Kawayan Torogan
Kawayan Torogan
Kawayan Torogan
Kawayan Torogan
Sultan sa Kawayan Makaantal
Kawayan Torogan is a type of architectural art form. Sultan sa Kawayan Makaantal built
Kawayan Torogan in Bubung Malanding, Marantao, Lanao del Sur, and it is still there today.
Kawayan Torogan is a traditional Maranao house that was allegedly the royal residence of a
sultan or datu in the Maranaw neighborhood. The Kawayan Torogan is a huge one-roomed
structure with a high ceiling and steep roof made of strong timbers and finely carved panolong
(beam ends) with okir motifs. It is an elevated house built on top of short posts made of whole
tree trunks, and you must first climb a short stairway before entering the main part of the house.
The Kawayan Torogan is one-of-a-kind, with many binds to Muslim culture. The patterns
outside and inside the house are very prominent because they are present everywhere. The
posts that support the roof inside the house are carved with a center beam known as the tinai-a-
walay. The okir patterns are carved into the doors and windows as well. Last but not least, as
previously stated, the exterior of the house known as the panolong fills the front and sides of the
house with the okir patterns. These patterns represented and emphasized the Sultan's love for
his culture and people.
The Kawayan Torogan's overall structure and purpose make it stand out. The piece was
created to house the Sultan, his wives, and their children. The Kawayan Torogan interprets an
architecture designed for the Sultan to symbolize their power and to serve as their home and a
gathering place for their community to plan their affairs, it is also where their community
activities were held. It is constructed and surrounded by various types of art inspired by their
culture and people, making it very unique and intelligent.
This architectural piece reflects the uniqueness and creativity of Filipino culture.
Because we all belong to different types of groups, it already shows how diverse our art is in our
country. Aside from the basic elements of this structure, the values of this work of art are
intricately engraved with the flowing geometries of the Maranao design system which
showcases much of the Maranao culture. For me, I think the overall architecture is simply
beyond its time. The materials used served a purpose, which was to make the house stronger,
particularly in the event of an earthquake. The overall design and art styles used have a hidden
meaning or symbol underneath them and are very different from other houses both before and
now. As a result, I believe that this type of architecture is innovative and should be preserved so
that future generations can see one of the Maranao culture's products.
Rhyzza A. Cortez November 21, 2022
12 Boskovic A Ms. Irisgy Gabreza
Torogan: The Forgotten Royal Houses of the maranaos of lanao. Travel Trilogy. (2019, August
9). Retrieved November 21, 2022, from http://www.traveltrilogy.com/2019/08/torogan-traditional-
Boga, J. P. (2015, August 26). Maranao's Torogan a good example of Disaster-Resilient House.
MindaNews. Retrieved November 21, 2022, from