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Folio 13

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quarter are in play. You can imagine the impact
this should have on your players, especially your
For this adventure, we are going to combine
resident duelist (assuming you have one). Having
some of the techniques featured in the previous
spent a great deal of time playing Legend of the
two modules. The adventure will revolve around
Five Rings and Deadlands, I’ve come to appreciate
helping to wreak a bit of revenge on House Vash
the harrowing effect duels have on players. Be sure
in the form of participation in the city’s secret
you press the envelope here, but also keep in mind
dueling festival known as the Chikin K’i’ik Tun.
that player death isn’t your endgame, so when in
Your players will be running again, but this time
doubt, favor the players accordingly.
from event to event, trying to solve another mystery
concerning various transformations that threaten RELIC
the civility of the population. By this point the Assuming the relic, The Fists of the Onyx
players should be well-versed in the city’s culture, God, that has been both a boon and a curse for
so continue to foster the whispers, the hauntings, the players is still in their possession, it might be
and the people to keep up the rich flavor. prudent to utilize some of its yet unknown powers
during a duel (this is again if your duelist happens
to wear the item). Its powers might also be used on
As noted in the first two adventures, experience
behalf of a duelist, if needed, gaining the character
points are kept to a minimum as I’ve expressly
some advantage.
written these adventures for the ‘sweet spot’ levels
Still, the curse of the item is now in full effect,
of 5–7. That said, the culmination of this adventure
and blood sacrifice is something sought after
should be awarded a large pot of bonus experience
(and could be a great motivator for the duelist to
for the completion of the trilogy. I always want
wear the item while fighting in these matches).
players to feel they have received strong awards
At the end of the day, the relic wishes to be used
for their hours invested in my adventures, so be
in the name of its dark god, and cleave a bloody
sure to be kind. (But remember, there may be
path through the city with sacrifice and death.
further Taux adventures, so you might not want
Each time the player utilizing the relic kills an
the players gaining too much experience!)
enemy, they must make a saving throw versus
DUELS magic [DC 18 Wisdom save] or fall to the
I’m going to reinvest a moment to once again power of the item. If this saving throw is failed,
talk about duels in Taux. This topic was first consider the character an NPC for the purpose
breached in Folio #11, but it should be noted that of DM control AS HE/SHE WISHES, i.e., you
at this point the players are seeking out specific may take control of the character at will, and
duels for the purpose of bloodshed, and rules of no may deliver control back to the player as you
like, but the character is technically your pawn campaign, or the accompanying mini-adventure
until the curse can be broken. NR1.5 The Giant Has Only One Mission, then
they should get a bit of a thrill at meeting the shard.
Mithelvarn’s Shard If they have not, she can be seen as an enigma that
At the culmination of the adventure the will perhaps rise up again at some point.
characters will come in contact with a magical
being known as Mithelvarn’s Shard. During the Adventure Synopsis
events that unfolded in Folios 1-6, a piece of the This adventure revolves around the Chikin
Infernal Machine in the labyrinth below Roslof K’i’ik Tun and the heroes’ interactions in it. After
Keep ‘escaped’. Its purpose is to establish chaos the affair at the Grand Playhouse, the characters
and adventure wherever it manifests. Although have managed to thwart yet another Vash plot,
it can’t be killed, it can take mortal form and use but that house is still lethal, even if licking its
its extensive magical abilities to create scenarios in wounds. Although now somewhat shielded by two
which it seeks out ‘players’ for its game of ‘monster Red Pillars (Mama Serene & Count Rummel),
versus hero’. Although Mithelvarn’s Shard can the heroes know that it is only a matter of time
be disrupted, its essence will slip away and reform before the Vash try again for them and their relic.
elsewhere in a matter of days or months. If the Meeting with Balthazar, local mercenary duelist
players have played the complete Roslof Keep and friend of Mama Serene, the heroes are
provided with perhaps a final chance to put an
end to their feud with House Vash. To accomplish
this, one hero will have to assume the identity of
an Ebontra Cross (a practitioner of the Ebontra
twin blade school which utilizes both blades for
offense), then deal a blow to two other duelists in
the city. Balthazar has it on good authority that
the character possessing the relic is to be murdered
by Esmerelda Serata, an infamous noble of fallen
station who is now a Razor in the city. By defeating
her, you will have defeated the Vash’s most talented
assassin and taken a major player off their board
of retribution before they can strike against you.
To do this you must fight her on your terms (or at
least those of the Chikin K’i’ik Tun).
However, Serata is only a decoy of the Vash, all three guilds will rabble-rouse and cheer on the
and the heroes and Serata will be betrayed and bloody sport wherever it takes place.
ambushed by dire lowl corrupted by dark magic. Still, even these combats typically don’t end
Realizing Serata was just bait, Balthazar will run in death unless those participating take part in
off to find Cold Shay, leaving the heroes without a secondary ritual, that of laying out stones in a
further guidance. The heroes will be left with a circle with the final laid by both combatants being
choice: slip back into the woodwork and await decorated in blood (not necessarily their own). For
the next Vash plot, or find the true reason for the these death duels, only one fighter will exit the
corruption of the lowl, provide it to the Sturgeon circle alive, and for the Sturgeons of Taux, these
Tohil, and then leverage it to gain respite. are the contests they most ruthlessly pursue in a
kind of ‘not under my watch’ mentality.
Campaign Background Typically, only one such contest per district is
The Chikin K’i’ik Tun: put into play by the guilds in the city, otherwise
The Circle of Bloody Stones the death toll would be too great on those
Each year, a secret dueling tournament takes participating. It wouldn’t be overly prudent to
place inside one of the three great trade cities of lose all your best fighters each year, but for those
the Halo Ocean: Taux, Ebontra, and Findalynn. that win such contests, glory, rank, and privilege
The dates of these tournaments are set around are certainly theirs to be had. Winning a Bloody
various astronomical calculations, and therefore Stone Circle duel is considered ‘gallant’ among
happen on a random day that can’t be tracked the guilds, and only someone who has won such a
by law enforcement. This year, this particular contest is ever considered for upper leadership of
day takes place only a week after the Festival of a the guild orders (roughly a high ranking lieutenant
Thousand Blossoms in the city of Taux. with privilege). As this event is highly illegal, only
What this means to citizens of Taux is that the a single day is dedicated to it, and then it and the
ranks of duelists inside its walls will swell; lesser duelists involved will turn to smoke and scatter to
duels, blood feuds, and theatrical swashbuckling the winds.
are commonplace during the event. Some people
hide secrets and pay debts both old and new, some The Three Dueling
settle scores, and for the greatest of the duelists, ‘Kits’
those of the three great guilds, the hierarchy of For game purposes, I’ve broken down the sub-
membership is established. It is typically the latter class dueling powers of each type of guild duelist
duels that are most enjoyed by people willing to you will face in Taux. To acquire these ‘kits’, a
risk punishment by the city’s Sturgeons, as fans of character must invest three proficiency slots that

