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Simple Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction Using Sentence Embeddings

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Simple Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction using Sentence Embeddings

Kamil Bennani-Smires1 , Claudiu Musat1 , Andreaa Hossmann1 ,

Michael Baeriswyl1 , Martin Jaggi2
Data, Analytics & AI, Swisscom AG
Machine Learning and Optimization Laboratory, EPFL

Abstract Unsupervised keyphrase extraction has a series

Keyphrase extraction is the task of automat- of advantages over supervised methods. Super-
ically selecting a small set of phrases that vised keyphrase extraction always requires the ex-
best describe a given free text document. Su- istence of a (large) annotated corpus of both doc-
pervised keyphrase extraction requires large uments and their manually selected keyphrases to
amounts of labeled training data and gener- train on - a very strong requirement in most cases.
alizes very poorly outside the domain of the Supervised methods also perform poorly outside
training data. At the same time, unsuper-
of the domain represented by the training corpus
vised systems have poor accuracy, and often
do not generalize well, as they require the in- - a big issue, considering that the domain of new
put document to belong to a larger corpus also documents may not be known at all. Unsupervised
given as input. Addressing these drawbacks, keyphrase extraction addresses such information-
in this paper, we tackle keyphrase extrac- constrained situations in one of two ways: (a) by
tion from single documents with EmbedRank: relying on in-corpus statistical information (e.g.,
a novel unsupervised method, that leverages the inverse document frequency of the words), and
sentence embeddings. EmbedRank achieves
the current document; (b) by only using informa-
higher F-scores than graph-based state of the
art systems on standard datasets and is suit-
tion extracted from the current document.
able for real-time processing of large amounts We propose EmbedRank - an unsupervised
of Web data. With EmbedRank, we also ex- method to automatically extract keyphrases from
plicitly increase coverage and diversity among a document, that is both simple and only requires
the selected keyphrases by introducing an the current document itself, rather than an entire
embedding-based maximal marginal relevance corpus that this document may be linked to. Our
(MMR) for new phrases. A user study includ-
method relies on notable new developments in
ing over 200 votes showed that, although re-
ducing the phrases’ semantic overlap leads to
text representation learning (Le et al., 2014; Kiros
no gains in F-score, our high diversity selec- et al., 2015; Pagliardini et al., 2017), where doc-
tion is preferred by humans. uments or word sequences of arbitrary length are
embedded into the same continuous vector space.
1 Introduction This opens the way to computing semantic relat-
Document keywords and keyphrases enable faster edness among text fragments by using the induced
and more accurate search in large text collections, similarity measures in that feature space. Using
serve as condensed document summaries, and are these semantic text representations, we guarantee
used for various other applications, such as cate- the two most challenging properties of keyphrases:
gorization of documents. In particular, keyphrase informativeness obtained by the distance between
extraction is a crucial component when gleaning the embedding of a candidate phrase and that of
real-time insights from large amounts of Web and the full document; diversity expressed by the dis-
social media data. In this case, the extraction must tances among candidate phrases themselves.
be fast and the keyphrases must be disjoint. Most In a traditional F-score evaluation, EmbedRank
existing systems are slow and plagued by over- clearly outperforms the current state of the art
generation, i.e. extracting redundant keyphrases. (i.e. complex graph-based methods (Mihalcea and
Here, we address both these problems with a new Tarau, 2004; Wan and Xiao, 2008; Rui Wang, Wei
unsupervised algorithm. Liu, 2015)) on two out of three common datasets

Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2018), pages 221–229
Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 1, 2018. 2018
c Association for Computational Linguistics
for keyphrase extraction. We also evaluated the 1998). Scores of individual words are then ag-
impact of ensuring diversity by conducting a user gregated into scores of multi-word phrases. Fi-
study, since this aspect cannot be captured by the nally, sequences of consecutive words which re-
F-score evaluation. The study showed that users spect a certain sequence of part-of-speech tags
highly prefer keyphrases with the diversity prop- are considered as candidate phrases and ranked
erty. Finally, to the best of our knowledge, we by their scores. Recently, WordAttractionRank
are the first to present an unsupervised method (Rui Wang, Wei Liu, 2015) followed an approach
based on phrase and document embeddings for similar to SingleRank, with the difference of us-
keyphrase extraction, as opposed to standard in- ing a new weighting scheme for edges between
dividual word embeddings. two words, to incorporate the distance between
The paper is organized as follows. Related work their word embedding representation. Florescu
on keyphrase extraction and sentence embeddings and Caragea (2017) use node weights, favoring
is presented in Section 2. In Section 3 we present words appearing earlier in the text.
how our method works. An enhancement of the Scoring a candidate phrase as the aggregation
method allowing us to gain a control over the re- of its words score (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004;
dundancy of the extracted keyphrases is then de- Wan and Xiao, 2008; Florescu and Caragea, 2017)
scribed in Section 4. Section 5 contains the dif- can lead to over-generation errors. This happens
ferent experiments that we performed and Section as several candidate phrases can obtain a high
6 outlines the importance of Embedrank in real- score because one of their consitutent words has
world examples. a high score. This behavior leads to uninforma-
tive keyphrase with one important word present
2 Related Work but lacking informativeness as a whole. In addi-
tion focusing on individual words hurts the diver-
A comprehensive, albeit slightly dated survey on sity of the results.
keyphrase extraction is available (Hasan and Ng,
2011). Here, we focus on unsupervised methods, 2.1.1 Diversifying results
as they are superior in many ways (domain inde- Ensuring diversity is important in the presenta-
pendence, no training data) and represent the state tion of results to users in the information retrieval
of the art in performance. As EmbedRank relies literature. Examples include MMR (Goldstein,
heavily on (sentence) embeddings, we also discuss 1998), IA-Select (Agrawal et al., 2009) or Max-
the state of the art in this area. Sum Diversification (Borodin et al., 2012). We
used MMR in this work because of its simplicity
2.1 Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction
in terms of both implementation and, more impor-
Unsupervised keyphrase extraction comes in two tantly, interpretation.
flavors: corpus-dependent (Wan and Xiao, 2008) The following methods directly integrate a di-
and corpus-independent. versity factor in the way they are selecting
Corpus-independent methods, including our keyphrases. Departing from the popular graph ap-
proposed method, require no other inputs than the proach, KeyCluster (Liu et al., 2009) introduces
one document from which to extract keyphrases. a clustering-based approach. The words present
Most such existing methods are graph-based, in the target document are clustered and, for each
with the notable exceptions of KeyCluster (Liu cluster, one word is selected as an “exemplar
et al., 2009) and TopicRank (Bougouin et al., term”. Candidate phrases are filtered as before,
2013). In graph-based keyphrase extraction, first using the sequence of part-of-speech tags and, fi-
introduced with TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, nally, candidates which contain at least one exem-
2004), the target document is a graph, in which plar term are returned as the keyphrases.
nodes represent words and edges represent the co- TopicRank (Bougouin et al., 2013) combines
occurrence of the two endpoints inside some win- the graph and clustering-based approaches. Can-
dow. The edges may be weighted, like in Sin- didate phrases are first clustered, then a graph
gleRank (Wan and Xiao, 2008), using the num- where each node represents a cluster is created.
ber of co-occurrences as weights. The words (or TopicRank clusters phrases based on the percent-
nodes) are scored using some node ranking met- age of shared words, resulting in e.g., “fantastic
ric, such as degree centrality or PageRank (Page, teacher” and “great instructor” not being clus-

