Mortensen, S. (2000) - Scallop Introductions and Transfers, From An Animal Health Point Ofview., 8 (2-3), 123-138.
Mortensen, S. (2000) - Scallop Introductions and Transfers, From An Animal Health Point Ofview., 8 (2-3), 123-138.
Mortensen, S. (2000) - Scallop Introductions and Transfers, From An Animal Health Point Ofview., 8 (2-3), 123-138.
Institute of Marine Research, Department of Aquaculture, PO. Box 1870, Nordnes, 5817
Bergen, Norway (E-mail:
Abstract. The effects of transfers and introductions of bivalue molluscs are always more
or less unpredictable. Moving scallops, there is a risk of introducing pathogenic agents or of
disturbing the balance between potentially pathogenic agents and host species in the recipient
ecosystem. Risk is not eliminated by merely following official regulations. Some factors which
may be important in order to assess risk, and to choose the level of risk we are willing to accept,
The existence of “stowaways”, and the action of mechanical vectors. One organism may
carry another, and it is seems impossible to obtain a “clean” organism, in spite of long quar-
The biological vector function. There may be unknown reservoirs, intermediate or alternative
hosts of pathogenic agents in the “new” environment. An introduced species may also carry
potentially pathogenic agents into a new ecosystem.
The often lacking knowledge concerning epizootiology. Life cycles of many pathogenic
agents are poorly known, as are the infectious dose of agent, influence of environmental factors
on disease, etc.
The diagnostic tools, and the “human factor” in diagnostics. Methods are often not sens-
itive enough to detect a pathogenic agent in a carrier state, or immediately after the agent has
entered the host, or at a low prevalence/how intensity level. It is also important that personnel
are sufficiently trained to do the diagnostic work.
The official priority of disease control. There are no notifiable diseases of scallops.
EC regulations, and the “one area/one agent/one bivalve species” management.
National and international trade, including illegal transport of live bivalves.
Considering these factors enables a better focus on the risk factors and the assessment of risks
associated with introductions and transfers of scallops. Consideration may also help to clarify
the scientific level of knowledge and experience required to handle scallop diseases, and focus
on practical problems in scallop health control.
Key words: bivalves, disease, introductions and transfers, risk assessment, scallops
A number of bivalue molluscs have been moved around the world, both
intentionally and unintentionally. Oysters may be accidentally transferred,
attached to ships hulls or hidden in consignments of other material, but
this is less likely to happen with scallops. Scallops are rather loosely or
not at all attached to their substrate, they usually live in deeper waters than
oysters, mussels and clams, and more separate from other bivalve species in
their natural habitants. Scallop transfers and introductions have so far only
involved species destined for aquaculture.
Reasons for moving may be that the selected scallop is a large species,
a fast growing species, a species which has high status in export markets,
or a species where there is knowledge on how to cultivate it. Examples of
scallops which have been moved during the last decades are the Bay scallop,
Argopecten irradians (moved from USA to China), the Japanese scallop,
Patinopecten yessoensis (moved from Japan to China, Ireland and France),
and the Great scallop, Pecten maximus (moved from Norway to Chile).
To minimise the risk of unwanted effects, considerations are normally
done prior to introductions and transfers. Both the ICES code of practice
(ICES, 1995), EC regulations (Anon, 1991), The Animal Health Code from
Office International des Epizooties (OIE, 1997), and of course common veter-
inary practice are designed in order to assess risk, and avoid introductions
of pathogenic agents and exotic species with the consignments. Even if all
guidelines and recommendations are followed, it is impossible to predict all
possible effects of transfers and introductions, and to predict which disease
problems may follow.
The spread of pathogens frequently occurs ahead of the diagnostics. Fortu-
nately for the scallop industry, relatively few serious disease conditions have
been described in scallops (Table 1). May the reason be that scallops in
general have been less affected by serious diseases than e.g. oysters? Or
perhaps that some of the scallop diseases have not yet been observed and
described? We also know little about which of the diseases described in
other bivalve species, may affect scallops. Hence, we often do not have
adequate scientific background knowledge in order to assess the relevance
of an observed microbe or parasite in a batch of scallops. Learning from
introductions and transfers of other bivalve species is therefore essential, to
enable a proper risk assessment. Having reviewed defined risk factors, and the
history of bivalve introductions and transfers, some risk factors still remain.
