1000 GK Qs SSC Oliveboard
1000 GK Qs SSC Oliveboard
1000 GK Qs SSC Oliveboard
For SSC Exams Free
Question 1. Who gave the title of Question 7. Rowlatt Act 1919 was
"Mahamana" to Madan Mohan Malviya? enacted during the period of?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (a) Lord Chelmford
(b) Dada Bhai Naurozi (b) Lord William
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) Lord Minto
(d) Mahatma Gandhi (d) Lord Bentinck
Question 2. Who was the Viceroy of the Question 8. Panchayati Raj System was
time of Quit India Movement? implemented first in the pair of states?
(a) Lord Irwin (a) Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan
(b) Lord Mountbatten (b) Assam and Bihar
(c) Lord Wavell (c) Arunachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
(d) Lord Lin Lithgow (d) Punjab and Chandigarh
Question 3. Who was the other Congress Question 9. Which of the following tribes
leader who joined with Motilal Nehru to is associated with the "Tana Bhagat"
start the Swaraj Party in movement?
1923? (a) Uraon
(a) G.K. Gokhale (b) Munda
(b) B.G. Tilak (c) Santhal
(c) Chittaranjan Das (d) Kondadora
(d) M.K. Gandhi ANS (A)
Question 10. Who founded the Naujawan
Question 4. Q) What is the first sermon of Bharat Sabha?
Buddha called as? (a) B. C. Pal
(a) Mahaparinivansutta (b) G. Subramania Iyer
(b) Brahmajalasutta (c) Sardar Bhagat Singh
(c) Dhammachakkapabattanasutta (d) Rukmani Lakshmipathi
(d) Kachchayanagottasutta ANS (C)
Question 11. The Narendra Mandal or
Question 5. From which of the following Chamber of Princes was inaugurated in
banks did Madan Mohan Malaviya take 1921 by?
loans for financing "The (a) Lord Curzon
Hindustan Times"? (b) Lord Wellesley
(a) State Bank of India (c) Duke of Cannaught
(b) Punjab National Bank (d) Duke of Wellington
(c) Bank of Maharashtra ANS (C)
(d) Bank of Baroda
ANS (B) Question 12. Buddha, Dhamma and
Sangha together are known as?
Question 6. Where are the Todas found? (a) Triratna
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Trivarga
(b) Tamil nadu (c) Trisarga
(c) Rajasthan (d) Trimurti
(d) Aruncachal Pradesh ANS (A)
Question 13. Who was called Lichchavi
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Question 17. Which of the following Question 23. Which of the following was
movements saw the biggest peasant established first?
guerilla war on the eve of (a) Banaras Hindu University
independence? (b) University of Bombay
(a) Punnapra Vayalar Movement (c) Aligarh Muslim University
(b) Telangana Movement (d) University of Allahabad
(c) Noakhali Movement ANS (B)
(d) Tebhaga Movement
ANS (B) Question 24. The first Indian Satellite
Aryabhatta was launched in:
Question 18. The founder of the Lodi (a) 1972
Dynasty was? (b) 1975
(a) Bahlol Lodi (c) 1977
(b) Sikandar Shah Lodi (d) 1979
(c) Jalal Khan Lodi ANS (B)
(d) Ibrahim Lodi
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A solar clock
Question 85 Adar Poonawalla launched B Bolometer
the Clean City initiative in Pune in the year C Binoculars
______. D Transformer
A 2018 Answer: A
B 2012
C 2010 Question 91 The Vernacular Press Act of
D 2015 1878 was repealed during the tenure of
Answer: D Viceroy ______.
A Lord Ripon
Question 86. Who among the following B
became a part of the Constituent Lord Dufferin
Assembly from Madras Constituency in C Lord Lansdowne
1946? D Lord Northbrook
A Ammu Swaminathan Answer: A
B Hansa Jivraj Mehta
C Kamla Chaudhry Question 92. Who among the following
D Begum Aizaz Rasul Indian artists won the ‘Joan Miro Prize’ for
Answer: A the year 2019?
A Jogen Chowdhury
Question 87 Solids like fats, grease and B Nalini Malani
oil that float on top of liquid wastewater C Anjolie Ela Menon
are called ______. D Jiten Thukral
A urea Answer: B
B sludge
C compost Question 93. Which of the following is
D peat more suitable than the others for the
Answer: B growth of cashew nut?
A Red laterite soil
Question 88 Which of the following B Black cotton soil
statements was quoted by Subhash C Alluvial soil
Chandra Bose? D Arid soil
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn Answer: A
as if you were to live forever.
B The best way to find yourself is to lose Question 94. Ashokan Minor Rock Edicts
yourself in the service of others. are found in different parts of India. Which
C Give me blood and I will give you of the following is NOT a find spot of
freedom. Ashokan Minor
D First, they ignore you, then they laugh at Rock Edicts in Karnataka?
you, then they fight you, then you win. A Brahmagiri
Answer: C B Gavimath
C Rupnath
Question 89. In order to get clean D Maski
drinking water disinfectant is used after Answer: C
filtration. Disinfectant, however, is NOT
used for removing: Question 95. Under the National Urban
A viruses Sanitation Policy, a city that scores points
B parasites between 34 and 66 and needs
C minerals considerable improvement is
D bacteria colour-coded ______.
Answer: C A green
B black
Question 90. Gnomon is a part of C blue
_____________ D red
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Answer: B
Question 101. The picture that won the
Question 96. _____________ Saptapadi World Press Photo of the Year 2021
ritual considers the marriage to be contest is titled ‘______’.
complete and auspicious. A The First Embrace
A The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1862 B Crying Girl on the Border
B The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 C Emancipation Memorial Debate
C Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) D Straight Voice
Application Act, 1937 Answer: A
D Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936
Answer: B Question 102. Which of the following
states has the lowest female sex ratio
Question 97. Which of the following according to the 2011 Census?
persons was named as Dean of Harvard A Uttar Pradesh
Business School in October 2020? B Punjab
A Sanjit Roy C Sikkim
B Achyuta Samanta D Haryana
C Srikant Datar Answer: D
D Nitin Nohria
Answer: C Question 103. Who among the following
was the first Indian Governor of Reserve
Question 98. Which of the following Bank of India?
