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2. Political spylng: The act of getting secret or e Securiy(MU-Sem.

71) (introduction)Paga noU

2. Side-channel Alack
1.1 HER ATTACKS confidential political intormaton (inielligence) 1.2.1 Classes of Vutnerablilicies in
Define Cb
Define Cyber Attack State the types and
-- from unreported sources or asciOsing the
A SIde-channel attack is a security vulnerability Securicy
without the inlormation s owners consent targets the hardware or
sysiem whole
goals of cyber attackers in as a

oowing are the classes of vulnerabilities in

cxchange for a concrete gain rather than the
known as program or its code directly in

.G --------- poyber attacks

-. espionage. spying. or intelngence gathering.
order to gan infermation from or modily the

An assault commitied by online cinas rogram cxCC UTOn or a sysiem. IHumanVulnerabilities : Phishing attack 1s otC
u 3. ldentity Risk: ldentitry thett is
a crime in
which 07 the examples of Human vulnerability where the
multiple computers on one or more computers or 3 Password-cracking Attack
an altacker obtains Sensitive or
netw orks is known as a cyber-attack. personal The process of
system gets compromised since the user has
information from a victim via fraud linding a lost or
A cyberattack has the potential to steal data,
deception or
password for a computer or network resource is
chcked a malicious URL or file Human
and then utnlizes that intormation improperly
deliberately disable machines, or utilize
cary out actions in the victums name. Most often,
DOwn a password-cracking
wulnerability basically includes the behavior of the
user to click on inks of attachinenis
compromised cormputer as a launching point for A threat actor
those who commit such have their Imiay also use it
crimes personal to assist in gaining un.nown scuTCe of withoul verifying them
more attackks liegal access to resources
1inancial gain as their driving torce
2. Rule-based Vulnerabilitles Rule-hased
Malware, phishing. ransomware. and denial 4. Denial of service AItack
ot4. Disruption of Facility: An atiempt to bring down ulnerabilties include features of various network
service (DoS) are just a few of the techniques used A enial or service tD0S) attack airms to bring protcos hat are used as a way/method to launch
compuler system or network and deny its
by cy bereriminals to initiate a cyberatack intended user s access. down a computer system or network so that its an atack. Atackers use various tools that are

intended users are unable to access i. availablc oniine to launch such man-in-middle or
1.1.1 5. legal of assets
Type of Artackers access : By obtaining illegal
the and D o s atacks achicve this by providing the victum replay aftack
access to resources stealing information,
T o u n g Adults/teens: It has been observed that this cybercnme can compromise the integrity and an excessive amount of traffic or information thar3. Software Vulnerabilities : Software defects that
most of the attackers are the young adults or teens security of data causes a crash. Fmignt proide an attac ker access to a systen are
whose only motive is to launch a successtul Cyer 5. MTM Attack known as vulnerabilities in software These flaws
1.1.3 Common Cyber Acuacks
attack may result from a mistake in the software s coding
(MITM) atlacks allow
Script Kiddies: This type of atacker known as In this section we will discuss cyber attacks that
Man-in-the-maddle an
or in h e a y it is constructcd.
attacker to eavesdrop on data being transfered
sCmpt kuddies do not have
special any c o m n o n i y launched by the attackers networks, Conhgurationulnerabilitdes The entire
ackand 1orth between two users, or

network and any devICEs connected to it could be

progranning Skils and use the code snippets that FDishing and Pharming Attack machines Because the altacker places onesel im
are avalable online or tools to attack the victims. Phishing is a form of social engincering that tricks the center of the two people conversing. it is ulnerable to an attack if secunty setlungs were

individuals into disclosing private information known as a man in the middle" aluack. In reality. inadequate, such as faniling to automatically
Company Insiders:
the artacker cncrypt your files Fortunately. network security
annoyed'dissatstied/hum1liated cmployee can n oracr t o trick the victim irilo clicking on the is eavesdropping on their interactions.
vuinerabilities are sort of
file, hackers send fake contiguration a

lcak the company information or nstall malware infectedlink or typically a

nto the server that could disnupt the functioning

emal with a legiimate source
name 1.2 VULNERABILTIES vuincrability that may De feadniy avoueu he

network of the company has two eniry points tor

Hackers then get access to the private data of their
of the company
Victim after doing so. 0 Define Vuinerability, Explain diferent classes configuration vulnerabilites: web ervers and

a 1.1.2 Goals of O vulnerability. ppicaton ervers. hese security vulnerahility

Cyber-Attack Pharming is when eyber eriminals install --------. IDas Occur througn, in accord.ance wilh the open
malicious into users A vulnerability is a defect or error in the code ot
Following are the set of goals for cyber attack programs a
server to trick them into visiting 1ake wehsiles. system or device that, if it is exploited, might *co applhcation security project (OWASP)
.Theft of Critical nformation Sensitive These fraudulent websites may appear to the confidentiality. accesibility. that aent

company data, military information is of immense authentic at first glance, but their true goal is to
data Mored there by alowing
and File and directory permassions
iniegrity of Ppropriate
alue and can be a motive to steal this information steal sensitive data from users, including login unauthorzed access, clevating privileges, Enabled accessihle administratjon and

i 3 à cy heT aftack Teucntials. pervonal intormation, and tinanca denying services.

