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Lisa Renee Letter

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Thank you for sharing that position with the A.D.

groups, and I will further clarify a summary –

from the purpose of being as clear as this writing will allow, given the complexity on this
topic, which is so difficult, owing to the historical levels of obfuscation, mind control and
confusion involved. This is not something I prefer to express at all. I do not want words to
mottle or confuse heart felt and heart based intentions. Yet, interestingly as a reflection of the
recent newsletter in speaking out about what is hidden, it pushes me into an opening of
communication that I would rather not express. In truth I feel waves of nausea right now
having to bring it up. However, I cannot feel there is any other way at this time, but disclosure
of personal experience holding the true heart desire to just get over the layers of deception
and into the truth of the corrected alignments.

First, IF YOU ARE MOVED TO DO SO - please contact Ama for the links of the 8/11/2012
workshop and the links which relate to AD’s new endeavors without her husband, Speaker 2
and Mac, Speaker 3. Ama*RhAya please accept my apologies, but we felt the live links
should be removed. I, in good conscience, cannot allow them to be remotely appearing to be
endorsed or referred by myself.

The field reading shows most everything after 2002 is infected with a black heart type of
technology. Speaker 2 was used as the viral load which took about 18 months. One needs
an extremely pure heart to be able to overcome the torque and pressure this black heart
distortion created on the template code and consciousness layers. It is possible to override
and overcome, but not without personal extensive negative ego/shadow release training. It is
the black heart created in the AD containment fields that infected multiple layers of the
organization through its manifestation templates and its key peoples.

Second, please know that I hold incredible compassion, love and the highest expression for
all parties that are involved in those multiple layers of KS group containers. I absolutely do
not want the job or mission that any one of those beloved beings in those camps have. I
have respect for their courage accessing this LOO material against all odds. I completely
acknowledge them for the massive work of which has allowed me to do my work with the
architecture. I do not want attention nor to stir up controversy. I simply just want to get to the
task at hand and the workload with the highest expression of integrity and purity that I am
capable, given the cesspool we must work within on this planet. I hope all of these groups
can reach a time of coexistence as reasonable spiritual adults that can refrain from using
dark force intimidation stemming from power conflicts. My highest hope is that I can live here
without having to take a ration of crap from this group, honestly that is the highest I could
hope for given what has been demonstrated in the past. Anything else - I serve up to God
and the Krystal Host to determine the who’s, the what’s and the where’s. It is not up to me to
decide, this involves an incredible amount of beings from all over the Universe. However my
alliance is with Christ and everything having to do with the Christos return to this planet, and
as such, that is the alignment I serve in Eternal God consecration through the Krystal Host
and Mother Arc without waiver. I am a humble servant and that is all.

Third, I do expect everyone in this community to act with spiritual ethics and treat all KS
members and their leaders with respect, love and compassion, regardless of what may or
may not be said about me or anything related to HGS or ES body of work. Whatever their
opinion is, they are entitled to have an opinion.

Fourth, in respect of containing any hearsay or misconstrued words as gossip that dark
entities will use like gluttons, please use extreme discretion and keep this information among
ourselves. There is not an need in most cases to add comments to an already ripped open
and raw situation in the pain the KS groups and their leaders have endured. They do not
need interference from us, as much as I do not want interference stemming from their painful
Personally, my feeling is that there is responsibility to spiritual corruption based upon severe
inner core and emotional weakness, vulnerabilities that were exploited through AD, and it is a
huge, painful lesson to suffer a root downfall when you take on the rare quality of
responsibilities such as hers. However the necessity of her maintaining personal comfort,
resulted in lies of omission, which led to one of the most serious spiritual abuses we have
ever had on planet earth. In compassion for her and her incredible burden, is where we
rightfully place our heartfelt attention for her support, yet to not mistake her as a guru, or
above these “deceptive” events. She is directly responsible for the choices she has made,
and will need to have moments of clarity to rectify those abuses. We believe she is on the
beginning of that personal pathway to integrate those painful parts now. This incredible pain
prevents her from synthesizing knowledge beyond the intellectual concept of what she has
been given, her heart has been damaged and reintegrating those pieces take time. AD did
not obey the laws that govern what she has brought forth, and I know that she is aware of
that but her inner child defense mechanism prefers to be acknowledged for her strenuous
efforts and her great sacrifice, thus, deep resentments have festered.

