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Detailed Syllabus - UG - Electrical - New Code

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Syllabus of Various Courses of Electrical Engineering

1. Department Core Courses (DCCs)

Course Name : Networks and Systems

Course Code : EL1001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the fundamentals of network analysis
using matrices, two-port and multi-port networks, and network synthesis and filter circuits.

Total No. of Lectures-42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
Sinusoids, phasors, impedance and admittance, impedance combinations, steady state analysis:
nodal and mesh analysis, dependent, independent voltage and current sources, source
transformation, Thevenin and Norton equivalent. AC power analysis: instantaneous and average
1 08
power, max average power transfer, RMS value, apparent power and power factor, complex power,
conservation of AC power. Three phase circuits: types of load and source connections, power in
balanced three phase circuits, star delta transformations. Network theorems: compensation,
superposition, reciprocity, Millman’s and Tellegen’s theorem.
Transient Network Analysis
Continuous time and discrete time signals, systems and their properties: causality, stability, time
2 invariance, linearity, invertibility, stability. Complex frequency and Laplace transforms, circuits
analysis in s domain, poles, zeros, transfer functions and driving point impedances and convolution. 12
Step and impulse response, transient response of RL, RC, LC, RLC circuits for DC and ac
excitation, initial and final conditions, Fourier analysis of circuits with non-sinusoidal periodic
Network Topology
3 Concept of network graphs, tree, link, cut set, network matrices, node incidence matrix, loop 04
incidence matrix, cut set incidence matrix, network analysis using network incidence matrices.
Two Port Networks
Impedance parameters, admittance parameters, hybrid and transmission parameters, series parallel
4 08
and tandem connection of two port networks, multi-port networks, multi terminal networks,
indefinite admittance matrix and its properties.
Network Synthesis
Elements of realizability theory: causality and stability, Hurwitz polynomials, positive real
functions, elementary synthesis procedure, synthesis of one port network with two kind of element:
5 06
L-C driving point immitances, synthesis of R-L-C functions. Synthesis of transfer functions:
properties of transfer functions, zeros of transmission, synthesis of Y21 and Z21 with a 1-Ω
termination, synthesis of constant resistance networks.
Series and parallel resonance, single and double tuned circuits. Passive filters: lowpass, highpass,
6 04
bandpass and bandstop filters, difference between actual and ideal frequency response. Active
filters: first-order low pass and high pass filter, bandpass filter, band reject filter.

List of Experiments Number of

1 To verify Kirchoff’s current law and Kirchoff’s voltage law. 01
2 To verify superposition theorem and Norton’s theorems. 01
3 To verify Thevenin’s theorem and maximum power transfer theorems 01
4 To determine transient response of current in RL and RC circuits with step voltage input. 01
Determination of transient response of current in RLC circuit with step voltage input for under
5 02
damped, critically damped and over damped cases.
6 To study resonance in series RLC circuit. 01
7 To study parallel RLC circuits and plot various responses. 01
To verify the line voltage and phase voltage, and line current and phase current relationship in a star
8 01
and delta three phase balanced circuit.
9 To find various two port network parameters (open circuit, short circuit, transmission and hybrid). 01
10 To determine the node voltages and branch currents in a resistive network. 01
11 To verify relation between phase, line voltages and currents for a three-phase balanced circuit. 01
12 To plot the frequency response of low and high pass filter and determine the half-power frequency 01
13 To plot the frequency response of band pass filter 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of network analysis using matrices, two-port and multi-port networks,
network synthesis and filter circuits
CO2 Analyze DC and AC (single and three phase) circuits making use of various circuit techniques.
CO3 Analyze the magnetic circuits.
CO4 Analyze various types of two port networks and their inter connection.
CO5 Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 M E Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, Pearson education, 3rd revised edition. 2019
C K Alexander & Matthew N O Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”, Mc Graw Hill,
2 2003
2nd edition.
W H Hayt, J E Kemmerly & S M Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill
3 2005
Education, 6th edition.
4 FF Kuo, “Network Analysis & Synthesis”, Wiley India Private Limited; 2 nd edition. 2006
Course Name : Measurement and Instrumentation
Course Code : EL1002
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical
quantities, construction and operating principles of electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and
errors in measurement and apply knowledgeof measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering.

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Functional elements of an instrument, static and dynamic characteristics, errors in measurement,
1 statistical evaluation of measurement data, standard and calibration. Measurement of error, accuracy 04
and precision, significant figures, types of error, statistical analysis of data, probability of errors,
limiting errors.
Analog Instruments
Electromechanical instruments – moving coil, moving iron, electrostatic instruments, current, voltage
2 10
and power measurements, induction type energy meter, frequency meter, power factor meter, megger,
magnetic measurements, instrument transformers.
Sensors and Transducers
Classification of transducers, selection of transducers: resistive, capacitive and inductive, piezo
3 08
electric transducers, optical and digital transducers, transducers for measurement of displacement,
temperature, level, flows, pressure, velocity and acceleration.
Bridge Measurements
Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge, AC bridges and their application for the measurement of self-
4 07
inductance and mutual inductance, Wagner ground connection, measurement of capacitance,
measurement of low and high resistance.
Analog Electronic Measurement
5 Analog electronic voltmeters, tuned and sampling voltmeters, analog electronic wattmeter and 05
energy meter.
Signal Generators and Analyzers
6 Introduction to signal generators, characteristics of signal generators, multi-vibrators, CRO, harmonic 03
distortion and spectrum analyzer
Digital Electronic Measurement
7 Digital counter-timer and frequency meter, time standards, digital voltmeter and multimeter, accuracy 05
and resolution considerations, comparison with analog electronic instruments.

List of Experiments: Number

of Turns
1 To calibrate DC voltmeter by direct reading of DC potentiometer 01
2 To measure active and reactive power in a single phase circuit by one wattmeter method 01
3 To measure active and reactive power in a three phase circuit by two wattmeter method 01
4 To measure power and power factor by two wattmeter method incorporating instrument
5 To calibrate a single phase energy meter with the help of a wattmeter 01
6 To measure voltage, current and impedance by oscilloscope 01
7 To measure frequency and phase difference of a sinusoidal AC voltage using CRO 01
8 To study a strain gauge and plot its response to an application using Wheatstone bridge 01
9 To plot the characteristics of a thermistor and calibrate it for temperature measurement 01
10 To measure insulation resistance using megger 01
11 To measure sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge in half bridge and full bridge mode using strain
12 To plot I/O characteristics of various inductive, capacitive and optical transducers 03
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical quantities, construction and operating principles of
electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and errors in measurement
CO2 Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
CO3 Apply knowledge of measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Measurement Systems – Application and Design by E.O. OECbeling, McGraw Hill Publishing
1 1990
2 Principle of Measurement and Instrumentation by A.S. Mooris, Prentice Hall of India 1999
Instrumentation for Engineering Measurement by Dalley, J.W., Riley, W.F. and
3 1999
Meconnel, K.G., John Wiley & Sons
A course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instruments by A.K. Sawhney,
4 2000
Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by A.D. Helfrick and W.D.
5 1990
Course Name : Electrical Machines - I
Course Code : EL1003
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of constructional features, principle of
operation of various types of transformers and DC machines, analyze magnetic circuits and evaluate the performance of
transformers and DC machines

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Concepts
1 03
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials, concept of mmf and flux density distribution in machines
Single Phase Transformers
Introduction to transformers types, core, winding, insulation, induced voltage, transformer on open
circuit, ideal transformer, dot convention, equivalent circuit of practical transformer, regulation and
2 10
efficiency from approximate equivalent circuit. Losses in transformer: calculation of eddy current
and hysteresis losses, open circuit and short circuit tests. Parallel operation of single-phase
transformers. Autotransformer.
Three Phase Transformers
Construction, different types of connection and vector groups, detailed analysis and operational
3 08
benefits of different types of transformers: Y-Y, Y-Δ, Δ-Y, Δ-Δ, open delta, Scott connected
transformer, three winding transformer. Tertiary windings, harmonics, magnetizing inrush current.
Principles of DC Machines
4 Operating principle and construction, armature winding, armature reaction, compensating winding, 05
commutation, emf and torque equation.
DC Generators
5 Methods of excitation, external characteristics of series, shunt and compound generator, voltage 08
regulation, applications.
DC Motors
6 Types and operating characteristics of DC motor, different methods of starting, speed control and 08
braking of DC motors, efficiency and testing, applications of DC motors, universal motor.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study various components of DC machine and plot open circuit characteristics 02
2 To obtain performance characteristics of a DC shunt motor 01
3 To obtain external characteristics of a DC shunt generator 01
4 To obtain external characteristics of a DC series generator 01
5 To obtain external characteristics of a DC compound generator 01
6 Speed control of a DC shunt motor by varying armature circuit and field circuit method 01
To perform open and short circuit test on a single-phase transformer and determine a) equivalent
7 01
circuit and b) efficiency
8 To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of single phase transformer by direct loading 01
9 Parallel operation of two single phase transformers 01
10 Three phase to two phase transformation using Scott connection 01
11 To verify voltage and current relationships for different types of three phase transformer connections 02
12 To obtain performance characteristics of universal motor 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze and evaluate magnetic circuits
CO2 Understand, analyze and evaluate various transformer configurations and their applications
CO3 Understand, analyze and evaluate various types of DC machines and their applications
Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Electric Machines by D P Kothari and I J Nagrath, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited 2017
2 Alternating Current Machines by M.G Say, Pitman publishing Ltd 1976
Electric Machinery by A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, Tata
3 2013
4 Electrical Machinery by P S Bhimbra, 7th Edition, Khanna Publishers 2011
The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines by Albert E Clayton & N N Hancock,
5 1974
CBS publishers and distributors
Electric Machinery and Transformers by Bhag S Guru & Huseyin R Hiziroglu, Oxford
6 2001
University Press
7 Electrical Machinery and Transformer, Irving L. Kosow , 2nd Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall 1991
8 Electric Machinery, P.K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorti, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai 1993
Course Name : Electrical Power Systems-I
Course Code : EL1004
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of electric power generation system,
transmission and distribution system. The students should understand the fundamentals of load flow and short circuit
analysis of power system.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Generation Systems
Principles of hydro, thermal, nuclear and renewable generation, connected load, maximum demand,
demand factor, diversity factor, types of load, chronological load curve, load duration curve, mass
1 07
curve, load factor, capacity factor, plant utilization factor; base, peak and standby stations, selection of
number and size of units; distributed generation-definitions, advantages, different distributed
generation and storage technologies, intermittent issues with renewable generation.
Transmission Systems
Overhead and underground transmission, transmission voltages, introduction to HVDC transmission;
2 conductor materials, solid stranded, ACSR, hollow and bundle conductors; parameters of transmission 06
lines: calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance for different configuration of overhead
transmission lines; calculation of current carrying capacity of different types of conductors; Corona
Performance and Modeling of Transmission Lines
Short transmission lines, voltage drop, regulation and efficiency calculations, medium transmission
3 05
lines, normal T and PI, solution for voltage drop, regulation and efficiency, long Transmission lines,
current and voltage relations, ABCD constants, charging current and Ferranti effect.
Distribution System
Radial, ring main network distribution systems, distribution voltage, choice of conductor size for
4 distributors; type and location of distribution substations; main equipment in distribution sub-station, 06
supporting structures for distribution line conductors; distribution system voltage regulation, strategic
capacitor placement for voltage profile improvement.
Insulators and Cables
Insulating materials, types of insulators, voltage distribution over an insulator string, string- efficiency,
equalizing voltage drops across insulators of a string; insulating materials, failure of transmission
5 system due to corona, application of anti-fog and long rod insulators, types of LV and HV cables, three 06
core solid, oil filled and gas pressure cables; effective conductor resistance, inductive reactance and
capacitance of cables, grading of cables, sheath and dielectric loss in cables, elementary ideas about
cable breakdown,
Load Flow Analysis
Single line diagram, per unit representation, formation of Z-bus & Y-bus matrices; power flow
6 07
problem, power flow solution by Gauss-Seidel, Newton Raphson and Fast-decoupled methods,
algorithm and flowchart, comparison of the three methods, use of software for load flow analysis.
Short Circuit Studies
Symmetrical (or) balanced three phase faults, symmetrical components, positive sequence, negative
7 sequence and zero sequence networks of electrical appliances and power system, inter connection of 05
sequence networks for three-phase single line to ground, line to line, double line to ground and open
conductor faults.

Number of
List of Experiments
1 To design distribution network and measurement of voltage and current distribution in distributors 01
To measure potential distribution across different units of a string of insulators with and without guard
2 01
3 To study of different parts of a power cable and measurement of insulation resistance of a cable. 01
To plot equi-potential curve and voltage gradient in
4 02
a) two/three -core cable
b) Single-core cable.
5 To obtain voltage regulation of a long transmission line with resistive inductive and capacitive loads. 01
To obtain voltage profile of a long transmission line when:
a. Open circuited
6 02
b. Using shunt/series capacitive compensation
c. Using shunt inductive compensation.
7 To design transmission & distribution network of a city using software. 01
8 To measure core to core & core to sheath capacitance of a three phase cable 01
9 To simulate a small hydro Plant using simulation software 02
10 To plot voltage/current characteristics of a solar cell and determination of its parameters 01
To study different types of Line insulators and obtain breakdown characteristics of any one type of
11 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire basic knowledge of electric power generation, transmission and distribution systems.
CO2 Model and represent the transmission lines in power system.
CO3 Understand the basics of load flow and short circuit analysis of power system.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Electrical Power Systems by C.L. Wadhwa, New Age International Ltd 2010
2 Modern Power System analysis by I.J. Nagrath & D.P. Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill 2003
3 Power System Analysis & Design by B R Gupta, S Chand & Co 2001
4 Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and distribution by S N Singh, PHI Publication 2008
5 Power System Analysis by John Grainger &W D Stevenson, McGraw Hill 2017
Course Name : Analog and Digital Electronics
Course Code : EL1005
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of infer transistors and their biasing and
how complex devices such as BJT are modelled. Use of the mathematical models in the design and analysis of various
circuits such as amplifiers, oscillators, and power amplifiers. Understand the principles of analog and digital converters.

Total No. of Lectures-42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Biasing and Small Signal Models of BJT
1 Stability and biasing, biasing circuits, bias compensation, h–parameter models of transistor, transistor 06
analysis using h-parameter.
BJT Frequency Response
Frequency Response of single stage CE amplifier, multistage amplifiers, direct coupled, RC coupled 05
and transformer coupled amplifiers, frequency response of multistage amplifiers.
Field Effect Transistors
3 FET Construction and principle, types of FET, characteristics of FETs, MOSFET: types and working 03
principle, FET small signal model.
Power Amplifiers
4 Classification of amplifiers, single tuned and double tuned amplifiers, analysis of class A, B, C and 04
AB amplifiers, push pull amplifier, amplitude distortion in amplifiers, harmonics, power distortion.
5 Principle of sinusoidal oscillator, RC phase shift and wein bridge oscillator, Collpits and Hartley 03
oscillator, crystal oscillator.
Minimization Techniques
6 Sum of products and products of sum forms, minterms & maxterms, Karnaugh map for two, three, 04
four five and six variables, quine-McCluskey method.
Combinational Circuit Design
7 Half adder, full adder, subtractor, BCD adder, comparator, code converter, encoder-decoder, 04
multiplexer, demultiplexer, parity detector and generator.
8 1-bit memory cell, clocked and unclocked flip flops, S-R Flip flop, D flip flop, JK Flip flop, T flip 05
flop, edge triggered flip flop, race around condition, master slave flip flop, conversion of flip flops.
Sequential Logic Design: Counters and Registers
Ripple counter, design of Mod-N ripple counter, design of synchronous sequential circuits, state
9 machines, synchronous counter, decade counter, ring counter, Johnson counter, serial in serial out 06
shift register, serial in parallel out shift register, parallel in serial out shift register and parallel in
parallel out shift register, bidirectional shift register, universal shift register.
A/D and D/A Converters
10 Weighted resistor D/A converter, binary ladder D/A converter, A/D converters- flash type, 02
successive approximation, counter ramp type, dual slope type, characteristics of ADC and DAC.