tered together, despite expressing the same idea. 3 EmbedRank: From Embeddings to
In the follow-up work using multipartite graphs Keyphrases
(Boudin, 2018), the authors encode topical infor-
mation within a multipartite graph structure. In this and the next section, we introduce and
describe our novel keyphrase extraction method,
In contrast, EmbedRank represents both the EmbedRank 1 . The method consists of three main
document and candidate phrases as vectors in a steps, as follows: (1) We extract candidate phrases
high-dimensional space, leveraging novel seman- from the text, based on part-of-speech sequences.
tic document embedding methods beyond simple More precisely, we keep only those phrases that
averaging of word vectors. In the resulting vector consist of zero or more adjectives followed by one
space, we can thus compute meaningful distances or multiple nouns (Wan and Xiao, 2008). (2) We
between a candidate phrase and the document (for use sentence embeddings to represent (embed),
informativeness), as well as the semantic distance both the candidate phrases and the document itself
between candidates (for diversity). in the same high-dimensional vector space (Sec.
3.1). (3) We rank the candidate phrases to se-
lect the output keyphrases (Sec. 3.2). In addition,
in the next section, we show how to improve the
2.2 Word and Sentence Embeddings
ranking step, by providing a way to tune the diver-
sity of the extracted keyphrases.
Word embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013) marked a
very impactful advancement in representing words 3.1 Embedding the Phrases and the
as vectors in a continuous vector space. Repre- Document
senting words with vectors in moderate dimen- State-of-the-art text embeddings (word, sentence,
sions solves several major drawbacks of the classic document) capture semantic relatedness via the
bag-of-words representation, including the lack of distances between the corresponding vector rep-
semantic relatedness between words and the very resentations within the shared vector space. We
high dimensionality (size of the vocabulary). use this property to rank the candidate phrases ex-
Different methods are needed for represent- tracted in the previous step, by measuring their
ing entire sentences or documents. Skip- distance to the original document. Thus, seman-
Thought (Kiros et al., 2015) provides sentence tic relatedness between a candidate phrase and its
embeddings trained to predict neighboring sen- document becomes a proxy for informativeness of
tences. Paragraph Vector (Le et al., 2014) finds the phrase.
paragraph embeddings using an unordered list of Concretely, this second step of our keyphrase
paragraphs.The method can be generalized to also extraction method consists of:
work on sentences or entire documents, turning
(a) Computing the document embedding. This in-
paragraph vectors into more generic document
cludes a noise reduction procedure, where we
vectors (Lau and Baldwin, 2016).
keep only the adjectives and nouns contained
Sent2Vec (Pagliardini et al., 2017) uses word in the input document.
n-gram features to produce sentence embeddings.
It produces word and n-gram vectors specifi- (b) Computing the embedding of each candidate
cally trained to be additively combined into a phrase separately, again with the same algo-
sentence vector, as opposed to general word- rithm.
vectors. Sent2Vec features much faster inference
than Paragraph Vector (Le et al., 2014) or Skip- To determine the impact the document embed-
Thought (Kiros et al., 2015). Similarly to recent ding method may have on the final outcome, we
word and document embeddings, Sent2Vec re- evaluate keyphrases obtained using both the pop-
flects semantic relatedness between phrases when ular Doc2Vec (Lau and Baldwin, 2016) (denoted
using standard similarity measures on the corre- EmbedRank d2v) and ones based on the newer
sponding vectors. This property is at the core of Sent2vec (Pagliardini et al., 2017) (denoted Em-
our method, as we show it outperforms competing 1
embedding methods for keyphrase extraction. ai-research-keyphrase-extraction

(a) EmbedRank (without diversity) (b) EmbedRank++ (with diversity)

Figure 1: Embedding space2 of a scientific abstract entitled “Using molecular equivalence numbers to
visually explore structural features that distinguish chemical libraries”

bedRank s2v). Both embedding methods al- bedRank s2v, from one of the datasets we used
low us to embed arbitrary-length sequences of for evaluation (scientific abstracts). As can be
words. To embed both phrases and documents, seen by comparing document titles and candidate
we employ publicly available pre-trained models phrases, our initial assumption holds in this exam-
of Sent2Vec3 and Doc2vec4 . The pre-computed ple: the closer a phrase is to the document vector,
Sent2vec embeddings based on words and n- the more informative that phrase is for the doc-
grams vectors have Z = Zs = 700 dimensions, ument. Therefore, it is sensible to use the cosine
while for Doc2vec Z = Zd = 300. All embed- similarity between the embedding of the candidate
dings are trained on the large English Wikipedia phrase and the document embedding as a measure
corpus.5 EmbedRank s2v is very fast, since of informativeness.
Sent2vec infers a document embedding from the
pre-trained model, by averaging the pre-computed 3.2 Selecting the Top Candidates
representations of the text’s components (words Based on the above, we select the top keyphrases
and n-grams), in a single linear pass through the out of the initial set, by ranking the candidate
text. EmbedRank d2v is slower, as Doc2vec uses phrases according to their cosine distance to the
the embedding network to infer a vector for the document embedding. In Figure 1, this results in
whole document. Both methods provide vectors ten highlighted keyphrases, which are clearly in
comparable in the same semantic space, no mat- line with the document’s title.
ter if the input ”document” is a word, a phrase, a Nevertheless, it is notable that there can be sig-
sentence or an entire document. nificant redundancy in the set of top keyphrases.
After this step, we have one Z-dimensional For example, “molecular equivalence numbers”
vector representing our document and a Z- and “molecular equivalence indices” are both se-
dimensional vector for each of our candidate lected as separate keyphrases, despite expressing
phrases, all sharing the same reference space. the same meaning. This problem can be elegantly
Figure 1 shows a concrete example, using Em- solved by once again using our phrase embeddings
and their cosine similarity as a proxy for semantic
Visualization based on multidimensional scaling with
cosine distance on the original Z = Zs = 700 dimensional
relatedness. We describe our proposed solution to
embeddings. this in the next section.
https://github.com/epfml/sent2vec Summarizing this section, we have proposed an
https://github.com/jhlau/doc2vec unsupervised step-by-step method to extract infor-
The generality of this corpus, as well as the unsupervised
embedding method itself ensure that the computed text rep- mative keyphrases from a single document by us-
resentations are general-purpose, thus domain-independent. ing sentence embeddings.

