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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, कोलकाता संभाग


सत्र समाप्ति परीक्षा/ SESSION END EXAMINATION – 2022-23
कक्षा / CLASS – XI FOR PRACTICE अविकतम अंक/MAX. MARKS –70
विषय/SUB.– INFORMATICS PRACTICES (065) समय/TIME–03 /Hours

General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q34 &
Q35 against part iii only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? 1
(a) The startup program stored in a ROM
(b) Hard Disk is Secondary Memory
(c) RAM is Non Volatile
(d) Solid-State Drives are Secondary Storage Devices

2. _____________________introduced the concept of stored program computer which was 1

capable of storing data as well as program in the memory.
(a) Charles Babbage
(b) John Von Neumann
(c) Alan Turing
(d) Herman Hollerith

3. What is the need for secondary memory? 1

(a) To speed up the operations of the CPU
(b) To permanently store the data or instructions for future use
(c) Program and data are loaded into it before processing.
(d) To store the startup program (boot loader)
4. Which of the following is not an application Software? 1
(a) Adobe Reader
(b) Microsoft Edge
(c) Microsoft Word
(d) Ubuntu
5. Which of the following is NOT a Data Capturing device? 1
(a) Barcode Reader
(b) Smart card readers
(c) Fingerprint scanners
(d) Graphics tablet
6. Which of the following is a valid identifier? 1
(a) _MyFile$
(b) 2MyFile
(c) _2My File
(d) True
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7. The following is an example of sequence data type? 1
(a) Integer
(b) String
(c) Dictionary
(d) Float
8. Num1, Num2=10,0 1
Num1/Num2 is an example of ________________________
(a) Syntax error
(b) Runtime error
(c) Logical error
(d) Type error
9. Which of the following statements create a dictionary? 1
(a) d={}
(b) d={“John”:40,’Peter’:45}
(c) d=dict()
(d) All of the above
10. What is the output of the below Python code? 1
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) Error
11. Which of the following is/are correct statement(s) about primary key of a table? 1
(a) Primary key can contain NULL values
(b) Primary keys cannot contain NULL values
(c) A table can have only one primary key with single or multiple fields
(d) A table can have multiple primary keys with single or multiple fields
12. What will be the output of following query? 1
VALUES (“Suhana”,109,’F’),
VALUES (“Rivaan”,102,’M’),
VALUES (“Atharv”,103,’M’),
VALUES (“Rishika”,105,’F’),
VALUES (“Shaurya”,109,’M’);
(a) Error
(b) No Error
(c) Depends on compiler
(d) Successful completion of the query
13. Which of the following is not a valid data type in SQL? 1
(a) char(n)
(b) string(n)
(c) varchar(n)
(d) float(n)
14. What is true about the following SQL statement? 1
SelecT * fROM student;
(a) Displays contents of table ‘student’
(b) Displays column names and contents of table ‘student’
(c) Results in error as improper case has been used
(d) Displays only the column names of table ‘student’

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15. What is cloud computing? 1
(a) A network of computers and printers available within an Organization.
(b) A type of internet based computing that provides shared computer processing
resources and data to computers and other devices on demand.
(c) A process of scheduling computer programs to work autonomously.
(d) Storage on data on servers that is accessible by all members of organization.

16. Which are not the potential application of block chain? 1

(a) Voting
(b) Health record
(c) Online gaming
(d) Fund transfer
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as
i. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
ii. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
iii. A is True but R is False
iv. A is false but R is True
17. Assertion(A): Candidate Key can serve as a primary key in a table. 1
Reason (R): Candidate Key is always unique and should not hold Null value

18. Assertion(A): Dictionary keys are mutable 1

Reason (R): When duplicate keys are encountered, the last key value pair is taken
19. (i) 3.7 GB = _____________ Bytes 2
(ii) 1 TB = ______________ MB

Identify the category (system, application, programming tool) of the following software:
(a) Compiler
(b) Assembler
(c) Python
(d) Tally
20. Give the output of the following: 2
(i) print(5 % 10 + 10 < 50 and 29 <= 29)
(ii) num1**=num2+num3
(When num1=4, num2=3, num3=2)
21. Write the output of the following python code: 2
sum = 0
for i in range(0,9,2):
if i % 4 == 0:
sum = sum + i
print (sum)

