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VSL Primary Gas Standards

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Primary Reference Materials
Certified Reference Materials
Calibrated Gas Mixtures
Interlaboratory Comparisons

T +31 15 2691500
E vsl@vsl.nl

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of

our program of binary and multicomponent gas

Specific gas compositions may be prepared

according to your specifications.

Do you want to know more about our services or

order your gas mixture? Please contact us at:

Telephone: +31 15 269 15 00

E-mail: VSL@VSL.nl
Index 2

Gas mixtures traceable to international standards 3
(PRMs) Primary Reference Materials 4
(CRMs) Certified Reference Materials 5
(CGMs) Calibrated Gas Mixtures 6
Accreditations and recognitions 7
NIST – VSL: Declaration of Equivalence 8
Stability warranty 11
Interlaboratory Comparisons 12
Accredited PT provider 13
Energy 14
Environment 24
Automotive 43
Water vapour 48
Noble gases 49
Explosimetry 50
Leak detection standards 51
Breath alcohol 52
Medical diagnostic standards 53
Oxygen in nitrogen 55
Formaldehyde 56
About VSL 57
Introduction 3

Gas mixtures traceable to

international standards
Traceability of your measurement results requires
traceable measurement standards and calibration.
VSL provides a wide range of such standards to
address your gas analysis needs.

VSL supplies a wide program of Primary Reference

Materials (PRMs), Certified Reference Materials
(CRMs) and Calibrated Gas Mixtures (CGMs). By
ordering your reference materials at VSL, you are
assured that the measurement uncertainty is kept
to a minimum and that your measurement results
are traceable to international standards. VSL’s gas
standards are used worldwide to provide metrolog-
ical comparability of measurement results. Of course
they can also be used for method evaluation and

-- All gas standards are provided with

SI-traceable composition data.
-- All gas standards are provided with
state-of-the-art measurement
Introduction 4

(PRMs) Primary
Reference Materials
PRMs have a very small measurement uncertainty
and will help you to realise a state-of-the-art
international traceability of your measurement
results. VSL supplies almost any desired compo-
sition of, for example, environmental and energy
gases. After the preparation of the PRM its mixture
composition is verified against VSL’s own primary
standard gas mixtures to confirm the assigned
value and stated measurement uncertainty.

-- P RMs represent the highest

grade gas standards.
-- PRMs are prepared gravimetrically based
on your specification of the composition,
performed in accordance with ISO 6142-1:2015.
-- PRMs always come with a warranty
regarding the mixture stability period.
-- A Declaration of Equivalence (DoE) between
NIST and VSL is in place for a range of
gas mixtures. This DoE ensures that
PRMs can be used for applications
related to US legislation.
Introduction 5

(CRMs) Certified
Reference Materials
CRMs are an undisputed foundation for your quality
system and ensure international traceability of your
measurement results. VSL supplies almost any
desired composition of, for example, environmental
and energy gases. The values of the composition are
assigned based on a characterisation of the mixture
using VSL’s own primary standard gas mixtures
or, in case of water, primary standard of humidity.
CRMs are in particular provided for those ranges and
components for which no PRMs are available.

-- CRMs are prepared gravimetrically based

on your specification of the composition,
performed in accordance with ISO 6142-1:2015.
-- CRMs always come with a warranty
regarding the mixture stability.

The provision of gas standards can be combined

with your participation in VSL’s proficiency testing
schemes. Further information can be found
in the chapter ‘Interlaboratory Compari-
sons’ (page 25).
Introduction 6

(CGMs) Calibrated
Gas Mixtures
CGMs are gas mixtures prepared by a third party.
VSL can analyse and calibrate your gas mixture.
CGMs are characterised using VSL’s primary
standard gas mixtures.

-- The certificate provides information

on the composition and measurement
uncertainty of the gas mixture.
-- Accreditation in accordance with
ISO/IEC 17025 for most mixtures.
-- State-of-the-art measurement uncertainties.
Introduction 7

Accreditations and
Mutual Recognition Arrangement
VSL may provide you with a wide range of gaseous
reference materials. Please see VSL’s Calibration
and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) that are
included in Appendix C of the Mutual Recognition
Arrangement (MRA) drawn up by the International
Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). All
participating countries recognize the validity of
each other’s calibration and measurement certifi-
cates for the quantities, ranges and measurement
uncertainties specified.

