case of
Some may become home sick when leave their home over are to be satisfied or fulfilled for the present requirement objectionable porambokes like water ways etc.,)
an extended period of time. without affecting the environment. Sustainable Rehabilitation and Resettlement in
House Hold:(NOV/DEC 2014, MAY/JUNE 2006) development should ensure the environmental protection tenements in nearby locations with necessary
House hold is a basic residential unit in which economical while taking the infrastructure is taken up. The cleared site is
production consumption, housing programs. The sustainable development should then restored to its original use.
inheritance, child rearing and shelter are organized and ensure the maximum rate of resource consumption. Other Programmes
carried out. It may or may not be The waste materials should not be harmful to the society. i) Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board has provided support
synonymous with family. The sustainable development should minimize the reverse to individual housing
House hold is a basic unit of analysis in may social and impacts on resouces and the schemes under different programmes like VAMBAY, Rajiv
micro economic and government environment for future generation. Gandhi
models. The term refers to all individual who live in the The should ensure the stopping of over exploitation of Rehabilitation Package etc., ii) To ensure holistic
same dwelling. resources, reduce waste development and economic upliftment of the poor, the
In economic, house hold is a person or group of people discharge and emissions and maintain ecological balance. Board has
living in same residence. In The sustainable development will support economical spear-headed community development activities in the
reality, there is not always a one to one relation between growth of poor countries and help slums, under which it imparts
the house hold and the families. to narrow/minimize the wealth gap between the nations vocational training and livelihood support, specially for the
House hold includes all persons who occupy housing on it. and within the nations. The sustainable development youth and women.
It is a house, an apartment should follow an appropriate technology which should be
mobile home, a group of room or a single that occupation adaptable, eco – friendly, resource efficient and culturally . Define apartment?
as a separate living quarters. suitable. It involves mostly local Apartment i s a self contained housing unit t hat occupies
Separate living quarters are those in which occupants live resouces and local labors. The 3R approach should be only a part of building
and eat separately from any followed. i.e., Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This may be owned or r ented. A common alternative t erm f or
other persons in building and which can direct access from means reduce the usage of resources, using themagain and an apartment i s flat. The
outside of the building or again and term apartment i s used i n North America, where as f lat i s
through common hall. redo the process to utilize again the resouces to the commonly used. Flat often
Apartment maximum extent possible. This 3 Rapproach reduces the denotes a housing block of l esser quality meant f or l ower
Apartment is a self contained housing unit that occupies waste generation and pollution. i ncome group where as
only a part of building may be Environmental education and awareness should be created. apartment i s more genetic and may also i nclude l uxury
owned or rented. this is possible by teaching the condominiums. The word
A common alternative term for an apartment is flat. The environmental subject from the school stage itself apartment denotes r esidential unit or selection i n a
term apartment is used in North building or a r ental unit owned by
America, where as flat is commonly used. the building owner.
Flat often denotes a housing block of lesser quality meant 11. What are t he objectives of NHP? 7. What are t he classifications of apartments?
for lower income group where x Need urbanization and development Classification based on r ooms
as apartment is more genetic and may also include luxury x Rural t o urban shifting of labour. x Single bed r oom
condominiums. x Balanced r egional developmen t. x T wo bed r oom
The word apartment denotes residential unit or selection x Magnitude of poverty. x d T hree be r oom
in a building or a rental unit x New policies and programmers. Classification based on l ocation
owned by the building owner. x Role of housing and housing needs. x Rent f urnished with f urniture
classifications of apartments: x NU n fur ished.
Classification based on rooms . Define House Hold?
1.Single bed room House hold is a basic residential unit in which economical
2.Two bed room production
3.Three bed room consumption, i nheritance, child r earing and shelter are
Classification based on rooms organized and carried out. I t
1.Rent furnished with furniture m ay or may not be synonymous with f amily. House hold i
2.Unfumished s a basic unit of analysis i n
Multistoried building: (NOV/DEC 2007) M ay social and micro economic and government models.
It is a building that has multiple floors above the ground The term refers to all
in building. Multistoried individual who l ive i n t he same d welling. I n economic,
building aims to increase the area of building without house hold i s a person or
increasing the area of land of the group of people l iving i n e s am residence. I n r eality, t
building. here i s not always a one t o one
Hence saving in land and in most cases i.e. money relation between t he house hold and t he f amilies.
(depending on material used and land
prices in the area).
