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1dark Legacy of Evard

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ENe 0 U N T E R S'

Richard Baker an exciting official DUI>;GEONS & DRAGONS" program. ::J
Development This adventure is a mini·campaign season designed to o
Greg Bilsland, Chris Sims be played in one·encounter sessions onee per week at o
Chris Sims
yom local \Vizards Play Network location. Each week,
players can earn in ·game rewards for their characters

Managing Editor and Renown Points toward special program-exclUSive

Greg Bilsland DUNGEONS & DR AGONS Fortune CardsU \ that can be used
Director of 0&0 R&D and Book Publishing in th is and future seasons.
0&0 RPG Group Manager Preparing for Play
Mike Mearls The DUNGEONS & DRAG ONS .ENCOUNTERS play kit pro·
0&0 Senior Producer vides all you need to DM this adventure, including
Christopher Perkins poster maps of encounter areas and a sheet of tokens to
0&0 Producer represent monsters, adventurers, and battlefield effects.
Greg Bilsland Follow the steps below to prepare for play.
0&0 Senior Creative Art Di rec tor
Jon Schindehette Before you run Session 1:
Art Director .. Read the Adventure Background and Adventure
Kilte Irwin Summary to get a feel for the flow of the story.
Graphic Designer + Read Session 1: The Old Owl, page 7, and
Emi Tanji Shadows Gather, page lO.lfyolI are starting at
Cover Illustration
another pOint, read the appropriate sections and
Eric Belisle what has come before.
Interior Illustrations
Rob Alexander, Dave Allsop, Steven Belledin, Matt (avatta, At the table of your first session:
Daarken, Eric Deschamps, Julie Dillon, Steve Ellis, + Ensure that each player has a character to play.
Emrah Elmasli, Brian Hagan, Ralph Horsley, Howard Lyon, Players can use one of the characters provided in
Lee Moyer,Jim Nelson, Brian Snoddy, Ben Wootten the kit or can create their own personas using the
Cartography DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules.
Chippy, Jason A. Engle, Mike Schley + Give each player a D&D Eilcounters Play Tracker.
Publishing Production Specialist This sheet, found in the play kit, allows the players
Erin Dorries to track treasure, experience, and Renown Points
Prepress Manager earned for each play session.
Jefferson Dunlap -+- Get a session tracking sheet from the organizer.
Imaging Technician
Record all the players' DCI/RPGA numbers on it.
Carmen Cheung along with your DCI/HPGA Ilumber. Tfyou or any of
the players don't have a DCl/RPGA number, ask the
Production Manager
Donna Woodcock organizer for a membership card.
Organized Play
Chuck Arnett, Chris Tulach During the session:
+ Each session is one encounter. Just DM the encoun·
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS,Wizards of the Coast, Wizards Play NetW(lrk,
ter assigned for that week's session. Typical playing
DUNGEONS & DR"GONS E NCOUNTERS.Heroes of lhe Follen Londs,
Heroes of the Foraouen Kinadoms, Rule. CompendIum, The Shodowf.!!:
time for one encounter is 90 minutes to 2 hours.
Gloomwrou!Jht ond Beyond, Player's Option: Heroe. of Shod ow. all other + Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
Wizards of the Coast product names. and their respective logos are fun of the game. As the DM, you can make some
trademarh of Wizards of the Coast in th" U,S,A, ami other coumries, adjustments to the adventure (see the sidebar on
All Wizards characters and the distinctive likeness"s thereof are
page 2) to facilitate player fun.
pmperty of Wizards of th" Coast LLC This material is protected under
the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction
or unauthorized use of the material or artw(lrk contained herein Is At the end ofyonr first session:
pmhihited without the express written permission of Wizards of the + Have the adventurers take a short rest if they want.
Coast LLC Any similarity \0 actual people, organizations. places, (lr but remind them to track their dai ly abilities. Heal·
events indued herein Is purely {Glncidenta!' ing surges used. daily powers expended, and other
Printed In the U,S.A. :P2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC daily resources do not rcircsh in between sessions.
only (ltthe end of each chapter. Make slIre your play· If a player doesn't have a character or doesn't want to
c.r~ tnu.;k lhi ~ IllrurrmlliulllIlI thdr D&D Encounters creale one from scratch, several pregenerated advc.ntur·
Play Trackers. CIS are provided in the play kit.
• Tucn in yonc session tracking sheet to the organizer. At the end of each session. you award experience
Make sure you've recorded all the DCl/RPGA num- points. treasure. and Henown Points. The players record
bers on it, along with names and the play date. that information on their D&D Encounters Play Track-
+ Report Renown Point totals earned for each player CIS, and you report the Renown Points eacil player
to the organizer. The organizer fills out the Renown earned 10 tht· organizer.
Point Tracker fOr the location and tells you if any play· Changing Characters: Players can switch char·
ers have earned OUJ\'GEONS & DRAGONS Fortune Cards. acters during a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ENCOUNTERS
• Give out treasure and e>.:periencc points. Make season. If a player wants to do so, he or she can bring
slire the players write down rewards on their D&D a new character with an amoun! of experience points
Encounters Play Trackers. equal to the character hc or she previously played in the
+- Collect your special reward for providIng your Ume season. However. the new character does not keep any
as a'DM to make the event happen. Your organizer lrcaSUf(! or items from the previous character.
has more details 011 this reward. Character Death: If a character dies during a ses-
sion. the player has two choices. He Or she can bring
At the end of each chapter: the same character back al the beginning of the next
• The adventurers take an e>..1ended rest, regaining all session with four fewet healing surges, or he or she can
of their hea li ng surges, hit p()ints, and daily powers. start tl new level·appropriate character. Jf a character
Also. their action point total reset. to 1. diC5 and has f~wer than lour heaUng surges remaining.
that character loses all orhis or her remaining healing
surges and can return next session wilh full hit points_
Creating a Character No other penalty exists ior death except for the
Players me responsible {or bringing their own charac·
potential loss of Renown Points for surviving eight or
ten. to each play session. A first-lime player can bring
morc sessions without dying.
a ht·level character created using the rules ulUnd in
the Heroes oflhe Fallen Lands™ rulebook, Heroes of,Ile
Foraotten KinadomsT.'1 rulebook. or the Player's Option: Advancement
Heroes ofShadowrM rulebook.In addition, players can The Reward section indicates how many experience
use rules presemed in Dranon- magazine in support of points to award the characters. The point total includes
tJlose product.... the encounter reward plus any exploration or stocy
rewards. Each character receives the same amount of
experience points, regardless of group size or player
participation. Reward XP at the end of each session.
Milestones: For every two encounters a character
completes without taking an extended rest, the charac-
ter reaches a milestone, ga ining an action point.
Leveling: Players need not wait until thelr char-
acters take an exte.nded rest to level. DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS ENCOUNTERS uses an accelerated XP award
s),stem to allow players to experience their characters at
levels one, two, and three.

As the characters progress through the mini-campaign,
they have the opportunity to gain treasure ill the form
of gold pieccs. valuables, and magic items. YI'henever
characters disco\lCf treasure, follow the instructions
provided ill the adventure, Use the follOWing rules to
divide trea~'Ure among the characters. AU the magic
items in this adventure come from the Heroes of tile
J'allen lands rulebook oc the Heroes of the Foraonen Kih8'
darns rulebook. .
Awarding Magic Ite ms: '''hen the char.t(;tcrs rind during pl.ty sessions can be found in bouster packs or z
a n oncon ~lJJ n abJc magk item. the players can decide online at w\\'\\·.DungeonsandUragons.cmn. o
whkh c ha raclc.r reeeh'es it. Usnal ly. these decisions will As the Dungeon MaSler. you awnrd Henowll Points
be easy. s ince cert ain item s arc beller Sllited for cer· at the end of a session of play. just likt! you wou ld gra nt
tain characters. If this is not t he case, t lIen you should ex perience a nd treasure. Unlike experience a nd trea- o
assign ihe new item to a c haracter who has no nun · sure, Renowll Point TOtals earned for eac h player IU USt o
consumable magic items. Tftwo or more characters lack be reported to the orga nizer a t the conclusion of the ses- I-
nonconsumable magk items. hal'e each of lilosc players sion whenyotl turn in you r session tracking sheet. The Z
roll a d 20. The c haracter ofthe high roller receives the organi 7.cr can then lel1 you ifany players have qua lified
new item. for a card.
Se lling hems: Ifnone of t he c haracters wants a The Renown <lccomplishmcnts. their freque ncy. and
particular mag ic item. tht! group ca n se lll! at the end the point \'alues of each arc listed below.
of the session usiug the rules from Rules C(Jlllp1'7laiumnl.
Oiv ide t he gold pieces H.'ceh·ed el'cnly among the RENOWN POINT AWARDS
pa rty members.
'Vhcn to Gea r Up: Cha r<lc ters can buy equ ipment Complete a n encounte r Session 3
at the start of each c ha pter. Bring a new player Session 2
Moment of greatness 1/c:haptl.'r 2
Revive a dying adventurer ally 1/c:hapter 2
Hit for 15+ damage against 1 enemy l /chapter 2
A CHANGING GROUP Kill 3 minions in 1 attack 1/c:hapter 2
Since you can never tell who's going to show up to a
Take SO enemy damage in 1 session 1/c:hapter 2
Create yo ur own c:haracter Season 5
wind up with a different group of players from week
Create a PC with Charac:ter Builder Season 5
to week. Some players might have missed a sessio n
Survive 8+ sessions without dying Season 5
or two, and others might have played sessions with a
different OM. That's fine. Catch new players up with
Bring a New Player: Current players ca n earn t hIs
a brief su mmary of what has come before, and make
a ward for bringing a player who has ne\'er before par-
sure that returning players have marked off resources
ticipated in the DIJ:-.:r;Eo,Xs & URAGONS EN COIJ",TUtS
they spent (healing su rges. da ily powers, and so on)
program (c urrent and past seasons induded).
since their last extended rest.
Mome nt of G r eat ness: ""hen a player do e~ some-
Majority Rules: If some e lement of the adventure
thing invcntive. daring, or just plain cool d uring a
plot hinges o n the adventure rs making a decision in
session, the UM can g rant th is optional aW<lrd or
a previous session, and the group is d iffe re nt during
a llow the other players to \'otc o n whether it shou ld be
the current session. find out how the decision went
down from the players. Go with the majoritY, and if
it's a n even split, side with t he most positive result.
For example, If three of five playe rs' characters at your Fortune Cards
table defended the armo ry in a previous encoun- lJU!':GW",Ij & Dnl\Go;\!S Fortune Cords are a new game·
ter and two didn't, t he a rmory is conside red to be play en hancement that showcases the chaotic and
defended for you r session this week. unpredictahle nature of advt!nturing in a fa ntastic
world of danger and magic. her)' time players begin
a session. t hey draw cards from their decks. activati ng
thc game henent of the card at the appro priate tim!;;.
Renown Points Each card providcs a game eITec t th<lt e nhances attacks
Onc ofthc greilt rewards ror playing in H D II.'\Gw",S or d c1i::nse~. or provides some other sort ofbenc1h to a
& DRAGO,,"S E;\'C:OUNTf.RS season is the accumula· player charac ter. Thcse cards are featured in UU NGEO/\,S
tloll of Hen own Points (RPs). which arc given out for & URAGONS F."'COUNTERS seasons going fo r ward - player
accomplishment... hy players during. il nd sometim es rewa rds wil l consist ofexdusive promotional f ortune
in-betwccn. sessions. These Renown Points are tracked Cards. Although plarers don't have to purchase cards
at Ihe \Ni:t:,II'd s Play Networf.: location and reaching cer- 10 play D II:-':(~ f.ONS & DnAGo:-,:s ENCOUNTERS, we think
tain thresholds garners the player a tangible reward-an they'll e njoy this new !;;llh aneement to their game
exclusil'c D&D Fortu ne Card . c.xperience.
Players CiLn tlse these cards during the current Fortune Cards arc a\'ailable in H·card booster packs
O U;\,GEOXS & OnAGONS F.",cOUXTERS season. subsequent with differ ing lel'cls of filrity (common. uncommon.
seasons, or pussihly hot h. Each card pl'o\'ides a certai n and rare) .lnd hrlng more excitement 10 the game titble.
be.nefit as detailed on the card. Buies un using the cards Players Citll cr<Jck open packs of cards just prior to
participating ill a game session or come to thei r game
with pre-built decks. fo r players wanting to take advan- ADVENTURE
tage Oflhis gameplay enhancement. we recommend
purchasing 2 boosters per play session or hringing BACKGROUND
a deck built according to the Fortune Card ru les, ThiS ad n :nture is a story of three wizards: Nathaire, an
available in the booster packs or on line at www.Dun - a mbitious mage eager to master the power.~ of shadow;
geonsandDragons_com. The set avai lable for purchase the infilmous Evard , who is supposedly buried in the
and use during this season of DU1'·GEONS & DK AG O ;';!j cemelery ofDupo nde; a nd Vontario , once Evard's
[ Nf:Oll;';TERS is called Sharlow O\'('r Nenrir Va leT,Il. riva l. Player characters arc travelers who are passing
D&D F.ncounlers CanIs: D&D Encounters Cards the night in Duponde. Another tTa\'eler, Nathaire. has
awarded In prior seasons have heneflts simi lar to For- loUowed rumors tha t Eva rd is buried in Duponde, He
tune Cards. For this season, players can eit her lise a plans to perform a ritual 10 trap hard's soul in a magiC
D&D EncoullIers Ca rd or a deck of Fortune Cards orb, hoping to ga in E,'ard 's mastery of shadow magiC.
during each sessioll . They cannot play with both Unfortu nately for Nathai re, [,'ard is not buried
options during the same session. In Evard·s Tomb. ha rd destroycd Vontari n in a d uel
almost flfty years ago. Seeing an opportunity to throw
Renown Rewards other enemies off his trail. Evard allowed fhe lerrillcd
towllspeople to belie"e thaI he had died, not Vonla rin.
When a player earns 20 RPs, he or she receives the fl rst
After arranging for the remilins to he interred under
D UXGEONS & D H.-\(;(),\'S Fortune C/lTd, called curmillfl pItH!.
a marker with his name on it, Evard wove wa rds of
At 40 HPs. the player earns I"cll oj scruples, and al 60
umbral magic over Vontarin's resting place. The master
RPs he or she receh'es coUluerillf.l!afe. Thcse cards arc
of shadows then left Duponde. Over the yea rs. the
awarded to the player immediately following the ses-
citizCfls came to believe that V011larin left after defeat·
sion in which the card is earned. Pl ayers can add these
Ing Evard, since neither wizard has since been seen in
cards to their Fortune Card decks upon earning them.
These cards are dist ributed by the organizer and any
q l lCS ti OllS regarding availability or quantities should be
d irccted to him or her.
Dark Lenacy ojfwmf is organi zed into thi rteen sessions,
summari7.ed in thiS section.
Session 1: lyVeary from Inn'd, the adventurers
pass the night in the tOWI1 of Duponde. They meef a
few fellow travelers. including the wi7.ard Nat ha ire,
who tells them the story of Evard. Later thai night , the
THE DESPAIR DECK characters are awakened when Duponde and its sur-
The Shadowfell: Gloomwrou8ht ond 8eyomfTM presents
roundings arc suddenly shiffcd into the Shadowfcll.
a new component for a DM to enhance his or her
G,!rgoyles adorning the inn come to life and attack.
game. The Despair Deck represents the unnatural
Session 2: The adventurers explore the town and
behaviors and neuroses that affect those who visit
discO\'er that Duponde is no longer in the world. They
or live in the Shadowfell. The deck contains 30 cards
learn not onty that Nathaire's valet, Remy, has Oed the
wi th names such as "Hopeless,n "Pa ranoi d," and
town. but also Ihat the local armory is infested with
MForgetful.'" Each card has an effect that temporarily
shadow monsters. The characters face a choice: f ollow
hampers a character, and when overcome, provides
Hemy or clear out the armory so the guards can ar m
a boon. At certain junctures in Dark LeBocy ofEvard,
players are prompted to drnw cards, If the players still
Session 3: Characters c.:omi nue with the choice they
have their cards at the end of the session, have them
made in Session 2. If they pursued Rem),. they catch up
record the effects of the card on their D&D Encoun-
to their quarry in the woods outside town. They find
ters Play Tracker. and ask them to return the cards.
Nathaire's journal. which helps them later in the adven-
They'll have an opportunity to overcome the effects
ture. If the ad"elliurers remained in town to baule
in future sessions.
monsters, it's a fight aga inst spiders and shadows on
Uuponde's st reets.
Session 4: Regard less or whkh pat h characters
took in Sessions 2 and 3. it's now clear that the trouble
st al'led at [vard 's Tomb. The characters make thei r
way to Duponde's .~raveyard, battling rest less undead.
hard's Tomb has been opened, bUlthe skeleton is sti ll >-
in its collln, and no sign ofNalhalre can be found.
Session S: A Vistani boy comes to the characters
Duponde is a town of about 1,000 inhabitants on
ilml leads them to the home of the seer Mother Gri · the banks of the White River. large areas within the :Ii
\'dda. Griveld a e~ plain .~ that Ullponde now suHcrs crumbling \.Valls have been abandoned in the last hun· :J
u nder a powerful cu rse. She tells ' he characters tha I dred years, especially in the southern half of the town. '-'
E\'a rd isn't buried in the gr<l\'cyard , his enemy Vonta rin
is. Unless the characters can placate Vontnrin's soul. the
Heavy undergrowth and trees grow in and among the
dilapidated houses. ":J
Shadowfell might claim Duponde a nd its people. W hile 1) Wa lls, Gates, and Roads: A 12-foot wa ll of Z
the characters are visiting the wise woman. a pack of
wolves all ac ks.
fiel dstone encloses Duponde, and a rickety wooden
walk lines the inside for defenders to fire over the wall
Session 6: Following the adVice ofi'vlother Gri\'elda. top. The walls are in bad shape. with countless gaps. <
the adventurers, searching for clues 10 Nathaire's inten- A guard normally attends each of the three gates.
tions. seek out Vontarin's long·abandoned manor. They Roads lead north, south, and west from the town.
fi nd that the forgotten manse is now home to a band of A pair of ancient bridges leads east, continuing
ticnings who welcome no guests. the King's Road, but they were destroyed io recent
Session 7: Characters continue their exploration of nooding.
Vontarin's man or, Oghting its current occupa nts. The Various locales-such as the Vistani farmhou se. the
explorers learn that Nathaire came to the manse but forgotten manor, and the old monastery-stand within
found little. a few hours of Duponde.
Session 8: At Sll ndown. Uuponde again slips into 2) Th e Old Owl Inn: The Old Owl Inn stands
the shadows. and the monsters threatening the town near the town's North Gate, a large yard surrounding
return. Before the adventurers can res ume their search it. This location is where the characters are stayi ng
fi lr Nat haire. they have to defend the town on(;(' more. during the adventure. The Old Owl Inn is operated
They must decide where thcy ca n do the most good. by Tilda, who employs several cooks, barkeeps, and
Session 9: VOlllarin's ghost. still possessing stable hands.
Nathaire's body, decides to d rh'c ofl'the townsfolk of 3) Chapel of Peace: The Chapel of Peace is not far
Ouronde. He an imates a wm'e of'u ndead attackers from the Old Owl Inn. Brother Zelan and two young
and sends them agai nst the town. The char,Ktcrs m ust acolytes maIntain this rundown shrine. Zelan is an
defend Dupondc against a force of skeletons. old, fat, stubborn Pelorite with a blustering manner,
Session 10: The attack of the skeletons provides a but he's wiser than he lets on.
key clue to the location of Nat h aire's lair. Tbese undead 4} General Store: The General Store is down the
came from the crypts of the ruined Sa inI A\'arthil MOIl- street from the Old Owl Inn, near the Town Courtyard.
astery. The adventu rers ca n visit the abbey's crypts and It is operated by a grumpy dwarf named Krugan. He
batt le more ofNatha ire's lackeys. has standard adventuring gear for sale, as well as
Session II: The characters continue their explo- common magic items. He is cranky, because a band
ration of Saint f\\'arthil Monastery. battli ng more of of tienings have recently been Intercepting caravans
Nathaire's ser"'l nts. The adventurers might learn that bringing goods to his store.
the fri ars removed se\'eral ofVuntarin's possessions S} Town Square: The Town Square is normally a
from his manor when the wizard disa ppeared. meeting place for the residents of Duponde_
Session 12: Characters fi nish their search uf lhe 6) Town Armory: The armory sits near the Town
abbey. and they corner Nathaire in the li brary. They Square, alongSide several aqueducts that bring water
hattie Nathaire and t,he creaturcs servI ng him. ' '''hen from the river. Marshal Grimbold 's offices are here.
the characters defeat Nathaire. they nnd that the purpl e 1) Graveyard: There is a large cemetery in the
orb he carries traps Vontarin's hateful soul. The curse western end of the town. The graveya rd is where
remains u nbroken. however. Evard's Tomb stands.
Session 13: VOll1arin's soul must be freed from 8) lady's House: A large hilltop manor in the
the orb at the place where his body is buried. or clse it middle of town is home to Lady Celice Arnaud, heredi-
might roam free a nd the curse might never be broken. tary ruler of Duponde. lady Arnaud is a soft-spoken
The adventurers shatter it. hut a ghostly remnant of human woman of sixty who keeps four watchmen
Vontarin appears and fights furiou sly against bei ng la id and a handful of selVants and clerks in attendance.
to rest. \o\Iilh the defeat of Von tarin's ghost. the ritual Is Duponde's guards answer to her, but lady Arnaud
undone. The mage rests again. and the town returns 10 allows GrimboJd to manage the town's defenses,
the world lor good.
~J\ye?" olle oj (he dll'arves asks. M Arrd II"hy is ,hOi?"
CHAPTER 1 -Because a lrosls lI"alk abroad a ll l1 ialllSsuch (IS Ihis,
frielld.~ lite o uartl allSll"ers.
AI the beginning orOark t carlc), oJl::mrd. caell character The )'011118 scllolar looks up. -Could Ihe lIhosc oj ,b'ard be
starts with full hit points and healing surges. as well as amoll8lhem?"" he asks.
1 action poin!. -Sollie S(I),,- Grilllbo/d replies. " YOII miall! kllow more
aboul that chall J do.'"
-HllsII, bOlh ofyour says THdll. -TlIat's a name beller leJI
SESSION 1: unspoken ."
THE OLD OWL Grimhnld pac ks lip 10 head out on rou nds. but he's will·
C haracters begin the advcnllIfc in the common room ing to engage the characters in conversation before '"
orthe Old Owl Inn in Dupolldc. The town sits 011 the
banks of the \~/ hite River, a few days' tral'cillorth of
le aVing.
Harkcl1\\'old. Acting as couriers, the ad\'cntuft.'l"s are
carrying correspondence from Fullercst to the cit)' of CHARACTER PROFILE:
Sarthel. Duponde is ju st a orief Slopover on their jour·
ney. Head:
Marshal of Ouponde, Grimbold is the town's chief
law-keeper and captain of the militia. During ordinary
nrcd after a lonn day of J1lC1rchina ill cold mill. YOIl're warnl-
times he's little more than a night watchman who
in,'Jyourseh'cs b)' Ihe hC(lnh oflhe Old Ow/Inn ill the t01l'1I of
supervises a few gate-keepers and carries the keys
Vupotlde. You\'c beenlrm'clillE du~ Kino's Roadlor a lI'eek,
to the armory.
headifl8 south to the cil)' oJSarthcl lVilh correspondence froll1
Key Traits: Skeptical. stub born, and smarter than
Lord Markel/ltl)', the l orel Wardell oJfallcrest.
he looks. Grimbold doesn't look like much of a leader.
' '''hell )'011 arril'ed in Duponde,yo u discol'ered that 'he
but he's a steady man in a crisis and well respected
city's I11'O bridoes lwei been ciamased by recent j100dins in rile
by the townsfolk. He is a keen observer and doesn't
Nentir Ril'er. j\TO\l',you mus, wail aJew days while die StOIlC-
miss much going on in town, but te nds to keep his
lIIasons repair rhe bridal.'.
opinio ns to himself.
Goal: Grlmbold wants to organize a defense of
Prompt t he players to introduce their characters and
the town against the immediate threats posed by the
describe t he m . i\ sk playcrs whether they've agreed to
Shadowfell and solve the mystery of what happened
serve as couriers or arc just tra"cling with characters
and why. Without the help of the heroes, his only
who have. Ta ke a moment to rc infi:lTce the idea that the
recourse would be to abandon the town and hope
c haracters arc already acquainted ifn01 friends. They
that some of the people survive.
share a few rooms in the upper fluor of the inn.
Motivation: Protect the people of Duponde.
If characters arc curious about the messages they're
Grimbold has lived in this town all of his life, and the
carry ing, they cau brcak the seals ami read the mi.~si\'{~s.
townsfolk are his neighbors and kin. He's wise enough
The leu ers d ea l with negOtiilting the marriage of Markel·
to ask for help if someone e lse can do a better job of
hay's SOil Ernesto to Vespa. a noblewoman ofSarthel.
it than he can.
When the p layers arc rcady, read:
Fears: Grimbold is afraid of making things worse
by making a poor decision. He is aware that he knows
Sllorrl), after dllrk, the rtlin leIs lip and wind rises ou tside. 1r
nothing about dire curses, angry ghosts, and shadow
rarrles the lI'indoll'pmlCs (Illd moans eerily in tire chim ne)'. Th e
magiC. Evard's curse is his worst nightmare-a threat
colllmon room benills 10 elfll' ty as rile lowlsfinish rlleir ale
he doesn't know how to fight.
(lIId make their wily back 10 Iheir homes. SOOIl. the only people
Weaknesses: Doubt and hesitation. Grimbold
rernainillO in rhe Old Owls COIIIIIIOII room are a Irio ofdwarf
second-guesses himself constantly, especially in deal-
trtll"clers, a dark-Iulired )'011118 mall ill the robes ofa sdwlar
ing with matters he knows are beyond him.
alld his Ila!flillO sermnt. a burlysuard in a browlI cloak. che
Mannerisms and Physical Characteristics: The
barkeep, a aray·bearded old man, alld die Old Owl's proprio
marshal is dour and close- mouthed, rarely using two
etress. a stout 1\'011111 11 oj middleyears who infroduced I,erself
words when one will do. He is a tall, round·faced man
as Tild" Gre'!/1eJd when you look lodflillflfor the nifllu.
of about forty, slow and deliberate in both speech and
Tlrea uard fi nishes II "lIlB OJ"OI cider. M Tllink J'd best be
all my I\"ay,~ he SllJ'S" to Tilda.
action. He wears leather armor and carries a crossbow
and a cudgel, which he replaces for o ld mail and a
'Take care ofyollrself, Grimbold," Tilda replies. "We'II
plain sword when things go wrong.
sllll! tire lap early, Tthink. II 's no lIinil1for noodfolk 10 be out
and about."
Others in the Old OIVI
The people In the inn sit up a little longer. The charac-
ters can engage them in discussion, or vicc versa. NATHAIRE
The Dwarves: ~GJlOsIS? NorlSense.'" An ambitious and ta lented wizard, Nathaire comes
Kal ha, Kristyd, and Kildrak ilrc siblings-two sisters from an aristocratic family in the city of Sarthel. He
and a brother-who arc skilled stonemasons. They've doesn't want to say much about his true purpose for
come here from Hatlllncrlasl 10 perform repairs on being in Duponde, because he doesn't want to deal
Duponde's bridges. They bicker with each other abollt with any "unreasonable" fears or concerns from locals.
trivialmancrs. They scoff at ghost stories. Key Traits: Clever, confident, somewhat patronizing,
Hara ld, the Barkeep: "'Travelersfrom the 110rlh. eil? Nathaire is full of himself, but he stops short of pick-
\ \'/WI brinEs you to DUJlollder ing fig hts by being downright insulting, If a hero takes
Friend ly and ta lkative, Ifnolloo bright, Harald was offense to something he says, the wizard swallows his
once a trapper and hUllter in the nearby lorest. He gave pride a nd provides a reasonably sincere apology.
it up and took work al the Old Owl years ago afiCf he Goal: Perform the rite to capture the remnants
lam ed hlmselfwlth one orhis oWlltmps. Harald knows of Evard's shadow-powe rs for his own. Nathaire
lillie aballl Evard, a nd he is \'cry superstitious. anticipates nothing but success, and expects to leave
Marshal G rlmbold: "1\'e secn some slrallfJC Ihil1fJs, bul Duponde In a day, perhaps two,
Dupollde'$ a quie/lolI'll. H'e like it thaI way." Motivation: Ambition and a hunger for magical
Grl mbold is a big, rOlln(Haccd man offorty or so. power. Mastering Evard's powers would make him
He's the leader of the town's militia. For his duties. he a very powerful mage. Nathaire isn't out to hurt
wears leat her armor. and he carries a crossbow and a anybody in Dupondej as far as he knows, his ritual
large cudgel. Grimbold su spects a dark influence in shouldn't have any effect on the town,
Dllponde from time to time, He thinks thai if people Fears: Delay and ignorance. Nathaire knows what
use common sensc, they ha\'e littlc to worry about. he wants and he's ready to take it, He worries that
Tilda Grenfleld: "Never mind Ihal talk.Just eryoy the thickheaded authorities and benighted commoners
fire (lIld make yourseh·es at homer couldn't possibly understand the importance of his
Shon and Stout. Tilda is a friendly chatterbox of a research, and might impede his efforts,
woman aboUi fifi.y years of age. Her husband died a Weaknesses: Overconfidence and impatience.
couple of years back. leaving her to run the Old Owl Nathalre thinks he knows more than he does and is
with a handful of woks, barkeeps. and stable hands, It anxious to put his project into motion.
has been hard, but she's making a good go ont. She's iI Mannerisms a nd Physical Characteristics: Precise
dever, inSightful woman who knows the town's histOry speech, big vocabulary, sharp wit, and expensive tastes,
and prders to let it stuy buried. Nathaire is dearly a man of high breeding, and like
Nul haire: ""'s fascinalino-the 1II0st ordinary town at many aristocrats, he's condescending toward socia l
firs1i1'ance. but oh. the secrels it harbors!" infe riors. He is a tall, good-looking fellow of about
Nat hai rc is an ambitious wizard from the city of Sal" th irty, clean·shaven, with dark hair and dark eyes.
thel . A tall. thirty.year-old 1111111 who has dark hair and
dark eyes, he comes from an aristocratic family. I Ie is
clcver, intense, and arrogant. I Iis servant is a loyal half. Spinning Stories
ling namcd Ikmy, who ne\·er leal'CS Nathaire's side. Depending 011 whic h people t he characters talk to, they
Nathai re claims to bc in Dupondc to research the story might hear some or a ll of tile following,
of Eva rd. Ghosts (Harald, Gr imbo ld, Tilda): "f\'ery now and
then. on cold llurtlJl1l1llilJhrs, jJeople sec thilllJs Ilround rite
10\\>1I-a pale specter Ihm freeus the hellrt with dread and dis·
appears, free bmnches Ihal seem 10 reach 0111. black shadows
EVARD THE BLACK tllat Jallll'here lite), shouldn't be and follow after rhose who
A character w ho succeeds on a DC 19 History or
see them. Some people haw beelllerribly fri8htened, bill no
Arcana check knows the following about Evard:
ones e\'er been hurt. Norhil1lJ to if, probably.-
El'ard's Tomb (G rimbold , Tilda): "f'orty.fifty years
EvaI'd Is a famous wizard who was active several decades
back, a wizard rUlIl1ed VOl1lc1rilllil'Cd here in DIlIJonde. 1\
080. He is renowned for his mastery of shadow mosic;
ril'lll. Emrd-(llIotoriOlls fellow, as wizards yo-callie to
his most famous spell is Evord's Block Tentacles. He was
Dllponde 10 demoy !Iilll. They fOll8ht one niB'u with black
ambitious and cunnin8, and althou8h rumors of his
IIlllfJic and left the old 1Il0llaHery in ruins with their spclls.
death have circulated. nonc have ever been confirmed.
Vonlorin \\,115 ncver seen a8ain (!frer thai niBhl, bUI theJrion
He had many enemies, the most powerful of which was
fOlilld El'flrd dead inlhe wreckane and buried him ill the lown
the wizard Mordenkalncn.
Evard (Nathaire): "r::vQI'II was II powerful wizard who
disappeared about fiflY yea rs a90. I lis specially was manic INSIGHT CHECKS
irifused willt til e power of shadow. alld he del,ised several lIew If any players want to use the Insight skill to try to
spclls- per/ulps ),0I/1'e /1I.'11 ra of f\'(ml:~ Black Temadt'S! l'\'c learn more, a llow DC 12 Insight checks.
becn trying 10 piece t08ether the story of his aal'Cllflires for The Dwarves: Katha, Kristyd, a nd Kildrak seem o
yca rs, and the trail led me her<'.lncl'er e.'(pecred tofind Ilis unimpressed by small -tow n ghost storie s.
10mb ill aforneltllble linle town like DUjlorHlc. Noll' J cnnfill Harald: He's not terribly bright, and seems like
ill tile ena of tlu.' story nna- belweCII )'011 lind me-Ielive ,his someone who believes anything he's told.
bll(k\l"afer.~ Grimbold: He's not t ruly worried, but he's happy
Nath aire (Grimbold , Harald , Tilda): ~A nice to stay inside out of the weather for a chat. z
cnollnhfellolV, althollyh lie's lI,ed to belle,. dum Duponde Tilda: She's a little spooked, and doesn't want to
alld makeslhal 11 litrle 100 d ear. Hc's beell hertfor IIfew days. scare herself silly With more ghost stories.
PClys llis wCly and CTeli spredds some extra around. Says Ire'5 Nathaire: He admires Evard, but thinks a wizard
srudyil1B Ill' ot! E\'(\T(l:~ Tomb.~ of Evard's power shouldn't have been defeated so
easily. He believes the townsfolk do n't understand
the importance of Evard's To mb.
For much ofthe adventure, the characters a re trying
to discover where the wizard Nathaire is and what Other Actions
he's up to, Here's a summary of his actions during If the ch <lraetcrs d ecide to look around the area,
t he adventure. accompany Grimbold on his rounds, set a g ua rd. or
Session 1 (first night): Nathaire attempts a head straight out to visit the graveyard. nothing Out of
shadow-magiC ritual at Evard's Tomb in the middle the ordinary happens. It's a cold . cloudy, windy night.
of the night. The ritual goes wrong, and Vontarin - the Duponde is an ordinary to\\,II. now bUlloned IlP fur t he
wizard buried in Evard's Tomb-possesses Nathaire. evelling. T he other people staying at the tavern go to
Duponde is pulled into the Shadowfell. Nathaire's hed, and nothing happens until you're ready 10 begin
serva nt, Remy, flees. the encou nter.
Session :z to 4 (fi rst night): Under the control of
Vontarin'ssoul, Nathalre calls a small number of d ark
ones to his service, using a ritual he knew as Vontarin. Midnight Madness
He goes to Vontarin's manor, intending to arm him· Charac ters can ta lk to any of t ile people remai ning in
self with Vontarin's old spell books and implements. thc common room. or they can go to bed. \V hen the
He finds that the old possessions are missing, but he players arc d one talking, their characters turn in for thc
determines that the monks of Saint Avarthil Monas: night.
tery removed the items years ago. In the middle oft hc night. Nat haire and h is servant
Session 5 through 7 (firs t day): At day break, sli p ou t of the inn through o ne oCthe back doors o r Ollt
Nathaire remai ns in the Shadowfell when Duponde the window o f Nathairc's room. The)' go to the grave-
returns to the world. Evard 's curse keeps him the re. yard . u nd the n Nathaire's ritual sets cvents in motion.
Sessions 8 and 9 (second night): At sunset, \-Vhen you're ready to begin, read:
Duponde returns to the Shadowfell. Nathaire goes to
the ruins of Saint Avarthil Monastery, and he begins Jll tire middle of lit e lIiOltl, " powerfUl sensation rouses ),011. lr
looking fo r the items a nd tomes that were removed feels like )'oll're beill8 wrencited ill lIlultiple directions wilholll
from Vontarin's house. He begins by animating the Ihe ability 10 orienl yourself. NotltiJlO ill the room is lI1isSil18_
skeletal remains in the monastery's crypts and dis- blltfu r'l1/sllill}1S are Sll/)t/)' out of place, Ihe air is cold, ane!
patching them into Duponde to drive off anyone w ho the walls have 80111" sliOIIII)' askew. Candles /llId lalllPs are
might interfere. At daybreak, Nathaire again remains strallBe/y dim. Imel shadows press ill frolll £II! sides.
in the ShCldowfeli when Duponde returns to the world.
Sessions 1.0 to 1:Z (third night): When night falls Characters can q uick ly dress and arm themselves
again, Duponde appears in the Shado.....feIL Nathaire if they we re sleeping. Go to the Shadows Gather
resumes his search of the monastery, looking for Von- e ncounter.
tarin's old treasures. The characte rs catch him.
Session 13 (third night): Duponde remains caught
in the Shadowfell until the characters shatter Nathaire's
orb, reuniting Vontarin's soul with his physical remains,
returning the ghost to its eternal rest, and return ing
Duponde to the world.
The presence ol"lbe gargoyles and the shadows arc side
SHADOWS GATHER cflccts or lhe shadowfal1 in Duponde. Don't place the
Encounter l.evel 1 shadows on the map yet. T heyh! not visible at the start
oj" the encounter.

