Orca Share Media1670890579278 7008223040228773626
Orca Share Media1670890579278 7008223040228773626
Orca Share Media1670890579278 7008223040228773626
22839567 _en_E_10/15
Machine models represented in this manual may be used in various locations world-wide. Machines sold and
shipped into European Union Territories require that the machine display the CE Mark and conform to various
directives. In such cases, the design specification of this machine has been certified as complying with EC
directives. Any modification to any part is absolutely prohibited and would result in the CE Certification and marking
being rendered invalid. A declaration of that conformity follows:
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The contents of this manual are considered to be proprietary and The intended uses of this machine are outlined below and
confidential to and should not be reproduced without the prior written examples of unapproved usage are also given, however the company
permission of the company. cannot anticipate every application or work situation that may arise.
Nothing contained in this document is intended to extend any IF IN DOUBT CONSULT SUPERVISION.
promise, warranty or representation, expressed or implied, regarding
This machine has been designed and supplied for use only in the
the products described herein. Any such warranties or other terms and
following specified conditions and applications:
conditions of sale of products shall be in accordance with the standard
terms and conditions of sale for such products, which are available • Compression of normal ambient air containing no known or
upon request. detectable additional gases, vapours. or particles
• Operation within the ambient temperature range specified in the
This manual contains instructions and technical data to cover all GENERAL INFORMATION section of this manual.
routine operation and scheduled maintenance tasks by operation and The use of the machine in any of the situation types listed in
maintenance staff. Major overhauls are outside the scope of this table 1:-
manual and should be referred to an authorised service department.
a Is not approved,
The design specification of this machine has been certified as b) May impair the safety of users and other persons, and
complying with EC directives. As a result: c) May prejudice any claims made against the company.
a) Any machine modifications are strictly prohibited, and will invalidate
EC certification. TABLE 1
b) A unique specification for USA/Canada is adopted and tailored to
Use of the machine to produce compressed air for:
the territory.
a) direct human consumption
All components, accessories, pipes and connectors added to the b) indirect human consumption, without suitable filtration and purity
compressed air system should be: checks.
• of good quality, procured from a reputable manufacturer and,
Use of the machine outside the ambient temperature range
wherever possible, be of a type approved by the company.
specified in the GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION of this
• clearly rated for a pressure at least equal to the machine maximum manual.
allowable working pressure.
• compatible with the compressor lubricant/coolant. This machine is not intended and must not be used in potentially
• accompanied with instructions for safe installation, operation and explosive atmospheres, including situations where flammable
maintenance. gases or vapours may be present.
Details of approved equipment are available from the company Use of the machine fitted with non approved components /
Service departments. lubricants / fluids.
The use of repair parts / lubricants / fluids other than those included Use of the machine with safety or control components missing or
within the approved parts list may create hazardous conditions over disabled.
which the company has no control. Therefore the company cannot be
held responsible for equipment in which non-approved repair parts are The company accepts no responsibility for errors in translation of
installed. this manual from the original English version.
The company reserves the right to make changes and
improvements to products without notice and without incurring any
obligation to make such changes or add such improvements to
products sold previously. © COPYRIGHT 2011
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The company, through its distributor, warrants that each item of F. Platinum Drive Train Extended Warranty - Platinum drive train
equipment manufactured by it and delivered hereunder to the initial warranty is available for the following compressor types.
user will be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of
European built
three (3) months from initial operation or six (6) months from the date
of shipment to the initial user, whichever occurs first. 7/20-7/26E-7/31E-7/41-7/51-7/71-12/56-P65-P90
With respect to the following types of equipment, the warranty period
enumerated below will apply in lieu of the foregoing warranty period. USA built
Model Serial Code**
A. Aftercoolers - The earlier of nine (9) months from date of
shipment to or six (6) months from start up by initial user. P185WJD-T4I D75
P185WYM-T4I D76
B. Portable Compressors, Portable Generator Sets -
C185WKUB-T2 D80
9 Kva through to 550 Kva, Portable Light Towers and Air
Dryers - The earlier of twelve (12) months from shipment to or the P250WJD-T3 D81
accumulation of 2,000 hours of service by the initial user. P260/HP220WYM-T3 D82
C185SKUB-T2 E04
2.5 Kva Through to 8 Kva - The earlier of twelve (12) months
from shipment to or the accumulation of 2,000 hours of operation C185WKUB-T4I D95
by the initial user.
P425-XP375-HP350-P600-HP450-VHP400 WIR (John Deere engines
The company will provide a new part or repaired part, at it’s sole only)
discretion, in place of any part which is found to be defective in 1. The original airend is returned assembled and unopened.
material or workmanship during the period described above.
Labor cost to replace the part is the responsibility of the initial 2. Continued use of genuine Doosan parts, fluids, oil and filters
3. Maintenance is performed at prescribed intervals by
C. Portable Compressor Air Ends - The earlier of twenty-four (24) authorized and properly trained service engineers.
months from shipment to or the accumulation of 4,000 hours of
The company shall be provided with such information as it
service by the initial user. For Air Ends, the warranty against
requires to confirm that these conditions have been complied with.
defects will include replacement of the complete Air End, provided
the original Air End is returned assembled and all original seals G. Construction Tools, (Portable Power range only) - Twelve (12)
are intact. months from shipment to initial user. The company will provide a
new part or repaired part, at it’s sole discretion, in place of any part
C1. Portable Compressor Airend Limited Extended Warranty -
which is found to be defective in material or workmanship during
The earlier of sixty (60) months from shipment to or the
the period described above. Labour cost to replace the part is the
accumulation of 10,000 hours of operation by the initial user. This
responsibility of the initial user.
extended warranty is limited to defects in design or defective
material or workmanship in rotors, housings, bearings and gears H. Spare Parts - Six (6) months from date of shipment to the initial
and provided all the following conditions are met: user.
The original air end is returned assembled and all original seals The company will provide a new part or repaired part, at its sole
are intact. discretion, in place of any part that is found to be defective in material
and workmanship during the period described above. Such parts will
Continued use of genuine Doosan parts, fluids, oils and filters.
be repaired or replaced without charge to the initial user during normal
Maintenance is performed at prescribed intervals by authorized working hours at the place of business of a distributor authorized to sell
and properly trained service engineers. the type of equipment involved or other establishment authorized. User
must present proof of purchase at the time of exercising warranty.
D. Generator Alternator - 9 Kva through to 550 Kva. The earlier of
twenty-four (24) months from shipment to or the accumulation of The above warranties do not apply to failures occurring as a result of
4,000 hours of operation by the initial user. abuse; misuse, negligent repairs, corrosion, erosion and normal wear
and tear, alterations or modifications made to the product without
2.5 Kva Through to 8 Kva - The earlier of twelve (12) months
express written consent; or failure to follow the recommended
from shipment to or the accumulation of 2,000 hours of operation operating practices and maintenance procedures as provided in the
by the initial user. product’s operating and maintenance publications.
E. Portable Light Tower Alternator - The earlier of twelve (12)
Accessories or equipment furnished by the company, but
months from shipment to or the accumulation of 2,000 hours of manufactured by others, including, but not limited to, engines, tires,
operation by the initial user. Light Source model only, the earlier batteries, engine electrical equipment, hydraulic transmissions,
of twenty-four (24) months from shipment to or the accumulation
carriers, shall carry only the manufacturers warranty, which the
of 4,000 hours of operation by the initial user. company can lawfully assign to the initial user.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
JOHN DEERE 24 2,000
(Western Europe and Oceania) 24 2,000 NO EXTENDED WARRANTY AVAILABLE.
(Central and South America, Asia, 12 1,000 NO EXTENDED WARRANTY AVAILABLE.
Middle East and Africa)
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The warranty against defects will include replacement of the complete Airend, provided the original Airend is returned assembled and unopened.
The optional limited warranty is the earlier of 60 months from shipment to, or the accumulation of 10,000 hours of service. The optional warranty
is limited to defects in major components (rotors, housings, gears and bearings), and is automatically available when the following conditions are
2. Submissions of proof that Doosan fluid, filters and separators have been used. Refer to the Operation and Parts manual for the correct fluids,
filters and separator elements required.
*BARE AIREND - pertains to major airend parts (rotors, housings, gears and bearings).
**AIREND COMPONENTS - pertains to auxiliary attachments to the bare airend (seals, pumps, valves, tubes, hoses, fittings and filter housing).
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
WARNING: Electrical shock risk WARNING - Pressurised component or WARNING - Hot surface.
WARNING - Pressure control. WARNING - Corrosion risk. WARNING - Air/gas flow or Air discharge.
WARNING - Pressurised vessel. WARNING - Hot and harmful exhaust gas. WARNING - Flammable liquid.
WARNING - Maintain correct tyre pressure. WARNING - Before connecting the tow bar WARNING - For operating temperature
(Refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION or commencing to tow consult the below 0°C, consult the operation and
section of this manual). operation and maintenance manual. maintenance manual.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
WARNING - Do not undertake any WARNING - Consult the operation and Do not breathe the compressed air from this
maintenance on this machine until the maintenance manual before commencing machine.
electrical supply is disconnected and the air any maintenance.
pressure is totally relieved.
Do not remove the Operating and Maintenance Do not stack. Do not operate the machine without the guard
manual and manual holder from this machine. being fitted.
Do not stand on any service valve or other parts Do not operate with the doors or enclosure Do not use fork lift truck from this side.
of the pressure system. open.
Do not exceed the trailer speed limit. No naked lights. Do not open the service valve before the
airhose is attached.
Use fork lift truck from this side only. Emergency stop. Tie down point
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Read the Operation and Maintenance manual When parking use prop stand, handbrake and Compressor oil filling
before operation or maintenance of this wheel chocks.
machine is undertaken.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The safety valve located in the separator tank must be checked
periodically for correct operation.