Amendments of the Constitution of India A CD Deshmukh
was enacted in 1993 to constitutionally B HVR Lengar
recognise municipal C PC Bhattacharya
governments? D LK Jha
A 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act Answer: A
(CAA), 1990
B 72nd Constitutional Amendment Act Question 104. . Which amendment to the
(CAA), 1989 Constitution of India added a new subject
C 74th Constitutional Amendment Act in the Union List called 'taxes on
(CAA), 1992 services’?
D 71st Constitutional Amendment Act A 88th
(CAA), 1988 B 62nd
Answer: C C 78th
D 56th
Question 99. The Annapurna peak Answer: A
belongs to which region of the Himalayas?
A Nepal Question 105 . Who among the following
B Garhwal was the recipient of the ‘Vatayan Lifetime
C Bhutan Achievement Award 2020’?
D Kumaon A Prakash Javadekar
Answer: A B Ramesh Pokhriyal
C Piyush Goyal
Question 100. As per WHO (World Health D Ravi Shankar Prasad
Organization), which of the following is Answer: B
NOT an example of disinfection by-
products formed at Question 106 ______ is a mask dance
traditional drinking water treatment plants? popular in South Malabar.
A Titania A Parichakali
B Bromate B Kummattikali
C Chlorate C Zemmado
D Chlorite D Dhangar
Answer: A Answer: B
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Question 107. In the Seleucid Maurya Question 202. A decrease in which of the
war, Seleucus fought against which of the following factors leads to an increase in
following Mauryan rulers? the rate of evaporation?
A Ashok A Area of the free surface of the relativity
B Dasharath B Humidity
C chandra gupta maurya C Ambient Temperature
D samprati D wind speed over the surface of the liquid
Answer: C Answer: B
A Manipuri B plague
B Bharatanatyam C mumps
C Kuchipudi D tuberculosis (TB)
D Odissi Answer: D
Answer: D
226 Which of the following is the LEAST
220. ______ is a disorder resulting in visible form of land erosion?
abnormal electrical discharges from the A Gully erosion
brain cells causing seizures. B Ravine formation
A Prostatitis C Sheet erosion
B Hypoglycaemia D Landslides
C Epilepsy Answer: C
D Rheumatoid arthritis
Answer: C 227. The branch of horticulture which
deals with the production, storage,
221 Who among the following is the processing and marketing of vegetables is
author of the book ‘Unfinished : A called ______.
Memoir’? A pomology
A Katrina Kaif B agronomy
B Deepika Padukone C olericulture
C Priyanka Chopra Jonas D apiculture
D Alia Bhatt Answer: A
Answer: C
228. Who among the following was a
222. Who among the following is the contributor to the subject of medicine in
author of the book ‘Unaccustomed Earth’? ancient India?
A Arundhati Roy A Harsha
B Anita Nair B Bhasa
C Jhumpa Lahiri C Charaka
D Shobha De D Panini
Answer: C Answer: C
D 1979 C 1961
Answer: C D 1967
Answer: C
232. Si-yu-ki or ‘The Records of the
Western World’ was written by: 238. Which of the following Amendment
A Marco Polo Acts of the Constitution of India abolished
B Fa-Hien the privy purses and privileges of former
C Abdur Razzak rulers
D Hiuen Tsiang of princely states?
Answer: D A 25th Amendment Act 1971
B 28th Amendment Act 1972
233. The Regional Rural Banks were C 26th Amendment Act 1971
established on the recommendations of D 27th Amendment Act 1971
the ______ on Rural Credit. Answer: C
A Rekhi Committee
B Kelkar Committee 239. The Northeast Canyons and
C Tandon Committee Seamounts Marine National Monument is
D Narsimha Committee located in the ______.
Answer: D A Atlantic Ocean
B Red Sea
234 With reference to no-confidence C Arctic Ocean
motion, which of the following statements D Arabian Sea
is INCORRECT? Answer: A
A If it is passed in the Lok Sabha, the
council of ministers must resign from 240. ______ is a popular folk dance of
office. Minicoy Island.
B It is moved for ascertaining the A Aaluyattu
confidence of Lok Sabha in the council of B Moyashai
ministers. C Lava
C It can be moved against the entire D Leshalaptu
council of ministers only. Answer: C
D It should state the reasons for its
adoption in the Lok Sabha. 241. Who among the following was
Answer: D nominated for the 30th GD Birla Award for
Scientific Research for his/her outstanding
235. The rate of doing work is called: contribution to engineering science in April
A impulse 2021?
B force A Chandrima Saha
C power B Rajeev Kumar Varshney
D energy C Sanjay Mittal
Answer: C D Suman Chakraborty
Answer: D
236. Sikandra is the final resting place of
Emperor ______. 242. The Swachh Swasth ______ is an
A Shah Jahan initiative to achieve better health outcomes
B Humayun through improved sanitation, increased
C Jahangir awareness
D Akbar and healthy lifestyles.
Answer: D A Sansara
B Swarga
237. In which of the following years did the C Sarvatra
Indian army free Goa from the D Samagra
Portuguese? Answer: C
A 1959
B 1956
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Question 258. With reference to Question 265. Who among the following
taxonomic categories, the term was the Chairman of the Committee for
‘Mammalia’ is a/an ______. the Draft National Education Policy, which
1. class was approved by the Union Cabinet in
2. order 2020?
3. phylum 1. RS Sarkaria
4. family 2. Madan Mohan Punchhi
3. K Kasturirangan
Question 259. India joined the United 4. Dharmendra Pradhan
Nations after ratifying the UN Charter in
______. Question 266. The Mangalyaan mission
1. February 1946 was launched by the rocket:
2. December 1945 1. GSLV MkIII
3. October 1945 2. PSLV-C25
4. May 1946 3. PSLV-C35
4. PSLV-C38
Question 260. Which of the following
dams is constructed across the river Question 267. How many medals in total
Krishna? did India win at the Summer Olympic
1. Tehri Games, 2012?
2. Nagarjuna Sagar 1. 6
3. Hirakud 2. 2
4. Bhakra Nangal 3. 4
4. 3
Question 261. In which year did India
officially join the Shanghai Cooperation Question 268. Who is the Secretary-
Organization (SCO) as a full fledged General of the United Nations as on July
member? 2020?
1. 2018 1. Javier Perez de Cuellar
2. 2016 2. Kurt Waldheim
3. 2015 3. Ban Ki-moon
4. 2017 4. Antonio Guterres
Question 262. The Sahitya Akademi Question 269. Who among the following
Award was instituted in the year ______. had been given the title of ‘Sultan Buland
1. 1960 Iqbal’ by Shah Jahan?
2. 1954 1. Dara
3. 1989 2. Aurangzeb
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Question 270. Cathode rays are a beam Question 277. Which of the following is a
of: part of the ‘Sutta Pitaka’?
1. protons 1. Dipavamsa
2. positrons 2. Majjhima Nikaya
3. electrons 3. Dhammasangani
4. neutrons 4. Manu Smriti
Question 271.The Sati Pratha was Question 278. ‘mho’ is the unit of ______
abolished under the Governor- of a substance
Generalship of: 1. conductance
1. Lord Auckland 2. resistivity
2. Lord William Bentinck 3. conductivity
3. Lord Ellenborough 4. resistance
4. Lord Metcalfe
Question 279. ‘Siri’, the second city of
Question 272. Which among the following Delhi, was built by ______.
states does NOT share its border with 1. Prithviraj Chauhan
Odisha? 2. Firuz Shah Tughlaq
1. Jharkhand 3. Alauddin Khilji
2. West Bengal 4. Sher Shah Suri
3. Bihar
4. Chhattisgarh Question 280. With symbols having their
usual meanings, which one among the
Question 273. The first Star Guild Awards following is used as the standard for
ceremony was held in Mumbai in the year: defining atomic mass unit?
1. 2007 1. C-12
2. 2004 2. H-1
3. 2006 3. N-14
4. 2005 4. O-8
Question 274. The upward and downward Question 281. Which of the following
growth of shoots and roots, respectively, water bodies is closest to the Palk Strait?
in response to the pull 1. Gulf of Mannar
gravity is called ______. 2. Chilika Lake
1. phototropism 3. Gulf of Khambhat
2. hydrotropism 4. Mahim Creek
3. geotropism
4. chemotropism Question 282. At which of the following
places is the Nehru Memorial Museum
Question 275. Which among the following and Library located?
books was written by BR Ambedkar? 1. Kolkata
1. The New Economic Menace of India 2. Prayagraj
2. Satyarth Prakash 3. Mumbai
3. Annihilation of Caste 4. New Delhi
4. Savitri
Question 283. The festival of Sekrenyi is
Question 276. Who is the author of the celebrated in the month of February by the
book ‘Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army Angami tribe of
and the War Within’? 1. Chhattisgarh
1. Shuja Nawaz 2. Rajasthan
2. JN Dixit 3. Nagaland
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Question 300. The Rig Veda is divided Question 306. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna
into ______ books or mandalas. Award is accorded annually by the:
1. 12 1. Ministry of Human Resource
2. 34 Development, Govt. of India
3. 8 2. Indian National Congress
4. 10 3. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Trust
4. Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,
Question 301. Which among the following Govt. of India
is NOT true about a solution and the
solute concerned? Question 307. The Goods and Services
1. The particles of the solute settle Tax (GST) – which has replaced the
down at the bottom when the solution Central and State indirect taxes such as
is kept VAT, excise duty and service tax in India –
undisturbed. was implemented on:
2. The particles of the solute do not scatter 1. 2 October 2017
a beam of light. 2. 15 September 2017
3. The particles of the solute cannot be 3. 15 August 2017
seen with unaided eyes. 4. 1 July 2017
4. A solution is a homogeneous mixture.
Question 308. The Tata Iron and Steel
Question 302. The tomb of Itimad-ud- Company (TISCO) is located at which of
Daulah, inlaid with Pietra dura decoration, the following places?
is located at: 1. Bhilai
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Question 324. Standing in an open Question 331. What is the meaning of the
ground on a cloudless day, at what time Greek origin word, ‘Elektron’?
will your shadow be the shortest? 1. Ebonite
1. 15:00 2. Amber
2. 07:00 3. Charge
3. 12:00 4. Negative
4. 09:00
Question 332 Vibration of which among
Question 325. Who among the following the following produces only odd
is the only Indian shuttler to have won a harmonics?
Summer Olympics silver medal? 1. An air column in a closed organ pipe
1. Prakash Padukone 2. A vibrating rod fixed at two ends
2. Pulela Gopichand 3. An air column in an open organ pipe
3. Saina Nehwal 4. A vibrating string fixed at two ends
4. PV Sindhu
Question 333. What is the number of
Question 326. In which of the following hydrogen atoms in a molecule of calcium
places is the Govardhan Math located? bicarbonate?
1. Puri 1. 4
2. Dwarka 2. 0
3. Sringeri 3. 1
4. Badrinath 4. 2
Question 336. During which of the Question 342. In which month of 1915 did
following periods did Morarji Desai serve Mahatma Gandhi finally return from South
as the Deputy Prime Minister of India? Africa after his successful agitation against
1. 1970-1971 the racist regime?
2. 1967-1969 1. March
3. 1966-1967 2. July
4. 1964-1966 3. May
4. January
Question 337. What is the Atomic
Number of the element Einsteinium? Question 343. Who among the following
1. 98 has been a goalkeeper of the Indian
2. 101 national football team in the 1980s?
3. 100 1. Atanu Bhattacharya
4. 99 2. Inder Singh
3. IM Vijayan
Question 338. ______ is a mandatory 4. Gautam Sarkar
mark found on all processed fruit products
sold in India – such as packaged fruit Question344. The film ‘Shatranj Ke
beverages, fruit-jams, crushes and Khiladi’ is based on a short story by
squashes, pickles, dehydrated fruit ______.
products, and fruit extracts – as per the 1. Jaishankar Prasad
Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006. 2. Suryakant Tripathi Nirala
1. FPO 3. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
2. BEE Star Rating 4. Munshi Premchand
4. ISI Question 345. Who was the President of
India when Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as
Question 339. In which year did Prime Minister?