Dataset Documents Avg tok Avg cand Keyphrases Avg kp Missing kp in doc Missing kp in cand Missing due to cand
Inspec 500 134.63 26.39 4903 9.81 21.52% 39.85% 18.34%
DUC 308 850.02 138.47 2479 8.05 2.18% 12.38% 10.21%
NUS 209 8448.55 765.56 2272 10.87 14.39% 30.85% 16.46%

Table 1: The three datasets we use. Columns are: number of documents; average number of tokens
per document; average number of unique candidates per document; total number of unique keyphrases;
average number of unique keyphrases per document; percentage of keyphrases not present in the docu-
ments; percentage of keyphrases not present in the candidates; percentage of keyphrases present in the
document, but not in the candidates. These statistics were computed after stemming the candidates, the
keyphrases and the document.

4 EmbedRank++: Increasing Keyphrase are retrieved documents, and Sim1 and Sim2 are
Diversity with MMR similarity functions.

By returning the N candidate phrases closest to MMR := arg max λ · Sim1 (Di , Q)
the document embedding, EmbedRank only ac- Di ∈R\S
counts for the phrase informativeness property,

leading to redundant keyphrases. In scenarios −(1 − λ) max Sim2 (Di , Dj )
Dj ∈S
where users directly see the extracted keyphrases
(e.g. text summarization, tagging for search), this When λ = 1 MMR computes a standard,
is problematic: redundant keyphrases adversely relevance-ranked list, while when λ = 0 it com-
impact the user’s experience. This can deterio- putes a maximal diversity ranking of the docu-
rate to the point in which providing keyphrases be- ments in R. To use MMR here, we adapt the orig-
comes completely useless. inal equation as:
Moreover, if we extract a fixed number of top 
keyphrases, redundancy hinders the diversifica- MMR := arg max λ · cos gsim (Ci , doc)
Ci ∈C\K
tion of the extracted keyphrases. In the docu-  (2)
ment from Figure 1, the extracted keyphrases in- −(1 − λ) max cos (C , C
g sim i j ,
clude {topological shape, topological shapes} and Cj ∈K
{molecular equivalence number, molecular equiv-
where C is the set of candidate keyphrases, K is
alence numbers, molecular equivalence indices}.
the set of extracted keyphrases, doc is the full doc-
That is, four out of the ten keyphrase “slots” are
ument embedding, Ci and Cj are the embeddings
taken by redundant phrases.
of candidate phrases i and j, respectively. Finally,
This resembles search result diversifica- cos
g sim is a normalized cosine similarity (Mori and
tion (Drosou and Pitoura, 2010), where a search Sasaki, 2003), described by the following equa-
engine balance query-document relevance and tions. This ensures that, when λ = 0.5, the rel-
document diversity. One of the simplest and evance and diversity parts of the equation have
most effective solutions to this is the Maximal equal importance.
Marginal Relevance (MMR) (Goldstein, 1998)
metric, which combines in a controllable way the cos
g sim (Ci , doc) = 0.5+
concepts of relevance and diversity. We show (3a)
ncossim (Ci , doc) − ncossim (C, doc)
how to adapt MMR to keyphrase extraction, in .
σ(ncossim (C, doc))
order to combine keyphrase informativeness with
dissimilarity among selected keyphrases.
The original MMR from information retrieval ncossim (Ci , doc) =
and text summarization is based on the set of all cossim (Ci , doc) − min cossim (Cj , doc)
initially retrieved documents, R, for a given input Cj ∈C (3b)
query Q, and on an initially empty set S repre- max cossim (Cj , doc)
Cj ∈C
senting documents that are selected as good an-
swers for Q. S is iteratively populated by comput- We apply an analogous transformation for the
ing MMR as described in (1), where Di and Dj similarities between candidate phrases.