22. Consider the following list myList. What will be the elements of myList after each of the 2
following operations?

myList = [10,20,30,40]
(a) myList.append([50,60])
(b) myList.extend([80,90])

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23. What will be the outputs of the following program if we input value of day is : (i) 5 , (ii) 8 2
day=int(input("Enter the day in number"))
if (day==1):
if (day==2):
if (day==3):
if (day>=4 and day<=7):

A dictionary is given as:
Student={‘Aman’:75, ‘Raman’:89, ‘Nisha’:90}
Write the statements to do the following:
(i) To modify the marks of ‘Aman’ from 75 to 78
(ii) To display the marks of ‘Nisha’
24. A student table has 6 rows and 3 columns. 2 more columns are added and 2 rows are deleted. 2
What is the degree and cardinality of the final table?
25. Given the following Data types and constraints for the attributes of relation STUDENT: 2

Attribute Name Data expected to be stored Data Type Constraint

Rollno Numeric value consisting INT Primary Key
of maximum 3 digits
Name Variant length string of VARCHAR NOT NULL
maximum 20 characters
DOB Date Value DATE
Attend_Date Date Value DATE NOT NULL
Attend_Status ‘P’ for present and ‘A’ for CHAR(1) NOT NULL
Write SQL command to Create the above table.
26. Write down the type of memory needed to do the following: 3
(a) To store data permanently
(b) To execute the program
(c) To store the instructions which cannot be overwritten.
27. Write the output for the following SQL queries as per given table: 3
Table: Employee
EmpNo Ename Salary Bonus DeptId
101 Aaliya 20000 250 D02
102 Vergese 60000 695 D01
106 Sanya 48000 550 D02
109 Joseph 42000 NULL D04
110 Tanya 50000 475 D05
(iii) SELECT Empno, Ename, Salary+Bonus as “Total Salary” from EMPLOYEE WHERE EMPNO
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28. If Government plans to make a smart school by applying IoT concepts, how can each of the 3
following be implemented in order to transform a school into IoT (Internet of Things) enabled
smart school? (Any Three)
a) e-textbooks
b) Smart boards
c) Online tests
d) Wifi sensors on classrooms doors
e) Sensors in buses to monitor their location
f) Wearables (watches or smart belts) for attendance monitoring
29. Consider a list: list1 = [6,7,8,9] 3
What is the difference between the following operations on list1:
(a) list1*2
(b) list1*=2
(c) list1=list1*2
Consider a list: a=[1,2,3]
(a) Is a*3 is equivalent to a+a+a?
(b) What’s the difference between a[1:2] and a[1:1]?
(c) What is the meaning of a[1:1]=9?
30. Write a program to read a list of n integers (positive as well as negative). Create two new lists, 3
one having all positive numbers and the other having all negative numbers from the given list.
Print all three lists.
Write a program to read a list of n numbers and display the smallest and second largest
number of the list.
31. The record of a student (Name, Roll No, Marks in five subjects, percentage of marks and 5
sports grade) is stored in the following list:
stRecord = ['Raman', 'A-36', [56,98,99,72,69], 78.8, ‘A’]
Write Python statements to do the following in the list stRecord.
a) To retrieve the Marks in the fifth subject.
b) Minimum marks of the student.
c) To delete the Roll No. of the student.
d) Change the name of the student from ‘Raman’ to ‘Raghav’.
e) To insert another grade ‘B’ for subject painting at the end of the list.


Write a program to input your friend’s, names and their phone numbers and store them in
the dictionary as the key-value pair. Perform the following operations on the dictionary:
a) Display the Name and Phone number for all your friends.
b) Add a new key-value pair in this dictionary and display the modified dictionary.
c) Delete a particular friend from the dictionary
d) Modify the phone number of an existing friend
e) Check if a friend is present in the dictionary or not

32. Consider the following table named "GYM" with details about Fitness products being 5
sold in the store.
Table Name : GYM
PrCode stores Codes of Products
PrName stores names of Products (UnitPrice is in Rs.)
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Table: GYM
PrCode PrName UnitPrice Manufacturer
P101 Cross Trainer 25000 Avon Fitness
P102 TreadMill 32000 AG Fitline
P103 Massage Chair 20000 Fit Express
P104 Vibration Trainer 22000 Avon Fitness
P105 Bike 13000 Fit Express
Write SQL statements for (i) to (iii) and outputs for (iv) and (v) based on the table GYM:

(i) Display the Names of all the products in the store.

