Amanda Viona - Review Manajemen Breedlot
Amanda Viona - Review Manajemen Breedlot
Amanda Viona - Review Manajemen Breedlot
NPM : 200110210042
Kelas : A
Topic Management Breedlot
Title Reproductive Efficiency of Brahman Cross Cattle Using Artificial
Insemination with Frozen Semen from Bali, Brahman, Limousin, and
Simmental Cattle
Authors Husnul Khotimah , Muhammad Agil, Bakti Tamba, I Ketut Karya Wisana,
Sutrisnak, Harianto Budi Rahardjo, Tuty Lazuardy Yusuf
Vol and No
Journal Journal IPB
Year 2018
Materials and The research was conducted by collecting secondary and primary data
Methods from PT Lembu Mighty Man (LJP), Serang, Banten Province.
Secondary data was evaluated from the Breeding Database LJP 2013 –
2017. Data was collected and filtered by the criteria defined for the study
(breed of cattle is the Brahman Cross or descent, conception by artificial
insemination and first service in a given year). Then the data is tabulated
and equated in MS. Superior
Results Service per conception (S/C)
Normal S/C for cattle is 1.76 – 2.0(3). Seen that the results of the
S/C value are better than the normal standard annually from 2013 to
2017. The five-year average S/C was 1.48 its meaning it takes 1.48
IB services to fertilize one cow's tail.
Conception rate (CR)
Average result of CR is 69,3% which means that 69,3% of AI
acceptor get pregnant by the first AI service. This result is better than
the normal standard of 65%.
Pregnancy rate (PR)
The average result of PR is 88,0% with the lowest of 84,6% and the
heighest at 95,2%. The average of 88,0% which means that 88,0% of
the population of the productive female was pregnant every year.
The result of each year PR value is above the standard.
Calving rate
The average result of calving rate is 80,7% which means that every
year 80,7% of productive female population succesfuly gave birth to
a calf. The normal calving rate is 60- 70% and will never reach
100% due to conception failure and fetal or embrionic death
Calving Interval (CI)
The expected normal calving interval for beef cattle in tropical and
subtropical region is 12-14 months . The result shows the average CI
is 14,2 months. The result is still a little bit longer than normal range.
This prolonged calving interval can be the result of long days open.
Days open
The Optimum days open for cattle is 85-115 days . The result the
average days open is 117 days. The result is still a little bit longer
than the optimum days. The factor resulting this prolonged days
open at LJP is weaning policy. Calf weaned at the age of 3 months.
This happen because suckling or milking can delayed the return to