All I can speak of is the experience I have had for maintaining the protection of the ES and
HGS field. In my experience with the Aurora Guardian Mentors, they told me sequences of
information of which I kept to myself. I do not want to appear biased or judgmental of this
group, as I understand the pain and hardship it is to be on earth, however in light of this I
suppose I am forced to speak what I know to be true for myself. It is hard to use the medium
of writing to express it fully to our group, but I will try to bring more clarity through the timeline
of which is spoke of.

1. August 2000, AD went to Peru and was ambushed by Orion group/Reptilian consortium
who installed sophisticated controls through a man she met in Peru who posed as a part of
her Michael family. The man’s name was actually Michael and he was a booby trap
installation of VV and NRG implantation which was designed to “capture” the imaging of the
holographic templates she was working with at the time. This was to derail the ascension
process, and apparently it did, as in the parallel gates of Argentina and Peru, these
technologies were passed through and replicated through the Looking glass technology that
both the military and aliens were using, some in collaboration and some independently.
Looking glass technology is an alien military weapon to project, bend and change future
timelines through trigger events and then if successful, bend or change event horizons.

2. In October 2000, AD married this man and made him Speaker 2 of the freedom teachings.
He was a negative form projection of the Self that she thought he was. (impostor) He is from
the UK and was working with the MCEO teachings and had been prepared by off planet
entities to intervene and change the direction of the work. AD had been married before, has
three children and her emotional trauma around personal security ( a holdover from other
lifetimes) left her weakened in face of this sophisticated ambush. She believed this man, the
guidance she was told and thought he was her mate and protector. He was not that. He
omitted many things from his past, and held secrets from her.

3. In 2002, Speaker 2 is insistent that he needs to be put on copyright records of the MCEO
work, as partnership. This is the beginning of the corruption in the work that started the
seeds of black hearts which later led to the dark flowering. This is like a slow infection that is
going viral before anyone in the group can see or recognize what is happening.

4. In 2003 Orion groups long held position is that all works of Magi and Templar belong to
them from the loss incurred in multiple wars, and petition and address the Andromeda
Councils ( some of them are like Switzerland, they just remain “ neutral” to earth events and
may protect the right to asylum ) for help and support to take this information off planet as
they lay claim to the body of work that is technological consciousness. From their position
and angle, Reptilians were Terrans first, and they got the short end of the stick in terms of
territory and ability to evolve. The Orion group forges certain alliances with others ( the usual
tactics) to gain leverage in the support of 3D territories and humans immaturity to accept the
Laws, leaving them in this dimension as a worker race that helps to colonize other planets
and thereby “supposedly” assisting the hybridization and integration of other ET races into a
productive society. This is a trumped up rosy agenda that is really just enslavement for free
labor. These groups agenda infiltrate Michael and Mary Ann to use targeting phases for AD,
first rule of divide and conquer is to isolate. They start to isolate AD in every way possible to
separate her from accessibility in the groups. They become her “ handlers”.

5. The two M’s start to resonate with each other based upon inserted memories from the soul
planes. Mary Ann has a troubled relationship with family and a child that creates a lot of
emotional desperation, she secretly considers at times how to be removed from her duties
from the stressors ( attacking) it causes upon her life. Her defense mechanism is to control
things in MCEO from a desperation of needing to have some control over her life and gain
more access to a revenue stream. Mary Ann finds out Michael may be having a few affairs
with MCEO woman, after he drinks too much, and is more conflicted, but keeps it private.
There is somewhat an unsaid privacy between them which adulterates the energies AD
should have with her husband. There is more than a few people involved in the MCEO that
have a history of drug, alcohol or sex addiction problem. These weaknesses in AD past and
the group are exploited aggressively.

