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Group 3 Report 1

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by group 3
HoneyJean asong
Hannah navio
MIKO christofferson TABURNO

Meeting Needs of Human

Recruitment is the process of attracting the best individuals
to join the company
on a timely basis in sufficient numbers and meeting the
qualifications requirements thereby encouraging them to
apply for the jobs in organization.
Major Sources of Candidates to
Fill Vacant Positions

• Internal sources

• External sources
Internal sources

These are the qualified candidates from the company and

within the ranks of its present employees. They have the
advantage of boosting the morale of the other employees and
encouraging them to perform well. The employees look forward
to the brighter future, as management recognizes the
performance of the employees within the organization. Career
development or career mobility opportunities are provided.
Promotions from within generate a chain effect since they lead
to other vacant positions that may also be filled up from within
the organization. This upward movement will trigger a positive
effect on employees’ performance
Advantages of Internal Sources of Recruitment
Selecting and transferring existing employees is a
simpler process.
The managers are aware of the talents and abilities of
already existing employees.
Internal recruitment serves as a tool to boost the morale
of employees as internal hiring creates job and promotion
opportunities for existing employees.
Internal hiring promotes a feeling of loyalty amongst the
Existing employees are already aware of the company’s
working methods and don’t take a long time to adjust to
new positions.

However, there is a potential drawback to the

internal recruitment process. It can lead to a
stagnation in the company’s workforce. No
introduction of new employees or fresh ideas.

Often employees who are not suitable for a higher

position are given promotions just because they
have been at the organization for a long time, not
because of their skills and qualifications.
External Sources

The hiring from the outside source is a management option. If it

thinks that no one from within among the next rank of
employees can successfully perform the job or deliver the
required output, then hiring an outsider would be inevitable.
This could also be resorted to when the new vacant position
requires added skills due to the introduction of new technology
and the need is immediate and necessary

External recruitment provides a wider collection of potential

employees with the necessary skillset. It has proven to be a
successful recruitment process when hiring for managerial and
technical positions.
Advantages of External Sources of Recruitment

Providing a larger and more diverse pool of candidates.

Bringing new ideas and skills into the organization.
Promoting your employer brand and culture.
Filling your talent pipeline with candidates for future
Less chance of favoritism and disrupting healthy workplace
Before deploying external recruitment techniques,
however, it’s important that you do your homework
into who your candidate is, where they’re searching
for jobs, and what they’re looking for. Be sure to
tailor any external sources of recruitment to a well-
thought-out strategy to ensure that you’re not
inundated with hundreds of unqualified candidates.
Depending on the strategy, external recruitment can
be a time consuming and expensive endeavor, so you
want to make sure your investment will yield positive
1. Job Posting
2. The Word-of-Mouth System
3. Advertising Media
4. Walk ins and Unsolicited Applicants
5. Campus of University Recruitment
6. Job Fair and Open House
7. Government Agencies
8. Radio and Television
9. The Internet
1.job posting
process by which internal recruitment is accomplished.

Promoting or transferring employees from within offers the following advantages

• It creates an opening for a lower easy-to-fill position.

• The morale of the employee is boosted.
• Hidden talent maybe uncovered and utilized.
• It saves considerable time and money.
• Employees are already familiar with the company policy and the job itself and
therefore less adjustment is necessary.
2. The Word-of-Mouth System
this methods of recruitment is found to be effective in local situations. It is one of the
least expensive recruitment systems.

• Regionalism may dominate over the company employees. Tagalogs will

recommend those from the same region, the Ilocanos will dominate if the one at the
helm is an Ilocano and so on.

• Pulling of strings and the "Padrino" system may prevail in the hiring of employees
that discriminate against other applicants, who may be more qualified.
3. Advertising Media
one popular and often effective means soliciting applicants is advertising it through the media, like
newspaper, magazines, radio or television. careful planning in terms of content, timing and location
can generate a large response, usually resulting in hiring.

