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Make Money Tweeting

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The key takeaways are to build an audience, create an irresistible offer, collect social proof, get leads through outreach, sell on calls, deliver incredible results, build systems, and create upsells.

The steps to make money on Twitter according to the document are to build an audience, create an irresistible offer, collect social proof, get outbound and inbound leads, sell on a call, deliver incredible results, and create upsells.

The components of building an audience on Twitter according to the document are to create a full profile, create daily content around your niche, and distribute your content through engagement or paid distribution.

Make Money Tweeting 3

Build an audience 5
Create an irresistible offer 7
The need for social proof 10
Optimize for conversations 12
Get leads through outreach 13
Get inbound leads 16
Sell on a call 19
Deliver incredible results 21
Build systems 22
Create upsells 23
Make Money Tweeting

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo da Vinci

Making money on Twitter is simple.

It’s not about talent, it’s not about genius and it’s definitely
not about going viral.

It’s about following a process and building leverage over time

doing consistently what’s proven to work.

I’ve been on Twitter for over 2 years and trust me when I say - I
tried everything.

From affiliate marketing to info products to high-ticket offers.

If there’s money in it - I tried it.

I went viral multiple times. I grew my account by 20k followers

in a single month. And I also saw how all of it impacts my
bottom line.

After 2 years of doing everything you could possibly imagine I

reached a definite conclusion:

There’s a process anyone can follow and make tons of money
on Twitter.

This is what this process looks like:

- Build an audience to 3k+ followers

- Create an irresistible offer
- Collect social proof
- Get outbound and inbound leads
- Sell on a call
- Deliver incredible results
- Create upsells

In this book I’ll explain all of these concepts so you can start
applying them starting today.

Build an audience

Building an audience is a must if you want to make big

money on Twitter.

There are two reasons for this:

1. People are more likely to respond well to your DMs with a

large audience
2. You’ll get more inbound traffic and leads when your
reach is high

When I work with clients, I always start by telling them to

build their audience as quickly as possible.

But there’s one thing you absolutely must take in mind when
building your audience:

Stay on your niche at all costs and resist the urge to post
platitudes or general purpose threads just to go viral.

How do you go about building your audience on Twitter?

It’s simple, don’t overthink it -

1. Create a full profile with a professional profile pic, a
header that relates to your niche and a bio that explains
exactly who you are and what you can do for others.
2. Create daily content around your niche, preferably
threads and value-tweets.
3. Distribute your content by either:
a. Engaging with others in your niche
b. Boosting through ads or other forms of paid
distribution (such as influencer promos)

That’s really all there is to it: Brand, Content and Distribution


The key to a successful Twitter brand is this:

Create your profile and content for your ideal client, and for
them only.

Picture who your ideal client is (income, demographics,

personality) and start writing for that specific person.

Create an irresistible offer

While you’re building your brand, think of an offer your ideal

client just can’t refuse.

A great offer is much more than just a product or a service.

It’s how you package and sell that product or service.

Let’s say you’re an email marketer working with ecom brands.

Here’s what a great offer looks like:

- I’ll get you $1,000 extra every month through emails

- I’ll grow your list by 1,000 qualified leads per month
- I’ll get your open rates to 30%+ and click-through rates to

When thinking of an offer think of yourself as the client.

- What would help facilitate a dream outcome?

- What are my pains and challenges in this niche?
- What can someone do for me that I’m willing to pay lots
of money for?

Then conduct market research.

Ask potential clients these exact same questions and record

their answers.

Some answers will definitely surprise you.

You’ll encounter issues you didn’t even know existed, and this
is exactly your edge over the competition.

It’s also a great idea to test out different offers and see how
the market responds to them.

And they don’t have to be perfect in any way!

Spin them as quickly as possible, make a great “package”

(title) and get them validated by actual prospects.

In the next few chapters of this book you’ll also learn how to
find these prospects.

If you want to make big money on Twitter, another huge

recommendation is to create a high-ticket offer.

