Something Unlimited Undefined Substance of Unique Quality)
Something Unlimited Undefined Substance of Unique Quality)
Something Unlimited Undefined Substance of Unique Quality)
6 Anaximander Student of Thales that believes that the arche is apeiron (boundless
something; unlimited; undefined substance of unique quality)
1 Reason The soul’s tool to achieve a good life (wisdom and perfection).
1 Aristotle The body and the soul are not separate. Without the body, the soul
3 cannot exist. The soul dies along with the body.
Kinds of Soul
- Vegetative Soul: physical body that can grow
- Sentient Soul: sensual desires, feelings and emotions
- Rational Soul: intellect that makes man know and understand things.
1 St. Augustine Being a creation of God, the human being is always geared towards the
4 good.
To know GOD is to know one's self
Truth - The truth of which Augustine spoke refers to
the truth of knowing God.
Medieval Philosopher
1 Immanuel Kant Through our rationality, the self transcends our sense experiences.
• Anatta – “no self”
• The concept of a self is an illusion. There is no permanent concept of the self. All
things are not permanent.
• Teachings based on Siddhartha Gautama or BUDDHA (“the awakened one”)
• Rejection of a permanent, self-existent soul (atman)
There are five (5) aspects:
1. Physical manifestation
2. Sensation
3. Conceptualization
4. Dispositions to act
5. Consciousness
Eight (8) paths to Nirvana (freedom from “attachments”):
1. Right view – cognitive aspect of Wisdom
2. Right intention – volitional aspect of Wisdom
3. Right speech
4. Right action
5. Right livelihood – do not harm
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness - the mental ability to see things as they are, with clear
8. Right concentration through meditation
• True knowledge cannot be known but perhaps it can be understood.
• Taos is a system of guidance.
Phrases that can describe Tao:
• Not a God
• Source of creation
• Ultimate
• Way of nature as a whole
• Awareness of the Tao together with the capabilities that enable a person to follow
the Tao.
Tzu Jan
• That which is naturally so.
• Condition something will be in if it is permitted to exist and develop naturally.
The Great Nothing
• Some things are just unexplainable and that’s okay because not everything needs
explaining. “Why does a chicken, I don’t why
1. Nyaya (Reasoning)
• It was founded by the ancient sage Gautama
• It deals with logic which is the process of reasoning
• Doubt is considered a prerequisite for philosophical inquiry.
2. Vaisheshika (Physical Sciences)
• It was developed by Prashastapada
• It emphasizes the physical sciences such as chemistry
• It includes exploring the elements of earth, water, fire, air and space, as well
as time, mind and soul.
Sibley (1965), an American scholar, translated hiya as ‘‘shame’’. Another
American, Lynch (1961) saw hiya as ‘‘the uncomfortable feeling that accompanies
awareness of being in a socially unacceptable position, or performing a socially
unacceptable action.’’ For example, when an employee is scolded in front of other
people. To add to the negativity of this interpretation of hiya, Andres (1994) described
hiya as ‘‘an ingredient in why Filipinos overspend during fiestas in order to please their
visitors, even to the extent of going into debt’’ (p. 64).
member of the student body. This entitlement is termed as ________ in the psychoanalytic
social theory of Horney.
a. neurotic pride
b. b. neurotic ambition
c. c. vindictive triumph
d. d. need for perfection
e. e. neurotic claim(s)
a. Genuineness
b. Unconditional acceptance
c. Conditions of worth
d. Empathy
e. All of the above are requirements for actualization
3. Don wants to repay all the favors he received from his neighbors and he even went
beyond what they had given to him. This concept is referred as __________ in the Sikolohiyang
a. utang na loob
b. bahala na
c. pagmamakatao
d. karangalan
e. pakikipag-kapwa tao
4. The facets of this factor according to Mcrae and Costa’s Big Five personality traits are
straight-forwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, and tender-mindedness.
a. Openness to experience
b. Conscentiousness
c. Extraversion
d. Agreeableness
e. Neuroticism
6. Derick has unacceptable sexual desires towards a colleague. According to Jung this is a
part of someone's _____________.
a. persona
b. shadow
c. anima
d. animus
e. self
a. Anarchic
b. Analytical
c. Monarchic
d. Dualistic
9. During the flood, some of the constituents helped their neighbors without asking
anything in return. This altruism that occurred during that event is considered as ___________
trait by Allport
a. cardinal
b. secondary
c. central
d. source
10. Janna had seen her batchmates perform successfully during the last dance performance,
because of this, she felt increased self-efficacy. This statement is an example of
a. vicarious experiences
b. verbal persuasion
c. performance outcomes
d. physiological feedback
11. Rahim is known to be very introspective, in fact this trait is so dominant to him that
people tie him with the single trait. This trait refers to the ____________of Allport.
a. cardinal disposition
b. central disposition
c. secondary disposition
d. attitude
e. stylistic disposition
12. Sunny at 18 years of age wanted to explore her independence and develop her sense of
self. This is only typical according to Erikson because she is in the ___________ stage of the
psychosocial development.
a. Dopamine
b. Serotonin
d. Adrenaline
14. Which among the following pairs have conceptualized ideal-self and real self in their
a. Central
b. Cardinal Dispositions
c. Stylistic Dispositions
d. Secondary