6. In Feb- March 2004 I am contacted by Sirian arm of Guardians and asked if I will accept a
new mission. They do not tell me the context and immediately after I am confirmed March 21,
2004, they disband me from my old councils and I am placed on rigorous training schedule.
They gave very clear understanding that many beings would be putting their energy and faith
in me, and that this was not a decision to take lightly. They were impressed I managed to get
the crucifixion implants out of me by this time and was one main reason they pursued me for
continued intelligence work. I am immersed in NAA material, NRG material, SPE’s and in
pursuit of SPE’s I find out about KS yahoo group on 7/17/2004.

7. This period of time 2004- 2007 I undergo massive attacking with alien implants and from
weakened people in KS. This goes off like a bomb and I have no idea why at the time. I find
out the people that are most hostile towards me, have some have drug histories and are
emotionally fractured. At this time I learn that many people in KS have had drug, sexual or
alcohol abuse history, based upon AD and Speaker 2 resonance of the same. The desire of
course is to finally remedy and heal the fracture, if you are willing to look at the disease.
Everything is an opportunity to heal , and that opportunity was not taken. The addiction
matrices were used for black heart implantation, in the three speaker field, as well as the
group field. The three speakers were emulating (wedijveren) the past contracts of Christ
covenant with the earth, one holds positive, one holds negative and one holds neutral
vibration to bring in the new unity field. If they complement the balance between the three of
them they can merge into the neutral charge, and embody unity. They were not successful.

8. 2004 to current - In order to create the Hierogamy between the polarities required, and to
manifest this in physical matter, the training regime was aggressive underway during
nighttime/sleep. Everything and the kitchen sink was thrown in by Orion allies to stop our
teams from successfully creating the template in the physical world around the timeline shifts
and the requirement for HG/ Rod and Staff embodiment. How this failed in KS through AD
and Michael was and is studied continually. Others who studied KS infected with black heart
also were used to reverse the sacred marriage template, and were in fact embodying the “
anti- union” polarities. I have seen them several times and was required to source their
causation in the field and they were stemming from KS fields black heart, and a splitter
technology. This is what Michael and Anna inadvertently did by remaining together so long
while he was beating her and abusing her, while she was “ emailed” downloads of the
Guardian Host templates. They have split the gender polarity apart further, from the Speaker
corruption and their group has to reintegrate the toxic blood factors they created in the KS
field by clearing more to the miasmatic record of the Krystal blood from the Sun Races.
( black heart creates toxic blood and circulatory) Karmic record is recorded in blood, these
factors she brought forth in the magnetic peak cycle also relate to the blood plasma, The
factors we relate to in Bali were the Rod and Staff components she did not have in order to
change the blood chemistry. We worked together in the magnetic peak to help heal the blood
patterns impacted and recorded by black heart and then the effect of dark flowering. I have
always been aware of the failsafe projects. There are those people who are cross
referencing KS- ES to share the relevant code for hopeful repair of the damage. This has
happened more than once in ES known history, as a part of the fallen Melchizedeks and their
field that has been involved. I have been requested to protect AD at the time she did radio
interviews before I knew about her going public about the Sliding Orbs. We consider them as
brother and sister and when we are called upon and requested to help, we will help
anonymously support a fallen pillar of their shield.