What is Blind Ads?

these are ads that do not reveal the identity of the company, instead they give a box
number where the resume or pertinent papers will be forwarded.
4. Walk Ins and Unsolicited Applicants
These unsolicited applicants could be a possible source of outstanding
Applications should be categorized into different skills or qualifications.
A day of the week must be scheduled for the interview of the applicants.
Those who pass should be put in the active file for three months for future
reference. The applicants should be notified that their applications are for
possible consideration and that they may be called within the specified
period. After such period, the applications could be discarded.
Unsolicited applications can also be reviewed with the list of openings in
mind. Possible job matching can be pursued, either by telephone or by
mail. This system could work effectively if the company has embarked on
manpower planning.
5. Campus or University Recruitment
• College are undisputable sources of talent for an organization to top.

• Campus recruitment requires careful planning and preparation. As

there are many universities that produce goods students, proper
scheduling must be made and matched with man power projection
based on present and future needs.
6. Job Fair and Open House
• The job fair and open house are popularly increasing as recruitment

• Brief interviews are conducted during the job fair. Applicants submit
resumes and biodata for immediate reference.

7. Government Agencies
• Some local government units have their placement offices look for possible
employments for their constituents.

• The human resource manager must screen the applicant properly to give
considerations if found to possess added qualities.
8. Radio and Television
Radio and television are now used as mediums for manpower
recruitment. Since the coverage of the advertisement is of great
magnitude, more qualified applicants can be reached and could even
tempt other applicants who are not actually looking for a job.

a. It is very costly, as the message has to be repeated to get the target audience
b. The message must be convincing and should be done by a professional.
c. The message on radio and television should be sincere and pleasing.
d. The name of the company must be repeated including the telephone number so
The internet could become another source of employment opportunities.
Company profiles and job placement could eventually come into the
internet. While this method is not frequently resorted to at the moment, it will
come easy and handedly in the future.

The following advantages are:

a. Application letters or resumes could immediately be sent to the company.
b. Immediate answers could be available through e-mail.
c. Other necessary information could be available from the applicants.
d. Immediate needs of the company on manpower requirements could be
answered in a short time.
e. They are less costly and get immediate response.

• Can be defined as the process of determining from among the

applicants who can meet the jobs requirements and can be offered the
vacant position in the organization.

• It is also the deciding point, which determines who among the applicants
has the personal quality that match the requirements for the position.
We have 4 stages in Selection Procedure on how to get the
Most Qualified Applicants

1. Establishing selection procedure.

2. Identifying and choosing selection criteria, predictors, and instruments

to be used.

3. Gathering and evaluating information about the applicants.

4. Making communication decisions to select or reject.

Selection and Job matching

The first and foremost step before going for employee selection is identification of
vacancy position and how many posts are vacant in what category should be
ascertained before issuing notification for jobs.
Employee Selection is the process of interviewing and evaluating the candidates for
a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria
(qualifications, skills and Experience). Employee selection can range from a very
simple process to a very complicated process depending on the firm hiring and the
position. Certain employment laws such as anti-discrimination laws must be obeyed
during employee selection.
Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure
of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people.
Employee Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. Without qualified employees, an
organization is in a poorer position to succeed.
What is Job Matching?
Job matching is an analytical way of evaluating as many different jobs as possible to
nationally evaluated profiles in the most efficient and consistent manner possible.
Job matching avoids the need for many local evaluations.

Why is Job Matching important?

Job matching is a sifting process designed to put better candidates before hiring
managers at the final stage. They will still have the chance to meet and get to know
the applicants deeper before sealing the deal. Managers can still assess soft skills in
an interview.

Which is an example of matching people to jobs?

Comparing a candidate's assessment reports to the needs of the job (benchmark) will
help you understand how good – or poor – a fit the candidate will be for the job.

The purpose of selection process is to pick up the most suitable candidate who
would meet the requirements of the job in an organization best, to find out
which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To meet this goal, the company
obtains and assesses information about the applicants in terms of age,
qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are matched with
the profile of candidates. How well an employee is matched to a job is very
important because it is directly affects the amount and quality of employee’s
work and overall performance and productivity of the organization. Any
mismatch in this regard can cost an organization a great deal of money, time
and trouble, especially, in terms of training and operating costs.

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