Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
This chapter presents the theories related to the research. It covers several of
aspect, such as a review of related literature. This chapter reviews the
related literature about the concept of reading, the concept of reading
comprehension, the concept of reading difficulties, the concept of reading
strategies and the classification of reading strategies.
become masters, and the students will be easily comprehend the text.
This previous study is important enough to the researcher as a guide
in conducting this study. At the least few previous studies that related
to the present study.
For example, Habók & Magyar (2019). In their research, the
results showed that young language learners reported using reading
strategies more often. They also tested our hypothesized model and
proved its validity for each year. The results indicated a significant
effect of the variables and showed that the attitude to English mostly
influences EFL reading strategies. Proficiency has an indirect impact
on the employment of strategy used through mentality.
Zare and Othman (2013) found that Malaysian ESL learners can
be categorized as high-strategy users. It was also revealed that
significant differences exist between male and female language
learners using reading strategies. Furthermore, using reading strategies
had a strong positive correlation with reading comprehension
achievement. Madhumathi. & Ghosh’s (2012) study showed that the
students who employed problem-solving strategies the most and the
least preferred to use global strategies. The difference in the strategy
used is statistically significant except for the supporting strategy. The
high-proficiency students performed the middle and the low-
proficiency students in strategy use. Overall, the reading strategy use
moderately correlated with the reading comprehension achievement of
the Indian students. There is a significant difference in the use of
strategy by gender, in which the female students reported using more
strategy than male students. The educational implications of these
findings are discussed in terms of practices in Indian society. Thus,
the study identifies the Indian ESL students, reading strategy
preferences and suggests remedial measures for classroom teaching.
And lastly, Mahdieh Naseri and Elaheh Zaferanieh
(Corresponding author) (2012) found the results based on Spearman