Blood Bowl XXXVII
Blood Bowl XXXVII
Blood Bowl XXXVII
JIM: You’re right there, Bob. I hear a number of ‘expert’ BOB: Yeah that game was dead boring, Jim. Neither
pundits got sacked following their abysmal predictions team was beating each other into the dirt or bashing each
during this year’s competition. other’s teeth in – typical Elves! It’s just not sporting!
JIM: Rumour had it that the head coaches had been JIM: Then there were the knockout games, Bob. The
paid off to ensure a draw, and so had to employ extreme Crypt-stealers took out a who’s who of Blood Bowl teams
tactics to make it happen. Though nothing was proven, en route to the final, including the Athelorn Avengers,
the fact that the Nightmares’ fan club angrily sacrificed the Grudge-Bearers and the bookies’ favourites, the
their head coach on an altar to Khaine is all the proof we Reikland Reavers!
need – and their results have vastly improved since!
BOB: That was a huge upset. Especially for Griff
BOB: Yeah they’ve been great to watch, Jim. I usually Oberwald, who I’m sure I saw crying into his
can’t stand watching Elf teams, but the Nightmares have Lightningade after the match – the big baby!
been exceptionally violent! That game against the Sotek
Vipers in the quarter-finals was bone-crunchingly brutal! JIM: It certainly made the Blood Bowl world take notice,
Bob, that’s for sure! Anyway, the teams are starting to
JIM: It really was, Bob. And who can forget the epic make their way onto the pitch. Who’s your gold on this
semi-final showdown against the Chaos All-Stars? year, Bob?
Coming from two touchdowns down to win in the dying-
seconds was remarkable, and showcased the Nightmares’ BOB: It’s gotta be the Wolfenburg Crypt-stealers for me,
never-give-up attitude. Jim. I’m not backing no stinking Elves!
BOB: That’s enough about Elves, Jim. I want to talk JIM: Understandable, Bob. My head says the
about the rise of the Wolfenburg Crypt-stealers. Nightmares, though my unbeating heart is telling me
to go with the Crypt-stealers. But we shall find out very
JIM: I can’t blame you, Bob. This Necromantic Horror soon as it’s time for the kick-off and the beginning of the
team has taken the tournament by storm; no one had 37th Blood Bowl final!
them tipped to properly compete this year. However, their
opening game against the Helmgart Steelers made us all The 2497 Blood Bowl final saw the Naggaroth
take note; those poor Humans never stood a chance – Nightmares take on the Wolfenburg Crypt-stealers
they were ripped limb from limb! in what would go down as a classic match-up! To
commemorate this momentous occasion, we present
BOB: I hear a couple of them are actually playing in the you with the teams that played in that legendary game,
final, Jim. Though it’s mainly as body parts for the Crypt- as well as a selection of special rules so that you can
stealers’ Flesh Golems if I’m not mistaken! Just goes to recreate this piece of Blood Bowl history at home.
show that even defeat isn’t enough to stop some players
reaching the finals!
FROM THE SHADOWS: The Naggaroth Nightmares’
dugout is shrouded in shadows, concealing their
apothecary’s use of prohibited potions and illicit elixirs
that get their players back on the pitch as quickly
as possible.
Additionally, these achievements make for a great tiebreaker. If the game ends in a draw, then the team that has
completed the most achievements is the winner.
HE COULD GO ALL THE WAY! – Score a Touchdown with DRAGGED DOWN BY THE HORDE – Cause an opposition
Ruvin Duskstalker after having him collect the ball in his player to be Knocked Down as the result of them failing
own half, and not have him lose possession of the ball in to Dodge or Leap away from a Zombie Lineman.
any way before he scores.