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BR Ram BM AR FOR Vol.29 Noa 2012-448 A (CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS Aug. 2012 FE BURGER AAD BLP ZEA! BA! HAE! Mo? CUGTIOSRICE ER Toor aie) | GRICE AMMA RIIBDHRE SCS Thom Fe) * WHE RELKMELAMEMLHAT ERR, ERT AAA) ARE RA SAILS, AM Glavert 48 sh oh H EIB te HaHa K AaPdbNe Ait Soop SLI labie T Hob aka TE He. RSA fw ARS A AY ACE. AR IT A PR OR, A aE AMT RA RATE Aske A AH IAG RK apt RR ATH ih RRA HGR: ARORA TRACMTAMHAMBAMN, MRAM E OGLE, LRAT RAL ORE HMM RR DEE UAL, SARIN: HAR, MAMI: MER: A Ait: aeRO ches: VOI wR HCE AMEE T E HR. BASLE ET ASR. MVE CEL ALARI RBM Bde ‘ee RAT ALAN Ae eR FITS AIRE RACER uk TAME Xt WSU. AEE, UA RIAA J) IRENE SHEAR, ARENA 2 WAS EE RET BE ARINEHLARBEATAAMUREREIE ANIA, DANA RRADDL AS Sit, MRC EAR RS AANEIEN 2 RARER BLT A PORTA IES COTTA EERO ARE HE OT CA AT TE ASCE AORTA EA DLLME IER IF are. anne ee He TA TIE HERRERA NTA DRO NN ae © cal ebb ae He mt Baie ee ee ee ee FURIE Sapa Beare HCE HLARRSR CTEM. ITO AMTTERES Y : = i : AyRMLRD, ARREEME ARNG. REAR TAEIE. oe (HMRC RT Hes IPH at : : : 5 4 ee, MAHAL ak. ea EES Raa (HSPN ARCA ARIE, Gare HEA IB ESE te Fon 91g SAT rl ne Be CEIIE Haieaatuummercanty tear ORMLUREANIASStde it hrm ek WOR, URE RSRO HAL ALROT Se eA ARCS PRE CARTER. IRE 5 2 ti Ee AUTEM ALE FCteuin ieee, SCR Riyan, RMR. ilshabmie ps T Ate SRM. wer arate: = ee (1or72 50616027, 1117210) BAM, 20011014 #SHEM. 20120001 19 Ls BLM RSET Ly GCI FO——iN WR BCRBam SOD, AAT REE RIL. OF ROMEO SANA ACB, ei REE APR AA SD. MG HSER BUTE BISON NPR ATT MRICS MEHR FURR. A AAEM ZF MER RAI IEE SUR Euler JALAL N-S TEAL. Bef LHRH MESA AR RE St eR RA Jy. AE. RR. ART, Ta ee esR EA He TARA IRIOR ARASH Ae, a AL ERK, NETS TC. REA Heaps SSRI HARE. Glawent HELL MERE HVUIG OP siR) ESRC NR AONE S806 Bl Prande 4H EEE, AS RC RAT, RCE ME PM ANSE RL HHL AUN SA SE A SETALOE LITRES AZM IH. HWE AMA. HRCA RE Tine MPRA AONE, SUE T ARR Fe SON oA INL TT RA. SORE. RE A PERE A AL BATA. AM, SCA Glawent $EA1 OBR EH SHE MRI MI EH ATT. 22 KaRMRITE aA HI INE OAEALN, SAUNA ALPE FE ARRTERILOELL STAT IL, JeARAORABL EE 1 REREAD. WEIR POAT n, . OMANI. ROEM, OER HI, 2) TREMP Apo Rane ERIMEE, «JL Fig, « SEDER ESB EL Ma 3) FESR oL Seal aes 5a Se EL atte. 4) RALEHRARIiE Aol RRA TAL. 5) HEP ONEAONE 9 AN HUET IRB SRE TRB HORMT, . HRALO, 6) -RINUSRL AAPOR GT BER ds SR RIA. BE. OAL pion, fra» wtp’, fod « vy [tar Bo Fou T= aes, Ge Ate cant 381 Pe MATE: re WHMAOBER AE: RK OR. 3 RRO EE RET EAE lie 2 CWE HEASOR IARC ERED AERA TE ts AUN aaa Se ete A HE ETHER IE ROARK UIA 1 ia 3 PEELE 10in. OPK] Clark V ME, HARK HABA SEAMASTER 2 Biase HAs SMES AWE FR TSMUN les ARON) 25°. RPMS (rao SR. = eo) re co 2 en) mae fr ete SMS. HAD RNURIEA Somis. A641 Se aH A An RUT ASI ACY 0.95, RAE Sot" Ae, Ys FU Pe RR Aa EEO YS HE CAA USER ALRITE EY NS ELM TALIA S-A TAO. PH 3 AEH) RICE WRB, ARC ORHAN AE HEAT STS Foseaee Rityet tt. APS 3 PY UA st SE AE WR MOR eB LL He eA GIES, HOTT ELEE. ILIA 3(C)OTL FET, MERIT ELLL TY ARRER ACR MYEE SLA AGL ALAR AHL. Aa Ht BB. HERA DRA F MRS EER AN fe RTAR ee mT ANTE NT ESCs, Sem aT Gi ADT EEO ELA ee — EEO 6 ACHE RIIPRAE NS Dy FRSA HAE i mI DE AUTOR ARTEL, RANE OF382 em HU eRe. PLEA YG Be AVR ConA SA Rae A, PR At SIME ME TNT ALE RG HEI IEA. NY, ‘i Le er eae i EER seame MeT— se rata. MELA WSR AMER, PEER