List of Experiments Number of

1 To study the characteristics of BJT and FET. 02
2 To simulate and verify the operation of BJT as an amplifier and draw the frequency response. 02
3 To design, simulate and implement Adder and Subtractor circuits. 01
4 To design, simulate and implement code converters. 02
5 To design, simulate and implement Combinational circuits using Multiplexers. 01
6 To simulate and implement Flip-flops using NAND and NOR Gates. 02
7 To study the operation of various types of shift registers. 02
8 To design, simulate and implement the synchronous sequential circuits. 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze the performance of BJT using small signal analysis.
CO2 Design of various types of oscillators.
CO3 Analyze and designing of sequential and combinational circuits.
CO4 Design various types of A/D and D/A converters.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Millman & Halkias , “Integrated Electronics”, TMH. 2008
2 RL Boylestead & L Nashelsky, “Electronics Devices & Circuit Theory”, PHI 2009
3 AS Sedra & KC Smith , “Microelectronic Circuits”, OXFORD 2010
4 Donald A. Neamen, “Electronics Circuit Analysis and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill 2008
5 Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, PHI, 5th edition 2013
6 R P Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 4 th Edition 2010
Course Name : Electrical Machines – II
Course Code : EL1006
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of constructional features, principle of
operation of various types of rotating AC machines and evaluate their performance in motoring and generating mode

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Three Phase Induction Machines
General construction features, rotating field theory, per phase and approximate equivalent circuit,
production of torque, torque speed characteristics, max power and max torque criterion, maximum
efficiency criterion, no load and blocked rotor test, circle diagram. Starting: rotor rheostat starter,
reduced voltage starting, star delta starting. Deep bar and double cage rotor. Speed control: pole
1 changing, line voltage control, line frequency control, rotor resistance control, injection of emf in the 14
rotor circuit. Braking: regenerative, plugging, dynamic braking. Physical phenomenon: time and space
harmonics, cogging, crawling, locking, noise, voltage ripples, induction generator.
Single Phase Induction Motors
Double revolving field theory, analysis of single-phase induction motor, equivalent circuit diagram,
torque speed characteristics, types of single-phase induction machines
Synchronous Generators
Constructional features, armature windings, pitch and distribution factor, winding connections, induced
emf equation, equivalent circuit, synchronous and leakage reactance, cylindrical rotor machine
performance with constant synchronous reactance, armature reaction, generator external characteristics
and voltage regulation, generator excitation for constant voltage, direct and quadrature axis
2 synchronous reactance, unsaturated and saturated synchronous reactance, open circuit and short circuit 14
characteristics. Potier triangle, calculation of saturated synchronous reactance from open circuit
saturation curve, determination of direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactance. Efficiency, losses
in synchronous generator, power angle, transient and sub-transient reactance, determination of
transient, sub-transient reactance, parallel operation of synchronous generators, synchronizing power,
negative and zero sequence impedances of synchronous generator
Synchronous Motors
Construction and operation of synchronous motor, V-curves and inverted V-curves, effects of armature
reaction, vector diagrams, effect of change in load and field excitation, vector diagram for salient pole
synchronous motor, calculation of field current and efficiency. Relation between power developed and
3 10
power angle, electromagnetic power in salient and cylindrical rotor motor, condition for maximum
power, maximum power versus power angle, field excitation versus power angle, hunting, damping,
methods of starting of synchronous motor, power factor correction using synchronous condensers,
Introduction to Special Electrical Machines
4 04
Reluctance motor, BLDC motor, servo motor, stepper motor, permanent magnet motors

Number of
List of Experiments:
To perform open circuit test and block rotor test on a three-phase induction motor to draw equivalent
1 01
2 Determination of the performance characteristics of a three-phase induction motor by load test. 01
To obtain circle diagram of the given three phase induction motor by conducting no load and blocked
3 01
rotor test and to determine the maximum torque, maximum power output.
4 To perform speed control of three phase induction motor using various methods. 02
5 To synchronize an alternator to an infinite bus. 01
Variation in the active and reactive power of an alternator connected to an infinite bus by (a) varying
6 02
excitation and (b) varying mechanical power input.
7 To obtain the power angle characteristics of a two generator system. 01
8 To determine the voltage regulation of a given alternator at specified loads by different methods 01
To predetermine the efficiency of an alternator at rated load and power factor and to verify the same
9 02
by actual load test.
To perform the slip test to determine Zd and Zq, and hence to draw the power angle characteristics of
10 01
the machine.
11 To Plot V and inverted -V curves of synchronous motor. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of construction and principle of operation of synchronous machines and induction
Analyze and evaluate the performance of induction and synchronous machines in motoring and generating

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Electric Machines by D P Kothari and I J Nagrath, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private
1 2017
2 Alternating Current Machines by M.G Say, Pitman publishing Ltd 1976
Electric Machinery by A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, Tata
3 2013
4 Electrical Machinery by P S Bhimbhra, 7th Edition, Khanna Publishers 2011
The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines by Albert E Clayton & N N
5 1974
Hancock, CBS publishers and distributors
Electric Machinery and Transformers by Bhag S Guru & Huseyin R Hiziroglu, Oxford
6 2001
University Press
7 Electrical Machinery and Transformer by Irving L. Kosow , 2nd Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall 1991
8 Electric Machinery by P.K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorti, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai 1993
9 Special Electrical Machines by E.G. Janardanan, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2014
Course Name : Control Systems
Course Code : EL1007
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of model, analyze and design control
systems using different methods.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Open loop and closed loop control systems, feedback, effects of feedback, linear and non-linear control 03
systems, block diagrams, some examples.
Modeling of physical system: electrical, mechanical, translational, rotational, electrical, mechanical
2 08
analogies, Laplace transform, transfer function, characteristic equation, block diagram algebra, signal
flow graphs, error detectors potentiometer, synchros, stepper motor, servo motors, tacho-generators.
Time Domain Analysis
Importance of time response in transient and steady state analysis, typical test input signals, transient
3 06
response of the first order and second order system, time response specifications, dominant closed loop
poles of higher order systems, steady state error and error coefficients.
4 02
Concepts of absolute and relative stability, pole zero location, Routh Hurwitz criteria.
Root Locus Technique
5 04
Introduction, root locus concept, construction of root loci, stability analysis.
Frequency Response
Introduction and importance of frequency response, bode diagram, polar plots, Nyquist stability
6 07
criterion, stability analysis, relative stability, gain margin & phase margin, closed loop frequency
Control Design Techniques
7 07
Necessity of compensation, lag and lead compensation, PID controller.
State Space Analysis
8 Concept of state, state variable and state vector, state transition matrix, controllability and 05
observability, solution of state equation.

Number of
List of Experiments
1 To obtain the time responses of first order and second order RLC circuits. 01
2 To simulate the various responses of the linear system using linear system simulator. 01
3 To study and implement the temperature controlled system. 01
4 To study the performances of open loop and closed loop systems. 01
5 To implement the characteristics of stepper motor interfaced with microprocessor. 01
6 To study the closed loop performances with P, PI and PID controllers. 01
7 To implement lag, lead and lag-lead compensators. 02
8 To study and implement the various characteristics of DC motor position control system. 02
9 To study synchro-transmitter and receiver and obtain output versus input characteristics. 01
10 To study the AC position trainer kit and analyze its performances. 01
To draw Nyquist plot of open loop transfer functions and examine the stability of the closed loop 01
12 To obtain the Bode frequency response for first and second order system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To acquire the knowledge of control systems.
CO2 To model and analyze the physical systems for controlling their responses.
CO3 To design and analyze the stability and performances of control systems.
Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Control Systems Engineering by I J Nagrath and M Gopal, Wiley Eastern . 2008
2 Linear Control Systems by B S Manke. 2010

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata, PHI. 2009
Course Name : Electrical Power Systems-II
Course Code : EL1008
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the concept and necessity of stability
analysis , over view of power system operation, protection in generation and transmission and applications of switchgears
including internal operation of different types of circuit breakers.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Stability Analysis
Classification of power system stability, swing equation, basics of transient stability during faults-
1 04
fault clearance with/without change in network impedance, presence of automatic re-closers, critical
clearing angle; introduction to voltage stability, P-V curve, criteria for assessing voltage stability.
Introduction to Power System Operation and Control
2 04
Introduction to economic load dispatch, unit commitment, and load frequency control.
Bus Bar Arrangements, Isolating Switches, Fuses
Function, types, operation and rating, main equipment in substation; substation layout, different bus 03
bar schemes, types, ratings, theory and characteristics, construction, characteristics and applications
of HRC fuses.
Constructional features and characteristics to electro-magnetic induction and thermal relay, over 04
current, directional over current, reverse power, percentage differential, impedance, mho, reactance
and negative sequence relays, static relays.
Transformer Protection
5 Power transformer protection: differential protection and magnetic balance protection, restricted 04
earth fault protection, Buchholz relay, protection of combined alternator and transformer.
Protection of Feeders
Time graded over current protection for radial, parallel & ring feeders; circulating current and
6 balanced voltage protective schemes; distance protection of feeders: application of impedance, 05
reactance and mho relay, elementary ideas about carrier, current protection of transmission lines,
numeric relays.
Generator Protection
7 Types of faults on stator and rotor; stator & rotor protection; negative sequence protection; loss of 03
excitation & overload protection.
Principles of Circuit Interruption and Circuit Breakers
Principles of arc suppression in DC and AC circuits; recovery and rate of rise of recovery rising
Voltage (RRRV); causes of switching surges; classification of circuit breakers, construction, 05
operation & applications of minimum oil, bulk oil, air break, air blast and SF 6 circuit breakers; rating
and maintenance of circuit breakers; operating mechanisms of circuit breakers, vacuum circuit
Protective Earthing Objects
9 Earthing resistance of hemispherical and single driven rod, earthing arrangements; different types of 03
neutral earthing, calculation of neutral shift, Earthing of substation equipment.
Protection Against Over Voltages
10 Ground wire, shielding angle rod gap, horn gap, impulse gap, valve type and non-linear arresters 02
surge absorbers.
Over Voltage Phenomenon, Protection and Insulation Co-ordination
11 Theory of physics of lightning flashes & strokes, insulation co-ordination, volt-time and circuit time 03
characteristics, horn gap, single diverters, ground wires, surge absorbers
Microprocessor Based Protection
12 02
Introduction to microprocessor based relays & digital relays.
Number of
List of Experiments
1 To measure symmetrical fault level measurement on a dc network analyzer 01
To measure unsymmetrical fault level measurement on a dc network analyzer for various types of
2 02
3 To measure ground resistivity and resistance of a ground electrode 01
4 To plot inverse definite minimum time characteristics of numerical over current relay. 01
5 To plot inverse definite minimum time characteristics of numerical Earth fault over current relay. 01
6 To study and analyze transformer protection using differential relay for in zone trip faults. 01
7 To plot characteristics of percentage bias differential relay. 01
8 To study and analyze the performance of distance protection 02
9 To perform pick up test for differential relay. 01
10 To study and analyze the performance of Merz-price protection for a three phase alternator. 02
11 To plot inverse definite minimum time characteristics of directional over current relay. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Perform stability studies.
CO2 Attain knowledge about basic over view of power system operation.
CO3 Design the relevant protection systems for the main elements of a power system.
Analyze over current, differential, radial protection devices and their application in a coordinated protection

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
M.L. Soni, P.V. Gupta, V.S. Bhatnagar, A. Chakrabarti, ‘A Text Book on Power System
1 2009
Engineering’, Dhanpat Rai& Co.
2 C L Wadhwa, ‘Power Systems Analysis’ by Wiley India Ltd. 2009
3 S.S. Rao, ‘Switchgear and Protection’, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 2008
4 Blackburn J L and Domin T J ‘Protective Relaying: Principles &Applications’, CRC Press 2010
Course Name : Power Electronics
Course Code : EL1009
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various power electronic devices,
switching transients and snubber circuits and analyze various types of AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC conversion using
power electronic converters.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Power Electronic Devices
Introduction to power switching devices, basic structure and physics of device operation, switching and
1 05
I-V characteristics (diodes, thyristors, GTO, BJT, Power MOSFET, IGBT), series and parallel
operation of thyristors.
Practical Converter Design Considerations
2 Snubber circuits: function and type of snubber circuits, turn off, turn on and overvoltage snubbers; gate 03
and base drive circuits: trigger techniques, optical isolators, protection circuits, isolation transformers.
AC- DC Conversion Circuits
Introduction to power processing, principles of steady state converter analysis: inductor volt-second
balance, capacitor charge balance and small ripple approximation; line Commutated rectifiers: natural
3 08
commutation of SCRS, 1ø and 3ø half and fully controlled rectifier configurations with R, RL and RLE
load, continuous and discontinuous conduction mode, output voltage and source current analysis
Chopper Circuits
4 Types of chopper: step up, step down; different classes of chopper circuits: Class A, B, C, D, E for R, 04
RL and RLE load; types of commutation circuits.
DC-DC Switch Mode Converters
5 Introduction to DC-DC converters, control of DC-DC converters, types of converters: buck boost, 07
buck-boost, Cuk, full-bridge, forward, push-pull and flyback; comparison of DC-DC converters.
AC Voltage Controllers
Basic principle, analysis of 1Ø operation with R and RL load, load and supply current characteristics,
6 04
3Ø fully and half controlled regulator: analysis of operation for R and RL load (various modes of
operation), load and supply current characteristics.
DC-AC Conversion
1- Ø and 3- Ø bridge inverters, voltage control of three phase inverters: sinusoidal PWM, 60- degree
7 07
PWM, third harmonic PWM and space vector modulation (SVM); relationship between PWM and
SVM, comparison of various PWM techniques, methods of harmonic reduction.
8 Basic operational features and operating principles, mathematical representation (output voltage and 04
input current) of static frequency changers, synthesis of the output voltage waveform.

List of Experiments Number of

1 To obtain V-I characteristics of SCR and measure latching and holding currents. 01
2 To obtain triggering waveforms of SCR using R and RC firing circuit. 02
3 To obtain output voltage waveforms of single-phase half wave controlled rectified for R-L load. 02
To obtain output voltage waveforms for single phase (i) fully controlled (ii) half controlled bridge
4 02
rectifiers with resistive and inductive loads.
5 To obtain output voltage waveforms of single-phase ac voltage regulator with R-L load. 01
6 To study and obtain waveforms of different types of chopper circuit 02
To simulate single phase fully controlled bridge rectifier and draw load voltage and load current
7 01
waveform for inductive load.
To simulate single-phase full wave ac voltage controller and draw load voltage and load current
8 01
waveforms for inductive load.
9 To simulate single-phase inverter using different modulation techniques and obtain load voltage and 02
load current waveform for different types of loads.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To analyze various power electronic devices, switching transients and snubber circuits.
To analyze and evaluate various types of AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC conversion using power electronic

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Guy Seguier, Christian Rombaut and Robert Bausiere “Power electronic Converters: Volume
1 1987
2 AC-AC Conversion”, North Oxford Academic Publishers.
B.R.Pelly, “Thyristor Phase Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters”, John Wiley and
2 1971
3 L Gyugyi and B.R.Pelly, “Static Power Frequency Changers”, John Wiley and Sons. 1976
OECbeling, E.O, “Measurement Systems- Application and Design,” McGraw Hill Publishing
4 1990
5 R.S.Ramshaw, “Power Electronic Semiconductor switches”, Chapman and Hall 1994. 1994
R.W.Erickson and Dragan Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, KLUWER
6 2004
Academic Publishers 2.
M H Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
7 2004
Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and
8 2006
design”, John Wiley and sons.
Marian K Kazimierczuk, “Pulse-width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters”, John Wiley
9 2008
and Sons.
2. Department Elective Courses (DECs)

Course Name : Signals and Systems

Course Code : EL2001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of understand the classification of signals,
systems, impulse response, convolution, LTI systems, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, z-transforms,
sampling, and its applications.

Total No. of Lectures-42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Types of Signals & Systems and Their Representation
Continuous-time and discrete-time signals, energy and power of signals, periodic-aperiodic signals,
1 even-odd signals, standard signals: unit impulse, unit step, ramp, exponential and sinusoids. 08
Transformations of the independent variable, continuous and discrete time systems, system properties.
LTI Systems
2 Impulse response, convolution integral and convolution sum, LTI systems’ properties, LTI system 06
characterization by linear constant coefficient difference equation.
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform of Signals
Fourier series representation of continuous and discrete time periodic signals, convergence, properties of
3 Fourier series, Fourier series and LTI systems, application of Fourier series in filtering, Fourier 12
transform representation of continuous and discrete time signals, Fourier transform properties, Hilbert
transform and its properties, system characterization by linear constant coefficient difference equation.
Laplace and Z-Transform
The Laplace transform, region of convergence, properties of Laplace transform, initial and final value
theorems, inverse Laplace transform, system functions, poles and zeros of system functions, analysis and
4 12
characterization of LTI systems using Laplace transform, z-transform, region of convergence and pole-
zero plot for z-transform, properties of z-transform, inverse z-transform, analysis and characterization of
LTI systems using z-transform, stability criterion.
Sampling and Reconstruction
5 Sampling theorem, classification of sampling, aliasing, anti-aliasing filter, analog to digital conversion, 04
signal reconstruction.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To acquire knowledge of various signals, systems, convolution, LTI systems.
They will analyze the spectral characteristics of signals using Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace
transforms, z-transforms, and understands sampling, which will also help understand other introductory courses.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Hamid Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Prentice Hall,
1 1997
2nd Edition
2 S. Haykin and B. Van Been, “Signals and Systems” , John Wiley & Sons, 2 nd Edition 2003
3 B. P. Lathi, “Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press, 2 nd edition 2006
Course Name : Optimization Techniques in Engineering
Course Code : EL2002
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various linear, nonlinear and evolutionary
optimization techniques to solve complex real world optimization problems in different fields of engineering

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Classical Optimization Techniques
1 Introduction to optimization and its scope in engineering, classical optimization techniques: single and 05
multi-variable problems, saddle point, Lagrange multiplier, Kuhn-Tucker condition.
Linear Programming
2 Standard form, geometry of LP problems, simplex method, duality in linear programming, quadratic 06
Nonlinear Programming
Exhaustive search, interval halving method, golden section method, interpolation methods,
3 unconstrained optimization techniques: direct search methods, indirect search (descent) methods, 14
constrained optimization techniques: sequential linear programming, sequential quadratic
programming, penalty function method, augmented Lagrange multiplier method
Dynamic Programming
4 Multistage decision processes, concept of sub-optimization and principle of optimality, linear 05
programming as a case of dynamic programming
Modern Optimization Techniques
5 Genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization – application to engineering 12
problems, no free lunch theorem, introduction to multi-objective optimization

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Form mathematical model of optimization problems and also distinguish between linear and nonlinear models
CO2 Solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems using dynamic programming
Solve real world constrained optimization problems using genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and particle
swarm optimization

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice by Singiresu S. Rao, John Wiley & Sons 2009
Engineering Optimization: Methods And Applications by A. Ravindran, K. M. Ragsdell, G. V.
2 2008
Reklaitis, Wiley
Optimisation for Engineering Design-Algorithms and Examples by Kalyanmoy Deb, Prentice
3 2012
Hall India
Linear and Non Linear Programming by David G Luenberger and Yinyu Ye, 3 rd Ed, Springer
4 2008
5 Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms by Xin-She Yang, Luniver press 2010
6 Operations Research: An Introduction by H. A. Taha, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 2017
Course Name : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Course Code : EL2003
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objective:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of architecture and instruction sets of an
Intel microprocessor along with the idea of assembly language programming and also familiarize with the architecture of
8051 microcontroller.