informatio debugging teatures
rademic yeer 22-23i (M7-66)
Tech-Neo Fubicat.ons ASACI SH
intrastructure Secunby (MU Sem zei (untrodueuon u0. 1U
Access Control DeciSion 1s bascd on
Unpatched securnty issues tn server sotware th
Default passwords for administrative accounts parameiers
()subyect or
principal person who is ntrastructure Secunty (MU-Sem 7- introduchon).Page no (U-5
Incoreatly configured SSL certificates and trying8to l n the
login and aCcess ceriin resources implest cenario, the encryption
and4. Response, Recovery, and Forensies
encryption ettings a
key Orce
(in) obyect or resource- a file or confidential data. p
Dniy nown
Nees are seret
to the sender and recipient.
tiat is
an attack or unfection has been discovered.
quick action should be done in response These
W 1.3 DEFENSE STATIGIES AND (i) Access mode or operation-
TECHNIOUS read/uwrite/modify. makes it impossible Tor sormeone listeiing in to onsist ot compietety or partialy shutting down
decrypt theenc
encry pieu nessage the system
Network traffic from the public, insecure
GQ Explain various defense strategies and into the sccure enwironment or an enterpriseei o csure the miegrity ot data the ender and The systems affected areca needs to be isolated
techniques to deal with oyber attacks rccipicnt sharc a secret for the
*** *- -.--. significant application of access control. purpoC of during a worm cpidemic. and any appropriate
computing the cryptographic checksum. fIxes shoulkd be impleienicad
This sectacn descnbes vanous detense strategies
The admission of all such traffic must be
governed As a one-way functuon of the message and Many infilration attempts leave finger prints at
and techniques for cyber attaxks. by precise rules
seCTet. the sender calculates the checksum The the crine scene. just like a criminal would
1. Access Authentdcaton
Control n A t the organization's beoundary is a
device caleda checksurn and message are transmitted A developing ficld calle cyber forensics has a
Authorizaton filter
firewall that is set up to packets depending the receiver the checA Sum urmber of resources that can be used to rack
Addilionaly, compuies
Access control is the first line of defense in the on the source/destination addresses and
port The receiver determines there was no error in the down cybercriminals
tnght against intrusions numbers
and received
miessage whien the computed
This suggests that a
dependable administrator who2 Confidentiality and Integrity of Data checksums match M 1.4 AUTHENTICATIOM METHODS
ediates a r e s s to a secured system exists. Data that Is being stofed or transmittcd needs to be Prevention and Detection
u Explain ditferent types of Authentcation
Usually implemented in software, the trusted third securcd esting the code of the sottware is important for Methods
party could e a component of the operating Data protection includes data confidentiality, software he sccure rom ********** *****
system or an applicathon
or ensuring to any T h e signs we use in face-to-face conversation
the idea that outsiders shouldn't be able to read the wuinerailtues. recognize our tnends are not present
Permutting or denying access to the system is the data when the source code tor a sottware is not readily

initial stage in access control availahle, Blackbox testing is used The goal here
The maintenance of data integrity is a
further is to determine whether the software has been
ln contrast. computcrs usc data to denury peopic.

In order to login. the subject or principal must of data This implies

tAnpening o
ouiTiCation of data in
Caretuly designcd to handie unexpectcd or
here are two distinct processes involved in

authenticate that they are who they say they are is

gunng otur wno ortieone truly
whethier accidental o intentional, should not occur malicious input.
This entails some sort of authentication process
identity is the act of
without being oueu assurnce orecure
sotware, (0Declaring someone
The simple password is one type of authentication. Brcaicr identification
Whitcbox testing should Here, the
Example The individual starts by typing in their
One ot the most well-known methods lor ensuring be employed.
has access to source code and of estahlishang a claimca
the secrecy and integrity of data security engineer f) The act
log1n name The system implicitly challenges
1s to
use can perform more elahorate testing by exercising Identity, or that the peron is who they claim

himher to prove their ident1ty by ask1ng him/her

ryplographie techniques.
ilerent control paths in the source code. o he, is known as authentication

to enier their Before sending a message. the sender performs an

passw or be used ta hree characteristics can uscd y

encryption operation on it to mask it Intrusion prevention lechniques can

T h e sy stem ogs a person in after successful anomalous behavior, continuous monitoring authentication mechanisms to validate a users
L t e r . he masked message
authenticat1on The uhject w ould have to access is
subjected to of network logs and operating system logs. dentaty
operalon in order to reveal the actua
arious resources such as tsles uecTy ption look for certain Something User Knows Erampics of whata
message Intrusion detectuon systems alo
The access controlleri responsibility Is to respo uscr might know include passwords. PIN
paticrns o behavior.
The most secure check mcthod is
to inquiries regarding authorizatior integrity ne passpthrases, a ecret handahake. and mother

cryplographic checksum, while there cCxample, muluple instances of

a given wor
other For
characteristic bit patlern calied a
mauden name
methods that can be otten exhibit a
employed as
well. VATruure
(Untroxduction geno5
inform any other aulhorizeu uscrs of thenhew ntrantructue Security (MU- Sem 7-1T Untrcdicton ge no.
Something ler bThee uthenticatio
on 3
password they wisn o c o n i n u e using the u C choose short passwords over long oncs. Probiems with Use of Biometrica
methoda known bicmetncs
are ased object after changing the password because the attacker will intetd to test E E
user' bodly characterist h as a fingerpeint pa 1 Users find it intrusive
the old pasword will no longer work. order them bylength
OE aiern. r taT ptare) These kinds ot
4. Defeating Concealment B i o i e t r i c AutheTitication it expensie
authenticathom are ocs oc, we can identity triends i ) Update of Password : Somcune must change
SBiornetric evaces can becorie a sngic point
h e name and passwod that the user prvjdes ar
by their faces in person or by their voces over the the password in order o remove a users
ubscqucntuy crncu Dy e perng e,
access nghts to an otject. which has the same
phone. but they are cely rnvently heing applied to most commonly by companson to a value kept i n * Bomet. Eures may kary
m p u t e r authenticathcs drawbackS As disc1osure
a lanie False Positive/False
Something Owned by the ser People ( ) Loss ?A lost or tOgotcn pasSwOru might not
Negati ves
o w e v e r . hat tarie then turns into a treasure bor When using bometrics tor auhentieaton.
frequently have items that let others identify them. be recoverable ucpending on how the
haseline that
Tor real criminals: The tahle, which contains all miar a