9. I was asked to step in the Lion’s Den in April 2007 to observe a KS phoenix workshop, in a
3 day notice, and this was after they had already shown themselves to attack. I really did not
want to go. By faith I listened and went and saw what reversals were happening that create
automatons in many of their group. I was so sad I cried. I could only stomach one day of the
weekend, and left. In my hotel room AD Melchizedek guides told me they understood who I
was and that they confirmed to me my “ parallel mission” and that they could not give that
information to AD until she asked in earnest from her own heart. They cannot intrude on her
belief system nor her misunderstanding of her role, even when she is given the LOO
information via emails, she is transcribing what she “sees” as it is given to her. This means
she does not access it herself, “ it is given”. She has to synthesize and glean the knowledge
herself by her own means, her own direct heart consciousness and personal realization. The
technology given is not stronger than the purity of the Christ heart flame. The integration of
heart must merge with the LOO consciousness technology or she can only see the lower
timelines of destruction. This is how consciousness works, it cannot be intellectually
“believed” it has to be lived through in feeling sensory experiences. Somehow in the process
of False Michael marriage she stopped experiencing many of the multidimensional layers
she was previously aware of, when her heart shut down. When existing inside fields of
hatred, your sensory abilities are compromised and you are blocked from full sensory

10. At the time of the multiple levels of abuse she endured for 12 years as this Man who was
an impostor of her Yeshua- Michael family line abused her, she negated her responsibility to
serve the Law. Therefore she became complicit and therefore duplicitous. She carried the lie
for 10 years in her own weakness of denial and in that time, the fields of the organization
were infiltrated with black hearts in the containment fields, eventually it infected code. The
dark flowering is what she has set forth from those followers who were a part of her field and
the speaker field, period.

The people that are at risk are those that have followed the KS induction techniques faithfully
and those infected with extremes fears and negative ego that have been dna axiom bonded
to black heart structures. As it is those with the vulnerability to generate or build a black
hearts that are a part of the dark flowering. Addiction matrices catch to black heart
technology in a field like a wild fire. This was why so many addicts/follower types were
showing up in KS groups. We have a lot of people on earth that are recovering black
magicians and are attempted to rehabilitate into Love. It is a part of their experience to find
their heart and find humility in being of service to God as a humble servant to the planet and
peoples, forsaking their personal gains. In these conditions, as a humble servant to God, with
a heart filled to help Gods purpose of Love, they will be answered. Again the key is always
the purity of the HEART and this fact will never be derailed even when facing incredible
technology and consciousness templates generated from that technology. Consciousness
Technology without Love from and for God, and all of God creatures creates a BLACK

So what are some of the ways, behaviors and actions that a black heart and its subsequent
dark flowering can be manifested in a personal body , collective body or community situation
that can be virally infected:

• Greed, avarice, contempt for others, judgment, discrimination, elitist belief

• Personal gain as a priority over the service to the whole
• Intent to cause harm, use intimidation or threats
• Fears of personal security which indicate lack of faith in God or lack direct connection
• Addiction through any means, drugs, alcohol, gluttony, sex, cigarettes. Any substance
which you allow to control you habitually.
• Stealing, lying, cheating or acts of denial that perpetrate falsity or give false impressions
• Emotional drama repeated through unhealed VV programing
• Improper use of group funds or material proceeds or resources given as stewardship
(Hiding funds or stashing from poverty fears)
• Having attachments to purchasing power or material comforts
• Believing that you are a savior, messiah or guru, or you were “responsible” for an act of
healing, study or modality
• Holding attachment to 3D material objects and your creations in any way that you falsely
think you created these objects, over Gods will
• Suspicion, paranoia, and desperate holding on to things that you need to let go of
• Any kind of harm or abuse inflicted upon another, especially with intent or righteousness
• Blaming karma or past lives for irresponsible actions in the current lifetime
• Copyrighting works and prosecuting that which belong to Universal Law, therefore is the
public domain of all human beings ( How can we copyright Christ consciousness?)
• Holding Terror or Fear for yourself, your loved ones or family members, ie children ( not
trusting the Law)
• Pride – “I did all of this and I need to be compensated for that and given credit for all I have
done”, I am above that.
• Abuse of Power and resources entrusted through spiritual stewardship. No resource is ever
in ownership. Ownership and possession of material things is a fabrication and illusion in 3D.
Satanists believe in material power as the first and only priority.

