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,.ula1qold l|eqł s,łPqł łnq I ełl| .

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plo uP Peq eM.oueld aqł uo ł!Q e pańe1d
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f,sf it be
F{arratlve tenses


a Do the'20th centurypop' quiz in pairs.

Match the words with their definitions. Look at the phonetics. How do
you pronounce the words? What's the difference between record as a Sir Paul McGańney is probablythe most
verb and as a noun? famous pop musitian of the 20th century.
1 record lrr'kc:dl (v.) a a person \ /ho likes a group or singer Together with lohn Lennon he fomed the
2 tune ltju:nl (n.) b a collection of songs on CD or tape Beatles, and since their break-up has had a
3 lyrics / hnks/ (n.) c the best-selling singles at the moment : long solo career. Altogether he has written
4 hit lhłtl (n,) d the music of a song over 500 songs induding Yesterday,lhe
5 album l'nlbeml (n.) e a CD with only one song most played pop song of all time. He has
6 record l'rekc:dl (n.) f the words of a song retently also written a classital piere called
Stonding Stone whith was premiÓred in
7 single l'uqgll (n.) g notrecorded
8 the top 20 h a plastic disc with recorded music on it :r 1997. His wife linda died of rancer in 1998.
9 fan lfnnl (n.) i put music onto a tape or CD He has four children.

10 live llawl (adj.) i a success

Talk to a partner. 'ln 1957 when I was I 5 and he was I 6 and we
Whatkinds of music doyoulike? were both still at school. We had a lot in
Whatkinds of music doyouhate? 15 common, we were both mad about music and
we both lost our mothers when we were
Who is your favourite group or singer? teenagers. My mother had died of cancer the
When and where do you listen to music? year before and John's mum was run over by a
car a year after we'd met. So there was always
Do you listen to music when you study? What kind?
ec thatspecial bond between us.'
How often do you buy CDs or cassettes?
What CD or cassette would vou take with vou to a desert island?

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