sach as ndentry hadges. physical keys. a drivers puasSWords are used. While the operators or
aen enplale to
micasurefient 1s
useT D nd ther felatcd passwords, Can e ne
epesencs charaetcnistse
license. or a unaferm sy stcm administrators can interveie And issue
obtained and enables access to al accounts. uscu

a new password, they reyuerituly Are unable to

1.4.1 Auchencicacion based A baseline sample's set of measures is taKen when
a on
ascertaun the password that a usCr has
Exhaustive Attack
u use a biometric tor aulhentication, and they
previously sclected Audministrators must The attacker tries every possible pasSWord durin are compared to the template. Houever. the
an exhaustive or brute torce allack. picaly
Alithough appears that password protection assign a new password it a uscr torgets or u e t sanpae n e e u not De a perfet refiICa ot tne

automatically The installation of the specitic

provdes a reaonahly ufe pproach for veritying loses theirs Cplatc
ysieti will, or course, aftect the numbet of
dentity-related nformation, human factor can punE match that is near enough. or wthin a preset
Various approaches for Password Attackss
c a s i o n a l s l o w r tne sysiem s quauy
tolerance, such as E of the values matching or

1. Dictionary Attacks a 14.2 Authenticacion Based on Cach paraneter being within 5"E of its expected
A user must nput some form of identuty. such as
their namc r a uer ID that has heen allocated to Vanous network sites publish phrase dactionaries, Blometrics waluc, resuts in successful aulhienticalion

character names Irom science iction, kocatton il

them. this dentificataon may he public knowledge judge a

Chincsc teriis trom Biomctrics are biological characteristics that are

takCs tiie l0 measure. compare. aDd
or may e umpic to tigure out because it lacks names
tfo myhoiogy. mhatch is close certainly more tume than it does to
hased on a physical a i t ot the huiman body
Yiddish, and other specalized lists. determine whether a passw ord iatches etaeuy
Techunulogies tor biometric authentication are stil
These lists assist site admunistrators identitying
T h e ecunty system then asks the user Tor
a uscrs who have pickeu weak pussworas, Dut
heing added to the list.
u n u e , ncauring i s acuraey ik enaliengin

passu ord The user s uthenticated and grantcd The following biotietries can now be r e c o g i z c
aftackers owebsiles without ch caretu
es t he passa ord they enier Latehes the one ot the inlividuals and their
Bocause we
are aware
they navc c ic he slen asks for the
adninistralors can also use these dictionaries gadgets Teal icitalies in an caperimental coniekt,
Ae are

Tor a User Fingerprn talse negative andt talse

ae uE uC ypeu t Inferring Passwords Likely abie to calculate the

a r a O hand geometry (shape and size ot tungers

ter ay atvdual subjcct or goupP
the PAUSICrales
passw r u makch Tauls user
incofrectiy t the Alackers try to deduce the
password or O r e l u n a a n d iris p u r t s oj tne e y e

have hased on their personal informatuon like the name subjects

Despite thet wldespread uC.
to the enire
of a spouse, child, other family member, or pet. Vonce But we caunt gencralize those findungs
tew usahilty 1ssues
ADwung, sigTIuture, nalind motan wwld and then ask hw many mie
C e l t might be tedionas and time comsuming Guessing Probable Passwords as a certain pervon We
he positively 1dentiticu
lost, stoten. forgotten,
ah access
to have to provide a passw ou TOt cactn H u m a n characteristucs are uscd by tne tackets A hiometnc cannot be ant
atns s i c e me tesclrn ppuiaton
speak, a
tu an o for scarching passwonds. As a result. penetralots sharcd and i s always
avallahie. s o
t nat he represetitaluve
or ne

environient migt
npioy stralcgies that are likely to produce quick
makngDioDeic authentication supeTir
Diconure : f a useT gives their passw ord t audhentication These qu.innes le real workd
an unauthorized pervon, that erson can uccess.
Jccess the iteri nghi away he user must A SACHN SMAH Ventune
A Tech Neo Publicatons

MU New Syliabus w ef academic year 22-23)

SACuIN sHáH Yenturs
nifrastructure Secunty (MU-Sem.zAU (introduchonOgo n
But it is cleal y your kcy and your lock
Infrastructure Secunity (MU-Sem.7-)
Many proIuct vendors make assertions regarding function, respectuvely Bdges una D cards are ne ost paetical usage static okens is tor Any process that sumulates a usct or appi aton

ne relianility ot biomnetrics or a specitic ot t o k e s access an item on behalt of that user

two more prevalcnt types onsite authentication:When a security inspects an

rescarchers have
teature. but tew independent Tact that you have and
A ditferent type o unencon token can your picture badge, the one
actually attempted to support the assertions. mat your Thce somhewnat resCmhies the image he procedure adopts the users ctaracteristic
convey data secretly. Lredit carus with a magnetie
S i n c e biometrics are based n human fealures, the guard to accefpt your dentificaton
prompts such as access peivileges
biometric authentication Is stripe. credit cards with An cmbedded computer and let you in
losing or forgetting a
chip. and access caras witn Passive or active
A Subjct Is usually responsihle tor the actions

