RST A 20180169
RST A 20180169
RST A 20180169
2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
the early Earth, and have been recycled en masse through the mantle throughout geological time
([1], developed further in [2]). Plate tectonics, via sediment subduction, and the foundering of the
thickened roots of Andean-style magmatic arcs [3], provided an elegant mechanism for this large
LA Pb-Hf Harrison et al. [43]
(t) zircon
eHf (t) zircon
0 CHUR 0
–4 –4
–8 –8
17 f = 0
7 .020
C 176
Lu/ H
–12 perC –12
lead loss?
3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500 3300 3500 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500
(c) 16
Jack Hills ‘least disturbed’ zircon
lunar zircons (Apollo 14) Taylor et al. [45]
eHf (t) zircon
–8 0
177 Hf = 0.02
176 Lu/
Figure 1. The U-Pb age and Hf isotope datasets obtained from the Jack Hills detrital zircon grains by both solution- and laser
ablation (LA)-based techniques (panel a: [42–45]; panel b: [33]). The isotope trajectories of upper continental crust (UCC;
Lu/177 Hf = 0.008) and present-day MORB-source depleted mantle are shown for reference on (a) and (b); trajectories that
could result from ancient lead loss are shown as grey arrows on (b). (c) Compares the Hf isotope systematics of a subset of the
‘best preserved’ Jack Hills zircons from Kemp et al. [8] (pink diamonds) with those of lunar zircons separated from Apollo 14
breccias (data from [46]). Reproduced with permission from Kemp & Hawkesworth [47]. (Online version in colour.)
stand up to this careful scrutiny [30]. The critical point is this: interpreting the Jack Hills detrital
zircons, or indeed any detrital zircons, as simple recorders of Earth evolution will inevitably lead
to ambiguous outcomes.
To illustrate this, figure 1 summarizes the contrasting datasets, and interpretations, obtained
by different U-Pb and Hf isotope studies of the Jack Hills zircons. Harrison et al. [43] report a
dataset obtained by digestion of whole zircon grains and by microanalysis, involving separate
U-Pb age (ion microprobe) and Hf (laser ablation) measurements from different volumes of the
crystal. These data show large variations, with both strongly positive and negative εHf values—
complexities also evident in the solution dataset of Blichert-Toft & Albarede [45], but not in
the precursor solution study of Amelin et al. [42] (figure 1). Harrison et al. [43] attribute this
scatter to the formation of continental crust and complementary depleted mantle reservoirs, with
orogenic magmatism and crust–mantle recycling associated with plate tectonics. This large Hf
isotope range was, however, not reproduced by subsequent studies of the Jack Hills zircons
[8,44]. Those studies adopted a different analytical technique, where the 207 Pb/206 Pb date was
measured concurrently with the Hf isotope ratio during laser ablation depth profiling. This
method allowed a more robust integration of age and isotope tracer information, and provided a
way to recognize spurious εHf values produced by mixed sampling of domains with disparate age
and 176 Hf/177 Hf. Moreover, Kemp and co-workers [33] focused on zircons with well-preserved
igneous microstructures and that show minimal evidence for isotope disturbance, in an attempt
to minimize age uncertainty related to ancient Pb loss, which also produces artefacts in εHf –time
plots. The data reported by Kemp et al. [33] define a simple Hf isotope-time array attributed to the
protracted, but small scale, reworking of a primordial mafic crust that separated from chondritic
mantle very soon (perhaps less than 100 Ma) after planetary accretion [42]. This process does not
require the existence of Hadean continents and is hard to reconcile with the operation of plate
tectonics (see §2c(ii) and [47], for more detailed discussion).
The stark differences in interpretations of Hadean geodynamics encapsulated in the above
Moon, given the wealth of Hadean-aged rocks that gleam brightly in Earth’s night skies, and the
possibility that the lunar soil is littered with impact debris of terrestrial crust ejected during heavy
bolide bombardment in the early solar system history.
