Braaten 2011
Braaten 2011
Braaten 2011
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI 53706-1795, USA
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195-3600, USA
DOI 10.1002/sce.20449
Published online 23 May 2011 in Wiley Online Library (
ABSTRACT: Scientific explanation plays a central role in science education reform doc-
uments, including the Benchmarks for Science Literacy, the National Science Education
Standards, and the recent research report, Taking Science to School. While scientific ex-
planation receives significant emphases in these documents, there is little discussion or
consensus within the science education community about the nature of explanation itself.
However, debates about scientific explanation have been a mainstay for philosophers of
science for decades. We argue that a more clearly articulated conceptualization of scientific
explanation for science education is necessary for making the vision of science education
reform a reality. In this essay, we use major philosophical theories of scientific explana-
tion as lenses to examine how the science education community has constructed the idea of
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
explanation. We also examine instructional practice in school science settings, including our
own classrooms, where teachers and students are working to explain natural phenomena.
Using these examples, we offer suggestions for preparing both educators and young learners
to engage in explanatory discourses that are reasonably accountable to authentic epistemic
practice in science. C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Sci Ed 95:639 – 669, 2011
Science educators engaged in reforming science education envision classrooms where
students and teachers focus on key ideas and practices in science especially through the
construction and understanding of scientific explanations (American Association for the
Advancement of Science [AAAS], 1993; Harrison & Treagust, 2000; Millar & Osborne,
1998; Mortimer & Scott, 2003; National Research Council [NRC], 1996, 2007; Osborne
& Dillon, 2008; Treagust & Harrison, 2000). This press for explanation is believed to be
crucial for engaging students in some of the most central epistemic practices of science and
for developing robust understanding (Chinn & Malhotra, 2002; Duschl & Grandy, 2008;
Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer, & Scott, 1994; Windschitl, 2008). Unfortunately, within
the field of science education “scientific explanation” is not well defined for educational
researchers, classroom teachers, and ultimately for science students. While there are many
scholars in science education working to support teachers’ and students’ efforts at pressing
for scientific explanations, the projects are often undertheorized with regard to scientific
explanation. The lack of clear vision and definition about the substance and function of
scientific explanations leaves teacher educators like us and the early career teachers with
whom we work struggling to support students’ work with scientific explanations.
The current practice of many experienced teachers tends to focus on students accumulat-
ing and repeating descriptive information about natural phenomena and engaging students
in observational exercises or rudimentary experiments without pressing students toward
scientific explanations of phenomena (Banilower, Smith, Weiss, & Pasley, 2006; NRC,
2007; Osborne & Dillon, 2008; Roth & Garnier, 2007). In order for science educators to
be able to encourage young students to make shifts from descriptions to explanations in
science classes, we must provide more guidance about the nature of scientific explana-
tions and more insight into how teachers and students can generate and evaluate scientific
explanations. This is not merely an exercise in terminological precision. While clarity of
language and meaning is instrumental for communication and development of new ideas,
more important to the field of science education is a shared vision of what kinds of learning
are possible in classrooms, how these articulate with authentic disciplinary practices, and
how these can be scaffolded in principled ways for students.
Philosophers of science have long examined the structure and role of explanation in
the sciences beginning with the seminal work of Hempel and Oppenheim (1948) and
spanning the subsequent contributions of Salmon (1978, 1989), Van Fraassen (1980),
Friedman (1974), Kitcher (1989), and others. This body of work offers lenses for analyzing
how scientific explanations are constructed in science and how science educators might
design learning environments to foster scientific explanation with students in secondary
classrooms. We use the major models of scientific explanation from the philosophy of
science literature to engage with four questions:
4. How has our research project supported teachers’ and students’ work with scientific
explanations over the past four years?
For science teachers working with middle school and high school students, a focus on
scientific explanations affords an opportunity to teach for understanding, but this kind of
focus is challenging for the majority of science teachers (Driver et al., 1994; Gamoran
et al., 2003; Treagust, Chittleborough, & Mamiala, 2003). We have found that familiarity
with philosophical models for scientific explanation helps science teachers develop deeper
understanding of science content informing their decision making about what to teach and
how to teach in science classes (Thompson, Braaten, & Windschitl, 2009b; Thompson,
Windschitl, & Braaten, 2008). From a philosophical perspective, there are many ways
of conceptualizing scientific explanations, all of which can be relevant for research and
practice in science education. After a brief review of each of the major models of scientific
explanation from philosophy of science, we will describe how each can provide important
insights for science educators.
Hempel and Oppenheim (1948). These philosophers saw science as a discipline illuminating
regularities of the natural world that could then be expressed in statements as “natural laws.”
When seeking an explanation for an event in the natural world, scientists look to natural
laws that can account for particular events as logical, expected outcomes based on well-
established patterns. Once a natural law is expressed in a field of science, it can be used to
explain events “covered” by that law. For example, students in a chemistry class frequently
use laws such as Boyle’s law to explain particular relationships between the volume of a
gas and the pressure necessary to maintain that volume. Laws often provide mathematical
means of representing persistent patterns observed in nature, and students use these laws to
perform calculations as part of their explanation showing how specific observable events
are logical outcomes of well-known patterns.