Setup As the characters enter the taproom, read:

3 a nimated gargoyles (G) rhe old barkeep. Harald, is motionless on the ]1oor at theJOM
2 shadow stalkers (S) oj Ihe slelirs. No one else is here, bUI snlllll, lViJllJed creatures
jluHer around rhe room. You reel lize that Ihey are thecan'ed
Jf any players 1L"k whilt the strange lurching .~ensation WlrnoyJes that aaOr/led Ihe inll's doorway.
was or want to know why things seem dark and distorted,
allow a DC. 12 Arcana check. 1\ successful c haracter re,11-
izes that the inn ilml its surroundings hm'c p assed into Tactics
the Shadowfcll. a phenomenon known as shauowfall. An im ated Gargoyles: These creatures work
A fter the characters equip t helllselve.~ or start to together to bedevil those who cnter the room. One gar-
head downs tairs. rcad : goyle each rollnd uses harry to knock iJ character prone,
and t.he others swoop in to claw at those on the ground .
A screall1 of terror erupts from the i1l11s comll1OI1 room down- Shadow Sta lkers: The shadows arc hidden at (he
sta irs.followed by cackles cmd the breaking ofcrockery. The start of the encounter. To detect them, a character must
Old 011'1 is under mt(lck! succeed on a DC 20 Perception check They usc sltaelow
stalk to enter the fight, each picking out its own victim,
As long as it s shadow stalk lasts. the shadow allacks its
victim with shadowy rOilch. \Vhe n the target saves, {he
shadow nits back to a place where it can hide and then
attack again,

HP 25 : Bloodied 12 Initiiltive +9
AC 15. Fortitude 14. Reflex 16. Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 8: phaSing DMkvision
Resist insubstantial: Vulnerable 5 radiant

Born of Shadows
The stalker can make iI Stealth check to become hidden when it

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflell

Hit; ldS + 6 necrotic damage.
+ Shadow Stillk (nenOlic)'" Recharge when the stalker uses
shorlow step
Ano(k: Melee 1 (one crllilture); +8 vs. Renex
Hit; 1d6 + 8 necrotic dam"gc, and the stalker shifts into the target's
SPilCIl ilnd melds with its shadow(save ends). While the stalker
is melde d with the target's shadow, it remains in the t"rget's
space and moves with the target without provoking opportunity
attacks. The stalker iliso gains a +4 bonus to all defenses and a +S
bonus to attack ro!ls against the target. When the torget saves,
the stalker appears in a squ~ re adjacent to the target.

Shadow Step (Ieleportation) ... At-Will

TriR8er: A Jiving creature within 5 squares of the stalker <.Imps to
below 1 hit point.
Effect (Free Action); T he stalker teleports to ~ square a<.ljacent to
the triggering creature and gains a +2 bonus to ,,!tack rolls until
the end of its next turn.
Skills Stealth +10
Str 12 (+2) Dex 19 (+5) Wis 14l+3)
Con 13 (+2) In t 12 (+2) Cha ll (+1)
Alignment evil Languages Common
HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5
AC 15. FortilUde 13. Reflex 14, Will 12 Pe rception +1
Speed 6, fly 6

CD Craw + MWm $'"

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): +6 vs, AC o
Hit: l dl 0 + 3 damage (2d6 + 5 against prone targets), and th e o
target can't make oppurtunity attacks .lgainst the ga rgu),le until <
the end of its next turn. Vl
'" Harry + Enwunter
Effect: The gargoyle shifts up to 2 sq uare s.
Attack: Melee 1 (one ne~lilre): +6 vs. A( z
Hit: 2d6 + 3 damage. and the target falls prone. The target is o
dazed until the cnd of the gargoylc's next turn. Vl
5trl0 (+0) OexI6 (+3) W ls13 (+1)
(on 14 (+2) Int 7 (-1) eha 8 (-1) '"
Alig nme nt unaligned l anguages Common

Features of the Area

Illumination: Glowing Hreplace embers, along with
several oil lamps turned downlo\\', cast d im light o"er
the entire area. Outside the inn, it's dark. rn any location .
light sources illuminate only half their normal radius.
Bar, Bed, and Table: These squares arc dUncuh
terrain .
Doors: The doors arc closed btl! unlocked .
Fireplaces: llot coals fill these hearths. A creature
that enters a fireplace square takes Id6 fire d a mage.
Fu rnit u re: Furnished squares arc difficlllt terrain.

Harald is ullconscious- the gargoyles attacked him. He ofth e inn reveals that Tilda and the dWaTl'(:s are fine.
can be roused with n successflll DC 12 H eal check. or GrimboJd i~ ,. pre su mably, Ollt on his rounds. Nalhaire
wakes lip on his OIVII Icn minutes later. A quic k chcck and Remy are missing.

At the end of the session. each
character gains 2S0 XP for
interacting wit h the people
stay ing in the tavern and for
battling the monsters.
Dread: An oppressive sense of anxiety and hopeless·
SESSION 2: ness presses down on Ouponde. It feels like the wisest
course of action is to go back to the Old Owl and hide.
WITCHING HOUR Gloom: It's a dark, cloudy night. and an eerie gloom
Dupondc and its surroundings arc no longer in the has sell led o\"er OUj>onde. Light sources illuminate
world. Old warding mugic t hat Evard laid over the place only halfthcir norma l radius while Duponde Is In the
where he bur ied h is rival Von larin has pulled the town clutc hes of the Shadowfell. (Remember this w he never
into the Shadowfcll. the characters are in Ihe SlladowfCll . It applies for the
This session begins with the c haracters gathered rest of the .uh-cnture.)
in the common room urthe Old Owl Inn. The night Twisted Reflection: This is not the same Duponde
outside Is supernaturally gloomy, cold, and me nacing. the c haracters arrived In hours ago. Streets don't seem
Othe r denizens of the Old 0",1-Tilda. Harald. ilnd the to meet the same way; bUildings sti.l nd subtly distorted
three dwa rf tra\'clcrs-are ready to barricade them- and menacing.
seh'cs inside until morning. No sign can be found of the
scholar, Nathairc. or his servant. Using Skills
v" hen you're ready 10 begin, remind the players Players might ask il"skills CHn help them to Ilgure out
where they arc a nd what happened last time, then ask what's going all. The skills mo~t likely to be uSl'ful are
them w hat they'd like to do. Allow thc characters to Arcana, Nature, and Hcligiol1.
explore the inn amI its surrollndlngs for a short time. Arcana (DC 12): The J:(loom. chill, dread. and
\·V hen you're ready to tontinue. go Oil to Gr imbold's twisted appearance indkatc that the Old Owl'lnd its
Return. surroundings arc IIOW in the Shadowfdl.
Arcana (DC 19): Areas of the mortal world can
Into the Shadows shift into the pl anc ol"shadow under the elfcct of power·
This is a chance for the characters to .~tudy their cir- ful curscs. Thi s e,'ent is called a shadowfalL Somet imes
cumstam:es and see for thcmsd\'es exactly w hat sort Sitch shifts are permanent. and some times they rccur
of trouble Dupollde is in. SOll1e pos.~ihle alternati\'es intermiltently or end alter a t ime.
include: No gain is to be had in t rying to flnd how liu the
effect extends. Oupondc is now in the ShadowfCl I. and
Wait Inside the Old Owl anyone who leal'CS the town just tra\'els into the wider
plane of shadow and greater peril. T he best c hance to
No answers arc to be found at the inn. Tilda, Harald.
return to the world is to be in Duponde when it shilis
and the dwarvcs remain inside, barricading thc
back, either by waiting lor it to happen all its own or by
common room against more monsters. They ha\'e no
Oguring out \\"hat caused the shado\\"fall.
idea what's going on, hut they're happy to havc a party
Nature (DC 12): The Old Owl and its environs arc
of bold adl'cnturers guarding them, If the charactcrs
no longer in the natural world.
ask Tilda wha t to do, she suggests exploring the arca to
Relig ion (DC 12): The gloom Hnd dread suggest the
see how far the supernatura l gloom extends and to pro·
Shadowldl is intrud ing Into the world somehow. The
teet Ihe towllsfolk from allY 01 her monsters. Grimbold.
Shadowldl is the plane through which the sou ls orlhe
seeki ng help, e"entually returns to the Old Owl.
dead pass em theIr path beyond death. Dark magiC and
undead ofte n draw on its power.
Search for Nathaire and Remy
A quick check rel'eals that Nat haire and ltemy are not Explore the Town
in their rooms. Nathaire occupied the ground.fluor
Characters gaill the same inrormation they gain fcom
room that has a desk. Remy stayed in the room just
investigating the darkncss. In addit ion, they deter·
across from that one. (No one was stayi ng in the third.)
mine that D upomks pcople are now awake a nd very
Ordinary clothing and gear re main behind, and their
alarmed . Most arc locking themselves inside, unw illing
mou nts arc sti ll in the stable (sec Investigate the Dark·
to ,'cnture OIudoors. As the ad"entllrers explore, they
ncss).lt docs not appear th ey packed up for ajourney.
catch frequent glimpscs of threatening shadows that
qukkly slip out of s ight. They hear s tra n.~e soullds-
Investigate the Darkness clatters. thumps. and mumed shouts of alarm-lost in
If the ch aracters l'enture Into the gloomy night outside the dnrkness.
the inn, they quickly discO\'er a lew unsettling fact.s. Go to Evard's Tomb: If the characters head straight
Chill: A pervasive cold seeps into the bones. no for the graveyard, the), make it ailom halfway when
matter how warmly dressed or dose to a flre one is. Grimbold runs into them. Continue with Grimbold's

of the road. He lold me thallhe 1111lf1iI18-dte aile who scm.'5
Grimbold's Return dial )'oull8 wiwrd wl105 beclll'okillfl aroul1,1 fmrd 's Tomb-
After the U(h-cnillrers have had a Ch,II1CC to consider ]led ,ht' 10WII like he had a dozen demons 011 his heels.
Ouponde's predica ment. they meet lip wilh Grimbold W hen Eclclil1 tried to st0l' til/it little scoundrel, rile hCl!f1ill8
again. Ifthc characters arc st ill ill or «fOll ll d the Old stabbed him, r think Ihal half/in85 801 sOllledtifl8 to do with
Owl. Gri mbui(i Hnds themlhcrc. O therwise, lhe guard this. bUI we ,I/so fl eed 10 nel rite armory open. The armory
ru ns into them 011 (he 5trccts in Ihi~ manlier: . or rile fU8 ilil'e-wltidl can you look ill lo fo r mer

1\ dim lisin appcars ill fh e oloom. SCI'crll1 Cl rm t'cllllclI Eddin is wounded hut should live, irthe characters ask
approoch. The !clUler raises his lanrern !IiOI1. anel ill ils linltl about h im, Grimholu looks famrably upon this small
)'ou reco8"ize GrillJbolrl witll a couple of armed townspeople. kindness.
·'Ah. 'he rrare/ers.M he sClys. "I'm !Jlml ro see you. Some timl.!
CLlrse h(isfal1c n ol'er DUl'onrle. You IOllk Hkc)'oll CClI! handle
sOllie [rouble. ecm )'ou help usT" Decision Time
The players havc a decision to make: Do they pursue
G rimbold asks what the characters have secll and Hemy to find out what he knows, or do thcy stay in
listens carerully to any inrormation they ofTer. If the town?
characters ask :'t I.l Olil compensation , Grimbold looks ffth e players dccide to chase Remy.they gai n the
a little disappolmcd . Ill' says that the town has little quest Catch Ik my, Continuc with the Dark Woods
I1na ncial compcnsation to oHer, due to thc expense encounter. \"-/hile the characters are out chaSing t he
of the bridge rcpairs. Howevcr, he concedcs that lady haWing. C,rilllboid Hllds enough guards to dcal with
Cclice Arnaud wou ld surely award the p.1rtyat least the armory.
250 gold pieces in exchange lor u ncovering and dealing Tfthe players instead stay in town, they ga iTl the
with [he sou rce of the trouble, quest Protect Duponde. Go to The Armory encounter.
If the advcnturers ask how they can help, or when Grimbold sends a couple guard s after Remy. but they
you're ready to move on, the marshal adds: don't catch him.

'There's /rouble ,,1/ Ol'er tOWIl. MOllsters are roCll11il18 the

streets, and people Clre terrified. SOlllelhinB is /urkiJlB ill the
cirmor)" and our militia I'o/linleers need to yet in rilere 10
•~ properlx a rllllheIllSc/l'Cs. And. nOllell minutes C190. Ifo llnd
:: poor Eddill, the Ollar" at tile 1I0rill8tHc, blecclil18 (If the sid e
2 Thomskin Frogs (T) I . ' ,. " 'Levell Brvte '
DARK WOODS MedIum natural beil!it (aquatk) , , ' ,
HP 35; Bloodied 17 Initiative +4
E ncount er Leve1 1 AC 13, Fortitude 12. Reflex 13, Will 1, Percepllon +2

Make sure you know w hat the characters are u~illg lor a "
light SOli fce. AquOlclc
The thornskln can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat. It
Beg in by r ead ing: gains a +2 bonus 10 attack rolls against nonilquililc creatures.
STANDARO ACTIONS '~.' I,'" "I,,, ,1%11' III :,/ 'lill.I,,' /J'i "h' I I"" 'I"" 1'1."1'11/11
Yo u sel ou f nOrllnmrd,Jollowil18 ,lie road II'odifl8 out of
Dupollae. A mile outside toWII, tlte road crosses a sme,l!
CD Bite'" At·W m
Auack: Melee 1 (ane creature): +6 vs. AC
slream all eHl old stolZe bridal:'. The woods (Ire nrowillll Hit; 1d10 + 6 dOlmage.
dlid:er, and ),011 'w left behitu! Ihe farmhouses and fi elds t Potlnce • RechargeJZr@
511rrollllaill8 Durande. £ffeCl: The Ihomskln shifts its speed.
Altllclr: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
Hi[: 2d6 + 6 and [he
1 umbral sprite swarm (U) + At·Wi!I
1 sporeb'lck frog (S) Attack: Melee 3 (one creature): +4 vs. Reflex
2 thornskin frogs (T) Hit: The thomskln pulls the target up to 1 squares.
5t.16 (+3) Oex18 (+4) Wis14 (+1)
Con 15 (+2) Int 3 (- 4) Cha 9 (·1)
When the characters reach (he encounter area,
Alignment unaligned languages -
Croakil18 echoes from ,he 5hado\V~ around ),011, anc! then
I!jah.pi/ched voices, 1015 of 1111.'111, yi8!Jlillfj. 5i1l8i1l8, (/Ild
squobblilil/. i\ dim, 1)lIrr,le claud darts ana swirls ill the shod· HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +6
ows of the trees. Sallled,illS bin SI' /CI S/ ' CS ill ti,e water dose b)'! AC 18. Fortitude 15, Refl ex 17, Will 15 • '8

Sporeback Frog (S) /' I ';,' / ',', I i'; j'i,~ Level 2 Controller';:1

Medium natural beast (aquatic) ,'l'"., I ' ,1i.i.1Ii'-/.1,'It:I ::/J' 1.::JI','j,'l",":iJJUifl/,';,.I' ,

HP 41; Bloodied 21 Initiative +4 An enemy Ihat ends its ttlrn Within the aura lakl'.s 3 da mage.
AC 16. FortItude 14, Refle){ 13. Will 12 Perception +3 Swarm
5 ·Ii I The swar m ciln occupy thc.same space OIS anotiler creature,
and an enem)' can enter its spilce, which is difficult terrain. The
Aquatic swarm ClnnOl be pulled. pushed, or sUd b)' melee or ranged
The sporeback can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat. it auacks. It can squeeze through OIny opening thiU is large enough

gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls a ainst nonaquatic creatules.

CD Bite + At·WIII
for at least olle of the creatures it comprises.

(D Swarm o f Fangs ilnd Blildes + At·Wm

Attack: Melee 1 (o ne creature); +7 vs. AC Arrllck: Melee 1 (one creature): +9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target Is slowed untillhe end of the Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
sporeback's next turn. ~ Oarkwave (necrotic. zone) + Recharge ~ ITIi
+ Barbed Tongue + At-W ill Attack: Close burs t 1 (one crl'.ature In the bUTSt); "<-7 vs. ReFleK
Hit; ld8 + 3 necrotic damage.
Attack: Melee 3 (one crea ture): +S vs. ReOex
Hit: ld6 + 2 damage. and the spore back pulls the target 2 squares EffeCl: The burst creales a ~one of darkness thallast$ until the end
and knocks It prone. of th e swarm's neXI turn. The 20ne blocb line of Sight.
ilfiilCGEjI;£D ACTtON$'/!/./I/'IIIIIJ117!11/J.I(IllfIIJ.1IHI/,lIIfl,f!I/I/IIIJllr711.11IHilllllll 'f!lfI,W'/'III '1/1 I,TRiGGE o'Ai1noNs'lIiffilll/! 1 'Mfl111. ~1/1f/!llla 11 mll/IIIIHlfiIlMIIUI/I//!'ff" flli
(- Spore Release (pul~on) + Encount er Fade Away (necrOllc). Encounter
Tri8a",r: The spore back drops to 0 hit points. TriaSer: The swarm takes damage
Attock (No ActIon): Cluse burst 2 (creOl lu res In burst): +5 vs. Effect Cimmedillle Reaction): The swa rm becomes Invisible until the
Fortitude end of its next turn or umll it hitJ; or misses with an auack.
Hit: 1d6 + 7 polson damage, and the larget lakes a -2 penall)' to Skills StNhh +1 1
attack rolls (save ends). Str 8 (+1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 13 (+3)
Str 15 (+3) Oex 16 (+4) Wis 15 (+3) Con 15 (+4) tnt 13 (+3) Cha 15 (+4)
Con 18 (+5) tnt 3 (.3) Cha 9 j+O) Alignment un aligned l anguages EIYen
Skills Stealth +9
Alignment unaligned l anguages -
figh!. They use rOflflue,9rab agai ns t a target the), have
no othef way to reach wil h bire Of pounCt~, or against a
target they can pull into the water.

Features of the Area

Illumination: Jt's dark. Light sources illuminate
only hulfthcir norma l radius.
Boulders and togs : T hesC' sqlmres arc di mcult

terrain. z
I,ow Bluff: Creat llres can descend the bluff (lS ifit o
were difficult tC' rrain. Climbing lip the blufl'reqllires it
sllcces.~flll))C S Athiefin check.

Pond: \ Vater soulh of the bridge is deep. Crcalllre.<; "'


can move through these squares only hy swimming.

No check is required, but each square requ ires 2 extn!
Tactics squares of mm·cmenl. Those in Ihe pond gain partia l
The sprites arc hovering near the carn ivorous cover against attacks fro m olltside the water.
frogs. hoping that t he a mphibians waylay sumeone Stream: This water is difficult terrain.
illlcrcsring. Trees: A tree tr unk's square is d ifficult terrain.
Spore hack Frog: Thi~ amphibian hangs back by the Climhing it requires a DC 8 Athletics check. The trees
pond. 1I10\'ing unly close enough to lise its barbed IOrtlJ"C arc about 20 fecI tall.
iu titck.lfit can. it pulls irs target inlo the pond. where
the frog has the advan tage of its aquat ic trait.
Sprite Swarm: This hOl'dc flics into t he best Conclusion
position to u sc its ciark\\'cu'c attack agDi llst the most Close to the bridge. characters find it tattered bedroll
characters possible. The swarm cares little abolll the and an empty saddlebag. Smal l. muddy boot prints con-
frogs. btl! it tries to 3\'oid impeding the frogs' auads. tinue north down the rOild. Remy had a close scrape
After using darkwal'e. the sprites skirt arollnd the with the frog" when he passed through t his area. and
outcr edges oft ht: b:1I11e. attac king w ith swarm of he lo~t ~orne of his gear a~ he made his escape.
fangs and blades.lflhc swarm is bloodied and the
frogs arc dead. the swann flees. It might san~fatJ c Rewa rd
m\'ay Jor it s escape. At the cnd or lhe session. each character gains 100 XP
Thornskin Frogs: These frogs each moyc to attack for battling the monsters.
the t\\'o nearest characters. using poullce to begin the


HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +S
E n co unt er Leve l l AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +7
Speed 6. climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5
' Vh en th e characters e nter th e area, read : Resist 5 poison
Followill8 Grimbold 's directions, )'011 IJIOW Il1roll811 rhe
darkened streets to till! armory. rlJe lJloom seems 10 be Web Walk
alh'C. shadowsjloll'inn around Ihe dim a'ow ofliahl sources. The spider igno res difficult terraIn composed of webs.
.Final/y. your IJ'oup reaches the celtiC of [he river, where an liSi'A'NOARii, Aciro~sl/t!lllll/'1f!I/'
aqueduct. rullS Illroll811 the 1011'11. Y(JlI wn barely make OUI tlle
CD Bite (poison)" At·WiII
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
siliJouelte of a laroe,lIm-story scone Imileliull inlhe shadows. Hit; l d6 + 3 damage, and the t~rget takes ongoing 5 poison
damage (save ends).
Setup t Death from Above" Recha rge §~1!]
Effect;The spider jumps up lO 6 squares. This movemenl does not
2 spider swa rms (5) provoke opportunity attacks, After the jump. the spider uses
1 d eat hjump spider (D)
3 leeching shadows (L) ..
bite, knocking the target prone on a hil.

t Prodigious l eap" Encounter

!1Ij1111jWIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU,~ 1111111111/1111"11

00 not place the mons t cr~ until the characters cross t he Effect; The spider jumps up to 1 0 squares. This movement does
bridge. The dcathju mp spider is hidden atop the roof . not provoke opportunity attacks.
~ Skills Athletics +9. Stealth +8
at the start of the encounter. A character Ill llst slIcceed
Str 14 (+4) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 10(+2)
on a DC 18 Perception check to detect it. The leec hing Con 12 (+3) In t 1 (-,3) Cha B (-1)
shadows arc not visible. They emerge from the stat ues Alignment unaligned l anguages -
during their turn.