I find it so much easier to get clients who pay $1k-$10k/mo

than sell a gazillion copies of a $10 ebook.

High ticket offers enable you to make big money in a short
amount of time without spending tons of money on branding
and marketing.

This holds true especially for beginners making their very first


As a beginner, don’t obsess over offers as they will change

many times in the future. Just create them and make money!

The need for social proof

Social proof is the bread and butter of a successful e-biz.

Social proof is all the credentials you can show prospects that
you can actually deliver on what you offer them and give
them what humans crave most:


The best types of social proof are client results.

If you can record your client on video (or text) saying you got
them actual results that solved a problem for them, it’s a huge

For example:

“Jack got me over $10,000 extra revenue in just 4

months through his email marketing campaigns!
Would definitely recommend working with him”

Case studies are great as well.

If you can record the entire process you went through with

your client, what you worked to improve and how you
delivered on your promise, it will help people make the
decision to buy from you.

It’s often a neglected fact in the Twitter marketing

community, but some people don’t just buy results - they buy
a process they like.

I for example didn’t buy into many great offers simply because
I didn’t like their methods.

By displaying case studies you can make sure to attract the

right people who will end up buying your product or service.

Optimize for conversations

People love to dream about converting people through an

automated funnel that works on auto-pilot.

Sorry to break it to ya, it doesn’t work. I tried it.

The best way to sell on Twitter as a beginner is to optimize

your entire marketing funnel towards creating meaningful
conversation and personal relationships.

The goal is to have tons of:

- DM conversations
- Organic engagements (comments) on tweets
- Phone calls that lead to sales

Forget about Video Sales Letters (VSLs), fancy websites and

8-step marketing funnels.

Have more conversations. Talk to people. It’s infinitely easier to

sell that way.

Get leads through outreach

The easiest way to get leads for your offer is through outreach.

You can quite literally send a cold DM to a prospect on your

day one on Twitter.

And guess what? Some of them will actually answer even if

you have 0 followers.

I wouldn’t recommend it though (I tried this as well) because

you’re burning yourself with many potential leads who won’t
respond simply because your account has no credibility.

Patience is indeed a virtue.

Grow first, connect second.

Let people get used to your presence and know that you exist.
Build trust.

Then create these relationships that will ultimately lead to


When you feel ready, do tons of outreach every day (50-100

DMs preferably).

It may sound like a grind (because it is). The good thing is that
finding great Virtual Assistants (VAs) on Twitter is quite easy
and they’ll do the work for you.

I personally hire quite a few students to manage operations

for my brand.

I save time, they make money - we all win.

You don’t even have to risk your account and give them your
username and password. Simply go to tweetdeck.twitter.com
(free) and add them as collaborators on your team.

Now let’s get to the actual pitch. What does a perfect pitch
look like?

First of all, you need to be upfront. Don’t pretend to just want

to talk when you’re really after getting leads.

Second of all, don’t be salesy. Just because you have

something to sell doesn’t mean you have to push it down
people’s throats.

Third and equally important - have some personal touch!

Personalization goes a long way. The bare minimum is
addressing people by their first name.

Here’s an example of a great DM pitch:

Hi Jackson, hope you’re doing great!

I had a look at your profile and saw you have a large ecom brand
that looks totally awesome!

I’d love to set up an email marketing campaign for your brand and
make you an extra $2,000 per month (or you don’t pay)

Let me know if it sounds interesting.

Personally speaking I love receiving DMs like this.

As long as the sender can offer value and be upfront without

trying to sell me stuff I don’t need.. I’m very likely to respond.

Which also brings me to the next important thing:

Knowing who to DM is even more important than actually

sending the DM.

Not everyone is your potential client.

Focus on people who need your offer and can afford it.

Get inbound leads

Inbound marketing is the holy grail of online marketing.

Who doesn’t want leads coming through their content

without doing any outreach?

I know I do!

But more often than not, inbound marketing is hard and

takes more patience than doing outreach.