will grant the special powers each school employs.
Each is based around the NPC class duelist found
Dungeon Master Notes
in Dragon Magazine #73, but a standard fighter
& Suggestions
class (as well as others below) can be utilized to 1. The Primary NPC in this adventure will be
make a Guild Duelist of one of the three great Balthazar, an outcast Taux Razor with training in
schools. And remember, if you are using the duelist both the Razor and Ebontra styles. He is a good-
NPC class, they get that pesky save vs. killing looking young man in his early twenties with a
blow ability which makes them problematic. If well-trimmed goatee and wavy dark hair. His
such an ability is put into play, you might use it to purpose is to see to the fall of Esmerelda Serata,
save NPCs and have them ‘tap out’ so to speak, who he believes has become an agent of the Vash
knowing they are beaten. and is preparing to ambush and kill his friend
Cold Shay the Beautiful Death.
Taux Razor Duelist
Required Class: Duelist, Fighter
2. The Dire Lowl:
Proficiency Slots: 3
One thing that will continue to be gossiped about
Special Ability: Wounding (Each time a Razor
scores a hit, the victim must make a saving throw versus throughout the adventure will be that some lowl in
petrification [DC 14 Constitution] or begin bleeding at the city are turning savage. This is true, and has
1 HP per round. These hits are cumulative.)
Secondary Special Ability: At 5th level a Razor can been accomplished by a new female tome-mage
modify a critical hit roll to a specific location, thus tripling recently signed on as a retainer to House Vash.
the damage instead of doubling it.
Receipts for payment are within the tome-mage’s
Ebontra Cross Duelist
Required Class: Duelist, Fighter, Ranger
lair and bear the Vash seal. Unbeknownst to either
Proficiency Slots: 3 the Vash or the heroes, this tome-mage is actually
Special Ability: The Cross suffers no negative a shard of the Infernal Machine from Roslof Keep,
penalties for fighting with an off-hand weapon.
and has saved the payment receipts from House
Secondary Special Ability: At 5th level a Cross
may make an extra attack with an off-hand weapon. Vash, as well as detailed information concerning
Findalynn Bravo Duelist the transformative corruption (harkening back to
Required Class: Duelist, Fighter, the Violet Corruption) she undertook for them, to
Thief [Rogue] ensure chaos if she is ever threatened.
Proficiency Slots: 3
Special Ability: The Bravo is adept at using his off- 3. Running the Endgame
hand weapon in defense, doubling the Dexterity modifier
for AC. with House Vash:
Secondary Special Ability: At 5th level, a Bravo As stated many times, House Vash can’t ever
may make a saving throw versus petrification [DC 14 truly be defeated, there are too many of them in
Constitution] to half the damage inflicted from a blow
once per combat round. different cells throughout Taux with enough clout
to insist one cell was working independently and with killing her half-brother, Cold Shay, she is a
therefore not all the Vash were involved. However, strong duelist with a keen mind and has many
in the case of the players, they can use information connections in Taux as her family was once a
gained from both Folio 12 and Folio 13 to destroy great power in the city before Shay brought about
a single cell, led by Timmer Vash, the 1st cousin of the downfall of their father.
Tlacolotl Vash and someone Tlacolotl was already
thinking of getting rid of. If they manage this, then Overall Story Arcs
all past debts or plots with the Vash family are at and Threads
an end, at least until some other event comes to
1. The Running of the Clock
rest on the heroes’ doorsteps.
It is very important to note that the actions of
4.Esmerelda Serata is an interesting NPC this adventure all take place in a single day (just
that can become a great ally of the characters as those of Folio #11 took place in a single night).
if they play their cards right. Although obsessed Therefore, the players must be made to understand
the import of speed, moving from one encounter
point to the next as quickly as possible. Only in this
way do they have a chance of fulfilling plans laid
out by Balthazar to free them of another threat.