Warnings call attention to instructions which must be followed
precisely to avoid injury or death.
The following substances may be produced during the operation of
Cautions call attention to instructions which must be followed
this machine:
precisely to avoid damaging the product, process or its surroundings.
• brake lining dust
NOTES • engine exhaust fumes
Notes are used for supplementary information. AVOID INHALATION
The specification of this machine is such that the machine is not AVOID INGESTION, SKIN CONTACT AND INHALATION OF
suitable for use in flammable gas risk areas. If such an application is FUMES.
required then all local regulations, codes of practice and site rules must
Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the eyes, then
be observed. To ensure that the machine can operate in a safe and
irrigate with water for at least 5 minutes.
reliable manner, additional equipment such as gas detection, exhaust
spark arrestors, and intake (shut-off) valves may be required, Should compressor lubricant come into contact with the skin, then
dependant on local regulations or the degree of risk involved. wash off immediately.
A weekly visual check must be made on all fasteners/fixing screws Consult a physician if large amounts of compressor lubricant are
securing mechanical parts. In particular, safety-related parts such as ingested.
coupling hitch, drawbar components, road-wheels, and lifting bail
should be checked for total security. Consult a physician if compressor lubricant is inhaled.
All components which are loose, damaged or unserviceable, must Never give fluids or induce vomiting if the patient is unconscious or
be rectified without delay. having convulsions.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
When loading or transporting machines ensure that the towing • the tyres and towing hitch are in a serviceable condition.
vehicle, its size, weight, towing hitch and electrical supply are all • the canopy is secure.
suitable to provide safe and stable towing at speeds either, up to the • all ancillary equipment is stored in a safe and secure manner.
legal maximum for the country in which it is being towed or, as specified
for the machine model if lower than the legal maximum.
When parking always use the handbrake and, if necessary, suitable
Before towing the machine, ensure that:- wheel chocks.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Actual free air delivery. m3/min/ 23,3/ 27,0/ 29,9/ 29,9/ 21,5/ 23,3/
cfm 825 950 1060 1060 750 825
Normal operating discharge psi/bar/ 175/12/ 125/8,6/ 125/8,6/ 145/10/ 300/21/ 250/17,2/
pressure. kPa 1200 860 860 1000 2100 1724
Maximum allowable pressure psi/bar/ 200/13,8/ 150/10,3/ 150/10,3/ 170/11,7/ 325/22,4/ 275/19/
kPa 1380 1030 1030 1170 2240 1900
Safety valve setting psi/bar/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 362/25/ 362/25/
kPa 1500 1500 1500 1500 2500 2500
Maximum pressure ratio 8:1 8:1 8:1 8:1 18:9:1 18:9:1
Operating ambient temperature °C -10/+50 -10/+50 -10/+50 -10/+50 -10/+50 -10/+50
Maximum discharge temperature °C 120 120 120 120 120 120
Cooling system. Oil Injection
Oil capacity. Litre 70 70 70 70 75 75
Maximum oil system temperature °C 120 120 120 120 120 120
Maximum oil system pressure psi/bar/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 217/15/ 362/25/ 362/25/
kPa 1500 1500 1500 1500 2500 2500
specified ambient temperatures).
ENGINE QSL (300hp) QSL (300hp) QSL (340hp) QSL (340hp) QSL (340hp) QSL (340hp)
Number of cylinders / /Litre 6/8,9 6/8,9 6/8,9 6/8,9 6/8,9 6/8,9
Oil capacity. Litre 24 24 24 24 24 24
Speed at full load. Rev min-1 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
Speed at idle. Rev min -1 1200 1200 1200 1200 1350 1350
Electrical system. V DC 24 24 24 24 24 24
Power available at rated speed KW 224 224 255 255 255 255
Fuel tank capacity. Litre 550 550 550 550 550 550
Coolant capacity Litre 48 48 48 48 48 48
Max. gross weight kg 5125 5125 5125 5125 5125 5125
Shipping weight kg 4665 4665 4665 4665 4665 4665
NOTE - 1 In the event that PRO-TEC is not available and / or the end user
needs to use an approved single grade engine oil, the complete
system including separator / receiver, cooler and pipework must be
ABOVE -23°C(-9°F) flushed clear of the first fill fluid and new Doosan oil filters installed.
Recommended: PRO-TEC or XHP605 When this has been completed, the following oils are approved:
Approved: SAE 10W, API CF-4/CG-4 for ambient temperatures above -23°C(-9°F),
PRO-TEC compressor fluid is factory-fitted, for use at all ambient SAE 10W, API CF-4/CG-4
temperatures above -23°C(-9°F).
Safety data sheets can be obtained on request from your Doosan
NOTE: Warranty may be extended only by continuous use of PRO- dealership.
TEC and Doosan oil filters and separators.
No other oil/fluids are compatible with PRO-TEC
No other oils/fluids should be mixed with PRO-TEC because the
resulting mixture could cause damage to the airend.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
- The A-weighted emission sound pressure level Number of wheels. 4
. 83 dB(A), uncertainty 1 dB(A) Tyre size. 750 x 16 x 6PR
- The A-weighted emission sound power level Tyre pressure. 3,5 bar (50 lbf in-2)
. 100 dB(A), uncertainty 1 dB(A)
The operating conditions of the machinery are in compliance with TOWING SPEED
ISO 3744:1995 and EN ISO 2151:2004
Maximum towing speed. 30 km h-1
(20 mile h-1)
Shipping weight 4665 kg
Further information may be obtained by request through the
Maximum weight 5725 kg customer services department.
Maximum horizontal towing force 5012 kgf Estimated
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
COMMISSIONING Adequate clearance needs to be allowed around and above the
machine to permit safe access for specified maintenance tasks.
Upon receipt of the unit, and prior to putting it into service, it is
Ensure that the machine is positioned securely and on a stable
important to adhere strictly to the instructions given below in PRIOR
foundation. Any risk of movement should be removed by suitable
means, especially to avoid strain on any rigid discharge piping.
Ensure that the operator reads and understands the decals and
Attach the battery cables to the battery(s) ensuring that they are
consults the manuals before maintenance or operation.
tightened securely. Attach the negative cable before attaching the
Ensure that the position of the emergency stop device is known and positive cable.
recognised by its markings. Ensure that it is functioning correctly and
that the method of operation is known. WARNING: All air pressure equipment installed in or connected
to the machine must have safe working pressure ratings of at
Before towing the unit, ensure that the tyre pressures are correct least the machine rated pressure, and materials compatible with
(refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this manual) and the compressor lubricant (refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION
that the handbrake is functioning correctly (refer to the section).
MAINTENANCE section of this manual). Before towing the unit during
the hours of darkness, ensure that the lights are functioning correctly
(where fitted). WARNING: If more than one compressor is connected to one
common downstream plant, effective check valves and isolation
Ensure that all transport and packing materials are discarded.
valves must be fitted and controlled by work procedures, so that
Ensure that the correct fork lift truck slots or marked lifting / tie down one machine cannot accidentally be pressurised / over pressu-
points are used whenever the machine is lifted or transported. rised by another.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
CAUTION: When refueling:-
• switch off the engine.
1. Place the unit in a position that is as level as possible. The design • do not smoke.
of the unit permits a 15 degree lengthways and sideways limit on • extinguish all naked lights.
out of level operation. It is the engine, not the compressor, that is • do not allow the fuel to come into contact with hot surfaces.
the limiting factor. • wear personal protective equipment.
When the unit has to be operated out of level, it is important to keep
the engine oil level near the high level mark (with the unit level). 5. Drain the fuel filter water separator of water, ensuring that any
released fuel is safely contained.
CAUTION: Do not overfill either the engine or the compressor with
6. Check the radiator coolant level (with the unit level).
7. Open the service valve(s) to ensure that all pressure is relieved
2. Check the engine lubrication oil in accordance with the operating from the system. Close the service valve(s).
instructions in the Engine Operator’s Manual.
8. CAUTION: Do not operate the machine with the canopy/doors in
3. Check the compressor oil level in the sight glass located on the the open position as this may cause overheating and operators to
separator tank. be exposed to high noise levels.
4. Check the diesel fuel level. A good rule is to top up at the end of
each working day. This prevents condensation from occurring in the 9. Check the emergency stop. Rotate knob as indicated to release.
10.Close the manual relief valve inside the service door near the
emergency stop.
CAUTION: Use only a No. 2-D diesel fuel oil with a minimum octane
number of 45 and a sulphur content not greater than 0,5%. When starting or operating the machine in temperatures below or
approaching 0°C, ensure that the operation of the regulation system,
the unloader valve, the safety valve, and the engine are not impaired
by ice or snow, and that all inlet and outlet pipes and ducts are clear of
ice and snow.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
5. Restricted Air Filter: Alarm indicator lamp. Indicates engine/
compressor air inlet filters need service.
13. Inlet Heater / Wait to Start Lamp: Indicates engine manifold pre
heater is energized. Wait until lamp extinguishes before engaging
19. E-STOP: Emergency Stop Push Button (ESA units only). Push to
stop, turn to release.
20. Discharge Air Pressure Gage: Indicates pressure in receiver
tank, normally from 0 psi(kPa) to the rated pressure of the
The operating controls and instruments are arranged on the control machine.
panel as shown above. A description of each panel device is as
follows: 21. Engine Tachometer: Indicates engine speed in RPM from 0
when stopped to full speed.
1. Panel Light: Illuminates the instrument control panel controlled
by Switch 14. 22. Fuel Level Gage: Indicate fuel level in tank.
2. High Compressor Temp: Fault indicator lamp. Indicates 23. Engine Water Temp Gage
shutdown due to high compressor temperature.
24. Compressor Oil Temp Gage
3. Low Radiator Coolant Level: Alarm indicator lamp. Indicates
25. Engine Oil Pressure Gage
engine coolant needs service.
26. Battery Voltage Gage
4. Low Engine Oil Pressure: Fault indicator lamp. Indicates
shutdown due to low engine oil pressure.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
If the fault indicator lamp is illuminated, refer to the Alert/Shutdown list below.
If the fault indicator lamp is illuminated, refer to the Engine diagnostic list below.
Engine Speed < Min. RPM 1 CPRSR 30
Engine Speed > Max. RPM 2 CPRSR 30
Engine Crank Time Exceeded 3 CPRSR 0
High Engine Oil Temperature 5 CPRSR
High Intake Manifold 6 CPRSR
Temperature Malfunction.
Water In Fuel 8 CPRSR
Engine Not Responding To 10 CPRSR
Throttle command Malfunction.
Too Many Start Attempts 11 CPRSR 0
During Autostart Malfunction.
Engine Shut Itself Down: 29 CPRSR 0
reason unknown Malfunction.
Low AE Oil Pressure 31 CPRSR 20
Disch. Temp (RT2) 32 CPRSR 10
Sensor Fault Malfunction.
Sep. Tank Pressure (PT1) 33 CPRSR
Sensor Fault Malfunction.
Seperator Tank Pressure >20 34 CPRSR 0
PSI During Start Attempt Malfunction.
(Engine Will Not Crank)
Machine Over Pressure 35 CPRSR 1
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Safety Valve Open 36 CPRSR 2
Seperator Tank Temp > (247 50 CPRSR 3
deg.F) Malfunction.
Machine ID Not Valid 51 CPRSR 0
Sep. Tank Temp (RT1) 53 CPRSR 10
Sensor Fault Malfunction.
Reg. System Pressure (PT2) 54 CPRSR
Sensor Fault Malfunction.
Estop Button Pushed 55 CPRSR 55 CPRSR 3
Malfunction. Malfunction.
Minimum Pressure Not Met 56 CPRSR
Serial Comm. Problem 70 CPRSR
CAN Bus Problem 71 CPRSR
Auto Start/Stop Module Failure 73 CPRSR
- No Comm. for 17 sec. Malfunction.
Dedicated Lights:
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Displayed Code Definition
111 Engine Control Module - Critical Internal Failure
115 Engine Speed/Position Sensor Circuit - Lost Both of Two Signals
122 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
123 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
135 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
141 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
143 Engine Oil Pressure Low - Warning
144 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
145 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
146 Engine Coolant Temperature High - Warning
147 Frequency Throttle Signal - Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period
148 Frequency Throttle Signal - Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period
151 Engine Coolant Temperature High - Critical
153 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
154 Intake Manifold Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
155 Intake Manifold Air Temperature High - Critical
187 Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
195 Engine Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
196 Engine Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
197 Engine Coolant Level Low - Warning
212 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
213 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
214 Engine Oil Temperature High - Critical
221 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
222 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
227 Sensor Supply Voltage #2 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
231 Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
232 Engine Coolant Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
233 Engine Coolant Pressure Low - Warning
234 Engine Speed High - Cricital
235 Engine Coolant Level Low - Critical
238 Sensor Supply Voltage #3 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
249 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
256 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
261 Engine Fuel Temperature High - Warning
263 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
265 Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
268 Fuel Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Incorrect
271 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
272 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
275 Fuel Pumping Element (Front) - Mechanical System Malfunction
281 High Fuel Pressure Solenoid Valve - Mechanical System Malfunction
284 Engine Speed/Position Sensor (Crankshaft) Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
285 SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN Timeout Error
286 SAE J1939 Multiplexing Configuration Error
287 SAE J1939 Multiplexing Throttle Error
295 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Incorrect
319 Real Time Clock Power Interrupt- Data Incorrect
322 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #1 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
323 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #5 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
324 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #3 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
325 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #6 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Displayed Code Definition
331 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #2 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
332 Injector Solenoid Cylinder #4 Circuit - Current Below Normal, or Open Circuit
334 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit - Data Incorrect
342 Electronic Calibration Code Incompatibility - Out of Calibration
351 Injector Power Supply - Bad Intelligent Device or Component
352 Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
386 Sensor Supply Voltage #1 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
415 Engine Oil Pressure Low - Critical
418 Water in Fuel Indicator High - Maintenance
422 Engine Coolant Level - Data Incorrect
425 Engine Oil Temperature - Data Incorrect
428 Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
429 Water in Fuel Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
433 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Incorrect
435 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Circuit - Data Incorrect
441 Battery Voltage Low - Warning
442 Battery Voltage High - Warning
449 Fuel Pressure High - Warning
451 Injector Metering Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
452 Injector Metering Rail Pressure Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
488 Intake Manifold Air Temperature High - Warning
553 Injector Metering Rail Pressure High - Warning
554 Fuel Pressure Sensor Error - Data Incorrect
559 Injector Metering Rail Pressure Low - Warning
595 Turbocharger Speed High - Warning
596 Electrical Charging System Voltage High - Warning
597 Electrical Charging System Voltage Low - Warning
598 Electrical Charging System Voltage Low - Critical
687 Turbocharger Speed Low - Warning
689 Primary Engine Speed Sensor Error - Data Incorrect
691 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
692 Turbocharger Compressor Inlet Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
697 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
698 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
719 Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage Above Normal or Shorted High
729 Extended Crankcase Blow-by Pressure Circuit - Voltage Below Normal or Shorted Low
731 Engine Speed/Position #2 Mechanical Misalignment - Mechanical SystemMalfunction
753 Engine Speed/Position #2 Camshaft Sync Error - Data Incorrect
778 Engine Speed Sensor (Camshaft) Error - Data Incorrect
951 Cylinder Power Imbalance Between Cylinders - Data Incorrect
1139 Injector Cylinder #1 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1141 Injector Cylinder #2 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1142 Injector Cylinder #3 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1143 Injector Cylinder #4 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1144 Injector Cylinder #5 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1145 Injector Cylinder #6 - Mechanical System Malfunction
1911 Injector Metering Rail Pressure High - Critical
2111 Engine Coolant Temperature 2 Sensor Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
2112 Engine Coolant Temperature 2 Senor Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
2113 Engine Coolant Temperature 2 High - Warning
2114 Engine Coolant Temperature 2 High - Critical
2115 Engine Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
2116 Engine Coolant Pressure 2 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Displayed Code Definition
2117 Engine Coolant Pressure 2 Low - Warning
2185 Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
2186 Sensor Supply Voltage #4 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
2215 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure Low - Warning
2216 Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure High - Warning
2249 Injector Metering Rail Pressure Low - Critical
2265 Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
2266 Fuel Priming Pump Control Signal Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
2292 Fuel Inlet Meter Device - High - Warning
2293 Fuel Inlet Meter Device - Low - Warning
2311 Fueling Actuator #1 Circuit Error - Condition Exists
2321 Engine Speed/Position Sensor #1 - Data Incorrect
2322 Engine Speed/Position Sensor #2 - Data Incorrect
2345 Turbocharger Speed - Abnormal Rate of Change
2555 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage Above Normal, or Shorted High
2556 Intake Air Heater #1 Circuit - Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted Low
2963 EngineCoolant Temperature High - Alert
2964 Intake Manifold Air Temperature High - Alert
2973 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor Circuit - Date Incorrect
CAUTION: If the engine does not start, repeat the above procedure
after waiting for a minimum of one minute.
NOTE: Position 2 is not used WARNING: When relieving system pressure by means of the
service valve(s), a small amount of pressure will remain in the
system. No maintenance work should be carried out whilst this
• Turn the key switch to crank position 3 (engine start position).
situation exists. This pressure may be relieved by slowly oper-
• Release to on position 1 when the engine starts. The engine will ating the manual blowdown valve.
now be running at a reduced speed.
• During warm up, the engine will idle at 1500RPM. After warm up the CAUTION: Never allow the machine to stand idle with pressure in the
engine will idle at a lower speed. system.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
EMERGENCY STOPPING Refer to the wedge diagnostic display codes table for a listing of
shutdown conditions.
In the event that the unit has to be stopped in an emergency,
PRESS THE EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH ON THE FRONT OF THE CAUTION: To ensure an adequate flow of oil to the compressor at
MACHINE AND ENSURE THAT IT ENGAGES IN DEPRESSED low temperature, never allow the discharge pressure to fall below 3,5
If the unit is not fitted with an emergency stop switch, rotate the start
switch to the (0) off position. DECOMMISSIONING
Should any of the safety shut–down conditions occur, the unit will
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Initial 500 Daily Weekly Monthly 3 Monthly. 6 Monthly.
miles 500 hrs. 1000 hrs
/850 km
Compressor Oil Level C
Engine Oil Level C
*Radiator Coolant Level C
Gauges/Lamps C
*Air Cleaner Service Indicators C
Fuel Tank (Fill at end of day) C D
*Fuel/Water Separator Drain C
Oil Leaks C
Fuel Leaks C
Drain Water From Fuel Filters D
Coolant Leaks C
Radiator Filler Cap C
Air Cleaner Precleaner Dumps C
Fan/Alternator Belts C
Battery Connections/Electrolyte C
Tire Pressure and Surface C
*Wheel Lug Nuts C
Hoses (Oil, Air, Intake, etc.) C
Automatic Shutdown System C
Air Cleaner System C
Compressor Oil Cooler Exterior C
*Engine Rad/Oil Cooler Exterior C
Fasteners, Guards C
Air Cleaner Elements R/WI
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
ROUTINE MAINTENANCE • all guards and safety protection devices are refitted.
If the automatic blowdown fails to operate, then pressure must be • Start the machine.
gradually relieved by operating the manual blowdown valve. Suitable
personal protective equipment should be worn. NOTE: Do not press the load button.
