Neuromuscular Disorders and Anaesthesia - Part - 2
Neuromuscular Disorders and Anaesthesia - Part - 2
Neuromuscular Disorders and Anaesthesia - Part - 2
Key points Neuromuscular disorders are a heterogeneous agents should be avoided due to denervation.
Whilst there are common group of diseases that share a number of impor- There is a risk of aspiration due to upper motor
anaesthetic techniques used tant issues with regard to generic anaesthetic neurone involvement. Care must be taken with
for patients with management. However, it is important to negatively inotropic drugs due to the involve-
neuromuscular disorders, remember that each disease state has its own ment of the myocardium.1 2
knowledge of each disease distinct pathophysiology that requires individu-
Table 1 Hereditary neuromuscular disease. Key: , must avoid; *, give increased dose; +, give reduced dose; N, normal dose; AIR, anaesthesia-related rhabdomyolysis
men, with milder symptoms than Duchenne muscular dystrophy synapses, as well as from rhabdomyolysis that occurs due to
that runs a more protracted course. The initial presentation tends to damage caused to the muscle cell membrane.2
be in the teenage years. Death secondary to cardiac or respiratory Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents should be
failure typically occurs in the fourth or fifth decade. Cardiac used sparingly as a delay in onset and offset is seen, potentially
disease in Becker’s muscular dystrophy, like Duchenne muscular leading to a prolonged block. Their use can often be avoided with
dystrophy, usually manifests as a dilated cardiomyopathy and an appropriate i.v. anaesthesia technique. If used however, their
cardiac arrhythmia.4 use should be coupled with neuromuscular monitoring.
Anaesthetic considerations. Particular risks during anaesthesia Inhalation anaesthetics have been implicated in the rhabdomyo-
include postoperative respiratory insufficiency and cardiac dysfunc- lysis seen in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients secondary to
tion related to cardiomyopathies or arrhythmias. Appropriate pre- their effects of further increasing mycoplasmic calcium. It has
operative assessment should be completed where possible, been difficult to elucidate whether the metabolic reaction seen is
especially before any major surgery. Postoperative ventilatory related to an anaesthesia-related rhabdomyolysis or a true malig-
support must be considered and cardiac monitoring should be con- nant hyperthermia, and may not even occur on every exposure to
tinued into the postoperative period.5 halogenated compounds. Nevertheless, their use in Duchenne mus-
Blood loss may be increased due to smooth muscle and platelet cular dystrophy is advised with extreme caution, with total i.v.
dysfunction. Hypotensive anaesthesia has been recommended to anaesthesia and a clean anaesthetic machine being advisable. For
avoid large blood loss volumes. However, hypovolaemia should be those children where induction using volatile anaesthesia is indi-
avoided due to the relatively fixed cardiac output state secondary cated such as in a difficult airway, then the inhalation agent should
to non-compliant ventricles. In cases where there is felt to be be discontinued as soon as possible with conversion to TIVA and a
potential for hypovolaemia to occur, volume status should be mon- clean anaesthetic machine.2 3
itored invasively.2
Female carriers may show elevated CK levels, mild myopathic Myotonias
changes, and cardiomyopathy. For this reason, it has been The myotonias can be divided into two groups: the dystrophic and
suggested that volatile anaesthesia and depolarizing neuromuscular non-dystrophic group.
blocking agents are avoided if possible.2 In patients with dystrophic myotonias including myotonic dys-
Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents must be avoided trophy, muscle wasting and weakness are seen. This is in contrast
due to the extra-junctional synapse development that occurs in to the non-dystrophic myotonias (myotonia congenita and familial
Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker’s muscular dystrophy. periodic paralysis) where the main symptom can be prolonged
Catastrophic hyperkalaemia can result from depolarization of the muscle contraction following stimulation.6
A perioperative attack may result in the need for postoperative There is no sensory loss, which distinguishes motor neurone
ventilation. Cardiac arrhythmias may also occur. disease from multiple sclerosis and other polyneuropathies. It
never affects cranial nerves. Signs include both upper and lower
Metabolic and mitochondrial disorders motor neurone of limbs and bulbar muscles. Fasiculations, weak-
ness, and atrophy are often present.4
Metabolic Anaesthetic considerations. Depolarizing neuromuscular block-
Metabolic myopathies such as acid maltase deficiency are a hetero- ing agents should be avoided. Non-depolarizing neuromuscular
geneous group of conditions that result from an inborn error of blocking agents may be used in reduced doses due to increased
metabolism resulting in skeletal muscle dysfunction. Abnormalities sensitivity. Respiratory complications are common, with the risk of
of metabolism can be related to glycogen, lipid, purine, or mito- postoperative ventilation and subsequent weaning difficulties,
chondrial metabolism. Muscle contraction depends on the supply of infection, and atalectasis.
ATP from three major sources: glycogen, lipid, and purine metab-
olism. If these pathways are interrupted, muscle cramps, myalgia,
and myoglobinuria occurs. Muscle weakness and atrophy develop
Multiple sclerosis
This is the most frequently occurring demyelinating neuromuscular
which can involve both the cardiac and respiratory systems.
disorder. It is a chronic relapsing condition characterized by the
Anaesthetic considerations. Autonomic instability may occur Failure to wean from a ventilator and limb weakness are common
and therefore invasive monitoring should be considered. signs. The pathophysiology of critical illness polyneuropathy is
Gastropareisis is a feature and care should be taken at induction due to axonal degeneration of both motor and sensory nerve fibres
and in the postoperative period. There is an increased likelihood of with cranial nerves being spared. Myopathic changes occur with
becoming hypothermic and so temperature control is imperative.4 atrophic and occasionally necrotic fibres. It is a frequently occur-
ring condition related to patients with multi-organ failure or sepsis
Neuromuscular junction disorders and is thought to occur in up to 80% of all intensive care
Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease where there are IgG
auto-antibodies produced against the nicotinic Ach receptors Critical illness myopathy
within the neuromuscular junction. The autoantibodies lead to Critical illness myopathy can occur simultaneously with critical
destruction of the receptors. Symptoms include a fatigable weak- illness polyneuropathy. It presents with a diffuse weakness or
ness, which can be localized to specific muscle groups (ocular, flaccid paralysis, which again can compromise weaning. Critical
bulbar, and respiratory) or become widespread. Treatment may illness myopathy is associated with an acute respiratory disorder