2. As this is the culmination of the trilogy, it

should be no secret just how sick of House Vash
the players should be. Keep the carrot of sticking
it to the Vash and getting them off their backs
right in front of them to help propel them along.

3. Remember, this isn’t a dungeon crawl, so

keep the city involved: get something to eat, talk
things over if time allows, and move through
the streets, over mighty canals, through markets
teeming with activity, etc.

4. The Sturgeons will be on full alert during

this day, so keep the players watchful for those
blue and silver tabards. Also remember that Tohil
owes them a favor after the events at the Grand Dire Lowl: AC 15, Speed 30 ft., HD 5, Attack: 3,
Playhouse, so be sure to keep that in mind and Init: +3, Hit +8, Claw 8 (2D4+4), Bite 4 (1D4+2),
remind the players as needed. Perhaps it can get Multiattack, Flamefist (additional 5 (1d6+2)
them out of trouble in a pinch. flame damage on claw attacks)]
Like the standard lowl’s Flametongue ability, the dire
New Monster lowl can place the flames directly on its clawed hands,
Dire Lowl causing an additional 1–6 points of damage.
Chaotic Evil
These corrupted souls are mad with a battle-rage that
Frequency: Uncommon
makes them almost unrecognizable as lowl, with facial
No. Appearing: 1 – 4
Armor Class: 5 distortion and shoulder expansion that give them a truly
HD: 2 dire appearance. They have been changed by horrific
Move: 12” magic born from their demon goddess and brought forth
No. of Attacks: 3
by the power of corruptive magic. Only the power of the
Damage/Attack: 2–8+4/1–4+2
(2 Claws/1 Bite) magic that corrupted them has any control over their
Special Attacks:Flamefist actions, and if left unattended, they go into a bloody rage,
Special Defense: - seeking to rend the living limb from limb.
Magic Resistance: Standard Credits:
Author: Scott Taylor
Intelligence: Standard Editing: G. Scott Swift
Cartography: Scott Taylor,
Size: M (6’ – 7’) G. Scott Swift, & Andrew Rodgers
Design/Layout: Andrew Rodgers
Psionic Ability: NIL Cover Art: ‘Breaking Through’ by Jim Holloway
Color Module Back Cover Art: Michael Wilson
% in lair: 20% Color Interior Cover Art: [Gazetteer] Jeff Laubenstein and Andrew Rodgers
Color Interior Cover Art: [Dungeon] Todd Lockwood
B/W Interior Illustrations: [Gazetteer] Jeff Laubenstein, Matthey Ray
B/W Interior Illustrations: [Dungeon] Jeff Laubenstein,
Playtesters: Sean Murphy, Mark Timm, Lil’Joe Livesay, Brent Blackwell, Shayne Hintz
Dungeons & Dragons ©, Players Handbook ©, and Dungeon Masters Guide © are the sole
property of Wizards of the Coast and Art of the Genre makes no claims on these trademarks.
Folio Module AT3 Balthazar, his human elemental spark alight with
agitation, quickly greets the players before flowing
into a story concerning the Vash plot to murder them
in a series of surgical strikes by the duelist/assassin
A Three Part Scenario for Esmerelda Serata. Serata is a veritable ghost in the
Characters Levels 5–7 city most days, but word on the street is that the Vash
All ‘grey blocks’ are for 5E conversions have won her to their cause with ample gold, and
in this section. she’s now destined to do the heroes in. However, she
has one weakness, that being that she’s a Razor in
Part One the Dueling Guild of Taux. Balthazar has it on good
The Coral Stranger authority that Serata will be dueling this very day,
As you walk the dark pavers of the Black Gate, and if the players can find her, they can eliminate
a stray petal, crushed and muddied, still provides a her before she has a chance to fulfill her contract.
last memory of color from the quickly fading delights
of the Festival of a Thousand Blossoms. Beyond the To accomplish this, the heroes will have to obtain
Ullamalitzli courts, the Emerald Serpent towers like the dueling badge of another city duelist, and
a bastion in the pre-dawn mists as you make your Balthazar already has a mark in mind. The man’s
way to a meeting that sly-tongued Savino promised name is Dane Rallis, and he’s a known pirate who
would be worth your while. If he can be trusted, operates out of Ebontra on a Letter of Marque
perhaps the Vash might be checked off your list of that protects him in the port of Taux. His ship, the
problems, but in this cursed place, where the stones Coral Stranger, was seen entering the harbor on
mock you as you pass, such hopeful thoughts have as the late tide this very night, and if the heroes can
much life in them as the petal at your feet. make it aboard, they have a chance to do what the
Sturgeons and the Taux Navy cannot, kill Rallis the
Black Heart and put an end to his reign of murder
Setting the Stage
on the seas between here and the Kraken’s Maw.
Within the Emerald Serpent, an hour before the
sun rises and the heat of the late-spring day backs
However, it will not be easy as the Coral Stranger
the mist from the streets, a rogue duelist named
has a strong and seasoned crew of cutthroats, even
Balthazar awaits the heroes. He is friends of Shay
if most may have already come ashore to partake
Gatewell, or Cold Shay, one of the most notorious
of the delights of Taux’s brothels and taverns. If
killers in all of Taux. This friendship has its benefits
the heroes can find and kill Rallis, they can take
and its burdens, with today being heavily weighted
his Ebontra Cross badge and the scroll containing
to the latter.
2 Playing Down the Dawn
whatever duelist he is to face this afternoon, thus spot anyone approaching, they will alert the sailors
taking a step closer to Serata in the process. who are currently playing a game of dice on the
main deck below.
Balthazar will await the heroes at the Saltwater
Swine, a local dive tavern close to the docks, hoping 2 Pirates [AC 7, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 3/2, D 1–6
they have done the deed and have more information (Short Sword)]
on the Vash at the time. Treasure
2 dozen copper coins and 5 silver coatls