THIS PRESSURE MUST BE RELIEVED BY CAREFULLY: The scavenge line runs from the combined orifice/drop tube in the
separator tank, to the orifice fitting located in the airend.
Examine the orifice, check valve and hoses at every service or in
(b) OPENING THE DISCHARGE VALVE TO ATMOSPHERE. the event of oil carryover into the discharge air.
(USE HEARING PROTECTION IF NECESSARY). It is good preventative maintenance to check that the scavenge line
• the machine cannot be started accidentally or otherwise, by posting and tube are clear of any obstruction each time the compressor
warning signs and/or fitting appropriate anti-start devices. lubricant is changed as any blockage will result in oil carryover into the
discharge air.
• all residual electrical power sources (mains and battery) are
Prior to opening or removing panels or covers to work inside a
machine, ensure that:- Refer to the MAINTENANCE CHART in this section for the
• anyone entering the machine is aware of the reduced level of recommended servicing intervals.
protection and the additional hazards, including hot surfaces and Removal
intermittently moving parts.
• the machine cannot be started accidentally or otherwise, by posting WARNING: Do not remove the filter(s) without first making sure
warning signs and/or fitting appropriate anti-start devices. that the machine is stopped and the system has been
completely relieved of all air pressure. (Refer to STOPPING THE
Prior to attempting any maintenance work on a running machine, UNIT in the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual).
ensure that:-
• the work carried out is limited to only those tasks which require the Clean the exterior of the filter housing and remove the spin-on
machine to run. element by turning it in a counter-clockwise direction.
• the work carried out with safety protection devices disabled or Inspection
removed is limited to only those tasks which require the machine to Examine the filter element.
be running with safety protection devices disabled or removed.
• all hazards present are known (e.g. pressurised components, CAUTION: If there is any indication of the formation of varnishes,
electrically live components, removed panels, covers and guards, shellacs or lacquers on the filter element, it is a warning that the
extreme temperatures, inflow and outflow of air, intermittently compressor lubricating and cooling oil has deteriorated and that it
moving parts, safety valve discharge etc.). should be changed immediately. Refer to LUBRICATION later in this
• appropriate personal protective equipment is worn.
• warning signs indicating that Maintenance Work is in Progress are Clean the filter gasket contact area and install the new element by
posted in a position that can be clearly seen. screwing in a clockwise direction until the gasket makes contact with
the filter housing. Tighten a further 1/2 to 3/4 of a revolution.
Upon completion of maintenance tasks and prior to returning the
machine into service, ensure that:-
CAUTION: Start the machine (refer to PRIOR TO STARTING and WARNING: Follow the instructions provided by the antifreeze
STARTING THE UNIT in the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section supplier when adding or draining the antifreeze solution. It is
of this manual) and check for leakage before the machine is put back advisable to wear personal protective equipment to prevent skin
into service. and eye contact with the antifreeze solution.
Refer to the SERVICE / MAINTENANCE CHART in this section for The air filter should be inspected regularly (refer to the SERVICE/
service intervals. MAINTENANCE CHART) and the element replaced when the
restriction indicator lamp illuminates. The dust collector box(es) should
be cleaned daily (more frequently in dusty operating conditions) and
not allowed to become more than half full.
WARNING: Do not remove the filter(s) without first making sure
that the machine is stopped and the system has been The safety element should be renewed every 3000 hours or every
completely relieved of all air pressure. (Refer to STOPPING THE third change of the main element, whichever comes first.
UNIT in the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual).
Disconnect all hoses and tubes from the separator tank cover plate. CAUTION: Never remove and replace element(s) when the machine
Remove the drop-tube from the separator tank cover plate and then
is running.
remove the cover plate. Remove the separator element.
Inspection Clean the exterior of the filter housing and remove the filter element
by releasing the nut.
Examine the filter element. Examine all hoses and tubes, and
replace if necessary. If the safety element is to be renewed, thoroughly clean the interior
of the filter housing prior to removing the safety element.
Thoroughly clean the orifice/drop tube and filter gasket contact
area before reassembly. Install the new element. Check for cracks, holes or any other damage to the element by
holding it up to a light source, or by passing a lamp inside.
WARNING: Do not remove the staple from the anti-static gasket
on the separator element since it serves to ground any possible CAUTION: If inspection reveals damage to the main element, the
static build-up. Do not use gasket sealant since this will affect safety element must be replaced.
electrical conductance.
Check the seal at the end of the element and replace if any sign of
Reposition the cover plate, taking care not to damage the gasket, damage is evident.
and replace the cover plate screws tightening in a criss-cross pattern
to the recommended torque (refer to the TORQUE SETTING TABLE Reassembly
later in this section). Assemble the new element into the filter housing ensuring that the
seal seats properly.
Replace the drop-tube and reconnect all hoses and tubes to the
separator tank cover plate. Secure the element in the housing by hand tightening the nut.
Replace the compressor oil (refer to LUBRICATION later in this Assemble the dust collector box parts, ensuring that they are
section). correctly positioned.
CAUTION: Start the machine (refer to PRIOR TO STARTING and Before restarting the machine, check that all clamps are tight.
of this manual) and check for leakage before the machine is put back NOTE: In the event that a new filter element is not readily available,
into service. the element can be re-used after cleaning. In this case the following
procedure must be carried out:
COMPRESSOR OIL COOLER AND ENGINE RADIATOR AIR Clean the element by directing a jet of clean, dry compressed air,
CHARGE COOLER no more than 5 bar, at an angle of 45 degrees to the outside of the
element. Carefully blow any dust from each fold of the element.
When grease, oil and dirt accumulate on the exterior surfaces of the
oil cooler and radiator, the efficiency is impaired. It is recommended Compressed air cleaning is only recommended when a new
that each month the oil cooler and radiator be cleaned by directing a jet element is not available.
of compressed air, (carrying if possible a non-flammable cleaning
solvent) over the exterior core of the cooler/radiator. This should CAUTION: Safety elements must not be cleaned and re-used.
remove any accumulation of oil, grease and dirt from the exterior core
of the cooler so that the entire cooling area can radiate the heat of the
lubricating and cooling oil/water into the air stream.
WARNING: Hot engine coolant and steam can cause injury. Always check that the air inlets and outlets are clear of debris etc.
When adding coolant or antifreeze solution to the engine
radiator, stop the engine at least one minute prior to releasing CAUTION: NEVER clean by blowing air inwards.
the radiator filler cap. Using a cloth to protect the hand, slowly
release the filler cap, absorbing any released fluid with the cloth.
Do not remove the filler cap until all excess fluid is released and
the engine cooling system fully depressurised.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Periodically check that the fan mounting bolt in the fan hub has not At 3 month intervals it is necessary to inspect the external surfaces
loosened. If, for any reason, it becomes necessary to remove the fan of the system (from the airend through to the discharge valve(s))
or re-tighten the fan mounting bolt, apply a good grade of commercially including hoses, tubes, tube fittings and the separator tank, for visible
available thread locking compound to the bolt threads and tighten to signs of impact damage, excessive corrosion, abrasion, tightness and
the torque value shown in the TORQUE SETTING TABLE later in this chafing. Any suspect parts should be replaced before the machine is
section. put back into service.
The fan belt(s) should be checked regularly for wear and correct
The fuel tank should be filled daily or every eight hours. To minimise RUNNING GEAR/WHEELS
condensation in the fuel tank(s), it is advisable to top up after the
machine is shut down or at the end of each working day. At six month Check the wheel nut torque 20 miles (30 kilometres) after refitting
intervals drain any sediment or condensate that may have the wheels. Refer to the TORQUE SETTING TABLE later in this
accumulated in the tank(s). section.
The engine is initially supplied with engine oil sufficient for a nominal
Inspect all hoses and clips on the charge cooler pipe work. period of operation (for more information, consult The Engine
Manufacturer's Manual).
Engine damage will occur if the charge cooling system leaks.
CAUTION: Always check the oil levels before a new machine is put
HOSES into service.
All components of the engine cooling air intake system should be If, for any reason, the unit has been drained, it must be re-filled with
checked periodically to keep the engine at peak efficiency. new oil before it is put into operation.
WARNING: Always disconnect the battery cables before Refer to the Engine Manufacturer's Manual or Lubrication
performing any maintenance or service. Specification list.
BATTERY NOTE: If the machine has been operating under adverse conditions,
or has suffered long shutdown periods, then more frequent service
Keep the battery terminals and cable clamps clean and lightly intervals will be required.
coated with petroleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
The retaining clamp should be kept tight enough to prevent the WARNING: DO NOT, under any circumstances, remove any
battery from moving. drain plugs or the oil filler plug from the compressor lubricating
and cooling system without first making sure that the machine
is stopped and the system has been completely relieved of all air
pressure (refer to STOPPING THE UNIT in the OPERATING
INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual).
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Completely drain the receiver/separator system including the piping
CAUTION: Some oil mixtures are incompatible and result in the
and oil cooler by removing the drain plug(s) and collecting the used oil
formation of varnishes, shellacs or lacquers which may be insoluble.
in a suitable container.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
SPEED AND PRESSURE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT Adjust the service valve on the outside of the machine to maintain
normal operating discharge pressure (refer to GENERAL
Normally, regulation requires no adjusting, but if correct adjustment INFORMATION) and full speed position. If the tachometer moves away
is lost, proceed as follows: from the full speed position before normal operating discharge
pressure is attained, then turn the adjusting screw 'A' clockwise to
Refer to the diagram above. increase the pressure. Optimum adjustment is achieved when the
A: Adjusting screw throttle just moves from its full speed position and the pressure
increases slightly.
Start the machine (Refer to STARTING INSTRUCTIONS in the
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual). Close the service valve. The engine will slow to idle speed.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
17/235 21/215
SPEED AND PRESSURE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT Allow the cylinder to return to its extended position and reconnect
17/235 21/215 the ballast spring 'A'.