The Covering Law model for scientific explanations has been subjected to a number
of critiques by philosophers who find fault with the symmetry of the explanations, with
the inability to account for unlikely events, and with difficulty explaining events that are
not covered by a natural law. Covering Law explanations are often confusing because
causes and effects of phenomena can seem interchangeable—a problem often referred to as
symmetry within the explanation. Salmon (1989) provides the example of observing a rapid
drop in the reading on a barometer and then inferring that a storm is approaching because
whenever the barometric pressure drops a storm follows. It does not make sense to say that
the change in the reading on the barometer explains the occurrence of the storm, but the
statement fits the Covering Law model of explanation because an event is explained as the
logical outcome of an observed regularity. Salmon points out that our intuition in this case
is to seek a common cause for both the storm and the barometer reading to provide clear,
asymmetrical explanations for the developing storm and the falling barometer reading.
Philosophers also find fault with the Covering Law model because it does not accom-
modate explanations of unlikely events or of events that are not governed by natural laws.
Cartwright (1997) argues that reliance on laws for constructing scientific explanations is
problematic primarily because very few “covering laws” exist, especially outside of physics.
Instead of relying on laws, many of the scientific explanations that are generally accepted
by scientists employ generalizations that resemble laws. Cartwright maintains that this use
of “false laws” should not detract from the quality of the scientific explanation. Instead,
these statements tend to “express our explanatory commitments” helping to define what
does and does not count as a possible explanation (p. 163). For example, it is not uncom-
mon for teachers and students in physical science classrooms to explain the solubility of
polar solutes in polar solvents and nonpolar solutes in nonpolar solvents by appealing to
a “law-like” statement that “like dissolves like.” While this “law-like” statement may be
helpful for reminding students about some rules of thumb in chemistry, it does not fully
explain exactly what is happening at an atomic or molecular level when certain solutes
dissolve in certain solvents. However, for science educators, the “like dissolves like” rule
may signal certain explanatory commitments that are worth pursuing in greater depth such
as pressing students to further unpack the important role of polarity in solubility. Because of
the numerous critiques of the Covering Law model of explanation, philosophers of science,
including Hempel himself, have considered additional models for scientific explanations
that might satisfy some of these objections and provide more satisfactory accounts for
natural phenomena (see Table 1 for a summary).
Five Philosophical Models of Scientific Explanation Relevant for Science
Models of
Explanation Attributes of an Explanation Relevance to Science Education
Covering Law • Deductive arguments • STUDENTS: Students’ first
explaining events as natural, attempts at explanations often
logical results of regularities follow this form explaining a
expressed by laws. specific event by citing a law or
• Merits depend on logical using a law-like statement.
coherence of the argument • TEACHERS: Teachers can listen
showing an event to be the for—and then extend—students’
expected result of a natural attempts at explanation.
law (see Hempel & • ISSUES: Fosters algorithmic
Oppenheim, 1948). reasoning but may not develop
students’ conceptual reasoning
or theory-building abilities.
Statistical- • Induction from a trend or • STUDENTS: Engages students in
Probabilistic pattern in data may or may not important data analysis practices
seek underlying causes for especially in fields relying on
events. large data sets like population
• Merits of explanation depend biology and earth science.
on degree of coherence • TEACHERS: Teachers can
between explanation and data engage students in data
(see Hempel, 1965; Salmon, interpretation and scaffold
1989). students’ attempts at making
inferences from data.
• ISSUES: Focuses on data and
data representations but can
divert attention away from
phenomena and mask causes of
Causal • Induction from patterns in data, • STUDENTS: Capitalizes on
but explicitly seek underlying students’ curiosity and engages
causes for events. students in theorizing about
• Merits depend on coherence unobservable causes for
with data and on degree of observable phenomena.
confidence in establishing • TEACHERS: Teachers can
causation (see Salmon 1978, engage students in theorizing
1989). and model building.
• ISSUES: Involves an inherent
challenge of establishing
causation. Tendency toward
developing only simple, linear
cause–effect relationships
instead of causal webs and
Science Education
Models of
Explanation Attributes of an Explanation Relevance to Science Education
Pragmatic • Relies on shared agreement • STUDENTS: Encourages explicit
about the “contrast class” communication between teachers
inherent in the why-question: and students about locally
Why is this (and not that) the constructed norms and meanings
case? Attributes negotiated for explanations affording
and deemed acceptable by sense-making opportunities.
participants in conversation. • TEACHERS: Teachers can listen
• Varied assumptions about to students’ attempts and better
contrast class may cause understand student thinking
disagreement about what before posing follow-up
makes a satisfactory questions.
explanation (see van • ISSUES: Is not a stand-alone
Fraassen, 1980). model of explanation but offers
an important analytical tool for
teachers listening to students.