The Ship
2 Pirates [AC 12, HD 5d8+5, HP 25,
The Coral Stranger is currently moored on the low
Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam Short
docks amid a gaggle of unseaworthy coastal sloops
Sword (1d6+2), Pack Tactics (Pirates are
and Tung trade ships. Nefarious characters are found
at advantage if attacking with allies
aplenty here, and if the DM wants to press the heroes
within 5 feet.)]
with a random encounter, certainly a heavy muscled
press gang is prepared to lock blades. However, the
path to the Coral Stranger isn’t a difficult one. Security
The Foredeck
is lax around the ship; the dockmaster loathes the crew
Currently empty, the foredeck rises
and hasn’t taken precautions to keep it safe, hoping that
above the main deck and can be accessed
perhaps someone with a score to settle might do him a
by two sets of stairs (like the poop deck).
favor. A single gangplank leads to the main deck, and a
guttering lantern lights the course.
Main Deck
The large main deck, split with the
The Poop Deck
massive main mast at the center, provides
Situated high on the back of the ship, this
access to both the forecastle and the
raised deck houses the ship’s wheel and the
aftcastle of the ship as well as the hold
aft sail. Two men share a drink as a single
through a heavy wooden grate. Five men
lantern burns between them. Blades lay
are currently engaged in a highly contested
loose against their hips.
game of dice farther toward the aftcastle.

The two men are the ship’s sentries, and they have
5 Pirates [AC 7, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 3/2, D 1–6
a 2 in 6 chance [passive Perception 14] of
(Short Sword)]
spotting anyone approaching the gangplank. If they
Treasure He also has a stair into the hold and will send his slave
2 dozen copper coins, 5 silver coatls, and 12 silver girl to fetch help from the quartermaster below (and
coatls currently in the gambling pot
anyone else the quartermaster has at his disposal). Help
will arrive in round 3 if he detects anything. Also, if there
5 Pirates [AC 12, HD 5d8+5, HP 25,
is any heavy combat on the main deck, he will certainly
Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam Short
be warned and fully prepared for combat before the
Sword (1d6+2), Pack Tactics (Pirates are
door is opened (and will likely have his quartermaster
at advantage if attacking with allies
with him if 3 rounds have passed).
within 5 feet.)]

1 Cross Duelist (Dane Rallis) [AC 5, HD 8+8, HP
Captain’s Cabin
75, #AT 4/1 (+4 to hit), D 1–6+5 (x2) / 1–4+6 (x2),
A heavy, locked wooden door [DC 15]
Multiattack, Extra Off-Hand Attack]
bars the way into the aftcastle.

Inside, Captain Rallis is taking pleasure with his newest
Rapier +2, Dagger +3, Letter of Marque from
Zimbolay slave. However, he is always on heavy alert the city of Ebontra, an Ebontra Cross badge for
a cloak, a scroll containing a map to a building
and will notice a picking attempt without a successful called the Holland Granary, and a broken sealed
scroll with the name Marquis O’Lindon Hathoway
Move Silently check [passive Perception 16 vs.
Stealth]. He will quickly rise and arm himself if he
hears anyone working the lock on his door.

4 Playing Down the Dawn

1 Cross Duelist (Dane Rallis) [AC 15, above, 2 in 6 chance [DC 13 Perception], they
HD 11d8+22, HP 72, Initiative +5, #AT will grab their weapons and head to investigate
4, Hit +7, Dam Rapier 7 (1d6+4) and through the officers’ quarters. If the captain is
Dagger 7 (1d4+5), Multiattack, Parry alerted and sends for help, the quartermaster will
(+2 AC against one attack), Extra Off- collect these sailors before rushing up the stairs to
Hand Attack] the captain’s cabin.

