Financial Management Chapter 1&2
Financial Management Chapter 1&2
Financial Management Chapter 1&2
To achieve a certain amount of outputs, the economy Goal incongruence between stakeholders
must obtain the required quantity and quality of inputs For example, bondholders seek a steady stream of
at the lowest possible cost. For example, the economy income in the form of interest and the assurance that
in which a school purchases equipment can be their principal will be repaid. Shareholders, on the other
calculated by comparing real costs to budgets, previous hand, seek rising dividends and, as a result, rising stock
year's costs, government/local authority requirements, prices. Risky projects are avoided by the former, while
or other schools' spending. risky projects are welcomed by the latter because the
The degree to which stated objectives/goals are met is higher the risk, the higher the return. This exemplifies
referred to as effectiveness. The proportion of students the goal inconsistency between bondholders and
who go on to higher or further education, for example, stockholders.
may be used to assess the efficacy of a school's goal of Agency Problem The conflict of interests between
producing quality teaching. different stakeholders of a corporation, such as
The relationship between inputs and outputs is known shareholders and bondholders or employees and
as efficiency. The efficiency in which a school's IT shareholders, is referred to as an agency issue. They can
laboratory is used, for example, may be calculated in appear in a variety of ways.
terms of the percentage of the school week that it is Moral hazard – A boss has a vested interest in reaping
used. the rewards of his or her job. All of the perks that come
Stakeholders with status, such as a company vehicle, use of a
company plane, lunches, and so on, are included.
While a private sector corporation's theoretical goal
may be to increase its shareholders' wealth, other Effort level – Managers could put in less effort than if
individuals and organizations are interested in what the they were the company's owners. In a large
company does and may be able to influence its corporation, the issue would occur at both the middle
corporate goals. Stakeholders are people who are and senior management levels.
interested in a company's operations or success
Earnings retention – Rather than earnings, the size of C. Where there is (or may be) a conflict of interest
the business is also used to determine the remuneration between executive directors and the company's
of directors and senior managers. Rather than paying best interests, independent non-executive
out dividends, management is more likely to want to directors may also make decisions. Non-
reinvest profits in order to grow the business. executive officers, for example, may be in
charge of remuneration arrangements for
Risk aversion - Executive directors and senior managers
executive directors and other senior managers.
typically receive the majority of their profits from the
D. The possibility of a hostile takeover. If a
organization for which they work. As a result, they care
company is poorly run, the stock price would be
about the company's stability because it will secure
low in comparison to its future value. When the
their job and future earnings. This may indicate that
stock price is poor, competing management
management is risk averse and unable to invest in
teams are more likely to launch a hostile
higher-risk ventures.
takeover. In most cases, the current
Time horizon - Shareholders are concerned about their management will be dismissed. As a result,
company's long-term financial prospects because the managers are compelled to optimize share
value of their shares is based on long-term assumptions. prices.
Managers, on the other hand, could be only concerned
Incentive Schemes
with the short term. This is partly due to the fact that
they may be paid annual bonuses based on short-term A remuneration package for executive directors or
results, and partly due to the fact that they may not senior managers may have a variety of structures, but
plan to stay with the organization for more than a few most remuneration packages have at least three
years. components.
Agency costs include direct and indirect costs. A basic salary – it needs to be high enough to attract
and retain individuals with the required skills and talent.
Direct costs include remuneration and audit fees.
Annual performance incentives – The performance
Indirect costs include the cost of lost opportunity
target might be stated as profit or earnings growth, EPS
because of agency problems.
growth, achieving a profit target, etc. Some managers
Reducing the agency problem might also have a non-financial performance target.
Several methods of reducing the agency problem have Long-term performance incentives – Which are linked
been suggested. These include: in some way to share price growth. Long term
incentives are usually provided in the form of share
A. Creating a compensation plan for executive awards or share options of the company.
directors and senior managers that encourages
them to behave in the best interests of the Corporate Governance
company's shareholders. Offering managers
The collection of procedures, customs, rules, laws, and
share options, for example, is one way to
institutions that regulate how a corporation (or
motivate them to behave in ways that maximize
company) is guided, managed, or regulated is known as
shareholder capital. Managers will be enticed to
corporate governance. The relationships between the
make choices that are likely to result in higher
stakeholders and the purposes for which the company
share prices (such as investing in projects with
is regulated are discussed in corporate governance.
positive net present values), as this will increase
their share option incentives. A. There are a number of key elements in
B. Having a sufficient number of qualified non- corporate governance:
executive directors on the board. They are not B. Risk management and mitigation is a central
full-time workers and do not hold any executive theme in all conceptions of good governance,
positions in the company. They have the ability whether specifically specified or implicitly.
to behave in the shareholders' best interests. C. Most concepts are based on the idea that good
organizational frameworks and management
practice within set best practice guidelines L. The board should maintain a regular dialogue
improve overall efficiency. with shareholders, particularly institutional
D. From the perspective of all stakeholder groups shareholders. The annual general meeting is a
affected, good governance provides a basis for significant forum for communication.
an organization to execute its policy in an M. Annual reports must convey a fair and balanced
ethical and efficient way, as well as protections view of the organisation. This might include
against the misuse of physical or intellectual whether the organisation has complied with
capital. governance regulations and codes, and give
E. Good governance necessitates not only the specific disclosures about the board, internal
application of externally defined laws, but also control reviews, going concern status and
the ability to apply both the spirit and the letter relations with stakeholders.
of the law.
F. Accountability is generally a major theme in all
governance frameworks.