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OM-TQM Module 3

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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon Campus
Sorsogon City


Many new car buyers have a thing or two in common. Once they make the decision to buy a new car, they
want it as soon as possible. They usually don’t want to order it and then have to wait six weeks or more for delivery.
If the car dealer they visit doesn’t have the car they want, they’ll look elsewhere. Hence, it is important for a dealer
to anticipate buyer wants and to have those models, with the necessary options, in stock. The dealer who can
correctly forecast buyer wants, and have those cars available, is going to be much more successful than a competitor
who guesses instead of forecasting—and guesses wrong—and gets stuck with cars customers don’t want. So how
does the dealer know how many cars of each type to stock? The answer is, the dealer doesn’t know for sure, but by
analyzing previous buying patterns, and perhaps making allowances for current conditions, the dealer can come up
with a reasonable approximation of what buyers will want.


After reading and studying this chapter, you will be able to:
1. List the elements of a good forecast.
2. Outline the steps in the forecasting process.
3. Evaluate at least three qualitative forecasting techniques and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
4. Compare and contrast the qualitative and quantitative approaches to forecasting.
5. Explain the measures of forecast accuracy.


• are a basic input in the decision processes of operations management because they provide information on
future demand
• forecasts are made with reference to a specific time horizon, ie., short-term pertains to ongoing operations
and long-term as tool in strategic planning
• two important aspects of forecast:
✓ Expected level of demand - the trend or seasonal variation
✓ Degree of forecast accuracy - the potential size of forecast error
• are the basis for budgeting, capacity planning, sales, production and inventory, personnel, purchasing, etc.
• affect decisions and activities throughout an organization, in accounting, finance, human resources,
marketing, and management information systems (MIS), as well as in operations and other parts of an

Uses of Forecast in Business:

• Accounting: New product/process cost estimates, profit projections, cash management

• Finance: Equipment/equipment replacement needs, timing and amount of funding/borrowing needs
• Human resources: Hiring activities like recruitment, interviewing, and training; layoff planning,
including outplacement counselling
• Marketing: Pricing and promotion, e-business strategies, global competition strategies
• MIS: New/revised information systems, internet services
• Operations: Schedules, capacity planning, work assignments and workloads, inventory planning, make-
or-buy decisions, outsourcing, project management
• Product/service design: Revision of current features, design of new products or services

Features Common to all Forecasts:

• That the same underlying causal system that existed in the past will continue to exist in the future
• Forecasts are not perfect because of randomness
• Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more accurate than for individual items because forecasting errors
among items in a group usually have a canceling effect
• Forecast accuracy decreases as time horizon increases

Elements of a Good Forecast:

1. Timely - The forecasting horizon must cover the time necessary to implement possible changes.
2. Accurate - Degree of accuracy should be stated to enable users to plan for possible errors and as basis for
comparing alternative forecasts.
3. Reliable - It should work consistently.
4. Expressed in meaningful units - Financial planners need to know how many dollars will be needed, production
planners need to know how many units will be needed, and schedulers need to know what machines and skills
will be required.
5. In writing - To have an objective basis in evaluating the forecast once the actual results are in.
6. Simple to understand and use - Users often lack confidence in forecasts based on sophisticated techniques.

Steps in the Forecasting Process:

1. Determine the purpose of the forecast. How it will be used and when will it be needed?
2. Establish a time horizon. The forecast must indicate a time interval, keeping in mind that accuracy decreases as
time horizon increases.
3. Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data. Once obtained, data need to be “cleaned” for outliers or incorrect
data before analysis.
4. Select a forecasting technique.
5. Make the forecast.
6. Monitor the forecast. To determine whether it is performing in a satisfactory manner.