Normally, regulation requires no adjusting, but if correct adjustment IMPORTANT: Ensure all components are aligned and move freely.
is lost, proceed as follows:
Start engine: Note receiver pressure. Warm up pressure should be
Refer to the diagram above.
3,5-5,0 bar (50-70 p.s.i.).
With the unit stopped, disconnect ballast spring 'A' from the
To increase the warm up pressure, turn the air cylinder rod in an
butterfly lever. Loosen the two screws securing bracket 'C' to main
anti-clockwise direction to open the butterfly valve.
bracket 'J'.
To reduce warm up pressure, turn air cylinder rod in clockwise
Loosen screw 'D' and rotate the butterfly valve pivot shaft 'K' fully
direction to close butterfly valve.
clockwise until the valve is closed. Position lever 'L' approximately 10°
after vertical and tighten screw 'D'. When the engine is warmed up, press the service air switch on the
control panel to commence normal regulation.
Keep the butterfly lever in the closed position and with the the air
cylinder fully contracted tighten the screws holding bracket 'C' to the Set pressure by adjusting the screw 'E' on the pressure regulator
main bracket 'J'. 'F'. Turn the screw clockwise to increase pressure and anticlocwise to
reduce pressure.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
1/4 - 20 11 8 16 12
5/16 - 18 24 17 33 25
3/8 - 16 42 31 59 44
7/16 - 14 67 49 95 70
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
M6 X 1.0 11 8 15 11 18 13
M8 X 1.25 26 19 36 27 43 31
M10 X 1.5 52 38 72 53 84 62
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Portable Compressor Fluid Chart
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
EMU 6IRQ9AE LOW PRESSURE ELECTRICAL PARTS 9/235, 12/235, 9/270, 9/300, 10/300
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Engine fails to start. Low battery charge. Check the fan belt tension, battery and cable connections.
Fuel starvation. Check the fuel level and fuel system components. Replace the fuel filter if
Engine stops while in Low fuel level. Fill fuel tank and bleed air from fuel system if necessary. (Refer to
service or is reluctant MAINTENANCE SECTION).
to start.
Safety shut–down system in Check the safety shut–down switches.
Engine starts but stalls Electrical fault Test the electrical circuits.
when the switch
returns to position I. Low engine oil pressure. Check the oil level and the oil filter(s).
Engine starts but will Electrical fault. Test the electrical circuits.
not run or engine shuts
down prematurely. Low engine oil pressure. Check the oil level and oil filter(s).
Fuel starvation. Check the fuel level and fuel system components. Replace the fuel filter if
High compressor oil temperature. Check the compressor oil level and oil cooler. Check the fan drive.
Water present in fuel system. Check the water separator and clean if required.
Faulty relay. Check the relay in the holder and replace if necessary.
Engine Overheats. Low water level Check the level and replenish if necessary.
Blocked radiator. Stop the machine and clean the cooling fins with compressed air or steam.
Use reduced pressure for cleaning the fins.
Reduced cooling air from fan. Check the fan and the drive belts. Check for any obstruction inside the cowl.
Engine speed too low. Blocked fuel filter. Check and replace if necessary.
Premature unloading. Check the regulation and the operation of the air cylinder.
Excessive vibration. Engine speed too low. See ”Engine speed too low”
Leaking oil seal Improperly fitted oil seal. Replace the oil seal
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Incorrectly set regulation system. Reset the regulation system. Refer to SPEED AND PRESSURE
Compressor overheats. Low oil level. Top up the oil level and check for leaks.
Defective by–pass valve. Check the operation of the element and replace if necessary.
Reduced cooling air from fan. Check the fan and the drive belts. Check for any obstruction inside the fan
Excessive oil present Blocked scavenge line. Check the scavenge line, drop tube and orifice. Clean and replace.
in the discharge air.
Perforated separator element. Replace the separator element.
Pressure in the system is too low. Check the minimum pressure valve or sonic orifice.
Safety valve operates. Operating pressure too high. Check the setting and operation of the regulator valve piping.
Inlet valve set incorrectly. Refer to SPEED AND PRESSURE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT in the
MAINTENANCE section of this manual.
Faulty safety valve. Check the relieving pressure. Replace the safety valve if faulty. DO NOT
Oil is forced back into Incorrect stopping procedure used Always employ the correct stopping procedure. Close the discharge valve
the air filter. and allow the machine to run on idle before stopping.
Faulty inlet valve. Check for free operation of the inlet valve(s).
Machine goes to full Inlet valve set incorrectly. (17/235, Refer to SPEED AND PRESSURE REGULATION ADJUSTMENT in the
pressure when started. 21/215) MAINTENANCE section of this manual. (17/235, 21/215)
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The IQ System is a complete, self-contained system which provides The compressed air exits the separator tank through the top cover
cooler, cleaner air than from a standard portable compressor. The piping, and can then travel along one of two paths, selectable via
system utilizes an integral aftercooler, high-efficiency filtration, and a manual valving.
patented condensate disposal system to provide the cool, clean air.
One path allows Standard Operation, which bypasses the IQ
The condensate disposal system injects all liquid condensed from the
System, and delivers air quality equivalent to a standard oil-flooded
moisture separator and filters into the engine exhaust system where it
is vaporized by heat. This eliminates the need for collecting the portable compressor. If the IQ System is enabled by proper setting of
the selector valve, the compressed air first enters the aftercooler.
condensate, and the added cost of disposing of the condensate, which
is often regulated by local, state, and/or federal regulations. The aftercooler is cooled by the incoming compressor package air,
which is controlled by movable louvers mounted on the aftercooler (if
When equipped with the low ambient feature, the IQ System
equipped with low ambient option). At most conditions, the louvers are
automatically adjusts movable louvers to control airflow through the
fully open, and maximum aftercooling is available. The compressed air
aftercooler, ensuring that the compressed air temperature always
and condensate (water with a small amount of compressor lubricant)
remains above freezing temperatures (typically 45°F) at any ambient
exits the aftercooler and enters the moisture separator, where most of
temperature down to -20°F. This prevents the need for 120V AC heat
the condensate is removed. The compressed air then flows through
tracing systems, or any manual adjustment to prevent freezing of the
two stages of filtration, where the aerosol water and oil is removed
compressed air system. All drain points for the condensate handling
down to approximately 0.01 ppm, and all particulates are removed
system are heated with 24VDC heaters, which are integral to the
down to 0.01 micron.
compressor heater system.
At the bottom of the moisture separator and both filters are strainers
Standard Non-Louvered configuration not to be operated below
and constant-bleed orifices, which are sized to allow the maximum flow
of condensate while minimizing compressed air loss.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The condensate lines are then piped together, and the condensate Yearly Maintenance:
is injected at a single point into the engine exhaust piping. The
The normal maintenance interval on the primary and secondary IQ
compressed air then travels through the minimum pressure valve, and
System filters is one year, or earlier if pressure drop becomes
out through the service air valve. The air pressure gauge on the
excessive. Restriction indicators for the filters are mounted on the filter
instrument panel indicates the pressure inside the separator tank. A
support inside the front door, and will shut down the compressor if
service air pressure gauge is located inside the front door of the
restriction exceeds recommended values.
compressor on the filter support.
Filter Replacement
If the IQ System is bypassed (Standard Operation selected), the
delivered air pressure will be approximately equal to the separator tank • With engine stopped, ensure pressure is relieved from air system.
pressure. If the IQ System operation is selected, the delivered air
pressure will be slightly less, depending on the restriction of the filters. • Remove all wires and hoses connected to drains on bottom of each
filter housing. Inspect fittings and hoses for any blockage. Clean if
Low Ambient Option Operation necessary.
When the ambient temperature falls to the point that the aftercooler • Using a chain wrench or similar tool, loosen the housing. The
outlet temperature is approaching 45°F, the Temperature Control Unit housing should be removed by hand after loosening, taking care to
(TCU), mounted on the rear of the control panel, will automatically prevent the housing from falling to the floor panel.
adjust the louvers to control the cooling airflow through the aftercooler.
• Lower the housing to floor panel and lean it against the airend.
In the event that the unit is operating under abnormal conditions Remove and replace the filter element, being careful not to damage
(i.e., an enclosure door open) which would cause excessive cooling of outer wrap.
the aftercooler, a temperature sensor in the aftercooler outlet header
will signal the TCU to further close the louvers if the compressed air Verify the part number of new element vs. old element, as the two
temperature falls to approximately 36°F or lower. IQ filters are of different media.
Daily Maintenance:
Verify, during full-load (maximum compressed air delivery) that the CAUTION: The compressor regulation system is adjusted to
IQ System filter restriction indicators do not show excessive restriction. maintain regulated pressure at the separator tank. DO NOT adjust
Restriction indicators for the filters are mounted inside the control regulation to provide full regulation pressure at the service valve
panel, and will shut down the compressor if restriction exceeds when the IQ System is enabled. This will result inC operation at
recommended values. excessive horsepower levels, causing overheating, reduced engine
life, and reduced airend life.
Weekly Maintenance:
CAUTION: Excessively restricted filter elements may cause an
• Remove Y-strainer screens at the bottom of the moisture separator increase in the amount of aerosol water and oil carryover, which
and both filters and clean out any residue. could result in damage to downstream equipment. Normal service
intervals should not be exceeded.
• Verify that the orifices below the Y-strainers are not clogged.
CAUTION: Blockage of the condensate will result in flooding of the
• Verify that the piping from the orifice purge points to the exhaust vessels. If flooding occurs, excessive condensate may enter the air
system is not clogged. stream and could result in damage to downstream equipment.