"Vhcll th e characters reach the opposite s ide oft hc

bridge, read: HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
Tlte door 10 Ihe armory is ajar. and lite body ofolle of AC 15, Fortitude 13. Reflex 14, W ill 12 Perception +1
Du,)oltd e:~ soldiers lies on Ihe tllreshol4. The body is coI'ered Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
ill small biles. As you see this. rlle windows of rile armory 'I,ir_ AIfs"Ifill Wllllj Illj 11111111111/1111/111 1III1!llj IIIIIIIIII!/IIII! 111/111/1111/1111/1/11/11111111111111111111
Born of Shadows
benilt to undulale as hundreds of spiders bcOill pouTing our.
The shadow Ciln ma ke a Stealth check to hecome hidden when it
has partial concealment instead of needing total concealment.
'/ lSpiderSwar~s{S) . ,,,,, , I'. "'level,3Soldieri;-t, Il,STM~ tiA'R'6'lA '10N-S'llh~ II/~ /llf/l IlfJltlrfllll lflllllllfl!.1I!IIflfl!llflf(f,~III.II/!(//l11II11 fI WIt.
,"M"'" ' na(ura
t;:Ulum ' Ib e<'Ist (d ' " ) I
spl E!r.5Warm I'" '"
.' f", , 1,.,,,1,,I CD Shadow Meld'(necrot}c) + At·W ill'
HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +6 Anack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
AC 19, Fortiwde 13. Reflex 16, W!II 15 Perception +3 Hit: 4 necrotic dilmage. and the shadow shifts into the target's
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Tremorsense 5 sp~ce and melds with its shadow (save ends). While the shadow
Resist half d~milge from melee and r,mged attacks; is 50 melded, it is re moved from play. and the target grants
Vulnerab le 5 to close and area attacks combat advantage and takes ongoing 4 nl!crot ic damage. When
Il.rrR!i.I"'IHIII~r!IIII/l1I11 the target saves. the shadow rea ppears in a square adjacent to
-0 .Swarm Attack + ~ura 1 . i' the targct of the shadow's choice .
Any e nemy that starts its turn in the aura is slowed unti l the start Skills Stealth +8
of ilS next turn.
.. , SIr 11 (+0)
Con H(+2)
Del( 16 (+3)
, Int 5 (-3)
Wis 13 (t 1)
Cila 10 (+0)
The swarm can O(~upy the same space as another creature, Alignment evil languages Comlllon
and an enemy can enter its space. whic h is diffic ul t terrain. The
swarm cannot be pulled. pushed, or slid by melee or ranged
attack~. It can 5quee~e through any opening that is large enough
fO,r at least onc of the creatures it comprises.
Web Walk
The spider ignores difficult terrain composed of webs.
'liS'TANDAltO ACnOHSI/ilffl/1 Y/,rtflfll'IINIIJ,Wllflllf.'I/lllIt'llfllfMfllllli II/M!lII1!@fI/II/f!flli~ f rl
l CD Swarm of Fangs (p.0ison) .. At-Will
Attack: Mf!lf!e 1 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
Hil: 1d6 + 3 da m ~ge. ~nd ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Skills Athle tics +6, Stealth +9
Str 11 (+1) De-x 17 (+4) W is 14 (+3)'
Con 12 (+2) In t 1 (- 4) Cha 7H)
Alignment unaligned languages -
requ ires a DC 12 '!'h icvCfY check to pick a lock or a DC
Tactics 19 Athletics to fo rce opcn a door.
These monsters arc quick 10 go aficr the nearest poten· Furniture and Goods: These squares arc d ifficult
tial vict im, C\'Cll if that means abandollin~ good tover. termin.
Dcathjump Spider: This arachnid is hidden atop Roof: The roofofthc armory is 20 fee t high. and
the roof. and it uses dl.'Qrhfrorn clbol'C <I S its opening unlike t he !'; urrounding huildings. It is nal.
auack. Once bloodied. it scoules away into the shadows Stairway: These sta irs are d ifficu lt terrain. They
agai n and sets up fo r another attack at a different target. lead to the armory's upper noor (currently empty).
Leech ing Shadows: These creatures remain Statues: The statues a t the fOOl or each bridge a re "Z
hidden. waiting for the characters 10 engage other blocking terrain. o
mon ~;!e rs. \-Vhen the party's attcmion is Jocuscd onlhe Tables: These square!'; are difficult terrain. Vl
spiders. the leeching shadows creep Ollt to attack char- Vl
\Vindows: The armory windows a rc 5 feet above OJ
acters w ho arc hanging hack. the street out side. Bar!'; cove r eac h window. which is Vl
Spider Swarms: \.vhen combat begins, these about 1 foot wide and 4 reet tall.
s wa rlll .~ rush through tiny openings illlhc armory walls
and hurst out onto the street to menace as many ene-
mies as possible. Conclusion
The armory conta ins twellt)' suits of leal her armor.
twe nly light shields, twcnty crossbows, twenty spears.
Features of the Area twenty clubs. and countless crossbow bolts. After the
Jllumination: It's dark. light sources illuminate characters defeat the monsters infesting the a rillory.
on ly half their normal r ad iUS. . a handful ofDuponde's militia begins to arrivc. The
Aquedu ct: The water is 5 feet below the level of guards th;.mk the characters filr the help and begin to
the streel. and it Is jO feCI deep. No check is required a rm lip. but they report that more monsters have been
to sw im. but eac h square requires 2 extra squares of seen roaming the town. Grimbold is leading othcr
movement. CrealU res in the wmer must use a move guards on a sweep orlhc streets. I lowe\'er, the danger is
action and succeed on a DC 12 Ath letics c heck to climb far from over.
from the water up 10 the s treet.
Bridges: The highest level of each arched bridge is
10 fCC I "hove t he water orlhe aqueduc t.
Al lhe l'nd oflhe session. eac h character gains 100 Xi>
Cart: The bed orlhe cart is 3 feet ahove the street.
for battling the monsters.
I\,loving illlo the cart rcquirt!s 1 extra square of
Doors: The doors leading into the armory (the cen-
tral building) arc unloc ked. Other doors arc locked. It
SESSION 3: Skill Cha llenge: Tracking Remy
This ch a llenge begins when th e characters set out
DARK DREAMS from the si te of their batt le against the frogs . Th ere,
ch aracters fo und Remy's prints ncar a small bridge
In Session 2. t he characters had two choices: Pursue
in th e woods outSide town, ti S well as di.~card e d gear.
Nathairc's servant Remy and catch hi m before he
T he party needs \0 ru n down th e halfl ing b efor e he
escapes. or battle the shad ow-monsters roa ming the gets away,
s treets ofDuponde. During t his session, the charae- Level: I
lets continue on the path they selected last ti me. ITlhe
Complexity: 1 (4 successes belore 3 failures)
characters are on Remy's trail. begin th is session w it h
Primary Ski ll s: .Endurance. Perception. Nature.
Remy's Trail. Those who chose to drive the monsters
out of the town armory hegin th is session with Streets
Endurance (DC 8;yroup check): The characters press
on toget her at their best s peed . trying to overtake the
fi.tgitive. Each character makes an Endurance check.
Remy's Trail The party gains one success if ilt least half the checks
Alt hough he might appear to be nothing more than are successful.
Nathaire's valet, Rem}, is a talented henchman and Nawre(DC 12): The ch aracter hel ps maintain bear·
assistant. handy w ith a knife and a bit of pOison . During ings a long the path.
the events o[Session 1, he accom panied Nathaire to Perception (DC 12): The character follows Remy's
[ vnrd 's Tomb and helped perform the ritual to drain muddy trai l in the fores\.
the power from Evard 's rem ains. However, the ritual Stealrh (DC 12;yroHp check): The party keeps noise
wem awry. The ghost ofVontarin . the wizard who is 10 a mi nim UIll to listen better and avoid alerting foes.
huried in Evard's Tomb, possessed Nat hairc. Nathaire Each cha racter makes a Stealt h check. T he party gaill.<i
then killed the hired laborers who helped h im to open one success if at least half the checks are successfu l.
the tomb, and that was all Remy needed to sec. The Success: Characters discover the encampment of
ha lOing Oed into the night, thinking of nothing but Hemy's bandit allies without being spotted. T he party
escaping from his master and the town of Duponde as can qUickly conceal its light sources to avoid alerting
qUickly as possible. the bandits. Go to the Nowhere to Run encounter. The
Rem)' has friends in the area-a gang of b rigands adventurers can attack the camp. surprising foes as long
loya l to Nat haire. They guarded the wizard duri ng the as they me no lights.
journey to Duponde and camped just outside town in Failure: The characters arc 100 slow. Remy directs
case Nat hai re needed a little extra muscle, The h,dning the band its to set an ambush tor pursuers, and then he
intends to collect some supplies at the camp and head escapes before Ille party arrives on the scene. Go to the
au{ at ollce for safer parts. It 's up to the characters to Nowhere to Run encounter. Enemies gai n surprise
catch him before he makes his escape. against the characte rs, and Remy is not present.


If you are using the Despair Deck from The Shadowfell: If the characters catch Remy at the bandit camp,
Gloomwrouaht alld 8eyandlM , players might have to the hatfling is willing to talk if the characters make
draw cards during the skill chall enge. Whenever any it clear they just want to ask a few questions. When
character fails a check as part of the skill challenge for asked what he knows about Nathaire or the cause of
the first time, that character's player must draw a card the shadowfa ll, Remy revea ls that he accompanied
to determine what effect takes hold. Use the narrative Nathaire to Evard's Tomb. The re, the wiza rd per·
to reinforce the card a player draws. For example, if a fo rmed a ritua l. Something went wrong, and a dark
characte!' fails a Perception check to find Remyand presence "went into" Nathaire. The tomb wa lts gave
the player draws the Craven card, you might say that off a pulse of energy that, as Remy puts it. "changed
the character gets spooked by shadows flitting about the night." Nathaire went mad. and he killed t he hired
in the woods. At the end of the session, ask the play· laborers and tried to slay Remy. At that point, Remy
ers to return the cards and record any despair effects fled in terror.
still affecting their characters. The Dark Woods encounter might stlll become
a fight , si nce Remy absolutely refuses to return to
Duponde, If he suspects that t he characters inte nd
to take him in, he orders t he bandits to attack.
Streets of
Clearing Out the c
armory is an excel-
lem I1rst step to '"
helping the folk of
Oupondc make it
through the n ight,
OUI dangerolls crea- z
tures still roam the o
s(reel", 'Norse yet.
panic a nd despair
have descended O\"er
the town.
The Illost da nger.
ous threa t remaining
at large in Duponde
is a !,;lllal1 pack of
dusk heasts. preda-
tory creatures nath-e
to the Shadowfcl l.
These p redators see
DUJ>ondc's sudden
;:Ippearancc in their
domai n as a poten-
tial fcast orhdple.~s . terri fled people. The pack roams ArcClna (DC 12): The cha racter uses his or her knowl·
the streclS, its membe rs trying doors and sniffing;:1f edge of the Shadowfdl to ide nt ify thaI one of the groups
wi ndows in the hopes of flnd ing casy prey. of monsters consists of dusk beasts, c reatures of the
Other monsters arc present. as well. Small animate Shaliowfell that teeu on shadows for sustenance.
shadows ha\"c sprung tip all o\'er tuwn. and they a rc 8!uff(DC 12): The character fe igns cries fo r help.
stalkl lig a nd torment ing Dupondc's people. A few dark trying 10 draw ill monsters lingering nearb}'. Alterna-
ones were in the vicinity when Duponde appeared in th·d}'. the c haracters can mimic a large. aggresSive group
their bleak domain. Their scouts a nd spies are already of"hullters, trying to drive monsters into a dead eml.
st udying the lay of the land, plotting misch ief: A few Dil'lol/wc)' (DC 12): The c ha racter cal ms panicked
ha\'e Joined Vonta rin . townspeople a nd quickly gains reliable information on
1Il0nster sighti ngs.
Skill Challenge: Endumnce (DC 12: WOUI' check): Th e chanlcters try to
Searching Duponde cover a lot of ground qUickly. Each cha racter makes a n
Endurallce c heck. The party gains one sllccess if at least
The skill chal lenge begills when the characters set out
half the checks arc successfu l.
from the town a rmory to prOleCI D upolldc from any
Perception (DC 12): The c haracter listens for dista nt
other monsters that might be roami ng the streets. They
ca lls for help or signs of prowling monsters. identifying
can hear bedlam breaking loose in the darkened town.
the direction the party need s to go.
More monsters arc at large in Duponde. menacing the
Success: Characters complete a sweep of the town.
townspeople. and someone needs to search tor the crea-
alerting the townspeople to t he danger and locating the
tures. help th ose in need. a nd spread word to stay inside
dusk beast pac k roaming t he streets. Go to Ihe Streets
wit h doors ba rred a nd windows s hutt ered .
o f Shadow encounter. Each characte r gains a +2 bonus
Le \'el: I
to a uack rolls during the encounter.
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 fail ures)
Failure: The characlers become d isoriented in the
Primary Ski lls: Arcana. Bluff. Di plomacy. Endur·
darkness and stumble unprepared into the dusk beasts.
ance. Perception, St reetw ise
Go to the Streets of Shadow encounter. The chame-
I\ rcana (DC 19): The c haracter makes educated
ters arc surprised at the start of t he encounter.
guesses where shadow mousters are likely to lurk.
Slreelwise (DC 19): The character anticipates the
!!" movetnents of enemies 111011 are trying to ayoid delee-
! tion in ulleyways ~nd abandoned houses.
HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6
Encounter Level 2 AC 16, Fortitude 12. Renu 14 . Will 12 Perception +1
Speed 6
Skill Challenge Success II TRA If, 1/11/!II/IIIr. i1l1!IIIIIIIMllfIIIII11IIIIII'III1HUIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIII (I, fililllll!
If the characters Sllcceeded on the skill c hallcJlgc. they , Combat Advantage
The bandit dea ls 1d6 extra damage against any creature granting
spot Remyand his compa nions berare tJle villains have
combat advantage to it.
a chance to douse t hei r fire. Read:
i,STAlIO'Ro/A",Id.illfl /!II'illllllllllllimlilill !JIll Wlllllllllllllillllil/lIIIIIIIWllllil',
I CD Mace (weapon) + At-Will
j\ short distance ahead is the dim,j1ickcrin9 !iB'n oj (i Auack: Melee 1 (one creaTure); +7 vs. AC
clllllpfire in rhe wooas by ti,e side of the roml. Sewnl! coarse Hit: 1d8 + ') damage, and the bandit can shift 1 square.
IZHlIlflrlS and 80blills firc 8(ltlicred around the fire. 111 the ® Dagger (weapon) + At-Will
middle ofthe woup is a ha!f1illEJ, shovill80ear [mo (I back- Atlack: Ranged 10 (one crCilture); +7 vs. AC
Hit: ld4 + 5 damage, and t he bandit can shift 1 square.
pack and issuin9 inSrrllC/iOl1s to rhe olhers ill flllUfnCfII voice.
No olle seems 10 IWI'e noticed ),011 yet
+ Dazing Strike (weapon) + Recharge when the attack misses
At!ack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: ld8 + 5 damage. and the target is dazed until the cnd of the
Skill Challenge Failure bandit's nClI t turn.
Characters who fail in the sk ill ch<llIcngc blund er into Effect: The bandit ~an shift 1 square.
Skills Stealth +9, Stree/wise +7, Thievery +9
a surprise attack. Remy is already gone and should be
~ Str12 (+2) Oex17' (+4) Wis11 (+1)
replaced-add one morc common bandit and one morc Con 13 (+2) Int 10(+1) Cha 12 (·t2)
goblin sniper to the encounter. The bandits arc under Alignment unaligned Languages Common
orders to waylay anyone who seems to be following Equipment leather armor, nlilee, Ii daggers
Rem)'. Read:

The road I'(iSSCS rhrouah dark rJlickelS (ind sleep. rock)' escarr -
I11CtHS. Your chase liaSyel 10 bear results, bUI suddenly),ou HP 1; a misscd attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3
Iwar bartle cries and the sharp repon of arrows loosed illlo rhe AC 13, Fortitude 12, Refle ll 14. Will 12 Pe rception +1
darkl1ess. Lt's (it! ambush! Speed 6 Low-light vis ion
/J\TftAH'~ I"~7fj,!llilili/f.WI!fll;!.IIJfIJI! lljljfjj/if/h/'~ ~/!.lliJ. f l'lllt'
Setup If the goblin misses wi th.l ranged atlack whi le hidden. it remains
3 common bandits (B) hidden.
4 goblin s nipers (G) ,~ftr1JltI1I/JIII 1111111 /1 i 11111 rllllllllllIlllll$il/IIIII'll1Hlllllllllllllfll"
Remy, Nathaire's H enchman (R), or 1 additional
CD Short Sword (weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
bandit and sniper Hit: 4 dJmagc.
® Shortbow (weapon) + At·Will
Place monsters and the characters as you desc ribe t he Attock: Ranged 20 (one creature): +8 vs. AC
scene according to the skill cha llenge resul ts. Those Hit: 4 damage.
who start this encounter with lights are at a disadva n- IIITRI'CG;; ,ofA 10",11 i l'IIIIIIW,WJlIUillillilliIIWIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, IIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII."
Goblin Tactics + At·WiII
tage, since enemies in squares of total darkness ca n st ill
TriBBCr. The goblin is missed by a melee attack.
see into an illuminated a rea and in itiate an attac k with -
Effeet (Im mediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
out being seen, Skills Stealth +8, Thievery + 8
Str 13 (+1) OClI 17 (+3) Wis12 (+l )
Tactics (on 1,3 (+1)
Alignment evil
In1 8 (.1 ) Cha8 (-1}
Languages Common, Goblin
If Hem)' is absent or dead. his a ll ies break ofT a nd flee Equipment leather arm or, short sword, shortbow, 20 arrows
when only th ree or fc.w er ofthcm remain.
Bandits: If the bandits are surprised, the first one
able to do so without risking attack douses th e campfire Features of the Area
(a standard action from an adjacent square). The ban- Illumination: If the cill11pllrc is imrning. it provides
dit s otherwise dose to melee. using dozinn strike and bright light withi n a 5·squarc radius. It's dark ifthe
flanking to gain combat advantage. campflre is out.
Rem)': The hallli ng uses disfTOClilln doak to protect Other light sources illu minate on iy half their norm al
himsclfca ch round. moving from foe to foe to keep radius.
combat advantage. He lIses desperafena mbil on ly ifhe Boulders and logs: These squares are difficult
has combat ad vantilge against the target. Rem)' avoids terrain.
fighting defenders.
" Remy, Nathalre's Henchman (R) , Level 3 Skirmisher Stream: This water is difficult terrain . Z
Small natural hUrTlal'lold, haUling ::l
Trees: A Irec trunk's square is difficult terrain. 0:
HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +7
Climbing it requires a DC 8 Athletics check. The trees of-
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 15 PNception +5
Speed 6
are about 20 fed talL

Saving Throws +5 agai nSt fear effects
I .•• '

<D Dagger {weapon) + At-Will

If the characters defeat the bandits, with or without
Attock: Melee 1 (one <:reilture); ~'8 vs. AC $
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damilge, or 3d6 + 4 dilmage if Remy hilS combat Hemy, they d iscover a mysterious journal bound in o
~dv~nlilge ~gilinst th e tilrget. black leather near the fire . Remy discarded illo make z
+ Desperilte Gam bit + Encounter room for provisions in his pack. The journal is written m
Requirement: Relny mus t be bloodied. in a code of Nathairc's dcvising. and it will takc time
Effeee: Remy uses daBBer. If the 3tt~ck hits, the target t~kes 2d6 z
eKlril dilmage. If the attack misses. Remy takes l d6 damage.
to decipher. See Scssion 5 lor more information on the
journal's coments.
Distracting Qloak + At·WiII (l/round)
Effect: Remy shifts up to 3 sq uares and ga ins partial concealment Reward
end of his turn, At the end orlhe session, each character gai ns 150 XP
for facing the skill challenge and hattling the monsters,
Successfully questioning or defeating Remy in this
Tri88!!r: An enemy hits Remy wit h an iltt3Ck.
Effect (/mmediote Interrupt): The triggering enemy must rero ll the encou nter completes the Catch Remy quest, and each
att a<: k roll an d use the new result. character receives an additional 300 XP. Tfthe charac-
Skills AcrobatlC$ +10, Bluff +8. ThIevery +10 ters talk to Hemy and don't fight h is ba nd it a llies, award
I Str 10 (+1) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 9 (.fO) the characte rs full XP un the encounter. The objective
Con 13 (+2) In t 13 (+2) Cha 14 (+3) was to find out what Hemy knows . and talking accom·
Alignment unaligned l a nguages Common plishes that.
Equipment leather ilrmor. dagger. <:Ioak
Treasure: The characters can also ta ke the ban dits'
gear, wh ich includes 400 sp. 60 gpoa fin e opa l (100 gp),
Low Bluff: Creatures can descend the blu ff as ifit a nd a +1 amulet of protection.
were d ifficult terrain. Climbing up the bluff requires a
successful DC 8 At hletics c heck.
Pond: \Vater south of the bridge is deep. Creatures
can m ove through these squares only by swim ming.
No check is required, but each squa re requ ires 2 extra
squares of movement. Those in the pond ga in part ia l
cover against attacks from out side the water.
3 Dusk Beasts (0) Levell Brute
STREETS OF SHADOW Medium shadow magical beolst
HP 44; Bloodied 22 In itiative +3
E n co u n t e r Leve l 2 AC 14, Fortitude 15. Reflex 14. Wli! 14 Pe rception +3
Speed 6
Setup I
',,;T!tAIlS' 111{I/I/{IIfIIII'I/'Mlilllllflllll i/llilifllllllllflIIll1fl1/fllllf '/i/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III/II 'MIII'I I"
Two -Headed Guard
3 du sk beas ts (D) Enemies ,an't gain combat advantage by flanking the dusk beast.
2 leeching sh adows (L) Whi le da zed, the dusk beau can take opportunity actions and
1 sh adow bolte r (B) immediate act ions.
STANDARO ACTIONS .- I' '" I ,I ,I,," ,I iii'

Do not place the shadow bolter or the shadows during CD Bite + At·WIII
se tu p. The cha racters ca n't sec the dark one from thei r AflClCk; Melee 1 (o ne creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit; 2d6 + 4 damage. and the dus k heast can push the target 1
sta rt ing position. and the shadows arc not \'isihte.
square. If the dusk beast ca n't push the larget, Ihe dusk beast
The)' emerge from the shadows of the bUildings during kn ocks Ihe targel prone Instead.
t heir turns. + Two·Maw Re nd + At·W iII
Auack: Melee 1 (one prone creature); +5 vs. AC
\ Vhe n you 'r e Teady to begin, read :
As you lIIake your way IOwanl rite center of 10WII, dre oloom ...
Hit: 3d6 + 4 damage.

+Barbed Tail + Recharge when first bloodied

"""8iIl8 over Dupollde Hwkcsllw Sireets a hazy maze. Turn-
Trl8yer; An enemy enters a square adjacent to the dusk beast.
ina a COnlcr. YOII spot three ( remure:; prowlinnfrolll door to
Anack (Immediate Reaction); Melee 2 (the triggering enenlY): +S
tloor. Mad e of solid shadow:;, rhey resemble prednrory drakes. vs. Fortitude
Each has a 10/18 bnrbed rail and 1\1'0 distillct heads. eadl olle's Hit; ld6 + 4 damage. and the du sk beast knock s thl! target prone.
mawfull offan8s. ' ·Vitlt IIlcnacino hisses. the bcosl·sll(!doll's Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 15 (+3)
rum to confron! yO Il. Con 14 (+3) Int 2 (-3) COol 10 (+1)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
W h en t h e leeching s hadows join, a dd:
From benealh nearby em·es. sm'llI. (Illimale shadows abrupr/y 2 Leeching Shadows (L) Levell Minion Lurker
emerse and flow toward YOII. They look like the slwdes of Small shadow humanoid
hunched children. HP 1;3 minl!d attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 15, Forthude 13. Reflex 14, W ill 12 Pe rceptio n +1
Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
\"-'h en the sh adow bolter a tt acks, a dd: 'I/ifRAITSll! 17J!1I1Jf!!f.'1111/lfI!'!~ /II/II/III/II l'llMllilliii IIM/IIII{I:IIIIIIII'IIIIIIiI!1ll fll/II/II mlt/I'I
It small, cloaked IwmllJlOiJ lurks ill Ihe alleyway between tlVO Born of Shadows
hOllses. Its fee t are dOI'eft hooves, ami it wears d(l rk lealher The shad ow can make a Stealth check to beco me hidden whl!n it
armor. The crealUre wielcls a crossbow. which be,9im to natilCr has pa~tiat concealment Instead of needing total concealment.
dark eller8)' as il prepClrcs to slrike. STANDARD ACTIONS ',', , " '''I I ,
CD Shadow Me ld (nl!crolic) + At-Will
Auack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Renex
Tactics Hit; 4 necrotic damagl!, and Ihe shadow shifts Into the larget's
Shadow Boh er: This creature hangs back. sniping space and melds with its shadow (save ends). WhJle the shadow
witli bl(lck boll at any charac ter who appears 10 be In is so melded, it is removed from play, and the target grants
combat advantage and lakes ongoing 4 necroti c damage. When
trouble. H e attacks those who are a lready flanked to
the target saves, (he shadow rea ppears in a 5quare adjace nt to
gain the most out of deadly precision. The bolter fle es if the target of the shadow's cholee.
the othe r monsters arc defeated. Skills Stealth +8
Dus k Beasts: Sensing rresh prey. the dusk beasts Str ,1 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 13 (+1)
charge the nearest characte rs and attack. They eventu - l Co n 14 (+2) In t 5 (-3) Cha 10 (+0)
ally split lip a nd go ailcr d ifferent c ha racters, since each Alignme nt evll l a nguages Common
beast wants its own kill. Eac h beast tries to push targets
into solid objects to knock its prey prone and e mploy
!I\'o·lI1aw reful.
Leec h ing Sh adows: Thesc creatures steal Into the
fight cautiously, 3113cking characters isolated rrom Iheir
Shadow Bolter (B)
Small shadow humanoid, dark on~
level 5 Artillery
Features of the Area ::o
HP 50: Bloodied 25 Initiative +6 l11umin ation: It·s da rk. Light sou rccs illuminate o
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Renex 17, Will 16 Perceptio n +9 oll ly half their normal radius.

S p~ ed 6 Oarkvision Bush es and Hedges: These plants are dimcuh tcr-
I, Ta'AITs/llillllll1IIIIIIfI/lll11111111//lJ//1 W/illllllilli//i/f/lIllJlllllII/lllhI/II!,!JI!IIII/i/.':IIIIIIIIII!j/1/1111/ i>h'
ra in, and their squares arc lightly obscured.
Combat Advantage (n~crotic)
Whenever the shadow bolter hits a creature granting combat Cart: T he bed of tbe cart is 3 feet abo\'t~ the street. o
advantage to ii, Ihe bolter deals 5 eXira nectatic damage, and Moving into the cart reqUires 1 extra square of
each of that cruture's adjacent allies takes 5 necrotic damage. mo\'ement.
Deadly Precisian Doors: Exterior doors arc d(l.~ed a nd locked. It
The shadaw bolter's ranged attacks have combat adva ntage reqUires a DC 12 Thievery check to pick a lock or a DC
aga inst any enemy that the bolter's aUles are flanki ng.
19 Athletics to lorce open a door. Interior doors arc
STANDARD 'AoIONS/IJ!lllIllhllllllflIlIIIHIIQllllllilililll/lll1lf11I"f,lIilf,,'lllllIlIlfIIIll/fll/fJil1iil m
<D Dagger (weapon) + At-Will }"urniture a nd Goods: These squares are difficult z
Attock; Melee 1 (one creature): +10 vs. AC
Hit; 1d4 + 5 damage. terrain. o
® B[ack Bo[t (weapon) + At-Will Large Tree : The tree tru nk'.~ square is blocki ng ter- '"v.
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude
Hit; ld8 + 5 damage. and the target takes 5 da mage e<lch ti me It
rain. Climhi1lg it requires a DC 8 Alhletics check. This
tree is ahout 4 0 fcet ta ll. '"

provokes an opportunity attack (save ends).

Pavilion: This shelter is open underneath . so It
doesn't hinder movement.
Dark Step + At·WiII
Effect: The bolter moves 4 squiJres. gai ns a +4 bonus to AC against Stairways: These sta irs arc difficult terrain .
opporl unity <l tlacks provoked by this move ment, ilnd gains W ell: This water source is 3 feet h igh. The water
combat advan tage against each creature that it ends its move is 20 Icct below the edge. It take.~ a DC 19 Ath letics
adjacent co until the end of the bolcer's neX I lurn. to clImb out. Duc to the well 's height and the buckcl
'I T r:JrjE.p.'roW:.TrON~IYllllilll.'ll /1/11/1 'Iilll/llllllllfIIlllI'!!'!!III!1 i/lll ~/mllf,11111 Iflllili/Ni framcwork. a creature pushed , pulled, or slid into the
Kltlrng Dark wel l's squa re gains a +5 bonus to the sa\'ing th row to
TriBBer. The bolter drops ta 0 hit points.
amid lalli ng in.
Elfen (NoA(llon): Each enemy ildjilcent to the bolter is blind~d
until the end af his or her next turn.
Skills Stealth +11 ConclUSion
Str " (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 1 S (+4)
A qUick check ufthe houses in th is area re"ea ls the
Con 14 (+4) In t 11 (+2) Cha 11 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common townsfolk a re u nhar med. After thanki ng the characters
Equipment dilgger. crossbolV, 20 boll Jor their he lp, the citizens hide beh ind locked doors

At the end of the session,
CilCh character gains 450 XP
for facing Ihe skill challenge,
bauling the monsters, and com-
pleting the Protecl Dupondc
Treasure: In a pouch at its
helt.t he dark olle carries 100
gp and a n emerald (100 g p). It
wears a +1 amulet oj prOjection.
interrupts to ask questions about exact numbers of
SESSION 4: opponents or to clarify details. He wants to know if an~'­
thing in the woods poses a threat to the town.lfRemy
EVARD'S TOMB escaped. Grimhold is disappointed. but he thanks the
Up to this point. the characters have been dealing with party members f{)r trying. es pecially in light ofthcir
immediate threats and challenges orlhe shadowfa!l- encounters with monsters and bandits.
the a ppearance of dcm gcrolls monslers in town or the Grimhold explains what has happened in the town
escape of Nat haire's servant. Now iI's time for the adven - while the charaners haw been gone. I Ie has managed
turers to seck some answcrs.lflhe characters spe nt to round up guards and arm them to stem ofT t he \\'orst
the last session pursuing Hemy, begin 1his session with of the monster attacks-black spiders at the armory,
Returning to Dupondc. Characters who spent the last roam ing shadow beasts in the streets, amI packs of
session hunting down the monSlers in town slart this giant rats by the warehouses, Creatures have broken
session with Chapel of Peacc. into homes or attacked foolhardy sou ls who ventured
out. Severa l townsfolk are injured or dead.
Returning to Duponde Grimhold encourages the characters to keep helping
out. Tfthey ask what they can do next , he tells them that
vVhen the characte rs return to Duponde. they find
he's worried about the graveyard. Go on by reading:
Grimbold anxious to speak with them amI find out
what they've learned. Begin by reading:
"lfyou're s[i/l wi11i1l8 ro he/p. my guards tell me that people
who lire near the cemetery say tll ey saw and Ileard strallIJe
After dea1illS with rhe t1lU8s ourside fawn, )'olilurn around
8oill8s 011 there jusr before this started-a I'oice dzan/inn in
and relrace your steps. rcrumin9 a couple of/lOUrs after you
some d(1rk lall8uII8e, shadowy f i8ures sku/kin8 aroulld lhe
sel oul. Whellyoll reach rhe wwlt,youjind a 8rouP offour
mausoleums, ahost li8ltts dancil18 beneath the trees. Theil rht
[Juards \\'CltchiI18 the nale. They sendfo r the marslwl. Grim·
ni81n [urue" 10 what's aroulld liS IIO \\'. 1 don't hare any flilards
bold, who soon arrives. Grintbolcl and rlleguards with him
to spare, not with rhe trouble ill the streets.lfyolI'd look infO
look like lhey've seen "lellty ofji8hrill8 in your absence.
the 8faveyard, rei be ill you r debt."
"You're back!" rite marshal says. ", ,V hat news? Did you
find the ha!JliIlIJ7"
Continue to the P illaged Tomb encou nter when the
player characters go to the graveyard,
Encourage the players to recollnt highlights orthe last
two sessions as their characters saw them. The marshal
Chapel of Peace :;
If the characters protected Dlipondc by clearing out
the armory and scouring the st reets of shadow mon- VI
sters. they qUickly become heroes 10 the townsfolk. o
Start by reading:
Soon after ),our barrie aaail1s! the pack afbeasts roamin8 the
streets, a pair of town auords finds you and informs you thar
Brother Zelan ar the Chapel ojPeace is askinsfor you. They "
lead you !o the western end oJlown and a small temple thaI o
has a crurnblina bell tower. The shrine is serving as a make- VI
shift strol18hold. A number of townspeople huddle inside, and
six warriorsauard the doors and watch the Slreet. "'

A shari, thick·waisted old priest fends 10 the people, but

when he sees you emer, he draws you aside. "1 am Brother
Zelal1, alld 1 rUIl this chapel," he says. "Grilllbold's men tell
me that you're slayers of shadows. I think I IIIi8ht have some-
riling to aid you."

Brother Zclan is a stubborn. aggressive old man who

says that he'd be out hunting monsters with mace and characters are ready to ventllre into the graveyard, con·
holy symbol himselfifhe didn't have to look after the tinue to the Pillaged Tomb encounter.
people seeking shelter in the chapel. It's mostly blus-
ter. Beneath his loud talk he's wise enough to know Daybreak
that the dangers threatening Duponde are more than At the conclusion of this session. Duponde's long, dread·
he ca n dea l with. He asks the characters about what ful night comes to an end. Dawn arrives, and as the Slln
they've seen a nd done so far this night. interrupting comes lip. the town shirts from the Shadowfell back to
with remarks such as "Serves them right!" or "That foul the normal world.
creature had it coming!"
When he's heard the tales. Brother Zclan prOVides Leavins Ihe dank shadows of the mausoleum, )'ou find the
the pa rty with some news of his own. 8raveyard is quiet. No more undead or shadow mOrtsters lurk
nearby, bUI you have found no sisn of the missin8 wizard. The
"All this trouble started in the sraveyard just down the hill. first rays of dawns/ow dimly ill the east.
Just before the shadows came, I heard dark voices chanlins in Suddenly. the same dizzyil1ajolt )'ou felt hours ago at
the distance. I came out on the steps to look, and I could see [he Old Owl Inn spins your head and innards. Th e world
ghost 1l0hts dancin8 around the trees and dark figures skulk- becomes brighter, colors retUTIl, and Ihe oppressive dread
in8 about the tombs.l think I saw that wizardfellow whose you've felt all niaht fades away. Duponde seems 10 be return-
been staying at the Old Owl. ina to Ihe normal world, but how lon8 it will slay there is
I started toward the villains, bUI before I could confrOnl anyone'sauess.
them, I heard a terrible cry. A wave of dark power swept out
from the cemetery and chansed the niSht to . .. this. After this session, characters can take an extended rest.
~Enoush talk, thouah. J have a sift to aid you. When J was sleeping through the day and replenishing expended
a younS acolyte here,fifty years past, the wizard Vontarin resources.
came to the chapel and put this in our keepinsjust before he
disappeared. He said that this was a potent talisman aaainst
lite power ofshadow. and that if shadows every threatened
Duponde. it could be of service. Maybeyou canao to the
sra~'eyard alld put it to use?"