VSL holds an accreditation

on the basis of ISO Guide 34
(RvA P002) for its PRM and
CRM services, and on the
basis of ISO/IEC 17025 (RvA K999)
for CGMs and other calibration services.

Accreditations evidence the high quality standards

that VSL is able to supply gaseous reference mate-
rials. Unless otherwise indicated, all gas standards
are provided under accreditation.
Introduction 8

Declaration of Equivalence
The U.S. National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) and VSL have signed a Memo-
randum of Cooperation for regular intercompari-
sons of their Primary Standard Gas Mixtures. As
a result a Declaration of Equivalence (DoE) was
signed. The declaration is based on the results of
both BIPM (CCQM) Key Comparisons and inter-
comparisons carried out between the two insti-

In conformity with the US EPA Clean Air Act, refer-

ence gas mixtures that are traceable to NIST must
be used for certain measurements. Via the DoE,
gas mixtures originating from ‘VSL in The Neth-
erlands’ also comply. VSL is the only metrology
institute outside the US with this status. The DoE is
renewed biannually.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Introduction 9

NIST and VSL Primary Gas Mixture Suites that are

declared to be Equivalent, in conformity with the
US EPA Clean Air Act.

component in Uncertainty
nitrogen Range (% relative)

10 to 1000 ppm ≤ 1.0
natural gas Typical ≤ 0.5
methane Typical ≤ 0.3
nitric oxide 0.5 ppm to 1% ≤ 0.5
oxygen 10 ppm to 25% ≤ 0.2
sulfur dioxide 1 ppm to 1% ≤ 0.5
carbon dioxide 10 ppm to 20% ≤ 0.3
carbon monoxide 1 ppm to 10% ≤ 0.3
ethanol 75 to 500 ppm ≤ 0.5
nitrogen dioxide 10 ppm to 1% ≤ 0.5
propane 1 ppm to 1% ≤ 0.3
volatile organic
1 ppb to 1 ppm ≤2

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Introduction 10

NIST and VSL Primary Gas Mixture Suites that are

declared to be Equivalent, in conformity with the
US EPA Clean Air Act.

Certified Uncertainty
component in air Range (% relative)

carbon monoxide 1 ppm to 10 % ≤ 0.3

ethanol 75 to 500 ppm ≤ 0.5
nitrogen dioxide 10 ppm to 1 % ≤ 0.5
propane 1 ppm to 1 % ≤ 0.3
carbon dioxide 100 to 500 ppm ≤ 0.5

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Introduction 11

Stability warranty
For all components in gas mixtures provided as
PRMs and CRMs, VSL studied their behaviour over
time. The stability data generated over time forms the
basis of our warranty for the stability of the mixture’s
composition. It is VSL’s assurance to you that you
can use the gas standard for the entire period of
validity of the certificate as long as the pressure
remains above 1 MPa.

Recommended use
VSL recommends using its gas standards in accord-
ance with the documentary standard ISO 16664. In
doing so, you will benefit most from the quality of the
gas standard supplied by VSL. Furthermore, this
will ensure that the certificate provided remains
valid until reaching its expiry date or the
minimum utilisation pressure.
Introduction 12

Interlaboratory Comparisons
Laboratories strive for optimum quality of instru-
ments, procedures and measurement capabilities.
Audits are held regularly to ensure consistent quality.
Different accreditation organisations and ISO/IEC
17025 demand participation in what are known
as Proficiency Tests (PT schemes), in which the
measurement results are compared anonymously
to those from other laboratories and deviations are
tracked down. Interlaboratory comparisons enable
participants to have their performance independently
verified and confirmed, which is not only important to
underpin present accreditations, but also for trading
products and customer confidence.
Introduction 13

Accredited PT provider
VSL is an accredited organizer (ISO/IEC 17043) of
interlaboratory comparisons with over 30 years
experience. The provision of gas standards can be
combined with participation in our Proficiency Test
schemes (PT on demand).