Afghanistan join SAARC? 1. R Venkataraman
1. 2005 2. Shankar Dayal Sharma
2. 2006 3. Giani Zail Singh
3. 2008 4. N Sanjiva Reddy
4. 2007
Question 346. Which among the following
Question 340. Which of the following birds impersonates the calls of other birds
writers announced the launch of his new to steal food?
book, ‘Legend of Suheldev: The King Who 1. Drongo
Saved India’, in June 2020? 2. Eagle
1. Amish Tripathi 3. Owl
2. Robin Sharma 4. Mynah
3. Arvind Adiga
4. Chetan Bhagat Question 347. Polio is caused by which
of the following organisms?
Question 341. The State is obligated to 1. Virus
protect every monument, place and object 2. Fungi
of national importance and historic interest 3. Bacteria
under Article ______ of the Constitution of 4. Protozoa
1. 49 Question 348. Who among the following
2. 46 was associated with Vaisheshika School
3. 48 of Philosophy?
4. 47 1. Gautama
2. Kanada
3. Jaimini
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Question 386_____ waves include visible Question 392. In order to overturn the
light waves, X-rays,gamma rays, radio British rule through arms, the Kakori
waves, microwaves, ultraviolet and Conspiracy was planned by the members
infrared waves of the ______ in 1925.
1. Electromagnetic 1. Gadar Party
2. Mechanical 2. Hindustan Republican Association
3. Electric 3. Indian National Army
4. Magnetic 4. Indian National Congress
Question 387. ______ is a naturally Question 393 The Coinage Act, 2011,
occurring phenomenon that is responsible allows issue of coins up to the
for the heating of the Earth’s surface and denomination of ₹______ in India
atmosphere. 1. 5,000
1. Greenhouse effect 2. 500
2. Global heating 3. 1,000
3. Radiation 4. 100
4. Global warming
Question 394. Bhootada Kola is a
Question 388. Former cricketer Gautam spiritual folk dance in which some rituals
Gambhir contested the Lok Sabha involve walking on a bed of hot coal and is
elections, 2019, from the practiced in coastal districts of ______.
______constituency on a Bharatiya Janata 1. Andhra Pradesh
Party ticket. 2. Tamil Nadu
1. New Delhi 3. Karnataka
2. East Delhi 4. Kerala
3. South Delhi
4. West Delhi Question 395. Which of the following
statements is NOT true about the game of
Question 389. An unexpected rise in Kho Kho?
sales of a product leads to ______. 1. Ten players take the field in the
1. planned decumulation of inventory beginning to start the match
2. unplanned decumulation of 2. It is a team game
inventory 3. It is one of the oldest traditional tag
3. planned accumulation of inventory games of India
4. unplanned accumulation of inventory 4. Three defenders of opposite team try to
avoid being touched by the chasers
Question 390. Organisms such as
bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, Question 396. Muzaffar Hussain Baig
helminths, etc., that cause diseases who was awarded the Padma Bhushan in
Humans are called ______. 2020 is a member of the
1. predators 1. National Panthers Party
2. pathogens 2. National Democratic Party
3. antigens 3. Jammu Republic Party
4. frugivores 4. Peoples Democratic Party
Question 391. Gandhiji’s first major public Question 397. Actor Kamal Haasan is the
appearance was at the opening of the Founder President of the political party
Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in ______.
______. 1. Thayaka Marumalarchi Kazhagam
1. February 1916 2. Marumalarchi Thamizhakam
2. January 1918 3. Makkal Needhi Maiam
3. December 1917 4. Dhiravida Thelugar Munnetra Kalagam
4. September 1915
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Question 399. .In pre-independent India, Question 405. The ______ is a single
Dadabhai Naoroji was the first to discuss string musical instrument made using a
the concept of a ______. bamboo and a gourd, mostly used by
1. bread line traditional folk singers in Maharashtra.
2. living wage 1. Ektara
3. subsistence level 2. Esraj
4. poverty line 3. Edakka
4. Ekkalam
Question 400. Name the scheme
launched by the Government of India in Question 405. One of the main reasons
2015–16 with an aim to ensure water for the defeat of Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah in
security through per capita availability of the Battle of Plassey was that the forces
water in the country led by ______, one of his commanders,
1. Jal Kranti Abhiyan never fought the battle.
2. Atal Bhujal Yojana 1. Mahabat Khan
3. Polavaram Project 2. Mir Jafar
4. Namami Gange 3. Mir Khalifa
4. Mir Jumla II
Question 401. A policy which involves
fixing the maximum size of land which Question 406. Lal Bahadur Shastri was
could be owned by an individual is called born on ______.
______. 1. 12 October 1904
1. land mapping 2. 2 October 1904
2. land ceiling 3. 2 October 1869
3. land jamming 4. 12 October 1869
4. land capping
Question 407. Maria Irudayam, who is a
Question 402. Which Indian state is two-time world champion and a nine-time
bordered by Bhutan and Arunachal national champion, is associated with the
Pradesh to the north; Nagaland and game of ______.
Manipur to the east; Meghalaya, Tripura, 1. badminton
Mizoram and Bangladesh to the south; 2. carrom
and West Bengal to the west? 3. table tennis
1. Tripura 4. chess
2. Assam
3. Arunachal Pradesh Question 408. ______ solids are formed
4. Sikkim by the three-dimensional arrangements of
cations and anions bound by strong
Question 403. The climate of Assam can coulombic (electrostatic) forces.
be described as: 1. Covalent
1. subtropical humid climate 2. Ionic
2. mountain climate 3. Metallic
3. tropical monsoon rainforest climate 4. Molecular
4. tropical dry climate
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Question 409. With which of the following Question 415. The steel plant at Bokaro
sports are the teams ‘Chennai was set up in collaboration with ______
Superstarz’, ‘Awadhe Warriors’ and 1. Germany
‘Mumbai Rockets’ associated? 2. United Kingdom
1. Hockey 3. Soviet Union
2. Football 4. France
3. Kabaddi
4. Badminton Question 416. Mehrgarh, a Neolithic
settlement, is situated in the ______
Question 410. According to a law province of Pakistan.
postulated by ______, the amounts of 1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
different substances liberated by the same 2. Balochistan
quantity of electricity passing through the 3. Sindh
electrolytic solution are proportional to 4. Punjab
their chemical equivalent weights.
