Ais (Prelims)
Ais (Prelims)
Ais (Prelims)
) Support
- are software packages that can be used for the Solution to Inefficient Customer Service
core systems necessary to support enterprise
- Enterprise system establishes ATP (available to
promise) by checking warehouses and
scheduled manufacturing.
- Known as periodic mode because master data - are used to graphically represent the flow of
is updated periodically data in a business information system. DFD
describes the processes that are involved in a
system to transfer data ROM the input to the
Methods of Conducting E-business file storage and report generation.
E-mail - generally requires human - can be divided into logical and physical. The
translation and data entry. logical data flow diagram describes the flow of
Electronic Document Management - data through a system to perform certain
capture and storage of document functionality of a business. The physical data
images instead of paper. flow diagram describes the implementation of
Electronic Data Interchange - computer- the logical data flow.
to-computer exchange of business data
in structured formats that allow direct
processing of those electronic Logical Data Flow
documents by the receiving computer
- focuses on the business and how the business
operates. It is not concerned with how the
Internet Commerce - computer-to-
system will be constructed.
computer exchange of business event
data in structured or semi-structured
formats via Internet communication
Physical Data Flow
that allows the initiation and
consummation of business events. - shows how the system will be implemented,
including the hardware, software, files, and
people in the system. It is developed such that
Chapter 4: Documenting Information the processes described in the logical data flow
Systems diagrams are implemented correctly to achieve
the goal of the business.
Documentation Process
- Storage costs are increased because the - Each application stores all the data
system must store and maintain multiple required for analysis.
versions of the same data in different files. - Shows many redundancies across
- Data residing in separate files are not applications/files.
shareable - Data lacks integrity when the data stored
by one application is inconsistent with data
stored by another application.
- Data gets stored in the form of a
collection of fields in which each field
Database Management Systems
contains only one value, i.e., every
- A set of integrated programs designed to individual record has only one parent
simplify the tasks of creating, accessing, and and a parent can have one or more
managing data. than one children.
- To retrieve the data, we need to
- Integrates a collection of files that are traverse each tree until we get the
independent of application programs and are desired data.
available to satisfy a number of different - It is simple but inflexible due to the
processing needs. parent-child one-to-many relationship.
- Database contains data related to all the They are mostly used in Banking and
organization’s applications in one place. Telecommunications industries to build
high performance and manage
- Supports normal data processing needs and applications.
enhances the organization’s management - As the name suggests, ‘Hierarchy’, it is
activities by providing data useful to managers. a tree-like structure. There are links
- Data is independent of the application that attached between each record as a
created the data (i.e., can be changed/used by parent-children relationship.
other applications).