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Chan Module 1

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(Law Enforcement Training and Public Safety)
Bago City, Philippines 6101


Name: Chan, Gileo Billy E. Year and Course: BSCRIM 4-NOVEMBER

Date: NOVEMBER 14, 2022 Score:

MODULE 1: The Nature and Relevance of Research in Criminology

LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the students will be able to
know, identify, discuss, and apply the following:

a. Recall and explain what is Research, the characteristics of research, the value
of research, the importance of research in Criminology, types of research, and
the research process.

ACTIVITY: (Student personal perception)

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Define or explain, identify or enumerate the

following questions!

A. Define, enumerate or explain the following:

1) What is Research?
Research is the study of data for the solution of a problem, for
prediction for intention, for the discovery of truth, or for the
expansion or verification of existing knowledge. It is a systematic,
systematic, and scientific process of gathering, analyzing,
classifying, organizing, presenting and interpreting data.
2) What are the characteristics of research? Explain each briefly.

1. Systematic- It is systematic because there are connected steps or processes that research
must pay attention to while resolving a dilemma.
2. Objectives – it is not based on guesswork.
3. Comprehensive - Before making generalizations, a researcher must explore and analyze
all facets or perspectives if he is sincere about comprehending a topic.
4. Critical – this means that procedures employed by the researcher must be able to
withstand detailed scrutiny by other researchers.
5. Valid – whenever a researcher formulates conclusions, these have to be based on actual
6. Verifiable - Research is said to be verifiable when other researchers can check on the
correctness and validity of the results.
7. Empirical – research is empirical when generalizations drawn by a researcher are rooted
upon hard evidence gathered from information collected from a real – life experiences or

3) What are the types of research based on who does the study? Explain

Academic Research – is one conducted by an individual in fulfilling the

requirements for the conferring of an academic title or degree (ex. Baby
theses, master's theses,. feasibility studies, and doctoral dissertation).
Research Project – on the other hand, is a type of research undertaken by
an individual or group of individuals as part of their professional work or

4) What are types of research based on the application of the results of the
study? Define each as briefly as possible.
Pure or Theoretical research – It means to formulate a theory, principle,
or law, with no intended application of result.
Applied Research - is an inquiry to test or evaluate a theory or knowledge
arrived at, in the solution of a problem or for useful ends.

5) What are the types of research based on the methodology or purpose of

the study? Define each as briefly as possible.

Descriptive research – this type of research seeks to describe

systematically, factually, accurately and objectively a situation, problem
or phenomenon.
Correlational or Association Research – in this type of research, the
investigator tries to probe the significance of the relationship between two
or more factors - i.e. whether they are related or independent of each
other, or if there is an interaction between them.

6) What are the different types of research based on the type of data
sought? Define each as briefly as possible.

Quantitative Research - is used for the purpose of measuring, for

example, a criminological or criminal justice reality.
Qualitative Research – is done for the purpose of capturing life as
participants experience it.

 ANALYSIS: Let’s learn this!

Answer the questions below. Write/explain your answers on the space provided.

1. What are the types of research based on the methodology or purpose of the
study? Explain each as briefly as possible.
Methodology or research design
Types of Research Explanation

Descriptive Research Descriptive research is a type of

research that is used to describe
the characteristics of a population.
It collects data that are used to
answer a wide range of what, when,
and how questions pertaining to a
particular population or group.

Correlational Research A correlational research design investigates

relationships between variables without the
researcher controlling or manipulating any
of them. A correlation reflects the strength
and/or direction of the relationship between
two or more variables.

Explanatory Research Explanatory research can help you increase

your understanding of a given topic,
ascertain how or why a particular
phenomenon is occurring, and predict future
occurrences. It can also be explained as a
"cause and effect" model, investigating
patterns and trends in existing data that
haven't been previously investigated.

Exploratory Research Exploratory research is conducted when the

investigator wishes to probe or explore areas
where little is known about the research
problem. Feasibility and pilot studies fall
under this type of research, as do feasibility
and feasibility tests for potential projects.

Experimental Research Experimental Research in this type of

research, a group of people are exposed to
one or more experimental treatments or
conditions in an attempt to learn more
about what might be causing them to
behave in a certain way.

Ex-post Facto or Causal- Comparative Ex-post Facto or Causal-Comparative

Research Research Research of this type when the
investigator delves on analyzing the possible
effects of a factor which cannot be
manipulated and controlled.
Historical Research A researcher attempts to reconstruct the
past objectively and accurately or explain an
incident that happened in the past with the
use of data taken from the past.

