Phy Edu Chapter 1 Xi
Phy Edu Chapter 1 Xi
Phy Edu Chapter 1 Xi
Q1. Define physical education and explain its aims and objectives in detail.
Ans- Meaning -The word “PHYSICAL EDUCATION” is the combination of two words
physical and education. Physical means “connected with the body”. This action associated with
one or all of the symptoms of the body. It can be physical strength, physical endurance, physical
appearance and physical health. The word Education which means a systematic guidance for
life or a particular task, such as training or preparation.
According to the American association of health, physical education and recreation (AAHPER)
“physical education is a way of education through physical activities which are selected and
carried on with regard to values of human growth, development and behaviour”
Definition - Following definitions clear the meaning of physical education to a great extent:
According to H.C. Buck, “Physical education is the part of general education programme
which is considered with growth, development and education of children through the medium
of big muscle activities. It is the education of whole child by means of physical activities.
Physical activities are the tools. They are so selected and conducted as to influence every child's
life physically, mentally, emotionally and morally. "
Charles A. Bucher defines physical education as, " An integral part of total education process
which has its aim -- the development of physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit
citizens through the medium of physical activities which have been selected with a view to
realizing these outcomes. "According to Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and
Recreation, "Physical education is an education. It is the education through physical activities
for the development of the total personality of the child to its fullness and perfection in body,
mind and spirit."
Aims – The aim of the physical education must be to make every person physically, mentally
and emotionally fit and also to develop in him such personal and social qualities as well help
him to live happily with others and build him up a good citizen.
Objectives of physical education
1. Physical development: - Physical development is the foremost objective of physical
education. It includes strength, muscle tone, endurance, good posture and development of
good health habits. According to this objective, body should grow in a proper way. In fact,
it is the overall development of our organic system, such as circulatory system, nervous
system, respiratory system, digestive system etc. Physical fitness requires intake of good
food and proper amount of rest and sleep, but beyond these things, exercise of the body is
also essential. means possessing good health, teeth, hearing, eyesight, mental and physical
ability to handle the body well and the capacity to work hard over a long period without
decreasing efficiency.
2. Mental Development: -Physical education helps in developing mental level of a person.
Various physical activities not only require physical strength but also need alertness of
mind, deep concentration and precise movements. The study of physical education also
includes understanding of rules and regulations, techniques of the game, anatomical and
physiological studies, balanced diet etc. Thus, physical education improves the knowledge
of individual and enables him to face and solve new situations and problems. So, his mental
development takes place in many ways.
3. Social Development: - No individual can live alone in the society. Individual is the part of
society and he needs to follow the rules, regulations and laws of the society. Physical
education provides lot of opportunities for social development. During games, an
individual has to deal with players of his own team and rival team. He has to follow rules
of the game and instructions given by the coach, captain and referees. Thus, physical
education develops qualities of co-operation, togetherness, tolerance, leadership, self-
control, discipline etc.
4. Emotional Development: - Every individual has emotions like courage, truthfulness,
unselfishness, initiative, loyalty, co-operation, strength to face defeat or victory,
sportsmanship etc. Control on these emotions in normal conditions and under pressure is
very important. Physical education provides opportunities to develop these emotions and
teaches proper control over these emotions.
5. Neuro-Muscular Co-ordination: - Neuromuscular Co-ordination means the co-
ordination of brain and muscles. The development of neuro-muscular skills helps in
developing the ability to do various activities like running, jumping, throwing etc. It helps
in developing quick reflexes and leads to efficient and graceful movements with little
expenditure of energy. Physical education activities improve neuromuscular co-
ordination. Good co- ordination keeps away the fatigue and reaction time also improves.