Saeab iA St, TRONS HL MR Can RET a of ROO RICHEY TENN. WI DLA At SA. RAL Cant SETA =e ie on =EHE noe oe atte (oy on RUAN ge 2} ig 2] =uRe ° at ( memaiticenmee Is opeennontem 4 FAS URMIER AIT SHEE ait 41 MRA aD PRUE a Ay AOE ITER, ROPER ee ame UALR DLAC RUF AUER IGLET, Hew RUT Pee F. HUE SORHREALA DLE MTR HUBER, LA. LAT ASHI 30 mis, CFF RGN) 20k, LALA KG HI LOMP. HL ML THAR HH 3 3H Hy 0.8-1.5HP. AC REUR WRI Je (BE RE We MEIN ME RURAL, WS EMRERMV ELE Lom, Sob SAI 2. HATTER ADL AROS tae mY Se, ALAS AF a eS ST Hy Tee TS aS ER, A OPNTARIUE 4 Birk. RARE MER T OAT, ILMB IC TOR UNE HR “~o— & 0D " Oeaeda aT) Us ON Ne OST a Rue EMCO TIARA EE 6 1500r/min Fes HR FAA LISI (8 ST = a ie RE EL SF 3-20 108 AeA HEART ECAH, ie RUA Be HAE CA RAR. Fa i, ALAS sy aT MAS AR WE HB RSI BUR eR ac, BEAR AR EN HY RL Hd SLA HAC TT A BUT LG = Ca ROR AS Fy AEARAL A 32.98 AUB yA Be AB SPs is BER ERE. EB LI Pa KC Fa. RARE I A EDN UE HE ALIALTakabashi i HA PE eG A TED AB A Wits ek. AML AEM CuRLIO]. eS Hh TH BS AB hg A OH BY OF ARE EAR LIE) Si - ATE S(ay a DLT A BRAWL AMT AR FUE ee J AL EL, OT TS AAT HSE, BAMA Ar ST (if LRU ORAY TAR AG OR a A AE PROS. SAIC PHILLEBam wotitan nna oo RAN Rs miezM MER CEN DUM UREA A, RAE VT TY A SELL 0.5, Hi BALY D0". NARS -19] 2 Atel SAR Weide HAS FP SESAME SECON, MORIA Xtoil PRCARI PRET AORTA RAS BAC PEHORATTDRODAT. (8 6 Shee FARR RET athe SHR, WILLA LIA 50000 LADS THAN EE AUR AMADIS Ay AL, DATEL ATU ELIE, RO PARADE. 71) AL CA 6~1.2 WTR Beet, SHORE TR te gosx, co sti 6. mewecenrte sree aes, Ge ene cant 38 RY eI fa Ah Te IE AT fetta. TER RULE Se ten ae RE A FLL RRL it SEE a Br SRVRRHE. SIE aL RRA EE A TRL CT fH) ce ARTHAS TM IL EEN PTZ IONIC oy. CERAM ARAL KOT ELS FUE TRUE EAE tpn fP BIRR Sut a A, ARERR IE, HAE JUROR SEAL Bt me MLL ARAL AE SOR KUE AY AMIE A CRAG, RHEE Se ie Rob 3 PANE 7 m7 newt 42 RMRIREE A CONE T RNS EAS ILL I. BUTEA, PUGH BER, A) A Rd DLE SPAR, a FAUPERERLATITSFIe GS. 1H 8B 10 Su) Te THis PARI” COO ETT EER. mate (my RAR, A, mC HR ee34 em ee ae Are Ok, CAHEME 1Omvs. Ae Thm, CFM 20mus. A782 20km, KATIE 30mvs. "40H Neo oT OTST kero rere crrrers Pa a os ROR, ME RRR ETE mR Mo ska ri Cite =o =e fos =H einem ay ee renee ean nest Oo) ROR. RM, eMNRIEREA, Mio Kas= Fines Use ARE LTS SR OT LAAT, EMBL RH, FA O8-13HP A, ASIA) CARAS FARE CAF URI 80578. TILA BLIRNTARES F GPE BD, MRTEMAATERCR YY 80% LI ELL YE) 1450c/min, SHEET FETATNE) LSP, HS fe SS He RY OT A ULTERIOR. 5 Hi it LLB. AMT FeIe. VBR THA LE YR AE AC oR SRA IPMART. RAL Takabashi at HRBUA TIE GAA, AR MUSE MASA BE ks JDL AMEE baIR Ja dP AAT HLTA TAMALES HETIL. Bae ae SLT SARE — FRA HIT 86%. 2) BALA SR IL URE MRICS mE A AA MYPAL, TDL AR ee Cal MR IROL AU CRIS LR AE. ME ATA ET SRA APIA BC PE TERR OP PTAC de SATU ALA EH AR VEIN TT COR T.SHP) IA, 8 BER ARISE SEES CE SOIT, BST HUMETEEY Het. 3) TAREE AGRI Sco AN RESPITE, A) i A ET i RPL AT A BUSTA RIN. ee xm UU adey TH, Moma A. Ter. Compass fn mat for fsbeelhpowerot unoutoed sal still]. Joma of (2) Gaara Caporaion A. Overew of innate a omer and opabion systems ad thelr applica fo plasty exploron TAI 21249 RL. Wasingtns NASA. (3) Mote A, Beaey TH: Parekh DE ete Vt of vores ropa Weary fr UAW ese wh mses ana CY/ Te 46 AINA Asoapcs Since Mtn ant Eat. Rane Nea IAA. 2008 (A) Haig Me Cte. 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