Summarizing, the method in the previous sec- kp in doc). It is thus impossible to achieve a recall
tion is equivalent to using MMR for keyphrase ex- of 100%. We show in the next subsection that our
traction from Equation (2) with λ = 1. The gen- method beats the state of the art on short scientific
eralized version of the algorithm, EmbedRank++, documents and clearly outperforms it on medium
remains the same, except for the last step, where length news articles.
we instead use Equation (2) to perform the final
selection of the N candidates, therefore returning 5.2 Performance Comparison
simultaneously relevant and diverse keyphrases, We compare EmbedRank s2v and d2v (no diver-
tuned by the trade-off parameter λ. sity) to five state-of-the-art, corpus-independent
methods6 : TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004),
5 Experiments and results SingleRank (Wan and Xiao, 2008), WordAttrac-
tionRank (Rui Wang, Wei Liu, 2015), Topi-
In this section we show that EmbedRank outper-
cRank7 (Bougouin et al., 2013) and Multipar-
forms the graph-based state-of-the-art schemes on
tite (Boudin, 2018).
the most common datasets, when using traditional
F-score evaluation. In addition, we report on the For TextRank and SingleRank, we set the win-
results of a sizable user study showing that, al- dow size to 2 and to 10 respectively, i.e. the values
though EmbedRank++ achieves slightly lower F- used in the respective papers. We used the same
scores than EmbedRank, users prefer the seman- PoS tagged text for all methods. For both under-
tically diverse keyphrases it returns to those com- lying d2v and s2v document embedding methods,
puted by the other method. we use their standard settings as described in Sec-
tion 3. We followed the common practice to stem
5.1 Datasets - with the Porter Stemmer (Porter, 1980) - the ex-
tracted and assigned keyphrases when computing
Table 1 describes three common datasets for the number of true positives.
keyphrase extraction.
As shown in Table 2, EmbedRank outperforms
The Inspec dataset (Hulth, 2003) consists of 2 000
competing methods on two of the three datasets
short documents from scientific journal abstracts.
in terms of precision, recall, and Macro F1 score.
To compare with previous work (Mihalcea and Ta-
In the context of typical Web-oriented use cases,
rau, 2004; Hasan and Ng, 2010; Bougouin et al.,
most data comes as either very short documents
2013; Wan and Xiao, 2008), we evaluated our
(e.g. tweets) or medium ones (e.g. news articles).
methods on the test dataset (500 documents).
The expected performance for Web applications is
DUC 2001 (Wan and Xiao, 2008) consists of 308
thus closer to the one observed on the Inspec and
medium length newspaper articles from TREC-9.
DUC2001 datasets, rather than on NUS.
The documents originate from several newspapers
However, on long documents, Multipartite out-
and are organized in 30 topics. For keyphrase ex-
performs all other methods. The most plausible
traction, we used exclusively the text contained in
explanation is that Multipartite, like TopicRank in-
the first <TEXT> tags of the original documents
corporates positional information about the candi-
(we do not use titles and other metadata).
dates. Using this feature leads to an important gain
NUS (Nguyen and Kan, 2007) consists of 211 long
on long documents – not using it can lead to a 90%
documents (full scientific conference papers), of
relative drop in F-score for TopicRank. We ver-
between 4 and 12 pages. Each document has sev-
ify this intuition in the context of EmbedRank by
eral sets of keyphrases: one created by the authors
naively multiplying the distance of a candidate to
and, potentially, several others created by annota-
the document by the candidate’s normalized off-
tors. Following Hasan and Ng (2010), we evaluate
set position. We thus confirm the ”positional bias”
on the union of all sets of assigned keyphrases (au-
hypothesis, with EmbedRankpositional matching
thor and annotator(s)). The dataset is very similar
the TopicRank scores on long documents and ap-
to the SemEval dataset which is also often used
proaching the Multipartite ones. The Multipartite
for keyphrase extraction. Since our results on Se-
mEval are very similar to NUS, we omit them due 6
TextRank, SingleRank, WordAttractionRank were
to space constraints. implemented using the graph-tool library https:
//graph-tool.skewed.de. We reset the co-occurence
As shown in Table 1, not all assigned window on new sentence.
keyphrases are present in the documents (missing https://github.com/boudinfl/pke