It means buildings exceeding 4 floors or 15.25 meters in
Types of special buildings:
x The people can l ive i n t he same area
D isadvantages
x The i mprovement/modification i s r equired often
x The people are disturbed when i mprovement i s done f
Wha a re the v arious Contents a nd Standards f or Briefly explain about t he Tamilnadu municipality build ing
Housing Program? Compare the two concepts of subsidy and cross subsidy in byelaws and r ules
The contents and Standards f or housing program contain t housing (1972)?
he f ollowing: f inance. (May / June 2007) r o Differentiate between 1. Permissi on
1. Cost of t he l and Subsidy ad Cross F e or t h c onstruction, reconstruction, o additi n r o
2. Availability of public utility services such as water subsidy i n housing f inance ( Apr/May 2005, May / June alteration f o a ub ilding the
centricity and sewage . d isposal 2006) p ermission w t ill n e o b a gr nted fi e t h clearanc b e
3. Access t o parks and playground Subsidy etween the i bu lding and e t h aerial
4. Agricultural potential ity of t he l and Normally housing project adapted by central govt., housing lines i s l ess t han.
5. Contour of l and agencies like x m 1 .5 f w or l o t ension a nd 1 .75 m r f hi o g e h t nsion
6. Distance f rom place of work HUDCO grant concession i n t he l oan i ssued f or t he il ne d s m easure
7. Ease or way of drainage housing project. The concession horizontally i n case of accessible portions of t he buildin gs
8. Location with r espect t o schools and colleges and public or any benefit given t o t he public i n construction of a x m 1 .25 f w or l o and high et nsion il ne d s m easure
buildings house i s called subsidy. horizontally in case o f
9. Nature of use of adjacent areas For e xample: inaccessible portions of t he buildings .
10. Transport f acilities Low cost projects and r ural housing projects 10 t o 20% i s x m 2 .5 f or p ortions o e f t h b uildings no a t ccessible ot
11. Wind velocity and direction given as subsidy t o the t por io ns measured
12. Annual r ainfall the people. They need not pay t hese subsidy amounts t o t vertic ally.
H eight he government, balance 2. Space of buildi ngs
The height of t he building i n t he schemes should be i n amount only i s t o r epaid i n t he l ong t erm with l ow i x e W her t he s treet a e t a nyplac i s s l es t han 3 .75m i ,
proportion with width f o nterest. n w idth the ub ilding should
the street or r oad. The backward t aluks and panchayats, t he govt, provides M not be built within 2m f rom t he c entre point of the
L ocation g ay h ousin schemes with street .
The l ocation of t he r esidential building i n housing scheme subsidy. Similarly, poor peoples, weavers, r ural, peoples x o N r o the s tructure than e t h s teps, f ence is m per it
should be f ree from are benefited by t he subsidy ted in the e s pac b etween the
nuisances l ike dust, smoke and smell, moist. The l ocation s cheme. building and edge of the street.
of t he building should be Subsidy x e T s h d oor and i w ndow shu tters should no e t op n d O
nearer t o t he means of t ransport f or schools, hospitals, Normally f or housing projects a benefit or concession i s utwar S treet whe e re t h
markets. given t o t he people by s treet i m s 3 .75 o e r m or w idth and the i bu lding e s a r
O rientation the Govt, f or t he construction of a house i s called as a built o al ng wit o h edge f
The building i n t he housing scheme should be suitable subsidy. A part amount of loan t he street.
orientation with t respec is borne by t he Govt. department which i s known as 3. Dimensions of r oom s
to r ain, sun, wind. subsidy. The r emaining f part o x A eh ig of an e ht a verag i n s o l t e ss than 5 2 .7 m and
P arks the l oan i s around repaid by t he house owner. The central m 2 .1 a any o t p in t
The building should be located nearer to parks and a placed Govt. department l ike HUDCO, grand’s 10 t o 20% subsidy f measured f rom t op surface of t he f loor t o t he underside
with easy or t he e h ous l oan. of t he r oof.