5. 3 Pirates [AC 7, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 3/2, D 1–6

Captain’s Slave Quarters (Short Sword)]
This small room contains a tiny bed,
chamber pot, water basin, and several Treasure
silken strips of cloth, presumably to be None
used as clothing.
3 Pirates [AC 12, HD 5d8+5, HP 25,
6. Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam Short
Officers’ Quarters Sword (1d6+2), Pack Tactics (Pirates are
(Includes the Armory) at advantage if attacking with allies
Three beds, a table, three chests, and a within 5 feet.)]
dartboard decorate this large room. At the
center, a single stair leads down. 8.
Quartermaster and Cook’s Cabin
This is the officers’ quarters for the ship, but at This room houses two beds and various
this point all officers are in Taux drinking away the treasures collected from years of sea
night with the bulk of the crew. travel. Two chests are here as well as
some bottles of rum and other spirits. An
7. orange and white cat sleeps on one of the
Middle Hold beds, and a large man with facial tattoos
Three straggler sailors wile away the and brands sleeps on the other.
night by sharing a bottle of wine atop a
large stack of rugs within this large space. The quartermaster is catching some sleep, but
over the years tends to sleep with one eye open. He
These sailors are currently being disciplined and will detect any commotion on the ship on a 3 in 6
were not allowed to go ashore. If they hear fighting chance [passive Perception 15].
1 Quartermaster [AC 5, HD 10+10, HP 70, #AT Balthazar awaits them at a predesignated tavern
3 (+4 to hit), D 1–6+5/1–4+2 (2 scimitar/1 dagger)] close to the docks. Once they show him what they
have discovered, he will lead them to the Holland
Treasure Granary before giving them another place to meet
Scimitar +2, Dagger +2, 14 silver coatls. Chest in two hours when the sun is at its zenith, the Tallow
One, locked [DC 15]: A silk robe (20 silver), a bag
with 76 silver coatls, and 10 gold coins minted Wastrel Tavern near the mouth of the Black Gate. A
in Zimbolay. Chest Two, locked [DC 13]: A fine
knife (10 silver), a ruby the size of a thumbnail (100 friend of his (Shay) is currently in the wind and he’s
silver), 2 bottles of Arcanian wine (10 silver each).
working to find him before the meeting; he has a
bad feeling about today.
1 Quartermaster [AC 15, HD 10d8+20,
HP 65, Initiative +5, #AT 3, Hit +7, Dam
Scimitar 8 (1d6+4), Dagger 7 (1d4+5),
Multiattack (2 scimitars/1 dagger),
Part Two
Parry (+2 AC against one attack)] The Holland Granary
Balthazar leads a weaving path through the
9: markets of the Turquoise Turtle, his brown cloak
Galley mingling easily with those of a hundred other citizens
Two stout long-tables, benches, and an shopping for the early wares of the day. Whatever
iron oven area set with slate stones around relief night provided has burned off to allow an
it mark the chamber as the ship’s galley. oppressive heat to blanket the city. Sweat trickles
down your brow and the cries of a water seller make
10: your tongue strike against dry lips.
A small storage closet holds the bulk of
Setting the Stage
the ship’s food stores.
Balthazar finally pulls up outside the Holland
Granary, an old merchant building with deep ties to
Closing the Stage the Findalynn grain markets. It is here that he will
Once the characters have successfully cleared provide you with a blood-covered stone, something
the ship and discovered both the Cross Badge and you will need to complete the circle and begin the
the parchment containing the Bravo that Rallis deadly combat of the tournament. Without such
was to duel (one Marquis O’Lindon Hathoway of a duel and victory, you will not get the next set of
Findalynn), they can move back into the city toward papers that will bring you to the Taux champion of
their new target. the Turtle District, Esmerelda Serata.

6 Playing Down the Dawn

Within, two guards in girded chain coats and From this point, the dueling hero should replicate
metal studded helms ask for your papers. When the action, and then the combat will begin.
provided, one will escort the heroes to the rear of
the building, room 5, where nearly thirty people
The Granary
are standing at the ready and whispering amongst
themselves. Bets (if you like that sort of thing) can be
The Merchant Entry
placed with several odds makers in the crowd.
This large room has walls covered with
tapestries and a desk at its center. Two
Coming forward into the circle is a lean man with
men, both girded with mail and steel
a white mustache and an inkvine scar along the
helmed, stand at the door.
right side of his head. He wears no armor, only a
deep umber shirt, brown gloves, breeches, and low
These two mercenaries will check your papers. If
soft boots.
all is in order, one will escort you back to room 5.

He provides a greeting, offering his name as

2 Mercenaries [AC 4, HD 6, HP 36, #AT 2/1, D
Marquis O’Lindon Hathoway, and then waits for
1–8+2 (Longswords)]
the Cross to enter before pulling forth a bloody stone
from a pouch at his waist and placing it on his side
of the circle.
52 copper coins, 17 silver coatls