As we can note here, the study of moral code and living within spiritual ethics is clearly and
sorely required with imparting spiritual truth, as many abuses are easily unnoticed due to the
warped thinking we have programmed in 3D society. All of this behavioral checkpoint is our
personal responsibility, and it does not matter how advanced the consciousness template is,
if this part of our ego wounds has not been cleared and healed. This becomes increasing
important the more resources that are given by spiritual light intelligence. The issue is that,
when we give it our very best every day, when we live from our heart and ask what we can
do to serve, getting the ego out of the drivers seat, and we pay heed to Christian based
ethics without all the dogma and judgment, our behavior guideline is clarified. In the Christ
principle, what would the Christ do? How would the Christ behave ? What is my responsibility
in this moment to be true to my heart and to live ethically in harmony with Life? This behavior
will ultimately protect you, and this seems to be a gaping hole missed in the KS teachings
and their personal conduct. Their hearts turned black from misconduct. For those reasons
they have my deepest empathy in every way, with the hope they all find the path to inner
peace and freedom from actually living in heart alignment to what they have spoken of in
their teachings.

Those of us that are here have been called to help support the Christ mission. We are being
entrusted to hold more consciousness awareness and learn how to help return the planetary
architecture back to human and Christ (consciousness) hands. Does this mean Catholics or
others who are ignorant of this are all dark flowered? Are all the 5D’ers dark flowered? No of
course not. However the challenge is knowing in your heart, are you doing you best, are you
spending time developing your relationship to God and self? When we are self-aware we
develop this conscience that tells us very clearly, what our personal spiritual ethics should
be. This is not based on fear, shame or guilt but what it means to be a true humanitarian, to
care about what happens to the planet and to the people. If we are given the tools to
regenerate our bodies to heart consciousness, and regenerate DNA though acts of
purification and love, then it’s clear we have a deep moral responsibility to ourselves and the
planet. We cannot lose sight of that most important part of our heart, when we may feel
personal terror when we are exposed to the knowledge of the NAA. We cannot give in to
their manipulation and fear game.

Love trumps it all, period. As we become more informed, as we are exposed to more
technology, as we gain consciousness and intelligence, we cannot ever lose our loving,
tender and open heart. Our heart is our only salvation.

So what is my suggestion with this material , as much as I want to avoid saying it?

The first two Voyager Books are great primers to ES language. Anything after 2002, well -
that is left to your own discretion. I cannot suggest anything dated after that point in the
timeline. We have many beloved beings here in ES with complex missions for earth, and that
direction must be self-determined and experienced for the self. I totally honor each beings
pathway to freely say, and choose whatever they feel they need to in this community as long
as its respectful and considerate to others as possible. Anyone who studies KS is fully
welcomed here at any level, however I will not be able to respond, answer or direct anything
pertaining to that material, at this point. I can only respond with my direct experiences, of
which the above is just a scratch of the surface, but I am getting tired of writing, as much as
you are probably tired of reading this.

Thank you from my deepest heart and I ask for your forgiveness for this mess, in whatever
ways I may be a part of it, or not, I am aware of the pain it causes and I am deeply sorry. My
last dream with AD, we sat in a transit gate and I just said to her with all of my heart, I am so
sorry for what has happened to you. I mean it. I feel terrible for her pain, yet I feel pissed off
at her irresponsibility. She is not happy with me either. Someday I need to get this all down in
an interview as the complexity of the incredible deception involved is just beyond surreal, as
directed by the off planet puppeteers. We must hold compassion for all of us in this situation,
and especially for those who take on such big roles that are more easily subjected through
ego weakness to suffer a massive root downfall.

Thank you for your consideration and careful contemplation and discernment, as we move

With love, Lisa

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