practicaily mpossible. However. Since the Tokens are susceptible to a fraud known to
an audit trall can t e
wireless technology are a tew eNamples of this hey have Degun, and ue
attributes (such as weight or hair coor) mgnt he usc ot to
of the connectsons between a subject
ype of token.
SkInming SKimming Is
a devke kcep trak
change over ume, knowledge-based veritication and transmit it to an
secretly copy authentication data and security-related actions they have taken on

be than When you insert the tOken into the nght reader,
may more accurate
bometric the reader detects values on the card. This
an artacer
authenticaAtuOn. A dynamic token has a changing value A defined by
Three groups of subjects are
relationship increases trust that you are who you
A password is something you either know or comes in a hasic access controt ysteis, cach with a unique
token, which
dynamic uthentication
claim you arc it your identification and uhe values
dont. However, a fingerprint can match with a Varniety of shapes, Is essentialiy a gauget tmar
set of access privileges
9 from your token match
probability of percent, 95 percent, or
82 produces an
unpredictable number that we
) Owner The maker of a resource, sich a file.

percent depending on a varicty o

vanaDiesPassive Token and Active Token
feter to asa pass number Tay e teu here. Uwierhiip of ytcn

including how your tnger is held during the Some deviIces calculate a new number in e s p o n s e reude
tcading of the print, the health of your finger, the Passive token is an authentication mechanism
reurces hay will aysiC
relerred to s a administrator A Project administralor
to an input. which is
temperature of your hand, and whose content will never change. Example: Photo
the conditiono challenge, while others change mumbers when you lcader may be given ow nership o certai
Our skin or Key
Some ucvcs
cnange nurmrs PrUJcet esources

Additionally stress can alter biometrie An acuive token is one thal Can change or nieract
pecific intervals, such as once every minute (u) oruup n addition to the priviicges Riven t

Components, such as vOKe recognition, thus with its environment. For instance, several publicC n all circumstances, it makes no diferenc n ownet, dcess ngnts hay albo be isucd ta

transit syatems make use of magnetuc stripe-

conpromisIng security another person watches or overthcars you grve the Aited gToup ot uscrs, and meibership in

enabled cards. The device eamines the cards thesc

pass nuimber tecause that one value will only be the group is all that is
required tu use
a1.4.3 Authentication Based on Tokens:
current halance when you place it in a reader, and knowing that onc sterns allow users to he
valid for one access (yours), ACcess ighta Most y
Something Owned by the User deducts the travel cost, and rewrites a new balance or
aluc wll prevent the outsider tom generating hernber ot many g
Tor he subscqucnt use
Something you have denotes the presence of a guessing the next pass number World Uiers who have access to the systein
naterial object in
your possessio I n this instance. the token merely serves as a hut do nca Tall unuct the ownct roup
A key is one type o physical authenticator that storage space for the current value WAS aCgoies Tor
iis resururce are given he leas

you are presumably already familar with

MODELS a r t o u n t of access
Another type of active token starts a two-way ****
W h e n you insert your key into the lok, the pins conversation with its reader, frequently via radio , D Wite a short Note on
Access Control A rewurce to which access s feslrictcd is callcd

MU Dec. 19 often thing that rcceives

and ridges of the lok interact to spin the
or wireless sugnaling
object An object s a

or contains information
mieehanis Static and bynamic Tokens
Subject, object. and access ngnts are he

Records, blocks, pages, gmients Tilcs, parts o

fundamental components of access contro
Because you have the right key, the lock in a sense
A static token's valuc never durectory trces, mal bores
ontirms that you are entitled to enter changes Statuc tokens
with acces to objects i5 releTed to as a
hles, dircctories,

A n cntuty few exanples

include thungs like keys. dentitication carids, messages, and programs are a

The authentication is unperfect because you could

pAssorts, magnetic-stripe cards for credit and
subject. additionally inctake
Some a c c e s control sy stcmis
lose yur key r copy it and send the duplicate to I n nost cascs. the dea of subject and process are network
otner comimunication ports, clocks
thing%. and cards with radio proxessors,
*ITICOne ele
(alse known as
transmitters nodes, hits, bytes, and words
RFID devices) cquivalct
introducho 10)
intrastruchure Secunty MSe e with ucton Page o (1a
A subjeat s abulity to access an object is descrieu
ccurity nASUCTre Secunity (MU-Sem.za
ciearances which describe wnich system cntities
y an a x g
Least privilege of read-only acues should always File A
to what resOurces to he the default whatever
permitted access set of rights,. IS Bob Read
The following avess nights could be granted:
limit of
The rcason this pouey is relerred to a appropriate Boh specidic users and groups Wrile
access. UNCTN Inay he listed as list componcnts
Read The data in a
user can view
sysic mandatory is because an Cnuy that nas
been which

esoure (such as a tile. a recnrd or a tied

to use à resource
cannot, from ACLS are usetul when determuning subjects Alice Read
granted permission
insde a reond or a combination of these) its own tree will, perrit anothcr cntity to do t h e have privileges
access to a speciic resource Wte
read access also gives you the option hecause each ACL contains the information for
av ing JohnWrite
specitic reseource.

(idi)Role based Access Control (RBAC): Acess i The access rights offered to a particular uscr
(#) Write A users data in a sysiem resource
restricted hased on users Toles within the ile B
sUen as fies, reuus, or prgrdns may
system canot be determined using this data structure
and rules dictating uhe types ot access that are
Row-based decomposition results in capabilty Bob Read
added. modified, or dcleied. Rcad access is permitted tor thase users in specific positions ickets. AliceKcau
ncluded with wrnte acvess
ticket tne Juhn Real
(dv) Attribute Based Access Control (AB,AC) : For a certain user. a capability specifies
(i) Execute The user may run particular permited items and operations Each user 1s rile
restricted hased the
Acess is on
user's number of Uwn
characteristics, the beimg accesscd,
allowed to lend or give away a certain
Dedete: The has the opton to remove
and tickets
iw user
the surroundng environnmient
risk tnan aecess
File C
like ties or sexurity
pecifiey siem resources,
a 1.5.1 Discrecionary Access Control
I C A e t s pose a
control lists because they could be atiercu Bob wrhte
(DAC) the system The tickets integr1ty
act e
Create New tiles, records, or tields bev
Alice Read
V may
A discretionary access control (DAC) policy is a afeguarded and ensured (usually by the operating
Teaied by the user
John Rcxd
means of assigning access nghts hased on ules Write
Searh A diretory's conients can e Isteu rerers to
specificd by users. ser-directed discretionary xtess contni Flg L.5.2 : Acces Control Lst
t Other searches can pertormed the ability ot a user to change the access privileges
An operating system or databasc management
h a t kinds of axcess are allowed, under whal
system will often use an acess matrix
to particular objects
Flile A| File B Fle C
nditiens, and by uhom s detcrinined by an implement DAC Tdentity-bascd Ccess control is a diterent s o t or Bo Read ReadWrite
AcLExs codtrol poNicy. Anhen can e dxumcnted in p(ional access controt pasCu on a persoms write
U'sing a table is one way to define discretionary
an authorization datahase. dentity
acess control. The subjects, objects, and access
The follow ing atcgones rc used to categorize rivileges assigned to the subjects in relathon to File A File B|File C
Eile A File B FIle C
the objacts are listed in the tahle. Bob Rcad Read Wite
Rcad Read Read
Dixretionary Acres Control (DAC): Alice|
Ues This table s ocasonally reterted to as an access Wnte
avess iies control list (ACL
authornzations that pei Wnat Own
requestots are ior are w
nd permiteu erotm to
Acvess control lists (ACLs) can be prrduced by
ontr aes hascd on the dentity of the
breaking the matns down into columns. An ACL
Alice Read Read Read
File A Fle B File C
This Wnte
requcstiv plsy reterred
t a lists users and the allowable acvess privileges Tor JohnWrite RcadRead
cach object Ihere coukk e JohnWnte Red Read
a detauit or
public Wnte Wnte
ghts that ailow it to s u n t a n graknt e s t o a writc
1 the A Write
resurce te anthet entuty
Csers who arcnt specifiallh designated Own
in Mandatory Access Control (NAC perial nghts can now have a standard sct d
having Fig 1.5.3: Capability Lst
Compares Fig. 15.1 :Acces Control MMatri
unty Lates which dewnN hrw niuve x | nghts
nrastructuro Secuisz -Sem 7
ntroductionFAgo no. (1.12 malTN, wnich naas
the lne
lay out

e Seau MU Sem 24) 1.5.3 Role based Access e t m

Users hav access to uta mat reyuires a lesu TTeats oes a*

1.5.2 Mandatory Access Control Control(RBAC) the AC access cOngol

Teve 0Autorizalion However,
(MAC) ciecaranee ievels
e ccess privilcges of cetain individuals and
with lesser
members wont by traditsonal DAC
e e are typcallmany rEsources and few

Accoriing data vathdentiality and ut have access la ntorimation that necds a higher TOus o useTs arc defined poilons. The rows and columns of this matris
sy s t e h i s
thar cach rule
m E e ieves, the operating system gants degree ot clearance shw he arious acces nghts
un the other hand, is bascd on he rolcs
A s under the mandatory aveSs cnto
A cybersccurity systcim enetits greatly from RBAC, MSSesCs
har uets tAkC 0n wn a yem as oPpNeU ta
MAC) cnnrpt of acces Control
MAC a 1.3.4 Actribute Based Access Control
the users idenuticatieon
A ing fo thus
conepk. access is only iven to Advantages T h e typical detinition of a role in RBACIwxdels is (ABAC)
those who have enuine nee tor
ie jeb functon insie an ne alute-ased accew contrul TABA
information: otherwise. they would h denied Data Protection One may be certain that
their a
urganizlio access
is new advancement in
completely concept a
ace most sensitive information is
secure RBAC sysiems provide rule access permEssions
Talhct than specilic Users. According to iheir control technology
and leak-prot using MAAC
O f all the acess control types, MAC 1s regarded
then statically dyamically autborzalues that
as heing the most secure Centralized Information Only the
head futies. users are or An
ABAC model can pecify boih itie fesoures and the
located to various roles. pecly testrictins on
administrator has the authority to change a
T h e operatung svstem or secunty kernel closely in commerce. subjects charac teristic
enforces that catcgory alter data has been clasificd in
It. As a RBAC Is
being useid exteNVely
the acess rules system and researh Is still ungoing in this 1ieid tor instance. where each
result, thie entire system becomes centralized and ink
o a
aimunstralors manualy define identifies the
Both the re lataonship betw een fules and resources, Tesource ineludes an atnbute uhat
is under the direction of only one authority
Even for data that have
they developed macy Aununistrators
explicitly set the data.
system objects, and the relationsthup between
crealor of the resourLe

hetseie regular users cannot change security c t s ana roies are hany to fhany Asa tesult, can tesoures autherS oWnership
Changes to calcgoties or lists of people with
prperties some situutions, regularly change, and privileges nay he yecified by single access

access to categories cannot be made by anyone In

The procedure for aquiring access using MAC
onet i a n he almin. Only the admin is able to
ssigiinga user to one of more roles may liKew Ise rule
looks like this and expressiwe power the
update it e dynami. The auiptability
ABAC Techinique arc s strongest pauns
admunstratr cstablisthes have
The securny It should be noted that a single user can

qualities sach as confidentiality levels. waCKS numerous roles given to hem more u ne The three categories of atributes in the ABA