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor
1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers, Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture, pin 04
configuration, CPU architecture, registers, control unit.
Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor
2 Machine language instruction formats, addressing modes of 8085, instruction set of 8085, timing 06
diagrams, T-states, machine cycles, instruction cycle.
Assembly Language Programming with 8085
3 Example programming in assembly language using 8085 instructions, use of arithmetic, logical, 08
data transfer, stack and I/O instructions in programming, interrupt in 8085
Basic Peripherals and Their Interfacing with 8085
Memory interfacing, programmable peripheral interface (8255), programmable interval timer
4 (8253), programmable interrupt controller (8259), keyboard/display controller (8279), DMA 08
controller (8237/8257). Interfacing analog to digital data converters, interfacing digital to
analog data converters, serial communication interface (8251)
Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor
5 Architecture, organization and pin out details, register set, memory segmentation, minimum mode 08
and maximum mode of operation.
Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller
6 Overview of architecture and pin diagram, memory organization, register banks, external code 08
memory access, external data memory access, addressing modes.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study and interface 8255 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
2 To study and interface 8251 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
3 To study and interface 8259 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
To interface and control a stepper motor using the stepper motor controller card and stepper motor
4 01
5 To acquire a unipolar analog signal and convert it into a digital value using A/D Card 01
6 To acquire a bipolar analog signal and convert it into a digital value using A/D Card 01
7 8085/8086 based experiments for data transfer operations 01
8 8085/8086 based experiments for arithmetic operations 01
9 8085/8086 based experiments for logical operations 01
10 8085/8086 based experiments for sorting 01
11 8085/8086 based experiments for data conversions 01
12 8085/8086 based experiments for interfacing various add on cards 03

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the functioning of microprocessor and microcontroller
CO2 Do projects based on interfacing
CO3 Enhance the programming skills
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
Advanced Microprocessors & peripherals by K. M. Bhurchandi & A. K. Ray, TMH
1 2013
2 Microprocessor & Interfacing by Douglas V Hall, TMH Publication 2006
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 by R.S. Gaonkar,
3 2013
Sixth Edition, Penram International Publishing
4 The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey, Prentice Hall 2009
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using assembly and C by Mazidi MA,
5 2007
Mazidi JG and Mchinlay RD, Pearson Education
NPTEL video lecture on microprocessor & microcontroller
Course Name : Computer Aided Design of Electrical Machines
Course Code : EL2004
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of design process for electric motors,
generators and transformers based upon fundamental theories.

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Basic principles of electrical machine design, materials, heating cooling losses, temperature rise, 08
magnetic circuit calculations, calculation of leakage reactance parameters.
Design of Transformers
2 Design of single phase and three phase transformers - core design, windings design, cooling of 14
transforms. Operating characteristics.
Design of Rotating Machines
General concepts and constraints of design of rotating machines. Design of squirrel cage and wound
3 14
rotor type of three phase induction motor, stator and its windings, slot and its insulation, squirrel
cage and slip ring rotor design,Operating characteristics
Computer Aided Design of Transformer and Rotating Machines
Computer aided design, philosophy and economics, selection of input data and design variables, flow
4 04
chart for design of transformer and rotating machines, application of software for design
Optimization Techniques Review
5 Objectives and constraint functions, constrained and unconstrained optimization, flow chart 02
development for design optimization of electrical machines.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 Winding design and drawing of DC machine 02
2 Winding design and drawing of AC machine 02
Design and development of Electromagnet in Maxwell 2-D and 3-D and force calculation in coil and
3 02
Simulation of eddy current losses for both linear and non-linear magnetic materials by using eddy
4 02
current solver.
5 Computer aided design of optimized single phase transformer 02
6 Computer aided design of three phase transformer 02
7 Computer aided design of induction machine 02
8 Computer aided design of DC machine 02
9 Computer aided design of synchronous machine 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Design transformers and rotating machine and choose various parameters based upon performance analysis
CO2 Design transformer and rotating machines using software
CO3 Apply optimization techniques for computer aided design of electrical apparatus

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 A course in Electrical Machine Design by A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 2016
2 The performance and design of AC machines by M.G. Say, CBS publishers and distributors 2002
3 Computer aided design of electrical machinery by C.G. Veinott, MIT Press 1987
Principle of electrical machine design with computer programs by S.K. Sen, Oxford and IBH
4 2006
company Pvt Ltd.
Course Name : High Voltage Engineering
Course Code : EL2005
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of discharge phenomena in solid, liquid and
gases and high voltage testing and measurement.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Discharges in Solids, Liquids and Gases
Types of insulating materials, factors affecting dielectric strength, different mechanisms of
breakdown of solids; different theories of breakdown in liquids; commonly used solid and liquid
1 08
insulation materials and their properties; general characteristics of gaseous insulation, basic processes
of ionization in a gas: Townsend mechanism, Paschen’s law; vacuum breakdown mechanisms;
commonly used gases for insulation and their properties, Corona discharge.
Travelling Waves on Transmission Lines
2 Specifications of travelling waves, typical cases of line termination, junction of two dissimilar lines, 05
forked line, Bewley lattice diagram, attenuation and distortion.
HVDC and EHVAC Transmission
3 Standard high voltage transmission voltage, kinds of DC links, comparison of HVAC and HVDC 04
Transmission, power handling capacity and line losses in HVAC.
Lightning Phenomenon
4 Change accumulation in clouds: formation of lightning stroke; characteristics of lightning stroke; 05
instruments for measuring lightening surges.
Generation of AC/DC/Impulses
5 Definition of impulse wave, generation of high DC/AC impulses; single stage and multi stage impulse 05
generators and equivalent circuits.
High Voltage Measurements
Measurements of AC, DC and impulse voltage; sphere gap, resistance and capacitance potential
6 dividers, standard capacitors: high voltage measurements by measuring rectified current of standard 06
capacitors: crest voltmeter, Electrostatic voltmeter. Impulse voltage measurement by cathode ray
High Voltage Testing Equipments
Power frequency high voltage testing transformer, cascade connection of transformers; generation of
7 04
high direct voltage by voltage doubler circuit and Cockcroft Walton Circuit; introduction to nano
materials for high voltage engineering.
Non-Destructive High Voltage Testing and Insulators
8 H.V. testing of cables and transformers, testing of transformer oil for electric strength. General idea 05
about dielectric constant and loss factor; application of H.V Schering bridge for tests.

Number of
List of Experiments
1 To study flashover characteristic of a needle sheet gap for power frequency volt 02
2 Testing of transformer oil 01
3 To find flashover voltage of pin insulator 02
4 To calibrate the control desk voltmeter using a standard 2.5 cm sphere gap. 02
5 To study flashover characteristic of rod gap for power frequency voltage 02
6 To draw the breakdown characteristics for sphere gap if applied voltage is at power frequency 02
7 To find flashover voltage of suspension insulator 02
8 To find flashover voltage of post insulator 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of discharge phenomena in solid, liquid and gases.
CO2 Acquire basics of HVDC and EHVAC transmission
CO3 Acquire knowledge of high voltage testing and measurement.
Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher
1 C.L. Wadhwa, ‘High Voltage Engineering’, 2ndedition, New Age International Ltd. 2006
2 M.S.Naidu and V.Kamaraju,’ High Voltage Engineering’, McGraw-Hill, 5th edition. 2013
3 Die Dieter Kind, Kurt Feser, 2ndedition, ‘High Voltage Test Technique’ 2001
4 E.Kuffel and W.S.Zaengl, ‘High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals’, Newness, 2 ndedition, 2000
5 Chaurasia M P, ‘High Voltage Engineering’, Khanna Publishers, 2 nd Edition. 1989
Course Name : Renewable Energy Technologies
Course Code : EL2006
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of properties
of solar and wind energy resource, their operation and component specifications. Design of renewable energy systems for
domestic, commercial and industrial applications.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Basics of energy, energy and power, estimation of energy bill, conventional energy sources, limited
1 03
fossil fuels, environmental impacts of fossil fuels, world energy scenario, energy scenario of India,
solar energy potential, solar radiation; global, direct and diffuse solar radiation.
Solar Cell Technologies
Conversion of solar energy into electricity - photovoltaic effect, equivalent circuit of the solar cell,
analysis of PV cells: dark and illumination characteristics, figure of merits of solar cell, efficiency
limits, variation of efficiency with band-gap and temperature, efficiency measurements, high efficiency
2 12
cells. Recent developments in solar cells, role of nano-technology in solar cells, thin film solar cells,
dye sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, solar PV systems and their components, battery
rating, inverter rating, solar PV lantern, stand-alone PV system for home lighting, solar PV water
pumping system.
Solar Thermal Technologies
Solar thermal energy system, absorption and radiation, solar cooking system, types of solar cooker,
solar distillation system, operation of solar distillation, solar heating system, types of heating system.
3 08
Types of Solar Thermal Collectors
Flat plate solar collectors, evacuated tube solar thermal systems, concentrated solar collectors,
parabolic trough, parabolic dish, fresnel reflector, heliostat power plant.
Wind Energy
Wind flow, power in the wind, wind energy conversion; efficiency limit for wind energy conversion,
types of converters, energy derived from a wind turbine, aerodynamics of wind rotors, power ~ speed
4 and torque, speed characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control systems. Conversion to 10
electrical power : induction and synchronous generators, grid connected and self-excited induction
generator operation, constant voltage and constant frequency generation with power electronic control,
single and double output systems, reactive power compensation.
Biomass, Small Hydro, Tidal and Geothermal Energy
Biomass resources, biomass conversion technologies, biogas plants, biomass co-generation, and
5 ethanol from biomass, small hydropower systems: overview of micro, mini and small hydro systems, 09
wave characteristics, conversion systems and their performance features application, introduction to
geothermal energy conversion.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To estimate solar irradiation at a given location. 01
2 To obtain the I-V characteristics of solar cell for different irradiation and temperature. 01
3 To estimate the PV output power with different solar cell technologies. 01
4 To determine power sharing curve of standalone PV-battery system for different DC loads. 01
5 To evaluate the effect of variation in tilt angle on PV module power. 01
6 To simulate a standalone solar PV system for residential load application. 01
7 To do a techno-economic analysis of standalone solar PV system. 01
8 To evaluate the sizing of stand-alone and grid connected PV battery system. 01
9 To simulate solar maximum power tracker in normal operating condition. 01
10 To simulate solar maximum power tracker under partial shading condition. 01
11 To evaluate the electric power generation from concentrating solar thermal systems. 01
12 To evaluate the electric power generation from wind farm at different locations. 01
13 To obtain the wind energy power curve. 01
14 Effect of load on wind turbine output. 01
15 To evaluate the sizing of hybrid PV-wind-battery system for a given location. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand various solar cell technologies.
CO2 Acquire knowledge about solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind energy, small hydro and biomass technologies.

Text / Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 C.S. Solanki, “Renewable Energy Technologies: A practical guide for beginner,” PHI. 2009
2 C.S. Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaics - Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications,” PHI. 2015
3 Jenny Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells,” (Imperial College, UK). 2003
Vaughn C. Nelson and Kenneth L. Starcher, “Introduction to Renewable Energy, (Energy and 2015
the Environment) 2nd Edition,”.
Wagner H. and Mathur J, “Introduction to Hydro Energy Systems: Basics, Technology and 2011
Operation”, Springer.
Course Name : Utilization of Electrical Energy
Course Code : EL2007
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
AAt the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of electric heating, air-conditioning and
electric welding, illumination, electric traction, EV, Electrolytic Electro – Metallurgical Process.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Heating and Welding
Electric heating, resistance ovens, radiant heating, induction heating, high frequency eddy current
heating, dielectric heating, the arc furnace, heating of buildings, air – conditioning, electric welding,
1 modern welding techniques. 08
Electrolytic Electro – Metallurgical Process
ionization, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, definitions, extraction of metals, refining of metals, electro
Introduction, radiant energy, definitions, laws of illumination, polar curves, photometry,
measurement of mean spherical candle power by integrating sphere, illumination photometer, energy
2 radiation and luminous efficiency, electric lamps, cold cathode lamp, luminaire fittings, illumination 10
design for different purposes (indoor: domestic, office, industrial offices, outdoor: street/road,
floodlighting, industrial, security), characteristics of good lighting, luminaire characteristics etc.,
energy efficient luminaires.
Electric Traction
Speed - time curves and mechanics of train movement: introduction, speed - time curves for train
movement, mechanics of train movement, train resistance, adhesive weight, coefficient of adhesion.
3 motors for electric traction: DC motors, AC motors. Characteristics of Traction Motors. Speed 08
control of motors (DC, AC), braking: introduction, regenerative braking with three phase induction
motors, braking with single phase series motors, mechanical braking, magnetic track brake, electro –
mechanical drum brakes.
Electric Traction Systems and Power Supply
System of electric traction: AC electrification, Transmission lines to sub - Stations, sub – stations:
feeding and distribution system of AC traction, feeding and distribution system for DC tramways,
4 08
electrolysis by currents through Earth, negative booster, System of current collection, trolley wires;
trams, trolley buses and diesel – electric traction: tramways, the Trolley – Bus, Diesel Electric
Electric Vehicles
Configurations of electric vehicles, performance of electric vehicles, tractive effort in normal driving,
5 energy consumption. 08
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Concept of hybrid electric drive trains, architectures of hybrid electric drive trains.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Electric heating, air-conditioning and electric welding
CO2 Illumination, electric traction, EV
CO3 Electrolytic Electro–Metallurgical Process.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals Theory, and Design by
1 2005
Mehrdad Ehsani et al CRC Press 1st Edition, 2005.
2 Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction G.C. Garg Khanna Publishers 9th Edition. 2014
Utilization, Generation and Conservation of Electrical Energy Sunil S Rao Khanna Publishers
3 2011
1st Edition, 2011.
Course Name : Power System Operation and Control
Course Code : EL2008
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the economic load dispatch, unit
commitment, power system operational security and dispatch.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Economic Dispatch
Economic dispatch of hydro, thermal, hydro-thermal generating units, dispatch problem solution
1 methods (any two), economic dispatch with & without transmission line losses, Base point and
participation factors, penalty factors.
Frequency Control and AGC
Review of theory of frequency dynamics. Multi-area frequency dynamics. Load-frequency and tie 09
2 line power flow control. Theory of Automatic Generation control, AGC implementation methods.
Unit Commitment
Introduction, constraints, Priority lists, Integer Programming, Dynamic Programming, Lagrangian 06
Relaxation and Neural Net Methods.
Interconnected Systems Operation
4 Need of system interconnection, Operating policies, Economic interchange, Optimal multi- area 05
Energy Management Systems and Real-Time Control
Energy management systems, Software systems, Computer hardware resources and configurations,
5 Data management. Communications and distributed computing, Expert systems for contingency and 09
security evaluation, event analysis, system restoration and reactive control, Short range load
forecasting, SCADA.
Power Systems Operational Security and Dispatch
Review of security concept and state of operation, contingency analysis; generation dispatch;
6 dynamic security; power system state estimation; maximum likelihood weighted least- squares 07
estimation; and measurements; network observabilities and pseudo-measurements; applications in
system control.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of the Economic load dispatch and frequency control.
Acquire knowledge of the interconnected system operation, energy management and power system operational
CO2 security.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No.
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Wood and Wollenberg “Power Generation Operation and Control”, John Wiley. 1984
2 OI Elgerd “Electric Energy Systems, Theory”, McGraw Hill 1983
3 Mahalanabis et al., “Computer-aided power system analysis” Tata McGraw. 1988
4 Anderson & Fouand “Power system control and stability” Lowa State University Press. 1977
5 “Fundamentals of Supervisory Systems” IEEE Tutorial Course Text, 91EH0337-6PWR. 1991
Course Name : Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Course Code : EL2009
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of neural networks and fuzzy systems,
different structure of neural networks, development and implementation of algorithm and their applications, design neural
networks and fuzzy systems for different applications.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Biological neuron, models of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), characteristics of neural networks, 04
different types of learning of neural network.
Fundamental Models of ANN
2 Mcculloch–Pitts, Hebbian, Perceptron, Delta, Owstrar, Boltzman, Adaline, Madaline: architecture, 05
algorithm and applications.
Feed Forward Networks
3 04
Back propagation, Radial basis function: architecture, algorithm and applications.
Self-Organizing Feature Map
4 Kohonen self-organizing maps, Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), Max net, Hamming net- 04
architecture, algorithm and applications.
Feedback Networks
5 03
Hopfield net: architecture, training algorithm and application for discrete and continuous net.
Associative Memory Networks
6 03
Hetero, auto and bi-directional associative networks: architecture, algorithm and applications.
Application of Neural Networks
7 03
Application of neural network in engineering areas.
Introduction of Fuzzy Systems
8 Fuzzy logic, classical sets and fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy sets, properties of 09
fuzzy sets, crisp and fuzzy relations, membership functions, fuzzification, defuzzification.
Fuzzy Rule Based System
9 Formation of rules, decomposition of rules, aggregation and properties of fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference 04
Applications of Fuzzy Logic
10 Fuzzy logic applications in various areas including power systems, image processing, control systems, 03
industries etc.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of concepts, different structure design, implementation of algorithm, and applications of neural
Apply the concepts and rule based fuzzy logic system, design and implementation of fuzzy logic controllers in
engineering areas.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Fundamental of Neural Networks-Architectures, Algorithm and Applications by Laurene Fausett,
1 1993
Neural Networks- A comprehensive foundation by Simon Haykin, Macmillan Publishing
2 1994
Company, New York.
3 Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications by Timothy J Ross Wiley Students Edition. 2010
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Neural Networks-A classroom approach by Satish Kumar, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2005
Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB by S N Sivanandam, S Sumati and S N Deepa, 2006
Tata McGraw Hill.
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB by S N Sivanandam, S Sumati and S N Deepa,
3 2007
Course Name : Digital Signal Processing
Course Code : EL2010
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of digital signal processing for various
process controls, signal and signal processing, time domain representation, transformation, filtered design.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Signal & Signal Processing
1 Classification of signals, typical signal processing operations, typical signal processing applications, 02
why digital signal processing.
Time Domain Representation of Signals & Systems
Discrete- time signals, operations on sequences, the sampling process, discrete-time systems, time-
2 07
domain characters tics of LTI discrete-time systems, state space representation of LTI discrete time
Domain representation of signals: the discrete-time Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform,
3 08
computation of the DFT of real sequences, linear convolution using the DFT, the z- transform, the
inverse z- transform.
Time Domain Representation of LTI Systems
4 04
Frequency response, transfer function, digital two-pair stability test.
Digital Processing of Continuous Time – Signals
5 Sampling of continuous time signals, analysis filter design, anti- aliasing filter design, and 04
reconstruction filter design.
Digital Filter Structures
6 Block diagram representation, signal flow graph representation, equivalent structures, basic FIR digital 08
filter structures, basic IIR filters structures, all pass filters, tunable structures.
Digital Filter Design
Preliminary conditions, impulse invariance method of IIR filter design, bilinear transform method of
7 09
IIR filter design, design of filter IIR notch filters, FIR filter design based on truncated Fourier series,
FIR filter design based on frequency sampling approach, computer-aided design of digital filters.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of digital signal processing for various process controls.
Learn thoroughly signal and signal processing, time domain representation, transformation, filtered design etc.
for their projects and research applications.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
1 Sanjit K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill 2001
2 A. Antoniou, “Digital Filters: Analysis & Design”, McGraw Hill book company 2001
3 S.D. Stearns, “Digital Signal Analysis”, Prentice Hall Inc 1990
Course Name : Medical Instrumentation
Course Code : EL2011
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various types of instruments used in
medical applications