2 Mercenaries [AC 16, HD 6d8+6, 5.
HP 30, Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Lead Merchant Chamber
Dam Longsword (1d8+2), Pack Tactics This large room houses some dozen men
(Mercenaries are at advantage if and women in cloaks and a long lean man
attacking with allies within 5 feet.)] with white hair who stretches in the center
of a circle of blood-red stones.
Storage Room One This is the main gallery for the tournament, and
A large storeroom is filled around the man, O’Lindon Hathoway, is preparing for a
the walls with heavy sacks and boxes. duel that is sure to help him secure a fine position
There are three men here playing a within the guild of Findalynn.
game of dice, and will invite anyone
entering to join. Around him, a collection of patrons looking to
see the match (and likely bet on it) have gathered.
3. They will remain quiet, their access to the match
Overflow Room dependent on their ability to stay out of the way.
This large room is currently empty,
but debris on the f loor indicates that 1 Bravo Duelist (O’Lindon Hathoway) [AC -1, HD
it has housed grain and other goods in 9+18, HP 90, #AT 2/1 (+4 to hit), D 1–6+3,
the past. Special Ability: The Bravo is adept at using his
off-hand weapon in defense and may add double his
4. Dexterity modifier to his AC. Secondary Special
Sorting and Packing Room Ability: At 5th level, a Bravo may make a saving
Several long tables and a set of scales throw versus petrification [DC 14 Constitution]
are in this room. Otherwise it is to half the damage inflicted from a blow once per
currently empty. combat round.]

Two secret doors are in this room, one to a Treasure

contraband storage room located on the north wall Rapier +3, Ring of Protection +2 (with Bravo
Guild symbol set in the stone), broken sealed
[DC 15 Perception], and the other to a concealed scroll with the name Esmeralda Serata on it, and
a map with the location of the Jade Tower, as well
exit route on the south wall [DC 15 Perception]. as a time during the afternoon

8 Playing Down the Dawn

1 Bravo Duelist (O’Lindon Hathoway) with at least a small fight, prompting the players to
[AC 21, HD 9d10+18, HP 80, Initiative use their skills to subdue any Sturgeons in their way.
+5, #AT 2, Hit +8, Dam Rapier 7 (1d6+5),
Multiattack, Parry (+2 AC against one Sturgeon [AC 4, HD 6, HP 36, #AT 2/1,
attack), Special Ability: The Bravo is D 1–8+2 (Longswords)]
adept at using his off-hand weapon in
defense and may add double his Dexterity Treasure
modifier to his AC. Secondary Special None
Ability: At 5th level, a Bravo may make
a saving throw [DC 14 Constitution] to Sturgeon [AC 16, HD 6d8+6, HP
half the damage inflicted from a blow 30, Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam
once per combat round.] Longsword (1d8+2), Pack Tactics
(Mercenaries are at advantage if
6. attacking with allies within 5 feet.)]
Storage Room Two
This room is filled with crates, a snaking When the raid has ended, the players will need
path between them leading into shadows to get the information they secured from winning
away from the door. the duel (another writ and a map) and proceed to
the next location, either meeting Balthazar or going
directly to the Jade Tower.
Closing the Stage
Once the duel is complete, an alarm will be raised
If they meet Balthazar, he is greatly agitated, and
from the front of the structure. The Sturgeons have
looks to have been in a fight himself, with blood
come and will be arresting those involved in the
about his cloak and his gloved hands. He will relay,
illegal fight. Chaos should reign as people bolt in
‘Things aren’t what they seem, but Serata is still the
every direction.
only lead we have, and she must be put down.’ After
taking a look at the documents and the location, he
The players will have to decide how they deal with
will say he will meet you at the Jade Tower (although
the situation. Certainly killing a Sturgeon would
he will be late and show up right after the battle,
be a bad idea, and they might be able to use their
unless of course you need him to help the players
clout with Tohil to get off with a lesser charge if they
survive! For stats on Balthazar, use those of Dane
decide to let themselves be captured, but more likely,
Rallis, as Balthazar has been trained in the Ebontra
a quick run to one of the various secret doors will
Cross style).
likely be the way to go. Still, I’d try to block any exit
The only difference here is that House Vash has
Part Three become aware of the circumstances of the mission
The Jade Tower during the intervening hours and will unleash a
Rain pounds the pavers in blowing sheets as city group of dire lowl on the heroes even before the duel
stragglers dash from building to building in search has properly come to an end in an attempt to kill
of dry environs. Your boots splash in puddles as the two birds with one stone.
octagonal stone walls and dour green roof of the
Jade Tower rise above the buildings around it. A It will be up to the players to counter the attempted
single lantern decorates its heavy double door entry, assassination, and it would be highly recommended
the light golden amid the gloom of the flash storm they recruit Serata to their cause. She will certainly
that now blankets Taux. help them, knowing full well she has been betrayed.

Setting the Stage The Tower

Between the time that the players defeat the 1.
Marquis and their next meeting at 3 o’clock with Main Entry
the Razor, a storm blows into Taux from the east, Twin double doors give way to a long
bringing with it a fetid heat and palpable stink from fifty-by-twenty-foot room decorated with
the Black Swamp. several tapestries and a small sitting area
directly to your left. Two doors, one each
They may seek healing as needed in the city’s on the left and right walls, and a lone set of
temples before going to the Jade Tower, as they have stairs provide exits to the chamber. There
several hours, but keep in mind they might also be are two men in mail with stout short
wanted by the Sturgeons at this point, depending on blades near the stairs.
how the last encounter during the raid played out.
The men are mercenaries hired by the tournament
Once they make it to the tower, they will have to make sure all is in order between combatants.
a similar experience to the one before, with two They will look over your records obtained from
mercenary guards allowing them entry, checking the previous duel, and then one will escort only the
their papers, and then finally leading them to the duelist upstairs, the others required to stay in the
third floor of the tower where the duel is to take place. lower level and wait.