Unification • Explanations for singular • STUDENTS: Encourages students
events are unified into to focus on “big ideas” in science
generalizations through use of by emphasizing major scientific
major theories in science (i.e., theories and explanations.
kinetic molecular theory). • TEACHERS: Affords a way of
• Merits depend on degree to evaluating explanatory power of
which an idea connects student-generated scientific
otherwise disconnected explanations.
phenomena and coheres with • ISSUES: Not helpful for creating
other accepted explanations in explanations of single
the ‘explanatory store’ (see events—more useful in concert
Friedman, 1974; Kitcher, with other models.
many aspects of the behavior of gases without reasoning through underlying theoretical
ideas about the particulate nature of matter or the ability of tiny particles to exert forces
during collisions. Driver Leach, Millar, and Scott (1996) argue that “Covering Law” expla-
nations foster algorithmic reasoning, but they do not foster sophisticated reasoning or deep
conceptual understanding because students do not need to engage in reasoning beyond the
use of laws.
Driver et al. (1996) point out that many everyday ways of explaining events take the
form of “Covering Laws.” For example, the authors envision a child asking a parent why
the frying pan has a plastic handle, rather than a metal one. The parent responds that
plastic does not conduct heat, but metal does; therefore, plastic handles do not get hot
when the pan is on the stove. The parent’s explanation involves a statement asserted as
a fact in a “law-like” form similar to those suggested by Cartwright. There are certainly
more details that could be included in the explanation, but the parent’s response essentially
takes the form of a Covering Law explanation with “plastic does not conduct heat” being
used as a sort of law. Driver and her colleagues encourage teachers and students to explore
additional models of explanation to foster deeper understanding in science. However,
the Covering Law model of scientific explanation does satisfy some of our intuitions
Science Education
causation as a key attribute of explanatory power. Salmon argues that explanatory power
is enhanced when causal scientific explanations involve ideas from scientific theories to
account for phenomena, such as using gravitational theory to explain the regularity of tides
or using kinetic molecular theory to explain the behavior of gases. Both tides and behaviors
of gases can be readily described by laws using the Covering Law model of explanation, but
the desire for a causal account is better satisfied when theories and underlying mechanisms
are included in the explanation. The causal model of scientific explanation has advantages
in that it often resolves some of the puzzles of the Covering Law model, including the
symmetry problem and the problem with explaining unexpected events; however, causal
scientific explanations rely on our ability to establish causation, which is a puzzle that
has plagued philosophers for well over a century and continues to stir debate (Salmon,
1989). The principal challenge of a causal model of scientific explanation lies in locating
and substantiating underlying causes for phenomena, which requires a degree of infer-
ence to establish connections between causes and effects. Despite these difficulties, the
causal model of scientific explanation remains the preferred model for many disciplines of
rich explanatory models to account for the sounds that they heard coming from musical
instruments and were able to expand those models to think about other phenomena such
as echoes and movement of sound through another medium such as water. A focus on
causal explanations has helped Simon, and many of our other beginning teachers, make an
important move toward organizing units of instruction around “Big Ideas” in science and
focusing students’ science investigations on explanation and theory-building in addition to
observation and description (Windschitl et al., 2010).
Pragmatics of Explanation
Pragmatics of Explanation in Philosophy. Philosophers taking a pragmatic view of
explanation do not suggest a specific model for scientific explanation. For those taking
a pragmatic view of explanation, the context surrounding the request for an explanation
determines whether or not a response “counts” as a satisfactory explanation. In other words,
the adequacy of an explanation stems not just from features of the explanation, but from
the question initiating the explanation as well as the context surrounding the question
(Achinstein, 1983). By looking at the whole context in which an explanation is constructed,
we can understand how groups of people construct explanations together in social settings
similar to those examined in studies of practicing scientists (Knorr-Cetina, 1999; Latour &
Woolgar, 1986; Traweek, 1988).
This fourth view of explanation is well articulated by Bas Van Fraassen (1980), who
critiques other attempts at developing a singular, unified theory for scientific explanation
because these attempts fail to place explanations in context. He argues that when context
is taken into account, the standards for judging the merits of explanations are not solely
about the alignment between theory and facts but are also negotiated between participants
who are constructing the explanation in a particular context. For example, multiple people
could discuss a recent car accident at a three-way intersection seeking an explanation
for the accident. Owners of businesses on the corners of the intersection might explain
the crash by citing the continued hazards posed by the awkward intersection design. The
city manager might explain the accident by citing the need for a traffic signal to regulate
drivers at the busy intersection. The driver of one of the cars might explain the accident
by noting his difficulty with blind spots in his car. Each explanation, for philosophers who
take the pragmatic view of explanation, is acceptable so long as the local participants in the
conversation determine that the explanation satisfies their request for an explanation.
Van Fraassen (1980) argues that the key factors in determining the adequacy of ex-
planations are the “contrast class” and the “relevance relations” that are emphasized by
participants in a discussion. The local business owners emphasized that this particular acci-
dent is simply the logical outcome of the many near-accidents that happen at the awkward
corner. The contrast class, in the case of these local residents, is the set of near-accidents and
the detail that is most relevant is the unusual convergence of three streets at the intersection.
However important these details are to the group of local business owners, they are not
important for the driver who is more focused on the problems caused by blind spots in his
car, which could have caused him to crash at this or any other intersection. Differences in
contrast class and relevance relations cause people to propose different explanations for the
same event that are equally acceptable and valid, but that can sound completely irrelevant
to different participants in a conversation.
students in important ways. By examining the multiple interpretations of both the request
for explanation and the responses provided by our secondary science students, we can see
the importance of developing shared understanding about scientific explanations. For exam-
ple, in a sixth-grade physical science class, the first author worked with students to explain
the movement of water through the hydrologic cycle. During a class period when students
were drawing upon recent experiments with phase change and a reading about the molecular
motion and energy transfer, the first author asked one student, “Why do water molecules
move from lakes, into the atmosphere, and then into clouds?” The student responded that
water moves this way because animals and plants need water to survive. Although the
teacher had frequently emphasized attributes of causal explanation and provided scaffold-
ing prompting students to include ideas about unobservable, underlying mechanisms, the
“why” question itself lacked specificity and failed to communicate the kinds of ideas that
the teacher “counts” in an explanation. It makes sense, then, that the student’s response
does not include ideas about molecules, energy, or phase change and focuses instead on
how living things require water. Thinking about explanation from a pragmatic perspective
has helped us realize how important it is to reframe our questions to clarify the contrast
class and make explicit the kinds of details relevant for a good explanation. In many cases,
including this one, a follow-up conversation was necessary to co-construct the kinds of ideas
that “count” in a good explanation about phase change. Developing scientific explanations
as well as negotiating what “counts” as a good scientific explanation within the context of
a science classroom has afforded an opportunity for shared knowledge construction that is
not otherwise present.
Science Education
with fewer independent phenomena is, other things equal, more comprehensible than one
with more” (p. 15).1 The link between explanatory unification and the ability to better
understand the natural world suggests an important role for scientific explanation in science
Salmon (1978) cautions that the concept of “understanding” belongs more to the domain of psychology
than to philosophy, a distinction also offered by Hempel and acknowledged by Friedman, but Salmon
concedes that powerful scientific explanations do satisfy many of our intuitions about understanding the
natural world.
Science Education
analyze and evaluate the merits of alternate explanations—in particular those provided by
their students.
Science Education
Science Education
Uses of
“Explanation” in Attributes of This Kind of Examples in Science Ways This Use of “Explanation”
Science Education Explanation Classrooms Can be Problematic
In instructional materials:
• What effect does “capturing” a
particular color dot have on the
numbers of that color in the following
• What effect did the salt have on the
boiling point of water?
Explanation as • Emphasis is on argument In classroom discourse: • Emphasis on scaffolding students’ use
justification construction—often taking the form • How do you know that this gas is of evidence to justify claims overlooks
of “claim-evidence-reasoning.” carbon dioxide? possible explanatory power of claims.
• Requests for “explanations” are • What makes you so sure that no • Claims prompted by these efforts are
requests for evidence and reasons other forces are acting on the cart? often assertions or descriptions rather
for belief in a claim. In instructional materials: than explanatory (how/why) claims.
• What evidence was there that • Successful scaffolding for explanatory
chemical reactions were occurring? claims is downplayed and therefore
• Work with the members of your team invisible to other science educators.
to determine which explanation best
accounts for the data presented.
the importance of helping students “see” theoretical entities and actions in the same way
that scientists see them through the use of explication. In a chemistry or physics class, for
example, teachers rely on explication to help students envision subatomic particles, waves,
energy, or forces acting across multiple unobservable contexts. In this sense, Treagust and
Harrison (2000) bridge the practices of creating scientific explanations and providing ex-
plications with their concept of a science teaching explanation. Science teachers often use a
variety of discursive strategies including metaphors, analogies, and vignettes to communi-
cate well-established scientific explanations to students. Treagust and Harrison recommend
that teachers become well versed in a number of “explanatory frameworks” to provide
better science teaching explanations in classrooms (p. 1158). These episodes of clarifica-
tion are not in themselves examples of scientific explanations, but they may be integral to
understanding the discourse moves required in classrooms where teachers and students are
working to understand scientific explanations. Ogborn et al. and Treagust and Harrison are
focusing primarily on instances when teachers explicate an idea to their students; however,
it is also important to consider how students themselves might talk through their own ideas
about science.
For students to make sense of science ideas like particles or energy, and engage in
construction of explanations, we must create opportunities for students to talk about
science—to explicate aloud (Herrenkohl, 2006; Lemke, 1990; Mortimer & Scott, 2003).
In such cases, explication may be a necessary step when helping students construct sci-
entific explanations for phenomena, but it is not synonymous with scientific explanation.