The aim of the present work is to point these out, to clarify the scientific
level of knowledge and experience to handle scallop diseases, and to discuss
some practical problems in scallop health control. Some points of particular
relevance are briefly discussed below, using examples mainly from oyster
What is “disease”?
Disease may be widely defined as any state in which the organism in one
way or another is impaired. Diseases may be caused by numerous factors,
such as toxins, malnutrition, autoimmune disorders, tumours or pathogenic
agents. Those which receive most attention is aquaculture are associated with
the presence of pathogenic agents. Disease is then a result of a series of
intricately correlated factors, some concerning the host, some related to the
pathogen and some to the environment (e.g. discussions by Hedrick (1998)
and Reno, (1998)). Placing any species in a new environment will, to an
unknown degree, disturb the equilibrium between these factors. The change
may result either in less favourable conditions for the scallop, or in more
favourable conditions for potentially harmful organisms. The result may be
“disease” if it leads to impaired life functions or to the death of the scallop.
Any organism which causes disease of its host, either due to its own replica-
tion in the host (like countless microbes), or due to damage caused by contact
or mechanical action (like larger macroparasites such as worms and coped-
pods), may be defined as a pathogenic agent. The distinction between more
or less harmless commensals and pathogenic agents may however be unclear.
Marine life is a matter of coexistence. The presence of one organism will
always create space and opportunity for others. Agents which we know to
be potential pathogens from descriptive studies of disease outbreaks may be
present for a long time without causing pathology, but at any one moment,
triggered by a disturbed balanced by the above mentioned factors may cause
disease. This may be the case with several of the organisms listed in Table 1.
One good example might be the prokaryote Rickettsiales-like organisms
which have been found in a variety of bivalve species, but which are generally
not considered pathogenic (Getchell, 1991; Bower et al., 1994). Rickettsiales-
like organisms were however associated with mass mortalities of the scallop
Placopecten magellancius in the US in 1979–1980 (Gulka et al., 1983), and
of the great scallop, Pecten maximus in France in 1987 (LeGall et al., 1988).
VIRUS Virus-like particles Pecten novazealandiae Lesions in digestive gland New Zealand Hine and Wesney, 1997
RICKETTSIAE Rickettsiae Pecten maximus Necrosis of gills of wild France Le Gall et al., 1988
& CHILAMYDIAE scallops, associated with Le Gall et al., 1991
mass mortalities
Placopecten magellanicus Gills Atlantic U.S.A. Gulka et al., 1983
Gulka & Chang, 1984
Patinopecten yessoensis Gills Japan Elston, 1986
Argopecten irradians Kidney Atlantic U.S.A. Morrison and Shum, 1983
Gills & Canada Leibovitz et al., 1984
BACTERIA Vibrio spp. Vibriosis is a common and widespread problem in scallop larvae rearing Tubiash et al., 1970
Brown, 1981
Riquelme et al. 1995
Nicolas et al., 1996
Table 1. Continued
FUNGI Homodendrum sp. ? Placopecten magellanicus Adductor muscle Maine, U.S.A. See Getchell, 1991
Sirolipidium zoopthorum Argopecten irradians Mortalities of cultivated larvae Atlantic U.S.A. See Getchell, 1991
Davis et al., 1954
PROTOZOA Lechnophora auerbachi Aequipecten opercularis Damage to eye Ireland Harry, 1977, 1980
Pseudoklossia pectinis Pecten maximus Damage to kidney tissue France See Getchell, 1991
Unidentified coccidia Argopecten irradians Damage to kidney tissue U.S.A. Leibovitz et al., 1984
Marteilia sp. Argopecten gibbus Digestive tissues. Associated Florida, U.S.A. Moyer et al., 1993
with mortalities of wild
Unidentified Argopecten irradians Connective tissues. Associated China Chu et al., 1996
haplosporidian with mortalities of cultured
Table 1. Continued
Perkinsus karlsoni Argopecten irradians Connective tissues. Associated Atlantic North McGladdery et al., 1993
with mortalities of cultured America Goggin et al., 1996
Perkinsus qugwadi Patinopecten yessoensis Connective tissues. Mortalities B.C., Canada Bower et al., 1998, 1999
of bottom cultured introduced Blackbourn et al., 1998
Nematopsis spp. Widespread, in intermediate life stage, in different species See Bower et al., 1994
Trichodina spp. Widespread, in different species, no or little importance See Bower et al., 1994
SPONGES Cliona spp. Widspread, in different spcies. Grows and forms holes and tunnels in the See Bower et al., 1994
shell. Usually little impact on host.
