Hist 1 NJ - L5 - Activity 6 - Johnry G. Camahalan
Hist 1 NJ - L5 - Activity 6 - Johnry G. Camahalan
Hist 1 NJ - L5 - Activity 6 - Johnry G. Camahalan
Block 2 NB
4. How historically relevant are these points to the development of the Philippine state
The constant criticisms and even charges against Manuel Roxas made him more eager to
continue to improve the current state of the Philippines at that time. In addition, Manuel Roxas
even said that "I would rather have a government run like hell by Filipinos than a government run
like heaven by Americans." This statement only means that through thick and thin, and for better
or worst, Manuel Roxas will always choose the Filipino people over Americans, and this fuels him
to be better and improve as years pass by to prove that he meant that statement.
Quezon, Manuel L. “Speech of His Excellency Manuel L. Quezon President of the Philippines on Civil
Liberties.” Transcript of speech delivered at the Ateneo Auditorium, Manila, December 9, 1939.