Much of the focus on scientific explanation in schools tends to portray “explanations”
as knowledge produced by scientists and then explicated to students by teachers through
skillful use of representations, stories, discussions, and analogies (Millar & Osbourne,
1998; Treagust et al., 2003). We would like to extend Treagust and Harrison’s (2000)
notion of building explanatory frameworks with teachers to include building explanatory
frameworks with students as well. By working together to establish what “counts” as a
good explanation depending on contextual factors such as disciplinary norms and science
ideas available to students at certain times of year or in certain courses, teachers and stu-
dents could develop shared understanding and further the knowledge construction in their
The term “explanation” is also used to connote the communication of reasoning in an
effort to make thinking visible or audible in science classrooms. Coleman (1998) examined
students’ explanations in science as part of a study on student learning in problem-based
science classes; however, the explanations that were examined were not scientific explana-
tions. Rather, students were prompted to explain their reasons for thinking that a particular
answer to a question was justified, to defend why they believed their answers to be correct,
or to reflect on changes in their thinking over time. During conversations with students, for
example, Coleman describes how a prompt such as “Ok, explain why you believe that your
answer is correct or wrong?” pushes students to communicate their reasoning (p. 406). Sim-
ilarly, a prompt such as “Can you compare how you used to think about this with how you
think about it now?” helps to further conversations with students (p. 407). Berthold, Eysink,
and Renkl (2009) and Wittwer and Renkl (2008) found that having students construct these
kinds of explanations of reasoning on their own or with a peer offers an opportunity for
sense making that does not seem to happen when students simply listen to an instructional
explanation from a teacher or read one in a text. Creating opportunities for students to
verbalize their thinking with peers and with teachers is critical to helping students make
sense of science ideas and may be key components to helping students engage in productive
classroom discourse, but this type of classroom task does not appear to call for scientific
explanation itself.
Science Education
The confusion created by the use of the term “explanation” as a synonym for clarification
or for communication of reasoning is not merely one of semantics. The problem is that
the object of the intellectual work—what is being explained—is different for each sort of
explanation. Scientific explanations seek to explain events in the natural world. However,
when teachers press students to explicate the meaning of words or to communicate their
thinking about a problem or their procedures for arriving at solutions to problems, the object
of the “explanation” is no longer natural phenomena. In addition, because teachers request
“explanations” often in classrooms, they may believe that they are pressing for scientific
explanations when, in fact, there may be nothing explanatory about the intellectual work
at all. To provide the conceptual clarity necessary for supporting science educators, it is
important that we tease apart the important everyday discursive activities of clarifying terms
and communicating reasoning about ideas from the specific science discourse practice of
crafting scientific explanations.
Science Education
Science Education
a sentence that states whether or not boiling is a chemical reaction” and later to “write a
sentence that states whether the mass stayed the same or not” (p. 165). Students are then
prompted to provide pieces of evidence to substantiate their claims and to write statements
illustrating their reasoning about the evidence. Similarly, Songer, Kelcey, and Gotwals
(2009) used the “claim, evidence, reasoning” format to scaffold sixth-graders’ attempts at
explaining their responses to questions such as “Is this animal an insect?” (p. 615). These
interventions provide much needed support for students’ attempts at justifying claims by
using evidence, but the students’ claims are not explanatory. How can the field of science
education capitalize on these worthwhile interventions scaffolding students’ argumentation
practices while also helping students build strong explanatory claims? How can we help
students engage in theorizing as well as justifying claims?
Sandoval and his colleagues (Sandoval, 2003; Sandoval & Millwood, 2005; Sandoval
& Reiser, 2004) report findings from their studies of an intervention designed to help stu-
dents construct evidence-based explanations of the biological diversity of finches on the
Galapagos Islands employing a tool called ExplanationConstructor. Sandoval (2003) con-
ceptualizes scientific explanations in this study as “plausible causal accounts” employing
data such as finch population sizes and observations such as beak shape to explain finch
diversity in a manner consistent with the theory of natural selection. Central to Sandoval’s
framing of scientific explanation is the requirement of “causal coherence” meaning that
students’ explanations should be internally consistent as well as consistent with generally
accepted scientific principles and theories. To reach these educational goals, the software
poses specific questions prompting students to think about causation and directs students’
attention toward salient data, observations, or aspects of scientific theories that are partic-
ularly relevant for the explanation of this phenomenon.
The researchers found that students were highly successful at constructing explanatory
claims, but, because students struggled with providing evidence and reasoning to support
those claims, the researchers’ focus remained fixed on aspects of argumentation that seemed
most problematic for these students. Sandoval (2003) focused on students’ coordination of
evidence with theory and downplayed students’ successful construction of solid explanatory
claims, missing an opportunity, we believe, to highlight some very important scaffolding
moves embedded in the tool.
Again, our critique here is not with the way that the researchers supported student
thinking through rigorous and thoughtful intervention. Instead, our critique is that this
research often features argument construction over scientific explanation as the focus of
the scholarly work. Most science educators will not use robust teaching tools; instead,
they will design instructional sequences using existing curricular materials and personal
pedagogical decision making. To provide guidance to teachers hoping to replicate the
successful scaffolding provided in the complex lesson design of ExplanationConstructor and
other similar interventions, researchers should communicate their reasoning about scientific
explanations and scaffolding used to encourage students to construct rich explanations for
natural phenomena.
From these studies, it seems a conversation is needed in the field about how particular
scaffolding supports for scientific explanations are useful for supporting the development
of students’ explanatory ideas as well as argumentation practices. Currently, the curricula,
prompts, and scaffolding in these studies direct students to use evidence and reasoning
to support assertions resulting in well-articulated statements of justified belief, but not
necessarily resulting in a scientific explanation consistent with models of explanation seen in
philosophy of science. We note here that these critiques are not of the studies themselves—
the studies are some of the most thoughtful and rigorous examples of research exploring
Science Education
the boundaries of students’ epistemic practices. It is our hope, however, that attention and
guidance for scientific argumentation and for scientific explanation can be developed by
analyzing the features of both and identifying what features of thinking and discourse need
to be scaffolded for each.