Brother Zclan then gives the characters a golden holy

symbol containing a red gem. This symbol. which he
calls the symbol of dawn, is nonmugical. but it has a
specia l effect when the characters confront Vontarin in
Session 12.
Brother Zelan urges them to hurry to the cem-
etery and investigate what happened there. When the
2 Ghoul fll!Sh Seeke.rs (G) Level 4 Lurku
PILLAGED TOMB Medium natural humanoid (undead)
HP 4$: Bloodied 12 Initiative +10
Encounter Level 3 AC 18, Fl.lrtitude 14, Reflex 16, Will1 S Perception +9
Speed 8 Darkvlsion
Setup Immune disease, polson; Resist 10 necrotic:
Vulnerable S radiant
3 grasping zombies (Z) '{Tit A ~,[. /1/1/I11I11111/!1I!!1 "IfIllllifl/ii/JI,'f/l/lllll fill/, 1I1f!llflfl'il'III/lI/!1!!1111f!1!'"!fIf!/11I11111~1I11!,
4 leeching shadows (L) Shadow Skulk
2 ghoul fl esh seekers (G) The ghl.lul flesh seeker can make a Stealth check tl.l become
hidden when 11 has cover or concealment Instead of needing
Before you set up. have t he players make a DC 1 R grou p superior cover or total Cl.lncealment.
Perception check. If at least half the charac ters suc- 1/ STANDARD ACTIO·NS.JllllfiIIIIIN!lllllllllfllljiljlfll/ll~II!JlIIIIIIIJlMI!1f1III/Hlllljlll/IIII/I!,

ceed, they spot the leec hi ng shadows at Ihe same time CD Claw + At-Will
Auac/c: Melee 1 (o ne creature); +9 vs. AC
that the)' see the zombies. If allcast halflhc charac- Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. and the target Is immobilized (save ends).
ters achieve a resu lt of2 1 or h igh er. they a lso spot the 4- Prepare for Sacrifice + At-Will I
ghou ls. Any crealUrcs the charac ters fall to sec begin Alloe/,: Melee 1 (one creature the flesh seeker was hidden from ai
the battlc hidden. Do not p lace hidden monsters 011 the the start of the flesh seeker's turn); +9 vs. AC
map until they attack. Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage, and the flesh seeker knacks th e target
prone and grabs it. The target takes a -1 pen~lty to attempts to
escape the grab and cannot stand up until the grab ends.
"Vh e n the characters arrh'e. read:
Dllponde's cemetery is filled wilh mossy old tombSIOJ1eS
+ Render untl.l Orcus (weapon) + At-Will
Attock: Melee 1 (one prone creature grabbed by the flesh seeker~
leanil19 0[ odd aI1S/cs. Ollar/eel, leaj1ess rrees, (Ind crooked +9 vs. AC
cobbled pat/I s lilfered with cracked stones and wir)' lufts of Hit.: 1d8 + 9 damage.
8rass. 'flie unn(lUlrnl n100m haflJJ irlIJ over the town is espe- Skills Acrobatics +11, Stealth +11
ciCllly dellse here-palpable fear linIJers ill the air. Ahead is Str 11 (+3) Oex 19 (... 6) Wis 14(+4)
Q SlOne mau soleum, its roofdccorated with small.leeril18
Con 1S (+4) 'nt 10(+1) Cha11 (+1)
Alignment chaotic evil languages Common
l1arJjoyles. Rut betwee" ),ou 'Illd the tomb, sCI'era! elUIIlSY
Equipment dagger
fiyurcs dressed in dirt·stainedsarb shamble 'hrollah the
shadows. They lookfreshly slain.
4 Leeching Shadows (L) level 1 Minion Lurker
Small shadow humilnold
3 Grasping Zombies (2) Level 1 Brute HP 1; a missed a!tack never damages a minion, Initiative +7
Medium natur<11 animate (unde<1d) AC 1S, Fortitud e 1]. Reflex 14, Will 11 Perceptil.ln +1
HP 3]: BIl.ll.ldied 16 Initiative -1 Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)
AC 13, Fl.lrtitude 14, Refl ex 11. will 11 Perception -1 IliT~ AIT$IfIIII/!rll//ll/fill/Il/f, III!!!I; '1/1111/111/111/lilli/1ft '11111. ffill/filii. fllll/illillll/I/~( 1IIIIII/,n(IM.•
Spee d 4 Darkvision Born of Shadows
Immune disease, pl.lisl.ln The shadow can make a Stealth check to become hidden when it
TRArTS ' .' , ',' .,' ,I>' "" •. '1,., I'! I, has partial concealment instead of needing total concealment.
Zl.Im~l!! ~e a kness
i/STANbARD ACtIONS /ll/lIlilll!II'fM't//II/I/I/t 11111 /!il/lil!I!I/I~WIIII!UlI!IIIII/IIIIIIIII!
A nitkal hit a utomatically redu ces the zombie tl.l 0 hit points. " CD Shadow Meld (necrot!c) + At-Will
' STANDARO ACTIONS " ',I ,'1,1 ' .. 1 , ' "/' II.lt'l,/I',!; "1111,', 1f!:IM!1
Allotk: Melee 1 (one creature): +4 vs. Reflex
<D Slam + At-Will Hit: 4 necrotiC damage. and the shadow shifts Intl.l the target'S
AUoclc: Melee 1 (o ne creature): +6 vs. AC space and melds with its shadow (save ends). While the shadow
Hit.: 1d12 + 3 damage, or ldll + 8 against a grabbed target. Is sa melded. It is removed from play, and th e target grants
~ + Zamble Grasp + At-Wm combat advantage and lakes ongl.ling 4 necrotic damage. When
Auock; Melee 1 (o ne creature): +4 vs. Reflex the target saves, the shadl.lw reappears In a square adjacent tl.l
Hit: The! zambie grabs the target (escape DC 11) If It dl.les nat the target I.Ihhe shadow's choice.

have a creature grabbed.
Deathless Hunger + EnCl.lu nter
Skills Stealth +8
Str 11 (+0) Dex 16 (+]) Wis 13 (+1)
Con 14 (+1) Int S (-3) Cha 10 /+0)
Tri88t'r: The zombie Is reduced tl.l 0 hit points. but nat by a criti· Alignment evil Languages Common
cal hit.
Effea (NI.I Action): Rail a d10. On a 15 I.Ir hig her. the zambie is
instead reduced tl.l 1 hit paint.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 8 (-1) Wis 8 (-1)
Cl.ln 13 (+1) lnt 1 (-S) Ch<1 ] (-4)
Alignment unaligned Languages -
Tactics Statues: The pedestals are 5 feet tall. and they·re
blocking terrain. A c reature can cli mb 10 the top of olle
Ghoul Flesh Seekers: If the ghouls urc hidden at C
w ith a successfu l DC 8 Athletics check. f-
the start orthe hattie. they wait fclr characters to come Tombstones: A square containi ng a monument Is Q
dose enough filT the ghouls to reach in a single move. difficult terrain. (;
opening the fight with preparejor sacrifice. If they areil't
hidden. they begin combat by closing in and 11100'ing to
Trees: A tree trunk's square is difficult terrai n. <
Climbing it requires a DC 8 Athletics check . The trees -'
a place where they can make Stealth checks to become are a bout 20 feel tall. "-
hidden. so that they can use preparejor sl1crifkl? on the
fiJI lowing round.
Grasping Zomhies: These corpses .~ hamhle toward Conclusion Z
the nearest \iving c reature and attack. Each onc uses \\llth the undead haunting the gra\'eyard defealt'd. C
zombie wasp un a target. a nd then uses slam against the the charilcters can examine {"ard 's Tomb. Someone
grabbed target. They fight with little intelligence. ignor- used crowbars. now discarded on the path , to pry open
ing potential n an king situation s. the mausoleum door. The three laborers who helped
Leeching Shadow s: These creatures wait fix the Nalhairc open the tomh were transfimned into the
party {() engage the zombies and then mount a sudden zombies in this encou mer.
rush when the characters are occupied. They use the Searching the Tomb: rnslde, the tomb contains a
zomhies as flanki ng partners. I'lr,:;e sarcophagus, which has also been forced open.
Inside is a black·honed s keleton clad in tattered robes.
These bones, which the characters and townsfolk
Features of the Area believe to be [\'<l rd's, arc the mortal rema ins nfVon·
Jllumination: h 's dark. Light sources illuminate tarin. The bones are well preserved, despite heing
only half their normal radius. blackened. They luok undisturbed. as though whoe\'er
Benches: These squares arc difi1cuit terrain. opened the sarcophagus stopped as soon as the seal was
Bu shes and Hedges: These plants arc dHllcuh ter- broken. A character who succeeds nn a DC 19 Arcana
rain, and their squares arc lightly obscured. check call tell th at some kind of magic trap has been
Mausoleum: This tomb's il"Un door is open, and recently triggered here.
the bllildillf: has no windows. The roans about 10 fee l Nathaire's Journal: If the characters did not find
above the grollntl at the edge. It requires a DC 19 Ath · Nathairc's journal in the Nowhere to Run encounter
letics check to climb the wall. in Session 3, they can find it here. The journal is a
Open Grave: Creatures that 1i.,1I in this shallow book bound in hlack leather near the base of the sar·
grave take ld6 damage. Scrambling out or the grave cophagus. The journa l is written in a code of Nat haire's
requires 2 extra squares uf mo\"ement. devising. and ii w ill take time to decipher. See Session 5
Ponds: The water uft he pond is difficult terrain. for more information on the journal's contents.
Daybreak: \:Vhen lht' char·
acters have had a chance to
examine the scene, return to
Daybreak, page 25.

For fighting the monsters.
interacting with Grimbold or
Zelan . and helping illYestigate
the gra\'eyard, each character
gai ns 200XP. Tfa player has
attended every session this
season, his or her character
should have 1,000 XP ifthe
character completed the quest
in Session 3. ThaI character
now adva nces to le\'eI2.
Valkan's Summons
CHAPTER 2 Short ly after the c haracters finish the extended reSt,
a human boy named Valkan comes to them to del iver
This mark s the begin ning orthe second chapter of
Dark I.caacy oJEl'llrd. The encounters in this c haptl.:f a message. Vaikan is a Vistani lad, pa rt of a g roup that
<.Issumc t hai the characters are 2nd level. Jf most of knows much about the Shadowfell. ''''hen he comes.
),our group is 1st le"el. see Adjusting the Encounters read:
on page 2. Each character has had an extended rest
<md shou ld have fu ll hit points and hea li ng slI rges. as You are JUSt rcadyht8 yourseh'cs whcn a da rk·haired human
wdl us 1 actl011 pOint and access to his or her daily ttenancr approaches. lIe holl's 10 you and says. "Forni\'c
puwers. me for troublinJJ )'ou. mastcrs, 1am Val/mil of the Vistani,
Despair Deck: If you are using this component. AIy nf(JflCJlllor/ler told me to tell you that you must come to
have each p la),er draw a card from the Despair Deck. A her house today. before ni8hr falls a8ain. She peers illto rhe
player's card alIccls his or her character. unseeflll'orld. and she says dUll you must kl1ol1' what she sees.
1 can take ),ou."

SESSION 5: VISTANI Va lka n is a quiet, se rious boy who seems wiser than
hi s years. He is very polite . a nd he replies w ith answers
Oupondc's long night has finally come to an end. W ith
such as "Moth er G rivelda said you wou ld say that ,""1
the arr ival of da\\,Il. the to\vn shilicd back from the
know litt le of sm:h things, but Mother Griveld a is very
Shadowfcll to th e world. T he question is how long the
wise:' or "You sh ou ld ask Mother Gri"elda: p lease, it is
respi te Illighllast. and whether the characters can
not fa r to her house."
unravel the mystery of what h as happened here.
His tory (DC 12): The ViSlilni are a clannish people
who a re known as rove rs, myst iCS. and troublemake rs.
They're sa id to travel into the Sh adowfell from time to
Those who possess Nathaire's journal might want to In Sight (D C] 2): Va lkan is sincere. He earnest ly
read through it a nd determine what exactly he was believes that it's vital for the characters to speak wilh
up to. However, the journal consists of difficult arcane his gra ndmother as soon as pOSSible.
lore. cryptic symbols, and a tricky code Nathaire ere,
ated to protect his notes from snooping eyes. It takes If the characters are reticeJlt about fc)llowing Va lkan,
hours to read. The extended rest at the start of thiS other people in Duponde suggesl lhat it might be wise
session provides the characters wi th their first oppor- to hear what the e lderly soothsayer has to say. They
tunity to deCip her the journal. don't fully trust the Vistani woman , but they know of
Deciphering the writing is a simple skill challenge, Grivelda's reputation as a seer o!' that which is hiddcn .
Each try requires 2 hours and a DC 19 Arcana, History, Ac;suming the characters agree to follow Va lkan, a llow
or InsIght check. The readers successfully solve the them to make any preparations thl!Ywish to ma ke bcfo ft:
journa l If they achieve 4 successes before 3 failures. If setti ng out. Continue with Mother Grivelda's HOllse.
a character fai ls, he or she can't try it again until gain·
ing a level. Successful readers gain an advantage in the
skill challe nge in SeSSion 13 and learn:
Mother Grivelda's House
+ Nathai re is a tale nted wiza rd and a student of \Nhen the characters agree to fo ll ow Valka n to his
umbral (shadow) magic. gra mlmothe r's hOllsc. read:
• He is extre mely ambitious and impatient, seeking
shortcuts to true power. Valkartlcads etlonSlhe road headino soullifrom Duponde
+ He has created a ritual he intended to use to inro rhe coumryside. l\fter a walk ofa mile or so. he turns
summon the soul of a dead spellcaster so that he down a lane leadin9 to a lonely farmhouse Ihal has a laroe.
can drain it of arcane energy, storing the stolen pa inled watJolIl'arked in irs fenced yare!. He shows you to the
power in an orb or similar vessel. house's frolll cloor and knocks once before 90inS imide,
+ Nathal re has been sea rching for Eva rd's Tomb "Grandmother, 1 have brouoht th em," he calls.
because Evard is famed as the discoverer of shadow ThroulJh the open door,you see an olel wOlf/em in a colo rf~
magi c, Nathai re dreams of making himself just as shawl sittin8 by a fire. "Good . ValkaJl, 800d." she answers, -Bl-
powe rful as Evard was, a sll'eet lad and tntt Ihe teapot on IhefireJor l11e. Our visitors
and 1 have much 10 talk about.~
Site waits for you to come in, and then9ives you a chillins
smile. "Noll'. sweeties. answer l11y riddle: ""ho is buried ill
hard's Tomb?"
Grivclda acts like a kindly grandmot her. calling
her glle~ts "child" or "sweetie." Hnd sm iling at a ll)'
compl ime nts paid her. Rut every now amI then her
voice sharpens and her gentle manner fall s away.
replaced hy a tone of cold, calculating certainty. She
is extremely perceptive and instant ly picks u p on a ny
skepticism or doubt.
Grh'elda knows or guesses evcrything covcred in
the Adventure Background. She knows that Evard is
the one who survived the wizards' duel flfty years past.
and that he buried Vontarin in Duponde's graveyard
under a fal se name. She has no idea where Evard is now
or whether he is still a li"e. 110H'e\'er, her gift of second
sight h a~ shown her that Vontarin's ghost possessed the
rash wizard who distu rbed the tomb. Sped fie replies
Gri\'elda might give include:
"Vho's buried in Evard 's Tomb? ""Not Emrd, my chi/-
elren. The spirits made rhe truth knowl1lO Mother Grivehlil.
You sec. 10118 ano. hard aune to Dupol1dl' and defeated his
enemy. '·fe buried Vonftlrin in Dupolldes 8raveyard. alld
allolVed everyone 10 beliel'e rhm it was he who died thai
llifJhl- CI del'Cr pIa)'Jor a lIIan who has as 111(111), enemies CIS
Erard docs. H

"Vhat did Nathaire do? "Was that his flame?' haw

seell only Ilis face. J did nor meer him. bur 1 knoll' thar he was
an ambitious )'ouna lI'izanl,fu!! of corifidence and the desire FORTUNE TELLING
for powcr. TImoll' t/tat l,c woke Vontarin sahos!, children. Mother Grivelda offers to tell the fonune of any char-
'fall' or why, 1 cannot say.'" acter who wants it done. Have the player roll a d20.
Why did Duponde slip into the shadows? "It is Record the result for use later in this session. Don't
the curse ofEI·a rd. Ife craJled cerrible spells 10 imprison Iris tell the player what the roll is for until the player
enemy VontClfin ifhe should erer srow reslless ill his arm·e. makes an attack roll or a saving throw during the
T/,ose spells 1I0W imprison liS. CIS lI"ell." encounter later in th is session.
Is n 't Dttponde safe now? "Oft 110. m)' sweeties. 1\1 On a roll of 1 0 or higher, the player can substitute
each sunsel. Duponde CIaain JCllls Inro shadow. (illd there il that roll for one attack roll or saving throw made later
sta),s uillil SIITIUP COllles afJain. For aJew da),s and nia'lls. il during this session. Grivelda describes this as "Fonune
will sta), like char, bur soon. sOQn, Oupolldc wil/llot reflln! smiles upon you soon!"
Jrom th e dark side. EI'ard's curse is illel'itable:' On a roll of9 or lower, the player must substitute
How ca n we save Duponde? "You must set rialll the roll for the first attack roll or saving throw resu ltof
wlrat ti,e )'011118 wizard put wrO"8. VOlltarius soul walksJree 10 or higher he or she rolls later thiS session. Grivelda
ofits old bones, withi n the)'oU118 wizard. and E\'CIrd 's curse clucks her tongue and says, "An ill hour approaches.
seeks to trap £Wlrd 's enemy in shadows fo rever. Quiet VOlllo- Be carefull"
rin ana in . and qu iet Evard's curse ill dOillfl so. 1'011 f11 l1 stfirrd

rhe )'ou 1I8 wizard and wrest VOrltclrirr's soulJrom within hirn.
' ''' he re is Vontarin now? O r Nathaire? "'1t is hard
to sec, my children. Th e)' !II inllr be olllhe other side. Rut. I
Howling Wolves
\·Vhen the playcrs are done speaki ng wit h J\'l othc r Gri·
miShl. if I were ),01l.lIe8il1 b)' 100killS ill VOll larin's mallor.
velda. or when you're ready to cominue with thc combat
His sou l surei), ~HlS flO! fornol len Ihe house lie lil'Cd in for so
H encounter for thc session. go to the Howling Wolves
mall)' ),cars.
encounter. Drawn 10 the outskirts ofDupondc by the
This begins the Explore Vonla rin's Manse quest.
darkl.:ursc Ihat has settled over the town. a wcrewolf
and its pack of gray wolves <lrc 011 the hunt .
Frenzied WerewoJf,(F) .,,'I",",' "If
",I' ,.'/ ''''''''''', " ,
',1 . ,!,."I, 1./' level 4 ""'"
"" ,.,,,',11'1
HOWLING WOLVES MedIUm natural humanoId (snapechanger). human 'I'.,' , ' 'I'"
HP 63: Bloodied 31 Initiative - 6
E n co unt er Leve l l AC 18, Fortitude 19. Reflex 18, WiI116 Perception "'9

Speed 6 (8 in wolf form) low·light vision
,,i III 111111",,-
1 fr e n zied wcrcwotf(F) The werewolf regains 5 hit points whenever it starts its turn and
3 g ray wolves (' ''') has at tetlst 1 hit point. When the werewolf lakes damage from
Mother Grivclda a sll"ered we<lpon. its regeneration docs not function on its next
Va lkan turn.
/lSTA'N'DARri!A'ct,'DNSlllilillll /lllllll, 'ldi/lflllllliJIIlil/1l 11.'1/1 Ilf!/Ilil/~ I/II! 'I~
Characters start in the cra mped kitchen and sitting <D Claw + At-Will
Rt'quiremcm: The were wolf must be in wolf or hybrid form.
room of the farmho use. All)' characters who chose to
Attock: Melee 1 (one creature): +9 vs. AC
stand watch or remain outside arc with in a couple of HI!: 2dS + 3 damage. or 2dS + 8 against a bloodied target. and
squares of the front door. the target falls prone.
(±) Bite (disease) + At·WIII
W hen the encounte r begins, read: RcquJremem: The werewolf /IIUSI be in wolf or hyb rid form.
A howl riscsjust outside. Tltree leall wolve5 bound tltTOUlJl! the Allock: Melcc 1 (one creature): +9 "s. AC
trees toward fhe JlOuse. A humaJlOia wolf-crcmurc thar has Hil: ld8 + 5 damage. At the end of thc encounter. the target
makes a saving throw. On a failure, the target contracts were·
10119 claws nms swiftly Oil ils hilld lens aloll8side rhe beasls.
wolf moon frenzy (stage 1).
;'-Grandmother. lVoh'es!'" Valkall cries.
<D Club (weapon) + At-Will
Mother Gri\'elda nods 8rim /y. "Vark creatures slir under Rcquirtment: The werewolf must be in human or hybrid form.
the shadow's touch, boy. This is only the be8h1l1inlJ. LeI tiS Atlock: Melee 1 (one creature): +9 V$. AC
hope our visitors cnn proleCl us:' Hil: 2d8 + 2 damage. or 2dS + 7 against a bloodied target.
.,. Lycanthrope Fury + At-Will '
3 Gray Wolves (W) Level 2 Skirmisher ' Requircmcf!t: The werewolf must be in hybrid form.
Medium n<l lutal beast Effect: The werewolf uses daw and bitc_ Then the werewolf takes
HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +6
5 damage.
AC 16. Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +7
Change Shape (polymorph) + At-Will
Speed 8 low·light "Islon
E.ffcct: Thc werewolf alters ils phySical form 10 appear as a
I STANDARO/Ac:rlONSI/~,;·Millfll'/f/;IlIlrf'fI!INII,!I!!I"///I'I'I/'!f1I/lllil!!!1I11I11I11I11 fllllllf.71/1
Medium lVolf, uniflue human. or hybrid.
<D Bite + At-Will
Skills Bluff +8. Intimidate +8
Attock: Melee 1 (olle creature): +7 "S. AC
Str 19 (+7) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 13 (+4)
Hit: 1d6 + 5 dam<lge. or 2d6 + 5 against <I prone target. If the wolf
Con 18 (+7) Int 10(+3) Cha 11 (+3)
has combat ad"<lntage against the targe t, the target falls prone.
Alignment e"iI l anguages Common
E.f!cct: The wolf shifts up to 4 squa res.
EqUipment club
5tr13 (+2) Dex16 (+4) Wis 13 (-+2)
Con 11 (+3) Int 2 (-~) Cha10(+1)
Alignment unaligned La nguages -
This diseasc starts wilh (I Jerer. which soon b('ctlmcs (I l'ioleilt an.!
UlIllTl.'{Jicfab!c r!J,ye.
Tactics Stage 0: The target recovers from t he disease.
T h e pack tries to force the from door. a n d if thai titils. Stage 1: While affected by stage 1, the target takes a-2
the creatures lry to scramble in through windows in the penalty to Will.
bedrooms and t he hall.lflhc c h arac ters com e oll ts ide Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, whenever the ta rget
to fight , the monsters oblige. At first . the pack foc uses becomes bloodied, It makes a melee basic attack as a free
on the c hamcters ra ther than the V istanL anion against an ally adjacent to it.
Stage 3: While affected by stage 3, whenever the target is hit
Fren zied Werewolf: This lycanthrope beg ins the
by an attack. it makes a melee basic attack as a free action
encollnter in hy brid form. and it u ses its lycmuhro!,cfury
against an ally <ldjacent to it.
power recklessly. Check: At t he end of each exte nded rest. the target makes an
Gray "Volves: These canines surround and !la nk Endurance check iF it is at stage lor 2.
t he ir opponents. knocking foes prone and savagi ng 10 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
them on the ground. If the werew(llf and at least one 11-14: No change.
gray wolf a re killed , the re maining gray wolves might 15 or HiBhcr. The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
run away.
I;' urnishings: The bed . chairs, tahle. counter, and
Development other h.lfnishlngs arc diffi(.:uit terrain .
Val ka n and Grivckla aren't co mbatants inlhi s encoun· Trees: A tree trunk 's sq uare is difficult term in.
ter. but as a Vislil lli wise woman, Grivclda has some Climbing it requires a UC 8 At hletics check. The trees
pO\\'cr. At t he end (lrthe first rOH nd , she m ovcs to a re about 20 feet tall.
within sight orlhe werewolf and gives it the in famous 'Nell: A .<;turdy wooden Glp makes this wcll nothing
Vist3 ni evil eye. sayi ng. " J twice c urse you. lo ul shape- lIIore than difficult terrain.
sh ifte r, and sever you from the moon's dark bll'ssing!" Windows: T hese casements are 2 feet widc, 3 feet
This causes the lycanthrope 10 lose it s regene ratio n tall, and 4 feet ofTthe ground outside. A creature can
and ability to pa ss on moon frenzy (save end s). Cri- cl imb through an open window. Doi ng so req uires a
\'e lda t hell grabs Va lkan and her broomstick thumps UC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics check a nd 2 extra squares
her broom on the noor. and magica lly jumps into of movcment. z
the raflers oC lhe house with t he bo)'. She ilnd Valkun 1\ character adjacent to a window ca n close or open o
remain safe in the rafter_~ until combat ends. it s hca\'y shutters as a minor act ion. It lakes it DC 12
To add tcnsionlo the scene, you might want a mon- At h letics check to force a shuttered Window open from
ster to allack one oCthe Vistan i. AssulIle that the Vistani outSide.
arc hit if 3uackcd , using their injmics Jor color. They
LOme to serious harm only ifl he characters Ultcrly fa il
to defend the Ja rm. Conclus ion
C,rh'elda rcvcals any information rC{J uired to start the
characters on the aforement ioned quests.
Features of the Area The old wornall is capable ofbrcwillg com mon
I llumination: Bright light. potions and silveri ng weapo ns. The characters have to
Doors: Exterior doors a~c dosed. hut nellh er locked pay for such items and se rvices, but Grivelda oITers her
nor barred. A cha racter inside it hOll.<;e and adjacent to saviors a 20 percent discount.
such a door can har it as a minor action. It takes a DC
19 Athlctks check to break through the harred door.
interior d oors a rc open. Ir a character closes a door.
F.ac h charac ters gains 250 XP at the end ofthe session lor
a gray wolf can force it open with a successful DC 12
interacting with Vatkan and Mother Grivetda a nd for bal-
Strength check mad e as a mo\'e action.
tling the monsters.
Garden Vegetation: These plants arc di ffi cult
Treasure: Grivetda is grateful for the protect ion.
terrai n.
She retric"es a bundle from bencath loose boards In the
Fieldstone Fence: The lence is difficu lt terra in.
kitchen fl oor ilnd gives it 10 the characters. saying. M(
Firep lace: A fi re burns here. A creature fo rced Into
think you can find a usc for this, children." It's a +1 vicious
the firepla ce squarc takes IdG fire damage.
WCtll'OIl. Shc also gives the party 21'otiolls ofhea/i118·
and pilfering fro m the town's warchollses and stores.
S ESSION 6: Townsfolk kilO.\\, t hat band its lurk nearby but h avc no
idea who th ey m ight be or where they're hiding.
VONTARIN'S HOUSE After possessing Nathaire, Vontarin went straight 10
W ith the advice ofNl othcr Grivclda to gUide t hem . the his old home, on ly to fi nd it in ruins. He man aged to
characters have a daunting task a head. They need to fig ht t hrough Harru mor's gang and descend into the
ri nd Vontarin's restless ghost and p lll it to rest again. dungeons. There, he searched for h is old possessions.
Grivelda believes that Vontarin might have retu rned to Disl"Overing that t he medd lesome friars of Saint Avar·
his old home. Since the characters have few other leads thi! rem oved the item s decades ago, Vontarin len in
at th is point. th is is clearly the next move. d isgust.
Any of the people in Dupondc ca n direct tJle char· Since t he ma nse is t heir senet h ideout. J-Jarru mor's
aClers to Vontario's old manor. It stands abOllt a m ile foll owers are determin ed to ki ll any intruders. It's
southwest of town. lfValka n survived the fight aga inst almost certain t hat t he characters clash with the tief.
the wolf pack. he is happy to lead the pa n y d irectly to lings and their pets just by setti ng foot in the man se.
the place, although he is u nwilling to vent ure into the As soon as the tieni ngs d iscover any interloper in or
m anor grounds. near t heir lair, t he battle is on . Go to t he New Owners
N e\N Owners
VOlHarjn's house has been abandoned for decades, but Manse Grounds
a few mont hs ago. t he mage Harru mor and his mur- \Vhcn the ch aracters reach the ma nse, begi n by read-
dero us gang of ticOing cutt h roats discovered t he place ing the following to the players.
and dedded to make it their hideout. T he tienings hnve
been preying on barge Iramc on the nearby river, way· 111 the cou/lIryside south ofDupollde. you follow all old car!
laying thc occasiona llravclcr on t he road to Dupontic. track. /\ couple miles from tOWIl. youfind the correa !tIm
Ollto a lono, tree·littedlane thar winds Ihrouoh the thickets on Drawing Room ~
a small hill alldfinally ellds in a cobblestone court before a
The room at the manor's cast end is in the best shape of 0:J
ruined mansiOIl.
any of the remaining rooms. The tieflings use it as their I
A laroe fountairlsWllds ill tile center of the court, but irs
sit ting room. VI
waters are black and slimy. The upper story SJlOwS sio"s of
fire damaoe, and most ofLhe roofhas collapsed. Smalioar. z
The smell of mildew isn't as stron8 ill rhis Jarae "arlor. Sev· cc
Boyles and eieoanr cornices lean at crooked annles. Thick ivy
eral old portraiTs il1silded frames STili hann Oil the lWllIs. The ~
covers rhe walls mtd 8rOll'5 owr wltat's left of rite roof Heavy
most prominenr shows a 1lau,ql1ty human nobleman will! a Z
shutters cOl'er the Windows. A lar8e front door faces tIle faun.
shaved head,jierce eyes, aud afo rkelJ Boa tee. Several chairs 0
tain, and a smaller door leads infO rhe side oflhe bUi/dina.
have been deanecl off and positioned around a lable here. The >
table is covered ill playin,q cards and coins. \D
ira character succeeds on a DC 19 Perception check.
add: Z
The tieflings were in the middle of a card game when 0
the characters arrived. A character inspecting the table VI
i\fain! wh[ff ofll'oo<l smoke is on the air, aloll8 with a musky
finds severa l piles of gold , silver, and copper. The wealth ~
animal scent. You can see thaI the parh leadil10 up ro rhe
totals 35 go ld pieces. There is a lso a complete deck of VI
Hlanse is well trodden, by both humanoids and beasts.
Three Draool1 1\l1f e cards.
A character that succeeds on a DC 19 Perception
Manse Interior check or ha s a n equivale nt passive Perception notices
ffthe characters have a chance to look around the that the word "Nimder' has been scratched onto the
manse wilhout a fight, or if they sea rch through the table with a knife. This phrase is the password lor the
placc after they"ve beaten the tieflings in this encoun· trap in the basement.
ler, read :
Banquet Room
TheJimdshiliOs and clecor of this mallor house are now rotten The largest room in the manse is (he banquet room,
and ruined. Cobwebs fill the comers, and piles of cracked along the south side of the old building.
plaster have fallen from rhe ceilin8 ol'erhead. Charred beams
and soot show the dmnaoe of a fire that consumed 1110St of This I11l1sl IIm·e been II wand old dinil18 room back ill its
the upper j1oor. Mice, raTS, (mel olher small vermin have left day. Remains of a balcollY all The secolld floor encircle il
ample sinns of their presence ill the old hOl/se. art three sides, and a roll' ofhiOh windowsface south. La rBe
"atches of sky flOW show throuOh the ceilinfl and the ruined
Foyer ]loor (tUMe, and the 8reat windows are broken. A II old table
The room looking out over the courtya rd and fountain cnul chairs stand near a laroe heap of provisions in sacks,
was formerly the manse's entrance hall. barrels, crates. and other conlaincrs. Close at hand is a trap·
door in theJloor.
TIlis room is lite manor's aralia foyer. A. sweepil18 shlircase
once led up to the second j1oor, but iT collapsed 10118 a80- Prov isions: These goods are new and bear the
ja8oed, bunted beams alono the walls mark where it Ollce markings ofvarious trading posts and provisioning
stood. The wrecka8e has been cleared away, and several old compa nies from the area. Most or the goods are of no
chairs ThaT Clre in reasonably Bood shape have been arranoed value to the characters, though they do discover a porion
in a Sittit18 area. ofhealilln . a qui\'er of20 arrows, 2 sunrods, 50 feet of
hempen rope, and a bell ofvia or.
Kitchen The 1ic11ings looted (he provisions from nearby
The room on the west end of the manor is the kitchen. farms and carava ns. Marshal Grimbold would he very
1\ large hearth is st ill intact and functional. The tief interested to learn that they've been found here. He leIS
lings do most of their cooking here. them keep the items mentioned above.
Trapdoor: The trapdoor reveals a staircase leading
A larne heartll dominates this room, which also has a table down to the man se cellars. lrthe characters want to
and chairs. Warm embers 8low ill the he(trtli, and fresh fire· investigate. they'll have to wait until next week during
wood is stacked nearby. Session 7.