1. John Dalton Question 417. Which of the following
2. Joseph Fourier states was formed in the year 2000?
3. Michael Faraday 1. Uttarakhand
4. Alfred Nobel 2. Odisha
3. Sikkim
Question 411. Which of the following 4. Goa
statements is NOT true about C
Rajagopalachari? Question 418. In the context of Colonial
1. He was the first Indian to become the India, the Hartog Committee Report is
Governor General of India related to which of the following fields?
2. He was the founder of the Swatantra 1. Education
Party 2. Urbanization
3. He was a senior leader of the Congress 3. Irrigation
He was the first recipient of the Padma 4. Health
Shri Award
Question 419. Iron nails become ______
Question 412. Solubility of gases in after being dipped in copper sulfate
liquids ______ with decrease in solution.
temperature 1. greenish
1. remains constant 2. brownish
2. increases 3. grayish
3. decreases 4. bluish
4. first decreases and then increases
Question 420. Which of the following
Question 413. Which of the following cities is situated along the Coromandel
Stupa sites is NOT located in the state of Coast?
Uttar Pradesh? 1. Vellore
1. Bharhut 2. Tuticorin
2. Ramabhar 3. Tiruchirappalli
3. Chaukhandi 4. Tirunelveli
4. Dhamek
Question 421. Which of the following
Question 414. With which sport do you Articles of the Constitution of India
associate the name of Koneru Humpy? abolishes untouchability?
1. Chess 1. 20
2. Volleyball 2. 17
3. Table Tennis 3. 18
4. Basketball 4. 19
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Question 426. Which of the following Question 432. Which of the following
does NOT fall under the category of cities does NOT lie on the path of river
oilseeds? Ganga?
1. Groundnut 1. Lucknow
2. Soyabean 2. Prayagraj
3. Oats 3. Kanpur
4. Sesame 4. Patna
3. 1st July 2. 1
4. 1st June 3. 0
4. 3
Question 448. In which Summer Olympic
Games did PT Usha miss the bronze Question 455. As of 30th June 2020, the
medal by 0.01 second in the Women’s 400 Preamble to the Indian Constitution was
m Hurdles race? amended _____
1. 1988 1. twice
2. 1984 2. once
3. 1992 3. thrice
4. 1980 4. five times
Question 449. Who wrote the book ‘India Question 456. What is the chemical
Wins Freedom’? symbol of Arsenic?
1. Vijay Lakshmi Pandit 1. Ar
2. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad 2. As
3. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee 3. An
4. Mahatma Gandhi 4. Ac
Question 450. The phrase ‘Gross Question 457. In which of the following
National Happiness’ was first coined in: years was the National Food Security Act
1. India enacted in India?
2. Sweden 1. 2012
3. New Zealand 2. 2011
4. Bhutan 3. 2013
4. 2009
Question 451. In which of the following
states of India is the ‘Ambubachi Mela’ Question 458. Which of the following
held every year? barrages/dams is closest to the India-
1. Kerala Bangladesh border?
2. Gujarat 1. Durgapur
3. Sikkim 2. Massanjore
4. Assam 3. Farakka
4. Tilaiya
Question 452. ‘Ramoji Film City’ is
located close to which of the following Question 459. Which among the following
cities? is an ‘action-at-a-distance’ force?
1. Mumbai 1. Friction
2. Hyderabad 2. Tension
3. Pune 3. Pull
4. Gurugram 4. Gravitation
Question 453. Which of the following Question 460. What is the total area of
subjects is covered in the Eleventh the state of Goa?
Schedule of the Constitution of India? 1. 1702 km2
1. Large scale industries 2. 2702 km2
2. Health and sanitation 3. 3702 km2
3. Police and public order 4. 4702 km2
4. Major forest produce
Question 461. What is the length of the
Question 454. How many times has Indian border with Afghanistan?
Pakistan reached the final of ICC Men’s 1. 601 km
World Cup? 2. 106 km
1. 2 3. 755 km
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
Question 493. The Chief Minister of the Question 500. Who among the following
state of Gujarat as on 30 June 2020 was was a Gupta ruler?
______. 1. Vima Kadphises
1. Vijaybhai Rupani 2. Vikramaditya
2. Pramod Sawant 3. Dhana Nanda
3. Naveen Patnaik 4. Kanishka
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
Question 521. Who is the author of the Question 527. ______ waves include
book 'Arctic Home of the Vedas'? visible light waves, X-rays,gamma rays,
1. Bipin Chandra Pal radio waves, microwaves, ultraviolet and
2. Max Muller infrared waves.
3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak 1. Electromagnetic
4. Aurobindo Ghosh 2. Mechanical
3. Electric
4. Magnetic
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
(b) Sirius
Question 528. ______ is a naturally (c) Proxima Centauri
occurring phenomenon that is responsible (d) Alpha Centauri
for the heating of the Earth’s surface and Correct Answer: c
1. Greenhouse effect 535. The forest in Sundarban is called
2. Global heating ______.
3. Radiation (a) Scrub jungle
4. Global warming (b) Mangrove
(c) Deciduous Forest
Question 529. An unexpected rise in (d) Tundra
sales of a product leads to ______. Correct Answer: b
1. planned decumulation of inventory
2. unplanned decumulation of 536. Which of the following Indonesian
inventory regions was a victim of massive
3. planned accumulation of inventory earthquake
4. unplanned accumulation of inventory in 2004?
(a) Irian Jaya
Question 530. Organisms such as (b) Sumatra
bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, (c) Kalibangan
helminths, etc., that cause diseases (d) Java
Humans are called ______. Correct Answer: b
1. predators
2. pathogens 537. The first non-stop air-conditioned
3. antigens 'DURANTO' train was flagged off between
4. frugivores _______.
(a) Sealdah - New Delhi
531. Seismic Sea waves which approach (b) Mumbai - Howrah
the (c) Bangalore - Howrah
coasts at greater force are known as: (d) Chennai - New Delhi
(a) Tides Correct Answer: a
(b) Tsunami
(c) Current 538. Which one of the following states
(d) Cyclone does
Correct Answer: b not form part of Narmada River basin?