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Bio Instrumentation
1 Problems encountered in measuring a living system, electric shock hazards, safety codes for electro- 03
medical equipment.
Sources of Bioelectric Potentials
2 Resting and action potentials, propagation of action potential, the bioelectric potential with special 05
reference to ECG, EEG and EMG.
3 03
Recording electrodes, electrical conductivity of electrodes, jellies and creams
Transducers in Medical Equipments
4 Displacement, pressure, body temperature measurement, photoelectric transducers, optical fibre 04
Biomedical Recorders
5 04
Electrocardiograph, electroencephalograph, electro-myograph biofeedback instrumentation
Patient Monitoring System
System concepts, cardiac monitor, bedside patient monitoring system, measurement of heart rate,
6 04
pulse rate, blood pressure measurement, temperature, respiratory rate, catheterization of laboratory
Methods of Heating Tissues
7 Physiological effect of heat, short wave diatherapy, infra-red radiation, microwave 03
diathermy, surgical diathermy.
Biomedical Telemetry and Telemedicine
8 03
Introduction and application to biomedical engineering.
Modern Imaging System
9 Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging system, thermal camera based on IR sensors, 08
image reconstruction techniques.
Therapeutic Equipments
10 Pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, pain relief through electrical stimulation, haemodialysis 05
machine, electronics in anaerhetic machine

List of Experiments: Number of

To study the ECG machine, pick up ECG signal, display it on CRO and to find the duration of P, R
1 02
and T Wave
2 To plot experimentally the relationship between the surface EMG and muscular force. 02
3 To pick up EEG signals and study their patterns. 02
4 To study an MRI system available in the field. 02
5 To study the frequency spectrum of EMG on a display device using a moveable band pass filter. 02
6 Visit to a medical equipment manufacturing industry 02
Visit to a hospital/ clinic to study various patient monitoring equipment and use of telemetry in
7 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of biomedical instruments
CO1 Analyze different signal, telemetry and telemedicine
CO3 Acquire fundamental knowledge of various therapeutic equipment
Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Bioinstrumentation by John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons 2004
Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements by Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell & Erich A
2 2001
Pfeiffor, 2nd edition, PHI
3 Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation by Khandpur, McGraw Hills Education 2014
Course Name : PLC and SCADA
Course Code : EL2012
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various skills necessary for industrial
applications of PLC, data acquisition system and communication networks using standard devices, applications of SCADA

Total No. of Lecture - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Computer Based Control
Implementing control system using computer or microprocessor, computer based controller, hardware
1 configuration and software requirements 06
Distributed Control System
Meaning and necessity of distributed control, hardware components of DCS, DCS software
Introduction to PLC
PLC vs microprocessor / microcontroller / computer, advantages and disadvantages of PLC,
architecture and physical forms of PLC
2 06
Basic PLC Functions
Registers: holding, input and output registers, timers and timer functions, counters and counter
Intermediate PLC Functions
Arithmetic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other arithmetic functions,
number comparison and conversion
3 10
Data Handling Functions of PLC
Skip function and applications, master control relay function and applications, jump with non-return
and return, data table, register and other move functions
Bit Functions of PLC
Digital bit functions and applications, sequence functions and applications
4 Advanced Functions of PLC 12
Analog input and output functions, analog input and output modules, analog signal processing in PLC,
PID control function, network communication function
PLC Programming
5 PLC programming languages, ladder programming, mnemonic programming and high level language 10
Supervisory control vs distributed control, layout and parts of SCADA system, detailed block
schematic of SCADA system; Functions of SCADA system: data acquisition, monitoring, control, data
6 12
collection and storage, data processing and calculation, report generation; MTU: functions, single and
dual computer configurations of MTU; RTU: functions, architecture / layout; MTU-RTU
communication and RTU-field device communication; applications of SCADA

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Gain knowledge of various skills necessary for industrial applications of PLC
CO2 Understand the basic programming concepts and various logical instructions used in PLC
CO3 Solve the problems related to I/O module, data acquisition system and communication networks using standard
CO4 Design and analysis of general structure of an automated process for real time application using PLC and

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M. Gopal, Tata McGraw Hills, 3 rd Edition 2008
2 Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction by D.E. Kirk, Dover Publications 2004
3 Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Methods and Applications by John Hackworth 2008
and Frederick Hackworth Jr, Pearson Education
4 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers by Gary Dunning, Thomson, 3 rd Edition 2006
5 Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Application by John W. Webb and Ronald A. 2002
Reis, Prentice Hall India
6 SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition by S.A. Boyer, ISA: The Instrumentation, 2010
Systems, and Automation Society
7 PLCs & SCADA : Theory and Practice by R. Mehra, CRC Press 2012
Course Name : Analog and Digital Communication
Course Code : EL2013
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the basics of communication, modulation,
AM generation methods, frequency division multiplexing, phase, and frequency modulation, pulse modulation, analog to
digital conversion, time-division multiplexing, and digital modulation techniques.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Basic blocks of communication system, signals classification, energy and power content of a signal,
signal to noise ratio, time response, frequency response, review of Fourier transform and inverse
1 06
Fourier transform, Dirac delta function, power spectral density, bandwidth, modulation, advantages of
modulation, ideal filters.
Amplitude Modulation
AM modulation and demodulation, AM power and efficiency formulation, coherent detection,
2 envelope detection, types of AM: DSB-SC, SSB, and VSB. Generation and detection methods for
DSB-SC, SSB, and VSB signals. Frequency translation and mixing, frequency division multiplexing,
super-heterodyne receiver.
Angle Modulation
Instantaneous frequency and angle modulation, phase and frequency modulation, Fourier spectrum of
the angle modulated signal, narrowband angle modulation, wideband frequency modulation,
3 modulation index, transmission bandwidth of angle modulated signals, FM generation methods: 08
Armstrong modulator and direct method. Demodulation technique for angle modulated signal, FM
stereo multiplexing example.
Discrete Analog Modulation and Analog to Digital Conversion
Sampling theorem, aliasing, low pass and bandpass sampling, pulse modulation, aperture effect, PAM,
4 PPM, quantization, nonuniform quantization using companding, PCM, bandwidth and signal to noise 06
ratio of PCM.
Digital Modulation
Delta modulation and demodulation, adaptive delta modulation, line codes, time-division multiplexing,
bandwidth for TDM, intersymbol interference and shaping of pulse, carrier and modulated signals
representation in digital modulation, transmitted signal energy, BASK, BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, BFSK,
5. 14
MSK, their formulation, generation, and coherent detection methods, noncoherent detection methods
of BASK and BFSK. DPSK generation and detection method. M-ary digital modulation: M-ary PSK,
M-ary QAM, M-ary FSK signals.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand basic communication structure, use of modulation, amplitude modulation methods
CO2 Analyze the transmission of multiple messages using multiplexing, analog to digital conversion using
sampling, quantization and encoding
CO3 Acquire the knowledge of digital modulation techniques

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 S. Haykin, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley and Sons, 4th edition 2000
B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Oxford
2 2009
University Press, 4th edition
3 H. Taub, D.L. Schilling, “Principles of Communication Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed. 2011
Course Name : Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems
Course Code : EL2014
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of the role of intelligent renewable energy
systems to create a next generation power system. Understand the information and communication technology role in the
future power systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Overview of evolution of energy systems – global and Indian scenario, centralized vs decentralized
1 05
energy systems, economies of scale, flexibility, resiliency; technical, market and environmental
drivers, fossil fuel based sources vs. renewable sources, hybrid energy systems.
Components of Smart Power System
Introduction to internet of things (IoT), smart sensors, smart controllers, smart meters - design choices,
2 09
role of IoT, information and communication technology (ICT) requirement in integrated power grid
Intelligent Load Management
Types of loads, time-of-use load shifting, load allocation, load preservation, smart loads, smart homes,
3 09
demand and supply balance, demand side management, sizing algorithms – optimization of energy
consumption and storage mediums.
Distributed Energy Systems for Future Power System
Technology characteristics of renewable energy sources- PV, wind and small hydro; technology
4 characteristics of various energy storage mediums, integration of conventional and renewable energy, 12
microgrid, smart grids, community engagement and notion of neighborhood microgrids, peer-to-peer
energy transfer.
AI and ML for Energy Systems
5 Basic concepts of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), applications of AI/ML to 10
energy systems, case studies, software tools, applications.
Blockchain Technology for Energy Systems
6 Role of blockchain in the energy industry, applications of blockchain to energy systems, blockchain in 07
microgrid, case study.
Planning of Future Energy Systems
7 Economics of smart grids, policies and future distributed energy systems, power to gas technologies, 04
transition to 100 % renewables: perspective and prospective.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To understand the supply and demand side management of various energy sources.
To acquire knowledge about the critical role that IT and Internet are poised to play in the transformation of the
entire energy eco-system.
To understand the machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technologies, and their
applications to energy supply and demand.
CO4 To understand the sustainability, expected future direction and policies of renewable energy.

Text books/ References

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand 2012
Response”, CRC Press.
Q. Sun and L. Yang, "From independence to interconnection — A review of AI 2019
2 technology applied in energy systems," in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems,
vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 21-34, March 2019, doi: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2018.00830.
3 Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai “Integration of Green and Renewable 2009
Energy in Electric Power Systems”, Wiley.
Weng G., Zhang Y., Hu Y, “Application of Artificial Intelligence Technique in 2009
4 Distributed Generation System,” Advances in Neural, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol 5552. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
5 Miadreza Shafie-khah, “Blockchain-Based Smart Grids” Elsevier. 2020
Chenghua Zhang, Jianzhong Wu, Yue Zhou, Meng Cheng, Chao Long, “Peer-to-Peer 2018
energy trading in a Microgrid,” Applied Energy, Volume 220, 2018, Pages 1-12.
N. Javaid et al., "An Intelligent Load Management System With Renewable Energy 2017
Integration for Smart Homes," in IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 13587-13600, 2017.
I. Antonopoulos et al., “Artificial intelligence and machine learning approaches to energy 2020
8 demand-side response: A systematic review,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, Volume 130, 2020, 109899.
Course Name : Grid Integration of Renewable Systems
Course Code : EL2015
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of the distributed generation systems, to
identify emerging issues with it, and thus understand the requirements for the correct integration of renewable energies
into the power grid. To understand power electronic components necessary for integration to include inverters and their

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Basics of power processing – AC-DC conversion, DC-DC conversion, DC-AC conversion, AC-AC
conversion; solar power systems – introduction to solar power, processing of solar power; wind
1 06
power systems- basics of wind power generation, wind turbines, generator and topologies; grid
integration – operation paradigms of power systems, requirements for grid integration, issues in
renewable energy integration to grid, power quality issues, reference frames.
Power Flow Control
Current proportional–integral control : synchronously rotating reference (dq) frame, natural (abc)
frame; current proportional- resonant control : control structure in stationary reference (αβ) frame,
2 10
abc frame; synchro-converters : grid friendly inverters that mimic synchronous generators, parallel
operation of inverters, conventional droop control, limitations of conventional droop control, robust
droop control for R, C and L inverters.
Voltage and Current Source Converters to Integrate Renewable Energy to Grid
Single phase voltage source and current source converter, three phase voltage source and current
3 12
source converter, voltage and current mode control, real/reactive power controller, controlled-
frequency voltage source converter system, variable frequency voltage source converter system.
Conventional synchronization techniques: zero-crossing method, phase locked loop (PLL), PLL in
the synchronously rotating reference frame (SRF-PLL), second-order generalized integrator-based
4 09
(SOGI-PLL), sinusoidal tracking algorithm, sinusoidal-locked loops: single-phase synchronous
machine (SSM) connected to the grid, structure of a sinusoidal-locked loop, tracking of frequency
and phase, tracking of voltage amplitude, parameters tuning.
Grid Codes and Stabilization
5 Grid standards and codes, IEEE standard 1547 etc., demand side management, weak-grid, voltage 05
source inverter stability in weak grid, grid stability.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
To apply advanced knowledge of electrical power system operations and control to analyse the challenges and
opportunities for distributed renewable generation in both large interconnected grid and microgrid settings.
To describe the principles and requirements of the next generation future power network, incorporating
distributed generation and storage and demand management.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Vittal V, Ayyanar R, “Grid Integration and Dynamic Impact of Wind Energy”, Springer. 2012
Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, “Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and 2011
Wind Power Systems” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Qing-Chang Zhong, Tomas Hornik., “Control of Power Inverters in Renewable Energy and 2012
Smart Grid Integration”, Wiley-IEEE Press.
Amirnaser Yazdani, Reza Iravani. , “Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems: 2012
Modeling, Control, and Applications”, Wiley-IEEE Press.
Course Name : Restructured and Deregulated Power Systems
Course Code : EL2016
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of economic issues in power sector, power
system de-regulation, restructuring, market reforms, transmission planning and pricing issues.
Total No. of Lectures – 42
Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Deregulation of Electricity Supply Industries
Introduction to deregulation, different entities in deregulated electricity markets, background of
1 deregulation around the world, benefits from competitive electricity markets, different key issues of 07
competitive electricity markets, market clearing Price (MCP) - market operations: day-ahead and hour-
ahead Markets, elastic and inelastic demand, technical challenges.
Market Evolution Around the World
US Markets, The ERCOT market, PJM market, Nordic markets, comparison of power markets; Indian
scenario: evolution of integrated, monopoly, state electricity boards (SEBs), introduction to various
institutions in Indian power sector such as CEA, planning commission, PFC, Ministry of Power, state and
2 07
central governments, REC, financial institutions, PTC, utilities and their roles, challenges before Indian
power sector, reform initiatives -1990-95. Availability based tariff (ABT), electricity act 2003 and various
National policies and guidelines under the act, open access issues, introduction to Indian energy exchange
and its working.
Market Models
Market models based on energy trading, contractual agreement: pool & bilateral models, different
3 independent models, role of ISO, market power, bidding and auction mechanisms, optimal power flow, 08
economical load dispatch and unit commitment in deregulated environment, market models in Indian
market context and power trading in India.
Electricity Pricing, Transmission Open Access
Electricity pricing, electricity price volatility, measuring volatility, challenges to electricity pricing,
methods to framework process physical power; introduction to open access, issues in open access, power
wheeling, wheeling charges, cost component in transmission pricing, open access definition, grid system
4 in India, ISTS, pricing process, determination of transmission charges, methods of transmission pricing,- 08
MW mile method, postage stamp method, contract path method, need for slabs, short run and long run
marginal transmission price structure, development in international transmission pricing, reactive power
pricing structure, and its calculation for generator’s reactive support, structure of power transmission in
India, numerical examples, impact of FACTS devices on transmission pricing.
Transmission Congestion Management
Transmission congestion, impact of transmission congestion, different methods of congestion
management, financial transmission right, flow gate rights, market power and congestion issues, numerical
5 06
examples, international experiences of transmission congestion
management, security management: spinning reserves, interruptible load options, definitions, principles of
ATC determination, factors affecting ATC.
Electricity Trading and Hedging Tools
Energy trading- objectives of energy trading, instruments of energy trading, forward and future contracts;
6 06
risk in electricity markets, hedging and hedger, insurance companies, sources of electricity market risks,
value at risk, counterparty risk.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of economic issues in power sector, power system de-regulation, restructuring, market
reforms, transmission planning and pricing issues.
Acquire knowledge of deregulated markets in India and around the world.
Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 LaiLio Lee, Power System Restructuring and Deregulation. John Wiley and Sons, UK 2012
BhattacharyaK, Bollen MHT and DoolderJC, Operation of Restructured Power Systems,
2 1998
Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA
3 ShahidehpourM et al., Market Operations in Electric Power Systems, John Wiley and Sons 2002
4 IlicM, Power Systems Restructuring-Engineering and Economics, Kluwer Int. Series 2008
PhilipsonLorrin, WillisH Lee, Understanding Electric Etilities and De-regulation, Marcel
5 2006
Dekker Pub
Fundamentals of Power System Economics by Daniel Kirschen and Goran Strbac, John Wiley &
6 2004
Sons Ltd,
Operation of Restructured Power Systems Kankar Bhattacharya, Jaap E. Daadler, Math H.J
7 2001
Bollen, Kluwer Academic Pub.
8 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108/101/108101005/# 2012
Course Name : Smart Grid Technologies
Course Code : EL2017
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of fundamentals of smart grid technologies
such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations, microgrid and distributed energy sources, power
quality management in smart grid, information and communication technology for smart grid.