There is also a secret door in the room

[DC 16 Perception].
10 Playing Down the Dawn
2 Mercenaries [AC 4, HD 6, HP 36, #AT 2/1, D It is here the players can wait, if they choose, while
1–6+2 (Short Swords)] the duel takes place above.

Treasure 4.
12 copper coins, 3 silver coatls Guard Room
A sliding panel door opens into a guard
2 Mercenaries [AC 16, HD 6d8+6, HP post with several spears and a single long
30, Initiative +3, #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam sword and shield as well as a set of chairs
Short Sword 5 (1d6+2), Pack Tactics and a table.
(Mercenaries are at advantage if
attacking with allies within 5 feet.)] 5.
Grand Salon
2. This large chamber is nearly sixty feet
Study by sixty feet with stairs on the north and
A large desk and padded velvet chair south wall. Around the room a four post
rest against the western wall of this bed with luxuriant curtains, several
spacious room. A series of bookshelves stuffed chairs, a drinking station with all
line the walls, and a chandelier hangs manner of bottled liquors, and a copper
from the ceiling. tub decorate the area.

The books tend to be on subjects pertaining to 6.

trade law, the southern nation of the Tung, and the Master’s Chamber
bulk being actual ledgers of years of trade cargos Furniture has been slid back against
coming into the city. the walls of this large room, and a single
chandelier is lit in the vaulted ceiling
3. above. Around the inner perimeter of the
Lower Salon room a circle of stones has been placed,
Five large velvet chairs and a long bench and a lone figure, lean and beautiful,
decorate this room. A single slender table stands with a blood red stone in her hand.
rests against the eastern wall and holds a
bowl of fruit and several glasses as well as
a pitcher of water.

This is Esmeralda Serata, the deadly assassin Treasure
and outcast noble. She will take no quarter, and Rapier of Sharpness +2
has little to say, as she is ready to get this contest
over with as quickly as possible. However, after 1 Razor Duelist (Esmeralda Serata)
three rounds of combat, the lower level of the tower [AC 15, HD 10d8+20, HP 65, Initiative
will be besieged by a gang of dire lowl, and she +5, #AT 2, Hit +7, Dam Sabre 7 (1d6+4),
will withdraw from the circle of stones, first asking Multiattack, Parry (+2 AC against one
what kind of trickery or betrayal is this, and then attack), Wounding (Each time a Razor
asking to call a halt to the duel until the source of scores a hit, the victim must make a
the noise below can be discerned. saving throw (DC 14 Constitution) or
begin bleeding at 1 HP per round. These
1 Razor Duelist (Esmeralda Serata) [AC 5, HD hits are cumulative.) Secondary Special
10+10, HP 90, #AT 2/1 (+4 to hit), D 1–6+2, Ability: At 5th level a Razor can modify
Wounding (Each time a Razor scores a hit, the a critical hit roll to a specific location,
victim must make a saving throw versus petrification thus tripling the damage instead of
or begin bleeding at 1 HP per round. These hits doubling it.]
are cumulative.) Secondary Special Ability: At
5th level a Razor can modify a critical hit roll to a Round Three Dire Lowl Attack
specific location, thus tripling the damage instead of The front door of the tower will burst open as a
doubling it.] gang of recently corrupted lowl rush in looking for

12 Playing Down the Dawn

blood. The two mercenaries will first attempt to Balthazar can show up at any time the DM
attack the lowl, but once their strength is shown to desires, and if Esmeralda is still around, the two will
be so great, they will try to get through the secret glare daggers at one another, but have nothing to say
door and lock themselves in room 4. directly to the other. He will see the carnage, and
that Esmeralda lives, and go ashen, hissing, ‘This
The bulk of the lowl will attack anyone on the was just a ploy!’ only to run off into the driving rain.
ground floor, but if they break through any line of From this point forward, the characters will not see
defense, at least two will make for the stairs and try Balthazar, so they are on their own to the conclusion
to get to the top floor, searching for other victims. with Mithelvarn’s shard.

12 Dire Lowl [AC 5, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 3/1,

Damage/Attack: 2–8+4/1–4+2 (2 Claws/1 Bite), Part Four
Special Attacks: Flamefist (already calculated into
The Lovely Shard
the damage)]
The residence of the famed ‘Love Maker’, Emil
Locasta, is more a walled compound, with heavy ivy
12 Dire Lowl: AC 15, Speed 30 ft, HD
growing up its iron gate and signs of disuse evident
5, Attack: 3, Init: +3, Hit +8, Claw 8
in the crumbling bricks and rusted hinges. Inside, a
(2D4+4), Bite 4 (1D4+2), Multiattack,
single tree grows in an inner garden, the small estate
Flamefist (additional 5 (1d6+2) flame
house backing up against the old bleacher rise and
damage on claw attacks)]
marking this structure as one of the first built inside
Closing the Stage the stadium during the reclamation.
Once the dire lowl have been defeated, Esmeralda
will have a very dark continence. She’ll share if the
Setting the Stage
party is looking for a reason to attack the Vash,
Rain still falls as dusk descends on the Black
they should investigate the former residence of Emil
Gate when the players make their way to the
Locasta in the Black Gate as it is rumored a foreign
former home of Emil Locasta. Rumors indicate
Vash tome-mage now resides there who has something
that the man returned to Zimbolay, although that
to do with the madness of the lowl in the city. They
is unconfirmed, and some insist the apothecary
might find what they are looking for there. After
will return, thus his house remains empty for fear
this, she will slip away, looking toward the duelist she
of his ire upon such a day.
fought and saying, ‘Another time, another place.’