Classification of Forecasting Techniques:

1. Judgmental Forecasts - uses subjective inputs such as opinions from consumer surveys, sales staff, managers,
executives, and panel of experts
2. Time-series Forecasts - use historical data with the assumption that the future will be like the past; project
patterns identified in time-series observations
3. Associative Models - use equations that consist of one or more explanatory variables that can be used to predict

Judgmental Forecasts:
a. Executive Opinions
• a small group of upper-level managers may meet and collectively develop a forecast
• has the advantage of bringing together the considerable knowledge and talents
• risk that the view of one person will prevail and the possibility of diffusing responsibility to the entire
group may result in less pressure to produce a good forecast
b. Salesforce Opinions
• Sales staff are often good sources of information because of their direct contact with customers
• Risk is they may be unable to distinguish between what customers would like to do and what they
actually do; they are sometimes overly influenced by recent experiences (low sales, good sales), their
estimates might be too pessimistic or too optimistic
• If forecasts are used to establish sales quotas, there will conflict of interest for them to provide low
c. Consumer Surveys
• organizations seeking consumer input usually resort to consumer surveys, which enable them to
sample consumer opinions
• obvious advantage of consumer surveys is that they can tap information that might not be available
• even under the best conditions, surveys of the general public must contend with the possibility of
irrational behavior patterns
d. Delphi Method
• an iterative process in which managers and staff complete a series of questionnaires, each developed
from the previous one, to achieve a consensus forecast
• is useful for technological forecasting, that is, for assessing changes in technology and their impact
on an organization.
• Often, the goal is to predict when a certain event will occur. For the most part, these are long-term,
single-time forecasts, which usually have very little hard information to go by or data that are costly
to obtain.

Time-Series Forecasts:
a. Trend
• Refers to long-term upward or downward movement in the data. Population shifts, changing
incomes, and cultural changes often account for said movement.
b. Seasonality
• Refers to short-term, fairly regular variations generally related to factors such as the calendar or time
of day. Restaurants, supermarkets, and theaters experience weekly and even daily “seasonal”
c. Cycles
• Are wavelike variations of more than one year’s variation. These are often related to a variety of
economic, political, and even agricultural conditions.
d. Irregular Variations
• are due to unusual circumstances such as severe weather conditions, strikes, or a major change in a
product or service. They do not reflect typical behavior, and their inclusion in the series can distort
the overall picture.
• Whenever possible, these should be identified and removed from the data.
e. Random Variations
• are residual variations that remain after all other behaviors have been accounted for.

These behaviors are illustrated in the following:

Irregular variation



Seasonal Variations

A demand forecast should be based on a time series of past demand rather than unit sales. Sales would not
truly reflect demand if one or more stockouts occurred.

Approaches to Time Series Data Analysis:

1. Naïve Method
• A forecast for any period that equals the previous period’s actual value
• Can be used with a stable series (variations around an average), with seasonal variations, or with
• With stable series, the last data point becomes the forecast for the next period. Thus, if the demand
for a product last week was 20 cases, the forecast for this week is 20 cases.
• With seasonal variations, the forecast for this “season” is equal to the value of the series last
“season”. Example: the forecast for traffic volume this Friday is equal to the volume of traffic last
• For data with trend, the forecast is equal to the last value of the series plus or minus the difference
between the last two values of the series. For example, suppose the last two values were 50 and 53.
The next forecast would be 56:
Change from
Period Actual Previous Value Forecast
1 50
2 53 +3
3 53 + 3 = 56

• The naïve approach may appear too simplistic, but it is a legitimate forecasting tool
• Advantages: virtually no cost, data analysis non-existent, and easily understandable
• Downside: inability to provide highly accurate forecasts

2. Averaging Techniques
• Historical data typically contain a certain amount of random variation, or white noise, that tends to
obscure systematic movements in the data. Ideally, it would be better to completely remove any
randomness from the data and leave only “real” variations, such as changes in demand. But since it is
impossible to distinguish the two, the best one can hope for is small variations are random while large
variations are “real.”
• smooth fluctuations in a time series because the individual highs and lows in the data offset each other
when they are combined into an average
• generate forecasts that reflect recent values of a time series (e.g., the average value over the last several

Three Averaging Techniques:

1. Moving Average
• A technique that averages a number of recent actual values, updated as new values become available

Example: Compute a three-period moving average forecast given demand for shopping carts for the last five
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40 the 3 most recent demands
5 41

F6 = 43 + 40 + 41 = 41.33
If actual demand in period 6 turns out to be 38, the moving average forecast for period 7 would be

F7 = 40 + 41 + 38 = 39.67
Note that in a moving average, as each new actual value becomes available, the forecast is updated
by adding the newest value and dropping the oldest and then recomputing the average. Consequently, the
forecast “moves” by reflecting only the most recent values.