About Proficiency Testing

During a Proficiency Test, all participating labo-
ratories perfrom analyses on the same type of
sample under test. The results are benchmarked
against an independently determined traceable
reference value. Participants receive their own
data, so that they can compare their results anon-
ymously with those from other laboratories. The
data are handled confidentially and are only
made available to the laboratory itself.
Energy 14

In order to be able to determine the quality of
natural gas, besides the amount of gas supplied
to a customer, the calorific value (the quantity of
energy per amount of material) is established by
means of accurate analysis of the gas composi-
tion. VSL supplies almost any desired composition
of energy gases. Renowned suppliers of specialty
gases and end-users in the energy sector have
been relying on VSL for years as supplier of gas
reference materials (PRMs).
Energy 15
Interlaboratory comparisons

PT scheme natural gas

Twice a year, approximately 25 laboratories
participate in this PT scheme. Each participant
is supplied with a gas cylinder to analyze its gas
composition. VSL subsequently evaluates the
results and rates the performance. This PT can
be used to fulfill requirements of international
standards (e.g.: ASTM D1945, GPA2261, GPA2286,
ISO 6974, ISO 10723) and all in house methods for
(liquefied) natural gas composition measurement.

PT scheme sulfur compounds

in natural gas
This international PT scheme allows you to eval-
uate the analytical performance of your labo-
ratory in analyzing sulfur compounds found in
natural gas. It can be used to evaluate methods
prescribed in various international standards (e.g.:
ASTM D5504, D6968, ISO 19739) and all in house
developed methods for the determination of sulfur
compounds in natural gas.
Energy 16
Interlaboratory comparisons

PT Refinery Gas
A specific PT scheme is available for refinery type
gas compositions. Being different in composition
and requiring dedicated GC techniques, participa-
tion in this Refinery Gas PT will be highly inform-
ative in evaluating your laboratory performance.
It will again be helpful to fulfill requirements in
international standards and all in house methods
for refinery gas composition measurements
(e.g.: ASTM D1945, GPA2261, GPA2286, ISO 6974,
ISO 17023, DIN 51666, EN 15984).

For information on our current planning of the

PT-schedule, please visit our website.
Energy 17
Synthetic natural gas

Primary Reference Materials (PRMs) containing

Synthetic Natural Gases have a guaranteed
stability period of 5 years.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (% mol/mol) (% relative)

methane 60.0 to 99.9 ≤ 0.15

ethane 0.25 to 11.0 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
propane 0.10 to 10.0 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
i-butane 0.03 to 0.70 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
n-butane 0.03 to 0.70 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
i-pentane 0.02 to 0.80 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
n-pentane 0.02 to 0.80 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
neo-pentane 0.02 to 0.80 ≤ 0.5 to 1.0
n-hexane 0.01 to 0.40 ≤ 0.2 to 0.5
n-heptane 25 to 200 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0
n-octane 15 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0
n-nonane 10 to 25 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0
n-decane 5 to 20 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0
carbon dioxide 0.10 to 20.0 ≤ 0.5 to 0.2
nitrogen 0.10 to 20.0 ≤ 0.2 to 0.7
helium 0.05 to 0.40 ≤ 0.5 to 1.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol,

often called parts-per-million or ppm)
nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol,
often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 18
Sulfur components in methane

Primary Reference Materials (PRMs) containing

sulfur component have a guaranteed stability
period of 2 years.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (µmol/mol) (% relative)

hydrogen sulfide 10 to 50 ≤ 3.0

carbonyl sulfide 10 to 50 ≤ 3.0
methyl mercaptan 10 to 50 ≤ 3.0
ethyl mercaptan 10 to 50 ≤ 3.0
dimethyl sulfide 10 to 50 ≤ 3.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 19
Coke-oven gas