Total No. of Lectures - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Smart Grid
Evolution of electric grid, concept of smart grid, definitions, need of smart grid, functions of smart
1 grid, opportunities & barriers of smart grid, difference between conventional & smart grid, concept of 05
resilient & self-healing grid, present development & international policies in smart grid, case study of
smart grid, CDM.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 1
Introduction to smart meters, real time/dynamic pricing including ToD pricing, automatic meter
reading (AMR), advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), outage management system (OMS), plug in
2 hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), vehicle to grid, smart sensors, smart appliances and building 10
management systems (BMS), energy management systems (EMS), customer empowerment and
engagement using technology and interactive applications and business analytics, work force
management and field force automation.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 2
Smart substations, substation automation, feeder automation, SCADA, assessment management
through condition based monitoring, geographic information system (GIS), intelligent electronic
3 09
devices (IED) & their application for monitoring & protection, grid storage like Battery, / SMES,
/pumped hydro, / compressed air energy storage, thermal Storage, wide area measurement
system(WAMS), phase measurement unit (PMU).
Microgrids and Distributed Energy Resources
Concept of micro grid, need & applications of micro grid, formation of micro grid, issues of
interconnection, protection & control of micro grid, variable speed wind generators, fuel cells, micro
4 12
turbines, captive power plants, integration of renewable energy sources, demand side management
through energy efficient/BEE rated appliances and automated demand response, load research, energy
audit tools to save wastage.
Power Quality Management in Smart Grid
Power quality & EMC in smart grid, power quality issues of grid connected renewable energy sources,
5 power quality conditioners for smart grid, Volt-Var optimization, reactive power compensation, asset 11
optimization using smart grid technologies, power management and management of peak load using
smart grid technologies.
Information and Communication Technology for Smart Grid
Home area network (HAN), / neighborhood area network (NAN), / wide area network (WAN).
different communication technologies and protocols like bluetooth, /Zig-Bee, /GPRS, /Wi-Fi, /Wi-
Max/RF/PLC based communication, mesh communication network etc., integrated communication
6 09
infrastructure with integrated network monitoring system, advanced business analytics, basics of
CLOUD computing & cyber security for smart grid, big data storage, convergence of operational
technology and information technology, ERP, significance of enterprise service bus (ESB) to
implement SOA, use of software as a service (SaaS) applications.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To analyze smart grid technologies such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations.
CO1 To analyze microgrid and distributed energy sources, power quality management in smart grid.
CO3 To analyze information and communication technology for smart grid for further power system applications.
Text / Reference Books
Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response”, CRC 2012
Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai “Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in 2009
Electric Power Systems”, Wiley.
Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, “Smart 2012
Grid: Technology and Applications”, Wiley.
4 Jean Claude Sabonnadière, Nouredine Hadjsaïd, “Smart Grids”, Wiley Blackwell. 2012
Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse, “Securing the Smart Grid”, Elsevier Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-59749- 2006
Peter S. Fox-Penner, “Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric 2010
Course Name : Energy Management and Energy Audit
Course Code : EL2018
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of energy management, energy
conservation and recycling, energy monitoring and targeting and will also be able to perform energy auditing

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Energy Scenario
Commercial and non-commercial energy, primary energy resources, commercial energy production,
final energy consumption, energy needs of growing economy, long term energy scenario, energy
1 06
pricing, energy sector reforms, energy and environment, energy security, energy conservation and its
importance, restructuring of the energy supply sector, energy strategy for the future, air pollution,
climate change. Energy Conservation Act-2001 and its features.
Basics of Energy and its Various Forms
Electricity tariff, load management and maximum demand control. Thermal basics: fuels, thermal
2 07
energy contents of fuel, temperature and pressure, heat capacity, sensible and latent heat, evaporation,
condensation, steam, moist air and humidity, heat transfer, units and conversion.
Energy Management and Audit
Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit. Energy management (audit) approach
understanding energy costs, benchmarking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement,
3 06
maximizing system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy
substitution, energy audit instruments. Material and energy balance: facility as an energy system,
methods for preparing process flow, material and energy balance diagrams.
Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems
Electrical system: electricity billing, electrical load management and maximum demand control, power
factor improvement and its benefit, selection and location of capacitors, performance assessment of PF
4 07
capacitors, distribution and transformer losses. Electric motors: types, losses in induction motors,
motor efficiency, factors affecting motor performance, rewinding and motor replacement issues,
energy saving opportunities with energy efficient motors.
Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems
Compressed air system: types of air compressors, compressor efficiency, efficient compressor
operation, compressed air system components, capacity assessment, leakage test, factors affecting the
performance and savings opportunities in HVAC. Fans and blowers: types, performance evaluation,
5 08
efficient system operation, flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities. Pumps and
pumping system: types, performance evaluation, efficient system operation, flow control strategies and
energy conservation opportunities. Cooling tower: types and performance evaluation, efficient system
operation, flow control strategies and energy saving opportunities, assessment of cooling towers.
Energy Efficient Technologies in Electrical Systems
Maximum demand controllers, automatic power factor controllers, energy efficient motors, soft starters
6 08
with energy saver, variable speed drives, energy efficient transformers, electronic ballast, occupancy
sensors, energy efficient lighting controls, energy saving potential of each technology.

List of Experiments (Any 10 to be performed): Number of

1 To Measure the battery charge-discharge capacity of secondary batteries. 01
2 To study and measure ground resistance 01
3 To study and measure insulation resistance of wire. 01
4 To study and measure leakage current in AC circuits 01
5 To study and measure high power in AC circuits 01
6 To study and measure wind velocity at different location 01
7 To study and measure humidity and temperature of different location 01
8 To study and measure energy loss in AC circuits 01
9 To study and measure dips and swells in AC circuits 01
10 To study and measure power and energy in AC circuits 01
11 To study and measure power inverter efficiency in AC circuits 01
12 To study and measure harmonics in AC circuits 01
13 To measure inrush current in AC circuits 01
14 Electrical tariff calculation 01
15 To study and measure unbalance in AC circuits 01
16 To study and measure power quality in AC circuits 01
17 To measure the vibration (frequency) intensity in different machine. 01
18 To measure the light intensity in different place. 01
19 To measure the flue gases in different types of fuels. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply the fundamental knowledge of energy management.
CO2 Apply concept of strategies and planning for energy conservation, recycling for energy monitoring and targeting.
CO3 Perform energy audit in the day to day activities involving industries, buildings and any field of life where energy
is involved.

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management by Abbi, Y.P. and Jain, S, Teri
1 2006
2 Handbook of Energy Audits by Albert Thumann, Terry Niehus and W. Younger, CRC Press 2008
3 Energy Engineering and Management by Amlan Chakrabarti, 2 nd Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2018
4 Energy Management Principles: Applications, Benefits, Savings, Elsevier 2016
Industrial Energy Management: Principles and Applications by Giovanni Petrecca, The Kluwer
5 1999
international series -207
6 Energy Management Handbook by W. C. Turner, John Wiley and sons. 2004
7 Utilization of Electrical Energy and Conservation by S. C. Tripathy, McGraw Hill, 1991
Guide books for National Certification Examination for Energy Managers and Energy Auditors
8 by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) (4 books). Available online for download at
Course Name : Advanced Control Systems
Course Code : EL2019
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of state variable analysis and design, digital
and optimal control, neural network of fuzzy systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
State Variable Analysis and Design
Introduction, concepts of state, state variables and state model, state models for linear continuous-time
1 13
systems, state variables, diagonalization, solution of state equations, concepts of controllability and
observability, different types of canonical forms.
Control System Design in State Space
2 Pole placement design using full state feedback-regulator and tracking systems, observers, full order 06
and reduced order observers, observer based compensator design.
Optimal Control Systems
Introduction, Parameter optimization: servomechanisms, optimal control problems: state variable
3 09
approach, the state regulator problem, the infinite-time regulator problem, the output regulator and the
tracking problems.
Introduction of Digital Control
Digital control systems: advantages and disadvantages of digital control, representation of sampled
4 06
process, z-transform, z-transfer function, inverse-transform and response of linear discrete systems, z-
transform analysis of sampled-data control systems, z-and s-domain relationship.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
5 Introduction to neural networks and fuzzy systems, intelligent control, models of neural networks and 08
fuzzy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of state variable analysis and design.
CO2 Acquire knowledge of digital and optimal control systems.
CO3 Acquire knowledge of neural network and fuzzy systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age Intl. Pvt. Ltd. 1993
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata. 2010
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Digital Control State variable methods by M Gopal. 2003
Course Name : Electrical Instrumentation and Process Control
Course Code : EL2020
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objective:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various types of control strategies and
components used in industrial process control.

Total No. of Lecture - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Sensors and Transducers
Basic concepts and working principles of sensors and transducers for measuring process variables
1 10
like pressure, temperature, level and flow; electromechanical, capacitive, inductive, resistive and
photoelectric type proximity sensors.
Concepts of System and Process
Response of first order systems including transfer function and transient response to different
2 06
forcing functions, introduction to process control loop and salient components, process control
Controller Principles
3 Process characteristics, control system parameters, discontinuous controller modes, continuous 05
controller modes, composite control modes.
Analog Controllers
4 07
General features, electronic controllers, pneumatic controllers, design considerations.
Digital Controllers
5 06
Digital simulation of control systems, microprocessor-based controller.
Control Loop Characteristics
6 Control system configuration, multivariable control system, control system quality and stability, 07
process loop tuning.
Control Equipment and Final Control Elements
Details of controllers including measurement unit, comparator, actuator and final control elements;
7 pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic actuators; control valve characteristic, pneumatic to electric and 10
electric to pneumatic converters, hydraulic and pneumatic power supply system.
Programmable Logic Controllers
8 05
Relay controllers and ladder diagrams, relay sequences, PLC operation and programming.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the basic design techniques in process control
CO2 Understand different types of controllers used in process control

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Process Systems Analysis and Control by Coughanowr and LeBlanc, Third Edition, McGraw-
1 2009
Process Control Instrumentation Technology by C.D. Johnson, 8 thEd.,Prentice Hall of India
2 2008
Private Limited
3 Process Control by Harriott Peter, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2008
4 Process Controls : Principles and Applications by S. Bhanot, Oxford Higher Educations 2008
Advanced Control System Technology by Chemsmond C.J., Wilson and Lepla,Viva Books
5 2004
6 Sensors and Transducers by D. Patranabis, PHI Learning Private Limited 2013
7 Programmable Logic Controllers by J. W. Webb & R. A. Reis; Pearson Education India 2015
Course Name : Electric Drives
Course Code : EL2021
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of fundamental concepts of electric drives, and
analyse speed control & braking of DC and AC machines using power electronic converters.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Electric Drives
The power semiconductor drive and its elements, dynamics of the motor load system, the converter
1 05
motor system, speed control and multi-quadrant operation, review of torque-speed characteristics of
DC motors including motoring and braking.
Phase Controlled Converter DC Drives
2 Single-phase and three-phase half, full and dual converter controlled DC drives, torque-speed 08
characteristics and braking of converter fed DC drives, closed loop control.
Chopper Controlled DC Drives
3 05
Single and multi-quadrant converter control, motoring and braking operations, closed loop control.
Induction Motor Drives
4 Equivalent circuits, torque-speed characteristics, operations with unbalanced source voltages and non- 06
sinusoidal supply, starting, speed control and braking, multi-quadrant control.
AC Regulators Controlled Induction Motor Drives
5 03
AC regulators circuits, four-quadrant control and closed loop operation.
Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drives
6 Variable frequency (constant E/f and V/f) control of induction motor fed from VSI and CSI, multi- 07
quadrant operation, closed loop control, control of slip-ring induction motor.
Synchronous Motor Drives and Control
7 CSI-fed synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed 04
brushless DC motor drives.
Special Drives
8 Switched reluctance motor (SRM): principle of operation, torque production, modes of operation; 04
stepper motors: principle of operation and types, torque production.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled thyristorized converter 01
2 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper 01
3 To obtain four quadrant operation of DC motor using IGBT based DC chopper 02
4 To obtain speed control performance of induction motor using v/f control 02
5 Speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled and semi controlled thyristorized
converter and compare various AC and DC side performance parameters
6 Speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper and evaluate the performance using
different chopping frequencies
7 Speed control of induction motor using v/f control and obtain dynamic behaviour of the machine when
changing from one frequency to another
8 Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital controller 01
9 Speed control of BLDC motor drive using digital controller. 01
10 Speed control of switched reluctance motor using digital controller. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand fundamental concepts of Electric Drives.
CO2 Analyze various power electronic controllers for AC and DC drives
CO3 Analyze and compare closed loop control strategies for AC and DC Drives.