Science Education
TSTS draws upon developments in science studies to conceptualize science as a field that
is “fundamentally about establishing lines of evidence and using the evidence to develop and
refine explanations”; however, TSTS does not provide much guidance about the composition
of scientific explanations. Scientific explanations in TSTS are typically conceptualized as
“statistical models of natural phenomena . . . rooted in probabilistic reasoning” rather than
cause–effect relationships (p. 18), but further guidance for science educators is not provided.
The authors are critics of overly simplistic causal and mechanistic models for scientific
explanation and are advocates for statistical and probabilistic models, but these models
are not explicitly described. The volume critiques practices in science education that have
conceptualized learning as the acquisition of facts or knowledge of specific cause–effect
relationships and suggests shifting emphasis away from accumulation of facts toward a
focus on scientific explanations for natural phenomena.
Scientific explanation plays an integral role in on-going science education reform ef-
forts in Europe particularly in the United Kingdom. In Beyond 2000: Science Education
for the Future (1998), the authors propose a turn toward science education that fosters
understanding of the major “explanatory stories” of the natural sciences. This turn is in
reaction to the observation that much of science in schools was being presented as a static
body of knowledge irrelevant for students and for their futures as informed citizens.2 Like
the reform documents from the United States, Beyond 2000 offers broad recommendations
that science curricula should shift away from emphasis on describing and memorizing facts
and toward explanations, discussions, problem solving, and writing to communicate ideas.
Beyond 2000 details some of the “explanatory stories” suggested as key components of
science curricula and provides some guidance about the attributes of scientific explana-
tions. For example, explanations often stretch beyond available data employing creativity
when theorizing about how events happen because explanations are models of what people
think is happening at a level that is not directly observable. Beyond 2000 takes a position
that the power of an explanation is increased when that explanation can predict outcomes,
but concedes that sometimes there is not enough data to provide reliable predictions so in
certain cases science is unable to offer more than a correlation.
Stemming from the recommendations in Beyond 2000, a new experimental course was
developed for teachers and students as part of the science education reform efforts in the
United Kingdom. Breaking the Mould? Teaching Science for Public Understanding (2002)
offers an analysis of this reform effort and highlights some of the ways in which a turn
toward scientific explanation as envisioned by broad reform documents can be challenging
For a thoughtful critique of some of the framing of the Beyond 2000 report, please see Donnelly (2005).
Science Education
for teachers. Despite changes within the structure and content of the course, teachers’
classroom practice continued to rely heavily on presenting and explicating science ideas
for students rather than engaging students in first-hand examination of data, discussion of
ideas, or construction of scientific arguments and explanations. The authors attribute this
shortcoming to three interrelated challenges: (1) underprepared and unsupported teachers
who do not have pedagogical techniques for engaging in this kind of science instruction,
(2) a lack of pedagogical tools within the new curriculum, and (3) a lack of supports to
enable teachers to break away from the deeply ingrained practices of traditional science
instruction. Breaking the Mould recommends that future efforts at science education reform
should provide teachers with (1) support developing their own background knowledge about
major explanatory science ideas across science subdisciplines and about the ways in which
arguments and explanations are constructed in science, (2) support for providing scaffolding
to foster student-to-student discourse about science ideas, and (3) support for scaffolding
students written arguments and scientific explanations.
Recently, some of the concepts from Beyond 2000 and Breaking the Mould resurfaced in
recommendations for science education throughout Europe in Science Education in Europe:
Critical Reflections (2008). Notable among the recommendations in this document is a push
for science education across the European Union “to educate students both about the major
explanations for the material world that science offers and about the way science works”
(p. 15). Echoing recommendations of Breaking the Mould, this document stresses the need
for a shift in science teaching practices from “deductive to inquiry-based methods” and
help for teachers as they learn to engage in practices supporting student discussions and
writing evidence-based explanations and arguments (p. 23).
Reform documents call for more emphasis on scientific explanation in science class-
rooms. They push educators to move away from science education practices focused
on describing, measuring, and reporting about observable events or practices focused
on transmitting countless discrete facts to students. While these documents may help
in setting broad visions for science curricula and instruction, they do not provide the
level of specificity necessary to help teachers enact particular practices in their class-
rooms. Our recent efforts with teachers seek to fill this gap by developing conceptual
and pedagogical tools offering heuristic value for teachers to carry out specific instruc-
tional practices pressing for the co-construction of scientific explanations in science
classrooms (Thompson et al., 2009b, 2009c, 2010; Windschitl et al., 2008a,; 2008b,
Science Education
these issues for over 4 years, and in many cases the teachers are only now beginning to gain
insight into how the complex practice of scientific explanation can apply to the curriculum
they use every day (Thompson et al., 2009b, 2009c, 2010; Windschitl et al., 2008a, 2008b,
2011). For these teachers, as well as for us, pedagogical decision making about scientific
explanations in the classroom is not a straightforward task.