Coke-oven gases are available in different

compositions and have a guaranteed stability
period of 3 years. Other compositions, including
other components, are available on request.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (% mol/mol) (% relative)

hydrogen 0.2 to 32 ≤ 0.5

methane 4 to 32 ≤ 0.5
carbon monoxide 3 to 70 ≤ 0.5
carbon dioxide 1 to 22 ≤ 0.5
nitrogen 3 to 45 ≤ 0.5

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 20

Biogases are available in different compositions

and have a guaranteed stability period of 3 years.
Other compositions, including other components,
are available on request.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (% mol/mol) (% relative)

carbon dioxide 10 to 50 ≤ 0.5

methane 50 to 75 ≤ 0.5
nitrogen 1 to 25 ≤ 1.0
hydrogen 0.1 to 2 ≤ 1.0
oxygen 0.1 to 2 ≤ 2.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 21
Synthetic refinery gas

Synthetic refinery gases are available in different

compositions and have a guaranteed stability
period of 3 years. Other compositions, including
other components, are available on request.
Certified Range Uncertainty
component (% mol/mol) (% relative)

methane 10 to 13 ≤ 0.3
ethene 12 to 16 ≤ 0.3
propene 3 to 5 ≤ 0.3
propane 0.4 to 0.7 ≤ 0.3
1,3-butadiene 0.75 to 1.5 ≤ 0.5
1-butene 0.40 to 0.65 ≤ 0.5
i-butene 0.40 to 0.65 ≤ 0.5
hydrogen 7 to 9 ≤ 0.4
nitrogen 3.5 to 4.5 ≤ 0.3
helium 50 to 60 ≤ 0.3

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 22
Hydrogen sulfide in methane

Hydrogen sulfide Uncertainty Stability

range (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 2.5 2 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 2 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Energy 23
Moisture in methane

The Certified Reference Material (CRM) is prepared

by VSL and the molar amount fraction of H2 O is
traceable to the primary humidity standard at VSL.

Moisture Uncertainty Stability

range (% relative) period

20 to 50 µmol/mol ≤ 5.0 2 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 24

Gas standards play an important role in the
determination of all kinds of emissions in the
environment, such as pollutants and greenhouse

Besides gas mixtures, VSL supplies a wide range

of Volatile Organic Components (VOCs) at different
concentrations for quality control of measurements
of ambient air. Our mixtures are supplied in
sorption tubes for thermal or liquid desorption.
Environment 25
Interlaboratory comparisons

Proficiency Test Schemes

For binary gas mixtures, VSL organizes about 2 to
3 different Proficiency Tests each year. Compo-
nents and compositions vary from year to year.
Participants of these PTs are typically specialty
gas suppliers and (calibration) laboratories
performing calibrations on analyzers in the labora-
tory or in the field.

On demand PT in Gas Analysis

Any PRM, CRM or CGM can in principle be used
as a proficiency test (PT) sample. In practice, this
means that a range for the target composition can
be specified by the customer, after which e.g. a
PRM will be prepared and undergo subsequent
certification, just as usual. Instead of providing the
certificate with the PRM, the PRM is sent first for
the bilateral PT. Once the PRM has been analyzed
by the customer and results have been received, a
report on the PT is issued, and sent together with
the PRM certificate. Please consult our technical
staff first, to assess the eligibility of the gas mixture
for proficiency testing.

For information on our current planning of the

PT-schedule, please visit our website.
Environment 26
Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide range Uncertainty Stability

in nitrogen (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 4 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.3 4 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years
0.11 to 1 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years
1.1 to 10 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

Carbon monoxide range

in synthetic air

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 2 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.3 2 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 27
Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide range Uncertainty Stability

in nitrogen (% relative) period

10 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 4 years

101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years
0.11 to 20 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

Carbon dioxide range

in synthetic air

100 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 28
Nitric oxide in nitrogen

Uncertainty Stability
Nitric oxide range (% relative) period

0.1 to 0.40 µmol/mol ≤ 3.6 1 year

0.41 to 1 µmol/mol ≤ 3.0 2 years
1.1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 2 years
11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 3 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.3 4 years
0.11 to 1 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 29
Nitrogen dioxide

