Eth Lesson 8
Eth Lesson 8
Eth Lesson 8
LO1. Define the role of ICT for entrepreneurs;
LO2. Illustrate the overview of ICT in business;
LO3. Describe the different computer application used for business;
LO4. Explain the role of the internet for Entrepreneurs;
LO5. Analyze the expansion of the internet in business; and
LO6. Appreciate the rise of food application delivery.
In recent decades, information and communication technology (ICT) has rapidly,
and it has become incorporated into all parts of people's lives. This has resulted in new
commercial and individual opportunities (for example, social networks, information
seeking and sharing), as well as a better quality of life (Buar, 2001). Modern ICT
technologies can save money while enhancing productivity and effectiveness on an
individual and organizational level. Thanks to technological advancements, many tasks
may now be completed more efficiently and successfully. For example, information and
communication technology (ICT) provides for the testing of various decision-making
scenarios. This is why many people believe that information and communication
technology (ICT) may be used to help people become more entrepreneurial. Learning
possibilities, company planning solutions, database tools, and business
telecommunications are all possible with ICT.
The use of information and communication technology (ICT) to demonstrate how
far the world has evolved is common. We've observed an increase in trade benefits as a
result of this. The growth of mobile phones and the arrival of smartphones have
enhanced access to the internet on the go. The replacement of traditional table- top
telephones with mobile phones has thrown the telecoms industry into disarray. For
many people, mobile phones and the internet have spawned new sectors, businesses,
and professions, as well as impacting entrepreneurship and business strategy.
The Information Age is approaching quickly. Transactions and information can be
packaged using data. To make room for the abstract and digital, the physical is
dissolving. The internet and information in general, are defining and determining faces a
business risk the modern world. A company that works in a technologically dependent
All digital technology that aids individuals, businesses, and organizations in using
information is referred to as ICT. It applies to all electronic products that deal with digital
information. As a result, ICT is concerned with the storage, retrieval, and transmission
of digital data.
ICT is a crucial channel for development since it facilitates the provision and
access of a wide range of financial services, increases efficiency in institutions and
enterprises, reduces costs, and promotes and enhances communication. It also
includes themes that connect information and communication technology to
urbanization and demonstrate the necessity of ICT in the delivery of urban services. It
explains how information and communication technologies (ICT) may help to promote
and ensure urbanization, which has become the norm in 21st-century life and is one of
the most pressing problems to achieving economic development and a higher standard
of living. Furthermore, big data as a tool for development cover subjects such as how
the vast amount of digital data generated by the global population may be examined to
aid decision-making and provide policymakers with actionable insights. It also
emphasizes the importance of big data in advancing different facets of growth.
Information is seen as an asset of value. There is an abundance of information
that is transferred at a fast rate because of technology. People only need a click of a
button to obtain information.