NSDL Account Closure Form
NSDL Account Closure Form
NSDL Account Closure Form
Date: D D M M Y Y Y Y
To: Karvy Stock Broking Ltd., Depository Participant, “Karvy House”, 46, Avenue 4, Street No.1, Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad – 500 034 (DP Ids: IN300394; IN301557; IN301926; IN302470)
1. I / We hereby request you to close my/our account with you as per the following details:
Second Holder
Third Holder
I / We confirm to have exhausted all delivery instruction slips / misplaced / not traceable.
Second Holder
Third Holder
Signature of one of the account holders in presence of DP Staff (Required only in case unused DIS not surrendered)
Signature of DP Official with Name & Emp. Id
Name of the account holder Signature of account holder
who is doing IPV
Emp Id:-
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of your request for closing the following Account subject to verification:
Client Name:___________________________________________________________________
DP Seal, Sign, Date & Time of Receipt
Instructions:- 1) In case of a joint A/c, all the holders should sign. 2) In case of shifting of account, CML of target DP duly attested (stamped &
signed) by the DP should be submitted in original. 3) All unused DIS should be surrendered. 4) In case unused DIS is not available, one of the
account holders should personally come to any Karvy office & submit the A/c Closure request.