Nitrogen dioxide range Uncertainty Stability

in nitrogen (% relative) period

10 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0 12 months

101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 2 years

Nitrogen dioxide range

in synthetic air

10 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0 12 months

101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 2 years

Please note that mixtures of NO2 in nitrogen also

contain approximately 1000 µmol/mol oxygen.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 30
Sulfur dioxide

Sulfur dioxide range in Uncertainty Stability

nitrogen (% relative) period

1 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0 12 months

2 to 9.5 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 12 months
10 µmol/mol 0.5 18 months
11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 2 - 3 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.3 4 years
0.11 to 1 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years

Sulfur dioxide range in

synthetic air

10 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 18 months

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 2 - 3 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.3 3 years
0.11 to 1 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2 4 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 31
Nitrous oxide in nitrogen or synthetic air

Uncertainty Stability
Nitrous oxide range (% relative) period

0.3 to 1 µmol/mol ≤ 3.0 5 years

1.1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 5 years
11 to 800 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 32
Propane in nitrogen or synthetic air

Uncertainty Stability
Propane range (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 5 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years

Other concentrations are available on request.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 33
Methane in nitrogen or synthetic air

Uncertainty Stability
Methane range (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 4 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.6 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years

Other concentrations are available on request.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 34
Ammonia in nitrogen

Uncertainty Stability
Ammonia range (% relative) period

10 to 80 µmol/mol ≤ 5.0 2 years

81 to 300 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 35
Hydrogen sulfide in nitrogen

Uncertainty Stability
Hydrogen sulfide range (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 2.5 2 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 2 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 36
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VSL offers a PRM with 30 Volatile Organic

Compounds as listed in the European Directive
covering ambient ozone measurements (Directive
2002/3/EC) in nitrogen. Within the listed range any
composition can be supplied.
Uncertainty Stability
Range (% relative) period

2 to 1000 nmol/mol ≤ 5.0 3 years

Certified components

benzene ethene
ethylbenzene ethyne
1,3,5-trimethylbenzene n-octane
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene i-octane
n-butane propane
i-butane propene
1-butene n-pentane
i-butene i-pentane
trans-2-butene 1-pentene
cis-2-butene 2-methyl-pentane
1,3-butadiene trans-2-pentene
2-methyl-1,3-butadiene toluene
n-heptane m-xylene
n-hexane o-xylene
ethane p-xylene
μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)
nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 37
Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds

VSL offers a PRM with 3 oxygenated volatile

organic compounds in nitrogen, with a guaranteed
stability period of 2 years. Within the listed ranges
any composition can be supplied.

Certified Range Uncertainty

components (µmol/mol) (% relative)

methanol 5 to 10 ≤ 2.0
ethanol 5 to 10 ≤ 3.0
acetone 5 to 10 ≤ 3.0

This PRM is outside our accreditation.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 38
Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds

VSL offers a PRM with 6 chlorinated organic

compounds in nitrogen, with a guaranteed stability
period of 2 years. Within the listed ranges any
composition can be supplied.

Uncertainty Stability
Range (% relative) period

100 to 1000 nmol/mol ≤ 5.0 3 years

Certified components

vinyl chloride

This PRM is outside our accreditation.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 39
Volatile organic compounds (BTEX)

VSL offers a PRM with 6 volatile organic

compounds (BTEX) in nitrogen. Within the listed
range any composition can be supplied.

Uncertainty Stability
Range (% relative) period

2 to 1000 nmol/mol ≤ 5.0 3 years

Certified components

ethyl benzene

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 40
Stack gases in nitrogen

Stack gases are available in different compositions

and have a guaranteed stability period of 3 years.
Other compositions, including other components,
are available on request.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (µmol/mol) (% relative)

carbon monoxide 50 to 1000 ≤ 0.5

carbon dioxide 12 to 18 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2
propane 5 to 1000 ≤ 1.0
nitric oxide 10 to 1000 ≤ 1.0
sulfur dioxide 20 to 1000 ≤ 1.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 41
Greenhouse gases

Primary Reference Material (PRM) in synthetic

air, including 0.93 × 10-2 mol/mol argon, for
atmospheric monitoring analyses. Any combination
within the listed ranges can be prepared with a
guaranteed stability period of three years.