In any case, the ambiguities surrounding the origin and significance of the greater than
4 Ga Jack Hills zircons highlighted above reflect the fundamental limitation of detrital mineral
studies—that the data must be interpreted in the absence of constraints from co-genetic mineral
populations and the composition and geological context of the host rock. For this reason, we turn
now to the igneous rock record.
zircon, meta-tonalite 207Pb/235U
chondrite normalized
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
0.55 granodiorite
2500 207Pb/235U
8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Figure 2. Field photos of (a) heterogeneous and strongly deformed Meeberrie Gneiss from the Narryer Terrane, Yilgarn
Craton (Western Australia) in which the different lithological components partly retain their compositional identity, but are
complexly interspersed and infolded with younger granitic leucosomes and pegmatite injections. (b) Low strain outcrop of
the ca 4.02 Ga Idiwhaa Tonalite Gneiss, Acasta Gneiss Complex, Slave Craton (Canada; photograph courtesy of Jesse Reimink),
(c) banded gneiss outcrop in the Narryer Terrane (Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia), to illustrate the geochronology (U-Pb
isotopes in zircon, measured by ion microprobe) and whole rock rare earth element patterns (chondrite normalized abundances)
that have been obtained from the most homogeneous parts of the different components (amp, amphibolite boudin;
Kemp et al. [54]), and (d) partially dismembered anorthosite, represented by trains of plagioclase megacrysts, some with
adhering mafic intercumulus, together with discrete enclaves of leucogabbro and ultramafic rock, strewn through a ca 3.4 Ga
quartzofeldspathic gneiss ([55]; Narryer Terrane, Yilgarn Craton). Ion microprobe U-Pb data (zircon) from a leucogabbro pod,
and a typical well-preserved spinel grain hosted by ultramafic enclaves in the 3.4 gneisses, are also shown [29]. (Online version
in colour.)
(d) zircon, leucogabbro
32 34 36 38 40 42
see figure 4
Figure 2. (Continued.)
negative Eu anomaly. Second, the oscillatory-zoned igneous zircon shows a small depletion in
18 O compared to zircon in equilibrium with mantle oxygen. This signature in magmatic rocks
is the hallmark of reworking crust that has been hydrothermally altered by interaction with
hot, surface-derived fluids. This combination of features (viz. Fe-rich intermediate magmas, low
zircon δ18 O) is not typical of present-day subduction-related environments. Instead, Reimink
et al. [60] infer formation of the tonalitic precursors by shallow-level fractionation of basaltic
magmas, accompanied by remelting/assimilation of hydrothermally altered volcanic crust,
above an extensional zone of mantle upwelling. This setting is analogous to that presented by
modern Iceland. In this interpretation, the compositional character of the oldest, and possibly
best-preserved, nuclei of continental crust on Earth does not require plate tectonic processes.
The study of Reimink et al. [60] is an excellent example of detailed field investigation,
informing judicious sampling and comprehensive whole rock and integrated zircon
microanalysis. Such targeted approaches provide the best chance of robust data and outcomes
that we can attach weight to in models of early Earth evolution. Given the various selection biases,
in the field and in the laboratory, the ‘representativeness’ of these findings can be questioned, but
they nonetheless provide valuable insight into the type of processes that could be operative at the
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Figure 3. Plot of whole rock Na2 O/K2 O versus Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*) for Meeberrie gneisses, comparing data from tonalitic
samples dominated by a single 3.6–3.62 Ga zircon age component (squares), with data from granodioritic-granitic samples
with mixed zircon age populations, or with zircon ages less than 3.6 Ga (diamonds) (adapted from Kemp et al. [54]). (Online
version in colour.)
in exceptional instances, as in the central portions of boudin-like bodies, they retain a cumulate
igneous texture dominated by coarse orthopyroxene [29]. Unaltered chromian spinel contained
within relict olivine and orthopyroxene in these rocks has an aluminous composition that, of
the common magma types in the modern Earth, only resembles spinel formed in ultramafic
cumulates of thickened oceanic plateaus ([63]: figure 4), in accord with the scenario proposed
for the Acasta Gneisses by Reimink et al. [60]). This does not rule out plate tectonics at 3.73 Ga
(formation of less Cr-rich spinel could, for example, have been favoured in a more fertile
Eoarchean mantle wedge), but provides no evidence for it either. Chromite-bearing ultramafic
pods are an exceedingly minor component of the Narryer Terrane, but arguably provide best
archive from which geodynamic inferences about the early evolution of the Yilgarn Craton can be
spl opx
ol opx
ol opx
opx cpx
500 mm
Narryer ultramafic
Oceanic spinel
Ultramafic Island Arc
Cumulates Tholeiites
Figure 4. (a) Photomicrograph of a well preserved ultramafic cumulate rock (meta-harzburgite) from the Narryer Terrane,
containing olivine (ol), orthopyroxene (opx) and chromian spinel (spl, outlined in dashed white hexagons). Note magnetite
concentrations outlining original cumulate olivine grain boundaries. (b) Back-scattered electron image of the same sample as in
(a), showing spinel euhedra enclosed within orthopyroxene. (c) Comparison of spinel compositions from the Narryer ultramafic
rocks with spinels from mafic igneous rocks formed in different tectonic settings (from Rowe & Kemp [63]). The dark grey and
light grey shading represents 50th and 90th percentile fields, after Barnes & Roeder [64]. (Online version in colour.)