Inspec DUC NUS
N Method
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1
TextRank 24.87 10.46 14.72 19.83 12.28 15.17 5.00 2.36 3.21
5 SingleRank 38.18 23.26 28.91 30.31 19.50 23.73 4.06 1.90 2.58
TopicRank 33.25 19.94 24.93 27.80 18.28 22.05 16.94 8.99 11.75
Multipartite 34.61 20.54 25.78 29.49 19.42 23.41 19.23 10.18 13.31
WordAttractionRank 38.55 23.55 29.24 30.83 19.79 24.11 4.09 1.96 2.65
EmbedRank d2v 41.49 25.40 31.51 30.87 19.66 24.02 3.88 1.68 2.35
EmbedRank s2v 39.63 23.98 29.88 34.84 22.26 27.16 5.53 2.44 3.39
EmbedRank++ s2v (λ = 0.5) 37.44 22.28 27.94 24.75 16.20 19.58 2.78 1.24 1.72
EmbedRankpositional s2v 38.84 23.77 29.49 39.53 25.23 30.80 15.07 7.80 10.28
TextRank 22.99 11.44 15.28 13.93 16.83 15.24 6.54 6.59 6.56
10 SingleRank 34.29 39.04 36.51 24.74 30.97 27.51 5.22 5.04 5.13
TopicRank 27.43 30.8 29.02 21.49 27.26 24.04 13.68 13.94 13.81
Multipartite 28.07 32.24 30.01 22.50 28.85 25.28 16.51 17.36 16.92
WordAttractionRank 34.10 38.94 36.36 25.06 31.41 27.88 5.15 5.12 5.14
EmbedRank d2v 35.75 40.40 37.94 25.38 31.53 28.12 3.95 3.28 3.58
EmbedRank s2v 34.97 39.49 37.09 28.82 35.58 31.85 5.69 5.18 5.42
EmbedRank++ s2v (λ = 0.5) 30.31 34.29 32.18 18.27 23.34 20.50 1.91 1.69 1.79
EmbedRankpositional s2v 32.46 36.61 34.41 32.23 39.95 35.68 13.50 13.36 13.43
TextRank 22.80 11.50 15.29 11.25 19.21 14.19 6.14 9.16 7.35
15 SingleRank 30.91 48.92 37.88 21.20 38.77 27.41 5.42 8.24 6.54
TopicRank 24.51 37.45 29.62 17.78 32.92 23.09 11.04 16.47 13.22
Multipartite 25.38 41.32 31.44 19.72 36.87 25.7 14.13 21.86 17.16
WordAttractionRank 30.74 48.62 37.66 21.82 40.05 28.25 5.11 7.41 6.05
EmbedRank d2v 31.06 48.80 37.96 22.37 40.48 28.82 4.33 5.89 4.99
EmbedRank s2v 31.48 49.23 38.40 24.49 44.20 31.52 5.34 7.06 6.08
EmbedRank++ s2v (λ = 0.5) 27.24 43.25 33.43 14.86 27.64 19.33 1.59 2.06 1.80
EmbedRankpositional s2v 29.44 46.25 35.98 27.38 49.73 35.31 12.27 17.63 14.47

Table 2: Comparison of our method with state of the art on the three datasets. Precision (P), Recall (R),
and F-score (F1 ) at 5, 10, 15 are reported. Two variations of EmbedRank with λ = 1 are presented: s2v
uses Sent2Vec embeddings, while d2v uses Doc2Vec.