Text/ Reference Books:

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
G. K. Dubey, “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New 1989
2 G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, Narosa publishing House. 2010
G K Dubey, S R Doradla, A Joshi, RMK Sinha, “Thyristorised Power Controllers” New age 2012
international publishers.
3 Bimal K. Bose “Modern power electronics and AC drives” Pearson Education, Asia. 2003
4 B.N. Sarkar, “Fundamental of Industrial Drives”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. 2011
5 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electrical Drives, 3 rd edition”, Springer. 2001
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design,” John Wiley and sons.
7 P C Sen, “Thyristor DC Drives”, wiley-interscience publication. 1981
8 Ned Mohan, “First Course on power electronics and drives”, MNPERE. 2011
9 PiotrWach, “Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives”, Springer. 2011
10 S. K. Pillai, “A First Course on Electrical Drives”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 2012
Course Name : Power Conditioning
Course Code : EL2022
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the various power quality issues. To
understand the active compensation techniques used for reactive power compensation, load balancing, power factor
correction and load voltage regulation.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power Quality
Overview and definition of power quality (PQ), sources of harmonic pollution, international power
quality standards and regulations, power quality monitoring, power quality problems, loads which
1 05
causes power quality problems, power quality measures and standards - IEEE guides, standards and
recommended practices, IEC standards, harmonics: important harmonic introducing devices, effect of
power system harmonics on power system equipment and loads.
Power Definitions and Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory
Concepts and evolution of electric power theory, electric power definitions; instantaneous power
2 theory: basis of the p-q theory, Clarke transformation, p-q theory application to 3φ-3 wire and 3φ-4 10
wire systems; modified p-q theory, instantaneous abc theory, comparison of p-q theory and
instantaneous abc theory, synchronous reference frame theory and applications.
Harmonic Problems in Power System
Harmonic effects within the power system, interference with communication lines, harmonic
3 10
measurements, harmonic elimination - using active (shunt, series and hybrid) and passive (shunt and
series) filters.
Power Conditioners
Power factor correction, zero voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, load balancing using
4 load compensation techniques: passive shunt and series compensation, DSTATCOM (Distribution 10
Static Compensators), DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorers), UPQC (Universal Power Quality
Improved Power Quality Converters
Single ac-dc converters, bridgeless isolated converter, bridgeless non-isolated converters, multi-pulse
5 07
converters, multilevel converters, line commutated converters, power quality improvement in SMPS,
UPS, drives, welding systems, lighting systems, and renewable energy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply various concepts of power conditioning.
CO2 Design converters for harmonic mitigation.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
H. Akagi, E.H. Watanabe and M. Aredes, “Instantaneous power Theory and applications to 2007
Power Conditioning,” IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons.
Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality: Problems and Mitigation 2015
Techniques,” Wiley.
3 J. Arrilaga and N.R Watson, “Power System Harmonics,” John Wiley and Sons. 2003
A.E. Emanuel, “Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow,” IEEE Press, 2010
John Wiley and Sons.
TP.S. Revuelta, S.P. Litrán, J.P. Thomas, “Active Power Line Conditioners: Design, Simulation 2016
and Implementation,” Elsevier publications.
Course Name : Advanced Power Electronics
Course Code : EL2023
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of analyze, evaluate and design advanced
switching techniques for DC-DC converters, multilevel DC-AC converters, AC-DC converters and multipulse converters
for power quality improvement.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Non-isolated DC-DC Converters
Non-isolated switch mode dc-dc converters: converter transfer function, buck, boost, buck-boost,
1 05
fourth order converters, bipolar output voltage converters, effect of converter non-idealities, switch
utilization factor.
Isolated DC-DC Converters
Isolated switch mode converters: transformer circuit configurations, buck derived isolated converters-
2 04
single ended forward converter, half & full bridge converter, push pull converter, boost derived
isolated converters.
Soft-Switched Converters
Soft switching dc-dc converters: resonant converters, ZCS and ZVS topologies, generalized analysis of
3 04
ZCS, zero voltage and zero current transition converters; voltage and current mode control of PWM
DC-AC Inverters and Fault Diagnosis
Methods of harmonic reduction, current source inverter, variable DC link inverter, boost inverter,
4 05
introduction to inverter circuit design, three-phase inverter- open circuit & short-circuit fault diagnosis,
fault tolerance techniques.
Multilevel Inverters
Multilevel inverters: introduction and basic concept, types of multilevel inverters (diode clamp, flying
5 capacitor, cascaded), switching device currents, DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, features of 06
multilevel converters, applications of multilevel inverters: reactive power compensation, back to back
intertying and adjustable speed drives.
Resonant Inverters
6 Resonant pulse inverters: introduction, series and parallel resonant inverters, ZVS and ZCS resonant 05
AC-DC Rectifiers
Line commutated rectifiers: 1ø and 3ø half and fully controlled rectifier configurations with R, RL and
RLE load. Continuous and discontinuous conduction mode; definitions of fundamental real power (P)
7 06
and reactive power (Q) of converters and associated VAR Diagrams, effect of source inductance on
output voltage, phase control of output voltage and inverter mode (line commutated inverter),
necessary precautions in the inverter mode.
Harmonic Reduction in Multi-pulse AC-DC Rectifiers
8 Multi pulse methods for harmonics reduction: introduction to multi pulse methods for reduction of 02
harmonics: principle of cancellation of harmonics.
Phase-Shift AC-DC Converter and PWM Rectifiers
Determination of phase shift and vector representation, analysis of 12-pulse converter (Wye-Wye and
9 05
Wye-Delta) configuration for 30-degree phase shift, introduction to PWM rectifiers: power factor
corrected rectifiers.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of isolated DC-DC converters. 02
2 To study the operation of non-isolated DC-DC converters. 01
3 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
4 To simulate the full bridge converters. 01
5 To study the operation of voltage source and current source inverter. 02
6 Operation of variable DC link inverter. 01
7 To study the operation of multilevel inverter. 01
8 To simulate power factor corrected rectifier. 01
9 To simulate the resonant inverters. 01
10 To study the operation of 3-phase line commutated rectifier. 01
11 To study the operation of power factor corrected rectifier. 01
12 DSP based control of PFC rectifier. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze, evaluate and design advanced switching techniques for DC-DC converters.
CO2 Analyze advanced switching strategies of DC-AC converters and analyze multilevel DC-AC converters.
CO3 Analyze advanced AC-DC converters and multi-pulse converters for power quality improvement.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
B.R.Pelly, “Thyristor Phase Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters”, John Wiley and 1971
2 L Gyugyi and B.R.Pelly, “Static Power Frequency Changers”, John Wiley and Sons. 1976
Guy Seguier, Christian Rombaut and Robert Bausiere “Power electronic Converters: Volume 1987
2 AC-AC Conversion”, North Oxford Academic Publishers.
4 R.S.Ramshaw, “Power Electronic Semiconductor switches”, Chapman and Hall. 1994
R.W.Erickson and DraganMaksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, KLUWER 2004
Academic Publishers.
M H Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India 2013
Pvt Ltd.
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design”, John Wiley and sons.
Marian K Kazimierczuk, “Pulse-width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters”, John Wiley 2008
and Sons.
Course Name : Electric Vehicles
Course Code : EL2024
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of impart knowledge on electric and hybrid
vehicle operation and architectures. Impart knowledge on energy storage and electric machines technologies for the
electric vehicles.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EV) development, past, present and future, comparison with IC engine drive
vehicles, social and environmental importance of hybrid and electric vehicles, impact of modern drive-
1 trains on energy supplies, basics of vehicle performance, vehicle power source characterization, 07
transmission characteristics. Mathematical models to describe vehicle performance, basic concept of
hybrid traction, introduction to various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow control in hybrid
drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Propulsion Unit
Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles, different types of motors used
2 in EV and their torque-speed characteristics, configuration and control of DC motor drives, 10
configuration and control: induction motor, permanent magnet motor, switch reluctance motor drives;
drive system efficiency.
Energy Storage in Vehicles
Introduction to energy storage requirements in hybrid and electric vehicles, storage types: battery,
3 09
supercapacitor, flywheel, and fuel cell based energy storage and its analysis; hybridization of different
energy storage devices.
Battery Chargers
4 Fundamentals of EV battery pack design, AC and DC Chargers, low voltage DC fast charger for 03
electric vehicles, alternate charging sources – wireless & solar, battery management system.
Power Converters in Electric Drive Vehicles
5 Converter topologies: bidirectional DC-DC converters, bidirectional T-type converter, resonant 03
converter, multilevel two-quadrant converter, PWM inverters.
Energy Management and Control Strategies
Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles, classification of
6 06
different energy management strategies, comparison of different energy management strategies,
implementation issues of energy management strategies.
Electric Vehicle Case Studies
7 Design of a battery electric vehicle (BEV), design of fuel cell electric vehicle, design of hybrid electric 04
vehicle, design of more electric aircraft.

Number of
List of Experiments:
1 To obtain the performance of lead-acid and li-ion battery energy storage. 02
2 To obtain the performance of supercapacitor. 01
3 To simulate lead-acid/li-ion battery and supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system. 02
4 To simulate the I-V characteristics of fuel cell. 01
5 To obtain the difference in performance of AC and DC chargers. 01
6 To simulate the DC fast chargers for electric vehicles (EV). 01
7 To simulate the battery management system. 01
8 To obtain the performance of bidirectional DC-DC converters. 01
9 To simulate sine PWM inverters. 01
10 To obtain the performance of – permanent magnet, induction and switched reluctance motors. 02
11 To simulate the battery based EV. 01
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Develop the electric propulsion unit and its control for application of electric vehicles.
CO2 Analyse different power converter topology used for electric vehicle application.
CO3 Interpret working of different configurations of electric vehicles and its components, hybrid vehicle
configuration, performance analysis and energy management strategies in HEVs.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Iqbal Husain, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals”, 3rd edition CRC Press. 2021
2 Tom Denton, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Taylor & Francis. 2018
Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, Kambiz M. Ebrahimi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid 2018
Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles”, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
4 John Miller, “Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles,” Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK. 2004
Chris Mi, M A Masrur, D W Gao, “ Hybrid Electric Vehicles – Principles and applications with 2011
practical perspectives,” Wiley.
6 James Larminie, John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, Wiley. 2003
7 C.M. Jefferson & R.H. Barnard, “ Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion,” WIT Press. 2002
Course Name : Optimal Control Systems
Course Code : EL2025
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge about various optimal control notions and
develop optimal control techniques for various kinds of systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Introduction
Introduction to optimization, optimal control issues and frame work.
State Feedback Control
2 State feedback for regulation and tracking, observer based compensators and separation property, 10
steady state tracking with observer based compensators, related examples.
Optimal Control: General mathematical procedures
3 Formulation of optimal control problem, performance indices, calculus of variation, minimum 10
principle, dynamic programming, related examples.
Optimal Feedback Control
Linear state regulator, continuous time linear state regulator, use of linear regulator to solve other
4 10
linear optimal control problems, Minimum time control of LTI systems, stability analysis, related
Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control
5 Stochastic processes and linear systems, optimal estimation for linear continuous & discrete time 07
systems, stochastic optimal linear regulator, stability analysis, related examples.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Design and analyze the closed loop system with linear state feedback control laws.
CO2 Design the observers and observer based controllers.
CO3 Implement stochastic optimal control concepts on the different control problems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited. 2015
Linear State-space Control Systems by Robert L Williams II & Douglas A. Lawrence, John 2007
Wiley & Sons, INC.
3 Linear Optimal Control by B D O Anderson and J B Moore, Prentice Hall. 1990

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Dynamic Programming by R E Bellman, Princeton University Press. 1957
2 Introduction Stochastic Control Theory by K J Astrom, Academic Press.
Course Name : Distributed Generation
Course Code : EL2026
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of importance of DG, various available
generation technologies. Gain knowledge regarding the interconnection standards. Know the importance of power
electronics for DG applications. Understand the impact of DG integration on power quality, transmission system operation
and power system protection.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction: sources of energy-solar, wind, combined heat and power, hydro, tidal, wave, geo-thermal;
interface with the grid: direct machines coupling with grid, full power electronic coupling, partial 06
power electronic coupling, distributed power electronic interface, impact of type of interface on gird.
Interconnection Issues and Standards
Intermittence issues, regulatory and interconnection standards-IEEE 1547/ framework, constraints on
2 operational parameters: voltage, frequency, THD, Response to grid abnormal operating conditions, 06
fault Ride Through (FRT) Capabilities.
Technical regulations for interconnection
Overview of technical regulations, active power control, frequency control, voltage control, technical
3 solutions for new interconnection rules. Feasibility of integrating large-scale grid connected DG, 06
policy, market and regulatory interventions, regulatory challenges, viability of DG integration in
deregulated electricity market.
Power Electronics and DG Systems
Relevance of power electronics in DG applications, power quality requirements and source switching
using SCR based static switches, power converter topologies, model and specifications for DG 10
4 applications, filter designs, harmonic reduction. Control of DG inverters: phase locked loops, current
control and DC voltage control for stand-alone and grid parallel operations; control objectives: constant
P-Q, constant current, P-V control, P-f and Q-V droop controls, virtual synchronous generator
Transmission System Operation in the Presence of DG
Impact on transmission system, fundamentals of transmission system operation, frequency control
5 balancing and reserves, prediction of production and consumption, restoration after blackout, voltage 10
stability, kinetic energy and inertia constant, frequency stability and angular stability, fault ride through,
storage, increasing hosting capacity.
Impact on Power Quality
5 Fast voltage fluctuations, voltage unbalance, low frequency harmonics, high frequency distortion,
voltage dips, increasing hosting capacity.
Protection System in the Presence of DG
Over current protection, failure of over current relay coordination, blinding of protective relays,
excessive fault current, generator protection, increasing hosting capacity; unintentional islanding: anti-
islanding relays, anti-islanding standards, types of islanding detection schemes-active, passive,
communication and hybrid for synchronous generator and inverter based DGs; super conduction fault 10
current limiter, adaptive relay coordination schemes for over current relay coordination.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Familiarize with objectives of distributed generation, different distributed generation technologies and
interconnection standards.
CO2 Understand the importance of power electronics for DG integration.
CO3 Familiarize with different control objectives of DGs.
CO4 Gain knowledge regarding the issues with DG adoption.
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
Renewable Energy- Power for a sustainable future, third edition, Edited by Godfrey Boyle,
1 2013
Oxford University Press,
Amirnaser Yezdani, and Reza Iravani, “Voltage Source Converters in Power Systems:
2 2009.
Modeling, Control and Applications”, IEEE John Wiley Publications
Dorin Neacsu, “Power Switching Converters: Medium and High Power”, CRC Press, Taylor
3 2006
& Francis
Microgrids: Architectures and Control, Nikos Hatziargyriou (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-
4 2013
72068-4, 340 pages, December 2013, Wiley-IEEE Press
Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks, S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury and P.
5 2009
Crossley, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, U.K
Integration of distributed generation in power systems, Math Bollen and Fainan Hassan,
6 2011
Wiley-IEEE press
Technical literatures- research papers published in power system and power electronics
related reputed journals and IEEE standards.
Course Name : Power Electronics in Renewable Energy System
Course Code : EL2027
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge on the selection of suitable power converter
for renewable energy application. To impart knowledge on the design power converter for renewable energy system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Potential of renewable energies in India’s future power generation, need of power electronics for
1 02
power generation from renewable sources, impact of power electronics on energy system, challenges
of the current energy scenario: the power electronics contribution.
Solar PV Systems
Solar PV characteristics, grid requirement for PV, power electronic converters used for solar PV,
2 10
control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding mode, grid synchronization, PLLs, battery
charging in PV systems, matrix converters.
Wind Energy Conversion
Wind turbine characteristics, grid requirement for wind, PMSM and DFIG for wind generators, power
3 08
electronic converters for PMSM and DFIG, control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding
Electrolyzer and Fuel Cells Systems
Introduction to fuel cell and electrolyzer, types of fuel cells, power converter for electrolyzer
4 10
operation, PV based green hydrogen generation, power converters for fuel cell application, series-
parallel connections of power converters.
Power Electronic Converters and Control for Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Need for hybrid systems, types of hybrid systems, multi-input single output converters, multi-input
5 multi-output power converters, cascade operation of converters, parallel operation of converters, AC- 12
DC-AC converters, MPPT and off-MPPT mode operation of converters, model predictive control
technique for hybrid renewable energy system, concept of microgrid and coordinated control.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain solar PV characteristics. 01
2 To study the operation of buck and boost converter for solar PV system. 01
3 To simulate solar PV MPPT using P&O and INC algorithm. 02
4 To simulate solar PV system in grid-connected mode. 01
5 To study the operation of solar PV system in islanding mode. 01
6 To simulate matrix converter for solar PV application. 01
7 To obtain electrolyzer and fuel cell characteristics. 02
8 Parallel operation of DC-DC converters for hybrid renewable sources. 01
9 Parallel operation of DC-AC inverters for hybrid renewable energy system. 01
10 To study the operation of series-parallel connected DC-DC converters. 01
11 Energy management strategy of hybrid renewable energy system. 01
12 To obtain the performance of hybrid battery-supercapacitor energy storage system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Design different power converters namely AC to DC, DC to DC and DC to AC converters for renewable energy
CO2 To provide knowledge about the stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems.
Text/ Reference books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2014
Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications,” Wiley.
Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, “Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and 2011
Wind Power Systems” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Suleiman M. Sharkh, Mohammad A. Abu-Sara, Georgios I. Orfanoudakis, Babar Hussain, 2014
“Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Sudipta Chakraborty, Marcelo G. Simões, William E. Kramer, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2013
and Distributed Energy Systems” Springer.
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, “Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy” CRC 2013
M. H. Nehrir, C. Wang, “Modeling and Control of Fuel Cells: Distributed Generation 2009
Applications,” Wiley.
Course Name : Digital Applications in Industrial Power Engineering
Course Code : EL2028
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the digital technologies for effective
performance of power system, such as real time monitoring. Students should be in a position to identify major drawbacks
of digitization and their counter actions.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Transforming Electricity via Digitally-Interconnected Systems
Digital technologies for enhancement of power-generation operations (such as for thermal generation
plant): combustion dynamics monitoring system, heat recovery steam generator tube-leak monitoring,
emission monitoring, leaking-valve prioritization, dynamic high-pressure steam temperature and flow
1 adjustment, air-in-leakage monitoring, heat tracing. 10
Tech-enabled Ecosystem
Automated monitoring, simple interface for operators, digital dispatching, predictive analytics,
automated worker and material preparations, end-to-end digital work management system, real time
fuel tracking, centralized control rooms, management based on data.
New Trends in Energy Sector
Three-Ds and S+3E trend in energy sector, evolution of digital engineering, building information
2 10
modelling (BIM), virtual and augmented reality, VR/AR, digital twinning. recharging the energy
industry with smart grids, big data, IOP.
SCADA Applications in Power Systems
3 (i) origins of SCADA, real time control, data acquisition, monitoring and event processing, (ii) field 06
practices of SCADA.
4 Definitions, applications, intervening systems, data requirements, outputs, measurements and 06
Data Handing in SCADA
5 Data storage, archiving and analysis, data aggregation, data transport, Smart grid, micro grids and 08
integration in power systems, smart metering.
Real Time monitoring Central Station and its Requirements
6 08
Hardware system configuration, protocol stack.
Disadvantages of Digitization and Remedies Cyber-sabotage, virus attacks on electrical systems,
7 08
data handling, malfunction of protective system, etc. Counter actions to overcome cross-cutting risks.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire the knowledge of digital technologies for effective performance of power system, such as real time
CO2 Students will be in a position to identify major drawbacks of digitization and their counter actions.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
William J. Dally, Stanford University, California, John W. Poulton, “Introduction To Digital
Systems Engineering,” University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Publisher: Cambridge
1 2012
University Press-1998, online: 2012.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139166980.002
William J. Dally, John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering,” Publisher
2 2008
Cambridge University Press Year 2008, ISBN 9781139927475
D.K. Kaushik, “Digital Electronics,” Publisher: Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi,
3 2005
John Crowe, Barrie Hayes-Gill, “ Introduction to Digital Electronics,” Engineering Books,
4 2021 (pdf format) https://www.engbookspdf.com/Electronic-Books/Complete-Digital-Design- 2021
Dr.M.K.Khedkar, Dr.G.M.Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
5 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010.
6 Relevant websites.
Course Name : Developing and Advanced Technologies in Power Sector
Course Code : EL2029
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of emergent technologies in power sector.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Developing Technologies
Smart grid, Na and Thermo-Electro-Chemical Converter, Betavoltaics, robotics and drones, IoT and
1 cloud computing, energy efficient lighting and electrical apparatus, Graphene Supercapacitors. Energy 06
systems from the viewpoint of 3E+S. 3E+S, emission reduction global options 2010-50. Indian
energy technology strategies and development activities.
Future Energy Sources
2 Renewable technologies, Flexible Generators, recycling radio waves, optical rectenna, pulp energy, 08
fuel from the sky.
Advances in RES
3 Concentrating solar power, Floating wind turbines, printable organic solar cells, biomass gasification 08
for power generation, microbial fuel cell for power generation,
Digitization of Power Sector
4 Digitally-interconnected power systems. Digital Technologies for enhancement of power-generation 10
operations, Tech-enabled ecosystem, smart grids, big data, IOP, energy storage.
Future Challenges in Power Sector
Optimization of generation portfolio, adoption of smart grids, distributed generation based on
5 10
renewable energies, efficiency improvement/ cost reduction, value driven regulations, Global Futures
Intelligence System (GFIS)-challenges in energy and science and technology.
Emerging Technologies in Power Sector
6 AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML applications in Power sector, Battery Energy Storage System, 14
Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of conversant with existing and emerging technologies in power sector.
CO2 Know about the future challenges in power sector.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 John Twideu and Tony Weir, “Renewal Energy Resources” BSP Publications, 2006. 2006
M.V.R. Koteswara Rao, “Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional” BSP
2 2006
Publications, 2006.
Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy Power For A Sustainable Future”, Oxford University
3 1996
Press. 1996
4 C.S. Solanki, “Renewal Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners” PHI Learning.
Peter Auer, "Advances in Energy System and Technology". Vol. 1 & II Edited by Academic
S. A. Abbasi, Naseema Abbasi, “Renewable energy sources and their environmental impact”,
6 2001
Prentice-Hall of India, 2001
7 S. L. Sah, “Renewable and novel energy sources”, M.I. Publications, 1995 1995
Dr. M. K. Khedkar, Dr.G.M. Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
8 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010
Power Systems of the Future
10 The Future of The Electric Grid 2011
Electric Energy Challenges of the Future
11 2012
Course Name : Power System Stability and Dynamics
Course Code : EL2030
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of Power system stability, machine, load and
frequency stability enhancement of stability.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power System Stability
States of operation & system security, stability problems faced by power systems, impact on power
1 06
system operation and control; concept of equilibria, small and large disturbance stability, single machine
infinite bus system.
Steady state stability
Use of load-flow studies for (i) steady state stability of power system, (ii) management of reactive power
2 resources, (iii) determination of available transmission capacity, (iv) margins to security and stability, 10
(v) congestion management in the transmission network. Importance of load flow study under pre-fault,
post fault power system operating conditions.
Transient stability
Review of swing equation and it’s solution by equal area criterion for (i) sudden change in mechanical
input, (ii) sudden loss of one of parallel lines, (iii) short circuit at one end of line, (iv) short circuit away
3 10
from line ends, (v) line reclosure. Swing equation solution by (i) indirect methods, (ii) direct method:
importance of synchronizing and damping torques, significance of fault clearing time, reclosure, in
terms of transient stability of power system; methods to enhance transient stability.
Small signal Stability (Dynamic Stability)
State space representation concept, eigen properties of the state vectors, characteristics of small – signal
stability problems, small signal stability of a single machine connected to infinite bus system through
4 10
Heffron-Phillips constants – Effects on excitation system – block diagram presentation with exciter and
AVR. Small signal stability of a multi machine connected to infinite bus system; methods for
enhancement of small signal stability.
Frequency Stability
Stability issues in interconnected power systems, definition of control area, – inter connected systems,
5 AGC in single area control – block diagram representation – steady state analysis – dynamic response – 10
proportional plus integral control; AGC multi area system – modeling – static and dynamic response –
tie line bias control.
Voltage Stability
Definition and classification of voltage stability, mechanism of voltage collapse, analytical concept of
6 voltage stability for a two-bus system, reactive power and voltage collapse. Expression for critical 10
receiving end voltage and critical power angle at voltage stability limit for a two-bus power system,
determination of voltage stability using sensitivity indicator, indices.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Power system stability
CO2 Machine, load, and frequency stability.
CO3 Enhancement of stability.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Prabha Kundur., “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1994
2 Taylor C.W. “Power Systems Voltage Stability”, McGraw Hill NY 1994
3 Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol I, Elements of stability 2017
Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol III, Synchronous Machines”, John
4 2017
Wiley & Sons
1. Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Wollenberg “Power Generation, Operation & Control” 3rd edition,
5 2013
John Wiley and Sons.
6 K.R. Padiyar, “Power systems Dynamics stability and control”, B.S. Publisher. 2003
Anderson P.M., and Foud A.,” Power system control and stability” John Wiley and Sons,
7 2006
8 Power System Dynamics & Stability’ P.Sauer & M.A.Pai , Prentice Hall, 1998 1998
Narain Hingorani, et al, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts And Technology Of Flexible AC
9 Transmission Systems,” IEEE Press Standard Publisher Distributors, Delhi-110006,1st Indian 2001
Course Name : Advance Power System Analysis
Course Code : EL2031
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the fundamentals of power system analysis.
To understand algorithms and mathematical foundation required for power system analysis.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Power Flow Studies
Review of 1-φ load - load flow studies using Y-bus, Gauss- Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Fast decoupled
power flow, Z-bus formulation for load flow solution, sparsity techniques, DC power flow. Distribution
1 10
systems load flow analysis- backward sweep forward sweep, direct approach-based load flow analysis,
Comparison of various methods of load flow solution, AC-DC load flow, inclusion of renewable energy
generation in load flow analysis.
Three Phase Networks
Three phase network elements, three phase balanced network, transformation matrices, three phase
2 unbalanced network elements; algorithm for formation of three phase bus impedance matrix; 06
modification of three-phase bus impedance matrix for changes in the network; 3-φ load flow analysis.

Network Fault and Contingency Analysis

Fault computation using Z-bus, short-circuit calculations for three phase networks using Z bus; 07
contingency analysis for power systems.
State Estimation in Power Systems
4 Introduction, basics of Least squares estimation technique, static state estimation of power systems, bad 05
data treatment, network observability and pseudo measurements, hybrid state estimation using SCADA
and PMU measurements, state estimation applications.
System Optimization
Strategy for two generator systems – generalized strategies– effect of transmission losses - sensitivity of
5 the objective function- formulation of optimal power flow-solution by Gradient method; optimal power
flow: solution of optimal power flow (OPF) – the gradient method, linear sensitivity analysis. LP
methods – with real power variables only – LP method with AC power flow variables and detailed cost
functions; security constrained optimal power flow; interior point algorithm; bus incremental costs.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the modelling, analyze the power system in the study state.
CO2 Apply the contingencies arising in the system under different conditions.
CO3 Do the state estimation from line measurements

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher
1 Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 2 nd edition. 2004
2 Grangier& Stevenson , “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill International Students Edition. 2003
3 P.M. Anderson, “Analysis of Faulted Power Systems”, IEEE Press Book. 1995
Glonn N. Stagg and ahmed H. El-Abiad, “Computer Methods in Power System Analysis” McGraw
4 Hill,International Edition 1988

5 George L.Kusic, “Computer-aided Powersystem Analysis”, Prentice Hall. 1986

6 J.Arrillaga, C.P. Amold and B.J. Harker, “Computer Modeling of Electrical Power Systems”, John 1983
7 M.A. Pai, “Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition 2017
8 O.I. Elgard, “Electric Energy Systems– An Introduction”, TataMcgraw Hill 1971
Course Name : Digital Power System Protection
Course Code : EL2032
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of overall idea of different types of static
relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in power system protection

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Philosophy of Protection
Qualities of relaying - definitions - characteristic functions; classification –analog-digital- numerical;
1 06
schemes and design-factors affecting performance –zones and degree of protection; faults-types and
evaluation; instrument transformers for protection.
Basic Elements of Digital Protection
Signal conditioning: transducers, surge protection, analog filtering, analog multiplexers, Conversion
2 subsystem: the sampling theorem, signal aliasing, error, sample and hold circuits, multiplexers, analog 09
to digital conversion, digital filtering concepts, the digital relay as a unit consisting of hardware and
Relay Units
Sequence networks-fault sensing data processing units- FFT and Wavelet based algorithms and
3 09
differential equation-based algorithms: phasor estimation techniques-DFT and least square estimation; -
travelling wave protection schemes.
Protection of Power System Apparatus
Protection of generators – transformer protection – magnetizing inrush current – application and
connection of transformer differential relays – transformer over current protection. Bus bar protection,
line protection, distance protection–long EHV line protection, power line carrier protection.
Recent Advances in Digital Power System Protection
5 Digital protection techniques based on wide area measurements with PMUs or FDRs, digital protection 09
techniques based on wireless technology (Wi-Fi- Wi-Max- Token Ring, etc.)

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and their sequence components using DFT 2
2 To develop code to compare the response of half cycle DFT, quarter cycle DFT and recursive DFT phasor 3
estimation algorithms during faults.
3 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and sequence components using least square 2
error phasor estimation algorithm
4 To develop code for distance relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
5 To develop code for directional relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
6 To develop code for differential protection scheme for transformers 2
7 To develop code for differential protection scheme for alternators 2

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of different types of static relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in
power system protection
CO2 Develop code for implementing protection algorithms.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
A T John and A K Salman- Digital protection for power systems-IEE power series-15, Peter 1994
Peregrines Ltd, UK, 1997.
T S. Madhav Rao, Power system protection static relays with microprocessor applications, Tata 1994
McGraw Hill Publication, 1994.
3 Badri Ram, D.N. Vishwakarma, Power system protection and switch gear, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
4 A. R.Warrington, Protective Relays, Vol .1&2, Chapman and Hall, 1973. 1973
5 Gerhard Ziegler-Numerical distance protection, Siemens, 2nd ed, 2006. 2013
6 S.R.Bhide “Digital Power System Protection” PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.2014. 2003
7 A.T. Johns and S. K. Salman, “Digital Protection of Power Systems”, IEEE Press, 1999. 2006
A.G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”, Wiley/Research 1998
studies Press, 2009.
9 L.P.Singh, “Digital protection”, New age publishers, 2 nd Edition 2017
Course Name : HVDC and FACTS
Course Code : EL2033
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of the control
and operation of high voltage DC and flexible AC Transmission system. Analyze the effect of different FACTs devices to
the operation and control of power system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to HVDC
1 Introduction to HVDC transmission, comparison of HVAC and HVDC, advantages and disadvantages 02
of HVDC and HVAC system.
HVDC Converters and Control
DC system components and their functions, converter configuration, principles of DC Link control and
converter control characteristics, types of converters for HVDC systems, firing angle, current and
2 extinction angle control, DC link power control, synchronization techniques for power converters. 10
HVDC controls, forced commutated HVDC converters, capacitor commutated converters for HVDC
applications, numerical examples on HVDC applications, voltage source converters for HVDC
systems, modern HVDC trends.
Power Flow and Harmonic Analysis
Mechanism of active and reactive power flow control, reactive power in AC systems, the reactive
power load of a converter, reactive power sources within a converter station, controlling converter
3 09
reactive power, voltage step changes, effects of harmonics in AC power systems, sources of harmonics
in AC power systems, pulse number and harmonic cancellation. DC harmonics, characteristic and non-
characteristic harmonics, harmonic filter design, types of filters.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
Definition of FACTS, constraints of maximum transmission line loading, benefits of FACTS,
uncompensated line, shunt and series compensation, phase angle control, SVC and STATCOM,
4 operation and control of: TSC, TRC and STATCOM. Compensator control, TSSC, SSSC, static 10
voltage and phase angle regulators: TCVR and TCPAR, operation and control applications; UPFC:
circuit arrangement, basic principle of P and Q control, independent real and reactive power flow
control, Sen transformer.
Power Flow Control Using FACTS
Introduction to interline power flow controller, compensation devices, STS, SSC, SVR, backup energy
5 supply devices, special purpose FACTS controllers, thyristor controlled voltage limiter and voltage 11
regulator, thyristor controlled braking resistor and current limiter, system static and dynamic
performance improvement with FACTS controllers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Compare EHV AC and HVDC system and to describe various types of DC links.
CO2 Choose proper FACTS controller for the specific application based on system requirements.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 K.R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission System” New Age Intl. Co. 2002
N.G Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible 2001
AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
V.K. Sood, “HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power 2008
3 Systems,”
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4 T. J. E Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,” John Wiley & Sons. 2010
Course Name : Design and Realization of Power Converters
Course Code : EL2034
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of information about power converter circuit

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Semiconductor Devices
Ratings and specifications of power semiconductor devices: silicon MOSFET, silicon carbide
1 05
MOSFET, gallium nitride FET, IGBT, static and dynamic characteristics of switching devices, losses
in power semiconductor devices – switching and conduction losses.
Design of Driver Circuits
2 Necessity of isolation, pulse transformer, opto-coupler, gate drive circuits - silicon and silicon carbide 06
MOSFET gate driver, IGBT gate driver, gallium nitride gate driver.
Design of Protection Circuits
3 MOSFET and IGBT protection circuit, snubber circuit, overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, 04
gate protection.
Design of Power Electronic Circuit
Selections of components, different sections of power converters, types of grounds - analog and power
4 ground, multi-layer printed-circuit-boards (PCB), power PCB, issue of signal integrity, PCB design, 11
harness design, bus bar structure, electromagnetic interference (EMI), conducted and radiated EMI,
EMI filters, different types of capacitors for power electronics applications.
Design of Magnetics
Core materials- ferrite core, powder core, amorphous core, METGLASS core; core types – toroidal,
5 05
laminated core; selection of winding wire – litz wire; bobbin, high frequency inductor design for non-
isolated power converters, high frequency transformer design for isolated power converters.
Thermal Design
Electrical analogy of thermal components- thermal resistance and impedance, temperature rise, heat
6 04
sink, guidance for heat sink selection – mounting types, thermal calculations, cooling methods, thermal
protection, enclosure design.
Converter Product Design
7 03
Packaging of power converter, art in power electronic product design.
Design Consideration of Power Converters
8 04
Case studies for design of rectifiers, inverters, SMPS, UPS and resonant converters.