Do not operate at temperatures less that 2°C (35°F) unless equipped
with low ambient IQ option.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Main data and specifications
Engine identification
After sales support
Check before operation
Check and operation after start- up
Operation and care of a new engine
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
In order to get the fullest use and benefit from your engine, it is important that you operate and maintain it correctly. This Manual is designed to help
you do this.
Please read this Manual carefully and follow its operating and maintenance recommendations. This will ensure many years of trouble-free and
economical engine operation.
Should your engine require servicing, please contact your nearest branch or distributor.
All information, illustrations, and specifications contained in this Manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of
The company reserves the right to make changes in this Manual at any time without prior notice.
The pictures contained within are for guidance only and might not reflect
the physical characteristics of each individual engine covered.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
(4) M10 (STOR) fuel pressure after-lift pump. (22) 1/2-inch (NPTF) coolant taps.
(5) M10 (STOR) fuel pressure before-lift pump. (23) Turbocharger wastegate actuator.
(6) Magnetic pickup location /4 -16UNF. (24) Oil filler cap.
(17) Engine speed sensor (ESS) - (outboard). (35) Injector drain fuel outlet connection.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Serial No Location
The engine serial number is stamped on a plate.
Fig. 4
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
FUEL NOTICE: Do not use home heating oil or gasoline in your diesel
Fuel Selection engine; either may cause engine damage.
The following properties are required of the diesel fuel.
Handling of the Fuel.
Must be free from minute dust particles.
Any fuel containing dust particles or water might cause engine failure.
Must have adequate viscosity.
Therefore, the following must be observed.
Must have high cetane value.
Take care to protect the fuel from ingress of dust particles or water
Must have high fluidity at low temperature. when filling the fuel tank.
Must have low sulphur content. If refuelling is done from an oil drum directly, ensure that it has been
kept stationary to allow any dust, sediment or water to settle at the
Must have little residual carbon. bottom. Do not draw fuel direct from the bottom of the drum to prevent
It is strongly advisable to use ASTM D975 No. 2D (the general pick-up of any settled foreign material.
automotive diesel engine purpose fuel oil) or equivalent which fully Always fully fill the fuel tank. Drain the sedimented particles in the fuel
meets the above requirements. tank frequently.
JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) NO. 2 During refuelling, it is possible for water (and other contaminants) to be
pumped into your fuel tank along with the diesel fuel. This can happen
if a fuel provider does not regularly inspect and clean its fuel tanks, or
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) NO. 2-D receives contaminated fuel from its supplier(s). To protect your engine
Based on SAE-J-313C from contaminated fuel, there is a fuel filter system on the engine which
BS (BRITISH STANDARD) Based on BS/ Class A-1 allows you to drain excess water.
CAUTION: The water/diesel fuel mixture is flammable, and could be
EURONORM EN590 hot. To avoid personal injury and/or property damage, do not touch
the fuel coming from the drain valve, and do not expose the fuel to
FUEL REQUIREMENTS open flames or sparks.
Notice: the fuel injection pump, injector or other parts of the fuel system
and engine can be damaged if you use any fuel or fuel additive other Be sure you do not overfill the fuel tank. Heat (such as from the engine)
than those specifically recommended by Doosan. can cause the fuel to expand. If the tank is too full, fuel could be forced
out. This could lead to a fire and the risk of personal injury and/or
NOTE: If any fuel other than the one specified is used, engine oper- equipment damage.
ation will be impaired. Engine failure or malfunction resulting from
use of such improper fuel will not be warranted by Doosan. Biocides
In warm or humid weather, fungus and/or bacteria may form in diesel
To help avoid fuel system or engine damage, please read the following: fuel if there is water in the fuel.
Do not use diesel fuel which has been contaminated with engine oil. NOTICE: Fungus or bacteria can cause fuel system damage by
Besides causing engine damage, such fuel can also affect emission plugging the fuel lines, fuel filters or injector. They can also cause fuel
control. Before using any diesel fuel, check with the fuel supplier to see system corrosion.
if the fuel has been mixed with engine oil.
Your engine is designed to use either Number 1-D or Number 2-D If fungus or bacteria has caused fuel system problems, you should
diesel fuel. However, for better fuel economy, use Number 2-D diesel have your authorized dealer correct these problems. Then, use a
fuel whenever possible. At temperatures less than -7°C, (20°F), diesel fuel biocide to sterilize the fuel system (follow the biocide
Number 2-D fuel may pose operating problems (see "Cold Weather manufacturer's instructions). Biocides are available from your dealer,
Operation" which follows). At colder temperatures, use Number 1-D service stations, parts stores and other automotive places. See your
fuel (if available) or use a "winterized" Number 2-D (a blend of Number authorized dealer for advice on using biocides in your area and for
1-D and Number 2-D). This blended fuel is usually called Number 2-D recommendations on which biocides you should use.
also, but can be used in colder temperatures than Number 2-D fuel
Smoke Suppressants
which has not been "winterized."
The use of a smoke suppressant additive is not allowed because of the
Check with the fuel supplier to be sure you get the properly blended greater possibility of stuck rings and valve failure, resulting from
fuel. excessive ash deposits.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Use of unsuitable engine oil will result in piston ring, piston and cylinder
Using a mixture of different brands or quality of oils will adversely af-
seizure and accelerate surface wear causing increased oil
fect the original oil quality; therefore, never mix different brand or dif-
consumption, lowered output and, finally engine failure. To avoid this,
ferent type oils.
use the specified engine oil.
Do not use API, CA, CB grade and reconstituted engine oil
1) Engine Oil Selection
Engine damage due to improper maintenance, or using oil of the im-
PRO-TEC proper quality and/or viscosity, is not covered by the warranty.
2) Oil Viscosity
Fig. 5
A. (Single - grade)
B. Ambient Temperature
C. (Multi - grade)
All Doosan portable compressor engines are factory filled with a 50/50
Ethylene glycol base antifreeze/water mix. which provides protection to
-33°C (-27°F)
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
ENGINE OPERATION Check the fan belt for tension and abnormalities.
A loose belt will cause belt slippage which may result in a damaged
Engine Exhaust Gas Caution (Carbon Monoxide)
belt, abnormal noise, poor battery charging and engine overheating.
CAUTION: For safety reasons, conduct the inspection with the engine
Remove the dipstick, wipe it with a cloth. Insert it fully and take it out
gently again.
Check the oil level against the marks on the dipstick. The oil level must
be between the ‘H’ level mark and the ‘L’ level mark as illustrated.
Fig. 7
Always use Genuine Doosan fan belts as they provide high driving
ability and long operating durability. Use of non-Doosan fan belts could
result in premature belt wear or belt elongation leading to engine
overheating or excessive belt noise.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Coolant leakage -
Check the radiator and water pump hose connections and the water
drain cock on the cylinder block for leakage.
The coolant level could drop because any mixed air is expelled in about
5 minutes after the engine started.
CAUTION: Hot steam can rush out and you could get burnt if the
Fig. 8
radiator cap is removed when the engine is hot. Cover the radiator cap
with a thick cloth and loosen the cap slowly to reduce the pressure,
A. Battery cable then remove the cap.
B. Connections
The engine oil pressure gauge readings (where fitted) may vary If the Engine Coolant Temperature gage (where fitted) shows an
depending on ambient temperature and type of oil. The gauge should overheat condition, or you have reason to suspect the engine may be
register around 55 to 85 psi in the warming-up period. overheating, take the following steps:
Engine noise and exhaust smoke color - • Close the service valve to reduce the load.
Listen to the engine and, if any abnormal noise is heard, check to • Let the engine run at normal idle speed for two or three minutes. If
determine the cause. the engine coolant temperature does not start to drop, turn off the
Check the fuel combustion condition by observing the exhaust smoke engine and proceed as follows:
color. The exhaust smoke color after engine warm-up and at no-load
condition should be colorless or light blue. CAUTION: To help avoid being burned -
Black or white smoke indicates incorrect combustion. • Do not open the canopy or door if you see or hear steam or engine
coolant escaping. Wait until no steam or engine coolant can be seen
Note: After start-up from cold the engine might be noisier and the or heard before opening the engine canopy or door.
exhaust smoke color darker than when it has warmed up. However this
condition will disappear after warm up. Do not remove the radiator filler cap if the engine coolant in the
reserve tank is boiling. Also do not remove the radiator filler cap while
Leakage in the systems - the engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be
Check the following items: blown out under pressure if either cap is taken off too soon.
Lubrication oil leakage - If no steam or engine coolant can be seen or heard, open the canopy
Check the engine for oil leaks, paying particular attention to oil filter and or door. If the engine coolant is boiling, wait until it stops before
oil pipe joints. proceeding. The engine coolant level should be between the “MAX
COLD” and “MIN” marks on the reserve tank.
Fuel leakage -
Check the fuel injection pump, fuel lines and fuel filter for leakage.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Make sure the fan belt is not broken, or off the pulley, and that the fan (4) Liquid and Exhaust Smoke Leakage
turns when the engine is started. If the engine coolant level in the
reserve tank is low, look for leaks at the radiator hoses and Make regular checks for lubricant, fuel, coolant and exhaust smoke
connections, radiator, and water pump. If you find major leaks, do not
run the engine until these problems have been corrected. If you do not (5) Abnormal Engine Noise
find a leak or other problem, WAIT UNTIL THE ENGINE HAS
COOLED DOWN then carefully add engine coolant to the reserve tank. In the event of any abnormal engine noise, please consult your local
Doosan branch or dealer.
(Engine coolant is a mixture of ethylene glycol antifreeze and water.
See “Engine Care in cold season” for the proper antifreeze and (6) State of the Exhaust Smoke
Check for any abnormal exhaust smoke color.