A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Perception check

notices that a few of the kitchen k nives arc silver. These
COllllt as daggers and are cons idered to be sil vered.
3 feU (ourt Ruffians (R) , Levell MInion Brule
NEW OWNERS Medium niltural humanoid, tlefi lng ". ' ',' , "
HP 1; a mined attack never damages a minion. Ini tiatiV2 --3
Encounter lev e 1 2 A{ 14, Fo rti t ud e 16, Reflex 14, W ill 13 Perception -~
Speed 6 low·Ugh! vis.icr
A c hamerer (an approach the manor q uicdy wit h <l Resist 5 fi re
successful DC 16 Stealt h check. fail ure 10 approach
stea lth ily sta rts a batt lc. CD {Iub (weilpon) + At-Will
Attock: Melee 1 (one cre.-lUre); +7 vs. AC, or +8 \IS . AC i£the ~
is bloodied
Setup Hit: 5 d.-mage.
2 creste d fe lldrakcs (C) MIss: 3 damage.
3 Fell Cou r t ruffians (R) IJfTil.Ic'G'.e.AEo ' lretIONS'fIHlllllilllllllll/,1,
1 hiss ing fclldrake (H ) + Da nces with Dr.lkl!s + At·WiII
TriMer: A drilkc ally makes a melee attilck agillnst an enemy adp-
1 Fell Court underhoss (U) ccnt to the ruman.
Trapdoor (T) Effect (lmml'diare Reoction); The ruUian uses dub against the trig-
gering enemy.
The cha rac ters m ight sec within the bUi lding. Usc SkHls Bluff + 5. Stealth +8
the d esc riptions in the earlier sect ion on thl' mil llor. Str 17 (+4) Dex 15 (+3) Wls 12 (+1)
Describe Ihe monsters as they attack. Ca n 18 ("'5) Int 10 (+1) {ila R (+0)
Alignment evil l anguages Common
Equipme nt leilther ilrmor. club
' ''h en th e cha rac ters n ea r the manor, f eu d :
The manor house iSIl"! as abandoned as it looks. Soft SOllnds
fell Court Undernoss (U) ',,1'1'1:1/1/ level 3 Soldier (leaded
of morement (IIul reptilia n hissill1JJrom with in indicllIc some- " .:...J
'M ..... ", "I'
lurn natur.liliumanoi d,ttelilng'
' ..: I II" I""'i'IIM' I'/'/1,11/11
'11/, ,"11/
/ I, " 'J
one or somcliJiJ18 is 'lome. HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initliltive -6
A{ 19. Fort itude 15, Refl ex 15. Will ,., Pe rception - S
Hissing Felldrake (H) , ' Level 3 Artillery Speed 6 low·Ugh t visioc
Medium natural beast (feptlle) i " " : J ' Resis t 5 fire
HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +5
AC 17, Fortit ude 15, Reflex 16, Will 14 Percept ion +8 o Dr.lke Wrangler + Au ra 1
Speed 7 Drake illli~s gain resiS t 5 fire and a +2 power bOll us to AC while-
in thl: auril.
o Hellbound (fire) + Aura 1
Any c.reature takes 5 fi re damage when It leaves the aura.
Anode: Melee 1 (one ue,!\ure): +8 vs. AC STANDARD AbT'ONS' 1111111/1,1!//" ,"1,/'/ JI> lliN/III' ,,!!,'lfIllILIlIlIIfIIIII'II[/iIIIIIflJ[/O '

Hit: 1d6 + 6 damage. <V Bas tard Sword (fire. wl:apon) + At·WiII
l' Fell Spit (acid) + At-Will Au ock: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC, or ...9 vs. A{ if t he
Attack; Ranged 10 (one crCiiture): +8 vs. Reflex target is bloodied
Hi!; l d10 + 6 acid dam age. Hit: ldl0 + 6 damage.
Effect: If the target is bloodied, It is slowed unt il the end of its f.ffect; Unt il the end of the under boss's next !Urn. the target ta kes
next !Urn. If the tilrget is already slowed. it is instead dazed 5 fi re damage each time it uses an attack power that doesn't
(s.-ve ends). include the underbo~s as a target.
Skills Stealth +10 + Diabo lical Strike (fire, we.-pon) + At·WiII
Str 15 (+3) Dex 18 (+S) W is 14 (+3) Anack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Renex, or +9 \IS . Re nex if
Ca n 14 (+3) Int 3 (-3) ( hOI 13 (+2) the target is bloodied
Alig nm ent unaligned Languages - Hit: 1d10 + 6 nrc damilge. If the unde rboss has combat advantage
against the t arget, the target cannot shift un lillhe end of the
undcrboss's nex t lU rn.
Tactics , ,;IFtTCC£Rtb' AdtjON5!fl,/t.JIII!lIIiILiIl/ililll'tHll".lflllII/lI,II,,'il.liJ!JI1fI'I~flllJ.llJ,lIIf11I'/J, ,
The tieflings p refer to fight Itllhe manor, bUI ifneccs- Infe rn al Wrat h (fire) + Encou nter
sary, Ihey engage the cJIa racters outSide. They try to lise Trioser: An enemy within 10 squares of the lInderboss hIts It with
the doorway as a choke point. an attack.
Effect (Free Action): The triggering enemy ta kl:s 1d6 + 4 fire
Fell Court Ruffians: These ticflings COllle to close
qua rters h esid e their fcJldrake pets and li se thtd!" dances Skills Bluff +9 . Intimida te +9, Stealth +9, Streetwlse +9
wilh clrakes po\\"cr. lf lhe un de r hoss and a l least hal f lhe Str 18 (+5) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 15 (+3)
drakes are dead. an)' survi\'ing rull'ians flee. Can 15 (+3) Int18 (+5) Cha17("'4)
fell Court Underboss: This {ielling a lso enters Alignment evil l a nguages Common. Infernal
melee com hat. lie uses drake ",raunler 10 h e lp h is feB· Equ ipment leather armor. bastard sword
drake pets.
HP 39: Bloodied 19 Initiative +6
The characters might wonder whether it's necessary
AC 16, Fortitude 1S,Reflex 15, Will12 Perception +8
to continue investigating Von tarin's manor. To pro·
Speed 8
vide a hook for them to continue, the tieflings might
Pack FrenlY disclose the following pieces of information during
The felldrake gains a ./-1 bonus \0 attack rolls and a +2 bonus to combat (bemoaning their bad luc k), or after the battle
damage rolls while adjacent tn a fdldr<lk~ ally. if the characters spare o ne of them. ..
'.51'A ' '"itrJ1A(frIO'f.Wllt WI. W, II!. WllJINlriZ 1IY/IIJ.Wlllillil# illf!liIJl/1,IIIII~'1 I/, ~1#'
CD Bite" At-WlII
• The gang didn't find. anything useful in the manor
when it first came here.
Attack: "..\d ee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
.. A darkness descended on the manse last night, and
Hit: l d1 0 + S damage. ~nd a felldrake ally Within 2 squares of the
felldrake Ciln shift up to 2 squilres as an immed iiltc reaction. a chill spread through the house. '"'":..u
TRt(f I'll: ''/\ , I ' 1/111 'I/JIIIIIIIIIj ! WIW, "n
UIlIII!lIlli 1,111.!WI 7il'IWHlllllflll .. The gang's boss, Harrumor, has no tolerance for
Undaunted Strider" At-Will intruders, but even ne cou ldn't stop Mtne wizard." '"
TriBBcr: Th e fclldrilke i5 hil hy an opportunity iltl~ck. • . After dawn came, Harrumor and some of the other
Effect (Free Action); The fdldrake shifts up to 2 squares. tieflings went downstairs to investigate.
Skills Athletics +9. Stealth +9
Str 16 (+ 4) Dex 16 (+ 4) WislS {./-3)
Con 1S (+3) Int 3 (-3) Cha" (+1) Furnishings: The bed, cha irs. table, counter. and
Alignment unaligned Languages - other furnishings are di fficult terrain.
Provision s: These squares are difTkult terrain.
Felldrakes: Crested fClldrakes Hghl better in a Statues: The pedesta ls are'=; feet talL and they're
pack. and they try to remain Ill'ar each olher to take blocking terrain. A creature can climb to the top orone
<:!d\'amage of pack jreuz),. The hissing lclldrake moves to with a successful DC 8 Ath letics check.
positions where it can l1sefdlsllir against open la rgelS. Trapdoor: This access i.~ in p];:Jin "kw. It leads to a
stairway down to the cellars. which the ch aracters call
Features of the Area explore next session.
Illum ination: Bright light. Trees: A tree trunk·s square is difllcult terrain.
Doo rs: EXlcrior doors are closed a nd locked rrom Climhing it requires a DC g Athletics check. The trees
:::::s:!de.1r requi res a DC 12 Th ie\'ery check to pick it are about 20 feet tall .
'. o r a DC 19 Athletics to force open a door. '~,Tindows: These casements arc 2 feet wide. 31cel

Falle n Trees: Thj5 debris is difficult terrain. tall. and 5 feet nffthe grou nd outside. Each one is shut-
Fo u ntain and Pond: These water fealllrcs arc dim- tered. hut a character adjacent to a window ca n close
:.-'- :errain . or open its shutters as a minOT action. A creature C,Ul
climb through an open window. Doing so requi res a
DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics

Start Area
" ,'./
check und 2 extra sq uares of

Rewa rd
F.ach characters gains 200 XP
at the end ofthe .~ess ion for bat·
tling the monsters.
triggers a blast ornre to flll the short hallway at the loot
SESSION 7: of th e stairs. !f an intruder sets loot in the cistern room
without speaking a password, nrc bursts out from the
VONTARIN'S CELLARS imp sialue. The password is "Nimdel." which the tief.
C haracters began their search through the ruins of lings discovered in scattered notes they found in the
Vontarin's house last session, only to discover that a house above.
gang of vicious ticfling bandits now occupies the place.
In this session. the characters continue their explora- To rlu! riallr of the sTClirway's bottom staJ1(ls the stMlle of a
tions. descending into the cellars where the magc once small will8ed dCl'il. Wirlllil!8 slyly. It faces lire hallway to
had h is workrooms and laboratories. rite l ~rL
N athairc is no longer in the manse. Vonlarin's ghost
possessing him. he searched the old home earlier in Cistern Room
the adventure. Finding that the friars of Saint Avarthil Three large pits in th is room were once cisterns used to
Monastery rcmo\'t'd his tomes and implements decades store water collected from catchments in the manor's
ago. he was fur ious. Before he could leave. dawn came roof. Fire destroyed Ihose catchments as it ravaged the
and he was stranded in the Shadowfcll. Howe"er. char- upper noors years ago, and the cisterns have Tlm d ry.
m.:ters can find a clue to Nathaire's current whereabouts
in VOlltar in's .~ecret cell ar.~. Three lar8e pHs YCIWIl ill rhej100r of Olis room. EelciJ has a loll'
Regin this session with the characters assembled on lip of masonry :mrrolUldilltl il 'Illd is abolll lOfeel deep. The
the .~tairs leadi ng down to the cellar from the trapdoor pit }loors are full of damp brick and debris. Barrels. sacks,
in t he man se'.~ banquet hall. and crates of different sons tire heaped al rhe west ene! of the
room, l1exr to iron double doors.
The ti eni l~g bandits usc the cellars as lheir chier The iron doors are unlocked and open casily. Contai n·
hideout. er ~ here hold provisions like those on the mansion·s fi rst
floor. These provisions include fou rteen casks of w ine,
A Sleep, Tlarrow slainmy descellds 20 feCI from lite lrapdoor five tankards orale, se\'eral pounds ordried meats, and
10 a dallk passt1aeway offjmy"areell brick. a varielY of clothes.

Imp Statue Misty Hallway

Vonta rin created a magiC trap here to suard the This was formerly another one orVontarin's traps, but
entrance to his secret sanctulll. An invisible Slyph the old enchantments havc dissipated. Now all that
rel11<lins is purplc smoke.
fiery Imp Statue ' , " ' , Level 3 Trap !
" ' ,H
,Object , ", ',,'1/1,,"'/ rite hallway here isfilled wilh a thick, purple mist fhal hanfls
Detect Perception DC 19, Arcana DC 17 Initiative - eerily in place. Throuflh rhe mist is a hall tlr(H continues to
HP 20 mlOtllCr set of doors.
Resist 10 to all damage
!;rRiGGERED Ac:r'ldN5'1h~ fllll!hYIIt//I.'IIII/! /iII/l/lfll/I,'{.\'/lflflll/llll/.l!! !fiIfI!!I/'lf/IIII"1111 /il/lllli,
Attack + At·WiIl
The mist)' squares are lightly obscured . They're other-
Tri88er: A (feature emer5 (he glyph square (the square mMked T wise harmless. If the part)' takes too long to cnter the
on the map on page 39) without speaking th e p3ssword. mist, you can begin Encounter 7 by haVing one or more
Anoek: Close burst 2 (originates from th e imp statue: cre3turc:s in orthe tieflings step out into the hallway on some rou-
the burst): +4 vs. Refle~ line errand.
Hit; 2d6 + 6 damage. \·V hen the characters mo\'e beyond the mist, read:
Mi5S: H~lr damage.
\ Co LJ NT,EflM EASU itE 'S''lfll!IIIII/llflllllfl/lilllllfI,iff/ffllil/Jif/llflti/l!!lfl/1//!{flllj~'I!lllIllfl! IJlIfIII/1/
+ Disable: Thievery DC 19. Success; The glyph is disabled for 5 Larae iron doubl e doors lead to the north and to rhe east.
minutes. Failure (14 or lower): The glyph triggers. }udflil1fl by the brackets and rusted chains discarded in the
+ Alternative Password: Arcana DC 19. Requjrement; The crea· corner,YOu WII tell the sel of doors to the north was chained
ture must be adj~cent to the glyph. Success: The creature can up al some pOirl!. A broken bronze sea! lhalsecured tile chaitl
pass through the glyph unharmed for five minutes. Fuilure (14 ill place remains at1101181iJe links_ Gly pl15 and a stylized SUI!
or lower): The glyph triggers. s)'1I1bol adorn tile seal.
+ Jump: Athletics DC 12. A creature ca n jump ove r the glyph, bm Religion (DC 12): Tlt e seal- wldcll looks afled but
the ~ngle and stairs make it difficult. Failure (11 or lower): The
recemly broken-is inlended 10 al'ert evil. h 's a prayer to Pc/or.
character uigger5 the glyph .
• Password: Requirement; The crealUre must be adjacent to the
glyph. A creature thaI speaks the password can pass through Unknown to anyone still in Duponde. friars frolll Saint
the glyph unharmed for five minutes. Avarthil j\'!onastery sealed the northern doors when
Ynl!)' t!rrtp't'rt-tJ'{'Uli\~rr"'!; u l.'r.m. U)\1..'l 'ril:. ~hsuj'ffred1"<iu\.'C.
I larrumor and his ticOlngs brokc the sea l when t hey
took o\'cr the ma nse.

This cage-fill ed room is where Vontar in kept ime resti ng
c reatures he intended to swdy. It now servcs as fell- c::
drake kennels. ~
Helif a dozen irOIl ({IJ}es line the walls oftlli5 larne room. Old o
straw (D1'ers tile cane floors. which flrc otherwise dCVOid of
fu rnishinss, J\ lore noods ore hcapcel up 0,9ai1l51 Ihe far wall.
Tfthe c ha racters haven't begu n comhat, they fi nd so me o
of the vil lai ns here. Go to the Fell Designs encounte r. cr.
Vontarin Family Crypt
This room was the burial chambe r for Vontarin's ances·
tors. The tien tng band its have set (lP a few bedrolls
here, mak ing it into a harracks.

Two impressb'c Sia liCSflrc:Op/ \£18i s!{lI1d ill rhc CCllter of rhis
Percept io n (D C 12): The eastern sarcophagus
room. 0111' cOI'er bcars rhe imane of a reBal human lord aml has sc rape marks 011 t he lip of the lid , signs ofha\'ing
tile other a noble lady. Rows ofold bronze plaques lille the receru ly been opened. The ticHing bandits are us ing
wolls. markill8 the IOCcUions of additional lombs, Alonn one the s..'1rcophaglls to store their accu mulated loot. Se\'cml
side of the rooll1 IIrc sCI'eml bedrolls. large sacks conta in 1.000 sp. 240 gp, a silver necklacc
decorated w ith ti ny diamonds (250 gp), a nd +I black
[rthe c haracters haven't begun comba t, they find iron arlJlor.
sollle (lfthe banditS here. Go on to the Fell Designs
Vontarin's Workroom
Vonta rin conducted most of h is magic
resea rch in this chamber. I-Iarrumor, the
liellings' lead er, c hose this room as his
o\\'n whellihe gang settled on the mallor
as their hideout.

Bookshell'Cs. lI'orkrtlbles for alchemic(11

in strumenlS, ol1d cupboards full ofnlasswa re
illdicate that this 1\'ClS the laboratory ofel
wizard. A 800el fleal of material is missill,9-
the sheln"s are mostly empt), and IJIllch of rile
nlassware is broken. Complex flrcallC sini!s
inscribed all the walls hal'e been deliberately
dalllo,g ed with hammer and chisel. lcclVin,9
small piles ofSlOW? ch ips beneath each one.
J udOinn by the eluS! on the shell"es alld nlll55.
the place was d eaneel out 0/0110 time ana.
HP 1: a missed altack never damilges il minion. Initiati ve .... 3
Encounter Level 2 AC 14, Fo rtitude 16, Reflex 14. Will 13 Perception +2
Speed 6 low·light visiDn
Setup Res ist 5 fi re
UIl'ffImI'IflI!!WtWtl!I_ _A
Q) Club (weapon) + At-Will
Group 1 (Menagerie) Attack: Mcice 1 (one creature): +7 vs. AC, or +8 vs. AC if the tilrget
4 Fell Court ruffians (R) is bloodied
1 Fell Court blackheart (B) Hit: 5 damage.
Miss: 3 damage.
Skills Bluff +5, Stealth +8
Group 2 (Crypts) Str 17 (+4) Oex 15'(+3) Wi5 12 (+2)
4 Fe ll Cou rt ruffians (R) Can 18 (+5) Intl0 (+1) Cha 8 (+0)
1 Fe ll Court blackhcart (n) Alignment evil languages Common
Harrumor, Fe ll Court helhnage (H) Equipment leather armor, club

00 not place any of tile monsters on the map until the

characters see t he creatu res, stich as hy opening a door
HP 37: Bloodied 18 Initiative - 10
into one of the inJlabited areas. Regin combat with the
AC 16. Forti tu d ~ 14, Reflex 15, WiI113 Perception-';
first monster g roup the characters disturb. The unen - Speed 6 low·!ight visiw
gaged group hears t he nearby nghting and joins the
battlc st<l rting all (he second round. Creatures in the VIftI'JI1!QIJff_.'UIIlI_ 1/!IJ11IM1IJWIIIlIIIIIIiIiI1111jl/PlI, -
Resist 5 fire

rein/arcing group gathe r just on their side of the doors Blac khea rted Scoundrel
a nd throw them open. Slart these enem ies on the map Whenever the blackheart deals damage to an enemy gra n ~
combat advantage to it. that enemy cannOI spend healing ~
nca r the doorway leading in to their room .

Harrumor, Fell Court Hellm~e'\H\ " ',/,1'· ie\teI,41IAt1i1le,:yII~lt;~

{save ends}.
, . " /'!",III' i i i " ,'1.,1/, 'I I, r iJ' CD Deadly Sickle (necrotic, weapon) + At·WiII
Medium natural humanoid, tieflln& ! ' /I,/.!, Ili!" iiif/II/IM "; 1,/rIl/i/,llll,.,I,plf, 7//. Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 'IS. AC. or +8 vs. AC if the ~
HP 42: Bloodied 21 Initiati ve +6 15 bloodied
AC 18, Fortitude 14, Refle x 17, Will 17 Perception +12 Hit: ld6 + 7 necrotic damage.
Speed 6 low·light vision +Sly Attack (necrotic. weapon) + At·WiIJ
Resist S fire Arrock: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 'IS. Reflex, or +6 vs. AC -;r
target is bloodied
I Q) Staff (weapon) + At·WiII Hit: ld6 + 7 necrotic damage, or 2d6 + 14 necrotic dil~
Attack: Md~~ 1 (o n~ c:r('ature): +9 vs. AC. or +1 0 V5. AC if t he blackheart started its turn in smoke form.
target Is bloodied Miss: Hair d<lmage.
Hit: 2d4 + 7 damage. Smoke Form + At-Will
® Infernal Bolt (fi re, implement. radia nt) + At-Will Effect: The black heart assumes smoke form unt il it re\'~:;:.
Attack: Ranged 20 (o ne crealUre); +9 vs. Refl('x. or +10 vs. Reflex normal form as il free action or until it drops to 0 hit pok:£s..
if the target is bloodied While in smoke form. the blackheart cannot attack or be
Hit: 1d8 + 3 fire and radiant damage , and ongoing 5 fire and radi- attacked and cilnnot regain hit points. Enemies Ciln ente' e
ant damage (sa ve ends). space. and it can occupy the sa nle space as another ~
moves at full speed ins tead of half speed while sque~
Infernal Wrath (fire) + Encounter effect ends while the black heart is occupying another
Tri~8er: An enemy within 10 squares of Harrumor hi ts it wi th an space, the blackhean reverts to its normal form in the =-"!S
Effect (Free Action): The triggering enemy takes 1d6 + 5 fi re unoccupied space.
'''~TJ/f/jll:=== •••
, ".
~ I See You in He ll + Encounter
Blood Curse + Enco un te r
Tri8Ecr: The blackheart drops 10 0 hit points.
Tri88er: Harrum or drops to 0 hit points. Effect (Free Action): One enemy that Ihe blackheart can .see
Effect (Im mediale Interrupt): Harrumor uses infernol boll. and the healing surg('.
attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. Infernal Wrath (fire) + Encounter
Skills Arc~na +12, Bl'uff +10, History +12, Stealth +11 Tri88!!r: An enemy withi n 10 squares o f the blackheart ~
~ Str 15 (+4) Dex1 9(+6) Wis20(+7) an aHilck.
Con 12 (;1:'3) Int 21 (+7) Cha17 (+5) Effect (Free Aclion): The trigge ring enemy takes l d6 - 3 fft,
Alignment evil l anguages Common, Infern.ll Skills Acrobatics +11. Bluff +9. Stealth +1 1, Streetwise ~
Equi pment staff, dagg~r Str 16 (+4) Dex 20 (+6) Wis 15 {+3.
Con 19 (+5) Int 13 (+2) Ch<l 17 (+4
Align me nt ('vii lang uages Common, Infe!'NII.
EquIpment leath~r armor, sickle
Tactics Features of the Area '"
l-"e ll Cou rt B1ackhearts: These licOi ngs begi n the Illumination: Small oil lamps in the menagerie.
battle by usi ng slI1okefonn and m ovi ng il\lo nanking crypts. and workroom provide bright light in these w
posit ions beh ind the charac ters' front line. They end cha mhers. The cellars are otherwise da rk. o
smOkl.'Jof llllO use sl)' attack. and return [ 0 smoke fa rm on Cages: Doors to the cages arc unloc ked. and no keys
the lollowing round , alternating thiS way when possible. remain he re. T he bars block m oveme nt, but neither
If all ot her licflings are beaten. remaining blackhearts bloc k line of Sight nor line ofdlcct.
fle e in smokeforrn. Door": : These doors a rc rusty iron p lates riveted on
Harr umo r: Harrulllot stays back from the melee. a n iron frame. They arc unlocked. z
He relics on infernal bolt. riding olfsp cl1casters in prcl: Mist: Misty squares are light ly obscured . o
erc-nee 10 other largets. Furnishings and Provisions: These squares are Vl
Fell Court Ruffians: These ticflings Oght to defend difficult terrain . W
Ihe blac khcarts a nd Harrumur. The ruffians flee if Sarcop h agi: These tombs arc difficult terra in.
they're the only tiefl ings left in the batllc. Opening a sarcophagus requ ires a DC 14 Strength
c heck, but only dust a nd old bones lay Within.
Bookshch'cs a nd Rack: Thesc icat mes are ta ll and
CONTINUING THE STORY are blocking terrain.
The tienings might disclose the follOWing pieces of
information during combat or after the battle. jf the Conclusion
characte rs s pare one of them. Make it clear to the playe rs that ifNathaire came here.
+ The mansion was already looted when they arrived he probably round not hing. By the lime the char<.lctcrs
months ago. have fini shed e.xploring Ihe ce llars. it's getting Inte in
+ The wizard entered the basement and made its way the day. T hey've exhausted the leads available in Vonta-
toward the laboratory. They tried to fight him, but rin's house. so it's time to return to Duponde.
he was too powerful.
+ The wizard acted as if possessed by some foul spi rit. Reward
+ Before they fl ed from the basement, one of them For battling the monsters. facing thc trap. and complet·
managed to glimpse it searching its laboratory. The ing the quest Search tht: j\rlansc. each character rece ives
wizard seemed furiou s that so much was missing. 350 XP.
... The wiza rd never left the basement, but when Treasure: In add ition. the characte rs can recover a
dawn ca me, he was gone. + 1 earlllraol5tujjfrom Harrumor.
Encounter Level 3
During the previous two sess ions, the characters Begin this en counter by reading:
explored the remai ns of Von tari n's mansion, but they Your presence a[ dte arlllory lIlust have deterred monsters
faile d to fi nd Nalha ire. Returning to Duponde, they from troubiino tlte people here. Shadows j1011' like miSl
can spend the lasl hour or lhe afternoon talking to Iltrounlt [he alleyways 1111(1cries edlO rhrou8it rile darkness,
Dupondc's cit izens and preparing for night. Read: but you spot no overlthreats. A liule before midninlll, Tilda
Grenfield, Harald tlte bllrkeep, and lilt' dwan·es-Karha,
You relurll/o Dupondc. The townspeople haw spe ll! the day Kristyd, and Kildmk-show up a[ the armory. Each has
fortif)ril18 ,he fOWII. Duponde is full of unsettling rumors of minor wounds.
dark apparitions, ha!falimpsed momlers. and more. i\l051 Tilda is f urious. - n als!~ sIll' crics. -Cialll rats! Tltey came
of the lownsfolk are 8atheril1Jj in the dlape! or IIle (IrInDr), our of nowhere and mn us out of [III.' Old Owl. Please help!
for protection as elusk a pproa ches. We can't stay Oil the Slreets ,dl niBllt."