HYDROIDS Hydractinia echinata Placopecten magellanicus Shell deformities Atlantic U.S.A. Merrill, 1967
CESTODES Larval forms may be found in digestive tract of bivalves. Presumably limited impact on host See Getchell, 1991
TREMATODES Bucephalus spp. and Pecten alba May damage reproductive Australia Sanders and Lester, 1981
others Pecten fumatus tissues Heasman et al., 1996
Chlamys asperrima
Table 1. Continued
Type of organism Host scallop Target tissue/ Range References
NEMATODES Larval forms reported from bivalves, including the scallops Argopecten irradians, A. gibbus, Amusium See Getchell, 1991
balloti, Argopecten aequisulcatus, Anachlamys leopardus and Chlamys asperrismus. Normally
presumed to have limited impact on host
POLYCHAETES Polydora spp. Widespread, in different species. Bores tunnels in host shell. Usually little Bergman et al., 1982
impact on host, but shell may be weakened. Associated with mortalities of Blake and Evans, 1973
cultured P. maximus spat. Evans, 1969
Skeel, 1979
Mortensen et al.,
this issue
Ceratonereis tridentata Arogpecten gibbus Causing shell blisters Atlantic U.S.A. Wells and Wells, 1962
CRUSTACEA Pectenophilus ornatus Patinopecten yessoensis Copepod attached to, and Japan Elston et al., 1985
Chlamys farreri causing damage to gills. Nagasawa et al., 1988
Pinnotheres spp. Arogpecten irradians, Pea crabs which live as Atlantic U.S.A. Kruczynski, 1972
Argopecten gibbus commensals in mantle cavity Japan Lauckner, 1983
Placopecten magellanicus may affect host
Chlamys nipponensis
MOLLUSCA Odostomia sp. Argopecten irradians Affects mantle during feeding Atlantic U.S.A. Leibovitz et al., 1984
referred work have been taken into consideration when the Norwegian veter-
inary and aquaculture authorities decide on the management of production
and movements of cultured bivalves and fish in Norwegian coastal areas.
The risk of disease transmission becomes greater when there are true biolo-
gical vectors, where a pathogenic agent maintains its normal function and
even propagates. Considering the above-mentioned coexistence between any
animal and its microbes, the microecological balance may be disturbed
during an introduction or transfer. From the introduced scallop’s point of
view, there may be unknown reservoirs, intermediate or alternative hosts of
pathogenic agents in its “new” environment. From the point of view of the
inhabitant of the recipient environment, the “newcomer” may pose a threat,
bringing new microbes, which are potentially pathogenic agents for them.
There are numerous examples, although some have never been scientifically
proven, and none concern scallops. One example is the virus causing gill
disease, which eradicated the susceptible populations of Portuguese oyster,
Crassostrea angulata, from the French coast, while the resistant Pacific
oyster, C. gigas remained only slightly affected by the disease (Comps et al.,
1976; Comps, 1988). It has been hypothesised that the Pacific oyster, which
was actually introduced to France just before the first outbreaks, was actually
the vector, being adapted to the virus through generations of coexistence in
Japan. Another example is the oyster pathogen protozoan Marteilia refrin-
gens which must be present in some unknown intermediate host or stage in
the environment on the French oyster beds. While flat oysters, Ostrea edulis,
may be kept free from Marteilia in tanks using water from the oyster beds,
oysters once moved out on the beds become infected.
The above example of Marteilia in oysters illustrates that we often lack know-
ledge on the life cycles of even the best known bivalve pathogenic agents.
