Chapter 4 - GA
Chapter 4 - GA
Chapter 4 - GA
Genetic Algorithm
Can evolution be intelligent?
➢Intelligence can be defined as the capability of a system to adapt
its behavior to ever-changing environment.
Can evolution be intelligent?
➢The behavior of an individual organism is an inductive inference about
some yet unknown aspects of its environment. If over successive
generations, the organism survives, we can say that this organism is
capable of learning to predict changes in its environment.
• The power to mutate is also guaranteed in any living organism that reproduces
itself in a continuously changing environment.
Simulation of natural evolution
• Evolution can be seen as a process leading to the maintenance of a
population’s ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment.
This ability is called evolutionary fitness.
How is a population with increasing fitness generated?
➢If two parents have superior fitness, there is a good chance that a
combination of their genes will produce an offspring with even higher
• Over time the entire population of rabbits becomes faster to meet their
environmental challenges in the face of foxes.
Simulation of natural evolution
➢We will start with Genetic Algorithms (GAs) as most of the other
evolutionary algorithms can be viewed as variations of genetic
Genetic Algorithm
➢In the early 1970s, John Holland introduced the concept of genetic
➢His aim was to make computers do what nature does. Holland was
concerned with algorithms that manipulate strings of binary digits.
1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
Genetic Algorithm
➢Nature has an ability to adapt and learn without being told what to do.
In other words, nature finds good chromosomes blindly. GAs are
designed to do the same.
➢Two mechanisms link a GA to the problem it is solving: encoding and
fitness evaluation.
➢The GA uses a measure of fitness of individual chromosomes to carry
out reproduction.
➢As reproduction takes place, the crossover operator exchanges parts of
two single chromosomes, and the mutation operator changes the gene
value in some randomly chosen location of the chromosome.
Genetic Algorithm
➢A genetic algorithm (or GA) is a search technique used in computing to
find true or approximate solutions to optimization and search problems.
Genetic Algorithm
➢The new population is then used in the next iteration of the algorithm.
Genetic Algorithm vs. Natural Evolution:
Procedural steps of Genetic Algorithm
Procedural steps of Genetic Algorithm
➢Step 3: Randomly generate an initial population of chromosomes of
size N:
x1, x2 , . . . , xN
➢ Step 4: Calculate the fitness of each individual chromosome:
f (x1), f (x2), . . . , f (xN)
➢ Step 5: Select a pair of chromosomes for mating from the current
• Parent chromosomes are selected with a probability related to their
Procedural steps of Genetic Algorithm
➢ Step 6: Create a pair of offspring chromosomes by applying the genetic
operators - crossover and mutation.
➢ Step 7: Place the created offspring chromosomes in the new population.
➢ Step 8: Repeat Step 5 until the size of the new chromosome
population becomes equal to the size of the initial population, N.
➢ Step 9: Replace the initial (parent) chromosome population with the
new (offspring) population.
➢ Step 10: Go to Step 4, and repeat the process until the termination criterion
is satisfied.
Procedural steps of Genetic Algorithm
Procedural steps of Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm
➢ Because GAs use a stochastic search method, the fitness of a population may
remain stable for a number of generations before a superior chromosome appears.
Case study
➢ A simple example will help us to understand how a GA works.
➢ Let us find the maximum value of the function (15x - x2) where
parameter x varies between 1 and 15. For simplicity, we may assume
that x takes only integer values.
➢ Thus, chromosomes can be built with only four genes:
Case study
➢ Suppose that:
• The size of the chromosome population N is 6,
Case study
Case study
• In natural selection, only the fittest species can survive, breed, and
thereby pass their genes on to the next generation.
• GAs use a similar approach, but unlike nature, the size of the
chromosome population remains unchanged from one generation to
the next.
• The last column in the previous table shows the ratio of the individual
chromosome’s fitness to the population’s total fitness. This ratio
determines the chromosome’s chance of being selected for crossover
• The chromosome’s average fitness improves from one generation to
the next.
Case study - Roulette wheel selection
Case study - Roulette wheel selection
Other selection schemes
• Tournament Selection
• Tournament selection consists in randomly selecting k individuals;
the parameter k is called the size of the tournament group.
Other selection schemes
• Tournament Selection
• Example : a tournament of size 3 is performed. Three solutions are
picked randomly from the population. The best solution from the
picked individuals is then selected.
Other selection schemes
• Linear ranking Selection
• N is the size of the population;
• SP is the selection pressure (1.0 < SP ≤ 2.0), and
• r(i) is the rank associated with the individual i.
Other selection schemes
• Linear ranking Selection
Crossover operator
• Crossover mimics biological recombination
• Some portion of genetic material is swapped between chromosomes.
• Typically the swapping produces an offspring.
➢n-point Crossover
➢Uniform Crossover
Crossover operator
• 1-point Crossover
o Choose a random point on the two parents
o Split parents at this crossover point
o Create children by exchanging tails
Crossover operator
• 1-point Crossover
o MCQ: Given a binary string 1101001100101101 and another binary string
yxyyxyxxyyyxyxxy in which the values 0 and 1 are denoted by x and y.
The offspring that results from applying 1-point crossover on two strings at a
randomly selected recombination point is
a) yxxyyyxyxxy11010 and yxyyx01100101101
b) 11010yxxyyyxyxxy and yxyyx01100101101
c) 11010yxxyyyxyxxy and 01100101101yxyyx
d) None of the above
Crossover operator
• n-point Crossover
o Choose n random crossover points,
o Split along those points,
o Glue parts, alternating between parents,
o Generalization of 1 point (still some positional bias).