(a) Madhya Pradesh
532. The land of maximum biodiversity is: (b) Rajasthan
(a) Tropical (c) Gujarat
(b) Temperate (d) Maharashtra
(c) Monsoonal Correct Answer: b
(d) Equatorial
Correct Answer: a 539. Soil erosion on hill slopes can be
533. Indian Standard Time relates to: by _________.
(a) 75.5°E longitude (a) Afforestation
(b) 82.5°E longitude (b) Terrace cultivation
(c) 90.5°E longitude (c) Strip cropping
(d) 0° longitude (d) Contour ploughing
Correct Answer: b Correct Answer: b
534. Which is the second nearest star to 540. Who coined the word 'Geography'?
the (a) Ptolemy
Earth after the Sun? (b) Eratosthenese
(a) Vega (c) Hacataus
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
579. Which hill station is called as the 585. The angle between the magnetic
'Queen of the Satpuras' meridian and the geographical meridian at
(a) Pachmarhi a place is :
(b) Nilgiri (a) Declination
(c) Mahenderagiri (b) Latitude
(d) Cardamom (c) Azimuth
Correct Answer: a (d) Dip
591. Which one of the following is not a 597. Which two of the following are
line connected by the North South corridor?
of demarcation between two countries? (a) Srinagar and Kanyakumari
(a) Durand Line (b) Mumbai and Chennai
(b) Mac Mahon Line (c) Amritsar and Kolkata
(c) Plimsoll Line (d) Hyderabad and Bhopal
(d) Maginot Line
Correct Answer: a
Correct Answer: c
598. Which of the following statements is
592. Water potential remains lowest in correct?
__________. (a) Mahadeo hills are in the west of
(a) Water plants Maikala
(b) Woody plants hills.
(c) Succulents (b) Mahadeo hills are the part of
(d) Halophytes Karnataka
Correct Answer: d (c) Mahadeo hills are in the east of
Chhotanagpur Plateau.
593. The free living bacterium in the soil (d) Mahadeo hills are the part of Aravalli
which increases the yield of rice is : ranges.
(a) Rhizobium
(b) Azotobacter Correct Answer: a
(c) Acetobacter
(d) Anabaena 599. Which one of the following pairs is
Correct Answer: b correctly matched?
(a) Hevea Tree—Brazil
594. Frontal cyclones occur (b) Sumatra Storm—Malaysia
characteristically in _______________. (c) Kajan River—Borneo
(a) Equatorial region (d) Dekke Toba fish—Brazil
(b) Tropical region
(c) Mid-latitudinal region Correct Answer: d
(d) Polar region 600. Which of the following resources is
renewable one?
Correct Answer: c (a) Uranium
(b) Coal
595. "Yosemite" is a ____________. (c) Timber
(a) River (d) Natural Gas
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
615. Evergreen type forests are found in: 621. Limestone is a raw material used by
(a) Mediterranean region which industry?
(b) Monsoon climatic area (a) Aluminium
(c) Desert region (b) Fertilizers
(d) Equatorial region (c) Cement
(d) Petrochemicals
Correct Answer: b
Correct Answer: c
616. The ash-grey soils of high latitude
coniferous forests are known as: 622. The only perennial river in Peninsular
(a) Grey-Brown soils India is _____.
(b) Red and Yellow soils (a) Godavari
(c) Tundra soils (b) Kaveri
(d) Podsols (c) Krishna
(d) Bhima
Correct Answer: a
Correct Answer: b
617. Equinox occurs when the sun is
vertically above ____________. 623. When does solar eclipse take place?
(a) Tropic of Capricorn
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
(a) When the sun is between the moon (d) West Bengal
earth Correct Answer: c
(b) When the earth is between the moon
and sun 629. Jog falls in Karnataka is located over
(c) When the moon is between the sun which river?
and (a) Kaveri
earth (b) Godavari
(d) When the moon does not lie on the line (c) Sharavati
joining the sun and earth (d) Krishna
624. Strait of Gibraltar connects which of 630. Which one of the following areas of
the following? India is covered by tropical evergreen
(a) Red Sea-Mediterranean Sea forest?
(b) Red Sea-Arabian Sea (a) Semi-arid areas of Gujarat
(c) Atlantic Ocean-Mediterranean Sea (b) Eastern Ghats
(d) Mediterranean Sea-Black Sea (c) Western Ghats
(d) Madhya Pradesh
Correct Answer: c
Correct Answer: c
625. The largest solar power plant in India
is located at _________________ 631. The DPSP (Directive Principle of
(a) Nagercoil State
(b) Jaisalmer Policy) in the Indian Constitution has been
(c) Madhapur borrowed from which country?
(d) Rann of Kutch a. USA
b. Australia
Correct Answer: c (Till 2017) c. Ireland
d. Russia
626. On which river is the Tehri dam built? Correct Answer: C
(a) Alakananda
(b) Bhagirathi 632. How many fundamental rights have
(c) Ganga been
(d) Hooghly provided by the Constitution of India?
a. 9
Correct Answer: b b. 7
c. 5
d. 6
627. With which country, India has the Correct Answer: D
longest international boundary?
(a) Nepal
(b) Pakistan 633. Who is regarded as the constitutional
(c) China head
(d) Bangladesh of the state government?
a. Chief Minister
Correct Answer: d b. HighCourt Judge
c. Governor
628. Which State in India has the largest d. None ofthese
coastline? Correct Answer: C
(a) Tamil Nadu
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Gujarat
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
679. Who among the following is/was the 685. A person standing on a railway
longest serving governor of an Indian platform
state? listens to the whistles of arriving and
a. N D Tiwari departing trains. The whistle heard is
b. Padmaja Naidu (a) of higher pitch when train departs
c. Sarojini Naidu (b) of higher pitch when train arrives
d. Lakshmi Kant Jha (c) of higher intensity when train arrives
Correct Answer: B (d) the same in both cases in all respects
Correct Answer:B
Question 722
717. When a body is taken from earth to Goa was captured by Portugeese in which
moon ______. year?
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D Pulicat Lake
Question 806 Answer: A
Which of the following schemes was
launched recently to promote financial Question 812
inclusion? In a thermodynamic system, thermal
A Jan Dhan Yojana equilibrium is achieved when two bodies
B Digital India reach
C Clean Ganga Campaign A same thermal energy
D Adarsh Gram Yojana B same entropy
E All of the above C same temperature
Answer: A D same molecular energy
Answer: C
Question 807
Which of the following countries doesn’t Question 814
have a written constitution? All souls day is a _____ festival.