Careful Setup The MAC must be set up can have one

permissions for gaining acces to
certain a r k in a row), and that many users model are as
carefully n order to prevent chaos in tne in a
POetsa resource categories, and axcess
aiocteu to them more a n one hark A subject is am active entity
() Subject altributes
workplace. Because MAC torbids from
dong so, there are instances
any knowledge
body olumn that causes intormation to tow
betw een objects or

such as a user,
Each 0wer mtrin, which has modilics the state o1 he system,
subject (person or resource that accesses KOles are subjcCts in the

must be exchanged anong coworkers inside the Lhe siuc siructufe as tne DAC Ccess conlro of device Ech opie s
datai and object (Tile. datahase. port. etc.l 15 Ppiication. process,
sATne organization. teiated rauts that
characterited by et
given set of characteristics by the mairit
deteriine ts juentity hese chariec teristics mignt
2 Updates Must Be Regular : When new data is
Sua. hete are lot of
rCsources and
added or old data is discarded, it needs to be subject's a r e , ganzalion, ob
} The operaling sy stem evaluates a subjects positions. D e enines in this Tatrix represent
be the can
uCtiers. Te Tueton a
upiated o1ten. he adinistrator must unique access privileges that cach role has.
eunty teatures when they scek to access an C
IkewIse De seen as an
occasionally give the MAC system and ACL list and
item and dctermines it Acess may be given. should be noted that both a
singie user
An oject. also known as
some thought Objet attnibules
N Lets lake data
aith a top seere serecy several users might have the
same role ssigneu to ) resource,Is an intormation system related clement
evel and the lahel "engineering projac t as an Lack of Operational Flexibility: The MAC them (more than one mark convecutively

campic A *iect group ot individuals with system lacks this capability. The initial entry of all than one mark in a coumn
data and the ereation of an ACL that wont cause Tech-Neo Publications
access to A
enginee ing papers ant top secret any issucs Later on are ditficult tasks.
(MU-New Syllabus we' 3cademicyear 22-23)

icarance utlize
it. Addtionally. these |
introductionPago no. (1-1
toductonae no aB)
actn S M Sen ntrastoucture Secunty(M Sem7
l the suppied have any built-in rules for modity ing
repet a1.5.5 Bel LaPadula Model It doesn t
nais roIVes nformatton access privieges
Scientsts David Elliot Bell and Leonard that
acs settings
generaily designed for security
rovris, nondhne
Eumpies aclae devves file,
Laruladeveloped this model
Thus, the Bell
neworks, and
domans are hasucally static
x characiernisMES
LaPadula Nodel is the name given to this model

S u i ko u j t objects contaun
This serves to eisure the securnty of a 1.5.6 Biba Model
hr may aed to guide acoess controf
r mcane. a MicTosoft Word dcument ma confidentiality Kenneth Biha, a scientist. created this

o it
and Author According to vanous levels of secrecy, Subjects The Biha Model is hence the name given
detais lake the titie. subjest. date,
e Fig. 14.1:ABAC Architecture Model (Users) and Objects (Files) are caiegonued here in
is utilizcd
rogucmy. sessiie o retneve object To preserve security integTty, this
a non-aiserenonary nmanncr.

e e om metadata Particulari. a and ABAC According to various levels of secTecy. Subjects

Comparison of RBAC
Three Rules that are followed by this model categorized here in
(Users) and Objects (Files) are

m e r of Web servnce metadata features, such as

Table 1.5.1: RBAC Vs ABAC the Ihe Bell-LaPadula
Rule:lt mdicales thal on-dictttonary manner.
wnenhp enxe tatOnomy, or cven Quality ot ()
Simpe Confidentiality Model is exactly reversed in how hie opetate
to read tiles on the same
ABAC Subject is only permittcd
Serve Q5 faton may pertinent for accessS. | RBAC ot secrecy.
ayer of secrecy and the lower layer T h e Biba model describes a et of access conro
e t r o i reasoes No.
hut not the upper layer of secrecy. For this reason,
uics that must be TOlowed in order fo maintain

until the
Eaviruement characteristics Up now,
Stands for Role Stands for Attribute h e rule is refered to as NO READ-UP
ntegrity Dala and ubjects are arfangcd no

maor of xcess conrol polacses have mainly o arrangenments ased

on how trustworthy
Access Control
Based Access Star Conhdentiality Ruk he
Slar grups

disrgarded these aftnbutes The operational Contidentiality Rule specifies that the Subject arc
Control een
the dala hasnt
tactical environment or
the same or
seereey ntegrity guarantecs that
colopcal and een
may only wrile
files on lay er changed in transit. The Iirst model to address dat
ng h h intormation takes place s
access Grants access nghtsGfanis access rights and the
uPer 1aycr 0
Secrecy. Dut ot he lower

was tnis one

based on uer roles.based on User, inicgrity
descrnbed For instance. although they arent layer of secTecy
eted E opie or resource. arntibuies
resource and
Strong Star Confidentiality Rule : t is
The model1s ntended
to prevent
i known as NO READ WRITE U" OR DOWN eiher corrupting or
eing contariizaled by data

like the urrent date and time. the curtc

froun levels rated lower than the subject
ruvhacker actvity. and the network's security atributes. Is the strongest and most secure contidentuality
con.erncu with daa
subject may only tead Since the Biba
ieve ach a
Internet ntranet may RBAC 1s tor ABAC is for fine-
rule. It stipulates that the on movemeit trum one ievel to another. ts an

layer of sectecy. not

evertheieu he significant when impiemienting an and write tiles on the same
access control. n e a l i o n low model
Coarse grain
access grain
an upper or low er layer.
aces oetrol policy are categorued hase on
control. Subjects and Ofjects
loxs in
Advantages The impact of data
ABAC Architecture their level of integr1ty
Use RBAC toUse ABAC to control The model has the benefit of esisting Trojan the organzation s directiy prportion.al lo the