(ii) Display the details of all the products with unit price less than Rs.20000 for the
manufacturer ‘Fit Express’.
(iii) Display details of all the products with unit price in the range 20000 to 30000.
(iv) SELECT PrCode, PrName, UnitPrice from GYM WHERE Manufacturer=’AG Fitline’ OR
Manufacturer=’Fit Express’;
(v) SELECT Prname, UnitPrice, Manufacturer FROM GYM WHERE PrName LIKE ‘%e’ AND
Manufacturer=”Fit Express”;

33. Consider the following table MOVIE and answer the SQL queries based on it. 5
Table : Movie
MovieID MovieName Category ReleaseDate ProductionCost BusinessCost
001 Hindi_Movie Musical 2018-04-03 124500 130000
002 Tamil_Movie Action 2016-05-17 112000 118000
003 English_Movie Horror 2017-08-06 245000 360000
004 Bengali_Movie Adventure 2017-01-04 72000 100000
005 Telugu_Movie Action - 100000 -
006 Punjabi_Movie Comedy - 30500 -

(i) List the different categories of movies.

(ii) Find the net profit of each movie showing its ID, Name and Net Profit (Net Profit =
BusinessCost – ProductionCost), Make sure that the new column name is labelled as
(iii) List all movies with ProductionCost greater than 80,000 and less than 1,25,000
showing ID, Name and ProductionCost.
(iv) List all movies which fall in the category of Comedy or Action.
(v) List the movies which have not been released yet.

Write SQL commands for the following queries (i) to (v) based on the relation Teacher:

Table : Teacher
T_ID Ename Age Department Date_of_Join Salary Gender
T01 Jugal 34 Computer Sc 10/01/2017 12000 M
T02 Sharmila 31 History 24/03/2008 20000 F
T03 Sandeep 32 Mathematics 12/12/2016 30000 M
T04 Sangeeta 35 History 01/07/2015 40000 F
T05 Rakesh 42 Mathematics 05/09/2007 25000 M
T06 Shyam 50 History 27/06/2008 30000 M
T07 Shiv Om 44 Computer Sc 25/02/2017 21000 M
T08 Shalakha 33 Mathematics 31/07/2018 20000 F

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(i) To list the names of female teachers of Mathematics department.
(ii) To list the names of all male teachers who get salary more than 20000.
(iii) To display teacher’s name, salary, age for male teachers only
(iv) To display name, bonus for each teacher where bonus is 10% of salary
(v) Insert a new record in the above table with the following values:
‘T09’, ‘Ajay’, 35, ‘Computer Sc’,’12/10/2017’,’M’
34. Table: Supplier 1
SupplierID SupplierName ItemName Quantity City +
S001 Britannia Marie Biscuit 100 Bangaluru 1
S002 Monginis Fruit Cake 250 Kolkata +
S003 Nestle Chocolate 150 New Delhi 2
S004 Biskfarm Digestive Biscuit 200 Kolkata
S005 Amul Butter 200 Mumbai
From the above supplier table answer the following:
(i) Write a query to display the city names without repetition.
(ii) Write a query to display the details of suppliers whose names start with ‘B’.
(iii) Write a query to display the Supplier Name, Item Name, City and Annual Quantity which
is calculated as quantity*12 for the suppliers Britannia and Nestle.
OR (Option for part iii only)
Differentiate between DDL and DML with suitable example of each.
35. Write the output of the queries (i) and (ii) based on the table, Furniture and answer for 1
question (iii) given below: +
B001 DOUBLE BED 2018-01-03 45000 10
T010 DINING TABLE 2020-03-10 51000 5
B004 SINGLE BED 2021-06-19 22000 0
C003 LONG BACK CHAIR 2016-12-30 12000 3
T006 CONSOLE TABLE 2019-11-17 15000 12
B006 BUNK BED 2021-01-01 28000 14
(iii) What is a Foreign Key? What is its significance in a table?

OR (Option for part iii only)

Roll No Name Class Section Registration_ID
11 Mohan XI A IP-101-15
12 Sohan XI B IP-104-15
21 John XII A CS-103-14
22 Meena XII B CS-101-14
23 Juhi XII B CS-101-10
In the above table answer the following:
(i) Can a user assign duplicate value to the field RollNo of STUDENT table? Justify.
(ii) Is there any alternate key in table STUDENT? Give justification for your answer.

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