Five years ago, we began working with a cohort of novice teachers in graduate course-
work focused on model-based inquiry geared toward constructing and refining scientific
explanations with secondary students in Grades 6–12 (see Windschitl & Thompson, 2006,
and Windschitl et al., 2008b, for details about the design of these courses). We thought
we had guided our participants through a rich learning experience in the science teaching
methods course, and we were really looking forward to seeing how our novice teachers
engaged in ambitious science teaching in the classroom. After 20 weeks of coursework,
our participants began a 10-week teaching practicum. Initially teachers struggled to enact
the classroom practices necessary to engage their students in constructing evidence-based
scientific explanations. We immediately realized that the Methods course had not fully sup-
ported their learning and started to create new supports. By working to support our novice
teachers, we have deepened our own understanding of the complex practice of scientific
explanation. Here we share an overview of our intellectual growth as well as some of the con-
ceptual and pedagogical tools that are the tangible products emerging from 5 years of work
with teachers. For more detailed accounts of our recent research, please see Thompson
& Windschitl (2006), Thompson et al. (2009b, 2010), and Windschitl et al. (2008a,
Science Education
Explanation Tool Used to Help Teachers Envision and Evaluate the Depth of Students’ Explanations
Science Education
for learners. Finally, the process of exploring a trajectory from describing “what” hap-
pened to explaining “how” and “why” events happen helps teachers focus their science
curriculum on central, core ideas in science (Thompson et al., 2009c; Windschitl et al.,
The Explanation Tool offered teachers a decidedly oversimplified framework for thinking
about scientific explanations, but it also served an important heuristic purpose scaffolding
teacher learning in three ways. First, the Explanation Tool was used during conversations
with the cohort of teachers to propel teachers to examine the science content of their
lessons. Some teachers began to critique lessons in their standard instructional materials
because these lessons seemed to be missing key theoretical concepts or tended to focus ex-
clusively on measuring and describing easily observed variables (Thompson et al., 2009b,
2009c). Second, teachers used the Explanation Tool to refine the questions that they posed
to students during class and in written assignments. Some teachers used the Explanation
Tool to help sort through the myriad questions in their instructional materials and selected
questions that emphasized explanatory reasoning instead of questions asking students to
recall facts or define words (Thompson et al., 2010; Windschitl et al., 2011). Third, teach-
ers used the Explanation Tool to examine the possible lines of reasoning emerging from
their middle school and high school students. Some teachers used the Explanation Tool
to map out their learning goals in advance, and then to systematically analyze their stu-
dents’ responses throughout a unit of instruction tracing lines of thought and modifying
subsequent instruction (Thompson et al., 2010; Windschitl et al., 2011). The Explanation
Tool is not a tool to be used in isolation. Socioprofessional practices such as discussions
with other science educators, the systematic examination of students’ unfolding science
ideas, and analyses of the instructional supports given to students coupled with a power-
ful heuristic like the Explanation Tool pushes teacher practice forward (Windschitl et al.,
Teachers’ growth continued during the first year of professional teaching as their engage-
ment with the Explanation Tool during collaborative inquiry group meetings continued. A
second tool—a learning progression for teachers—was developed to help participants re-
flect on their own learning and their classroom teaching practices (see the Appendix). This
learning progression, similar in format to a rubric, outlines continua of development across
four areas, which were focal ideas during the teachers’ graduate teacher education program.
This tool enabled reflective conversations between teachers, colleagues, and instructional
coaches where teachers could reenvision their teaching practice and take steps to enact
increasingly ambitious pedagogy (Thompson et al., 2009b, 2010). Interestingly, teachers
who had struggled to engage in ambitious teaching practices at the beginning of the school
year noted that the focus on scientific explanations helped them find a “back door” into
model-based inquiry and helped them to locate the “big ideas” in their curricula that could
serve as the focus of their instruction (Thompson et al., 2009b, 2010). Previously, both
Model-Based Inquiry and the process of transforming mundane curriculum topics into big
science ideas had been too daunting for many teachers to attempt consistently during stu-
dent teaching and during the early months of professional teaching. A focus on scientific
explanations, supported by conceptual and pedagogical tools embedded in the practice of
collaborative inquiry with colleagues, seems to have served as an “on ramp” for many of
our teachers, allowing them access to ambitious pedagogy, which otherwise would have
been out of reach for many novices.
Our findings indicate that the tools served at least four valuable functions for teachers.
The tools (1) embody a valued practice (e.g., scientific explanation), (2) are applicable
across grade levels and subject matter subdomains, (3) represent practice in accessible
language, and (4) provide descriptions of levels of performance from which teachers and
Science Education
students can identify “where they are” and what constitutes the next levels of performance
(Windschitl et al., 2011). The heuristic functions of conceptual tools for teaching offer
science teachers and teacher educators an opportunity to reify ideas about what counts
in science classrooms. The use of tools for teaching has enabled us to have important
conversations about scientific practice and knowledge construction that have pushed our
teachers’ thinking as well as our own thinking about scientific explanations. We now are
focusing on a system of conceptual and pedagogical tools embedded in collegial practices
with like-minded peers to support teachers’ development of ambitious science teaching
practices. Our current and future work with preservice and early career science teachers
explores the possibility that with well-conceptualized systems of tools and with the constant
support of a group of colleagues, novice science teachers can accomplish ambitious forms
of science teaching that are otherwise generally unattainable by novices and by many expert
teachers as well.