2. Weighted Moving Average

• Similar to moving average, except that it assigns more weight to the most recent values in time series
• For instance, the most recent value might be assigned a weight of .40, the next most recent value a
weight of .30, the next after that a weight of .20, and the next after that a weight of .10. Note that
the weights must sum to 1.00, and that the heaviest weights are assigned to the most recent

Ft = wt (At ) + wt - 1(At - 1 ) +… + wt - n (At -n )

wt = Weight for the period t, wt - 1 = Weight for period t - 1, etc .
At = Actual value in period t, At - 1 = Actual value for period t - 1, etc.

Given the following demand data:

a. Compute a weighted average forecast using a weight of .40 for the most recent period, .30 for the next
most recent, .20 for the next, and .10 for the next.
b. If the actual demand for period 6 is 39, forecast demand for period 7 using the same weights as in part
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40
5 41

a. F6 = .10(40) + .20(43) + .30(40) + .40(41) = 41.0

b. F7 = .10(43) + .20(40) + .30(41) + .40(39) = 40.2

Note that if four weights are used, only the four most recent demands are used to prepare the
forecast. The advantage of a weighted average over a simple moving average is that the weighted average
is more reflective of the most recent occurrences. However, the choice of weights is somewhat arbitrary
and generally involves the use of trial and error to find a suitable weighting scheme.

3. Exponential Smoothing
• is a sophisticated weighted averaging method that is still relatively easy to use and understand.
Each new forecast is based on the previous forecast plus a percentage of the difference between
that forecast and the actual value of the series at that point. That is:

Ft = Ft - 1 + α(At - 1 - Ft - 1)
Ft = Forecast for period t
Ft – 1 = Forecast for the previous period (i.e., period t – 1)
α = smoothing constant (percentage)
At - 1 = Actual demand or sales for the previous period

The smoothing constant α represents a percentage of the forecast error. Each new forecast is
equal to the previous forecast plus a percentage of the previous error.

For example: Suppose the previous forecast was 42 units, actual demand was 40 units, and α = .10. The
new forecast would be computed as follows:

Ft = 42 +.10(40 - 42) = 41.8

Then, if the actual demand turns out to be 43, the next forecast would be:

Ft = 41.8 + .10(43 - 41.8) = 41.92

• Exponential smoothing is one of the most widely used techniques in forecasting, partly because of
its ease of calculation and partly because of the ease with which the weighting scheme can be
altered—simply by changing the value of α.

3. Techniques for Trends

• Analysis of trends involves developing an equation that will suitably describe trend
• The trend component may be linear or not

Trend Equation:
Ft = a + bt

Where: Ft = Forecast for period t

a = value of Ft at t = 0
b = slope of the line
t = Specified number of time periods from t = 0

For example, consider the trend equation Ft = 45 + 5 t. The value of Ft when t = 0 is 45, and the
slope of the line is 5, which means that, on the average, the value of Ft will increase by five units for each
time period. If t = 10, the forecast, Ft , is 45 + 5(10) = 95 units. The equation can be plotted by finding two
points on the line. One can be found by substituting some value of t into the equation (e.g., t = 10) and then
solving for Ft . The other point is a (i.e., Ft at t = 0). Plotting those two points and drawing a line through
them yields a graph of the linear trend line.
The coefficients of the line, a and b, are based on the following two equations:

𝑛∑𝑡 2 −(∑𝑡)²

a= or ȳ - bt

where: n = Number of periods

y = Value of the time series

Note that these two equations are identical to those used for computing a linear regression line,
except that t replaces x in the equations. Values for the trend equation can be obtained easily by
using the Excel template for linear trend.

Linear Trend Equation Example:

t y
W eek t2 Sales ty
1 1 150 150
2 4 157 314
3 9 162 486
4 16 166 664
5 25 177 885

 t = 15  t2 = 55  y = 812  ty = 2499
( t)2 = 225

b = 5(2499) – 15(812) = 12495 – 12180 = 6.3

5(55) – 225 275 - 225

a = 812 – 6.3(15) = 143.5


y = 143.5 + 6.3t

Associative Forecasting
• Rely on identification of related variables that can be used to predict values of the variable of interest. For
example: sale of beef may be related to the price per pound charged for beef and the prices of substitutes
such as chicken, pork, and lamb.
• Primary method of analysis is Regression

Simple Linear Regression

• The simplest and most widely used form of regression involves a linear relationship between two variables
• The object in linear regression is to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes the sum of squared
vertical deviations of data points from the line (i.e., the least squares criterion)
• Equation is: yc = a + bx

Forecast Accuracy
• Is a significant factor when deciding among forecasting alternatives
• Based on the historical error performance of a forecast

Forecast Error - the difference between the actual value and the value that was predicted for a given period. Hence,
Error = Actual – Forecast:

et = At – Ft
where: t = Any given time period

Decisions Influenced by Forecast Errors:

• In making a choice between various forecasting alternatives; and
• In evaluating the success or failure of a technique in use.