results underline the importance of explicitly rep- extracted keyphrases have a high likelihood of be-
resenting topics for long documents. This does not ing single words, thus removing the advantage of
hold for short and medium documents, where the having better embeddings for word groups. In all
semantic information is successfully captured by other cases, the results show a clear accuracy gain
the topology of the embedding space. of Sent2Vec over Doc2Vec, adding to the practical
EmbedRankpositional also outperforms on advantage of improved inference speed for very
medium-length documents but, as the assumption large datasets.
that the keyphrases appear in a decreasing order
of importance is very strong for the general case, 5.3 Keyphrase Diversity and Human
we gray out the results, to stress the importance of Preference
the more generic EmbedRank variants. In this section, we add EmbedRank++ to the eval-
The results also show that the choice of doc- uation using the same three datasets. We fixed λ
ument embeddings has a high impact on the to 0.5 in the adapted MMR equation (2), to en-
keyphrase quality. Compared to EmbedRank sure equal importance to informativeness and di-
d2v, EmbedRank s2v is significantly better for versity. As shown in Figure 1b, EmbedRank++ re-
DUC2001 and NUS, regardless of how many duces the redundancy we faced with EmbedRank.
phrases are extracted. On Inspec however, chang- However, EmbedRank++ surprisingly results in a
ing the embeddings from doc2vec to sent2vec decrease of the F-score, as shown in Table 2.
made almost no difference. A possible explanation We conducted a user study where we asked
is that, given the small size of the original text, the people to choose between two sets of extracted

Figure 2: User study among 20 documents from
Inspec and 20 documents from DUC2001. Users
were asked to choose their preferred set of Figure 3: Keyphrase Grouping in news articles
keyphrases between the one extracted with Em-
bedRank++ (λ = 0.5) and the one extracted with
EmbedRank (λ = 1). ing the redundancy with EmbedRank++, we can
select a keyphrase that is not present in the gold
keyphrases, but expresses the same idea. The cur-
keyphrases: one generated with EmbedRank (λ =
rent F-score evaluation penalizes us as if we had
1) and another with EmbedRank++ (λ = 0.5). We
chosen an unrelated keyphrase.
set N to the number of assigned keyphrases for
each document. During the study, we provided the 6 Discussion
annotators with the original text, and ask them to
choose between the two sets. The usefulness of the corpus-free approach is in
For this user study, we randomly selected 20 that we can extract keyphrases in any environ-
documents from the Inspec and 20 documents ment, for instance for news articles. In Figure 3
from the DUC2001 dataset, collected 214 binary we show the keyphrases extracted from a sample
user preference votes. The long scientific papers article. The EmbedRank keyphrase extraction is
(NUS) were included in the study, as the full pa- fast, enabling real time computation and visual-
pers were considered too long and too difficult for ization. The disjoint nature of the EmbedRank
non-experts to comprehend and summarize. keyphrases make them highly readable, creating a
As shown in Figure 2, users largely prefer the succinct summary of the original article.
keyphrase extracted with EmbedRank++ (λ = By performing the analysis at phrase instead
0.5). This is a major finding, as it is in contradic- of word level, EmbedRank opens the possibil-
tion with the F-scores given in Table 2. If the result ity of grouping candidates with keyphrases be-
is confirmed by future tests, it casts a shadow on fore presenting them to the user. Phrases within
using solely F-score as an evaluation measure for a group have similar embeddings, like additional
keyphrase quality. A similar issue was shown to social assistance benefits, employment support al-
be present in Information Retrieval test collections lowance and government assistance benefits. Mul-
(Tonon et al., 2015), and calls for research on new tiple strategies can be employed to select the most
evaluation methodologies. We acknowledge that visible phrase - for instance the one with the high-
the presented study is a preliminary one and does est score or the longest one. This grouping coun-
not support a strong claim about the usefulness of ters the over-generation problem.
the F-score for the given problem. It does however
7 Conclusion
show that people dislike redundancy in summaries
and that the λ < 1 parameter in EmbedRank is a In this paper we presented EmbedRank and Em-
promising way of reducing it. bedRank++, two simple and scalable methods for
Our intuition behind this novel result is that the keyphrase extraction from a single document, that
EmbedRank method (λ = 1), as well as WordAt- leverage sentence embeddings. Both methods are
tractionRank, SingleRank and TextRank can suf- entirely unsupervised, corpus-independent, and
fer from an accumulation of redundant keyphrases they only require the current document itself,
in which a true positive is present. By restrict- rather than the entire corpus to which it belongs

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