SBS Comparison 02.23
SBS Comparison 02.23
SBS Comparison 02.23
ATTENTION! We have a new button ‘Wrong Language’ for languages other, than English and the
hitapp language!
Task Overview
Given Two Webpages, compare them and decide if they refer to the same Primary Entity.
Process Steps
1. Read the web page on the left.
2. Read the web page on the right
3. Determine the primary entity of both pages and decide if it is the same.
4. Choose ‘Same’ or ‘Different’ as the answer. If you see a blank screen instead of a web page
please open in a new tab, if it does not open in the new tab either, or does not exist, please click
on 'Page Not Found'.
5. If there are not enough details available to make a decision, please choose 'Not Enough Info'
6. You can skip the task if you are not sure
Rating Examples
1. "Same" if the two webpages refer to the same Primary Entity. Examples:
1.1. Person - Same name, same birth/death date/year if available, same image if available. Basically if
there is evidence that they refer to the same person.
1.2. Movie - Same name, same release year if available, approximately same duration if available,
same director, cast & storyline if available. Basically, if you watch the film it would look same. Note that
different names for different markets are possible for the same movie!
1.3. Book/Product - Same name, author/company, year(s) of initial publishing. Basically, it should be
same book/product - editions and publishing houses (for books) may vary. Note that different version
of same story should be considered different!
1.4. TV Shows - Same season number if the webpage is about a season. Same episode number if the
webpage is about particular episode of a particular season of a particular series. Basically, if you watch,
it would look same.
1.5. Places - Same name, city, country, same full address if available.
1.6. If a Wikipedia page redirects to a section within a full-page, but the full-page refers to the same
primary entity that the other webpage refers to, please mark as "Same".
Here are some examples of webpages that should be marked 'Same'
The same film/book/person/etc, even if the pages for comparison are in different languages
(but refer to same entity).
The same film/book, even if the names used in different countries vary (e.g. 'Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s stone' in the US vs 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone' in the UK).
Different editions (different years, publishing houses) of the same book by same author.
2.1. Person - people with different names. People with same name but different birth/death
dates. Different images. Basically if there is enough evidence that these are different people.
2.2. Movie - movies with different directors, cast. Series vs a particular episode in that series
should be marked as "Different". Basically, if you watch the movie, it would look different.
2.3. TV Shows - Full Series vs a particular season/episode in that series should be marked as
2.4 TV Shows - a wikipedia page called 'List of [series name] episodes' vs a page of the series
itself should be marked as "Different".
2.5. Sports - Team vs Player who played for the Team should be marked "Different".
2.6. Music - Band webpage vs individual artist webpage should be marked "Different".
2.7. Wikipedia page showing list of different pages vs. a particular page should be marked
Here are some examples of webpages that should be marked 'Different'
The first book of a book trilogy vs full trilogy (same as a TV Show example above)
An article about an artist vs a book of the artist's paintings
A book vs a film based on the same story
and similar examples
3."Not Enough Information" should be used when even though the pages opens, there is not enough
context on one or both pages to compare them.
5."Wrong Language" should be chosen when one or both of the pages are neither in English, nor in
the hitapp language (e.g. you are doing a Japaneese language hitapp and one of the pages is in
German, while the other is in English).
4. "Page Not Found" for cases when the comparison can not be made because one of pages does not
Note: Sometimes you might have to translate the webpage to the language you understand. Most
browsers support translation. For example, both Chrome and Edge support Right Click > Translate to
Some tips
1. Please don't forget that the same film might have different names in different
countries. Often one of pages will also provide information about the film's other
name(s) - use it.
2. Check the Director's name. It is very useful, when comparing films, but don't forget that
name and surname might be shortened and go in different order (e.g. John Lee and Lee
John is likely the same director if we compare likely same films)
3. Check the film length. Please keep in mind that some difference in length (e.g. 127 min
and 129 min) sometimes could be indicated even for the same film. But if the films differ
in length considerably (e.g. 15 min and 126 min), it should make you doubt it is the same
4. Check the release year. There could be +- 1 year differences for the same film because
of different release dates in different countries. Also, sometimes a festival film might be
released on wide screen 2-3 years later, and this also results in the same film's having
several release dates.
5. For TV series, check if the page is about an episode, a season or the whole series. If one
page is about, say, season, and the other is the whole series, these are different
6. TV Shows - a wikipedia page called 'List of [series name] episodes' vs a page of the
series itself should be marked as "Different".
Url 1 Url 2 Comment
Please note it is the
same film - the wiki page has the
original film name that matches the
name on imdb
page. All other
attributes match
too. Please note it is the
same film - the wiki
page has the
original film name
that matches the
name on imdb
page. It is also
possible to check
length, release
year and the
director's name to
be sure
Url 1 Url 2 Comment Please be attentive! The
358996-hero Hero_(2015_Japanese_film) name of the film and the
release year are same, but
the directors and length are
very different. These are two
different films Please be attentive! The
tt10442492/ Peninsula_(film) name of the film is the same,
the release years are close,
but they have completely
different directors and
lengths. These are different
films. The imdb page is for season
tt0229149/episodes?season=2 Mythic_Warriors 2 only while the wiki page is
for the whole series. These
are different entities.
Wrong Language
Url 1 (in a JA language hitapp) Url 2 (in a JA language hitapp) Comment If you are doing,
show/9706660-duecentosei-ossa for example, an
language hitapp,
and you have a hit where one or both
Duecentosei_ossa pages are not in
Japaneese and not
in English, you
need to label such
hits as ‘Wrong
language’嘘をもう The right page is in
ひとつだけ 34535415 Korean, not
Japaneese, so for a
JA language hitapp
it will be the wrong
language (not
Japaneese, not