A United Kingdom A Buddhism
B Bangladesh B Jainism
C Australia C Christian
D Pakistan D Muslim
Answer: A Answer: C
Question 826: After how many years Question 832: Which of the following
India has assumed the chairmanship of rulers was a great patron of jainism?
1. Ajatshatru
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2. Bimbisara 3. Cytoplasm
3. Gautamiputra Satkarni 4. Endoplasmic reticulum
4. Chandragupta Maurya
Question 840: National technology day
Question 833: Bhoota Kola is a spiritual observed on
folk dance practiced in the coastal districts 1. 9 August
of 2. 8 September
1. Kerala 3. 11 May
2. Tamil Nadu 4. 17 May
3. Karnataka
4. Andhra Pradesh Question 841: What is meant by MSME?
1. Medium, small and Marginalized
Question 834: In Bharatanatyam, the enterprises
story or theme is always taken from 2. Micro, Small and Marginalized
__________? Enterprises
1. Ramayanam 3. Medium, Strategic and Micro
2. Mahabharata Enterprises
3. Rigveda 4. Micro, Small and Medium
4. Both 1 & 2 enterprises
Question 835: Which of the following Question 842: Dardic group of languages
feature distinguished Kuchipudi from belong to which language family?
all other classical dances? 1. Indo-European
1. Use of Speech 2. Austric
2. Vocal expression 3. Sino-tibetan
3. Multi-hued Customs 4. Dravidian
4. North Indian origin
Question 843: Which of the following was
Question 836: Who were the pioneers of recognised as “Invisible hand” by Adem
miniature paintings? Smith?
1. Pahari School 1. Government
2. Pala School 2. Market/Price Mechanism
3. Mughal School 3. Judiciary
4. Deccani School 4. Legislature
Question 837: Who is known as the Question 844: Fixation of price levels for
Father of Qawwali? wheat and rice by the commission for
1. Tansen agricultural costs and prices is an example
2. Faizi of_____
3. Amir Khusrau 1. Administered Price
4. Man singh Tomar 2. Market Price
3. Control price
Question 838: During respiration in 4. Support Price
Human beings, the actual place of
gaseous exchange is_______ Question 845: Which one of the following
1. Bronchi karst landforms is the largest in size?
2. Nasal Passage 1. Polje
3. Alveoli 2. Uvala
4. Trachea 3. Swallow Hole
4. SinkHole
Question 839: In which part of the cell,
the glucose is converted into pyruvate? Question 846: The distance between two
1. Mitochondria successive crests or troughs of sea waves
2. Nucleus is called as____
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
Homeostasis 1. 1947
Osmoregulation 2. 1950
3. 1960
Question 869: In human beings, the 4. 1991
opening of the stomach into the small
intestine is called Question 876: Nihal Sarin, who was seen
Caecum in the news recently, is associated with
Ileum sports?
Oesophagus 1. Tennis
Pylorus 2. Table-Tennis
3. Chess
Question 870: Which one of the following 4. Swimming
is considered as the drug of last resort for
human beings? Question 877: FIDE is the international
Penicillin federation of which sports/game?
Tetracycline 1. Football
Chloramphenicol 2. Chess
Streptomycin 3. Basketball
4. Hockey
Question 871: Green Freight Corridor 2,
seen in the news recently, is located in Question 878: Liverpool, which was
which state? removed from UNESCO World Heritage
1. Maharashtra sites, is located in which country?
2. West Bengal 1. USA
3. Kerala 2. UK
4. Tamil Nadu 3. Denmark
4. Russia
Question 872: India and which
neighbouring country exchange lists of Question 879: Who owns the private
lists of civilian prisoners and fishermen in space agency ‘Blue Origin’?
their custody every year on 1st January 1. Jeff Bezos
and 1st July? 2. Elon Musk
1. Pakistan 3. Mark Zuckerberg
2. Bangladesh 4. Tim Cook
3. Sri Lanka
4. China Question 880: How many ordnance
factories are operational across India?
Question 873: Which country topped the 1. 11
Sustainable Development Report 2021? 2. 41
1. US 3. 91
2. UK 4. 181
3. China
4. Finland Question 881: When is the National
Broadcasting Day observed in India?
Question 874: Which Indian state is 1. July 20
called the ‘falcon Capital of the world’? 2. July 23
1. Meghalaya 3. July 25
2. Arunachal Pradesh 4. July 27
3. Nagaland
4. Tripura Question 882: Which two Union
Territories of India have joined in the ‘One
Question 875: In which year was the Nation One Ration Card’ Scheme?
Indus water Treaty signed between India 1. Ladakh and Lakshadweep
and Pakistan? 2. Ladakh and Puducherry
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
1. The Parliament of India can place a Question 904: Which one of the following
particular law in the Ninth Schedule of the gases has the highest solubility in water?
Constitution of India. 1. Chlorine
2. The validity of a law placed in the Ninth 2. Ammonia
Schedule cannot be examined by any 3. Carbon dioxide
court and no judgment can be made on it. 4. Nitrogen
Question 922: Which among the following Solution: The correct answer is Pantanal
is responsible for depletion of Ozone? (South America)
1. Carbon monoxide Question 927: Which of the following
2. Carbon dioxide describes the biomass relationship
3. Chlorofluorocarbon between producers and consumers in an
4. Mercuric oxide ecosystem?
Solution: The correct answer is 1. Food Chain
Chlorofluorocarbon 2. Food Web
3. Ecological Pyramid
Question 923: Which of the 4. Trophic level
following living creatures is known for the
loudest sound? Solution: The correct answer is Ecological
Options Pyramid
1. Gibbon
2. Donkey Question 928: Name the atmospheric
3. Howler monkey layer closest to the ground
4. Humpback Whales Options
1. Troposphere
Solution: The correct answer is Humpback 2. Mesosphere
Whales 3. Thermosphere
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
4. Stratosphere
Question 933: The headquarters of UNEP
Solution: The correct answer is is at
Troposphere Options
1. New York
Question 929: The most abundant gas on 2. Geneva
the earth’s atmosphere is 3. Stockholm
Options 4. Nairobi
1. Oxygen
2. Carbon
3. Nitrogen Solution: The correct answer is Nairobi.
4. Hydrogen
Question 934: Which camel species has
Solution: The correct answer is Nitrogen two humps on its back?