Ethnographic Research Ethnographic research this type of research

is done when the researcher is concerned
with explaining or describing a phenomenon
holistically, with the use of multiple data
collection techniques.

2. Arrange the sequential steps in the research process. Write numbers 1-11 in
the box after each statement. Then enumerate the different activities a
researcher has to undertake in each of the steps.


A. Procedures – Design Phase 3

The activities a researcher has to
*Undertake in this phase include the following:
*Selection of research participants;
*Decision on what research methodology to employ;
*Development and validation of data gathering tool;
*Specification of the procedures to be observed in the actual collection of
the data; and
*Planning and analysis of the data.
B. Data – Collection Phase 4
In this phase where the procedure
*Designed in the previous step, are implemented by the researcher
C. Communication Phase 7
*This report has to include a description of the entire above step in the
research process.
D. Data – Analysis Phase 5
In this particular phase the researcher
*Analyzes the collected data from the previous step based on his data-
analysis plan.

E. Idea – Generating Phase 1

The researcher has to
*Identify topics that interest him the most.
*Justify why a study on a particular topic is needed.
F. Collection Phase 6
The researcher has to
*Compare the results predicted based on the theoretical framework of the
G. Problem – Definition Phase 2
This steps involves the following activities
*Identification and definition of variables to be studied;
*Development of the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of the study;
*The formulation of the major and specific problems to be investigated;
*The formulation of the hypothesis. 

 ABSTRACTION: Let’s study more!

1. What are the types of research based on who does the study? Explain each .
Academic Research – is one conducted by an individual in fulfilling the requirements
for the conferring of an academic title or degree (ex. Baby theses, master's theses,.
feasibility studies, and doctoral dissertation).
Research Project – on the other hand, is a type of research undertaken by an individual
or group of individuals as part of their professional work or assignment.
2. What are types of research based on the application of the results of the
study? Define each as briefly as possible.
Pure or Theoretical research – It means to formulate a theory, principle, or law, with no
intended application of result.
Applied Research - is an inquiry to test or evaluate a theory or knowledge arrived at, in the
solution of a problem or for useful ends.

3. What are the different types of research based on the type of data sought?
Define each as briefly as possible.
Quantitative Research - is used for the purpose of measuring, for example, a
criminological or criminal justice reality.
Qualitative Research – is done for the purpose of capturing life as participants
experience it.

 APPLICATION: (fill-up the blanks below)

Give an example of a research topic that can be studied using each of the following
research methods:
i. Descriptive
1.The Effectiveness of Patrol Method In Crime Prevention At Bago City

ii. Experimental
A Field Experiment on Community Policing And Police Legitimacy

iii. Correlational
Preferred Learning Styles of Criminology Students.

iv. Historical
Comparative historical analysis in Criminology and criminal justice

v. Explanatory
Police performance An

vi. Ex-post facto

Criminology as a field of study.

vii. Ethnography
Ethnographic research on crime control

viii. Exploratory
An exploratory study of perception of the safety, fear of crime and victimization
experiences at Bago City

 ASSESSMENT: Let’s test ourselves

List down five topics you are interested to study. Consider the pillars of the
Philippine Criminal Justice System in identifying possible topics for your study. Rank
them from 1 to 5, with 1 as the most interesting to you.


Lived Experiences of the special investigator in handling Cases 1

Criminals: Are there more men or Women 2

The Relationship of social worker And inmates 3

The effect of traffic to the performance of drivers and 4


Perception of Bago city college faculty towards police visibility 5

B. Why is the topic you ranked first the most interesting to you?

Because in this title you may have to learn about the investigator is expected to preserve the crime
scene, collect the evidence, and devise an investigative plan that will lead to the forming of reasonable
grounds to identify and arrest the person or persons responsible for the crime.

C. What benefit/s can you derive from the study of the topic which to you is the
most interesting?

Through this study When investigating, it's often helpful to know how to collect relevant information
and interpret it. Investigators often analyze background information about particular subject matters to
comprehend a situation fully. For instance, a legal investigator may research the background of
perpetrators to learn about their criminal history and other important facts.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Org. of
Total 10pts

Main References: Internet, Related books, Periodicals, etc.

Deadline of submission: NLT last day of the week.

Date submitted: NOVEMBER 14, 2022 AFFIX 2X2

Chan, Gileo Billy E

Student’s Signature Over- Printed Name

Prepared by: Gracejoy P Pantillo

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