Commonly Used Measures to Summarize Forecast Errors:

1. Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) - the average absolute forecast error

MAD = ∑|Actualt - Forecastt|


2. Mean Squared Error (MSE) - the average of squared errors

MSE = ∑(Actualt - Forecastt)2


3. Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) - the average absolute percent error

Example: Compute MAD, MSE, and MAPE for the following data, showing actual and forecasted number of
accounts serviced.
(A – F)
Period Actual Forecast Error |Error| Error2 [|Error|÷ Actual] x 100
1 ................................ 217 215 2 2 4 .92%
2 ................................ 213 216 –3 3 9 1.41
3 ................................ 216 215 1 1 1 .46
4 ................................ 210 214 –4 4 16 1.90
5 ................................ 213 211 2 2 4 .94
6 ................................ 219 214 5 5 25 2.28
7 ................................ 216 217 –1 1 1 .46
8 ................................ 212 216 –4 4 16 1.89
–2 22 76 10.26%

Using the figures in the table,

MAD = ∑|e| = 22 = 2.75

n 8

MSE = ∑e2 = 76 = 10.86

n–1 8–1

= 10.26% = 1.28%

From a computational standpoint, the difference between these measures is that MAD weights all errors
evenly, MSE weights errors according to their squared values, and MAPE weights according to relative error.
One use for these measures is to compare the accuracy of alternative forecasting methods. For instance, a
manager could compare the results to determine one which yields the lowest MAD, MSE, or MAPE for a given set of
data. Another use is to track error performance over time to decide if attention is needed. Is error performance
getting better or worse, or is it staying about the same?

Monitoring the Forecasts

• Tracking the forecast errors and analyzing them can provide useful insight on whether forecasts are
performing satisfactorily
• Forecast is deemed to perform adequately when the errors exhibit only random variations

Control Chart - a visual tool for monitoring forecast errors

Forecasting errors are in control if:

• All errors are within the control limits; and
• No patterns, such as trends or cycles, are present

Choosing a Forecasting Technique

• No single technique works in every situation
• Most important factors are cost and accuracy
• Other factors include availability of:
▪ Historical data
▪ Computers
▪ Time needed to gather and analyze data
▪ Forecast horizon
The qualitative techniques described in this chapter include consumer surveys, salesforce estimates,
executive opinions, and manager and staff opinions. Two major quantitative approaches are described: analysis of
time-series data and associative techniques. The time-series techniques rely strictly on the examination of historical
data; predictions are made by projecting past movements of a variable into the future without considering specific
factors that might influence the variable. Associative techniques attempt to explicitly identify influencing factors and
to incorporate that information into equations that can be used for predictive purposes. All forecasts tend to be
inaccurate; therefore, it is important to provide a measure of accuracy. It is possible to compute several measures of
forecast accuracy that help managers to evaluate the performance of a given technique and to choose among
alternative forecasting techniques. Control of forecasts involves deciding whether a forecast is performing
adequately, typically using a control chart. When selecting a forecasting technique, a manager must choose a
technique that will serve the intended purpose at an acceptable level of cost and accuracy.

▪ Demand forecasts are essential inputs for many business decisions; they help managers decide how much
supply or capacity will be needed to match expected demand, both within the organization and in the
supply chain.
▪ Because of random variations in demand, it is likely that the forecast will not be perfect, so managers need
to be prepared to deal with forecast errors.
▪ Other, nonrandom factors might also be present, so it is necessary to monitor forecast errors to check for
nonrandom patterns in forecast errors.
▪ It is important to choose a forecasting technique that is cost-effective, and one that minimizes forecast

V. ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES: (Posted in Google Classroom)

Prepared by:


Assistant Professor II

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