\~' h cn the characters arc fini shed ta lking to the town's

reside nts. rcad:
5 scurrying wererats (W )
AI SUllsel, you fee! IIle sallie slrallBe sensationyou feb lite
When the characters go to invest igate at the Old Owl,
previous lIi8"1. J\ir srows chill tlJld an atmosphere of dread
have them take positions, and read the follOWing:
descends o\'er the IOwn.
Shordy after darkness Jails, Marsh,,1 Gril1lbold comes 10
The Old 011'/11111 stands beJore you in the 8100111, a da rker
speak with yo u. MJ he/lrd dUlt you wellt to see Mother Gri-
siladolV a8ain51 a bl'lck sky. Glimmers 0J'inht jlicker in irs
ve/lia, ~ he says. MWhOI did she reI! YOII? Did you IImre auy
windows from lamps and dyillfl heartlt fires. TI le crash of
luck trackiflO down Ollr lllissill8 "JaBer
brcaki nn dishes and the sound of scurryill8 1I10\'elllclH cOllie
f rom wifhin tile common 1'00111 .
Grimbold listens closely to anything the characters have
[0say. Vvhen the characters fini sh, Ihe marshal add s:
Since the ch aracters know the rats are inside, they
can try to achie\'e surprise by gathering near a door or
MJ 1I"01l·tlie- r think we'lllleed your help a9ain [allin/H. JJyoll
window and sudd en ly storming the bU ildi ng. Have the
could 8uard rile armory, Dupol1de would be further ill your
pany attempt a DC 12 group Stealth check. Ir al least
deb!. Jt also seems rllal carchil18 this NatllClire fellow is vilal,
ha ir the characters succeed. the party gains surprise.
100. JU St beJore SUIISe[, Illy BlHlrds saw a small humanoid ill a
black hood skulkillO near dIe south Oale. rhey lost ' Iim in [he Wererat Filth Fever level 3 Disease
alleys nellrhy. r dOIl't know ifil was Nat/taire, hUI it (Ou/el be
'1110se itifeCled b), fhis disease waS Il' elll'a), as rhe)' a!rrrrlutely Slif-
wordl checkiIJ9."
fer chills aml lwrflashes.
Stage 0: The targe t recovers from the disease.
Grimbold can provide directions to the part of town
Stage 1 : Wh ile affected by stage 1, the targe t loses a hea ling
where the guards saw the dark figure. Now that night surge.
has fa llen, he and his men don·t dare split their strength Stage 2: While affected by stage 2, the target loses a healing
any rurther. ,"Vhen the characters arc fi n ished speaking surge. The target also takes a -2 penalty to AC, FortItude, and
with Grimbold, the ma rsha l takes his leave and heads Re nex.
to see to town derenses. Stage 3: W h ile affected by stage 3, the ta rget loses all healing
surges 'Hld cannot regain hit points. The target a lso takes a -1
penalty to AC, Fortitude, a nd Renex.
Decision Point Check: At the end of each extended rest, t he target makes an
T he characters have another choice to make. Do they Endu ra nce check if It Is at stage 1 or 2.
gu ard the people ofDuponde ail ite armory, Or do they 8 or Lower. The stage of the disease increases by 1.
9-12: No change.
seek out the black-hooded creatu re that the gua rds
13 or Higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
faI led to catch?
If the characters d ecide to sta nd guard, go to the
Rat Pack encounter. Characters who decide to seek
Ollt the mysterious humanoid initiate the Lonely
Death encounter. .
5 Scurrying Wererats (W) , Level 3 Skirmisher
Medium natur.. 1humanoid (shape changer). human Tactics "«
HP 37; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7 \Vercrats assu me rat [arm, and use rat 5cuny to move "-
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Wi!l13 Perception +7 into flanking positions. They rely on their bite altack, f-
I too. If only one wererat remaIns, it attempts to flee. «

were rat regains S hit points whencver It starts its turn and
has at least 1 hit pOint. When the wcrerat lakes damage from a
Features of the Area '"Z
Illumi nation : GlOWing fireplace embers. a long with 0
silve red weapon, Its regeneriltion does not function on its ne xt
sC\'eral oi l lamps turned down low, cast dim light over
the entirc area. Omside the inn, it"s dark. Light sources '"'"
® Dagger (weapon) + At·WIII illuminate only halftheir normal radius.
Requirement; The wererat mus t be in human or hybrid form. Doors: The doors are closed but unlocked.
Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Fireplaces : Hot coa ls fill these hearths. A creature
Hit; ld6 + 6 damage, or 2d6 + 6 jf the wereral has combat advan· that enters a Hreplace square takes ld6 fire damage.
tage against the targe t. Fu rniture: Furnished squa res arc difficult terrain.
® BIte (disease) + At·WiII
Requirement: The wererat must be in rat or hybrid form .
Auock: Melee 1 (o ne crcature): +8 vs. AC Conclusion
Hi!: Id4 + 4 damage. lfthe target is granting combat advantage to fiy defeating the rats. the characters clear the Old Owl
the wererat. it also takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). At the
of its unwanted guests and earn the heartfelt gratitude
end of the en(Qunler, the target makes a saving t hrow. On a faU·
ure, the target contracts wererat fi lth fever (stage Il.
of Tilda Grenfield.
Mov£AcTjONS '" 'I I,'." ~,I' Filth Fcvcr: Characters who the wererats bitc might
Rat Scurry. At-Will contract filth fever. Each characte r so bitten must
Requirement; The wereral must be in rat form. attempt a saving throw at the end of the encounter.
E!fea: The wererilt shifts up to its speed.
Change Shape (polymorp h) + At·WiII
Effect: The wererat alters its phySical form to appear as a Tiny ral. For balding the monsters. each character receives 150
o r a Medium uniq ue huma n or hybrid. XP.
Skills Bluff +6. Stealth +10
SIr 10 (+1) Dex 18 (t5) Wls 12 (+2)
COo 15 (+3) Int13 (+2) Chall (+1)
Alignment evil languages Common
Equipment dagger
HP SO: Bloodied 25 Initiative +6
E n co u nter Leye l 3 AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 6 Darkvision
Setup 'i/ifRArrs'!/~ IIUIII fllllllll! f/IIiIJlllllflfll/ltfl/III.'IIIIIIIIIIII/lli/If! Y:lillll;Hi!'/I iIi 1/iI1! ~ I fifllilifi,
Combat Advant<lge (necrotio:;)
4 twig blight seedlings (5) Whenever the shadow bolter hits a creature granting combat
3 twig blight swam pv incs (T) advamage to it, the bolter deals 5 extra necrotic damage, and
1 sh adow b olter (B) each of that creilture's adjacent allies takes 5 necrotic damage.
Deadly Precision
Begin t his encounter by reading: The shadow bolter's ranged' altacks have combat advantage
Fo1JolVinfj Grilllbold's directions, ),ou search the qU(lrrer of against any enemy that the bolter's allies are nanking.
the lown by the south Bate. Much of this area is derelict even 'l1,siAillo;"Il.'D"AtfftON'#illllYlflll f, /lflM11 ~IJ IIiMllt! ~IM ~/I ,I~I /ll/illllll ~lfmrpll!l,
in the natura! world. Tn the SllCldowfell, it rakes on (In atml of
CD Dagger (weapon) + At·WilI
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
desolation (lila brood it18 II1(1[e\'olel1ce. ElI1pty houses secm to Hit; 1d4 + 5 damage.
watch ),ou throu[lh broken black windows. Thick, thorny vines ® Black Bolt (weapon) .. At·WIII
choke tile walls of rWlilown buildil18s and rllstle wHh srealthy Auack: Ranged 15/ 30 (one creaLUre); +10 vs. Fortitude
JJlO\'Crnents. Hit; 1d8 + S damage. and the target takes 5 damage each time it
A dark flaUTe watches you from a ncarby window. It provokes an opportunity attack (save ends).
quickly ducks back alit of 5i8h1. 'fmWfU!tIMlll1l/lllJllJUI1I/I/IJIJI/lIIIDII/IIJIJJIIIIlffIIIIII},
Dark Step -+ At-Will ,
Effect; The bolter moves 4 squares, gains a +4 bonus to AC against
A shadow bolter spy loya l to Vontarin is sku lking opportunity attacks provoked by this movement, and gains
around in lown , searching [or any clues thallllight help combat advantagc against each creature that it ends its move
its master uncover his old be longings. I I
Do not place t he twig blight.s yet. H ave the party
make a DC 20 group Perception check . If at leas! half KUling
TriBaer: The holter drops to 0 hit points.
the characters succeed, place the twig blights on the
Effect (No Action): Each enemy adjacent to the bolter is blinded
map. Ot herwise. the tw ig blights arc hidden until until the end of his or her nex t turn.
they act. Skills Stealth +11
Str 11 (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4)
Con 14 (+ 4) Int 11 (+2) eha 11 (+2)
Al ignment unaligned languages COlllmon
HP 42; Blood ied 21 Init iative +6 Equipment dagger. crossbow, 20 bolt5, silk rope (SO ft.). grappling
AC 19. Fortit ude 14. Reflex 16. Will 15 Perception +8 hook
Speed 5 (sw<lmp walk). climb 5, swim 5 Darkvision
Resist S poison: Vuln era ble S fire
11:TrtA I is1111i III/fllilil" 1111/111#1//11 WIIIII '/ftlllf,'//Ill It. ifll!!,I{(UllllfI!l!l/fI ';llIff/lfllllll{lI'!!IIf!!/' ((/ Willi,
Rooted HP 1; a missed i1ttilck never dilmagcs a minion. Initiative +5
When an effect forces the swarnpvine to move through a pull. a AC 15. Fort itude 12. Renex 15, WiI113 Pe rce pt ion +6
push. or a slide. theseedling can move 3 squares fewer than the Speed 5 (forest walk), climb 5 Oilrkvision
effect specifies, Resist 5 poison
IJSrli.~j)Aii'o'!A(J.floNSI/!.'lIIJ. Wlil/II/~JI/''l/IIIIII/''lfIJ/IMJWI/1lillllfll!iI''/'/M/lI!f!/I/llIl111111/111/11'
CD Claw (poison) + At·WIII Roote d
Atlock: Melee 1 (one creature): +8 vs. AC When an effect forces the seedling to move through a pull, a
Hil: 1d8 + 6 poison damage. push, or a slide. the seedling can move 3 squares fewer than the

! +Vine Snare + At·WiII (1/ round)

Effect: Melee 3 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
. ...
effect specifies.

CD Claw (polson) + At·WilI

Hit: The swampvine pulls the target up to 2 squares. and the Effect; Before the altack, the seedling shifts up to 2 squares.
target is grabbed (escape DC 13). Auo,k: Melee 1 (one creature): +6 vs. AC
I!. ifitI~ Gt'RfJ 6', A'ii.nt'iN's'llIlI/f!I/II/llIl¥!lllIlllIIllfl/J, 1/f1lf/1111!111/1//l11/11111/IIi/flMt/fllJ/il//' WIllI, ~,9 Hi!: 3 poison damage, or S poison damage if the target is granting
I· Poison lash '(poison) + At.WIII combat advantage to the seedling.
TriBSer: An enemy the swampvine is grabbing uses an attack Skills Stealth +8
power that does not include the swampvine as .1 target. Str 7 (-2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Effect (Immediate Reaction); Melee 3 (triggering enemy). The target Can 9 (-1) Int S (-3) eha 10 (+ O)
takes 5 poison damage. Alignment chaotic evil l anguages Elven
Skills Stealth +9
Str 'l2 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wls 14 (+3)
Con 10(+1) Int6H ) Cha 10 (+1)
Alig nment chaotic evil l anguages Elven

Tactics ,.<

The shadow bolter and the l\\'ig blights aren't allies in oJ

the strictest sense, bill the dark onc takes advaIHage Q
of the dist raction the pl<llll s provid e. When the dark
o ll e saw the bligh ts. it stealthily avoided the erC<l-
tures to move itHO buildings that seemed prom ising.
rfforced outside, the d ark OIlC gives the twig blights a

wide berth.
Shadow Bolter: T he shadow bolter remains in t he Z
house, flri ng through windows. 11 uses Mack boll against o
any charac ter in sight, btl! it tries ( 0 target those w hom
the [Wig blights flank 10 usc it s deadly precision ability.
The bolter flees ir.:lIlychar<.Ictcrs make il into thc hOllse.
Twig Blights: The swampvincs move toward the
nearest enemy, lise ville Sllare to grab t hat foe, (llld thell
attack with do\\'. The seedlings anack, trying to flank

Features of the Area

Illumination: It's dark. Light .~ource.~ illuminate
only halfthcir normal rad ius.
Doors: Exterior doors are closed. but neither loc ked
nor barred. Interior doors are closed and u nlocked.
Fieldstone Fence: The fence is difficu lt terrain.
Furniture: Furnished squares are difficu lt terrain .
Tr ees: A t ree trunk's square is difficult terrain .
th rough a windo\\' requires 2 extra squares of move-
Climbing it requires a DC 8 Ath letics check. The trees ment and a DC 8 Athletics or Acrobatics check.
arc about 20 feet tal1.
Vegetation: These plants are difficult terrain.
"Veil: Thi s damp, rock-lined hole is 20 feet deep. It Conclusion
requires a DC 13 Athletics check to climb. \·V hen a character reduces the dark one to 0 hit poi nt s,
Windows: These casements are 2 feet wide, 3 ask the player ifhe or she wants to knock it uncon-
feet tall, a nd 4 feet off t he ground Olltside. Cli m bing sciolls. If spared , the dark one ca n con firm its mission
in trade for its life. It knOWS that Vonta r in is sea rching
ruins of Saint Avart hil l'vl onas-
tery, and that th e mage pl ans
to send an army of skeletons
, Start against the town soon this
Area same night.lrthe characters
lea rn th is information and
want to go to Saint Ava rthil's.
Grimbold begs them to see
to the defense orlhe armory
while he de.fends the chapel
against the coming skeletons.

For batt ling the monsters, eaeh
character receives 150 XP.
Trea s ure: The dark one
carries a belt pouch, contain-
ing 110 sp, 89 gp, and a large
amethyst (100 gp). it might
ofler these treasures as a bribe
to save its life.
arm or)'. Sil1((' the marsJJars men sl re/ched Ihill, y ou're
(I rc
he/pill,9 pcllrollhc 1011'11 while fIle)' s uard the townspeople
1(ll.:ill[) refl/ne.
The creeping dread oflhe Shadowfell holds sway o\,e l"
the town ofOupond c for a second night. Once again,
D ependi ng 0 11 what the players decided to do in ~es.
the shadows arc fu ll of ullsett ling phantoms, sin ister
sion 8, the), Illightgain a small edge in this week s
presences, and roaming rnonslCrs. During this ses-
sion, the townspeople reach the end or their endura nce
Rat Pack: Among the people tak ing shelter at the
just as Vontarin unleashes an attack agai nst Duponde.
armory are the survivors oftl.l e Old Owl: Tild a. H a ra ld.
\Vhcn you're rcady. read:
ami the three dwarves.Uthe characters fought the rats,
Tilda is very grateful for their st ruggle to protec t the
YOIl \'(' a/readl' dealt wilh olle Ihreat fOlti9'u, bUI ,lall'lI is
Old Owl. She aids the charac te rs in their cfforts to fight
sl i/1 hour~ {!\\:ay. Most of the fOlI'lI~rolk afC 9lHhered ill (! few
off despair and rally the people at the armory, granting
defensible spots- the dwpel, the lady's manor, or the old
a +2 bonus to chccks in the skill cha llenge.

lonely Death: If the characters instead searched :r
the town. they prc\'ent the dark one from repon- ~
ing back to Vontarin before he sends his monsters
against the town. Lucking knowledge orthe town's
defemes. Vontarin orders a number of skele tons to
search the town . weakening the main attack. No Z
skeleton reinforcements appear in the encounter. c::
Further, if the characters quest ioned the dark one to ~
learn of the impending: attack and lise tha t inforrna- Z
tion when influencing the townsfolk. they gain a +2 o
bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks in the skill
cha llenge. z
Shadow's Influence -
.\lolls ters that roam the Shadowfell a re trou ble enough. W
but Ihe plane of shadow holds a more ins idious peril -
perva sive, soul-crushing desp;'!ir and hopelessness
mat slowly saps the will of those who are exposed to
:t.. As hours pass and Dupondc sinks deeper into the
:iliadowlClI. the malaise slowly dep rives every living
...:ul caught in the town of the will to nglH on. Over the
.:oursc of thcir watch. the characters come to realize
~! they have to do somethi ng to flglH off the creep-
-:dcspair. lor themselves and lor the townspeople
z:-oo.nd them . TllfimidCltL' (DC 13): The character shakes observers
out of despondency by describing the danger of the situ-
=~ill Challenge: ation and the need fo r bravery.
Rdi8ioll (DC 9): The character leads the pl~ople in
':::reeping Despair hymns or prayers that he lp to stave off the despair.
'iiE: <::t:iIl challenge hegins when the characters 11<'\\'e Success: Charac ters successfully endure. They
on patrol for a short while. As the night wears on. ra lly and inspire the guard .. , \\'ho participate fully in
~ ~...sh·e hopelessness settles over the townsfolk. Encou nter 9 .
...lOE3Cte rs feel a growing numbness and weariness. Failure: Despair cla im s victory. The guards do not
. taIl silent and stare ahead <IS jfin a bleak trance. participate in Encounter 9, and each character is dazed
~ monsters appear. the citizens might nOI be abl e unt il the end of his or her first turn in the encounter.
.aefeod themselves. Tfyou are using the Despai r Deck. hm'c each player
~2 draw a card from the deck. Instead of a character being
Ca:::plexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 hlilures) dazed at the start of the encounter. he or she is aflected
~- Skills: Arcana . Diplomacy, .Endurance, by the card.
~gh l . Intimidate. Religion. Thievery
-r-=..:: (ir Tltien'ry (DC 13): The character miscs
_ nnerta ining others with smalllCats orIeger·
Vontarin's Soldiers
The ghost possessing Nathaire has ignored Duponde
""'''"'''''''. amusing cant rips.
-~!-(DC 1.1): The character urges the guards until now. Some of his dark ones <He spying on the
tOWIl. but the monsters roam ing the streets arc threats
-::speople to fig ht the despair or otherwise
crowd a mU'ied . indigenollS to thi s portion of the ShadowlCIt Afler the
-eWC 13;Woup chec!:): The charactCJs force Crceping Despair skill challenge concludes, Vontarin
="".... ~to remain active. Each character attcmpts
unleashes his first deliberate attack. He animates skel-
etons from the Cl'ypts beneath Saini i\,',uthil Monastery
~e check. The party gains one sllccess if at
..::r characters succeed. and orders them to attack the town, hoping to drh'e
-:: 13): The character cooks up a stiIllu lating away any people lingering in Duponde. Go 10 the Von-
-.- OI!\-erage. tarin's Horde encounter.
DC 10): The character identiHcs those ill the
-,=,,~ of surrendering to despair and suggests
;.oose people to feel hopchli.
'1 11 De£te'pit/Skeletons'(D)!~{level l ' Mltlion Skirmisher 'I


"'Iinatllra '/" ,"1"
1,,1/ )'1an I' ' ('"
mate. iii! ',I"
un dea"d) ,,'11111,,/ /'/'I ,I'"II'" I""
'' ' , , ",' ,
HP 1; a miss ed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5
En c ount e r l eve 1 3 AC 16. Fo rt it ude 13, Reflex 14. Will 13 Percept ion +2
Speed 6 Oarkvlsion
Befo re the en counter star ts, read: Im mune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrot]c;
As you come 10 dIe ] OWII Stl"Clre. comp/trilla another rount! Vulnerable 5 radiant
ofyour patrol. a cry aoes "pin [he ciirection of tile arll1ory. l l1
tlte distance,you can see bone-white forms surrollluling lilt' CD Longswo rd (weapo n) + At-W ill
Efftf:t: The skeleton C.1n shift 1 square before t he attack.
AUoric; Melee 1 (one creature): +6 vs. AC
Hi l: 4 damllge.
Setup ® Shorlbow (weapon) + At-W ill
Effect; The skeleton can shift 1 square before the anack.
8 - 12 decre pit ske letons (D)
Attock; Ranged 10 (one ere;lI ur,,-): +6 vs. AC
2 blazing ske letons (B) I-/it; 3 damage.
1 shadow sta lke r (S) Str 15 (+2) Oex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
4 - 6 Duponde Guards (G I - G6, a llies; sec page Co n 13 (+1) Int 3 (-4) Cha 3 (-4)
64 or ask your D U N(';t:ONS & DRAG OXS E l\'(;OUN T F. ltS All gnmen t unaligned La nguages-
orga ni ze r for copies of the statistics blocks) EqUipm ent longsword, short bow. 20 arrows

The Ch<lrSClers ca n hasten to intercept the skeletons

before t he), break into the a rmory. Do 1101 place the
HP 53; Bloodied 26 In itiati ve +6
AC 19. Fort it ude 1 S. Re fl ex 18. W ill 16 Perce ption +4
Speed 6 Darkvislon
HP 25; Sioodied 12 In iti3ti ve +9 Immu ne disease, poison; Res ist 10 fi re, 10 nec rotic:
AC 15, Fort itude 14. Renex 16, Will 14 Pe rception +3 Vulnerabl,,- 5 radiant

Speed 8 Darkvision
-0 Fiery Aura (fire) + Aura 1
Any creature that ends ilS lurn in the aura takes 5 fire dilmage.

The shadow stalker takes hair damage from all attacks. except (!) Slati ng Claw (fi re) + At-Will
those that deal force or radiant damage. Whenever the shadow Auock: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
stalker takes radiant damage, it loses th is trait until the start ofilS Hit: ld6 -+ 3 damage. and ongoing 5 fire d.1mage (save ends).
next turn. ® Flame Orb (nre) + At ·WIIl
Born of Shadows Attock: Rnnged 10 (one creatu re): +1 0 vs. Re flex
The stalker can milke a Stealth check to become hidden when it Hir: 2d4 -+ 4 damage. and ongoing 5 fife damage (save ends).
has concealment instead of needing total conceillment. Str 13 (+3) Dcx18(+6) Wis 15 (+4)
Con 17 (+5) lnt 4 (~1 ) Cha 6 (+ O)
CD Shadowy Touch (necrotic) + At-Will Alignm ent una lig ned La ngu ages -
Au!!,/(: Me lee 1 (one creature): +6 vs. Refl ex
Hil: I dS + 6 necrotic damage. shadow stalker when YOll sel up Ihe encounter un less
+Shad ow Sta lk (nccrotlc) + Recha rge when the stalk!:: r uses slwdow the heroes s pot them . Jt requ ires a DC 10 Percept ion
Attock: Melee 1 (o ne crea ture): +8 vs. Reflex
check to spot the shadow stalkers.
Hit; 1d6 + 8 necrotic damage. and the stalker shifts in to the ta r-
get's space and melds with Its shadow (save ends). While the
stalker Is melded with the larg"-I'5 shadow. i( moves when Ihe
BlaZin g Skeleton s: These undead fight w ith more
larget moves wlthom provoking opportu nity attacks. and it
gains a +4 bonus to all defens,,-s ilnd a +5 bonus to attack rolls intelligence. Each uses flame orb. la rgct ing I hose who
against the ta rget. When the target saves. the stalker shifts to a seem to pose a ser iolls threat. They avoid catchi ng allies
square adjacent to the target. in their flery aura.
' :rRJ(;(i.[REO ACtION" ' • '. ". "', /1', ' ','/', ,I, • 'I., II '" I' .."I Decre p it Ske le ton s : Four decrepit skeletons posi-
Shadow Ste p (telep0rlatlon) + At-Will tion themselves as artillery, using , heir shortbows. The
TriBBer; A living creature within 5 squares of the stalker drops to 0 rest engage in melee. employing their longsword<;.
hit points or fewer.
Shadow Stal ker: T his crealurc waits for the char-
Effect (Frce Action): Th,,- stalke r telepons to a square adj acen! to
the triggering Crl:aturc and gains a +2 bo nu s to attack rolls until aclers to spread out. picks a target to atlac k. a nd uses
the end orilS next turn. shadow sta lk to enter t he fig h t. As long as sh" e/ow stalk
Skill s Stealth +10 Ilists. t he shadow attacks its vict im w ith shctdow), tOllch.
Str 12 (+2) Oex 19 (+5) W is 14 (+3) If the target saws. t he sllildow n its back inlo conceal-
Co n 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha l ' (+1) ment a nd h ides again.
Doors : T he doors lead ing into the a rln ory (the CC Il -
Development tra l bU ildi ng) arc d amaged and no longer loc k. O ther
G u a rds: Depe nd ing 0 11 the party's success in this doors arc locked.1t requires a DC 12 Thiever}' check
session"s sk ill challenge. the guards might be coop- to pick a lock or n DC 19 Athl etics check to force ope n
cmti\'c or completely despondent. Irthe gua rds arc a door.
desponde nt. they take no actions, ra ising no hand to Fu rniture and Goods: These squares a re difficult Z
dcJcnd anyone. including themselves. lfdtaracters' terrain. a:
cllorls have rallied the guards. allow each pla)·er 10 Roof: The roof of the armory is 20 feet high. ami is.
control one gu ard in the fight. A guard that a plu)'cr unlike the surround ing buildings. it is nat. Z
controls act ju st after that player's character in the ini· Stairway: These stairs are difik ult terrai n. They
[iath'C order. lead to the armory's upper nonr (currently fill ed with ..
Reinforcement s: If the clmr<lctcrs de feated the
dark one in the Lonely Death em:ountcr, not hing fur-
cit i7.ens of Duponde).
Statues: The stntues a t the filOt oreach bridge arc
Iher happens in this encounte r. OtherWise, when the bloc king ter mi n.
cha racters destroy lour decrepit skeletolls or one blaz- Tablcs: These sqll<ues are difficult terrain.
ing ske leton . four :ldd 1110nal decrepit skeletons join the W indows: The armory windows are 5 feCI above
bat de. They appear at the edge (lfthe map, near the th e !';t t eet outside. Hars cover each window, which is
square marked H. ahout I foot wide ilnd 4 feet tall.

Features of the Area Conclusion

Illumination: It'!'; dark. Ligh! sources illuminate When the cha rac tet,~ defeat the skeleton forl'e . they
only balf lheir norma l radius. notice each decrepit skeleton is d ressed in the tnttered
Aqueduct: The water is 5 Icc! below the !c\'el of brown robes of a friar. No one nearby knows the sig-
the street. and it is 10 fee t deep. No check is requ ired nilkance of the Onding. This is a mys tery fiJ r the next
to swi m . but each square requires 2 ex tra sq ua res of session.
mo"ement. Character!'; in the water must use a 1ll0\'e Daybreak Is at hand. The tOWI1 sh ifts from the
action and succeed 0 11 a DC 12 Ath letics check to cli mh Shadow fell back to t he world. Howeycr, the characters
from the wit ter lip to the street. notice that the town's return to the wnrld seems slug-
Bridge s: The highest b 'd orench arched bridge i .~ gish. as though the Shadowfell is clinging to Duponde.
10 feet above the water of the aqueduct.
Cart : Thc bed of the ca rt is] lect abow the street. Rewa rd
~Io\' ing into the ca rt requires 1 cxtra square of
For batt ling the monsters. faci ng (he skill challenge.
movement. a nd helping to defend the towo, each charactcr receives
300 XP. Ira player has Clltcnded evcry se,>sion this season,
his or her character should
have 2.2 50 XP jfthe charac-
ter has completed all possible
quests. That character now
advances to level 3.


travelinafor ajew Irours, you catch a a!imp5e of a lar8C, ruined
CHAPTER 3 abbey on tl hilltop abore the waterway. Most Ojit5 roof!w5
fallen in, t!luf Ihe bell tower is lin/e more than ajCl88ed Slump.
This marks t he beginning of the th ird chapter orDark A wide wano1t-track leads Ill' from rhe river rOt1l1 to the
[('Oc1cyoJEwtrd, The encounters in this chapter assume abbe),. Nearly a hundred yards from the gate, another palh
the characters arc 3rd Ievel.l f most of your group is 151 splits off, lcadillfl to the foot of Ihe bllifjs jacillB th e river. Here
or 2nd level, sec Adjusting the Encounters on page 2. you fillCl a doorway CUI into tlte cliff-the elltmnce La the
Each character has had an c..-.:lended rest and should have crypts, its larfle bronze doors open. Tire stylized 51111 011 the
full hit points and healing surges. as well a_~ 1 action point doors reminds yOIl of the broken setd you found ill/he cellars
and access to his or her daily powers. ojVouwrius ruined lIlansion.
Despai r Deck: rryon are using t his component,
have each player draw a card from the Despair D eck. t\
player's card affec ts his Of her character. WHERE IS NATHAIRE?
During daylight hours, t he possessed mage is still in

SESSION 10: SAINT the Shadowfell ana logue or Saint Avarthil Monastery.
If t he characters were so inclined, they can explore
AVARTHIL'S CRYPTS every inch of t he abbey grounds w ithout encounter-
ing him. However, some of Vontarin's cronies a re in
During another night in the Shadowfcll in the previous the world. Encounters 10 and 11 take place during
two sessions, the c haracters fought off a major attack Von- t he remaining hours of daylight. whjle Nathaire is still
larin sent against the town. Regin this session by reading: trapped in the Shadowfel1.
After sunset, the monastery slips back into the
Afler the shadows slowly relinquished DUJlonde al daybreak, Shadowfel1. Nathaire resumes his search ofthe library,
you resled fo r several hours, Grimbold comes 10 see you early where the characters can confront him in Encounter
in Ihe ajternoon, ~ I heard about your tlefense of the armor),," '12. Any captured dark ones in the follOWing encounters
he benins, ''Thai was well dOlle, 111)'f-r iends,ll1'as at the can tell t he characters about Nathaire and the library.
chapel last ni8ht. \-\le los! a IUl/nber oj people to those skel-
elOrls. It's stranne. The skeletons wc jought wcre dressed in the
cassocks of monks. Brolher Zelalllhinks lIle)' camefrom the
clJ'Pts at Saint Am nliil Monastery."
Crypt Entrance
Vontarin's servants are in side the crypts, busy with the
Gr imbold explains that Sa int Avan hH 's is a large, work of opening sarcophagi and preparing skeletons for
r uined abbey a few ho urs west of Dupolldc. Badly dam· animation whe n their ma ster returns .
aged during the lege ndary duel between Vontarin and P e rception (DC 1. 5): T he hard ·packcd ground out·
f vard, the monastery was never completely repaired. side the doors holds severa l tracks. 11 shows that the
Its last resident s, Pe/orite friars. abandoned it thirty or crypt doors were recently opened for the fl rst lime in a
lo rty years ago. Grimbold ca n p rovide the characters very long while. Nu m erOllS skeleta l leet shu Oled Ollt of
with directions to the old a bbey. the crypt after it was opened. On a result 01"20 or higher,
Hemind the p layers dlat their charac ters found a the character a lso notices t he tracks of small. two·legged
bronze sea l broken in the cellars of Von tarin's house. creatures with feet like cloven hooves (dark o nes). These
That seal has a prayer to Pelor on it. One of the characters creatures entered and left the crypt several times.
might deduce t he connect ion to the abbey immediately. lJlumination: Bro n ze braziers in each chamber
If the pl ayers d on', pick up on the suggestio n that of thc crypt hold cool fires e quivalent to c\'crburn·
they should go investigate the ruins. Grimbold asks the ing torches. pr OVid ing bright light in the w hole crypt.
characters to do so. The m a rsh al wants to make su re Describe the braz.iers as pan of the scene. If renuwed
that no more !<;keletons emerge from the abbey cry pts. from the crypts, a braZier's m agiC Jails.
He a lso points out that it seems likely that someone dis·
turbed the c rypts or animated thc skeletons-som eone North Crypt
like Nathaire. Rem a in s of Pelor worshipers whuse deeds earned them
a special place rest in these crypts.
Road to the Abbey 1\ stern all8e/statlle watches over the room. Duria/niches,
\ V hen the characters set out to inve!<;tigate Sa in t Avar-
plastered ol'er (In" markeclll'ith corroded bronze IIamep/a tes,
thil Monas tery, begin with:
line the lI'alls. A 1arne lIumber of niches hal'e been broken
open./eal'in8 sll1all J)i1es of plaster at. tflejoot of each wall. Two
The road leadillB westjroHl Duponde passes inlO an area of
sarcoplra8i also rest in this room-one bears tire carved imane
loll', hea\,j~' wooded !rills overlookina the White Rirer. After

of (llI'ell·drem~d merchanl, Ihe oIlier (I robed lad),. To lite east, This crypl, CH10rllCr sr~rn anBei statile watdlina owr it,
a rllbble·dlOkecl slainm)' descends 10 a lmaer chamber. contains more I'ICIsten~ a burial tliches. 1\ lost of them (Ire
ullopened. One tomb il1 the room's center shows a lady kniaht
Dozens of burial niches line the walls, stacked five high in armor. (luti the orller depicts a lord iu reBal robes. Sleps
from Ooor to ceiling. Each is about 3 feel deep. 2 feet desCl!ud to lite east huo a laraer chamber.
tall. and 6 ICc! long. Most arc empty. since this room is
the first place Natha ire's servants began to gather ske l· This chamber is very much like the north crypt, except
etons. A sharp blow is suJlkient to pokc a hole il\ an that on ly a few of the bmial niches have bee n broken
unopened niche. Not hing but dusty bOlles d ressed in open. Most arc still scaled .
rotted brown robes remains within each 011(', More animated skelelons guard t his room; see the
Animated skeletons guard the room. Go to the Shadowed Crypts encounter.
Shadowed Crypts encounter. Usc the descriptions on
this page when the characters move to other rooms. Great Crypt
The most important monks a rc buried here.
Middle Chamber
Allothcr staflre in the shapc of a harsh allaelif fllWrdiall Two jliBhrs ofsr.ain; descend 10 Ihis burial ciulHlb('r. f our pillars
watcires m·er rllis room. which also contains a wcll brillllllillB were mecmt ro SUppOri rlze mulled c('ililtB. bur 0111' Iwsfit!len.
wilir dark water. Sen!r(!l sc!rcophani that hav(' lids canoed inlo lire imajJcs of robed
priests ill repose occupy 1111.' room's center. Two of the lombs are
The we!! in this chamber captures a sma!! spring. Its 01'('11, and one shClltered lid lies 011 111(' jloor. A roll' of Sl11C1!!er

water is cold and drinkable. and it is blessed by Peior. sarcol'hClBi lines the back WCll!, ('ach stone coffin bencath an
.-\ gootl ·a li~ned character who drinks from the water (lI1ae! statue. Piles of rubble mark places where ceilillB or )mlis
gains a +1 bOlllls to all defenses until the e nd of his or /tare COUClI'Sec!, and a cn.'rasse divides Ihe room in t1l"0.
her next encounter. The water loses ih blessing in, is
carried away from the well. A blazing skeleton guards this room. Two dark ones who
servc the possessed Nalhaire work to prepare more skel·
South Crypt etollS here. The open sarcophagi contain their handiwork.
Like the north crypt, this room was lIsed to inter the
remai ns of lay people who served Pelor.
HP 54: Bloodi ed 27 Initiative +7
Encou nter Level 3 AC 20. Fortitude 15. Renell16. WUllS Percepti on +)
Speed 6 O~rkvis;on

Setup SrANOARO ACTIONS "II i" 'I' 'III/"""} • 'II ',lh'I'.' ell', 'ill',"••,rtlloll/I"/II,'IIJIJ III..
<D Short Sword (we~ron) + At·Will
2 he x kn ights (K) Effect: The he~ knight makes the following attack twice.
1 blazing skeleton (B) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 YS. AC
8 decrepit skeletons (D) Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. an d the targe t Is slowed unti l t he end of the
he~ knight's nex t turn.