You need to build brand awareness, a large following and a lot

of trust for people to reach out to you.

The good news is that there’s a way to accelerate things, and

that’s by starting and growing an email list.

You can grow a list rather fast if you have a free lead magnet
that delivers value to people.

Creating a lead magnet is simple:

- Create a free ebook, case study or checklist
- Create a simple landing page
- Ask for an email address to send the lead magnet

Once you have their email address, start sending high value
emails (at least 3 times per week) that relate to your niche.

The more value you can provide, the better.

Aim to build trust and rapport with your audience.

Avoid affiliate links or low-value offers (been there, done that -

doesn’t work).

Your call to action in your emails should, again, aim towards

creating conversation.

Ask people to reply to your emails with questions and you’ve

got yourself new leads.

Another great email marketing “hack” is using automated

sequences to automate your entire email marketing funnel.

I’m not going to go deep into email marketing in this book

but it’s definitely something you can learn online.

All you need is:

- Traffic (this is what Twitter is for)

- A free lead magnet

- A landing page that collects email
- An email software (e.g. ConvertKit) that connects to the
landing page
- Decent copywriting skills
- An irresistible offer

A few words about traffic:

You can get Twitter traffic to your list in a few ways:

- Auto DMs (search TweetHunter)
- Plugging your lead magnet to tweets and threads as
- Link in bio

Utilize all of these to grow your list.

Sell on a call

Got a few leads? Awesome! Time to make money.

The best way to make money is on a personal 1-1 call.

Setup your Calendly profile (Google it) to allow people to

schedule calls.

Then send over this link to prospects on Twitter DMs or emails

when they’ve agreed to go on a call with you.

Selling on a call is an art, that’s why there are professional

closers out there who make 6-figures doing just that.

But I’ll give you a little secret: closing matters.. but

prospecting matters more.

If you get the right people on a call, you’ve done 80% of the

If you get the wrong ones.. you’re basically wasting your time.

Once on a call, ask qualifying questions such as:

- What would be your dream outcome?
- Have you tried doing this before?
- What do you struggle most with?

It’s even ok to try and understand their budget (very subtly).

Once you have the information, present your offer calmly and

Maintain your authority and frame control (Google that too)

and make sure you’re the one leading the conversation.

And remember this one key (I think Brian Tracy said it):

Sales is a transfer of enthusiasm from one person to


Be enthusiastic about everything - your prospect’s business,

your offer, client results..

People absolutely dig it and it works like a charm.

One more super important tip:

Don’t forget to follow up! If a prospect doesn’t close on spot

send them an email after 24 hours and ask if it’s still relevant.

Deliver incredible results

Do you know what’s the key to more clients? Happy clients.

Happy clients stay with you longer, help reduce churn and
deliver more clients through referrals.

Angry clients on the other hand.. will kill your business.

Whatever it is you offered - make sure to deliver it, and even

more than expected.

If you can’t deliver (and that happens a lot to beginners) offer

some compensation mechanism such as refunds or working
for free until a milestone is reached.

Customer satisfaction is a top priority for any successful biz.

Just ask Jeff Bezos.

Build systems

Once everything starts falling in place it’s time to make things

more efficient.

Build systems and create processes:

- Hire VAs
- Hire professional workers
- Setup automation
- Automate content creation

Do whatever you can to maintain quality while reducing the

time you work on operations.

The goal is to work ON your business, not IN your business.

Hiring and automation is key here.

Create upsells

When your business works great and runs on autopilot it’s

time to increase revenue.

The easiest way to increase revenue? Create more offers to

your existing clients!

Satisfied clients are so much easier to sell to than new

prospects who never worked with you before.

- Offer an upgraded service tier

- Offer something completely new
- Partner with others to offer complementary services

You can quite literally close a client for $500/mo and then
upgrade them to $5k/mo with the right upsell (been there,
done that).

Just don’t forget to always add value.

Because ultimately, value is what makes money and it makes

people happy.

Value is the essence of a successful business.


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