Science education reform literature makes numerous calls for teachers to create learning
environments emphasizing scientific explanations and argument construction. But, without
clearer, more articulated conceptualizations of explanation and argumentation, science
educators do not have the guidance necessary to make these visions of reform a reality
because to do so means assembling a repertoire of teaching practices that is currently well
beyond the norms of practice in classrooms. We hope to spark conversation across the
science education community regarding three questions: (1) What constitutes a “good”
scientific explanation in science classrooms?, (2) What makes an explanation explanatory
rather than descriptive?, and (3) How might we evaluate the merits of alternate explanations
offered by students in classrooms?
The science education community has made some attempts at addressing the first two
questions. Allusions to particular models of scientific explanation can often be found within
the reform literature, but to readers who are not well versed in philosophy of science these
details may go unnoticed. The field of science education can look to philosophy of science
for helpful models of scientific explanation. In particular, we suggest focusing on five
philosophical models of scientific explanation that are commonly part of students’ and
teachers’ everyday ways of engaging in explanation of natural phenomena, which may
mean opening a door to employing multiple models of explanation (see Table 1). While
there is much disunity in the sciences about concepts like scientific explanation, there are
some points of consensus that can help answer some of our questions. By explicitly engaging
with the range of possible models of explanation and making a principled choice for the
kind of scientific explanation desired in particular cases for school science, researchers
may be in a better position to clarify salient features of the epistemic practices involved for
teachers and for students.
We have found that the single most powerful conceptual tool for advancing science
teachers’ practice is to provide a way for teachers to distinguish between descriptive and
explanatory endeavors in science. Moving from an emphasis on “what” happens in the
natural world toward and emphasis on both “how” and “why” events happen opens new
trajectories for teachers working to develop ambitious repertoires of instructional practice in
science classes. Teachers who help students develop explanatory models based on evidence
and on major theoretical ideas in science can create learning environments where students
engage in productive disciplinary discourse throughout an entire school year developing
and refining “what counts” as a good theory, model, explanation, or argument together as
a community.
Science Education
Recently, we have uncovered a major challenge in helping teachers realize this vision.
We know that for teachers to create learning environments where students engage in model-
based reasoning it is important for teachers to work out for themselves the standards for
explanatory power, adequacy of explanations, and the strength of argument construction.
Using conceptual tools, like the Explanation Tool (see Table 3), teachers can engage in
important intellectual work together by building and refining scientific explanations for
phenomena central to the school science subjects that they teach. However, it is difficult
for teachers who have completed this intellectual work to then follow students’ ideas as
they emerge during classroom discourse. Instead, teachers work to bring students “on
board” with the teachers’ ideas. This is a perennial tension between authoritative and
dialogic approaches and continues to be worth serious examination by scholars in science
It is the third question—How do we evaluate the merits of alternate explanations offered
by students in classrooms?—that seems to be most absent from discussion about scientific
explanations in school science. When our research group discusses learning environments
that press for scientific explanation, we are envisioning classrooms where teachers and
students work together to co-construct scientific explanations in the form of explanatory
models combining students’ ideas, science ideas, and the available evidence. But much of
the literature about scientific explanation in schools tends to focus on enhancing teachers’
ability to clearly communicate well-established scientific explanations to students who will
subsequently absorb and internalize them. This vision of science learning stands in stark
contrast to the learning environments envisioned in science education reforms, which tend
to prioritize shared knowledge construction in the science classroom.
Teachers who create learning environments where students are engaging in the process
of constructing and refining scientific explanations for themselves will be confronted by
situations where students have constructed a plausible, but ultimately incorrect, scientific
explanation. These “alternative explanations” present a tough pedagogical dilemma. In
science classrooms, it can be difficult, if not impossible at times, to provide students
and teachers with sufficient access to theory and evidence to allow for reasoning through
alternative explanations to ultimately arrive at an understanding consistent with current
scientific thinking. Moreover, there are often very good reasons for students to hold tightly
to plausible, even if ultimately incorrect, explanations for natural events. Science teachers
we have observed, including the first author, frequently reflect that there are many days
when students’ alternative explanations push teachers into a conceptual and pedagogical
“corner” where it seems that the only way out is to tell the student that her explanation is
incorrect and supply her with the correct explanation. This is not a desirable pedagogical
move, but we have yet to develop adequate pedagogical tools to help teachers work with
students’ plausible-but-incorrect scientific explanations.
One of the challenges faced by science teachers who attempt to build scientific ex-
planations with students is that both teachers and students often construct explanations
from partial understanding of science ideas, limited access to empirical data, and a wide
range of tacitly held ideas about the natural world. We would like the science education
community to engage in conversation about the fine line between engaging in sense mak-
ing about established scientific explanations and building explanatory models in science
classrooms—explanations that may ultimately include threads of partial understanding but
also threads of alternative conceptions. Much work remains to be done to help teachers and
students engage productively in the practice of constructing, testing, refining, and justifying
evidence-based scientific explanations, and we look forward to further conversations in the
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Science Education