Operating the engine at low coolant temperature will not only increase
the oil and fuel consumption but also will lead to premature parts wear LONG TERM STORAGE
which may result in engine failure. Ensure that the engine reaches
normal operating temperature 75 to 85°C (167 to 185°F) within ten If the equipment is to be out of operation for an extended period, it
minutes of starting. should be started at least once per week and run on load for about 15
minutes after it has reached normal operating temperature.
(3) Hourmeter
This meter indicates the machine operation hours. Make sure that the
meter is always working during engine operation. Periodical machine
maintenance is scheduled on the operation hours indicated on the
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
LUBRICATING SYSTEM. Oil filter element installation -
Engine Oil Change and Oil Filter Element Change must be made
simultaneously according to the following change schedule.
CAUTION: To help avoid the risk of being burned, do not drain oil
while the engine is still hot.
Fig. 11
Wipe clean around the oil filler cap taking care so that no foreign Screw in the new cartridge hand tight as the O-ring comes in contact
articles enter. Remove the filler cap. with the engine block. Tighten a further 3/4 to 11/4 turns. DO NOT
It is advisable that draining be done while the engine is warm to overtighten.
minimize the draining time. Engine oil refilling.
Remove the oil pan drain plug and drain the engine oil completely. Reinstall the drain plug.
NOTICE: Use a receptacle to catch the drained oil so that the engine Fill with new engine oil via the most convenient oil filler port.
and equipment will not be contaminated.
Wait at least ten minutes until the oil drains down to the oil pan. Then
check the oil level with the dipstick.
Run the unit for five to ten minutes, then visually check for oil leakage.
Fig. 9 Use the dipstick to recheck the oil level. If necessary replenish with
engine oil to the specified level
Remove drain plug arrowed to drain the engine oil completely.
NOTE: When the engine is started, the oil level will slightly drop from
Oil filter element removal
the initial level as the oil fills the entire oil circuit.
Engine oils contain a variety of additives. Your engine should not need
any extra additives if you use the recommended oil quality and change
Used Oil Disposal - Do not dispose of used engine oil (or any other
oil) in a careless manner such as pouring it on the ground, into sewers,
or into streams or bodies of water. Instead, recycle it by taking it to a
used oil collection facility which may be found in your community. If you
have a problem disposing of your used oil, it is suggested that you
contact your local Doosan branch or dealer. This also applies to diesel
fuel which is contaminated with water.
Coolant Change.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Coolant draining.
Slacken the bottom radiator hose clamp to drain the coolant from the Filling with coolant
radiator. Ensure that the engine is cool.
Close the coolant drain plug and tighten the bottom hose clamp.
When the system has been filled, operate the engine about five
minutes at a low idle speed, then as the air contained in the coolant
circuit is bled off the coolant level will drop.
Stop the engine and replenish with the correct coolant mix.
Debris, mud or dried grass caught between radiator fins will block the
air flow, resulting in lower cooling efficiency. Clean the radiator fins with
steam or low pressure (< 5 Bar) compressed air every 250 hours or 3
Fig. 12 months (whichever comes first) or more frequently in adverse
operating conditions.
A Cylinder block water drain valve
Cooling System Circuit Cleaning
Coolant Filter Replacement
When the cooling system circuit is contaminated with water scales or
sludge particles, cooling efficiency will be lowered. Periodically clean
the circuit interior with a suitable cleaner.
Fig. 13
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
FUEL SYSTEM Discard the old element into a suitable container.
Using a clean cloth, wipe the sealing face of the filter/separator head
The fuel injection pump and injector nozzles are precisely
to ensure correct seating of the sealing ring.
manufactured, and therefore, using fuel which contains water or dust
particles will result in either injection pump plunger seizure or injector Fill the element/bowl assembly with clean fuel oil then apply a light coat
nozzle seizure. A fuel filter element blocked with sludge or dust of clean engine oil to the new element seal ring.
particles will lead to reduced engine output.
Screw the new element onto the head firmly by hand.
Perform inspection and maintenance periodically as follows:
The engine has a self priming system that purges air from the fuel
Air cleaner
Engine performance and life vary with the air intake conditions.
A dirty air cleaner element reduces the amount of intake air, causing
reduced engine output and possible engine damage.
B Drain valve
Slacken the drain valve 'B' until water drains from the vent tube.
When all the water has been evacuated, tighten the drain valve 'B'.
NOTE: The cartridge and bowl contain fuel. Take care not to spill it
during disassembly and reassembly. Fig. 17
The fuel filter/separator also provides primary filtration and the element A Normal
'A' should be changed every 500 operating hours or 6 months, B Clogged
whichever comes first.
C Indicator
Change procedure:
D Red signal
Disconnect fuel sensor (where fitted). Loosen drain plug B and empty
fuel into suitable container Air cleaner with dust indicator
This indicator is attached to the air cleaner. When the air cleaner
element is clogged, air intake resistance becomes greater and the dust
indicator signal turns to red indicating the element needs to be
When the signal turns to red, replace the element. Then press the dust
indicator button to reset the indication.
Fig. 16
Unscrew the element 'A' from the head taking care not to spill fuel
inside the machine. Remove fuel sensor (where fitted) and re-fit to new
filter element.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Air Intake Piping Never reverse "+" and "-" terminals when reconnecting cables after
removal. Even a short period of reverse connection will damage the
Inspect air intake and charge air cooling pipes and connections for electrical parts.
damage or loose fitting. Replace or re-fit as necessary.
Cleaning of Battery
When the battery terminals are fouled clean them with clean tepid
water and wipe with a dry cloth to remove the water. Apply a light coat
of vaseline or a grease.
Alternator Servicing
Do not put water directly on the alternator. Entry of water into the
alternator creates electrolytic corrosion causing failure.
Please also read the note refering to the service items marked with the
star symbol.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
In cold weather, the fuel might freeze resulting in difficult engine At low ambient temperatures, engine oil viscocity can affect engine
starting; therefore, select a suitable fuel for such engine operation. starting. It is important to use the correct grade of oil as recommended
in fig 4.
Use ASTM 975 No. 2-D fuel if you expect temperature above 20°F (-
7°C). Try to position the compressor where it will not be affected by cold
winds when not running.
Use Number 1-D if you expect temperatures below 20°F (-7°C).
If Number 1-D is not available, a "winter" blend of 1-D and 2-D is BATTERY
available in some areas during the winter months.
Check with your fuel supplier to be sure you get the correct blended (1) Always ensure that the batteries are kept fully charged in the cold
fuel. season. This takes a longer period of running than in warm weather
COOLANT The electrolyte in a partly discharged battery will freeze easier than
when it is fully charged. Try to keep the batterys fully charged and
Where the ambient temperature falls below freezing point, the cooling warm in cold weather operation.
system should be drained after engine operation, but to eliminate the (2) Top up the battery with distilled water immediately before starting
need for repeated draining, refilling and to provide all year protection
the engine.
against corrosion, the use of anti-freeze solution throughout the year is
highly recommended.
All Doosan portable compressor engines are factory filled with a 50/50
Ethylene glycol base antifreeze/water mix. which provides protection to
When operating in cold ambient conditions, or when starting from cold.
-33°C (-27°F)
If the engine does not start at the first attempt, allow the battery to
Concentrations over about 65% adversely affect freeze protection, recover for at least 30 seconds.
heat transfer rates, and silicate stability which may cause water pump
Observe the following procedures:
In order to protect the starter, do not engage for longer than 10 seconds
CAUTION: during any attempt.
Never exceed a 60/40 antifreeze/water mix. (which provides
protection to about -50°C (-58°F). If during cranking, the starter motor repeatedly engages and
disengages the battery power could be low. Either recharge the battery
or replace it with one that is fully charged.
NOTICE: Do not use starting "aids" in the air intake system. Such aids
Methyl alcohol base antifreeze is not recommended because of its
can cause immediate engine damage.
effect on the non-metallic components of the cooling system and
because of its low boiling point.
High silicate antifreeze is not recommended because of causing
serious silica gelation problems.
Usage and mixing ratio etc. should be followed to the antifreeze
manufacture's recommendations.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
When performing the following items, the daily inspection items should also be carried out.
1. After every 1500 hours of operation, the service intervals should be repeated in accordance with this check and maintenance schedule.
2. When servicing on the asterisked (*) items is necessary, consult your local Doosan branch or distributor.
This is a recommended maintenance. The failure to perform this maintenance item will not nullify the emission warranty or limit recall liability prior
to the completion engine useful life. Doosan, urges that recommended maintenance service is performed at the indicated intervals.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
The following is a brief explanation of the services listed in the preceding Engine Maintenance schedule.
1. Oil level. Check that the oil level is within cross hatch area (ref fig. 6)
Fill or drain as necessary.
2. Oil leakage check Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts which could cause leakage.
3. Oil pressure gauge Normal oil pressure is 30 to 85 psi. Check and repair the lubrication system if it is abnormal.
4. Oil pressure warning lamp If it stays on whilst running check and repair the lamp and/or lubrication system.
5. Engine oil replacement Change at 500 hours or 6 months, whichever comes first.
6. Oil filter element Change at 500 hours or 6 months, whichever comes first.
7. Fuel leakage Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts which could cause leakage.
8. Draining water in fuel filter/ Drain off water in the fuel filter/separator bowl.
9. Fuel filter element Replace both primary (filter/separator) and secondary elements at 500 hours or 6 months whichever come
replacement first.
10. Injection nozzle check Check injection opening pressure and spray condition. (This is a recommended maintenance item ). Consult
your local branch or distributor.
11. Coolant level. Check coolant level and add coolant if necessary.
12. Coolant leakage check Replace any damaged or malfunctioning parts which could cause leakage.
13. Radiator filler cap fitting The radiator cap must be installed tightly and sealing correctly.
14. Fan and belt check Look for cracks, fraying and wear. Replace if necessary
15. Coolant temperature Normal running temperature is 75 to 85°C (167 to 185°F). Check and repair the cooling system if temperature
is abnormal.
