Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium
*Corresponding Author: Saket Kumar, Institute of Environment and Sustainable development, BHU, Varanasi, India.
Potassium application is related to mung bean plant growth, total biomass and crops yield. Different potassium level of soils is
significantly affected the mung bean plants yield and yield contribution parameters. Maximum mung bean yield was 689 Kg/ha was
obtained with the application of 85 Kg potash per hectare. Genotype HUM-1, and HUM-2 produced higher seed yield than JM - 72. The
interactive effect of three mung bean varieties and their potassium level was found significant in different parameters. My studies
were determining the effect of K on vegetative growth (plants dry weight and plant height), yield components (plant height, number
of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod and seeds yield kg/hectare) produced seeds.
Keywords: Mung Bean; HUM-1; HUM-2; JM-72; K; Yields
Citation: Saket Kumar., et al. “Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium". Acta Scientific Agriculture
2.6 (2018): 23-25.
Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium
Result and Discussions ing autumn season 2016. Result was attributes many differences in
Plant Height (cm) climatic conditions. The interaction between K and different vari-
ety of mung beans were highly significant. The maximum number
Potash levels affected significantly plant height of mung bean.
of pods was 26.71 and bearing branches per plant was observed
Maximum plant height was 54.26 cm obtained when potash was
in V3 K3. The minimum number of pod was bearing 5.19 branches
applied at 85K g/ha. It was statistically applicable at 60 and 120 Kg
per plant in V2 K0.
potash per hectare. Minimum plant height was 38.36 cm obtained
in plots where no potash applied due to high root shoot ratio is an Number of Pods Per Plant
association with potassium uptake [9]. Results are observed sig-
Number of mung bean pods/plant was significantly affected by
nificantly with higher plant height in mung bean crop at the rate of
potash levels. Maximum number of pods/plant was 26.71 obtained
60-100-100 K Kg /ha.
when potash applied at 90 Kg per hectare. Minimum number of
Number of Branches Per Plant pods/plant was 21.34 obtained in plots as a control. Similar find-
ings were also recorded [10] by some studied on yield and quality
Maximum number of fruits bearing branches per plant was 5.78
of mung bean that affect different potassium level (0, 25, 75, 100
recorded at 120 Kg potash per hectare against minimum control.
and 125 Kg/ha) that reported number of pods/plant, number of
Number of pod bearing branches per plant was significantly in-
seeds per pod in potassium application.
creased from potassium application in mung bean [10] plant dur-
Plant Height No of branches No of pods No of seed No of plants 1000 seeds Seed yield
(cm) plant-1 plant-1 pod-1 plot-1 weight (g) kg ha-1
Varieties (V)
V1 (HUM-1) 54.26 5.8 22.56 6.68 229.0 36.99 588.0
V2 (HUM -2) 48.54 4.6 19.46 5.88 227.0 34.42 586.0
V3(JM-72) 53.42 5.4 22.46 6.53 229.0 35.52 584.0
Potassium level (K)
K0 38.36 5.13 17.78 6.18 229.0 27.21 432.9
K1 46.58 5.26 24.46 6.14 227.0 29.34 578.6
K2 46.72 5.24 24.78 7.81 229.0 32.44 673.8
K3 49.43 5.23 23.81 8.42 227.0 36.76 763.6
K4 48.56 5.78 25.67 7.46 229.0 39.56 726.7
Interaction (K levels x Varieties)
V1xK0 36.84 5.21 24.34 6.73 228.0 26.79 574.0
V1xK1 44.83 5.43 22.34 5.34 227.0 24.57 566.0
V1xK2 42.56 5.29 24.23 6.43 226.0 25.46 643.0
V1xK3 43.56 5.63 25.27 6.26 226.0 28.91 673.0
V1xK4 43.73 5.26 25.76 6.56 227.0 31.45 787.0
V2xK0 44.81 5.19 24.58 5.93 226.0 30.46 584.0
V2xK1 44.72 5.38 25.63 6.62 227.0 34.62 688.0
V2xK2 52.26 5.81 26.32 6.84 226.0 35.67 684.0
V2xK3 54.34 5.67 24.61 8.82 227.0 34.75 589.0
V2xK4 53.78 5.63 23.51 7.63 229.0 36.74 679.0
V3xK0 44.81 5.22 21.34 5.84 227.0 34.56 557.0
V3xK1 44.72 5.63 25.21 6.84 229.0 36.61 587.0
V3xK2 52.26 6.73 25.67 7.93 229.0 34.67 689.0
V3xK3 54.34 6.46 26.71 9.82 229.0 32.57 741.0
V3xK4 53.78 8.84 26.43 8.67 229.0 29.56 734.0
Table1: Growth and yield response of two cultivars of mungbean to different potassium levels (Means sharing same letter
statistically at P≤0.05 by LSD).