Question 930: What atmospheric layer has 1. Arabian camel
most of the clouds? 2. Australian camel
Options 3. Bactrian camel
1. Mesosphere 4. Dromedary camels
2. Thermosphere
3. Exosphere
4. Troposphere Solution: The correct answer is Bactrian
Question 939: Reduce, Reuse and Question 944: Buxa Tiger Reserve is
_______ are the three R's to save the located in which State?
environment Options
Options 1. Bihar
1. Rewise 2. Jharkhand
2. Restore 3. West Bengal
3. Recycle 4. Madhya Pradesh
4. Recall Solution : The correct answer is West
Solution: The correct answer is Recycle
Question 945: The most potent
Question 940: Which of the following is a greenhouse gas among the following is
biodegradable pollutant? __?
Options Options
1. Dye effluent 1. Carbon dioxide
2. Bleaching effluent 2. Methane
3. Sewage 3. Water Vapor
4. Heavy metals 4. Ozone
Solution: The correct answer is Sewage Solution : The correct answer is Water
Question 941: Which is the first national
park established in India? Question 946: Red Data Book is published
Options by ___-?
1. Bandipur national park Options
2. Corbett national park 1. United Nations Environment
3. Kanha national park Programme
4. Periyar national park 2. World Wildlife Fund
3. World Environment Facility
Solution: The correct answer is Corbett
national park
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
Question 956: Largest share in global Question 961: How many Biodiversity
mangrove areas are found in? hotspot regions in India?
Option Option
1. India 1. Two
2. Brazil 2. Three
3. Indonesia 3. Four
4. South Africa 4. Five
Solution: The correct answer is Four
Solution: The correct answer is Indonesia
Question 962: Which of the following is not
a biodiversity Hotspot in India?
Question 957: Montreal protocol is related Option
to? 1. Eastern Himalayas
Option 2. Western Himalayas
1. Ozone Layer 3. Western Ghats
2. Extinct species 4. Lakshadweep Island
3. Endangered Birds Solution: The correct answer is
4. None of the above Lakshadweep Island
Question 965: Where was the Ramasar Question 970: Where is the National
treaty held? Environmental Research Center of India
Option located?
1. Iraq Option
2. Iran 1. Pune
3. Turkmenistan 2. Nagpur
4. Kazakhstan 3. Delhi
Solution: The correct answer is Iran 4. Mumbai
Solution: The correct answer is Nagpur
Question 966: How many Biospheres
Reserves in India? Question 971. The study of growing plant
Option without soil
15 in water containing nutrient is known
1. 16 as:
2. 17
3. 18 (a) Hypotonics
Solution: The correct answer is 18 (b) Hydrotonics
(c) Hydrophonics
Question 967: Which was the first (d) Hydrology
biosphere of India that was included in the Answer: c
UNESCO World Network?
1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Question 972. Which of the following is
2. Khangchendzonga Biosphere true about
Reserve heart?
3. Manas Biosphere Reserve
4. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve
Solution: The correct answer is Nilgiri (a) Heart circulates blood
Biosphere Reserve (b) Heart supplies oxygen to blood
(c) Heart purifies blood
(d) Heart separates excretorywastes from
Question 968: Which is the latest blood
biosphere reserve of India included by Answer: a
UNESCO in the world network?
1. Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Question 973. Which of the following have
2. Khangchendzonga Biosphere nucleus?
3. Manas Biosphere Reserve
4. Nokrek Biosphere Reserve (a) RBC
Solution: The correct answer is (b) WBC
Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve (c) Platelets
(d) None ofthese
Question 969: Where is the Nanda Devi
Bio-Reserve located? Answer: b
Option Question 974. Leptospirosis is a disease
1. Uttar Pradesh caused by?
2. Uttarakhand
3. Madhya Pradesh (a) Fungus
4. Assam (b) Virus
Solution: The correct answer is (c) Bacteria
Uttarakhand (d) Protozoa
Answer: c
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
(a) VitaminA
Question 976. Which of the following is not (b) Vitamin B 2
a fatsoluble vitamin? (c) Vitamin B 12
(d) Vitamin E
(a) VitaminA Answer: c
(b) VitaminB
(c) VitaminK Question 982. Which of the following acts
(d) Vitamin E both as an
Answer: b exocrine gland and endocrine gland?
(a) Pancreatitis
Question 979. The vitamin found in Amla (b) Diabetes
(Gooseberry) is? (c) Cancer
(d) AIDS
(a) Vitamin B Answer: d
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin E
(d) Vitamin C Question 985. Saliva helps in the digestion
Answer: d of
(a) Protein
Question 980. Rickets is caused due to (b) Fats
deficiency (c) Fibre
of which vitamin? (d) Starch
1000 GK questions for SSC Free E-Book
(a) Platelets
Answer: d (b) Red BloodCells
(c) White BloodCells
(d) None ofthese
Question 986.The functional unit of kidney Answer: d
is called
Question 992.The scientific name of
(a) artery Mango is?
(b) nephron
(c) neuron (a) Mangifera Indica
(d) axon (b) Homo sapiens
Answer: b (c) Azadirachta Indica
(d) None ofthese
Question 987. Lizard belongs to which Answer: a
category of
Question 993.Aflatoxins are produced by :
(a) Amphibian
(b) Reptilia (a) Viruses
(c) Aves (b) Fungi
(d) Pisces (c) Algae
(d) Bacteria
Answer: b Answer: b
Answer: c
Question 995. Parthenogenesis is a
process in which:
Question 989. Deficiency of Vitamin C
causes? (a) Development of embryo without
(a) Goitre (b) Development of eggwithout
(b) Marasmus fertilization
(c) Dysentery (c) Fruits developwithout hormone
(d) Scurvy (d) Fruits developwithoutfertilization
Answer: d Answer: a
(a) Succulents
(b) Halophytes
(c) Hydrophytes
(d) Xerophytes
Answer: b
(a) Haemoglobin
Answer: c
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