16. Coolant replacement Change coolant at intervals of 1000 hours or 12 months, whichever comes first.
17. Coolant filter replacement Replace filter at 500 hours
18. Radiator external face Check monthly. Clean at intervals of 250 hours or 3 months, whichever comes first. In very dusty
cleaning environments, more frequent cleaning might be necessary.
19. Cooling system circuit Clean at intervals of 1000 hours or 12 months, whichever comes first.
20. Radiator filling cap function Check radiator pressure cap periodically for proper operation. Consult your local branch or distributor.
21. Battery electrolyte level Replenish with distilled water if necessary.
22. Battery cleaning Clean the terminals.
23. Battery charge condition If the lamp stays on while engine is running, check charging circuit.
24. Starter and generator check Check wear condition of brush and commutator. Consult your local branch or distributor.
and cleaning
25. Wiring and connection Check for loose terminals/connections and integrity of insulation.
26. Air cleaner element replace Change element at 500 hours or 6 months, whichever come first, or sooner if the restriction indicator shows
27. Air intake piping Check pipes and connections for damage or loose fitting
28. Engine starting condition Check engine stability and noise.
and noise condition
29. Exhaust smoke condition Check exhaust smoke color.
30. Cylinder compression Consult your local Ibranch or distributor.
31. Valve clearance check Incorrect valve clearance will result in increased engine noise and lower engine output thereby adversely
affecting engine performance. Check and adjust every 1000 hours. Consult your local branch or distributor.
32. Positive crankcase Check and clean the breather tube daily during cold weather. Check according to the equipment specifications.
ventilation valve cleaning Perform the adjustment, cleaning, repair or replacement every 1500 hours. (This is a recommended
maintenance item). Consult your local branch or distributor.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
This item contains a simple troubleshooting. When a failure takes place on your engine, diagnose the cause referring this troubleshooting. Should
the cause of failure not be detected or you are unable to manage the failure, consult your machine supply source or nearest company engine service
Thermostat malfunction.
Cooling system defect
Radiator filler cap malfunction.
Radiator clogged.
Engine over-loaded.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Incorrect fuel.
Faulty turbocharger
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
This publication, which contains an illustrated parts breakdown, has a. Turn to Parts List.
been prepared as an aid in locating those parts which may be required
in the maintenance of the unit. All of the compressor parts, listed in the b. Locate the area or system of the compressor in which the desired
part is used and find illustration page number.
parts breakdown, are manufactured with the same precision as the
original equipment. For the greatest protection always insist on c. Locate the desired part on the illustration by visual identification
genuine Doosan parts for your compressor. and make note of part number and description.
Doosan can bear no responsibility for injury or damages resulting
directly from the use of non-approved repair parts.
The satisfactory ordering of parts by a purchaser is greatly dependent
Doosan Infracore service facilities and parts are available worldwide. upon the proper use of all available information. By supplying your
There are Authorised Distributors or Company Sales offices in principal nearest sales office, autonomous company or authorized distributor,
cities of many countries. with complete information, you will enable them to fill your order
correctly and to avoid any unnecessary delays.
Special order parts may not be included in the manual. Contact
Doosan Parts Department with the unit serial number for assistance In order that all avoidable errors may be eliminated, the following
with these special parts. instructions are offered as a guide to the purchaser when ordering
replacement parts:
DESCRIPTION a. Always specify the model number of the unit as shown on the
general data decal attached to the unit.
The illustrated parts breakdown illustrates and lists the various b. Always specify the serial number of the unit. THIS IS
assemblies, subassemblies and detailed parts which make up this IMPORTANT. The serial number of the unit will be found stamped
particular machine. This covers the standard models and the more on a plate attached to the unit. (The serial number on the unit is
popular options that are available. also permanently stamped in the metal of the frame side rail.)
A series of illustrations show each part distinctly and in location relative
c. Always specify the number of the parts list publication.
to the other parts in the assembly. The part number, the description of
the part and the quantity of parts required are shown on each d. Always specify the quantity of parts required.
illustration or on adjacent page. The quantities specified are the
number of parts used per one assembly and are not necessarily the e. Always specify the part number, as well as the description of the
total number of parts used in the machine. Where no quantity is part, or parts, exactly as it is given on the parts list illustration.
specified the quantity is assumed to be one. In the event parts are being returned to your nearest sales office,
Each description of a part is based upon the "noun first" method, i.e., autonomous company or authorized distributor, for inspection or
the identifying noun or item name is always the first part of the repair, it is important to include the serial number of the unit from which
description. The noun name is generally followed by a single the parts were removed.
descriptive modifier. The descriptive modifier may be followed by
words or abbreviations such as upper, lower, inner, outer, front, rear, TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON PARTS ORDERS
RH, LH, etc. when they are essential.
In referring to the rear, the front or to either side of the unit, always Acceptance: Acceptance of an offer is expressly limited to the exact
consider the drawbar end of the unit as the front. Standing at the rear terms contained herein. If purchaser's order form is used for
of the unit facing the drawbar (front) will determine the right and left acceptance of an offer, it is expressly understood and agreed that the
sides. terms and conditions of such order form shall not apply unless
expressly agreed to by Doosan Company ("Company") in writing. No
FASTENERS additional or contrary terms will be binding upon the Company unless
expressly agreed to in writing.
Both SAE/inch, ISO/metric hardware have been used in the design and Taxes: Any tax or other governmental charge now or hereafter levied
assembly of these units. In the disassembly and reassembly of parts, upon the production, sale, use or shipment of material and equipment
extreme care must be taken to avoid damaging threads by the use of ordered or sold is not included in the Company's price and will be
wrong fasteners. In order to clarify the proper usage and for exact charged to and paid for by the Purchaser.
replacement parts, all standard fasteners have been identified by part Shipping dates shall be extended for delays due to acts of God, acts of
number, size and description. This will enable a customer to obtain Purchaser, acts of Government, fires, floods, strikes, riot, war,
fasteners locally rather than ordering from the factory. These parts are embargo, transportation shortages, delay or default on the part of the
identified in tables that will be found at the rear of the parts illustrations. Company's vendors, or any other cause beyond the Company's
Any fastener that has not been identified by both part number and size reasonable control.
is a specially engineered part that must be ordered by part number to
obtain the exact replacement part. Should Purchaser request special shipping instruction, such as
exclusive use of shipping facilities, including air freight when common
carrier has been quoted and before change order to purchase order
can be received by the Company, the additional charges will be
honored by the Purchaser.
Warranty: The Company warrants that parts manufactured by it will
Do not paint over safety warnings or instructional decals. If be as specified and will be free from defects in materials and
safety warning decals become illegible, immediately order workmanship. The Company's liability under this warranty shall be
replacements from the factory. limited to the repair or replacement of any part which was defective at
the time of shipment provided Purchaser notifies the Company of any
Part numbers for original individual decals and their mounting
such defect promptly upon discovery, but in no event later than three
locations are shown within Parts List Section. These are available
(3) months from the date of shipment of such part by the Company.
as long as a particular model is in production.
The only exception to the previous statement is the extended warranty
Afterwards, service sets of exterior decals and current production as it applies to the special airend exchange program.
safety warning decals are available. Contact the Product Support
Group at Mocksville for your particular needs and availability.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
Repairs and replacements shall be made by the Company F.O.B. point The Company shall in no event be liable to the Purchaser, any
of shipment. The Company shall not be responsible for costs of successors in interest or any beneficiary of this order for any
transportation, removal or installation. consequential, incidental, indirect, special or punitive damages arising
out of this order or any breach thereof, or any defect in, or failure of, or
Warranties applicable to material and equipment supplied by the
Company but wholly manufactured by others shall be limited to the malfunction of the parts hereunder, whether based upon loss of use,
warranties extended to the Company by the manufacturer which are lost profits or revenue, interest, lost goodwill, work stoppage,
impairment of other goods, loss by reason of shutdown or non-
able to be conveyed to the Purchaser.
operation, increased expenses of operation or claims of customers of
Delivery: Shipping dates are approximate. The Company will use Purchaser for service interruption whether or not such loss or damage
best efforts to ship by the dates specified; however, the Company shall is based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnity, strict liability or
not be liable for any delay or failure in the estimated delivery or otherwise.
shipment of material and equipment or for any damages suffered by
The company makes no other warranty or representation of any kind
whatsoever, expressed or implied, except that of title, and all implied Doosan offers an airend exchange program to benefit portable
warranties, including any warranty of merchantability and fitness for a compressor users.
particular purpose, are hereby disclaimed.
On the airend exchange program the exchange price is determined by
Limitation of Liability: the age and condition of the airend.
The remedies of the Purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the Your nearest sales office, autonomous company or authorized
total liability of the Company with respect to this order whether based distributor must first contact the Parts Service Department at the
on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnity, strict liability or factory at which your portable air compressor was manufactured for an
otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the part upon which airend exchange number. The airend must be tagged with this
such liability is based. preassigned number and returned to the factory prepaid. The airend
must be intact, with no excluded parts, otherwise the exchange
agreement may be cancelled. The warranty on an exchange or factory
rebuilt airend is 365 days.
Airends being returned to the factory in connection with a WARRANTY
CLAIM must be processed through the Customer Service Department.
If returned without a Warranty MRR (Material Return Request)
Number, no warranty claim will be considered.
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA
For parts, service or information regarding your local U.S, Latin America or Asia Pacific distributor, please contact:
For information on how to order parts or information regarding your local distributor
(Europe, Middle East, Africa) please contact:
9/270, 9/300, 12/235, 17/235, 21/215, 9/270HA, 9/300HA, 10/300HA, 12/235HA, 17/235HA, 21/215HA