A hattlc sta rts as soon ,15 the cha racters attract the @ Hand Crossbow (weapon) + At·WIII
attention orthe skeletons. Place monsters only in arcas Attock: Ranged 10 (one cre atu re); +9 vs. AC
Hit; 1d6 ... 4 da mage.
characters ca n see. Frollllhc crypt ent rance, characters
t Vicious Flurry (weapon) + Recharge j;::l!IT
can sec down into the great crypt only if t hey move to a Aflock: Melee 1 (one or two creatures): +9 vs. AC
squa re adjacent to the steps lead ing down . Hit; ld6 + 4 damage. and the target is slowed and takes ongOing

When the characters en ter, read:

A couple ofskeletons iufadell brown cassocks stand here. Step + At-Will
Effect : The hex knigh t moves 4 squares. gains a +4 bonus to AC
each nril'pir1g a rusty 10I1115\\'orll. They raise rJ1eir slI'ords (llIef
ilgainst opportunity attacks provoked hy this movement. and
acil'{lIlce the iustrlftl they see you.
gains combat advantage against each creature th'l( il emls its
move adjacent to until th e end of the hex kn igh t's next turn,
8 Decrepit Skeletons (0) , Level 1 Mlnio"n Skirmisher ~ MrNORACTIONS '/'I! .. ·.'11'1'1'11. J. W I", "1,, "'/'/'/Il//,iI .. ,1'1.' ',I, ,,1 I"! "I'
Medium natural animate (undead) '", ' , . ' Shadow Hex + At-Will
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5 E/fect: One creature within 3 squares of the hex knight is marked
AC 16, Fortitude 13. Refl ex 14, WlII13 Perception +2 until the end of the encounter or until lhe hex knight uses
Speed 6 Darkvlslon shadow hex again. While the crealUre is marked by the hex
I knight. whenever It makes 3n Jttack th at docs not Include the
hex knight as a target. It grants combat advantilge unti l the end
l~"g "NO,'d (weapon) + At-Will
Effect; The skeleton can shjft 1 sq uare before the attack.
Attock; Melee 1 (o ne creature); +6 vs. AC Killing Dark
of its next !Urn.
' '1IIIIiJliifl/!!!lliiJlfln lI/oWl//I

Hit; 4 damage. Tri88cr: The hex knig ht drops to 0 hit points.

@ Shortbow (weapon) + At-Will Effect (NaAClion): Each enemy adjacent to thc hex knight is
E/fecl; The skeleto n can shihl square before the attack. blinded unti l thl' end of his or her next turn.
Attock: Ranged 20 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +10
Hit: 3 damage. Str 15 (+4) Oex 16(+5) Wis 12 (.;.3)
Str 15 (+2) Oex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2) Con 14 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha11 (+2)
Con 13 (+1) Int 3 (-4) Cha 3 (- 4) Alignment unaligned l a nguages Common
Alignment unaligned l a ngua ges- Equipment hide armor. 2 short swo rds. hand crosshow, 10 boilS
Equipment longsword. shortbow. 20 arrows

' . Skeleton
1181azlng ,," (8),'1/
'" ji ,'"f'fl'"
1" ,Ii, ,i" ' ' I"'SA~'II
',1,1' I t eve
/,I,I/;o'llll/l} • u ery "f
" , , I " 1/' 'I ii" "~ " , ,,1,1' ,,', Z The dark ones in the great crypt ha\"e com mand of t h e
MedJum natural animate (undead) If' ~INII'I,'II,,' 1"I,1."fj{IJi,l."d~ ,.. /J,I,f, ',1.,11 ,
HP 53; Bloodied 26 Initiati ve +6 s keletons.
AC 19. Fortitude 15. Reflex 18. Will 16 Perce ption +4 Blazing Ske l e ton : Th is crea t ure 1ll{l\'CS j ust dosc
Speed 6 OarkYlslon enough to altilck aI range wilhJlml1e orb, It prefer!> to
Immune disease. poison; Resist 10 fire. 10 nec rotic; remai n in the g r eal crypt. w h ere it ca n attack any larg!.:!
Vulnerabl e 5 radiant on the ~ teps or in square!> adjilcenl to t h e top of tile
o Fiery Aurn lfire) + Aura 1 Hex Knights: These crcatures h o ld their p osition s.
aur a takes 5 fire
u s ing houri crossbow In pre fcfl~ llce to m elee ;.((aeks as
long as th!.: cha raelers a n~n 't in the: great crypt. As soon
Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +' 0 vs. AC as an enem y sets fOOl in the great crypt. the hex knights
Hil; ld6 + 3 damage. and ongoing 5 Ore damage (save ends). adl'ance to meet t ha t foe. They use dark step to close the
@ Flame Orb (Ore) • At·WiII dislallce. and thell ;,mac k wit h sh orr sll'ord un less twu
Arrock: Ranged 10 (one cre<lwre): +1 0 vs. Reflex
enemies arc mUaeclII, ill w h ich c ase they usc I'kious
Hil: 2d4 + 4 damage, and ongoing S fire damage (save ends).
Str 13 (+3) Oex 18 (+6) Wls 15(+4)
flurry. The hex k nig h ts usc dllrk step to escape laugh
'" ", Con 17 (+5) Int 4 (-l) Cha 6 (+0) enemies and go aHc l' weaker ones.
Alignment unaligned l anguages -
For explo ring all the rooms "-
of the cry pt a nd hatt ling t he a::
monsters. each character gains
250X P. 8
Treasure : The midd le sar- :;
cophagu s or the eastern row is o
finely d ecorated. and (he lid o
shows signs that it has been <
opened recent ly. A s ubsta n-
tia l treasure is hidden within. '"..
Se\'eral slllall sacks contain
1.000 sp. 140 gp, a blue topaz Z
(100 gp), (I fi ne sih'e r ri ng with 0
small emcralds (250 gp). and a VI
+1 Qllnde! of health. ~
1rl he party reruses 10 open VI
the tomb fur fear of desecrat·
ing it, Pelor provides his
hlessing to one of the cha r-
acters. One cha racter gains
1.1 +1 enhancement bonus to
Decrepit Skeletons : Quarters a rc cramped in the Fortitude. ReOcx. and Will until the end of thi s season.
upper crypts. so the decrepit skeletons close to attack Use the normal rules filr determining ",hidl chamcter
with lheir swords . The)' attack the nearest imruder receives a magic item. prefer ring ch aracters who were
eac h round. aga inst opening the toJll b.

Features of the Area

Braz ie rs: These hronze containers a re diflk ult
Crevasse : This la rge crevasse is 10 feet wid e ilnd 20
feel dee p. The sides arc rough hut steep a nd require il
DC 13 Al hletits check to climb.
Doors: The doors in Ihis area are made of corroded
bronze pla tcs. They arc unlocked.
Rubb le: Debris·st rewn squares are difficult terrain.
Sarcoph agi: These tombs al·e difficul t terra in.
Stat ues: The figures arc b locking terrain.
' :Ve l1 : A 1·fi)()t wa ll around t his pool keeps it COll-
tained. The water is I S Icct deep.

A dark olle. if captured. can tell the characters that
Nalilairc (Vomarin) is trapped in the Shadowfell during
lhe day ilnd searches the abbey's library by night. They
can also inform the characters that more of Von tarin's
servants are searching the ruins.
if the charact er dispatch t he d ark olles witholl t q ues·
tioning them. you Cil ll ha,·e the part)' find instructions
written by Vontarin ,hat relate the same in for mat ion.
, TooJs: The dark ones haye crowbars <lnd other mUll·
_ dane tools they have been using to open t he bu rial
.; n iches.
A couple of hours after sUl1set. Cl small blast ondfilinrj1jeker of
SESSION 11: fire briefly cOllie from the ruins all rhe hillrop. DisWnt hissin8
laughler drifts dOWIl and dies oll'a),. TharJlash came from nenr
ABBEY GROUNDS the olltbllildilllJS alld walL~ !O tlte saudi of the abbey proper.
After dealing with the dark ones and skeletons lurking
in the abbc)' cry pt s in Session 10. the characters arc Tar del'i1s cntertain [hcJllsel"e.~ hy burning slllall ani·
finally closing in 0 11 the posses.~ed Nat haire. However. mals in the ruins. This is what the characters saw and
the rui ns of Saint Avarrhil i\lonastcry cover a lot of heard from'l distance. \-Vhell the chamcters Investigate.
ground. and monsters loyal to Vontarin's ghost still lurk go to the Defiled Shrine encounter. Ikcause it's after
in the shadows. dark. the dmraclers havc 10 carrr lights to see clearly.
''''hen you're rcady 10 begin. rcad: Monsters in Encounter 11 notice lights approaching
their location . Treat th is siluation as if the characters
You'l'e left The crypls, which (lfe cut from the rocky "llif! (1( failed the skill challenge.
the fool of Ihl.' abbcy m ills. The ruilled abbey stands 011 a
hillrop ol'erJookill8 ill/! \ Villec Hil'fr. VOUItS ofollfbuildiJl8S
(lnd rmnblinn lI'alls tlescent/from the hilltop. Smllller chapels.
Explore the Abbey
Since the main abbey Is the most prominent ruin in
ciormitories. refectories. (lml STorehouses are \\Iii/lin rhe crUll!-
the area, the characters might decide to jlll'esligate it
blin8 walls. In its day. SailH Amrthi! MOllllStery I1II1ST Irm'e
directly rather than poke around in the outbUildings.
bcella small t01l'1l in its OWII riOllc. Now. wild dlickers nl1d
When the party does so. read:
stands Of)'01l1l8 frees cowr mudl of fhe open space Cllld arow
'hroualt sel'ernl ruined buildiJ1as. Tlte "'nin srrucrure iSfhe
"I 'he abbey ruius conrain ollly mOl/lids oj rubble from the col·
' 'I.'
lar8esr fea ture of spmwli1l8 aroullds. lapsed roof alld barren lI'alls preserl'i1l91he ske!e/cll oudine of
Previously. )'ou discowred a IUlck of ulldeatl clnd 111'0
rhe walld buileliua lhal ollce stood here. "fJlick stands afb/ack
slml18e JW!lHlIIOids wilhilt rhe crypt, bur 110 siall ofNcH/rClire.
Iree$ and lal1[JiecllllClssl's of briars choke rhe abbey yrounds.
You knoll' he has been olll'Ol"k here, alldllinliljilll apfJroadlCs.
oul )'ou cmt stilll1U1ke out Ihe pal"edfootpalhs winnil18frolll
vVllar do ),ou do?
ouilditlfJ 10 bllildina wirhillille crumblina \I'(lIk
Allow the players to consider the situation and discuss
The only monsters present in this area arc al the sOllth-
thcir plans. Tfthe), q ucstioned the dark ones jn F,ncoun·
t'rn gate (sec .Encounter 11). which isn't close 10 these
tt:'r 10, they know to search Ihe abbey grounds. Here
ruins. .Encourage the players to search the grounds or
are a felV options:
wail for SUllset.
Search the Grounds: If the characters try to look
around the abbey's ground s. go to the Search the
Grounds section. Search the Grounds
Check out the Abbey: Il"the characters ill\'cstigate A large number of outbuildings and walls surround the
the larges t and most prominent ruin, the abbe)' itself. go abbey. Some dark ones and thcir infernal guards arc
to Explore the Abbey. holed lip in.a sma ll shri ne near the abbey's sout h gate.
Rest, Set Ambus h, or WaH : The players might but finding the monsters lakes tim e. If the characters
decide to wait for sunset. to sel an amhush at ~he crypt a ren't cDrerul, they might slurnble into an ambush.
entrance. or to just wait before doing anything else. In When the charactcrs Ilnish the skill challenge, go to
any of these cases, go to \.vail/or Sunset. the Deflled Shrine encounter.

Wait for Sunset Skill Challenge: Searching

NOlhing h appen .~ ncar the abbey crypts lor the rest of The skill challeIlge begins when the characters set Ollt
the aftcr noon. to search the grounds. The lillTSI has grown o\'er much
of the old monastery, chok ing the crulllbling walls with
1\5 tlie !>'1I11 disappears below ilte horizon. you Jeel the same undergrowth and uees. Scores oJ"pJaces are apparent
[Jul./wisrina lurch from Ihe sltadolljal! ,ltar you'w experi· that might make good hiding placcs for Nathain: or hjs
enced over rhe last two niallrs. Preternatural 9100111 qUickly lackeys. 11 might take hours to thoroughly search the
descends Ol'er tire I"uins. Thidwrs and frees 11011' seem si rlisler. grounds. so it's best to do so belore sunset.
and lin>leanina walls/okt! 011 el broodinJJ. omillous aspect. Level: 3
Complexity: 2 (6 sllccesses berore 4 fD ilures): each
If the charac ters now go search the abbey grounds. s(;(; success takes the party ever sout hward IOward the
Search the Grounds. If the party keeps waiting. add: southern gate-.
Primary Skills: Arcana. Athletic.s, Nature. Percep·
tion. Stealth. Religion
A rCCIIlCl (VC 13: trailled (lilly): The character uses Failure: The party blunders illlo all amhush in
second sight to detect traces of shadow or identify Ihe Encounte r 11. Thl! c haracters arc surprised at the start
leaVings oftite fknds in Encounter II. of the encou nter.
Alltlelics (VC 2 1): The character call scramble 10 a
wall top or scale a brokelllo\\'er to gain a beller vantage
point. He or she spot.... somcthing lIseful. suc h as fresh
Sighting the Library
tar or a sla in animal. Characters who searched the grou nds start Encounter
Percel'liorr (DC 13): The cha racter looks for tracks and Il while the su n still shines. At the end of Encounter
other signs of monsters h!din,~ in the area. A glimpse 11, the sun sets and the ahbey and ils grounds shift
ofmollon or the finding of strange. hoonike footprillls to t he Shadowfell again. , rthe cha racters waited and
leads the party onward. had to fight in the dark. c hange thc description here 10
Nnrure (DC 13): The Char;JCler looks filr signs ofhabi- account for Ihe f~lct t hat the Sll n has already .~el. Olher-
wisc. when the baltlt., ends. read:
tat ion-birds chirping in sOllie ilrcas but not ot hers, :)
animal burrows or dens thaI have been abandoned. or
damaged foliage. SWlsel (Irril'('S soon after your /""de ends. As the sun sinks
STealth (DC 13:8rolll' check): Characters try to keep below rhe horizon. rlre (l blJey "nd ils araurrds slide inlO
their noise to OJ minimuill to li sten better and avoid Ille Shado\11e1! wilh afarniU!lT rlizzyitln sensation. As in
giving away their presence. Each attempts a Stealt h Dllponde. che IrmtsiciOIl skews 1)ToporljollS. Ruins neaTby
check. The party gains one Success if at least half the lake all a cr(lokea, !eerill8 (ISpect, /111(1 die woods and thickcls
charaClc rs succeed. BfaII' black (Jlld dClIse. NOl far ~(f, (I 1\I'o·story buildillY Ihal
\\'as itl ruill SII1110ment a80 1101\' seelrls imacc. 11 mit/hI he a
Relit/ioll (DC 9): The character u ses fa miliarity with
religiOIl S settlement.s 10 Idelllify various bUildings and dll1pel or l'er/wps a library. A 8'immer of lanrern lit/Itt shows
dlTOllnh Ihe windows ofils upper floor.
make informcd guesses about thc layout oCt he ru ins.
Success: Characters discovcr the monsters in
Encounl cr 11. spotting dlC dark ones and the dC"ils The clmracters h,l\"e finally fOtllld Nathaire·s hiding
hefore the cm:ounter begins. The monsters are sur· place, but the players have to wait until the next session
10 sec what happens.
prised at the start of the enCOunter.

HP 50: Bloodied 25 Initliltive "'6
E ncount e r Le v e l 3 AC 17. Fortitude 16, Reflex 17. Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 6 Darkvlslon
Setup Combat Advantage (necrotic)
2 sh adow bolters (B) Whenever the shadow bolter hits a creilture grilntlng combat
2 tar de vil brawle rs (T) ildvantage to it, the bolter deals S extra necrotic daTllage. and
2 leech ing sh adows ( l.) each of that creawre's at.ljaceut allies takes 5 necrotic damage.
Deadly Precision
NS lhaire ordered a couple of his d ark ones to sta nd The shadow bolter's ranged attacks have combat advantage
guard by the abbey's southerll gate. He provided them against any enemy thilt the bolter's atties are nanking,
STAttDAR.D ACTIOttS 'ill"~"'''' ,,,,I, ,,/. /,,, ,', ":I ,·.,,'.hI· '.' }"II'", ,':
w ith some extra muscle in the form ora pair Of511111'
moned tar devils. Place monsters only when a character
CD Dagger (weapon) + At-WfII
Attock; Melee 1 (one creature): +10 vs. AC
has line or Sight to them. The leeching shadows begin Hil: ld4 + 5 damage,
the c m :oU nlc r hidden . Spotting them req uires a DC I R ® Black Bolt (weapon) + At-Will
Perception check. A/tock: Ranged 15 (one creature): +10 V5. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. and the target takes 5 damage each time it
Whe n the encounter s ta rts, Tcad: provokes an opportunity attack (save ends).
All old lane leads 10 (IBat e ill ihe nvbe), \I'alls. Aj1ishf ofSlo lIC Mov'E, ·AdtlONS" I.~ ll.llf/W/fl )(~"'II fl'/lfNNlllffJfiflf/J/!//1. //!fl/I!/!ii/I'IU ' I/JIHfM:lli/fI/!,/,
Dark Step + At,Wln
steps Boes lip 10 11 small cOIlr!J'lml. cOnlainirt8 a fill)' shrine fffl'ct: The bolter moves 4 squares. gains a +4 bonus 10 AC against
,md a dilapidated Siorehouse. The walls are abolll 20fi·cr opportunity attacks provoked oy this movement, and gains
lIi8" 011 the exter io r side, but fhe lXHflemellfs 011 fOI' Clrc (rUlli - combat advantage against each creature that It ends its move
blil18 ruins. Narrow wiuJolI's look our from file wall on'r rile adjacent to untillhe end of the bolter's next turn.
Killing Dark
Tri881'r! The bolter drops to 0 hit points.
If the characters fa iled the Search the Grounds skil l
Effect (No Action): Each enemy ildjace nt to the bolter Is blinded
challenge or wa it approach in t he dark with lights unti l the end of his or her next turn.
show ing. the monsters surprise them . Skills Stealth +11
Characters who succeeded on the skill challenge Str 11 (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+4)
spot a tar devil crossing the cou rlyard entrance. a nd Con 14 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha 11 (+2)
they can surprise the monsters. Alignme nt unaligned languages Common
Equipment dagger. crossbow. 20 holts
1 Tar Devil Brawler(n Level 3 Brute '
Medium immortal humanoid (devil) " , 2 ' t.eechi~g Shadows
. , (L) 'I., ,I.'
:. I 'Level 1 Minion
. Lurker
HP 53; Bloodied 26 Initiative +4 Sm;dlshadowhumanoid ",: ./ • "I: '.' "
AC 15, Fortitude 14. Re flex 16, Wilt 14 Percept ion +6 HP 1; a missed ilttilck never damages 11 minion. Initia tive +7
Speed 6 Dilrkv islon AC 15. Fortit ude 13. Refle" 14. Will 12 Perception +1
Resist 10 fire: Vulne rab le 5 ilcid Speed 6, fly 6 (hover)

C: Tar Spla tter + Aura 1 Born ofShiidows

Any enemy that Stilrt5 iu tu rn In the aura cannot shih during thilt The shadow can make a Stealth check to become hidden when it
Illrn. hilS p~rtiill conceillmcnt Instead of needing total concealment.
,STANDA1toAcnONs /. I,,', ,·,·,'I"III.,"'.'IIIIIII1£1111.',II.1I11'·,II'If#" .,1"
<D Slam (fire) . At· WiII CD Shadow Meld (necrotic) + At·Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature): +8 vs. AC Attock: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 7 fi re damage. Hit: 4 necrotic damage. and the shadow shifts into the target's
+ Ta r Strike (~re) + Recharge [;}[i} space and melds with Its shadow (silve ends). While the shadow
Attock: Me lee 1 (one crealllrc): +8 vs. AC is so melded. It is removed from play. ~nd the ta rge t grmlls
Hit: 3d6 + 5 fi re damage. ilnd the targe t Islm mobit i z~d and takes combat advantage and takes ongoing 4 necrotic damage. When
ongoing S fi re damilge (silve ends both). the ta rget saves,the shadow reappears;n a square ildjncent to
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (Tl) the target of the shadow's choice,
Con 13 (+2) In t 10 (.·1) Cha 12 (~2) Skills Stealth +8
Alignme nt evil l anguages Supernill Str 11 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) W is13 (+1)
Con 14(+2) tnt 5 (-3) Cha 10 (+0)
Alignme nt evil l anguages Common

Walls: This \\'al1- 20 feet
tall outside, 10 Icet tall in the
courtyard- iS crumbling and
covered in slippery moss. 11
requires a DC 20 Athletics
check to climb it. The top of
the wa ll (depicted as inlilcl
pm;sages o n the map) is diffi- o
CUll terrai n.
Windows: These open
Start windows arc 2 feet wide ilnd
Start 2
Area 3 fee t ta ll. Moving through o
Area a Window requires 3 extra V1
(SkIll Chllll ... ng... sq uares 01' mO\'COlcnt a nd a V1
successful DC 9 Athletics or ''
Acroba tiCS check.

'Nhen the characters lire
done here. go on to Ihe section
Sighting the Library, page 53.
Dark On es: These crca-
Tactics tures. if captured, can (elI the characters that Nat halre
Serd ng Vontarin's interests, the tnr devils and da rk (Vontarin) is trapped in the Shadowfel l d uring the day
Dil es arc allied. The)' fien~c ly defend the gate area. The a nd sea rches the libw ry by night.
shadows arc predators d rawn to the fighting.
Sh adow Bolters: The shadow bolters t ry to remain Reward
indoors, s lIiping with black bolt fro m the w indows 10 For facing the sk ill d1<lllenge and hattling the monsters.
take <ld va ntagc of the cover. They know the layout eilch character gains 25 0 XP.
of the passages. a nd the), go to a Window faCing the Treas ure: The shadow holters have been indulg-
exterior ifd oing so allows (he m to snipe at characters ing thei r larcenous tastes. systematically pillaging the
outside the shri ne. place. They ha\'c had some Sllccess. One orthe dark
Leeching Shadows: These crca lllres wail for the ones carries a pouch. conta in ing 100 sp and 90 gpo The
advcm Ufcrs to fully engage the monste rs ill the COur l- other has a +1 lifedrinker wellpon. ROl h a lso have satchels
ya rd before slinking out of the Irees 10 allack cha rac ters stuffed with old Pelurite scroll s and tomes. These JIlUIl '
who have no allies nearby. dane texts arc evidence that the dark ones have spent
Tar Devils: These fie nds avoid descend ing the steps time pilfer ing a library in the ruins.
to gel at c h a rm.: ler.~ outside t he counyard , since they
want to nght so that their a llies can pa nicipate wit h
ranged attacks. If they IUl\'e to, the tar devi\s ready
actions to charge characters whe n lhe characters reach
the cOllrtyard. They me tar strike at every opportu nity.

Features of the Area

Illumination: Bright light, u nless the characters
waited for dark.
Doors: These doors arc closed , but they are neither
lm:kcd nor harred.
Pond: This water is dHlkult terrai n.
Stcps: The stairway is gradual. olTering no impedi-
ment to movemc nt.
Trees: A tree trunk's squa re is difIkult terrain.
Climbing it requi rcs a DC 8 Athlctics check. The
smaller trees are abollt 20 iCc! Iilll. and the largest is 30
feet wH.
The characters are finally in the right place at the right
li me to con frOIll their mysterious quarry. \:\,Thcn the
Saint Avarl h ll Monastery sh ifts back into the Shad-
owfdl'l( sUll set. the old lihmry appears around the
miss ing Nat ha ire with Vontarin's ghost po"scssing h im.
\·Vhen you're ready lU begin. read:

The (o ld a/oom of the Shado\\fcll surrounds you ollce Clsnin.

A librttry hClsformed a shorl distauce awa), from the smail
coIITlyarel by th e (Ibbey's nales. Fain! liahl fl ickers ill the win-
dows of ir~ uI'l,cr floor.

Making an Entrance
The lihrary is un1y a short d ista nce fro m lhc cou rtya rd.
but the charac ters have one small hurdle to negotiate
before they confront the villain. The have to find a way
Doors: Outer doors arc made of stun!y old oa k
w llh iron fitt ings. They arc locked. It requires a DC 22
Ath let iCS to hreak open the d oors or a DC 20 Th ie"ery
check to pick the lock. Us ing a heavy piece of masonry
or statuary as <l hattering ram gra nt... a +2 bonus to the
At hletics check anu allows another charactcr to assist.
\ Vlndows: The first noor has no windows. A
character can d imh the exterior wall to one of the sec-
ond -floor windows 20 feet up. Doi ng so requires a DC
21 Ath letics check. The w indows are a tight squeeze.
Entering one reqUires a DC 9 Athletics or Acroba tics
check and 3 squares of morc meIlt. Failure by 5 or more
causes a character to faiL
Teleport: A character who has a teleportation power
can teleport, but it's hard to sec inside the library from
the ground outsIde. The roo/"ea\'cs are 25 fCet hom the
stands by the balcolIY rail. You reeof] lIize /tim as the wizard
ground. Someone on the roof can hang dow n and slide
Narilairc, WIlO Ill )'OIi Iller Cit rhe Old 011'1. bitt his eyes are co m-
into a window (see aho\'e).
pletely block. 1\ purple cryswl orb swirliBlJ with weird enerfl)'
Knock: Ifc haracters billlg on the door and ask
rests iB a holster OB his hip.
for ad m itt ance, Vontarin directs th e shadow bolter to
il1\'cstigate, with a dusk bcast as backup. The dark one
Tft he characters didn't surprise Nathaire and his scr-
asks who's th ert~ without opening the door. Ir the c ha r-
vLlnt.... he addresses them before combat begins:
acters can persuad e the creature that they wish only to
talk to Vontarin, rhe dark one admits them.
"Thar sfar el1oLlf]h. You must be the OtlCS 111)' spies told I1I C
about," Nalhair(' says wilh a (Old smile. His rokc vibrates like
Nathaire or Vontarin? 111"0 d!.IJerellt I"oices combil1cd. "1 /Tln-c no particular wish to
\:Vhen the characters make their way inside the library, destro), )'ou. SlrClf ln crs. 1'011 {Ire pri50flers of dlallitrice-cursed
read the follow ing: villa ill Emrd.just IlS 1 am. NOlie ofyou han' a d Iane/! to
escop/! Iris IrOp ifyou illlerfere with me now."
rluOe bookshelves alld flittered purple curfclins divide the infe-
rior, which bronze '''lItems Iiahr widl ll'/!ak but steady}lames. If the ehara<: Lers speak w ith Vontari n. they find he
Ttl dl /! south wall. i t staircase wi nds lip /0 rhe second j1oor. carries himself as an aristocrat. expect ing some
wlliell fo rm s a bllicoll), lIlJo,·e. a mount of deferc nce and common courtesy. Beneath
T.il'illlJ shadows ill lilt! sha pe of repr ilian beCls!): prowl/lie his veneer orgood m<lnners is a cold . arrogant heart
n'D""'''''" II'" boohhdws. 011 the IIpper fl oor. (1111(111
filled with the burnlng drive to keep his stolen body
and escape Evard's curse. He hopes to persuade the SYMBOL OF DAWN <:
characte rs to leave him be. cast ing Evard as the grand If the characte rs obtained the holy symbol from to
\' illain of the story. Brother Zelan in Session 4. they find that the item -'
Vontarin is proud, and he reacts poorly to any inso- glows brightly as this encounter starts, inspiring the
lence. He has a lso spent a long time in shadow. which
has warped his emotions. A character who insults him
characters witn hope, and dazing Nathaire. Each char- "<
acter gains a +1 bonus to saving throws during the -'
provokes an immediate attack. The ghost mage also
lashes out int becomes clear that the characters can't
encounter, and Nathaire starts the encounter dazed
(save ends). "
be persuaded to sta nd aside_
Vontarin knows everyt h ing covered in the Acl\-cn· z
ture Background. He also believes he can break Eyard's o
curse by crafting a counter-ritua l once he retricves his Vontarin's Defeat
spcllhooks and implements. Some specific replies Von- W hen Nathaire's body is kiUcd. VOlHarin's ghost is '"'"
Wrin might give to [hc characters include: insta ntly drawn back to the mysterious purple orb at his Vi
A rc yo u Nat h a ire? Or Vontarin? ~ Thi s body beh. Read the follOWing:
is Narhaires, bur 1 am ils master l1ow. 1 alii VOl1larin.
sometimes called the Gray IIalld. l am a studcllt of the rzecro- As Nadwire's body falls, dark miSI suddenly streams our of
mantic (Irts, \~' hich (illowed me to l'reserw myexistcllce- after his eyl's, ears. and mourh, Ttlking 011 a twisled humelnoici
afasJlioll-w'len F.l'ard defeated me." shape. Bill. f/it'Il, the sirartoe orb CIt tile wizard's belrJlashcs
You attacked D u pon de! "The Shario\\1ell is full with II sinister purple linin. The mistyfigure leis Ollt {I howl
of monsters. 1 l'Ol'e 110 doubt some of them IVelllder imo of rage, Clnd it is Ihell drawll instClrldy illlO Ihe purplc orb. II
Duponde when the IOWlllransiliollS to the pillne ofs'lQdoll'. seems the orb lias lrapped Vontarin 's ahost.
That, of course, is Emrd's curse and is not my dOilla.If
you're refcrrilla fa fhe flood friars of Sai r!! A\'(lrIhil's, lI'el/, Irplayers want to break the orb or otherwise take
it seemed wise to make Sllre th eJolk of DupondeJear me immediate act ion. tell them (he), have to wait until next
enouy/t 1101 fO infcrfere with my plans. COIISider it a sharp week. Dealing with the orb and its trapped ghost is the
wamin8 to stay out of my Plltlt. I'll befinished witlr dlis challenge of Session 13.
plilce SOOIl enollyh."
W h a t's impor ta nt a b out the a b bey? "The 800d
friars ofSaint Amrthils IIpparelllly took it buo their lreads WHAT ABOUT
to remo\'e m)' spellbooks and "rcalle devices from my manor
after my dearh. l am 100kil18Jor 111)' beloll8ill8S here."
At your option, the real Nathalre might survive'· nis
We h avc to p ut y our g h os t b ack in your cor pse
to en d E" ard 's c u rse. "Hmm. That mi81u work. bUf r encounter with the characters, proving that Vonta-
reject thOf course. l mu ch prefer life, IllOnk you. Once I e'SCflpe rin lied about Nathaire's sou l departing the body. If
a character knocks Nathaire unconscious Instead of
rhis shadowy prison, 1'111 sure the curse willfilil:'
Insight (DC 16): Vontarin isn't sure at all. He cares ki lling him, or if a character succeeds on a DC 1 3
Heal check at the end of the encounter, you can
only about escaping the Shadow rei I.
You stole Nat hairc's body. -Well. the YOll118fool allow Nathaire to be stabilized. Nathaire can fu lfill
shoulcln't hal'e meddled widl ma8ic he didn'f understa nd. T the role of Mother Grivelda in Session 13, tell ing
call hardly 8irc it back. sillce his soul has already departcd. the characters what they need to know to break the
I'm the only one in here. 1'111 afraid." curse. He is too weak from his ordeal to help break
Die, m onster! -Death has 110 hold orer lIle,yolifoolsl the curse or fight the ghost, and he has learned
Slay tltis body ifyoll think yOIi can! I'll soori fhuf arrollterr some humi lity fro m the experience. He defends his
actions, truthfully stating that he never intended ill
'~' h e n
Vontarin nics into a rage or determines he ca n't to befall Duponde. The party can decide how to deal
with him. He is not above bribing the characters to
persuade the characters to leave him to his work. or
when the characters decide to attack h im, combat spa re him. He suggests that if the characters accom-
begins. Co to the Nat h airc at Bay encollnter. pany him to Sarthel after the curse is broken, he can
deliver on his promise.
HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initliltive +3
Enco un te r L eve l 4 AC 14. Fortit ud e 15, Renex 14, Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 6
Setup ~
I Two-Heilded GUil rd ~
4 d u sk beasts CD) Enemies can't gain combat advantage by flilnking the dusk beast.
1 sha d ow b olter (B) While dazetl, the dusk beast can take opportunity <lctions and
Nath a irc, possessed m age (N)
.... .
immediate actions.

