Project Updated1
Project Updated1
Project Updated1
St Mary’sMission Hospital is a private medical facility, and offers in-patient and out-patient
services to clients. The in-patient and out-patient services include dental, eye clinic, laboratory,
medicine,Obstetrics and Gynecology,paediatric, pharmacy, physiotherapy, surgery, X-Ray.
Immunization is to administer a vaccine into a healthy person that will prevent that person from
getting a certain disease ((Motherhood 101, 2018). At St Mary’s Hospital, it’s one of the
components offered under paediatric services. Motherhood 101 also indicated the immunization
program for a child since its birth till 9 months in the table below
St Mary Hospital hospital offers immunization in all its branches –Langata, Elementatita and
Nairobi West. It serves the community within and the entire city/towns within the vicinity.
Immunization is a service offered under paedtric, de;partment, and it aims at ensuring all
children in Kenya are vaccinated against communicable diseases . Immuniza;tion in necessary
and it has been spearheaded by the ministry of health and constitution of Kenya…. that every
child has a right to get immunized.
1.3 AIM
Aim is to manage a hospital immunization system that tracks child’s immunization schedule
from birth to 9 months and manage vaccines stock.
Manage immunization medical records
Manage vaccines stock
Adapt a unified schedule for immunization
Motherhood 101. (2018, June 28). Vaccinations/Immunizations. Retrieved from Motherhood
101: Vaccinations/Immunizations
National Planning Cycles. (2015, July). Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan For Immunization.
Retrieved from National Planning Cycles: