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(A Statutory body of the Government of Andhra Pradesh)

Domain Subject: PHYSICS

Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs) for Semester V, from 2022-23 (Syllabus with Learning
Outcomes, References, Co-curricular Activities & Model Q.P. Pattern)

Structure of SECs for Semester–V

(To choose one pair from the three alternate pairs of SECs)

Univ. Course Th. Hrs IE EE Credits Prac

Code No. Name of Course / Week Marks Marks Hrs/ Marks Credits
6&7 Wk
6A Optical Instruments and 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
7A Optical Imaging and 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
6B Low Temperature Physics & 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
7B Solar Energy and Applications 3 25 75 3 3 50 2

6C Applications of Electricity & 3 25 75 3 3 50 2
7C Electronic Instrumentation 3 25 75 3 3 50 2

Note-1: For Semester–V, for the domain subject Physics, any one of the above three pairs of
SECs shall be chosen as courses 6 and 7, i.e., 6A & 7A or 6B & 7B or 6C & 7C. The pair shall
not be broken (ABC allotment is random, not on any priority basis).

Note-2: One of the main objectives of Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) is to inculcate skills
related to the domain subject in students. The syllabus of SEC will be partially skill oriented.
Hence, teachers shall also impart practical training to students on the skills embedded in
syllabus citing related real field situations.
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]

I. Learning Outcomes: Students at the successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Understand the construction and working principles of various optical instruments used
in daily life.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on the various defects of eye and their correcting methods
with suitable lenses.
3. Demonstrate skills of using biological microscope through hands on experience.
4. Understand the various techniques used in optometry and computer based eye testing.
5. Comprehend the various applications of microscopes and telescopes.

II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)


Introduction to Microscopes, Need of a Microscope, Different types of microscopes and

their uses, Simple microscope-Construction, Magnifying power, normal adjustment;
Compound microscope-Construction, Magnifying power, normal adjustment, Phase
contrast microscope-Operating principle, Travelling microscope-Construction, working
and uses


Introduction to Telescopes, Different types of Telescopes and their uses, Refracting
Telescopes and Reflecting telescopes, Construction, working and magnifying power of
Astronomical Telescope and Terrestrial Telescopes, Binoculars – working principle and


Introductory ideas and applications of various microscopes viz., (i) Optical microscopes
(Compound microscope, Stereo microscope, Confocal microscope) (ii) Electron
microscopes (TEM, SEM), (iii) Scanning Probe microscope (iv) Scanning Acoustic
microscope and (v) X-ray microscope.
Introductory ideas and applications of various telescopes viz., (i) Optical telescopes (ii)
Radio telescopes (iii) Solar telescopes (iv) Infrared telescope (v) Ultraviolet telescope (vi)
X-ray telescope and (vii) Gamma ray telescope


Introduction to optical Vision, Eye as an optical instrument, Formation of image in the eye
and the camera, Ophthalmic lenses, Power of the lenses, Far point and near points,
Myopia and Hypermetropia defects, Removal of defects in vision using ophthalmic lenses,
Contact lenses-Working principle, Different types of Contact lenses.


Ophthalmoscope and keratometer and their working principles, Evaluation of eye
disorders, Guidelines for standardized eye chart preparation, Simple phoropter and its
working principle and its uses, Checking the power of lenses, Principles of Computer
based eye testing
1. Optics and Optical Instruments: An Introduction by B. K. Johnson, Dover Publications.
2. Modern Optical Instruments and their construction by or ford Henry-Publisher: Biblio
Life, LLC.
3. A Text Book of Optics by Brj Lal and N.Subramanyam, S.Chand & Co.
4. Practical Optics by Menn Naftly, Elsevier Science Publishing.
5. Applications of Optics in daily life | CK-12 Foundation. https://flexbooks.ck12.org ›
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
Reading material.
Course 6A: Optical Instruments and Optometry –
PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (30 Hrs. Max Marks: 50)
IV. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this practical course, student shall be
able to:
1. List out, identify and handle various equipments like binoculars, telescopes and
2. Learn the procedures of operation of various optical instruments.
3. Demonstrate skills on testing the power of lenses, improving the resolution of
telescopes and microscopes.
4. Acquire skills in observing and measuring the power, focal length and different
refractive errors of eye.
5. Perform some techniques related to testing the blood and other biological samples.
6. Understand the technique of operation of Computer eye testing and evaluation.
V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs)

1. Evaluation of magnifying power of simple microscope.

2. Measurement of reflection and transmission coefficient of certain materials using a
3. Resolving power of telescope
4. Determination of radii of different capillary tubes using travelling microscope.
5. Refractive index of a liquid (water) using (i) concave mirror and (ii) convex lens and a
plane mirror.
6. Removal of refractive errors of eye using combination of lenses.
7. Determination of power of a convex lens by finding its focal length.
VI. Lab References:
1. A Practical Guide to Experimental Geometrical Optics byYuriy A. Garbovskiy-
Cambridge Univ. Press
2. https://physics.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/content/Lab%20Resources/1292%20Lab
3. https://www.lnmiit.ac.in/Department/Physics/uploaded_files/lab-manual.pdf
4. Basic Optics Experiments -http://www.phys.unm.edu › Optics Lab › Basics
5. A Practical Guide to Experimental Geometrical Optics by Yuriy A. Garbovskiy,
Anatoliy V. Glushchenko, Cambridge Univ. Press
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.
VII. Co-Curricular Activities
(a) Mandatory: (Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field:
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher (if necessary, by a local expert) in
laboratory/field for a total of not less than 15 hours on the field techniques/skills on
the familiarization of various optical instruments available in the laboratory;
construction of different types of telescopes and their comparison in construction,
operation and their utility and limitations; the details of construction of eye and
various defects in the eye sight, emerging techniques in the design of eye lenses
including contact lenses and making the student to understand on the testing of a
biological sample using a clinical microscope

For Student: Students shall (individually) visit and observe the functioning of optical
instruments at any one of the following places /centres like (a) pathological laboratory
or (b) a local ophthalmologist or (c) a local optician to understand the various types
of eye lenses or (d) a local computer based eye testing centreor (e) an optician, who
fixes contact lenses or (f) a local cinema theatre or (g) a planetarium.Student shall
write the observations and submit a hand-written Fieldwork/Project work not
exceeding 10 pages in the given format to the teacher.
2. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
3. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
4. Unit tests (IE).

(b) Suggested Co-Curricular Activities

1. Training of students by related industrial experts.
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying tools in the lens
grinding, frame fitting, lens cleaning culture and other operational techniques with
safety and security, IPR)
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. (on related topics).
4. Preparation of videos on tools and techniques in optical instruments and optical
lenses, contact lenses.
5. Making a model microscope and measuring its magnification.
6. Making a simple astronomical telescope using two convex lenses.
7. Checking the power of your spectacles or lenses at home.
8. Students shall take up making their own (i) Telescope and (ii) Binoculars with the
accessories available at home.
9. Collection of material/figures/photos related to various types of lenses and their
10. Visit to any eye research laboratories, if available
11. Invited lectures and presentations on related topics by field/industrial experts

Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
(Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05)

I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of cameras and camera lenses according to different
2. Identify and understand the focal length of the different types of lenses
3. Acquire a critical knowledge on natural and artificial sources of light and their
application in photography.
4. Demonstrate skills of camera usage especially Digital Cameras.
5. Understand the various Image development and editing techniques.
6. Comprehend the concept of different types of common shooting techniques.

II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)


Photography-Introduction, Working principle of a camera, Image formation in simple camera

and human eye, Types of cameras , Pin-hole camera , Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera, Twin
Lens Reflex (TLR) camera , Digital Single-lens reflex camera (DSLR), Digital camera, Drone
flying cameras, Care and maintenance of camera, Factors influencing choice of camera


Different types of Digital cameras and their parts, Working of DSLR camera, Types of lenses-
Normal, Wide angle, telephoto, Zoom lenses, Digital Image formation, Digital camera image
sensors, Size of the image, Depth of focus, Depth of field, Exposure time, Aperture, Shutter
speed, ISO, filters, knowledge on pixels and their uses , resolution, Camera accessories


Need for the light in photography, Light sources- Natural light, Sun light, Moon light,Ambient
light, Artificial light sources-Flood light, Spot light, Halogen light, Halogen flash light, Digital
lights, Exposure, Studio photography


Significance and role of Camera lens in photo shooting, Arrangement of lenses in a Camera-
Positioning, Techniques involved in the use of DSLR cameras, Usage of Filters, Techniques
of Photomicrography, High speed Photography with motor driven camera, Basic ideas on
Underwater Photography, Medical Photography, Astronomical Photography, Infra-Red (IR)
Photography, Ultra Violet (UV) Photography and Forensic Photography.
Unit-V : PHOTO MANIPULATION : (10 hrs)

Developing and printing the photographs, equipment and materials used in developing and
printing, image mixing and printing, Image editing through image editing software’s like
Adobe Photoshop – Adjustment of Brightness, Contrast, Tonal and Colour Values, Factors
influencing quality of digital image, Methods of storing and processing, Image transportation
through Pendrive, CD, HDD and CLOUD [Internet]

III Reference Books:

1. Object and image; An introduction to photography by George M Craven, PHI

2. An Introduction to Digital Photo Imaging Agfa, 1994
3. Advance Photography by M. Langford.
4. Digital Photography-A hands on Introduction by Phillip Krejcarek, Delmer Publishers
5. Multimedia – An Introduction by John Villamil, PHI
6. https://www.adobe.com/in/creativecloud/photography/discover/dslr-camera.html
7. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
reading material.
Course 7A: Optical Imaging and Photography
PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (30 Hrs, Max Marks: 50)
IV. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this practical course, student shall be
able to:
1. List out, identify and understand various image formation techniques including Eye.
2. Learn the procedures of using Analog and Digital cameras.
3. Demonstrate the focusing techniques of Analog and Digital cameras.
4. Acquire skills in the editing and development of photos and videos.
5. Perform some experimental skills related to images, videos using the equipment available
in the lab or in a local studio.

V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs)

1. Construction of a simple pin hole Camera and study it’s working.
2. Capture an image using a Digital Camera and apply editing techniques.
3. Understanding various image formats and convert one image format intoother
(For ex: JPEG to BMP)
4. Convert a video stream into image stream by using a suitable editingsoftware.
5. Evaluate the number of pixels and size of digital Image.
6. Comparison of the quality of a 8-bit, 16-bit and 32 bit images.
7. Perform the reduction and enlargement of a given Digital Image.
8. Change the appearance of an image by applying the filters (For ex: from the IR image of
the given digital Image by suitable IR filter)

VI. Lab References:

1. DSLR Photography for Beginners by Brian Black
2. The Art of Photography by Bruce Barnbaum
3. Photoshop for Photographers by John Slavio
4. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwWyFRy2l6aUFMsRemP51Sw. You Tube
5. https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-photography-course/
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.
VII. Co-Curricular Activities

(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05):

1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher (if necessary, by a local expert) in
laboratory/field for not less than 15 hours on the field techniques/skills of Image formation
by using lenses and mirrors. Also to make students to understand the construction,
operation and the Physics principles involved in a normal Camera and Digital Camera.
2.For Student: Students shall (individually) visit a local Photo studio or any such facility
in a university/research organization/private and observe (i) the operation of different
digital cameras, compact and SLR and in taking photographs using different types of lenses
by varying aperture, shutter speed for still camera, video camera, CCTV and spy camera or
(ii) the use of natural light, tungsten light, fluorescent light, electronic flash reflectors,
exposure meters, studio flash and its accessories or (iii) the usage of various lighting
techniques for different lenses and will do practice on special areas of photography in
outdoor and indoor conditions or (iv) the different processes viz., audio video recording,
mixing, editing, dubbing of sound, using different types of microphones or (v) the handling
of the digital video cameras, DVD, HDD, accessories and exposure to take different
common shots, dimension of images and movements as per requirement or (v) the
computer system by digital editing software, printing the photographs taken by digital
cameras and the image transportation to the storage media, sending photographs through E-
mail and Scanning the photographs, capture frames and analysis of images and record their
observations and submit a hand-written Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in
the given format to the teacher.

3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.

4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Tests (IE).

(b) Suggested Co-Curricular Activities:

1. Training of students by a related skilled person from a Photo studio.
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying the tools &techniques
involved in photography and handling, operational techniques of different Cameras
with safety and security )
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. (on related topics).
4. Preparation of videos on tools and techniques related to Image formation and
Photographic Techniques.
5. Practice taking outdoor photographs with a digital camera in (i) Black & White and (ii)
Colour in the following conditions:
Landscapes – Street / Building – Sculpture – Insect / Animal movement – Industrial
plant (outside view) – Children, birds (close up / long shot / model photography)- slow
and fast moving objects-Night photography etc.
6. Shooting of different areas and topics such as sports, wildlife, modeling, drama,
documentary, serial, story board making, news, interview, seminar/ workshop, industrial,
live broadcasting, musical event, advertisement, etc.
7. Collection of material/figures/photos related to various components of a Camera, writing
and organizing them in a systematic way in a file.
8. Visits to any local Photo Studio or any Lab in universities, research organizations,
private firms, etc.
9. Invited lectures and presentations on related topics by field/industrial experts.
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
(Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05)

I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to
1. Identify various methods and techniques used to produce low temperatures in the
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on refrigeration and air conditioning.
3. Demonstrate skills of Refrigerators through hands on experience and learns about
refrigeration components and their accessories.
4. Understand the classification, properties of refrigerants and their effects on environment.
5. Comprehend the applications of Low Temperature Physics and refrigeration.

II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)


Production of low temperatures-Introduction, Freezing mixtures, Joule-Thomson effect,
Regenerative cooling, Different methods of liquefaction of gases, liquefaction of air,
Production of liquid hydrogen and nitrogen, Adiabatic demagnetization, Properties of
materials at low temperatures, Superconductivity


Gas thermometer and its correction and calibration, Secondary thermometers, resistance
thermometers, thermocouples, Vapour pressure thermometers, Magnetic thermometers,
Advantages and drawbacks of each type of thermometer.


Introduction to Refrigeration- Natural and artificial refrigeration , Stages of refrigeration,
Types of refrigeration - Vapor compression and vapor absorption refrigeration systems,
Refrigeration cycle and explanation with a block diagram, Introductory ideas on air-
Refrigerants-Introduction, Ideal refrigerant, Properties of refrigerant, Classification of
refrigerants, commonly used refrigerants, Eco-friendly refrigerants


Refrigerator and its working, Block diagram, Coefficient of Performance (COP), Tons of
refrigeration (TR) and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), Refrigerator components: Types of
compressors, evaporators and condensers and their functional aspects, defrosting in a
refrigerator, Refrigerant leakage and detection


Applications of Low temperatures: Preservation of biological material, Food freezing, liquid
nitrogen and liquid hydrogen in medical field, Superconducting magnets in MRI- Tissue
ablation (cryosurgery) - Cryogenic rocket propulsion system.
Applications of refrigeration: Domestic refrigerators, Water coolers, Cold storages, Ice
plants, Food preservation methods, Chemical and Process industries, Cold treatment of
metals, Construction field, Desalination of water, Data centers.
III. References:

1. Heat and Thermodynamics by Brij Lal &N.Subramanyam, S.Chand Publishers.

2. Thermal Physics by S C Garg, R M Bansal & C K Ghosh, McGrawHill Education,
3. Heat and Thermodynamics by M MZemansky,McGrawHill Education (India).
4. Low-Temperature Physics by Christian E. & Siegfried H., Springer.
5. Thermal Engineering by S. Singh, S.Pati, Ch:18 Introduction to Refrigeration.
6. The Physics Hyper Text Book. Refrigerators.https://physics.info/refrigerators/
7. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad, New age international (P)
limited, New Delhi
8. A course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by S.C. Arora and S. Domkundwar,
Dhanpatrai and sons, Delhi
10. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/112105129/pdf/RAC%20Lecture%203.pdf
11. Other Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the reading material.

Course 6B: Low Temperature Physics & Refrigeration

PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (30 Hrs. Max Marks: 50)

IV. Learning Outcomes: On completion of practical course, student shall be able to

1. List out, identify and handle equipment used in refrigeration and low temperature lab.
2. Learn the procedures of preparation of Freezing Mixtures.
3. Demonstrate skills on developing various Freezing mixtures and materials and their
applications in agriculture, medicine and day to day life.
4. Acquire skills in observing and measuring various methodologies of very low
5. Perform some techniques related to Refrigeration and Freezing in daily life.

V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs. Max marks: 50))

1. Record the Principles and applications of Refrigerators and Freezers.
2. Measure the temperatures below Melting point of Ice using a thermometer available in
the Lab.
3. Make a freezing mixture by adding different salts viz., Sodium chloride, Potassium
Hydrate (KOH), Calcium chloride to ice in different proportions and observe the
temperature changes.
4. Study the operation of a refrigerator and understand the working of different parts.
5. Study the properties of refrigerants like chlorofluorocarbons-hydrochlorofluoro- carbons
and record the lowest temperatures obtained.
6. Consider a simple faulty refrigerator and try to troubleshoot the simple problems by
understanding its working.
7. Understand the practical problem of filling the Freon Gas into the Refrigerator.
8. Get the Liquid Nitrogen or Liquid Helium from nearby Veterinary Hospital and measure
their temperatures using chromel-alumel thermocouple or mercury thermometer and
observe their physical properties like colour, smell etc and precautions to be taken for
their safe handling.
9. Preparation of freeze drying food with Dry ice and liquid nitrogen
10. Preparation of freeze drying food with liquid nitrogen

VI. Lab References:

1. Experimental techniques in low temperature physics by Guy White, PhilipMeeson.

2. Experimental low-temperature physics by A. Kent, Macmillan physical science series
3. Physics and Chemistry at Low Temperatures by Leonid Khriachtchev.
4. Practical Cryogenics .http://research .physics illinois.edu /bezryadin /links/
5. Freeze-Drying, 3rd Edition by Peter Haseley, Georg-Wilhelm Oetjen, Wiley (e-Book)
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.

VII. Co-Curricular Activities:

(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05)
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher in the in the laboratory/field for a
total of not less than 15 hours on the techniques/skills of Low Temperature Production,
methods used and applications of Low temperatures and refrigeration in day to day life
and other applications in medicine and industry.
2. For Student: Student shall (individually) visit (i) a small ice plant or a cold storage
plant (ii) Air Conditioner (AC) repair shop or (iii) Refrigerator repair shop to
understand the construction, working principle and the trouble shooting of these
devices after interacting with the technicians. Or Student shall observe the various
thermodynamic processes taking place while working with the refrigerator and observe
the leak detection in refrigeration system by different methods, air removal and
charging of a refrigeration unit and testing of a refrigeration system to find out the
Refrigerating capacity/Ton of refrigeration (TR) and the Power input. Or Student shall
identify the refrigerant cylinder by color coding and standing pressure. Or Student
shall visit the freezer aisle of a supermarket and observes the bags of different frozen
fruits. Student shall write the observations and submit a hand-written Fieldwork/Project
work not exceeding 10 pages in the given format to the teacher.

3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.

4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Unit tests (IE).
(b) Suggested Co-Curricular Activities
1. Training of students by related Factory, industrial experts.
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying tools in Refrigerators,
Freezers and their handling, operational techniques with safety and security )
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. (on related topics).
4. Preparation of videos on tools and techniques in Low Temperatures and applications.
5. Collection of material/figures/photos related to substances used in Freezing Mixtures,
their Properties and availability etc., writing and organizing them in a systematic way
in a file.
6. Visits to Ice plants and labs in universities, research organizations, private firms, etc.
7. Making your own mini refrigerator at home
8. Build your own water cooler with the materials available at home.
9. Making hand launched liquid nitrogen rockets
10. Experiments with Liquid nitrogen and strawberry/ banana/ lemon/ onion/ mushroom/
egg etc. (To be tried under professional supervision only).
11. Invited lectures and presentations on related topics by field/industrial experts
12. Identification of different Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) that damage the ozone
layer in the upper atmosphere.
13. Demonstration to illustrate the greenhouse effect and the role of carbon dioxide as a
greenhouse gas using plastic water bottles, flood light lamp, beakers and temperature
sensors and observe the temperature changes.

Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: Physics
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
Course 7B: Solar Energy and Applications
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]

I. Learning Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand Sun structure, forms of energy coming from the Sun and its measurement.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge on the working of thermal and photovoltaic collectors.
3. Demonstrate skills related to callus culture through hands on experience
4. Understand testing procedures and fault analysis of thermal collectors and PV modules.
5. Comprehend applications of thermal collectors and PV modules.

II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)


Spectral distribution of solar radiation, Solar constant , zenith angle and Air-Mass, standard
time, local apparent time, equation of time, direct, diffuse and total radiations.
Pyrheliometer - working principle, direct radiation measurement, Pyrometer-working
Principle, diffuse radiation measurement, Distinction between the two meters.


Solar Thermal Collectors-Introduction, Types of Thermal collectors, Flat plate collector –
liquid heating type, Energy balance equation and efficiency, Evacuated tube collector,
collector overall heat loss coefficient, Definitions of collector efficiency factor, collector
heat-removal factor and collector flow factor, Testing of flat-plate collector, solar water
heating system, natural and forced circulation types.
Concentrating collectors, Solar cookers, Solar dryers, Solar desalinators.


Semiconductor interface, Types, homo junction, hetero junction and Schottky barrier,
advantages and drawbacks, Photovoltaic cell, equivalent circuit, output parameters,
conversion efficiency, quantum efficiency, Measurement of I-V characteristics, series and
shunt resistance, their effect on efficiency, Effect of light intensity, inclination and
temperature on efficiency


Types of solar cells, Crystalline silicon solar cells, I-V characteristics, poly-Si cells,
Amorphous silicon cells, Thin film solar cells-CdTe/CdS and CuInGaSe2/CdS cell
configurations, structures, advantages and limitations, Multi junction cells – Double and
triple junction cells. Module fabrication steps, Modules in series and parallel, Bypass and
blocking diodes


Energy storage in PV systems, Energy storage modes, electrochemical storage, Batteries,
Primary and secondary, Solid-state battery, Molten solvent battery, lead acid battery and
dry batteries, Mechanical storage – Flywheel, Electrical storage –Super capacitor
III. References:
1. Solar Energy Utilization by G. D. Rai, Khanna Publishers
2. Solar Energy- Fundamentals, design, modelling and applications by G.N. Tiwari, Narosa
Publications, 2005.
3. Solar Energy-Principles of thermal energy collection & storage by S.P. Sukhatme, Tata
Mc-Graw Hill Publishers, 1999.
4. Science and Technology of Photovoltaics, P. Jayarama Reddy, CRC Press
(Taylor & Francis Group), Leiden &BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2009.
5. Solar Photovoltaics- Fundamentals, technologies and applications, Chetan Singh
Solanki, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
reading material.
(a) https://courses.edx.org/c4x/DelftX/ET.3034TU/asset/solar_energy_v1.1.pdf
(b) https://www.sku.ac.ir/Datafiles/BookLibrary/45/John%20A.%20Duffie,%20William%2

Course 6B: Solar Energy and Applications – Practical (lab) work (30 hrs, Max Marks:50)
IV. Learning Outcomes :On successful completion of this practical course, student
shall be able to:
1. List out and identify various components of solar thermal collectors and systems, solar
photovoltaic modules and systems.
2. Learn the procedures for measurement of direct, global and diffuse solar radiation, I -
V characteristics and efficiency analysis of solar cells and modules.
3. Demonstrate skills acquired in evaluating the performance of solar cell / module in
connecting them appropriately to get required power output.
4. Acquire skills in identification and elimination of the damaged panels without affecting
the output power in a module / array.
5. Perform procedures and techniques related to general maintenance of solar thermal and
photovoltaic modules.
V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs) (Max.50 Marks)
1. Measurement of direct radiation using pyrheliometer.
2. Measurement of global and diffuse radiation using pyranometer.
3. Evaluation of performance of a flat plate collector
4. Evaluation of solar cell / module efficiency by studying the I – V measurements.
5. Determination of series and shunt resistance of a solar cell / module.
6. Determination of efficiency of two solar cells / modules connected in series.
7. Determination of efficiency of two solar cells / modules connected in parallel.
8. Study the effect of input intensity on the performance of solar cell / module.
9. Study the influence of cell / module temperature on the efficiency.
10. Study the effect of cell / module inclination on the efficiency.

VI. Lab References:

1.Solar Photo voltaic- Alab training manual, C.S. Solanki et al., Foundation Books Publishers,
2. Laboratory Manual on Solar thermal experiments, HP Garg, TC Kandpal, Narosa
Publishing House 2000.
3. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.
Development of simple solar hot water collector:
VII. Co-curricular Activities:
(a) Mandatory: (Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05)
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher in the in the laboratory/field for not less
than 15 hours on the field techniques/skills related to measurement of direct, diffused and
global solar radiation; demonstration of procedures used in the performance evaluation of
solar flat plate collectors, solar photovoltaic cells and modules measurement of different
parameters in the calculation of efficiency.

2. For Student: Students shall visit to solar thermal and photovoltaic laboratories in
universities/research organizations/ nearby industries to observe and understand the
techniques and procedures used for evaluation of solar collector, solar cell and module
efficiencies. They shall write their observations and submit to the teacher hand-written
Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in the given format.
3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Unit tests (IE).

(b) Suggested Co-Curricular Activities

1. Training of students by related industrial/ technical experts using guest lectures/ invited
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying components of a solar hot
water and solar photovoltaic systems and their handling, operational techniques and
maintenance procedures with safety and security)
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. on related topics.
4. Preparation of videos on thermal and photovoltaic systems and technical procedures.
5. Collection of brochures/figures/photos related to products and applications of solar energy
and organizing them in a systematic way in a file.
6. Making a (i) solar panel (ii) solar light (iii) solar cooker (iv) solar oven (v) solar inverter at
7. Visits to nearby solar thermal system as well as solar photovoltaic power stations, firms,
research organizations etc.
Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
(Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05)

I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify various components present in Electricity& Electronics Laboratory.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge of each component and its utility (like resistors,
capacitors, inductors, power sources etc.).
3. Demonstrate skills of constructing simple electronic circuits consisting of basic circuit
4. Understand the need & Functionality of various DC & AC Power sources.
5. Comprehend the design, applications and practices of various electrical & Electronic
devices and also their trouble shooting.

II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)


Passive and Active elements-Examples, Resistor-Types of Resistors, Color coding -

Applications of a Resistor as a heating element in heaters and as a fuse element.
Capacitor-Types of Capacitors, Color coding, Energy stored in a capacitor, Applications
of Capacitor in power supplies, motors(Fans) etc., Inductor-Types of Inductors, EMF
induced in an Inductor, Applications of Inductor, Application of choke in a fan and in a
radio tuning circuit, Series resonance circuit as a Radio tuning circuit.

Unit-II Power Sources (Batteries) (10 hrs.)

Types of power sources-DC & AC sources, Different types of batteries, Rechargeable
batteries –Lead acid batteries, Ni-MH batteries, Li-ion batteries- Li-PO batteries, Series,
Parallel& Series-Parallel configuration of batteries, Constant Voltage source-Constant
Current Source-Applications of Current sources & Voltage sources, SMPS used in

Unit-III Alternating Currents (10 hrs)

A.C Power source-Generator, Construction and its working principle, Transformers-
Construction and its working principle, Types of Transformers-Step-down and Step-up
Transformers, Relation between primary turns and secondary turns of the transformer with
emf., Use of a Transformer in a regulated Power supplies, Single phase motor –working
principle, Applications of motors(like water pump, fan etc.).

Unit-IV Power Supplies (Skill Based) (10 hrs.)

Working of a DC regulated power supply, Construction of a 5 volts regulated power
supply, Design of a step-down (ex: 220-12V) and step-up (ex: 120-240V) transformers-
Simple Design of FM Radio circuit using LCR series resonance (tuning) circuit, Checking
the output voltage of a battery eliminator using a MultiMate.(Trouble shooting), Design of
a simple 5 volts DC charger, Power supply for computers(SMPS)
Unit-V Applications of Electromagnetic Induction (10 hrs.)
DC motor –Construction and operating principle, Calculation of power, voltage and
current in a DC motor, Design of a simple Motor (for example Fan) with suitable turns of
coil-DC generator-Construction, operating principle and EMF equation, Construction of a
simple DC generator, Difference between DC and AC generators

III. References:
1. Grob’s Basic Electronics by Mitchel Schultz , TMH or McGraw Hill
2. Electronic and Electrical Servicing by Ian Robertson Sinclair, John Dunton, Elsevier
3. Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment by R.S.Khandapur , TMH
4. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
reading material.
Course 6C: Applications of Electricity & Electronics–
PRACTICAL SYLLABUS (30 hrs, Max Marks:50)
IV. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this practical course, student
shall be able to:
1. List out, identify and handle various equipment in Electrical & Electronics laboratory.
2. Learn the procedures of designing simple electrical circuits.
3. Demonstrate skills on the utility of different electrical components and devices.
4. Acquire the skills regarding the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of various
Devices in the lab.
5. Understand the different applications of Electromagnetic induction.
V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs, Max marks:50)
1. Acquainting with the soldering techniques
2. Design and Construction of a 5 Volts DC unregulated power supply
3. Construction of a Step down Transformer and measurement of its output voltage. And
to compare it with the calculated value.
4. Connect two or three resistors or capacitors or inductors and measure the Series,
Parallel Combination values using a Multimeter and compare the values with the
Calculated values.
5. Use the Digital Multimeter and Analog Multimeter to measure the output voltage of an
AC &DC power supply and also the voltage and frequency of a AC signal using CRO.
6. Use the Multimeter to check the functionality of a Diode and Transistor. Also test
whether the given transistor is PNP or NPN.
7. Construct a series electric circuit with R, L and C having an AC source and study the
frequency response of this circuit. Find the Resonance Frequency.
8. Construct a Parallel electric circuit with R, L & C having an AC source and study the
frequency response of this circuit .Find the resonant frequency.
9. Test whether a circuit is a Open circuit or Short Circuit by measuring continuity with
a Multimeter and record your readings.

VI. Lab References:

1. Laboratory Manual for Introductory Electronics Experiments by Maheshwari, L.K.
Anand, M.M.S., New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. Electricity-Electronics Fundamentals: A Text-lab Manual by Paul B. Zbar,Joseph
Sloop, & Joseph G. Sloop , McGraw-Hill Education
3. Laboratory Manual Basic Electrical Engineering by Umesh Agarwal, Notion Press
4. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering by S.K. Bhattacharya , Pearson
5. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.
VI. Co-Curricular Activities:

(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field: 05)
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher (if necessary, by a local expert) in
laboratory/field for not less than 15 hours on the understanding of various electronic
&electrical components and devices. And also understand the functional knowledge of
these components and devices so that the student can safely handle these electronic

2. For Student: Students shall (individually) visita local Radio, TV or Mobile repair shop
to understand the testing and soldering techniques and different electronic components
in the devices that we use daily life. And also to understand the troubleshooting and
working of domestic appliances such as cell phone chargers, fan, electric iron, heater,
inverter, micro oven, washing machine etc.(Or)Students shall also visit the
Physics/Electronics or Instrumentation Labs of nearby local institutions and can get
additional knowledge by interacting with the technical people working there.
(Or)Students shall also visit the local motor winding shop to understand the motor
winding and working of different types of motors. After the observations, a hand-
written Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10 pages in the given format to be
submitted to the teacher.
3. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
4. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
5. Unit tests (IE).

(b) Suggested Co-Curricular Activities

1. Training of students by related industrial experts.
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying various electrical and
electronic components &devices and their handling, operational techniques with safety
and security)
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. (on related topics).
4. Preparation of videos on tools and techniques in Electrical & Electronic Appliances in
daily life.
5. Collection of material/figures/photos related to Electrical products like Heaters,
Motors, Fans etc. and writing and organizing them in a systematic way in a file.
6. Visits to nearby electrical or electronic industries or laboratories in universities,
research organizations, private firms, etc.
7. Invited lectures and presentations on related topics by field/industrial experts

Semester-wise Revised Syllabus under CBCS, 2020-21
Course Code:
Four-year B.Sc. (Hons)
Domain Subject: PHYSICS
IV Year B. Sc.(Hons) – Semester – V
Max Marks: 100+50
[Skill Enhancement Course (Elective), Credits: 05]

I. Learning Outcomes: Students after successful completion of the course will be able to:
1. Identify various facilities required to set up a basic Instrumentation Laboratory.
2. Acquire a critical knowledge of various Electrical Instruments used in the Laboratory.
3. Demonstrate skills of using instruments like CRO, Function Generator, Multimeter etc.
through hands on experience.
4. Understand the Principle and operation of different display devices used in the display
systems and different transducers
5. Comprehend the applications of various biomedical instruments in daily life like B.P.
meter, ECG, Pulse oxymeter etc. and know the handling procedures with safety and
II. Syllabus: (Total Hours: 90 including Teaching, Lab, Field Training, Unit tests etc.)
Types of electronic Instruments- Analog instruments & Digital Instruments, DC
Voltmeter and AC Voltmeter, Construction and working of an Analog Multimeter and
Digital Multimeter (Block diagram approach),Sensitivity, 3½display and 4½ display
Digital multimeters, Basic ideas on Function generator


Cathode Ray Oscilloscope-Introduction, Block diagram of basic CRO, Cathode ray tube,
Electron gun assembly, Screen for CRT, Time base operation, Vertical deflection system,
Horizontal deflection system, Use of CRO for the measurement of voltage (DC and DC),
frequency, phase difference, Different types of oscilloscopes and their uses, Digital
storage Oscilloscope


Classification of transducers, Selection of transducers, Resistive, capacitive & inductive
transducers, Resistive and capacitive touch screen transducer used in mobiles,
Displacement transducer-LVDT, Piezoelectric transducer, Photo transducer, Digital
transducer, Fibre optic sensors


Introduction to Display devices, LED Displays, Seven Segment Displays, Construction
and operation (Display of numbers),Types of SSDs(Common Anode &Common Cathode
type), Limitations of SSDs, Liquid Crystal Displays, Principle and working of 2x16
display and 4x16 LCD modules, Applications of LCD modules.


Basic operating principles and uses of (i) Clinical thermometer (ii) Stethescope (iii)
Sphygmomanometer (iv) ECG machine (v) Radiography (vi) Ophthalmoscope (vii)
Ultrasound scanning (viii) Ventilator (ix) Pulse oxymeter (x) Glucometer, Basic ideas of
CT scan and MRI scan

III Reference Books:

1. Electronic Instrumentation by H.S.Kalsi , TMH Publishers
2. Electronic Instrument Hand Book by Clyde F. Coombs , McGraw Hill
3. Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation byMandeep Singh, PHI Learning.
4. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements by Leslie Cromwell ,Prentice Hall
5. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation by Kishor, K Lal, Pearson, New Delhi
6. Electrical and Electronic Measurements by Sahan, A.K., Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi
7. Electronic Instruments and Measurement Techniques by Cooper, W.D. Halfrick, A.B.,
PHI Learning, New Delhi
8. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned and the college librarian including
reading material.