Certified component Range (µmol/mol)

methane (1.6 to 3.2) × 10-6

carbon monoxide (120 to 600) × 10-9
carbon dioxide (300 to 800) × 10-6
nitrous oxide (280 to 380) × 10-9

This PRM is outside our accreditation.

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Environment 42
Hydrogen Chloride reference materials

Certified Gas Mixtures (CGM) containing HCl in

nitrogen or synthetic air.

Certified Range Uncertainty

component (µmol/mol) (% relative)

HCl 10 to 300 2.5 to 5.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Automotive 43

To determine the emissions in the automotive
industry, accurate measurements are required. For
the quality control of analysers that are being used
to determine the composition of these emissions,
VSL supplies a wide range of compositions for
vehicle emission measurements and stack gases.
Automotive 44
Automotive Gases-OIML

The listed Primary Reference Materials (PRMs)

are typical examples of automotive test gases
which are prescribed in OIML recommendation
R 99 “Instruments for measuring vehicle exhaust
emissions” and have a guaranteed stability
period of 4 years. Matrix gas is nitrogen. Other
compositions are available on request.

Standard #1 Range Uncertainty

Component (%mol/mol) (% relative)

carbon monoxide 0.5 to 9.0 ≤ 0.2

carbon dioxide 3.6 to 18.0 ≤ 0.2
oxygen 0.5 to 21.0 ≤ 0.2
propane 0.02 to 0.32 ≤ 0.2

Standard #2

carbon monoxide 0.1 to 0.45 ≤ 0.5

carbon dioxide 3.6 to 18.0 ≤ 0.5
oxygen 0.1 to 21.0 ≤ 0.5
propane 0.005 to 0.02 ≤ 0.5

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Automotive 45

Propane range Uncertainty Stability

in nitrogen (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 5 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years
0.11 to 5.0 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

Propane range
in synthetic air

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 5 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years
0.11 to 0.8 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Automotive 46

Methane range Uncertainty Stability

in nitrogen (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 4 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.6 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years
0.11 to 10 % mol/mol ≤ 0.2 5 years

Methane range
in synthetic air

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 1.5 4 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 0.6 5 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Automotive 47
Oxygen in nitrogen

Uncertainty Stability
Oxygen range (% relative) period

0.11 to 2 % mol/mol ≤ 0.3 5 years

2.1 to 50 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Water vapour 48
Moisture in nitrogen

The Certified Reference Material (CRM) is prepared

by VSL and the molar amount fraction of H2 O is
traceable to the primary humidity standard at VSL
and therefore is a fully traceable reference material
under ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17025.

Uncertainty Stability
Moisture range (% relative) period

10 to 99 µmol/mol ≤ 5.0 2 years

100 to 200 µmol/mol ≤ 5.0 2 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Noble gases 49
Noble gas mixtures

The listed Primary Reference Materials (PRMs) are

typical examples of standard noble gas mixtures
and have a guaranteed stability period of 3 years.
Other compositions, including other components,
are available on request.

Range Uncertainty
Helium matrix (µmol/mol) (% relative)

argon 10 ≤ 3.0
xenon 10 ≤ 3.0
krypton 10 ≤ 3.0

Nitrogen matrix

oxygen 10 ≤ 3.0
argon 10 ≤ 3.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Explosimetry 50
50 % LEL level in synthetic air

The listed Primary Reference Materials (PRMs) are

typical examples of standard gas mixtures used in
the calibration of explosive concentration monitors.
The compositions listed are all on 50 % LEL level.

Uncertainty Stability
Component (% relative) period

2.2 % mol/mol methane ≤ 0.5 5 years

0.9 % mol/mol propane ≤ 0.3 5 years
2.0 % mol/mol hydrogen ≤ 2.0 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Leak detection standards 51

The listed Primary Reference Materials (PRMs)

are examples of standard gas mixtures used in
leak detection. Some of these gases are used as
tracers in dispersion modelling. Other composi-
tions are available on request.