Number of Seeds Per Pod ability of other nutrient but also increased the photosynthesis rate
Potassium perform a significant role in mung bean grain yield. of mung bean. Therefore, a difference between mung bean variet-
The higher grain yield was observed from 180 kg/ha potassium, ies for number of seeds per pods was significant. Potassium per-
this compared to the control that was obtained 42%. Maximum form a significant role in mung bean grain yield. The higher grain
number of mung bean seeds per pod was 8.42 obtained when pot- yield was observed from 180 kg/ha potassium, this compared to
ash was applied at 90 Kg/ha, and minimum number of mung bean the control that was obtained 42%. Maximum number of mung
seeds was 4.14 per pod obtained each plot where no amount of pot- bean seeds per pod was 8.42 obtained when potash was applied at
ash was applied. Thus, K application not only enhanced the avail- 90 Kg/ha, and minimum number of mung bean seeds was 4.14 per
Citation: Saket Kumar., et al. “Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium". Acta Scientific Agriculture
2.6 (2018): 23-25.
Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium
pod obtained each plot where no amount of potash was applied. These experiments are depicted notable response in growth and
Thus, K application not only enhanced the availability of other nu- yield due to potassium application of 90 Kg/ha. It is recommend-
trient but also increased the photosynthesis rate of mung bean. ed for farmers, while 180 kg potassium/ha, even in severe stress
Therefore, a difference between mung bean varieties for number of condition, but it can be decrease harmful effects of water stress
seeds per pods was significant. on the number of pods/plant, number of grains/pod, 1000 seed
weight, grain. JM - 72 variety was more resistant to water stress,
Number of Plants Per Plot compared with local variety, and also it is more responsive to vari-
Optimum plant density was access good crop growth, which ul- ous amounts of potassium fertilizer.
timately lead to higher crop yield in mung bean plot. Number of
plants per plot was non- significant from use different levels of po- Acknowledgements
tassium. Similar plant populations were release with uniform seed Authors are thankful to Department of Genetics and Plant
rate that maintain the plant to plant distance of population. The Breeding, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU Varanasi for Vigna
variation in different mung bean population was evaluated in three radiate cultivars collection and its indigenous knowledge. This ar-
genotypes. ticle is part of my initial research program of different crops yield
analysis which financially supported by CSIR New Delhi.
1000 Seeds Weight (g)
The differences of mung bean seed weight are estimated. 1000
seeds weight were also noted, from different treatments of fertil-
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where no potash was applied. 1000 seed weight were significantly
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JM-72 (35.52g) and HUM-2 (34.42g). Variation of seed weight be-
tween three varieties can be attributed to genetic makeup of mung 3. Ali MA., et al. “Response of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) to phos-
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Seed Yield (Kg/ha)
4. Arif M., et al. “Differential response of rice genotypes at defi-
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potash was applied at the rate of 90 Kg ha-1. Minimum seed yield
5. Baligar VC., et al. “Nutrient use efficiency in plants”. Communi-
was 432 Kg/ha observed in plot where no potash fertilizer was ap- cations in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 32 (2001): 921-950.
plied in mung bean field. The interaction between varieties and fer-
tilizer levels were also depicted non-significant. Their water stress 6. Bukhsh., et al. “Profitability of three maize hybrids as influ-
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causes a significant role in decrease grain yield due to decrease of
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Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 33.1-4 (1996): 44-45.
Harvest Index
8. Steel RGD., et al. “Principles and procedure of statistics”. Mc-
Potassium show significant influences on the harvest index
Grow Hill book Co., USA (1997). 178-182.
evaluated. Data calculated from revealed potassium fertilizer that
exerted significant influences on harvest index, and maximum was 9. Yang XE., et al. “Physiological and genetic characteristics of
recorded (42.37%) when T4 - 45 kg P2O5 per hectare was applied, nutrient efficiency of plants in acid soils” (2004) 78-83.
but similar to 15 and 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1 and minimum was 33.46%
10. Tariq M., et al. “Effect of phosphorus and potassium applica-
with control. The growth, yield and yield attributes of mung bean tion on growth and yield response of mungbean” (2001): 427-
was increased with the application of phosphate fertilizer up to 45 428.
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All the above-mentioned parameters of mung bean were in-
fluenced by graded levels of K. Finding results from the above pa-
rameters are presented here and concluded significant K level for Volume 2 Issue 6 June 2018
formers application. Thus, growth and yield of mung bean were © All rights are reserved by Saket Kumar., et al.
suit nutrient environmental conditions of Varanasi, however, this
is based on one season experiment; further trails may be needed
to performance in different environmental condition and different
types of soils. Now, I concluded that macronutrients (K) have im-
portance application for mung bean production in different soils.
Citation: Saket Kumar., et al. “Growth and Yield Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) in Different Levels of Potassium". Acta Scientific Agriculture
2.6 (2018): 23-25.