GP-IR by Mrithiks.V.G
GP-IR by Mrithiks.V.G
GP-IR by Mrithiks.V.G
human. Some look at animals are loving companions and others look at them as a alternate
way of experimenting products for humans. Each year, more than 100 million animals like
mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, birds etc... are
killed in US. laboratories for biology lessons, medical training, experimentation, chemical,
drug, food, and cosmetics testing.
Name : Mrithika . V . G
Animals are used for experimenting because there are the closest thing to humans and can be
used in case of unreliable side effects caused to an organism that is using the product.
Animals suffer in the labs against their will and most of them are treated like prisoner and
the loss of humans for not being the product test dose not answer to the amount of animals
being tested, experimented and killed because of this.
A lot of animals in high amounts are used for experimented so the data is as accurate as
possible. Here are some of the animals being tested and experimented in laboratries.
Baboons Hamsters
Cats Horses
Owls Llamas
Quail Rabbits
Rats Sheep
Dogs Cows
Ferrets Fish
Birds Frogs
Guinea Pig
Even though there are many other alternatives without harming animals most experiments
use animals because the their life is not valued as much as a human’s life which shows the
not so humanitarian acts we do for simple things instead of focusing on bigger things like
this. The humans believe this is profitable since most organization does not take a deep loo
into these matters and this has not been given much attention to the higher authorities.
Most animals help in labs as captivities are not there by their own decision but are forced in
it. In the lab animals are tested against their own will and do not enjoy it. The accusation
may be on the government for not looking into this matter deeply and resolving this but also
on the people for not voicing this out for not protecting animals. As the animals are
experimented the animal rights are being violated because the animals are abused and killed
in the process of experimenting. Animals have the rights to live peacefully in the forests and
get treated humanely.
The animal rights movement has a similar goal to those of a human, to establish a basic code
of ethics which guides the treatment of all animal beings
Some of the animal rights include:
Secondary Driver - Animals Experimentation
treated with with various things including food, drugs, cosmetics etc...
to physical,forpsychological,
other purposesand
are emotional
Environmental research, Cosmetics and
The products
right to nottesting, Military experimentation, Biomedical experimentation, and
be exploited.
experiment with new materials.
The right to live in a suitable habitat.
The right to be valued for who they are, not for how they can be used.
Environmental research
The right to cooperatively share the Earth with other species.
Animals areright to live
abused andasare
much as possible
the subject according
to death to testtothe
their natures
impact thatand to express
chemicals havetheir
in the
individual characters
environment. Some of the most important environmental organizations have been doing this
for a long time and have mostly been successful despite the opposition of animal defenders.
One of the common factors is that the animals that are being protected is lower than the
animals whichandinhousehold products
not protected testing
as shown in the below pie chart.
While animal testing new cosmetics and household products is illegal in places such as the
EU(European Union) and India, it’s still being carried out in the US and other places, where
many animals are blinded, caused extreme pain and killed to test new cosmetics and
household products.
Military experimentation
Using animals to test new weapons, bullets and warfare chemicals, as well as the effects of
burns and poison for military purposes to help defeat the other arty by harming them with
these things, remains hidden today. Many animals die in terrible ways because of this.
Biomedical experimentation
Animals of different species are harmed for lot of purposes in biomedical research because
the non-animal method aren’t implemented. Those animals are harmed in many ways that
most people ignore.
When new materials are developed, they are often tested by using methods such as cell or
tissue cultures. However, materials are also commonly tested on animals who are killed
The animals used in experiments suffer torture and are mostly killed after the experiment.
The below bar graph shows the rate of animal experimentation in various countries