Chromo Therapy History
Chromo Therapy History
Chromo Therapy History
cloth, the plastic is used to repair the articles of plastic, then why light and
colours cannot be used for the human health care which is the origin of man's
creation. The holy scriptures say that existence of man is based upon various types
of lights and colours. Then why a human being cannot be treated with
Every creature is engulfed in light that affects its health conditions. The human
body, according to the doctrine of chromotherapy, is basically composed of colors.
The body comes into existence from colors, the body is stimulated by colors and
colors are responsible for the correct working of various systems that function in
the body. All organs and limbs of the body have their own distinct color. All
organs, cells and atoms exist as energy, and each form has its frequency or
vibrational energy. Each of our organs and energy centers vibrates and harmonizes
with the frequencies of these colors. When various parts of the body deviate from
these expected normal vibrations, one can assume that the body is either diseased
or at least not functioning properly. The vibratory rates inherent in the
vibrational technique (chromotherapy) are such that they balance the diseased
energy pattern found in the body. For in every organ there is an energetic level at
which the organ functions best. Any exit from that vibratory rate results in
pathology, whereas restoring the appropriate energy levels to the physical organs
results in a healed body.
It is also interesting to know that they used both forms of treatment with colors:
direct exposure to sunlight and indirect healing. In the indirect method, they used
such materials as stones, dyes, ointments and plasters as the medium. What was
missing in their medicinal use of color was water as a medium for the absorption of
color, which later proved to be the best remedy for removing toxins from the body.
This concept is common among all researchers working on hydrochromopathy.
Avicenna (AD 980) advanced the art of healing using colors. He made clear the vital
importance of color in both diagnosis and treatment. According to Avicenna, ‘Color
is an observable symptom of disease.’ He also developed a chart that related color
to temperature and physical condition of the body. He used color treatment with the
view that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it and yellow reduced muscular
pain and inflammation. Avicenna's work undoubtedly advanced the use of
chromotherapy in those times. He discussed the properties of colors for healing and
was the first to establish that the wrong color suggested for therapy would
certainly elicit no response in specific diseases. For example, he observed that a
person with a nosebleed should not gaze at things of a brilliant red color and
should not be exposed to red light because this would stimulate the sanguineous
humor, whereas blue would soothe it and reduce blood flow. This seems to be the
practical understanding at the time, but we do not find discrete values of
frequencies or energies associated with these colors.
Most areas that seem to have been ignored in the past were emphasized by Edwin
Babbitt. Babbitt presented a comprehensive theory of healing with color. He
identified the color red as a stimulant, notably of blood and to a lesser extent
the nerves; yellow and orange as nerve stimulants; blue and violet as soothing to
all systems and as having anti-inflammatory properties. Accordingly, Babbitt
prescribed red for paralysis, physical exhaustion and chronic rheumatism; yellow as
a laxative, emetic and purgative and for bronchial difficulties; blue for
inflammatory conditions, sciatica, meningitis, nervous instability, headache,
irritability and sunstroke. He also stated that ‘all vital organs have direct
connection with the skin through arteries, blood vessels and capillaries, and
colour rays can affect the entire blood stream through circulation and elimination
of toxins’.
there is a unique color or energy vibration that either sedates or stimulates the
stream of energy through a specific organ, causing a natural biochemical reaction.
By knowing the action of different colors upon the different organs and systems of
the body, one can apply the appropriate color that will balance the action of any
organ or system that has become abnormal in its functioning or condition. When this
balance is disturbed, mental and physical problems occur. The aim of the science of
color healing is to cure disease by restoring normal balance of color energies of
the body.
You realize you are part of the hologram of life, surrounded by an aura or energy
field that radiates distinct colour and vibrations. The aura fingertips your soul
and reflects your goodness, wellness, mental stability, maturity, emotional/inner
turmoil or peaceful fulfilment. More of each of these qualities, peace, wellness,
stability, maturity and fulfilment may become your ever present precious possession
by the application of colour's power in our daily living (Walker).