Marteilia refringens seem to go through several stages in a complex life cycle
(Grizel et al., 1974; Perkins, 1976). Concerning the Marteilia sp. documented
from the Calico scallop Argopecten gibbus from the coast of Florida (Moyer
et al., 1992), knowledge is more scarce. Thus, we do not know which scallop,
or other bivalve species, may be susceptible, which species might be vectors,
in which stage the parasite may be dispersed, or which species might be
intermediate hosts. The most serious oyster pest in Europe, the protozoan
Bonamia ostreae also illustrates the problem. At first sight it seems not to
have a complicated life cycle like Marteilia. Bonamia propagates by binary
fission until the host cell, the oyster haemocyte, bursts. But despite almost
20 y of studies, there are unanswered questions. We do not know why small
oysters are unaffected, but die due to the parasite when they approach sexual
maturity. A life cycle with a phase in the ovarian cycle has been suggested
(van Banning, 1990), but it is still not fully understood. Also, the host range
of many agents is largely unknown, and extensive studies are necessary in
order to identify possible host species. We tend to link the pathogenic agents
to the species in which they are first described, but may often be wrong.
When the protozoan Microcytos mackini was identified as the causative agent
of Denman Island Disease of Pacific oysters, C. gigas in British Columbia,
Canada, the agent was first linked to this oyster species, but then similar
organisms were observed also in flat oysters, O. edulis, and Olympia oysters,
O. lurida, in the US, and Sydney rock oysters, Saccostrea commercialis,
in Australia. The causative agents were identified as two different Micro-
cytos species (Farley et al., 1988). Later challenge experiments showed that
M. mackini was pathogenic also for the oysters Crassostrea virginica, Ostrea
edulis and Ostreola conchaphila (Ostrea lurida) (Bower et al., 1997). The
example illustrates that what may seem as one disease in one species may
appear in different areas, and be caused by different, but related parasites –
parasites which themselves may be pathogenic for different host species. This
complicates the one disease-one host-one area management approach, which
is commonly applied (see below).
Even when we have documented that a specific agent is actually patho-
genic, there are often great uncertainties concerning the infectious dose of
agents, influence of environmental factors on disease, etc.
In diagnostic work, there are some obvious problems. The main problem is
that we often have to know the parasite involved in order to be sure to detect
it during routine diagnostics. This has both human and technical aspects.
Firstly, is whether the personnel are sufficiently skilled and trained to do
the diagnostic work. Bivalve tissues, unlike vertebrate ones, undergo normal,
but significant alterations, due to reproductive and digestive cycles, and
general physiological state. This means that the people doing the diagnostic
work have to be trained – not only to detect the parasite in question, but also
to distinguish abnormalities due to disease from normal variation in tissues
due to the physiological state of the animal. Few practitioners have enough
Secondly, is related to diagnostic methods. Classical histopathology with
microscopy of sectioned, paraffin-embedded tissues is still the basic tech-
nique in bivalve pathology. In addition to the “human factor” comes the
EC regulations
There is different health status in different zones, and may also be in different
areas within a country which has not been divided into zones. The regula-
tions regarding production and trade of bivalve molluscs laid down in the
EC directives distinguish between bivalves for aquaculture (directive 91/67)
and for human consumption (directive 91/492). Bivalves meant for immediate
human consumption may be re-laid in water, or kept alive in tank systems, in
other areas than their origin. Even though scientists within the EU are aware
of this, and are trying to influence the authorities to change the regulations,
trade goes on. Changes within a large administrative system take time. In
addition to this, illegal import of both aquaculture products and bivalves for
consumption sometimes occur. People involved in the trade are frequently not
familiar with the health and disease problems discussed here.
1. History has shown that the effects of transfers and introductions are
always more or less unpredictable. There is still a risk, even after the
guidelines and regulations have actually been followed. Knowledge,
control and monitoring of all species in aquaculture is thus important,
in order to actually choose the level of risk we are willing to accept.
Consideration both of official regulations and guidelines, as well as the
My sincere thanks to Dan Minchin for useful background data, and to Lisbeth
Harkestad for excellent assistance during collection and systematisation of
the literature cited.
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