Whatever the case, anyone going to the home will 2.
discover the gate is unlocked, and the building beyond The Solicitation Salon
warmed by a single lamp within the main entry. The grand entry into the square stone
home holds a massive wooden table and
four oak chairs. A single lantern lies atop
The Apothacary
the table, casting shadows in the well-
of Emil Locasta worn wood. Beyond the table is a lovely
1. woman, her skin a creamy chocolate, with
The Garden Entry high cheekbones and upturned ears. A
A heavily neglected garden overgrows strange shimmering aura dances around
its bounds within the gate as a single her in the gloom.
tree dominates the area with wide
boughs that shadow the snaking path to Smiling, she offers a bow before her crisp voice states
the main house. the following: “It is my life to find foes such as these, to
call them, to nurture them, and to see the will of the
Two dire lowl stalk the garden, and will attack the master done in each place I choose to manifest. So let
party from concealment once they have made half the us dance once more, heroes, and if you are worthy, then
distance to the house. the Machine is sated until the next time I find form to
do its bidding…”
2 Dire Lowl [AC 5, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 3/1, Damage/
Attack: 2–8+4/1–4+2 (2 Claws/1 Bite), Special Attacks: At this she will attack, hurling spells at distance and
Flamefist (already calculated into the damage)] trying to keep the party from her as long as possible,
while utilizing Greater Invisibility. The ‘shimmering
2 Dire Lowl: AC 15, Speed 30 ft., HD 5, aura’ is a Cold Shield (reverse of Fire Shield) as well as
Attack: 3, Init: +3, Hit +8, Claw 8 (2D4+4), the Shield spell [Mage Armor in 5E]. She is likely to
Bite 4 (1D4+2), Multiattack, Flamefist drop Fireballs directly on her position, or Ice Storms,
(additional 5 (1d6+2) flame damage on since she has protections up against such elements.
claw attacks)]
Once she is defeated, her form will dissipate and the
items she carried will clatter to the floor along with all
the communications she’s had with the Vash family
since she entered the city a month ago.

14 Playing Down the Dawn

Author: Scott Taylor
Editing: G. Scott Swift
Cartography: Scott Taylor,
G. Scott Swift, & Andrew Rodgers
Design/Layout: Andrew Rodgers
Cover Art: ‘Breaking Through’
by Jim Holloway
Color Module Back Cover Art:
Michael Wilson
Color Interior Cover Art:
[Gazetteer] Jeff Laubenstein
and Andrew Rodgers
Color Interior Cover Art:
[Dungeon] Todd Lockwood
B/W Interior Illustrations:
[Gazetteer] Jeff Laubenstein, Matthey Ray
B/W Interior Illustrations:
[Dungeon] Jeff Laubenstein,
Playtesters: Sean Murphy, Mark Timm,
Lil’Joe Livesay, Brent Blackwell,
Shayne Hintz

Dungeons & Dragons ©, Players

Handbook ©, and Dungeon Masters
Guide © are the sole property of Wizards
of the Coast and Art of the Genre makes
no claims on these trademarks.

Mithelvarn’s Shard [AC 7, HD 9+18, HP 72, #AT 1, Slots) Misty Step, Suggestion; 3rd (3 Slots)
D 1–4+3, Spells: 1st (4) Shield, Shocking Grasp, Magic Counterspell, Fireball, Fly; 4th (3 Slots)
Missile, Charm Person; 2nd (3) Strength, Web, Detect Greater Invisibility, Ice Storm; 5th (1 Slot)
Invisibility; 3rd (3) Fireball, Hold Person, Suggestion; Cone of Cold]
4th (2) Fire Shield, Ice Storm; 5th (1) Cone of Cold]

Closing the Stage

Once Mithelvarn’s Shard has been defeated, the
+3 Dagger, Spell Scrolls (includes all known
spells), Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Fire players will have all the evidence they need to take
Resistance, 200 copper coins, 540 silver coatls,
80 gold jaguars down the arm of House Vash that has been after them.
They need only to turn the documents over to Tohil,
Mithelvarn’s Shard [AC 13, HD 9d12+18, and the Sturgeons will take care of the rest. This means
HP 72, Initiative +3, #AT 1, Hit +8, Dam they are now free to stay in Taux, or leave it, without a
Dagger 7 (1d4+5), Spellcasting (DC 14 lingering feud hanging over their heads and certainly
saves and +6 to hit), Spells: Cantrips (at with some experience as to the culture and politics of
will) Fire Bolt, Mage Hand; 1st (4 Slots) the city.
Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield; 2nd (3

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