Engagement Drivers EdgeDotGrow - EMPLOYEE LIFECYCLE
Engagement Drivers EdgeDotGrow - EMPLOYEE LIFECYCLE
Engagement Drivers EdgeDotGrow - EMPLOYEE LIFECYCLE
• We will always listen to employees’ ideas, • Hold ourselves and each other as a leadership team to a higher standard of
concerns, and problems with an open mind. behavior. The way we talk, the way we behave, and the way we deal when we are
angry and disappointed all need to embody the EdgeDotGrow values.
• We always give the benefit of the doubt and
not make decisions based on assumptions. • Have one individual check-in every quarter with every employee to discuss their
performance and growth.
• We treat every employee with the same
respect we expect them to treat us with. • Not shy away from difficult conversations and feedback, but instead, use them as
opportunities to contribute toward employee growth.
• Make the difficult decisions and be open and truthful with employees regarding
the decisions we make. If we feel we need to hide the reasons we do things, we
are failing as a leadership team.
To find out how well I am living this promise as a leader, I will also seek feedback every
quarter to understand how I can develop myself as a leader.
Employee Voice and Feedback
Low score
This lever refers to the opportunity that employees have that he gets more authentic and relevant feedback on
to provide input and for their voices to be heard about how things are going in his call center during those
important company matters, especially when these conversations than from what any employee survey could
decisions will impact them. This sounds simple enough, ever show.
but it requires a lot of maturity from senior leaders to
be open to feedback and to engage authentically with → Lindani implements an Ask the Founder initiative
employees. where employees can anonymously submit questions or
suggestions to Jamie or Chloe. On a quarterly basis, they
A great example of this is a CEO of a small insurance respond to any information received from this initiative,
company that holds quarterly Fireside Conversations while also trying to help employees understand that they
with groups of employees. These are informal discussions can always ask questions without having to be afraid of
on how they are experiencing the workplace and any potential consequences.
feedback that they think would be useful for him to know.
During the year, he rotates the participants of this meeting
so that in 12 months, everyone would have attended at
least two of these sessions with him. He often mentions
Personal Development
High score
The personal development lever encompasses the → Lindani wants to keep the momentum going with regard to
opportunities provided to employees to grow and this driver, and she establishes a quarterly development
develop. It’s important to understand that growth or discussion process and training goals for the year. She also
development and training are not always the same thing. negotiates learning licenses with a provider to ensure that
everyone, everywhere, has access to learning, regardless of
This lever refers to creating an environment where their role. The internal vacancy process is also made visible,
employees have access to opportunities to grow, for and she shares success stories where internal employees
example, through learning new skills, on-the-job coaching, managed to grow into new roles and positions. This helps
job rotation, or formal training. Organizations that do this others see the opportunities that exist at EdgeDotGrow.
right can create a culture where people see learning as
part of their responsibilities and always look for
opportunities to better themselves. The most well-known
method of doing this is through a formalized development
process, but you can also consider more informal
Team Relations
Mid-range score
Trusting relationships between team members are just creating a strong team culture. This includes team-building
as important as those with managers to ensure a highly days, regular connection sessions, and a personality and
engaged environment. In terms of collaboration, trust is strengths workshop where team members get to know
linked to having confidence in the competence and skills each other, their preferred working styles, and how best
of other team members and the belief that all team to collaborate.
members are pulling their weight. Very often, some of your
star employees can become disengaged when they think
that they are carrying the load of others and that the work
is not evenly distributed.
The last lever encompasses ensuring a good fit between your never done before; however, you have to make sure that they
skills, abilities, experience, and knowledge and the job that do not feel inadequate or that they are being set up for failure.
you do. This does not mean you should not stretch your
people, but rather that you should always equip them to → Lindani addresses this lever by creating clarity on what skills
execute what you expect of them. As much as setting are required to be successful in different roles. Instead of
expectations is a crucial consideration during the recruitment writing long and complicated job descriptions, she requires that
process, we have to acknowledge that the environment each manager contributes toward a one-page success profile
changes, and as people take on new responsibilities and that is reviewed every year to make sure that role requirements
challenges, they need to be appropriately equipped. For are kept up-to-date. Managers also use this as a basis to
example, when implementing a new technology system, are discuss employee performance; it also helps identify where
you sure that your helpdesk support team has been trained to employees need to be equipped with new skills in the role. She
deal with queries and has received up-front training as super then asks employees who are in the roles to contribute toward
users on the system? this as part of the annual review process and before a new
position is created. These success profiles are visible to all
This extends deeper when you consider how employees move employees, and they can use them as a basis for planning their
across the organization into new roles. There is nothing wrong careers.
with asking an employee to focus on tasks that they have