CD Bite'" At-Will
!llfllf. ~//'".'I!II!lIIJ/IIlfIlIIIIfF
The shadow holter is hidden at the start of the encoun-
ter. A character must succeed on a DC 21 Perception Alttnk: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 dilmage, and the dusk beast c~n push th e target 1
check to spot it. Un less the shadow bolter lets the char-
square. If the dusk beast can't push the target. the dusk beast
acters into t he li bra ry, it stays hidden whi le characters knocks the target prone instead.
converse with Nat haire. +
Two-Maw Rend ... ~t"W ili
If the ch arac ters are inside the library, they set up Attock; Melee 1 (one prone cre~ture): +S vs. AC
just inside t he inner doors. Th at's as far as t hey get Hit; 3d6 + 4 dam~ge.
before Nathaire addresses them. IIITRIGGER'Eo AcrrioNS/llfll/!ffitJl/f/ll/rfll/lllllt!lflfl/11 t,'IIIIUllf/IIIIIIIIWI.1f1IIIIIII1MJlfllllhll'lflril
~ +
Barbed Tail + Recharge wlien OrSt bloodied
Tri88cr; An e nemy enters a square adjacem 10 the dusk beast.
"V hcn combat hegins, r ead:
Auock (JrnmediolC RcoClioll): Melee 2 (t he triggering enemy); +5
Nat/wire's eyesflash with tlark fury. He SIllltd!cs the orbfroll! vs. Fortitude
his belt and !'oims afillyer (If ),011, coryurill8 a bolt ofbluck Hit: ld6 + 4 damage, and Ihe target falls prone.
cn{'r,9Y. Dusk beasts prowlil18 the library slIarl and arrack. St r 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 1S (+3)
Con 14 (H), Int 2 (~3) Chal.10 (+1)
Shadow Bolter (8) . LevelS Artillery ,- Alig nme nt unaligned l anguages -
Smail shadow humanoid, dark one .
HP 50: Bloodi ed 25 Ini tia tive +6 Nathaire; PoSsessed Mage (N) '.I:','
" I',' ,', 'I"
5 IConti'oller'~
/ " , ' 'I' , ,
AC 17, Fort itude 16, Re n ex 17, Will 16 Pl'. rcoption +9 Medium natural humanoid, human i,I:,'!,,'!,:,,/, ,I ",' I,',', 'iI, .. ,II'/ ,", 'II'MI
Speed 6 Darkvision HP 64; Bloodied 32 Initiative +3
, 'TRAITS rf!l'f/!j!/!lI/llrlflll/h"III/il/~/lk//1'1/lfliiIHj/(jlfllf4'lIlfl!111111!ilWil!llIlflflllliift'!JlI/fIII11/1{.l/lill '/ AC 19, Fo rt itu de 16, Re n ex 18, Will 17 Perce ptio n +7
l Com bat Adva ntage (nocrC!tlc) Speed 6
Whenever the shadow boltor hits a creature granting combat Resist 5 necrotic
advantage to it, the bolter deals 5 ex n a necrotic damage, and ,I,TitA iTs iWI.IffiNlIII/. '#III! r~ zWf/.wllllllli/IIIII//fIIIZ Yllihll~ 1M/I'll. W!.iJ!/llflh1!IJII,'/llIflilllJllilllllilth
each ofthat creature's <ldj<lcent <l ilies takes 5 necrotic d<lmage. o Deathl y Prese nce, + Aura 1
Deadly P~ecisJon' . ~. ' Enemies take a -2 pen~lty to saving throws while within the aura.
The shadow bolter's ranged attacks have combat atlvantilgc , $TANDARO'"AQIO'NS'!!/I{!I/lllIllilf,1/11i1IWIIIII\lllf!iiIIIIlIII/NllillfllffiIIfPIII/IiIII/IIIIIII//IiI/lIiJ/1
I II I <D Despair's Touch (rear. p~ychiC) '" At-W ill
Attock; Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Will
, Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the larget grants combat advan-
1 (one creature); +1 0 vs. AC tage (save ends). In addition. Nathaire slides th e target up to 2
Hit.: l d4 + S damage. squa res.
t®[I!a'<;k BJlt',('"Ye~p.oEl.' ''' AhWiI'I , ,:~ . l' Shadow Te ndril (necrotic) ... At-Wilt
Attack; Ranged 15 (one creature); +10 vs. Fortitude Attock: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Renex
Hit; l d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes 5 dam~ge each time it Hit; 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
provo kes an opportunity altack (save ends). +
En~rvati o n (necr~tjc) + Recharge when first bloodied
:/ MOVE' "ACTlONS'lftlll, ~;'ilfIJl'lJl!lif/ll/1 MIJi/II/f,flltil/llf/If'111lIi/ll/Ii/ifll/ijlllllf/IJI. 'l/IUh1t,llilhiI.J Attack: Melee 1 (one cre<lture); +8 vs. Fortitude
~ Darl( Ste p'' ''' At-WJII Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the tilrgel is enervated (silve
Effect; The bolter moves 4 squares, gains a +4 bonus to AC agai nst ends). While the target is enervated, it takes ongoing 5 necrotic
opportunity attacks provoked by this movement. and gains damage and any of its allies that end their turns adjacent to it
combat advantage against each creature that it ends its move ta ke 5 ne crotic damage.
r il I Miss; Half damage, <lnd ongoing 5 necrotic damage (salle ends).

Da rk Imperative (necrotic) + Rechar'g e when first bloodl ~d

Tri88er; The bolter drops to 0 hit poin ts_ E!feCl: Close burst 5 (one ally in the burst). Nathaire slides the
Effect (No Action); Each ene my adjacent to Ihe bolter is blinded ta rget up to 3 squares, and the target gains 5 temporary hit
until the end of his or her next turn. points. Untillhe target has no temporary hit points, its melee
~ Skills Slea!t~l +1 1 attacks dealS extra necrotic damage.
Str l' (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis lS (+4~ Skills Ar<;;"tn;"t t 12, History +12, lnsighl +7
I Con 14 (+~) Int11 (+2) Cha1 1 (+2) 5tr 10 (+2) Dex1 3 (+3 ) Wls10(+2)
Alignm ent unaligned l a nguages Common l Con 16 /+5) Int 20 (+7) Cha 18 (+6)
Eq uipment dagger, crossbow. 20 boilS Alignment evil languages Common, Draconic
Equipment robes, orb
Tactics >-
Standard Action
The dusk beasts and dark one are extremelv , laval
, to
Nmhaire (Volllarin). Thcy gh'e their lives to protect him.
Requirement: n le. creature must be adjacent to the bookshelr.
Check: Athletics DC 13

Sh adow Bolter: The shadow bolier lurks in the Attack: Close blast 3 (origin square adjacent to the shelf,
north end oCthe library's ground floor, looking for creatures in blast~ +6 vs. Reflex
chances to aHack d laractefs w ho a rc already Oankcd to Hit: ld8 + S damage.
ga in the hest usc ofdcadl), precisioll. Miss: Half damage.
Dm:k Beasts: These creatures attack the nearest Effect: The arta of the blast becomes difficult terrain.
l'haracters. The dusk beast on the tipper noor stays near
the lOp of the staircase, guarding against characters C h ai rs a nd D esks: T hese furn ishings arc difficult
climbing up frolll below. If a character lTlakes it 10 tht: terrai n .
bakony anyway. the (fe,llure abandollS its post and Curt a ins: These doths block line of Sight. z
comes to Nat hairc's aid. Doors: I tlterior doors are closed and unlocked. o
Nathairc: Nat hairc remains on the balcon), ilnd uses Sta irs: This stai rway is diffic ult terrain.
s/radoll' tendril \0 a ttac k enemies on t be ground 1100r. "Vindows: The nrst floor has no windows. A
He Ilu)\'es arou nd the perimeter of the balcony to gain charac ter C,l U clim b the exterior wall to one of the sec·
line ufsight 10 characters w ho arc under the balcony. If and· fl oor wind ows 20 feet up. Doing so requires a DC
caught in melee. Nathai re uses cncrvmiotl, calls fur he lp 2 1 AthletiCS check. T he windows a rc a tight squeeze.
li'om the nea rest dusk beast, a nd IIses dark impcrarire to Entering one requires a DC 9 At hlctics or Acrobatics
bring hi s allies 10 him. li e tries 10 slide enemies offlhe check and 3 squares of movemenL
Features of t he Area \·V hen the characters defeat the monsters, go to Vanta·
lIlumination: OUlside the library. it'.~ dark. Inside r in's ocr,,:!!. page 57.
the library. hron ze sconces holo sma ll lamps that pro-
Vide bright light. Reward
Balcony: The second floor is 15 feet above the fi rst for interacti ng with Nathaire and battling him and the
Ooor. ano a rail guards the open eoges. This rail pro· monsters. each character gaim 250 XP.
vides a +2 honus to saving throws to avoid fall ing over Treasure: O n the upper fl oor near the Ilreplace. the
the balcony's edge. characters find a trunk. containing possessions Von·
Books h e lves: These furnishings are 8 feet lall and tMin recovercd from the a bbey grounds and c rypts. It
arc block ing lerraln. Climbing them requires a DC 9 holds 800 sp. 120 gpo a handsome e merald (100 gp). a
Athletics check. 1\ bookshelf ca ll be pus hed over. +1 rod of IIIClli81l collreyanee. and +2 ma8ie (lrmor.
rinllrju] place. lIe should sleep a8aill. BUI /rurr)" Ill)' dlildreni
SESSION 13: T/re sooner this is dOllc. the berrer."
\'Ve don't know thc ritua l. "Are any ofyou Irailled itt
SOUL OF DARKNESS the arcane arts? Then you know ellou8/1 10 proceed. Prayer
The characters have fina lly defeated Nathaire. cap- could be helpful, roo."
turing the ghost ofVoma rill in the orb with which A character who has training in Arcana or Religion
Nath aire had hoped to trap the soul ofEva rd. Begin hy knows of a few genera l ceremonies . cha ms, or proce·
reading: £lures that might work.
Can we just break the orb? 'Tlull could \\wk, lml
You hm'c defeared Vontaril15 8110:>t, ana iT IW 5 been drawl! ii's wr)' dar'8crous. VOllTarin's soulmiahr try ro escape.lf)'ou
)'(lck into the orb l'oSSCSSCll by NClthaire. rr is still early in the must. break ir near his wal'e, alla 1lOpe fo r the besr."
ni8hr, and with the Slwclo\\1e!rs 8msP 011 Duponde8'olV' How do we a b atc F."ard's curse? "F.mrd·s curse is
il18 strol18er by the hour, it seems ill1l'emril'c that you deal meant to trap VOllTarirt's soul ill rite Siurdollfdi. As 101la as
with rile orb (I1U/,JlH (Ill ella to [m rd's curse. "'''WI do you VOlllarin's soul is lIor ill irs riahifu! pluce. DIIl'onde is in peril
do next? of remainilla in rhe SJlIIclOIl1dlforel·er. Rerurn VOlltarin TO
Iris restill8 place ami rewrse the ritual fhcrt reckless .1'011118
I f the players tell you t hey want to [a ke I he orh to the wizard performee!. TJICIl Evelrel's c:urse should be ]Jur to resr
cemetery and reun ile Vontarin's soul with its mortal with VOlltari!!."
rema ins, go to rhe Reversing the Ritual skil l chal lenge .
If rour players aren't sure what they're suppmed to
do ncxt, point Ollt that a coupJe llonplayer characters
Vontarin's Soul
\·V hen Ihe characters killed Nathaire's body in the last
lllig!U know more. Mother Grivelda, the wise woman,
session, Vontarin's soul was forced into the nearest
is the obvious choice. People like Grimbold or Tilda
suitable receptacle - the orb of purple crystal Nitthaire
suggest the characters list en (0 her counsel. \·V hen the
carried at h is belt. If a character exam ines the orb
cha racters seek Ollt the seer, go to Nlother Griye lda's
closely, he or she can make out Vontarin's ghost trapped
Ad\'ice. Brot her Zehm call also steer the characters in
in its depths. Head:
the right d irection. Just substitute him fo r Mot her Gri·
velda if the characters go to him.
WIICn you peer illto the orb.),oll can see lire wrinkled face of a
By the time they return to town, morning is
bulcl man wiOI anollte€ lookinn back ar ),011. His eyes arc ink)'
approaching, but there is 110 sign that Duponde wil l
black. "L('I me share YOllr body for a time,'" he whispers. "I can
ret urn to the world.
,9TC1IH ),011 Breat pOll'er! YOII have ani), to carry IIII' with ),ou
Irthe characters want to examine the orb more
allli! 1jine] another host. Draw me forthfrolllihis orb, 1 com-
closely. go to Vontarin's Soul. The characters cannot
manc! ),Oll!" TlIC flhost wails irl fu ry alld misery. MDOIl't pllt
shatter the sphere unless they are in the graveyard. See
me belck in tlie romb!"
Breaking the Orb if they shatter the sphe re.
Votlt<lrin's sou l can't respond to conversation. It can't
Mother Grivelda's Advice see or hea r outside t he orb, and it only dimly senses
If the characters seek Ollt Mother Grivelda. she can tell the presence and thoughts of someone holding the orb
them what they need to do. in hand. For Vontarin to take possession of someone,
the person holding the orb must deliberately invite the
You find Moeher Grin·lda and Iter 8rtmdson at rlreir farl11' ghost to do SO. i n that case, Vontarin's soul seizes that
house, a short distance outSide Duponde. The wise WOrlll1ll'S person's body.
eyes widen when she sees rhe orb you're carr)'iIl8. and sire Arcana or Religion (DC 9): Vontarin's soul is held
qllickly raises Iter hand in a sesture of wardill8. "Be care' in rhe orb. W ith the proper rites. it can be transferred
fu! widl rlrm. Ill)' Jearics! A sou! oforear power-atld evi/-is to it willing host or a suitable body. Outright possession
trapped in rltcH crystal. You must wke it to its bod)' aud return anclloss arone's own soul seems much more likely than
it [0 rhe sleep of dearh. Ortly r/wlll1ig/lt [mrd's (Jjrse abate." sha ring one's body with Vontarin's invading soul.
Insight (DC 13): The ghost wou ld say anything 10
The wise "'oman's second Sight is ullcannily accurate. persuade someone to become its host.
She knows what must be done. although she lacks th e Religion (DC 13): A disembodied soul is strongly
means and the w ill to do it. connected with its original body. The ghost might not
How d o we put th e soul back into its body? "You be able to resist returning 10 that body if the cor pse is
IJIIlSt brill8 th e orl) lIerJr "Oll t(1ritl'$ restill8 plMe alld reverse n ea rby.
the ritual rhat rhe reckless you llO wizard benan. Doinn so
sllOu ldforcc Volltarill's soul out oft/Ie orb alld back itrto its
Breaking the Orb Vl

Heturning Vontarin's ghost from the orb to the dead '"Z

mage's bones isn't as easy as smashing the orb with a
hammer and hoping for the best. Nathairc freed Von -
tar in's soul with a complicated ritual, and to u ndo the
ritual's eHeels, the characters Illust carefully reverse II. u.
If at any point the characters dec ide to break the orb
while VOlllari n's ghosl is within, the attempt works only :J
Irthe characters a rc in the graveya rd ncar Vontarin's o
remai ns. The resul t is the same as failing the skill cha l-
lenge in Ihis session.

Skill Challenge: o
Reversing the Ritual '"'"w
A pale. ghostly s pa rk glimmers in the d epths of the
purple orb the characters took fr olll Nath aire's body. '"
T hey need to reverse Nathaire's rile and return the
ghost to the remai ns of the dead w iza rd entom bed ill
the mausoleum mistakenly known as E"ard 's Tomb,
This skill challenge begins when the characters begin
the ritual to return Vontarin's soul to his bones.
T.evel: 3
Complexi ty: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures). If the
c ha racters have successfully deC iphered Nathairc's jour·
na l, they b egin Ihl s skill ch a llenge with two successes.
Tn add ition. Arcana c hed~s in Ihis challenge are DC 9.
Primary Ski l ls: Arcana. Blun: Diplomacy. Insight .
Religion. Thievery
Arcana (DC 1.3): The character helps perform a
necroma ntic rife. binding t he ghost of" Vomarin 10 his Fa ilure: T he party botches the rite. VOlllarin's soul
mortal remains. leaves the orb. but it an im ates a number oflllonsters
Bhiff(requires !lIe character fo obs('m? one Arcana or He/i· with intense necromantic ene rgy. Go to the Mad Ghost
8ioll success; nc 21); The character echoes the words and encou nter, C haracters SUlrt the encounter lak ing ongo·
actions of a character who has succeeded nn an Arca na ing 5 necrOlic damage (sa\'e ends). If"Y(lu are using the
or Religion check . contributing to the rite. Desp air Deck, ha\'e cach player draw a card frO Ill the
Diplolllacy(DC 13): The character supports others deck- I nstead of a ch aracter having ongoing necrotic
who are engaged in An:ana or Religion checks, helping damage at t he start ol"the encounter, he or she is
keep them focu sed and aware of the ritual's p rogress. affected by the card ,
1nsin"t (DC 13): The character obseT\'es the ghostly
image in the orb. gaining a sense Jor whic h steps ol"the
rite appear most eHcctive. helping adjust Ihe words and
Concluding the Adventure
\,yhen the characters defeat Vontarin's ghost. t hey
geslUrcs f()r maximulll effect,
reverse £vard 's curse , Read:
RelinioTi (DC 13): The character rec iles holy verses or
prayers of protection , hattli ng the dark power gat hered
The urlllaruTClI dread broodill8 o\'er Ihe 8TC1\'cyard abruptly
In the tomb.
relaxes. You canfeel life and color rerurllirlY to the world
Thie\'er)'(DC 21): T he character carefully da mages
around ),011, The curse elllrappifl8 Duponde is broken.
the orb holding Von tarin's soul. f.1.cilitating the ghost's
release at the right moment.
Congratu lations! Your players h ave unra\,d ed the Dark
Su ccess: Charilcters force Vontar in's sou l from the
Lcn(lc),ojEvard. completing this season oI"OtJ;\,la:uNs
orb back into the mage's bones. A fragment of the soul
& DRAGONS E:-;C:OUNTERS, Dupunde's cit izens are
resists the tra nsfer and necromantic cnergy infuses the
extremely gmtefu l to t he pa rty. and the characte rs are
cem etery. crea ting a number of monSlers the ch aracters
trealed as the saviors of the lown for as long as they care
must defeat. Go to the Mad Ghost encounter, Vonta rin
to remain. lfthe players want. fee l free to roleplay the
begi ns the encollnter dazed (save ends).
conclusion of the adventure. allOWing the cha racters to
interact with tbe people ol"D uponde.
MAD GHOST HI' 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +6
Encounter LevelS AC 18, Fortitude 17. Recflex 16, Will 14 Perception +3
Speed 6 (8 when charging) Darkvision
Setup Immune disease, poison
3 twig blight swampvines (T) Flesh·Crazed Charge
2 fl esh-crazed zombies (Z) While the zombie is charging. its movemem does not provoke
Vontarin , mad g h ost (V) oprortunityattacks.
Zombie Weakness
Impose t he skill chall enge I'csui! s olllhc ghost or on
th e charac ter.~. Tfthe party has a large number of 1st-
a nd 2 nd-level characters in this Cllcou nler, reduu.: the
Altock; Melee 1 (o ne creature): +9 vs. AC
nUIll ber of monsters by one or two. Hit: l d8 + 6 damage, or 2d8 + 6 if the zombie charged the target.
f Bite + At·WiII
When the en counter starts, read: Anock: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
The sky Wows da rk and the wind riscs in wildaus!s. r\ dark. Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the
tJhosrlyfi8ure erupts from the crumbJillB orb and is then zombie's ncxt turn.
drawn loward tile nearby tomb. Thrashil19 111111 warlinEl il!
Deathless Hunger + Encounter
a hoteful voice, rllef/host resim, bUI some of its essence rips Tri89Cr; The w mbi e is reduced TO 0 hit points, but no! by a criti·
aw(/)' 10 ill/! pull of rite arave. 1'01'1 ions of9110511y substance cal hit.
flo astray, bril18il10life to vines I1rolHuJ Ihe tomb and wl/sin/J Effect (No Action): Roll a d10. On a 15 or higher, the zombie is
corpses /0 srir i"nearby W(ll'E.'s. instead reduced to 1 hit point.
"1shall nor rerum 10 dea/h," the nhost scrCtll1l5 injury. -I'll s tr 18 (+6) De" 1S (+4) W is 13 (+3)
destroy)'oll (illJor this!" Can 15 (+4) lnt 1 (-3) Cha 3 (-2)
Alignm ent unaligned Languages -
Equipment club

HP 42; Bloodi ed 11 Initiative +6 Tactics

AC 19, Fortitude 14. Reflex 16, WlII 15 Percep ti on +8 1\vig Alig hts: T h e~e plants preler (0 remain in their
Speed 5 (swamp wa lk), climb 5, swim 5 Darkvislon
starring squares, Ilsing villc srwre to grab ami drag ene·
Resist 5 poison; Vu lnerable 5 fire
mies inro range for claw attacks.
liTitAIr's' UliHli/lIJiftifIM!!I'IW//I.r, Iffl'lfJt!fh Yllfl
Rooted Vontarin's Ghost: This creature is a hateful
When an eUec t forces the sw~m pvine to move through a pull. iI rCllImmt of the evil necromancer's sou l. It attacks
push, or a slide. the seedling ciln move up to 3 squ~res fewer than aggressive ly, IIsing enermriol! at each opportunity a nd
the effeclspecifies, despair's TOuch when et1ervariol! is r ec harging, Vontarin
Y,STANOAIl'i:i,lft:ctffj'N~lflfffil 11 II !/!!,1IJIIMFIllfIIH!fI/f1 /II!I WIIIHI,1'l/f/ff11f1l111f11.1 7Hf/lflffl slides strong enemies into melee wil h allies, keeping
(j) Claw (poison) -+ At·WiII weal.:er characters close by. \ ,V ith dark ill1l'enlti\·e. Vunta·
Auack: Me lee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
Hit: 1 d8 + 6 poison dnm age.
rin slides a llies into useful positions.
Zombies: These undead begin by clawing u p out uf
+Vine Snare + At·Will (1/round) their graves (a move anion) and ch arging the nearest
E{{ect: Melee 3 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex e n cmies. After that, t hey rely on bile.
Hit; The sW(lmpvine pulls the target up to 2 squ<lres. il nd the
target is grabbed (escape DC 13).
Features of the Area
Poiso n Lash (poison) -+ At·WiII Illumination: It's dark. Light sources illuminate
Tri88cr: An cnl'my thl' swampvine is grabbing uses an ;lttack only halflhdr normal radius.
power that does not include the swampvine as a t(lrget. Bench es: These squares are difficult terrain.
E{ffct (/mmediclle Reoction): Melee 3 (triggering ene my). The target
Bushes and Hedges: These plants are d iflkult (c(·
takes 5 poison damage.
Skills Stealth +9
rain. ami their squares arc lightly obscured,
Str 12 (+2) Dex 17 (+4) Wis14 (+3) Mausoleum: This tomb's iron door i .~ open. and
Can 10(+1) Int 6 (-1) Cha 10 (+1) the building has no windows. The mofis about 10
Align ment chaotic evil Languages Elven fec t above the ground at the edge, C limbing the wall
requires a DC 19 Athletics check.
Open G rilve: Creatures that fall in this shallow
gran: take I dG (hunagc, Scrambling out of the grave
requires 2 ext ra squares of lllo\'cmenL
Vontarin, Mad Ghost (V) LevelS Controller (leader) Ponds: The water of the pond is difficult lerrain. f-
Medium shadow humanoid (ulldead)
HP 64; Bloodied 32 Initiative +3
Statues: The pedestals ilre 5 feet ta ll, and they're o
blocking terrain. A creat ure can dimb to the top of one J:
A( 19, Fortitude 16. Reflex 18, Will 17 Perceptio n +7 lJ
Speed O. fly 6 (hover); phasing
.with a successful DC 8 Athlelics check.
5 necrotiC Tombs ton es: A square containing a monument is o
difficult terrain. <
Trees : A tree trunk's square is difficult terrai n.
Enemies withill the aura take a -2 penalty to savlllg throws. Climbing it requires a DC 8 Athletics check. The trees
Vontari n slides an enemy that ends its turn in the aura up to 2 arc about 20 feet tall.
squares. z
Insubstantial o
Vontarin takes h~lr damage from all att~cks. except those th,l! Conclusion
de,ll force damage. Whenever Vontarln !,lkes radiant (bm,lge. he "Vhen Vontari ll is defeated, read:
loses this trait unti l the start of his next turn.
CD Despair's Touch (fear. psychic) + At·WiII The n" ost~' remllam 0fVolllarill S soul shrieks ill 080")'.
Attock; Melee 1 (one creature): +8 vs. Win lrs body breaks apart illlo tallers oj mist, which}lit into rhe
Hi t.: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target grants (omb,l! advan· Ilt'arby tomb.
tage (s,lve ends). In addition. Nathai re sUdes the target up to 2
squares. The twig blights a nd zombies ga in their dark vital·
t Enervation (necrotic) + Recharge®® ity from VOIlIarin's ghost. Roleplay them as d isturbed
Alluck; Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
when Vontarin is wounded to give the players a clue to
Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and the ta rget Is enervated (save
ends). While the target is enervated, it takes ongoing S necrotic
th is end. They batt le on for a round or two aBer Vonta·
damage and any of its allies that end their turns adjacent to it rin is defeated; then the energy animating them fades
take S necrotiCdamage. away. Any monsters surviving at that point collapse and

Miss; Half damage. and ongoing 5 nccro tlC damage (save ends).

Dark Imperative (Ilecrotic) + Recharge when IIrst bloodied

die, vVhen the encounte r is over. go to Concluding the
Adventure, page 61.
Effect; Close burst S (one any in the burst}: Vontarin slides the
target up to 3 squares, alld the target gains 5 temporary hit
points. Until the target has no temporary hit points, its melee for faCing the skill challenge, battling Vontari n and
attacks deal S utra necrotic damage. the other monsters, and breaki ng the curse of Evard,
Skills Arcana ""2, History +H, l n~lg ht +7 each character gains 500 X P. If a player has attended
Str 6 (+0) Dell: 13 (+3) Wis 10 (+2) e"cry ses..o;ion this season, his or her character should
(o n 16 (+5) tnt 20 (+7) Cha 18 (+6)
have 3,750 XP if the character ha.<; complcled all possiblc
Align ment evil La nguages (ammon. Draconic
I"" T ,
Duponde Guard (Gl) level 1 Minion Duponde Guard (G2) level 1 Minion
Medium natural humanoid, human Medium natural humanoid. human
HP 1; a missed alla<;k neyer damages a minion. HP 1; a mi ssed anack neller dam~ges a minion.
AC 1S,Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, WillI ] AC 17. Fortitude 16. Reflu 15. WU!14
Speed 6 Speed 6
STANOAROACTIONS '{'''''II':I', 1"'1,"'11111"" 1,11'11' /" '. " ',' STANDARD ACTIONS ","1.'<1,1" "1 '1"1.,1, '/,1'1/1.',,1 N '1, "I, /' I", ',H, I, ',' i"'.'
<D Longswo rd (weapon) + At-Will <D l o ngsword (weapon) + At·Wm
Auocir: Melee t (one crealUre): +6 vs. AC Allack: Melee 1 (o ne creature); +6 liS. AC
Hit: 4 damage. Hil: 4 damilge.
® Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will ® Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged TO (one creature); +6 vs. AC Allllck: Ranged 10 (one creature): +6 liS. AC
Hit: 3 damage. Hit: 3 damage.
Srr 16 (+3) Del( 12 (+1 ) WI $11 (+0) Str 16 (+3) De)( 12 (+1) Wis 11 (+0)
Con 14 (+2) Inl l0 (+0) Cha 10 (+ 0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Equipment chain mall, longsword. crossbow, 20 bolts Equ ipme nt chainmai1.longsword. crossbow. 20 boltS

l- - +-- - - - - - - - -I
I Duponde Guard (G3) level 1 Minion I Duponde Guard (G4) Level 1 Minion I
Medium natural humanoid, human Medium natufill humanoid. human
HP 1; a missed attack neve r damages a mi nion. HP 1; il missed auack neller dam~ges a minion.
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Wi!l14 AC 17, Fortitude 16. Reflex 15. Will 14
Speed 6 Speed 6
CD longsword (weapon) + At-Will CD longsword (w(! ~pan) + At·WIII
Altodr: Melee 1 (o ne creattJre): + 6 liS. AC Attac~ : Melee 1 (one creat ure); +6 liS. AC
Hil:4 dam~ge. Hit: 4 damage.
® Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will ® Crossbow (weapon) + At-Will
Auack: Ranged 10 (one c reature); +6 115. AC AUac/c: Ranged 10 (one creature): +6 lIS. AC
Hil: 3 damage. Hit: 3 damage.
Str16(+3) Dex 12 (+1) WIsl1 (+ 0) Str 16 (+3) De)( 12 (+1) Wls 11 (+ 0)
Can 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10(+0)
Equipment chainmai!, longsword. crossbow, 20 bolts Equipment c halnmai1.longsword. crossbow. 20 bolts

l- - + -I
I Duponde Guard (GS) Level 1 Minion I Duponde Guard (G6) Level 1 Minion I
Medium natuml humanoid, human Medium natural humanoid, human
HP 1: ~ mi ssed ilH~ck nc.ller damages iI minion. HP 1; a missed att3c k neller damnges a minion.
AC 17, Fortitude 16, Refl e)( 15, Will 14 AC 17, Fortit ude 16, Reflex 15. Will 14
Speed 6 Speed 6
<D longsword (weapon) + At-Will CD longsword (weapon) + At-Will
Attock: Melee 1 (one crea ture): +6 liS. AC Auock; Melee 1 (one creature); +6 lIS. AC
Hit: 4 da mage. Hit: 4 damage,
® Crossbow (weilpon) + At-Will ® Croubow (weappn) + At,WIII
Atlac~: Ranged 10 (one crea ture); +6 liS. AC Anock; Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 liS. AC
Hit: 3 damage. Hit: 3 damage,
Str 16 (+3) De)( 12 (+1) Wis 11 (TO) Str 16 (+3) De x 11 (+1) Wis'1 (TO)
Con 14 (H) Int 10 (+ 0) Chill0 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (-+0)
Equipment chainmai1.langsword. crossbow. 20 bolts Equipment chainmail.longsword. crossbow. 20 bolts

L. .J.. .J
Evard, master of shadow magic, is dead-or is he? A
sinister force has the citizens of Duponde in its clutches.
Even as it threatens to drag the whole town into darkness.
an unlikely band of heroes stands on the threshold of the
ShadowfeU to deny evil its prize.

Dark Lesacy of Evard is a D UNCF,ONS & DMGONS® Roleplaying

Game adventure deSigned for the spring 2011 season
of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ENCOUNTERS'" official play
program. The adventure includes three full -color battle
maps, thirteen ready-la-play encounters, and information
on the program.


'I'M & 10 2011 WiZ.1roS of the Coast UC ill the U.S.A. and other countries.
Printed in the U.S.A. B0000009099

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