The stages that lead to a subject having access to control who can see access to what user
horse altacks. level ot integrity
an object are as follows ec tor can do) insIde
what modules. and mission-
T h i s model is utilzed n military ata
Weightage| mpact
àccess to
1A ubject requcsts Otject. of a moduie critucal apPplieations hecause places a strong

to e
ABAC access control mechanism and assesses and controlled ccess
on secrccy
Forexample. giving For example. giving s
Rules, Subyect Attributes. Object Attributes and sensitive information. LOW
all teachers acces teachers access
Environment Lopcdito Moderiale
to **DrawoaCKS AVERAGE
Google or allGoogle it they arc a
Subject s allowed access to Object if authorizcd of
contractors access School X and teach only focuses scefecy and gnures
the problem HIGH HIgn
email Girade Y. data antegrity.
(untroducton no (1-16
and write files on
the sarme layer of seCrecy
es ntrastruchu Securby (MU-Sem zeu ireroducton Peze no (eU
hhescaly iades theee rles or kower layer
an upper
access particular network services by authonzing
Smple Integrity Ruk: The Simpie Integnty
rcal tics Benefits
te Sujet may only
geafic tha Two popular security protocols that are uu o
t h a n e layer of secey and the upper layer This approach is stralghtorw ard and easy to use RADIUS keeps track of the reources consurmied

of serey. Fr
gve central1zed access into networks arc Remote and
a . t a iayer
te k e r
during a sessom includ1ng packets. bytes,
Implementing dynamic poicies
known Access Dial In User Service (RADIUS) and Terminal
Smple mtegrity Rule ts as
a e
It offers a vanety ot options tirom wnich one mev
Access Controller Access-Control System Plus
TACACS+ most frequently used for
lategrity Rue The Sux integrnty Rule

(ar choose in accordance with fequirements.

administrator access to network devices hke router A RADIUS servcr normally runs as a daemon
pefies tha the Suhyet may only wnte fhies on and switches, whereas RADIUS was created to
Drawbacks applicalon on a Window s or UNIX *orkstation
a a y e r o f s e r n y and the lower layer o
authenticate and log remote network users or ad Is nased on the Uier Datagram Protocol
eay. but sax on the upper iayer of secTey: for Its lack of confidentiality enforcement
compuier that connect to and use a network e r v e UDP) A program that functions in the
h s rea he rule s also known zs the NO
Integrity labelling has to be encouraged both protoxols enable central1zed authentication. hackground sknown as a daemon bc
*RITE-LP rule
authorization, and accounting (AAA) administration credentials of all of its users are colected b he
Streng Star Confidentiality Rule : It is also Does not support granting revoking RADIUS erver for identilying purposes A cient
a the

unget and most secure contidentality

DOWN, or NASINetwork Access Serveri, which can he

A networking protocol called Remote cquipment or systerns like wireless ccess pOinis
Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)s
piates that the subject may only read Used to ulhorize and authenticate uscTs who
or viTual prav ate netw orks, waits tor the server to
cemparison of Bell LaPadula Model and Biba Model send
access femole networAS A protOcOl Is a set of
request hetore responding VPNS).
Table1.5.2:BellLaPadula Model Vs Biba Model guidelhnes that regulates how something runs or When the RADIU'S server receives this data. it
EOmunicaies. Teplhes to the client. RADIUS servers receve
Bell LaPadula Model Biba Model
RADIUS offers authentication. authonzation, and connectuon requests from users in this fashion.

aCcounting and is Usca to Iink authenticate cach Uscr. and then ed e

Bell-LaPadula model is designed to prevent The Biba model designcd to
mtormatson trom
prevent RADIUS 15 a crucial technology for controlling appropriate contiguration intormation back te the
towing trom a
high security information from tlowing trom a low security network chent so that it may offer the user with the serice
Eto Jo*er one
level to a high security level.
access since it can stop attackers and
unauthornzed users from accessing your network
Working of RADIUS
s the contidentiality model s the integrity model. A RADIUS chent, also know n as a nctwork access
server (NAS), and a RADIUS server are both used RADIUS employs a client/server architecture to
Bell-LaPadula ts a state machine model lattice-based model.
Biba1s a
n i c a i e networks Admimistrators can verity who
dormiation can t tiow downwiru
m a
KADI0S protocol. maintaining By
active an

Information can t tlow upward

Bell-LaPadula defines the
directory of user credentials, it performs some of
the same tasks as a
has acces and thedatahase
to using the back-and-forth
following two
Biba defines the following two
propertues Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) and otters local aunenucaton
messages a
credentals. user