bodies controlled by arc-normal extension and contraction, and arc-parallel translation (e.g.
[67]). The Pilbara granitic complexes also display a distinctive internal organization, where
older components are displaced towards the peripheries and deformed and migmatized by
successively younger magmatic additions [65]. Secondly, the granitic complexes were constructed
by multiple magmatic pulses over several hundred million years, implying a geographically
(b) 35°
(a) VIC
50 km
Batholith Berridale Bega
ME Batholith Batholith
0 50 km
149° 150°
Figure 5. Comparison of the northern portion of the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia (a, Landsat image, courtesy U.S.
Geological Survey; ME, Mt Edgar Granitic Complex), with a simplified map of the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia,
shown at the same scale (b, modified from Kemp et al. [66]). Shaded patterns represent granitic intrusions. (Online version in
fixed (but episodic) thermal anomaly, and that successively younger magmas exploited the same
structural conduits as older magma batches. The Mount Edgar Granitic Complex was assembled
by magmatic pulses at 3.47–3.46 Ga, 3.45–3.42 Ga, 3.33–3.28 Ga, 3.47–3.2 Ga and 2.85 Ga, with a
record of coeval felsic volcanism in the enveloping greenstone belts [65]. Other granitic complexes
in the East Pilbara Terrane also record (to varying degrees) these, or other, episodes of granitic
emplacement (the adjacent Shaw Granitic Complex has large tracts of granite emplaced at 2.95–
2.93 Ga). The extreme magmatic longevity of up to 650 Myr recorded by individual batholitic
bodies is not matched along Phanerozoic convergent plate margins. For example, subduction-
related processes may have been active along parts of the proto-Andean margin since the early
Paleozoic, but magmatic episodes tend to comprise discrete belts and intrusive structures (e.g.
[68]). It is difficult to conceive of any plate tectonic process that could reproduce the spatial
pattern and temporal scale of felsic magmatism as recorded by the East Pilbara Terrane. Indeed,
the 3.52–3.2 Ga basaltic lavas in the greenstone belts do not show arc-like geochemical features,
although such features may appear (transiently) in eruptive sequences in the adjacent West
Pilbara Superterrane at around 3.1 Ga [69]. For this reason, models involving convective crustal
overturn or sagduction have long been proposed for the Pilbara Craton (e.g. [70]).
A lot of work remains to fully characterise the architecture of the Pilbara Craton, particularly
to image the mid- to lower crustal structure to assess whether this is compatible with crustal
overturn models. Knowledge of the metamorphic evolution of the supracrustal belts is also
incomplete; this can reveal the P-T conditions and time scales of material transport in the
crust, which may be compared to the results of thermodynamic modelling. François et al. [71]
employed this approach, in tandem with other geological constraints, to support operation of a
sagduction process for the East Pilbara Terrane. In summary, the first order geological features of
the Paleoarchean East Pilbara Terrane highlighted above are difficult to reconcile with modern-
style plate tectonic processes. We return to this point below, in considering isotope data for the
Pilbara Craton igneous rocks.
(c) Secular variations in isotope composition 14
(i) Archean Andean analogues?
eHf (t) zircon
ju ki
an ven or
d c ile ew
ru ad
st di u sta
rew tio cr detrital zircon
or n TTG gneisses [77]
–8 g TTG gneisses published
2750 2950 3150 3350 3550 3750 3950
(b) 8
MORB- felsic igneous rocks
6 DM
juvenile ad
2 dition
eHf (t) zircon
–8 reworking of
ancient crust
2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700
age (Ma)
Figure 6. Zircon Hf isotope versus time plots for Archean meta-igneous rocks of (a) Greenland (modified after [77]) and the
(b) Pilbara Craton (data from [28,78]). Each datum for an igneous sample represents the mean zircon εHf (error bars are ±2
s.d. of the mean). MORB-DM is the mean of present day radiogenic MORB projected to εHf = 0 at 4.5 Ga. Vertical orange bars
in (a) highlight time slices of prominent crust–mantle interaction. The labelled arrows refer to the dominant inferred process
operating during different stages in the evolution of these terranes. (Online version in colour.)
