(A Statutory body of the Government of Andhra Pradesh)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs) for Semester V, from 2022-23 (Syllabus with Learning
Outcomes, References, Co-curricular Activities & Model Q.P. Pattern)
6C Applications of Electricity & 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
7C Electronic Instrumentation 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
Note-1: For Semester–V, for the domain subject Physics, any one of the above three pairs of
SECs shall be chosen as courses 6 and 7, i.e., 6A & 7A or 6B & 7B or 6C & 7C. The pair shall
not be broken (ABC allotment is random, not on any priority basis).
Note-2: One of the main objectives of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) is to inculcate skills
related to the domain subject in students. The syllabus of SEC will be partially skill oriented.
Hence, teachers shall also impart practical training to students on the skills embedded in
syllabus citing related real field situations.
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]
I. Learning Outcomes: Students at the successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Understand the construction and working principles of various optical instruments used
in daily life.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on the various defects of eye and their correcting methods
with suitable lenses.
3. Demonstrate skills of using biological microscope through hands on experience.
4. Understand the various techniques used in optometry and computer based eye testing.
5. Comprehend the various applications of microscopes and telescopes.
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
For Student: Students shall (individually) visit and observe the functioning of optical
instruments at any one of the following places /centres like (a) pathological laboratory
or (b) a local ophthalmologist or (c) a local optician to understand the various types
of eye lenses or (d) a local computer based eye testing centreor (e) an optician, who
fixes contact lenses or (f) a local cinema theatre or (g) a planetarium.Student shall
write the observations and submit a hand-written Fieldwork/Project work not
exceeding 10 pages in the given format to the teacher.
2. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
3. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
4. Unit tests (IE).
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
(Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05)
I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of cameras and camera lenses according to different
2. Identify and understand the focal length of the different types of lenses
3. Acquire a critical knowledge on natural and artificial sources of light and their
application in photography.
4. Demonstrate skills of camera usage especially Digital Cameras.
5. Understand the various Image development and editing techniques.
6. Comprehend the concept of different types of common shooting techniques.
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
Different types of Digital cameras and their parts, Working of DSLR camera, Types of lenses-
Normal, Wide angle, telephoto, Zoom lenses, Digital Image formation, Digital camera image
sensors, Size of the image, Depth of focus, Depth of field, Exposure time, Aperture, Shutter
speed, ISO, filters, knowledge on pixels and their uses , resolution, Camera accessories
Need for the light in photography, Light sources- Natural light, Sun light, Moon light,Ambient
light, Artificial light sources-Flood light, Spot light, Halogen light, Halogen flash light, Digital
lights, Exposure, Studio photography
Significance and role of Camera lens in photo shooting, Arrangement of lenses in a Camera-
Positioning, Techniques involved in the use of DSLR cameras, Usage of Filters, Techniques
of Photomicrography, High speed Photography with motor driven camera, Basic ideas on
Underwater Photography, Medical Photography, Astronomical Photography, Infra-Red (IR)
Photography, Ultra Violet (UV) Photography and Forensic Photography.
Unit-V : PHOTO MANIPULATION : (10 hrs)
Developing and printing the photographs, equipment and materials used in developing and
printing, image mixing and printing, Image editing through image editing software’s like
Adobe Photoshop – Adjustment of Brightness, Contrast, Tonal and Colour Values, Factors
influencing quality of digital image, Methods of storing and processing, Image transportation
through Pendrive, CD, HDD and CLOUD [Internet]
(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05):
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher (if necessary, by a local expert) in
laboratory/field for not less than 15 hours on the field techniques/skills of Image formation
by using lenses and mirrors. Also to make students to understand the construction,
operation and the Physics principles involved in a normal Camera and Digital Camera.
2.For Student: Students shall (individually) visit a local Photo studio or any such facility
in a university/research organization/private and observe (i) the operation of different
digital cameras, compact and SLR and in taking photographs using different types of lenses
by varying aperture, shutter speed for still camera, video camera, CCTV and spy camera or
(ii) the use of natural light, tungsten light, fluorescent light, electronic flash reflectors,
exposure meters, studio flash and its accessories or (iii) the usage of various lighting
techniques for different lenses and will do practice on special areas of photography in
outdoor and indoor conditions or (iv) the different processes viz., audio video recording,
mixing, editing, dubbing of sound, using different types of microphones or (v) the handling
of the digital video cameras, DVD, HDD, accessories and exposure to take different
common shots, dimension of images and movements as per requirement or (v) the
computer system by digital editing software, printing the photographs taken by digital
cameras and the image transportation to the storage media, sending photographs through E-
mail and Scanning the photographs, capture frames and analysis of images and record their
observations and submit a hand-written Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in
the given format to the teacher.
I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to
1. Identify various methods and techniques used to produce low temperatures in the
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on refrigeration and air conditioning.
3. Demonstrate skills of Refrigerators through hands on experience and learns about
refrigeration components and their accessories.
4. Understand the classification, properties of refrigerants and their effects on environment.
5. Comprehend the applications of Low Temperature Physics and refrigeration.
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: Physics
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
Course 7B: Solar Energy and Applications
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]
I. Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand Sun structure, forms of energy coming from the Sun and its measurement.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on the working of thermal and photovoltaic collectors.
3. Demonstrate skills related to callus culture through hands on experience
4. Understand testing procedures and fault analysis of thermal collectors and PV modules.
5. Comprehend applications of thermal collectors and PV modules.
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
Course 6B: Solar Energy and Applications – Practical (lab) work (30 hrs, Max Marks:50)
IV. Learning Outcomes :On successful completion of this practical course, student
shall be able to:
1. List out and identify various components of solar thermal collectors and systems, solar
photovoltaic modules and systems.