Simple integrity property :A subject Request Sent by User to NAS (Network

Simpic euriy property 1ss
prorerty A subject
can t services It is comparable to Transmission Control ACce
information from an
object that has a lower Server)
can t read Protocol in terms of its security aspects (TCP)
intormatio from an
object that has a integrity level than the subject (also called no ne user Ssends a request to the NAS as the first
tagher ensitivity latei than the subject (also
known as no read
read down). Basic Functions
step in estahlishing a connection using a RADIUS
up. or
integrity property (sar
integrity Authentication, authorization, and accounting are server. Numerous network resources, such as mohile
property star
property). A subjct
can t write A subject can't write intormation
property) the three core lLasks that RADIUS carrmes out.
inforrmation to an object
to an
objoct that has a lowet sensitivty that has
pones0r persona computets. can cay our mi
lahel than the subject (alo knon
higher iniegnty level than the subject RADIUS authenticates individuals or devIces Tuncton. The users login intormation 1s sent to the
as no wnte
down, or NWD also known as no wnte
up). before allow ing them access to a
networ NAS wia a program known as a supplieant that 1s made

RADIUS grants devices or users permission to

introduetO Up no.(1-18
tcuetn age ro (
Sec MUSem 74) n a e e secunby (MU-5em.z
The eworkxkuress TACACS+ O n e of the folowing reply messages are possible RADIUS
a e pa mant

uer may e The same user acount

ealcd map TACACS+
and pasuw ond of the he wINhes to acce
rom the server in response
Only passwords afe
times if a singie adninistale Encryption
frwm NAS to RADILS 100 fouiers and the Cal dcvicc database used T h e TACACS ecner will send an ACCEPT
Acc regus b ent
performed on all AAA cncrypieu
NAS noufies the Adunto.any.
he iust
manuajl are
r : wbhen te
for authentication. nessagehack he eitered credentials packets
m d e rquest, the con
modify the devices
wishes Icgilimae
ana püssword.
pacular command External author1uation of
t login
prcedurr v s an to the following phae continue uung a drerent

ARDECT message will be returned by the

NAS fins obains the uer data before sending a dermanding Job,
ot c o u r e Can be pecilied forcommands are not
if the entered cTedenlials are
The server verifes the egitimacy o tACLESs Conirol
Server) hel TACACS server
a z.tion Supporteu
* O ALS he database of
u e
by compar1ng
to data stored
to case this Job omew nat TACACS+ offers Nomultuprolocol suppn
ucrrames ana passwords 1s maintaineuy ACS An ERROR mesage will he relurned if the
m t datahae
in a centralied management
sy Mcm.
Funhermore iALACS* erveri connectuon to the NAS or oo upn
Answered by RADILS
Ace Kequest b authotization ie., wnat a user s p e r t c d to do
for RADIUS used for
can e contigured BUr i this case, we mu TACACS server is not functsoning properiy TACACS+ used
Senri*en the mege teeivu y

tor atIon instruct the router to ferer As To Ihe TACACS+ erver r-conacted if evice alministfationnetwork access
KADHLS . t has threc options
decision TACACS* authoralion 1s requircu.
reject ccem or
challenge access
uthentication and aulhorisation

and"it. erence between both TACACS and TACACS+

are utilised betweee responds an

allowed after the access request is For this reason. fwo protocols
ci n

client RADIUS and authorization answer. The properties in the

the the ACS erver and the TACACS TACACS+
Pprovedin the evet
of a chalenge. ACCEPT message, if it isreturned. are used to
RADIUS enr tit ceks further intormation
TACACS+ The abbhreviation 1s The abhrev1ation s
All AAA packets exchanged between the device decude which servicCs a ucr permitte
s Terminal Access Terminal ACCess
efore parting acceM, and
*hen the request and the ACS server are encrypted if they ate both utilize
C o n r o l e r Access Control
c t e d axceM s not allowed Controller Access
nplementung TACACS*
Acceu ganie
TACACS+ Conrol Sy stem System

uthorzatoo aftnhutes
i are limitatos on
The authentication, authornsation,
components of AA
and accountine
arc divided into eparae i s a Cco RADIUS 1 an open It s an Open Standard I s aC'inco proprictary
the uers access, w ten t is requested The length
Sectios proprictauy protacol Mandard protocol protOO
of the users cotnecton. the type of protocol to be
Because the instructions that the user 1s iallow eu 1
The protocol used tor The prutocol used for does ot TACACS+ offers two
used or the Internet Protocol (P) address the uer TACACS
uC Can be specilicd, if offers more precise contro
the a tew ransmisston is TCP ransmissjon 1s UDP support the use Tactor authentication
w1 have throughout
sessuon are
(than RADIUS and
dynarmac password dynamie passwords,
Although less comprehensive than RADIUS, uses TCP port t uses UDP port nurmber

TACACS and TACACS offers accountung asssance number 49 1812 for authentication Teaue
passwofa changes
the and uthorizatian and
T o check d ueri have
permission to enler Working: The Nctwork Access Device (NAD) o FTOtOCOl used are both t uses TCP
netaork. the Termiral Acces Controlier Access the TACACS+
Network Access Server is
cient 1813 1or accounung
Control Systern TACACS) communicates with NAS). The CONTINUE message will be sent by
an dentity authentication sener on the Unix The services for Ihe services lor
the Network Access Device the
TACACS an authentacation,
TACALS Auhenicao
Authentication and
It works on port
wotAS On PoTt humier

authofization, and accourting AAA prolcor

erver to request a uvermame
prompt. Following number 4
Authorization, and Authorization are
the users entry of he
TACACS In *cess
a username.
Netwon Kerberos secret key Kerberos sccret key
traghtror ard Control Acvess DevICe makes another connection to
tne Accounting ate Cormhined in RADIUS

protocoi bult on UDP that was initially created by henicatlo s uhehtcatnon

TACACS+ ener to reques! a pasSword pro eparalcd in
BBN for MILNET. The TACACS upgrade
Continue ted
employ s TCP to guarantee dependable detivery messageAlter the user
ene TACACS Supporte
password, the password is provided to

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