accessibility with trees and plants should be available for F or Example: x A clear superficial area i s not less t han 2 7 .5m
the children without The house by t he housing board. Like housing board, co- x A width i s not l ess t han m 2 .5
crossing main r oads. operative housing x t Ba hroom area i s 1.8m2 ( 1.52 x 1.2m)
P rivacy societies and other agencies are also constructing houses x The water closet or t oilet shall be 1 m2 ( 1.2 x 0.9m)
The housing system should provide maximum privacy t o t and f ix t he price of houses x The bath cum water closet shall be 2.7m2 (1.82 x 1.52m)
he users. in t he above method. 4. Ventilation of building s
S ecurity Cross Subsidy x y E ver r oom i ntended o d r u se f or human habitation
The buildings i n t he housing scheme should have safety Cross subsidy i s concession given t o t he public at ny i (human activities) sho uld
and security against ntermediate stage of have windows and ventilators
theft and f ire. For t his purpose a strong room may be construction or at t he f inal stage of t he construction. x The area of ventilation should not be l ess t han 1/8 f loor
provided f or t he storage ofaluable i tems. F or example If t he poor people are not able t o meet t he area or carpet areax y E ver d omestic b uilding cons tructed
S pace expenses of construction due t opoverty, the Govt. after fo a r hum n habitation should e h av a t t l eas
Floor area as well as cubical contents (length X Breadth X understanding their position announces some benefits or one e s id abutting r f o a el ngth of no s t l es t han 2 .5m o
Height) of the concession at t he i nter mediate stages, which i s called as an e n op n e s pac eithe r
buildings should be proportioned with number of persons l cross subsidy. The people internal/external. h S uc o pen s pace s hall n e ot b s l es
ikely t o use t he buildings. constructing their houses i n a backward area or sum area than m 1 .75 i . n w idth
As per t he standard f loor area per members. The standard or providing a grosssubsidy either i n t he f orm of f ree x y E ver open e s pac eit her internal r o r exte na sh l o uld
f loor area i s 4.65m2 per power supply water supply. etc. open ot y s o k n
member and cubical content i s 8.5m3 per member. If any disaster l ike flood, earthquake, l andslides,Tsunami, construction i s allowed i n t he open . s pace area
Utility Services cyclone etc. Th e x r F h o b at a nd to ilets the a a re o win f d ows o t r ven il
The building should be provided utility service l ike elec cross subsidy i s i n t he f orm of no r epayment oft he f ator sho uld no e t b s l es tha n
tricity, water, drainage urther i nstalments o r t he t otal 0.5sqm .
and t ransport f acilities at r easonable cost. l oan. I f any rural i ndustry or backward are t o encourage t 1 sqm = 10.75 sq.ft
V entilation he rural development or 0 sqm .5 = 5.38 sq.ft [ 3’ x 2’ = 6 sq.f t]
A r oof of t he building should be f ully ventilated and each r entrepreneur or a small scale i ndustry i n a r ural l ocation, 5. Minimum width
oom should get enough 15% subsidy i s granted by x e T h d oorways, wind ows o e r p assag should ha ve a i m
a ir and l ight. for r ural i ndustries, f ree electricity or r educes of electric ni mum width f o . 1 m
charges are granted which x The door of kitchen, bath and t oilet should not be l ess t
. What are the various Methods of Slum Clearance? Or are cross subsidy of t he government. The cross subsidy i s han 0.6m clear width .
Compare, in a given t o encourage t he 6. Chimneys
tabular statement, contents and standards of any two m s people who are promptly repaying t he l oan i nterest and C himneys, f lush and as ni tary applianc es o e r conv nienc
lu housing affected by poverty. e e a o r t eb d p rovide
programs i mplemented i n Tamil Nadu? (May/June 2007) properly i n t he building .
1) Complete Removal Method 7. Staircas e
In t his method badly constructed house r e completely a. Width of t he stair
demolished and t hose The clear width of t he stair excluding hand r ail shall not be
which are really good are retained. The open spaces are l ess 500 mm.
used f or road , widening b. Head r oom [ Height f rom f loor t o r oof]
providing t he r ecreation, building of new houses of T m he h eadroo s hould b t e a le ast 2 .1m m easured
approval . s tandards perpendicu lar fr om the nosing
A dvantages (projection on step )
x Permanent r emedy f or t he slum people c. T read a nd Riser
x Good health condition i s maintained T he r iser shall no be e t m or than m 1 75m and the d t rea
x Good l iving environment i s created sha n ll o e t b le ss tha 0 n 2 5
D isadvantages x e Costli r method m e m. t m h s u o o f t w r isers and the d t rea shall t n e o
x The people are t o be provided an alternative housing f b s l es than m 6 00m and no t
acility n C onsideratio m ore t han 6 25mm. i e n o n f light s hould b t e n e o b
The f ollowing points are i mportant when t he slum any n v ariatio in ris / . e t read No
clearance i s done stairs should be permitted t o cut across a d win ow.
x The degree of public health hazards i nvolved d. L anding
x An economic potential of t he l and should be maintain The height between t he l andings shall not be more t han
2) I mprovement Method 3.75 m
Certain slum areas in which poor drainage arrangement e. Rails
and insanitary T s he h andrail s hall b d e p lace a e t t h h eight no s t l es
environment are present cannot be demolished. They can than m 7 50m a nd no th t a n
be i mproved by f filling o 1000mm above t he projection of site.
low ground, modification drainage arrangement, r emoval
of unwanted structure.
A dvantages
x Minimum expenditure i s i nvolved