Crossover operator
• Uniform Crossover
o Corresponding bit positions are randomly exchanged between the two parents to
produce two offspring.
o Assign “heads” to one parent, “tails” to the other,
o Flip a coin for each gene of the first child,
o Make an inverse copy of the gene for the second child.
Mutation operator
• Mutation represents a change in the gene.
• The mutation probability is quite small in nature, and is kept low for
GAs, typically in the range between 0.001 and 0.01.
Mutation operator
• Alter each gene independently with a probability pm
Mutation operator
The genetic algorithm cycle
Genetic algorithms: case study
➢Suppose it is desired to find the maximum of the “peak” function of two
Genetic algorithms: case study
• We also choose the size of the chromosome population, for
instance 6, and randomly generatean initial population.
• The next step is to calculate the fitness of each chromosome. This
is done in two stages.
• First, a chromosome, that is a string of 16 bits, is partitioned into two
8-bit strings:
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Now the range of integers that can be handled by 8-bits, that is the
range from 0 to (28 - 1), is mapped to the actual range of parameters x
and y, that is the range from -3 to 3:
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Using decoded values of x and y as inputs in the mathematical
function, the GA calculates the fitness of each chromosome.
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Chromosome locations on the surface of the “peak” function: initial
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Chromosome locations on the surface of the “peak” function: first
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Chromosome locations on the surface of the “peak” function: local
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Chromosome locations on the surface of the “peak” function: global
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Performance graphs for 100 generations of 6 chromosomes: local
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Performance graphs for 100 generations of 6 chromosomes: global
Genetic algorithms: case study
• Performance graphs for 20 generations of 60 chromosomes
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Maintenance scheduling problems are usually solved using a
combination of search techniques and heuristics.
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
Steps of GA:
1. Specify the problem, define constraints and optimum criteria;
2. Represent the problem domain as a chromosome;
3. Define a fitness function to evaluate the chromosome performance;
4. Construct the genetic operators;
5. Run the GA and tune its parameters.
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
Scheduling of 7 units in 4 equal intervals
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Unit gene pools
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Computing Fitness
• Interval 1: 0x20+0x15+0x35+1x40+0x15+0x15+1x10 = 50
• Interval 2: 1x20+0x15+0x35+0x40+1x15+0x15+0x10 = 35
lost capacity
• Interval 3: 1x20+1x15+0x35+0x40+0x15+1x15+0x10 = 50
• Interval 4: 0x20+1x15+1x35+0x40+0x15+0x15+0x10 = 50
• Next, compute the reserve capacity:
Reserve capacity = Total capacity - lost capacity – maximum load
• Interval 1: 150 – 50 – 80 = 20
• Interval 2: 150 – 35 – 90 = 25
• Interval 3: 150 – 50 – 65 = 35
• Interval 4: 150 – 50 – 70 = 30
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Computing Fitness
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• The crossover operator
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• The mutation operator
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Performance graphs and the
best maintenance schedules
created in a population of 20
a) 50 generation
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Performance graphs and the
best maintenance schedules
created in a population of 20
b) 100 generation
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Performance graphs and the
best maintenance
schedules created in a
population of 100
2nd Case study: maintenance scheduling
• Performance graphs and the
best maintenance
schedules created in a
population of 100
GA for solving Sudoku
a) Problem b) Solution
GA for solving Sudoku
• A Sudoku puzzle is completed by filling in all of the empty cells with
numerals 1 to 9, but no row or column and no 3 x 3 sub-block (the
sub-blocks are bound by heavy lines) may contain more than one of
any numeral
GA for solving Sudoku
• Initial Solution:
GA for solving Sudoku
• Fitness function
▪ The fitness function is built based on the idea of frequency calculation of an integer in an
▪ For example, in the array: [2, 3,3, 4, 4, 4], the frequency of 4 is 3, the frequency of 3 is 2, and
the frequency of 2 is 1.
▪ Thus, for the occurrence of each integer, if the frequency exceeds 1, then the calculated error
value is incremented by 1.
▪ This process is repeated for both row and column.
▪ In the above equation, (freqr(y) − 1) denotes the row error, (freqc(y) − 1) denotes the column
error, y represents an integer between 1 and 9, and F represents the fitness value.
▪ The total error calculation is done by performing the summation of row error and column error
considering subgrid error as zero since no repetition is allowed in a subgrid, and the total error
is subtracted from 100 to get the amount of fitness.
▪ In our described method, the chromosome with a fitness value of 100 is assumed as the best
GA for solving Sudoku
• Crossover: (two-point crossover)
GA for solving Sudoku
• Mutation operation
Other Optimization techniques
Evolutionary- Chemical-
Physics-based Human-based Swarm-based
based based
Genetic Algorithm Simulated annealing Harmony search Artificial chemical Particle swarm optimization
Evolutionary Ray optimization Football game-inspired process Ant colony optimization
programming Black hole algorithm algorithm Chemical reaction Krill herd algorithm
Differential evolution Electromagnetic field Political Optimizer optimization Sparrow search algorithm
Biogeography-Based optimization Coronavirus herd Gases Brownian grey wolf optimizer
Optimizer Multi-verse optimizer immunity optimizer motion optimization Rat swarm optimizer
Equilibrium optimizer Ali Baba and the forty Chemotherapy science Crow Search Algorithm
thieves algorithm Elephant herding optimisation