Course 7C: Electronic Instrumentation– PRACTICAL SYLLABUS

(30 Hrs. Max Marks: 50)
IV. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this practical course, student shall be
able to:
1. List out, identify and handle various equipment in Instrumentation Laboratory or
Electronic Laboratory.
2. Learn the construction, operational principles of various instruments.
3. Demonstrate skills on handling, Maintenance & trouble shooting of different
instruments used in the Labs.
4. Acquire skills in observing and measuring various electrical and electronic quantities.
5. Perform some techniques related to Biomedical Instrumentation and measurement of
Certain physiological parameters like body temperature, B.P. and sugar levels etc.

V. Practical (Laboratory) Syllabus: (30 hrs. Max marks: 50)

1.Familiarisation of digital multimeter and its usage in the measurements of (i) resistance
(ii) current, (iii) AC & DC voltages and for (i) continuity test (ii) diode test and (iii)
transistor test
2. Measure the AC and DC voltages, frequency using a CRO and compare the values
Measured with other instruments like Digital multimeter.
3. Formation of Sine, Square wave signals on the CRO using Function Generator and
measure their frequencies. Compare the measured values with actual values.
4. Display the numbers from 0 to 9 on a single Seven Segment Display module by
Applying voltages.
5. Display the letters a to h on a single Seven Segment Display module by applying
6. Measurement of body temperature using a digital thermometer and list out the error and
7. Measurement of Blood Pressure of a person using a B.P. meter and record your values
and analyze them.
8. Get acquainted with an available ECG machine and study the ECG pattern to
understand the meaning of various peaks
9. Observe and understand the operation of a Digital Pulse oxymeter and measure the
pulse rate of different people and understand the working of the meter.
VI. Lab References:
1. Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation by J.P. Navani. ,S Chand & Co Ltd
2. Principles of Electronic Instrumentation by A De Sa, Elsevier Science Publ.
3. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation by S.P.Bihari, YogitaKumari, Dr. Vinay
Kakka, Vayu Education of India .
4. Laboratory Manual For Introductory Electronics Experiments by Maheshwari, New
International (P) Ltd., Publishers.
5. Electricity-Electronics Fundamentals: A Text-lab Manual by Paul B. Zbar ,Joseph
Sloop, & Joseph G. Sloop, McGraw-Hill Education.
6. Web sources suggested by the teacher concerned.
VII. Co-Curricular Activities
(a) Mandatory:(Training of students by teacher in field related skills: (lab:10 + field:05)
1. For Teacher: Training of students by the teacher in the in the laboratory/field for not
less than 15 hours on the field techniques/skills of understanding the operation,
Maintenance and utility of various electrical and electronic instruments both in the
Laboratory as well as in daily life.
For Student: Students shall (individually)visit a local electrical and electronics shop or
small firm to familiarize with the various electrical and electronic instruments available in
the market and also to understand their functionality, principle of operation and
applications as well as the troubleshooting of these instruments.(Or) Student shall visit a
diagnostic centre and observe the ECG machine and the ECG pattern(Or) Student shall
visit a diagnostic centre and observe the CT scan and MRI scan.(Or) Student shall visit a
mobile smart phone repair shop and observe the different components on the
PCB(Motherboard), different ICs (chips) used in the motherboard and trouble shooting of
touch screen in smart phones.
Observations shall be recorded in a hand-written Fieldwork/Project work not exceeding 10
pages in the given format to be submitted to the teacher.
2. Max marks for Fieldwork/Project work: 05.
3. Suggested Format for Fieldwork/Project work: Title page, student details, index page,
details of place visited, observations, findings and acknowledgements.
4. Unit tests (IE)
(b)Suggested Co-Curricular Activities
1. Training of students by related industrial / technical experts.
2. Assignments (including technical assignments like identifying different measuring
instruments and tools and their handling, operational techniques with safety and
3. Seminars, Group discussions, Quiz, Debates etc. (on related topics).
4. Making your own stethoscope at home.
5. Making seven segment display at home.
6. Preparation of videos on tools and techniques in various branches of instrumentation.
7. Collection of material/figures/photos related to products of Measuring Instruments,
Display Modules and Biomedical Instruments and arrange them in a systematic way in
a file.
8. Visits to Instrumentation Laboratories of local Universities or Industries like Cement,
Chemical or Sugar Plants etc. or any nearby research organizations, private firms, etc.
9. Invited lectures and presentations on related topics by Technical /industrial experts


Draft syllabus prepared by,

Dr. M. Ravi Kumar, Principal, T.R.R. Govt Degree College, Kandukur, PrakasamDist
Dr. Y. Narasimha Murthy, Associate Prof of Physics, S.S.B.N.College, Anantapur
Prof. K.T. Ramakrishna Reddy, Professor, Dept. of Physics, S.V.University, Tirupati.

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