Component and amount Uncertainty Stability

fraction in synthetic air (% relative) period

40 nmol/mol
≤ 6.0 2 years
sulfur hexafluoride
400 nmol/mol
≤ 3.0 2 years
sulfur hexafluoride
4 µmol/mol
≤ 1.0 2 years
sulfur hexafluoride
40 µmol/mol
≤ 1.0 2 years
sulfur hexafluoride

Component and amount

fraction in nitrogen

10 µmol/mol helium ≤ 4.0 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Breath alcohol 52
Ethanol in nitrogen or synthetic air

The listed ranges are suitable for use in

compliance with OIML R 126 (Evidential breath
analyzers). Other compositions, including
interfering substances, are available on request.

Ethanol Uncertainty Stability

range (% relative) period

50 to 125 µmol/mol ≤ 1.0 3 years

126 to 800 µmol/mol ≤ 0.5 3 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Medical diagnostic standards 53
Blood gas standard

The listed Primary Reference Materials (PRMs) are

typical examples of standard gas mixtures used in
blood gas determination, respiratory and anesthesia
monitoring. Other compositions, including other
components, are available on request.

Uncertainty Stability
Blood gas standard #1 (% relative) period

10 % mol/mol
≤ 1.0
carbon dioxide 3 years
90 % mol/mol oxygen ≤ 1.0

Blood gas standard #2

5 % mol/mol
≤ 1.0
carbon dioxide 3 years
95 % mol/mol oxygen ≤ 1.0

Blood gas standard #3

5 % mol/mol
≤ 1.0
carbon dioxide
3 years
20 % mol/mol oxygen ≤ 1.0
75 % mol/mol nitrogen ≤ 1.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Medical diagnostic standards 54
Blood gas standard

Lung function Uncertainty Stability

standard (% relative) period

0.3 % mol/mol
≤ 0.5
carbon monoxide
20 % mol/mol oxygen ≤ 0.5 2 years
9 % mol/mol helium ≤ 0.5
70.7 % mol/mol nitrogen ≤ 0.5

Entonox standard

50 % mol/mol nitrous oxide ≤ 1.0

3 years
50 % mol/mol oxygen ≤ 1.0

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Oxygen in nitrogen 55

Uncertainty Stability
Oxygen range (% relative) period

1 to 10 µmol/mol ≤ 4.0 3 years

11 to 100 µmol/mol ≤ 2.0 4 years
101 to 1000 µmol/mol ≤ 0.4 5 years
0.11 to 2 % mol/mol ≤ 0.3 5 years
2.1 to 50 % mol/mol ≤ 0.1 5 years

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
Formaldehyde 56

VSL’s dynamic dilution facilities are ultimately

suitable for testing and calibration of equipment
and gas mixtures for the measurement of
formalde­hyde for work exposure or indoor/ambient
air monitoring.

-- Calibration of analysers
-- Calibration of gas mixtures (CGM)

μmol/mol (equivalent to 10-6 mol/mol, often called parts-per-million or ppm)

nmol/mol (equivalent to 10-9 mol/mol, often called parts-per-billion or ppb)
About VSL 57

The Dutch Metrology Institute

As the Netherlands’ national metrology institute
(NMI), VSL makes measurement results of compa-
nies, laboratories and institutions directly traceable
to international standards (SI units). By providing
services such as calibrations, consultancy, refer-
ence materials, interlaboratory comparisons and
training courses, VSL makes an important contri-
bution to quality improvement and innovation of
products and processes in commerce and society.

-- Internationally authoritative
measurement institute
-- Maintenance and development of the
Netherlands’ national measurement standards
-- State-of-the-art high-tech laboratories
-- Operates on the interface between
science and industry
-- Working together with VSL
means collaborating with
professionals who are
experts in their field
VSL offers calibrations, consultancy, reference
materials, interlaboratory comparisons and training
courses in the following fields of expertise:

c Chemistry
e Electricity
f Flow and Volume
g Geometry
v Humidity
i Ionising radiation
l Light
m Mass
d Pressure
t Temperature
f Time and Frequency
v Viscosity

T +31 15 2691500
E vsl@vsl.nl

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