Should this be correct, the present-day extent of early Archean crust (excluding that reworked into
younger rocks) may actually be a reasonable proxy for the original volume of material that was
stabilized above the Moho. Perhaps the ancient geological record is a reasonably representative
geodynamic archive after all—if so this would further emphasize the importance of findings such
as those of Reimink et al. [60] that are based on the preserved geology. A caveat on this is that
radiogenic isotopes only constrain the volume of crust that survives long enough to evolve away
5 Kaapvaal
1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500
age (Ma)
Figure 7. Hf isotope evolution diagram comparing zircon data from Laurent & Zeh [83] (blue circles, Kaapvaal Craton) with the
Jack Hills detrital zircon dataset of Kemp et al. [33] (red squares, scaled along the age axis so as to fit on the plot). The regression
line of Laurent & Zeh [83], with 176 Lu/177 Hf = 0.0022, is shown in grey. The dashed line through the Jack Hills data, corresponding
to 176 Lu/177 Hf = 0.020, is the best estimate of the crustal source to the melts from which the Jack Hills zircons crystallised, based
on a subset of the ‘best preserved’ zircon crystals (from [33], and figure 1). Almost the entire Jack Hills dataset fits in the 630 Myr
gap in the ‘array’ of Laurent & Zeh [83]. (Online version in colour.)
from mantle isotope compositions—large volumes of continental crust could have been generated
and destroyed rapidly, leaving no isotopic record of its existence, or mode of formation [2].
3. Conclusion
Armstrong [2, p. 614] encapsulated the challenges of unravelling the earliest terrestrial evolution
in stating ‘Short of the invention of time machines, it is difficult to prove that any inference of
Earth history from Earth today is true’. Although this invention remains some way off, there have
been great strides in developing methods for time travel by proxy. It is now possible to measure
minute variations in isotopic abundance that reflect the decay of short-lived radionuclides in the
first 10–100 s of millions of years of solar system history, providing a remarkable chronology of
the formation of planetary cores and silicate mantles. There is growing recognition that studies of
the neighbouring rocky bodies in the solar system, which preserve the visible legacy of Hadean
magma oceans, bolide impacts and intense volcanism, may provide useful analogies for the
infant Earth (e.g. [90,91]). Formulating tests for recognizing the imprint of such processes in the
terrestrial geological record is the logical next step. Zircon grains in terrestrial rocks are time
capsules, albeit not always impervious to younger events, that capture thermal histories and the
composition of the medium (melt or fluid) from which these crystals grew. The ability of scientists
to extract and interpret chemical information from zircons and other accessory minerals is rapidly
escalating—this has involved the development of new tools (e.g. [23,92]) and sharpening of
existing ones. Further improvements in this field are predicted to come with better screening
procedures to identify the most ‘pristine’ zircon crystals that best preserve their chemical cargo
(e.g. [38]), and in tying that information to data from coexisting minerals and the host rock.
What of early Earth geodynamics? It must be acknowledged that, in the case of plate tectonics,
the absence of evidence does not constitute evidence for absence, given that the process itself is
efficient at disguising its geological ‘fingerprints’. Nonetheless, ‘smoking guns’ for the operation
of modern-style plate tectonics before 3.2 Ga are yet to be recognized. Perhaps these have long
since been destroyed, although radiogenic isotope data from (meta)igneous rocks suggests that
stabilization of significant continental volumes was only underway by 3.8–3.6 Ga, and that the
record of Archean continental crust may be less fragmented than generally considered. The
radiogenic isotopic record contains no legacy from crust that was rapidly recycled, however,
and thus the actual volume, composition and geodynamic mode of formation of crustal material
present on Earth’s surface at any given time remains difficult to appraise. Nevertheless, the basic
geological features of the best-preserved Archean terranes, such as in the Pilbara Craton, attest to
a distinctive mode of planetary evolution that does not operate on the planet today. Attempts to
view these terranes through the prism of modern day plate tectonics will do more to cloud the
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