The Decision Making Process - 03.28.2015 - Jerralyn Alva
The Decision Making Process - 03.28.2015 - Jerralyn Alva
The Decision Making Process - 03.28.2015 - Jerralyn Alva
Pay workers overtime to keep the bottleneck F. Joint Product Costs and the Contribution
running after normal working hours. As Approach. In some manufacturing processes,
discussed below, the potential payoff from several end products are produced from a single
taking such an action is often well worth the input. Such end products are known as joint
additional expense. In contrast, paying products. The costs associated with making
workers overtime to keep non-bottleneck these products up to the point where they can
processes running after normal working be recognized as separate products (the split-off
hours is a total waste of money. point) are called joint product costs.
1. The pitfalls of allocation. Joint product costs flows associated with the machine will be
are really common costs that are incurred to affected by how much it is used. If the machine
simultaneously produce a variety of end is not a bottleneck and using some of its excess
products. Unfortunately, these common costs capacity has no effect on future spending, then
are routinely allocated to the joint products. there really is no cost associated with using the
Allocated joint product costs are often machine. In this case, the costs assigned by the
misinterpreted as costs that could be avoided by activity-based costing system to the product
producing less of one of the joint products. would not be relevant.
However, joint product costs can only be
avoided by producing less of all of the joint
products simultaneously. If any of the joint Relevant Costs for Decision Making
products is made, then all of the joint product
costs up to the split-off point will have to be Making correct decisions is one of the most
incurred. important tasks of a successful manager. Every
decision involves a choice between at least two
2. Sell or process further decisions. A alternatives. The decision process may be
decision often must be made about selling a complicated by volumes of data, irrelevant data,
joint product as is or processing it further. incomplete information, an unlimited array of
alternatives, etc. The role of the managerial
a. It is profitable to continue processing a joint accountant in this process is often that of a
product after the split-off point so long as the gatherer and summarizer of relevant information
incremental revenue from such processing rather than the ultimate decision maker.
exceeds the incremental processing costs.
The costs and benefits of the alternatives need
to be compared and contrasted before making a
b. In such decisions, the joint product costs
incurred before the split-off point are not
The decision should be based only on
relevant. They would be relevant in a decision to
RELEVANT information. Relevant information
shut down the joint process altogether, but they
includes the predicted future costs and revenues
are irrelevant in any decision about what to do
that differ among the alternatives. Any cost or
with the joint products once they have reached
benefit that does not differ between alternatives
the split-off point.
is irrelevant and can be ignored in a decision. All
future revenues and/or costs that do not differ
G. Activity-Based Costing and Relevant between the alternatives are irrelevant. Sunk
Costs. Activity-based costing is a resource costs (costs already irrevocably incurred) are
consumption model, not a spending model. always irrelevant since they will be the same for
Activity-based costing gives an idea of the any alternative.
magnitude of resources involved in carrying out To identify which costs are relevant in a
activities, but it should be used with a great deal particular situation, take this three step
of caution in making particular decisions. The approach:
costs assigned to products and other cost 1. Eliminate sunk costs
objects are only potentially relevant costs. 2. Eliminate costs and benefits that do not differ
Whether they are relevant or not in any between alternatives
particular situation should be carefully 3. Compare the remaining costs and benefits
considered. that do differ between alternatives to make the
proper decision
For example, in most activity-based costing
systems the fixed depreciation costs of a Five separate types of decisions are discussed
sophisticated milling machine would be allocated in Chapter 13 as follows:
to products based upon their usage of that Adding and Dropping Product Lines and
resource. Suppose you are trying to decide Other Segments
whether to drop a product that uses the milling Make or Buy Decisions
machine. The fact that the product uses the Special Orders
milling machine is relevant only if the milling Utilization of a Scarce Resources
machine is a bottleneck (and opportunity costs Sell or Process further Decisions
are involved in its use) or somehow future cash
Adding and Dropping Product Lines and Other continuing to make the shifter of ($5 * 8,000) or
Segments $40,000.
In Exhibit 13-2, Page 609, it appears that
Discount Drug Company will improve its overall Special Orders
profits if it drops the House-wares Product Line. Special orders are one-time orders that do not
However, in order to make the correct decision affect a company’s normal sales. The profit from
regarding dropping a product line, we need to a special order equals the incremental revenue
compare lost contribution margin with avoidable less the incremental costs. As long as the
fixed costs. If the avoidable fixed costs are incremental revenue exceeds the incremental
greater than lost contribution margin then costs and present sales are unaffected, the
Discount Drug Company is better off dropping special order should be accepted. Beginning on
the House-wares Product Line. In analyzing the Page 616 the authors describe an example of a
House-wares fixed costs, we find that $13,000 of special order in which the Seattle Police
the total fixed costs of $28,000 are not Department offers to buy bicycles from Mountain
avoidable, that is, they will continue even if the Goat Cycles on a special order price of $179 per
House-wares line is dropped. Only $15,000 of unit. The bikes have a unit product “cost” of
the fixed costs are avoidable. When we compare $182. Should the special order be accepted?
the avoidable fixed costs of $15,000 with the Since this order would have no effect on other
loss contribution margin of $20,000, we see that sales and since the company has idle capacity,
total net profits will decrease by $5,000 if the then only incremental costs and benefits are
House-wares Product Line is dropped. relevant. See the analysis on Page 617 showing
why the special order should be accepted.
A segment should be added only if the increase
in total contribution margin is greater than the Utilization of a Constrained Resources
increase in fixed costs. A segment should be Whenever demand exceeds productive capacity,
dropped only if the decrease in total contribution a production constraint (bottleneck) exists. This
margin is less than the decrease in fixed costs. means that the company is unable to fill all
The authors warn the reader to beware of orders and some choices have to be made
allocated common costs. Common fixed costs concerning which orders are filled and which are
are fixed costs that support the operation of not filled. Total contribution margin will be
more than one segment, but are not traceable in maximized by promoting those products or
whole or in part to any one segment. Thus they accepting those orders that provide the highest
continue even when the product line is dropped. unit contribution margin in relation to the
Allocated common fixed costs can make a constrained resource. See the example on
segment look unprofitable even though dropping Pages 618-9. Since the capacity of an entire
the segment might result in a decrease in overall factory or an entire service organization may be
company net operating income determined by a single constraint, it is extremely
Make or Buy Decisions important to effectively manage the constraint.
A make or buy decision relates to whether an Methods to increase the capacity of the
item should be made internally or purchased constraint or bottleneck are described on Page
from an external supplier. Beginning on Page 605.
613 the authors describe how Mountain Goat
Cycles Company is producing 8,000 gear Sell or Process Further Decisions
shifters annually at an internal “cost” of $21 per In some manufacturing processes, several
unit. An outside supplier has offered to sell intermediate products are produced from a
8,000 shifters per year to Mountain Goat Cycles single input. Such products are known as joint
at a unit price of $19. Should Mountain Goat products. The costs associated with making
Cycles continue to make the shifter or should these products up to the point where they can
they purchase it? Analyzing the “costs” of the be recognized as separate products (the split-off
internally produced shifter reveals that the point) are called joint product costs.
depreciation and allocated general overhead
costs (totalling $7 per unit) will continue even if A decision often must be made about selling a
the shifter is purchased externally. Thus the joint product as is or processing it further. It is
relevant costs are $14 to make versus $19 to profitable to continue processing a joint product
buy or a difference in favor of the cycle firm after the split-off point so long as the incremental
revenue from such processing exceeds the
incremental processing costs. In such decisions,
the joint product costs incurred before the split-
off point are irrelevant and should be ignored.
See example on Page 623-4.