2. Learn the procedures for measurement of direct, global and diffuse solar radiation, I -
V characteristics and efficiency analysis of solar cells and modules.
3. Demonstrate skills acquired in evaluating the performance of solar cell / module in
connecting them appropriately to get required power output.
4. Acquire skills in identification and elimination of the damaged panels without affecting
the output power in a module / array.
5. Perform procedures and techniques related to general maintenance of solar thermal and
photovoltaic modules.
V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs) (Max.50 Marks)
1. Measurement of direct radiation using pyrheliometer.
2. Measurement of global and diffuse radiation using pyranometer.
3. Evaluation of performance of a flat plate collector
4. Evaluation of solar cell / module efficiency by studying the I – V measurements.
5. Determination of series and shunt resistance of a solar cell / module.
6. Determination of efficiency of two solar cells / modules connected in series.
7. Determination of efficiency of two solar cells / modules connected in parallel.
8. Study the effect of input intensity on the performance of solar cell / module.
9. Study the influence of cell / module temperature on the efficiency.
10. Study the effect of cell / module inclination on the efficiency.
2. For Student: Students shall visit to solar thermal and photovoltaic laboratories in
universities/research organizations/ nearby industries to observe and understand the
techniques and procedures used for evaluation of solar collector, solar cell and module
efficiencies. They shall write their observations and submit to the teacher hand-written
Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in the given format.
3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Unit tests (IE).
I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify various components present in Electricity& Electronics Laboratory.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge of each component and its utility (like resistors,
capacitors, inductors, power sources etc.).
3. Demonstrate skills of constructing simple electronic circuits consisting of basic circuit
4. Understand the need & Functionality of various DC & AC Power sources.
5. Comprehend the design, applications and practices of various electrical & Electronic
devices and also their trouble shooting.
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
III. References:
1. Grob’s Basic Electronics by Mitchel Schultz , TMH or McGraw Hill
2. Electronic and Electrical Servicing by Ian Robertson Sinclair, John Dunton, Elsevier
3. Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment by R.S.Khandapur , TMH
4. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
reading material.
Course 6C: Applications of Electricity & Electronics–
PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (30 hrs, Max Marks:50)
IV. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this practical course, student
shall be able to:
1. List out, identify and handle various equipment in Electrical & Electronics laboratory.
2. Learn the procedures of designing simple electrical circuits.
3. Demonstrate skills on the utility of different electrical components and devices.
4. Acquire the skills regarding the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of various
Devices in the lab.
5. Understand the different applications of Electromagnetic induction.
V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs, Max marks:50)
1. Acquainting with the soldering techniques
2. Design and Construction of a 5 Volts DC unregulated power supply
3. Construction of a Step down Transformer and measurement of its output voltage. And
to compare it with the calculated value.
4. Connect two or three resistors or capacitors or inductors and measure the Series,
Parallel Combination values using a Multimeter and compare the values with the
Calculated values.
5. Use the Digital Multimeter and Analog Multimeter to measure the output voltage of an
AC &DC power supply and also the voltage and frequency of a AC signal using CRO.
6. Use the Multimeter to check the functionality of a Diode and Transistor. Also test
whether the given transistor is PNP or NPN.
7. Construct a series electric circuit with R, L and C having an AC source and study the
frequency response of this circuit. Find the Resonance Frequency.
8. Construct a Parallel electric circuit with R, L & C having an AC source and study the
frequency response of this circuit .Find the resonant frequency.
9. Test whether a circuit is a Open circuit or Short Circuit by measuring continuity with
a Multimeter and record your readings.
(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05)
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher (if necessary, by a local expert) in
laboratory/field for not less than 15 hours on the understanding of various electronic
&electrical components and devices. And also understand the functional knowledge of
these components and devices so that the student can safely handle these electronic
2. For Student: Students shall (individually) visita local Radio, TV or Mobile repair shop
to understand the testing and soldering techniques and different electronic components
in the devices that we use daily life. And also to understand the troubleshooting and
working of domestic appliances such as cell phone chargers, fan, electric iron, heater,
inverter, micro oven, washing machine etc.(Or)Students shall also visit the
Physics/Electronics or Instrumentation Labs of nearby local institutions and can get
additional knowledge by interacting with the technical people working there.
(Or)Students shall also visit the local motor winding shop to understand the motor
winding and working of different types of motors. After the observations, a hand-
written Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in the given format to be
submitted to the teacher.
3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Unit tests (IE).
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]
I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify various facilities required to set up a basic Instrumentation Laboratory.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge of various Electrical Instruments used in the Laboratory.
3. Demonstrate skills of using instruments like CRO, Function Generator, Multimeter etc.
through hands on experience.
4. Understand the Principle and operation of different display devices used in the display
systems and different transducers
5. Comprehend the applications of various biomedical instruments in daily life like B.P.
meter, ECG, Pulse oxymeter etc. and know the handling procedures with safety and
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
Types of electronic Instruments- Analog instruments & Digital Instruments, DC
Voltmeter and AC Voltmeter, Construction and working of an Analog Multimeter and
Digital Multimeter (Block diagram approach),Sensitivity, 3½display and 4½ display
Digital multimeters, Basic ideas on Function generator
Dr. M. Ravi Kumar, Principal, T.R.R. Govt Degree College, Kandukur, PrakasamDist
Dr. Y. Narasimha Murthy, Associate Prof of Physics, S.S.B.N.College, Anantapur
Prof. K.T. Ramakrishna Reddy, Professor, Dept. of Physics, S.V.University, Tirupati.