Number of
List of Experiments:
1 LT spice simulation of power semiconductor devices. 01
2 LT spice simulation of power converters. 01
3 Performance of gate driver circuit. 01
4 An experimental study on MOSFET/IGBT protection circuit. 02
5 PCB design using Eagle PCB software/design spark PCB. 01
6 PCB design for various power converters. 02
7 High frequency inductor and transformer design. 02
8 To obtain the performance of rectifiers. 01
9 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
10 Implementations of DC/DC buck and/or boost converter. 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand components of power converter circuit.
CO2 Design power converters.
Text/Reference Books
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design,” 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 L.Umanand, "Power Electronics Essentials and Applications", 1st Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed. PHI. 2005
4 Abraham I. Pressman, Keith Billings., “Switching Power Supply Design,” 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill. 2009
5 Henry W Ott, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering,” John Wiley & Sons. 2009
François Costa, Eric Laboure, Bertrand Revol, “Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power 2014
Electronics,” Wiley.
Mark I. Montrose, “EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory, and Layout Made 1998
Simple,” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Keith Billings and Taylor Morey, “Switch mode Power Supply Handbook,” 3rd Ed., McGraw- 2011
9 Philip T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics” Oxford University Press. 2004
Course Name : Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converters
Course Code : EL2035
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the design of different components for
power converter Systems. Impart knowledge on the design of closed loop compensators for DC-DC Converter.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Electronic Converters
Introduction to basic DC‐DC converter topologies - buck converter, boost converter, buck/boost
converters, advanced power electronics converters, various applications, , basics of utility power
1 04
conversion, isolated and non-isolated converter circuits, types of power converter models, voltage
source stiff inverters, current source inverters, switching function representation of three-phase
converters, three-level inverters, multilevel inverter topologies.
Converter Modelling
2 Steady state modeling of the power converters, DC transformer model, loss modeling, dynamic 08
modeling of the power converters, AC modeling of converters, state-space averaging.
Converter Analysis
3 Steady state converter analysis, transfer functions and frequency domain analysis, extra element 05
Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converter
Purpose of pulse width modulation (PWM), fundamental concepts of PWM, PWM Analysis by duty
cycle variation, PWM at low switching frequency, concept of a space vector, triangle-comparison
based PWM, space-vector based PWM, control of power converters, voltage source and current source
4 10
inverters. Modulation of single-phase voltage source inverters, modulation of three-phase voltage
source inverters, zero space vector placement modulation strategies, modulation of current source
inverters, over modulation of an inverter, carrier-Based PWM of multilevel inverters, space vector
PWM for multilevel converters.
Control of Power Converters
Feedback control design, voltage mode and current mode control, control of inverters and rectifiers,
5 09
control challenges, limitations of analog control techniques, need for digital control in DC‐DC
Implementation of Controllers
6 Analog and digital implementation of the controllers, advanced analysis and control techniques applied 06
to power electronics converters, simulation validation of converter modelling.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the concept of state space modelling and analysis power converters and their control.
CO2 Design state feedback controllers and observers for dc-dc converters and multi-level inverters.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 P. T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics,” New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 1998
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed.,PHI. 2005
R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer Academic 2004
5 I. Batarseh, “Power Electronic Circuits,” Wiley. 2004
J. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht, and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison- 1991
Wesley Publishing Company.
7 D. Grahame Holmes, Thomas A. Lipo, “Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters: 2003
Principles and Practice,” Wiley.
V. Bobal, J. Bohm, and J. Fessl, “Digital Self‐Tuning Controllers: Algorithms, Implementation 2005
and Applications” 1st Ed., Springer.
Francesco Vasca, Luigi Iannelli, Eds., “Dynamics and Control of Switched Electronic Systems: 2012
9 Advanced Perspectives for Modeling, Simulation and Control of Power Converters”, Springer,
1st Ed.
Course Name : Advanced Electric Drives
Course Code : EL2036
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of DC,
induction and synchronous machine modeling. Impart knowledge on permanent magnet machines and their control.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Modeling of DC Machine
Kron’s primitive machine model (two axis model), statically induced EMF, rotational or dynamically
1 induced EMF, generalized torque expression of Kron’s primitive machine, mathematical model of DC 04
machine (shunt, series, separately excited), steady state characteristics with armature and field control,
dynamic behavior with constant flux.
Modeling of Induction and Synchronous Machine
Modeling of three phase symmetrical induction machines (IM) in abc variables, synchronous reference
frame and arbitrary reference frame, park reference frame, torque expression in d-q frame, induction
2 08
machine modeling in arbitrary reference frame; synchronous machine modelling: voltage and flux
equations in the natural reference and dq frames, dynamic modelling of PMSM, dynamic modelling of
BLDC motors.
Control of DC Motor Drives
3 Review of conventional power electronics control DC drives, state feedback control and sliding mode 06
control of separately excited DC machine.
Advanced Control of Induction Machines
4 DTC of induction motor: introduction, space vector control of induction motor: principles of vector 08
control, direct vector control, derivation of indirect vector control.
Control of Synchronous Motor Drives
Synchronous motor drive control : zero direct‐axis current (ZDC) control, maximum torque per ampere
5 08
(MTPA) control, direct torque control (DTC), power factor control (PFC); control of brushless DC
motor, vector control of PMSM in park reference frame.
Control of Special Motor Drives
Control of switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives: switching angle control, current control, direct
6 08
torque control; closed loop speed control of SRM, converters for stepper motors, open loop and closed
loop control of stepper motors.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of DC series, shunt and separately excited machine. 02
2 To simulate state feedback control DC drive. 01
3 To simulate sliding mode control of separately excited DC machine. 01
4 To obtain the performance DTC induction motor drive. 02
5 To simulate vector control induction motor drive. 02
6 To obtain the performance of vector controlled synchronous motor drive. 01
7 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMSM drive. 01
8 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMBLDC motor drive. 01
9 To obtain the performance of switched reluctance motor. 01
10 To simulate closed loop control SRM. 01
11 To simulate closed loop control stepper motors. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the fundamentals advanced electric drives, machine modeling, vector and direct torque control.
CO2 Utilize the knowledge acquired on permanent magnet machines and their control.
CO3 Control various types of electric drives.
Text/ Reference books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
P.C. Krause, O. Wasynezuk, D.S. Scott, “Analysis of Electric Machinery And Drive Systems,” 2013
2 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electric Drives,” Springer. 2000
3 R. Krishnan, “Switched Reluctance Motor Drives,” CRC Press. 2001
4 R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, And Control,” Prentice Hall. 2001
5 P. Vas, “Vector Control of AC Machines,” Clarendon Press Oxford. 1990
6 Peter Vas, “Sensor less Vector and Direct Torque Control,” Oxford University Press. 1998
Course Name : Digital Control Systems
Course Code : EL2037
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of digital control systems, design and
analyze the stability and performance of digital control systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Digital Control Systems
1 05
Discrete time system representation, mathematical modeling of sampling process.
Modeling Discrete-Time Systems by Pulse Transfer Function
2 07
Z-transform, mapping of s-plane to z-plane, pulse transfer function, related examples.
Stability Analysis
3 07
Jury stability test, stability analysis using bi-linear transformation, related examples.
Time Response Analysis
4 Transient and steady state responses, time response parameters of a second order system, related 07
Design of Sampled Data Control Systems
5 Root locus method, controller design using root locus, nyquist stability criteria, bode plot, lead 10
compensator design, lag compensator design, lag-lead compensator design in frequency domain.
Deadbeat Response Design
6 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response, practical issues with deadbeat response 06
design, sampled data control systems with deadbeat response.

List of Experiments Number of

1 Discrete time state space modeling for SISO system. 01
2 Discrete time state space modeling for MIMO system. 01
3 Time response analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
4 Time response analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
5 Stability analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
6 Stability analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
7 Design of lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
8 Design of lag compensator for discrete time system. 01
9 Design of Lag-lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
10 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response. 01
11 Design of Root locus for discrete time system. 01
12 Implementation of Bode plot for discrete time system. 01
13 Implementation of Nyquist criteria on discrete time system. 01
14 Project 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply the concepts of signal processing and digital control.
CO2 Apply z-transformation for digital control system.
CO3 Design and analyze the digital control system for the various kinds of physical systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Digital Control and State variable methods by M Gopal, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company
1 2008
Discrete-Time Linear Systems: Theory and Design with Applications by G Gu, Springer Science
2 2012
& Business Media.
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Discrete Control Systems by Y Okuyama, Springer London. 2014
2 Advanced Discrete-Time Control by K Abidi, J X Xu, Springer Singapore. 2015
Course Name : Robust Control Systems
Course Code : EL2038
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of robust control techniques, design and
analyze various robust control techniques for linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Vector spaces, linear subspaces, invariant subspaces, vector norms and matrix norms, singular value
decomposition, semidefinite matrices, description of linear systems, operations on systems, state
space realizations for transfer matrices.
Feedback Interconnection & Stability
2 07
Well-posedness, internal stability; coprime factorization, stabilizing controllers.
Uncertainty and Robustness
Uncertainty representations, uncertain polynomials, boundary crossing theorem, Kharitonov's result,
3 10
edge theorem, stability of polytope of polynomials, sensitivity and complementary sensitivity, linear
fractional transformation (LFT), robust stability.
Singular Value
4 03
Properties, applications and stability, robustness and sensitivity.
Linear Quadratic Regulators
5 08
Return ratio and difference, design of LQR and robustness analysis.
Other Robust Control Techniques: LQG/LTR
6 Design and its robustness analysis, related examples, H2 and H∞ control techniques and their design 09

Number of
List of Experiments
1 State Space realization of SISO system 01
2 State Space realization of MIMO system 01
3 To obtain the various norms of matrix, signals, vectors and systems. 02
4 To implement LQR control for SISO system 01
5 To implement LQR control for MIMO system 01
6 To implement LQG/LTR control for SISO system 01
7 To implement LQG/LTR control for MIMO system 01
8 To implement H∞ control technique for SISO system. 01
9 To implement H∞ control technique for MIMO system. 01
10 Applications of robust control techniques in real problems 02
11 Project 1 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of basics of robust control.
CO2 Apply the design approaches such as LQR, LQG/LTR.
CO3 Analyze robustness of the control systems.
CO4 Design robust control algorithms on the engineering systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Essentials of Robust Control by Kemin Zhou and J C Doyle, Prentice Hall. 1998
2 Multivariable Feedback Design by J M Maciejowski, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1989
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Feedback Control Theory by J C Doyle, B Francis and A Tannenbaum. 1992
Robust Systems Theory and Applications by Ricardo S Sanchez-Pena and Mario Sznaier, John
2 1998
Wiley & Sons.
Course Name : Non-Linear Control Systems
Course Code : EL2039
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of nonlinear system theory, develop and
analyze the control of non-linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Number of
Lecture Wise Breakup
Introduction 08
1 General Properties of linear and non-linear systems, perturbation theory, and perturbation dynamics,
controllability and observability of non-linear systems, Lipschitz continuity, existence and uniqueness
of solution of non-linear systems.
Modeling of Non-Linear Systems 05
2 Modeling of simple mechanical systems, degree-of freedom, configuration spaces and state-space
representation, equilibrium points/operating points, Jacobian linearization.
Mathematical Notions 04
3 Notion of vector field, trajectories, vector field plot, phase plane portrait, positively invariant sets and
classification of equilibrium points.
Qualitative Analysis of Second Order Systems 07
Second-order systems, periodic solution, Bendixson's theorem and Poincare-Bendixson criteria.
Notions Of Stability of Non-Linear Systems 05
5 Lyapunov theorem, small gain theorem, describing function method, asymptotic stability, exponential
Lyapunov’s Stability Notions and its Variants 05
6 Stability analysis using Lyapunov's direct and indirect method, La Salles's invariance principle and its
Non-Linear Control Techniques 08
Feedback linearization, variable structure control, nonlinear observers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply practically the various concepts on the non-linear systems under different conditions.
CO2 Design and analyze the non-linear control systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Applied Nonlinear control by J J Slotine and W P Li, Prentice Hall. 1991
2 Nonlinear Systems by H Khalil, Macmillan, 3rd edition. 2002
3 Nonlinear Control Systems: Analysis and Design, H J Marquez, Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience. 2003
4 Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems by A Astolfi, L Marconi. 2008

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Non-linear control for underactuated mechanical systems by I Fantoni, R Lozano, Springer
1 2002
Science & Business Media.
2 Nonlinear Control Systems by A Isidori, Springer, 2 nd edition. 1989
3. Honours Courses (Any Four)

Course Name : Power System Operation and Control

Course Code : EL3001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the economic load dispatch, unit
commitment, power system operational security and dispatch.

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Economic Dispatch
Economic dispatch of hydro, thermal, hydro-thermal generating units, dispatch problem solution
1 methods (any two), economic dispatch with & without transmission line losses, Base point and
participation factors, penalty factors.
Frequency Control and AGC
Review of theory of frequency dynamics. Multi-area frequency dynamics. Load-frequency and tie 09
2 line power flow control. Theory of Automatic Generation control, AGC implementation methods.
Unit Commitment
Introduction, constraints, Priority lists, Integer Programming, Dynamic Programming, Lagrangian 06
Relaxation and Neural Net Methods.
Interconnected Systems Operation
4 Need of system interconnection, Operating policies, Economic interchange, Optimal multi- area 05
Energy Management Systems and Real-Time Control
Energy management systems, Software systems, Computer hardware resources and configurations,
5 Data management. Communications and distributed computing, Expert systems for contingency and 09
security evaluation, event analysis, system restoration and reactive control, Short range load
forecasting, SCADA.
Power Systems Operational Security and Dispatch
Review of security concept and state of operation, contingency analysis; generation dispatch;
6 dynamic security; power system state estimation; maximum likelihood weighted least- squares 07
estimation; and measurements; network observabilities and pseudo-measurements; applications in
system control.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of the Economic load dispatch and frequency control.
Acquire knowledge of the interconnected system operation, energy management and power system operational
CO2 security.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No.
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Wood and Wollenberg “Power Generation Operation and Control”, John Wiley. 1984
2 OI Elgerd “Electric Energy Systems, Theory”, McGraw Hill 1983
3 Mahalanabis et al., “Computer-aided power system analysis” Tata McGraw. 1988
4 Anderson & Fouand “Power system control and stability” Lowa State University Press. 1977
5 “Fundamentals of Supervisory Systems” IEEE Tutorial Course Text, 91EH0337-6PWR. 1991
Course Name : Smart Grid Technologies
Course Code : EL3002
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of fundamentals of smart grid technologies
such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations, microgrid and distributed energy sources, power
quality management in smart grid, information and communication technology for smart grid.

Total No. of Lectures - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Smart Grid
Evolution of electric grid, concept of smart grid, definitions, need of smart grid, functions of smart
1 grid, opportunities & barriers of smart grid, difference between conventional & smart grid, concept of 05
resilient & self-healing grid, present development & international policies in smart grid, case study of
smart grid, CDM.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 1
Introduction to smart meters, real time/dynamic pricing including ToD pricing, automatic meter
reading (AMR), advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), outage management system (OMS), plug in
2 hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), vehicle to grid, smart sensors, smart appliances and building 10
management systems (BMS), energy management systems (EMS), customer empowerment and
engagement using technology and interactive applications and business analytics, work force
management and field force automation.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 2
Smart substations, substation automation, feeder automation, SCADA, assessment management
through condition based monitoring, geographic information system (GIS), intelligent electronic
3 09
devices (IED) & their application for monitoring & protection, grid storage like Battery, / SMES,
/pumped hydro, / compressed air energy storage, thermal Storage, wide area measurement
system(WAMS), phase measurement unit (PMU).
Microgrids and Distributed Energy Resources
Concept of micro grid, need & applications of micro grid, formation of micro grid, issues of
interconnection, protection & control of micro grid, variable speed wind generators, fuel cells, micro
4 12
turbines, captive power plants, integration of renewable energy sources, demand side management
through energy efficient/BEE rated appliances and automated demand response, load research, energy
audit tools to save wastage.
Power Quality Management in Smart Grid
Power quality & EMC in smart grid, power quality issues of grid connected renewable energy sources,
5 power quality conditioners for smart grid, Volt-Var optimization, reactive power compensation, asset 11
optimization using smart grid technologies, power management and management of peak load using
smart grid technologies.
Information and Communication Technology for Smart Grid
Home area network (HAN), / neighborhood area network (NAN), / wide area network (WAN).
different communication technologies and protocols like bluetooth, /Zig-Bee, /GPRS, /Wi-Fi, /Wi-
Max/RF/PLC based communication, mesh communication network etc., integrated communication
6 09
infrastructure with integrated network monitoring system, advanced business analytics, basics of
CLOUD computing & cyber security for smart grid, big data storage, convergence of operational
technology and information technology, ERP, significance of enterprise service bus (ESB) to
implement SOA, use of software as a service (SaaS) applications.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To analyze smart grid technologies such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations.
CO1 To analyze microgrid and distributed energy sources, power quality management in smart grid.
CO3 To analyze information and communication technology for smart grid for further power system applications.
Text / Reference Books
Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response”, CRC 2012
Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai “Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in 2009
Electric Power Systems”, Wiley.
Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, “Smart 2012
Grid: Technology and Applications”, Wiley.
4 Jean Claude Sabonnadière, Nouredine Hadjsaïd, “Smart Grids”, Wiley Blackwell. 2012
Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse, “Securing the Smart Grid”, Elsevier Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-59749- 2006
Peter S. Fox-Penner, “Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric 2010
Course Name : Power Conditioning
Course Code : EL3003
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the various power quality issues. To
understand the active compensation techniques used for reactive power compensation, load balancing, power factor
correction and load voltage regulation.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power Quality
Overview and definition of power quality (PQ), sources of harmonic pollution, international power
quality standards and regulations, power quality monitoring, power quality problems, loads which
1 05
causes power quality problems, power quality measures and standards - IEEE guides, standards and
recommended practices, IEC standards, harmonics: important harmonic introducing devices, effect of
power system harmonics on power system equipment and loads.
Power Definitions and Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory
Concepts and evolution of electric power theory, electric power definitions; instantaneous power
2 theory: basis of the p-q theory, Clarke transformation, p-q theory application to 3φ-3 wire and 3φ-4 10
wire systems; modified p-q theory, instantaneous abc theory, comparison of p-q theory and
instantaneous abc theory, synchronous reference frame theory and applications.
Harmonic Problems in Power System
Harmonic effects within the power system, interference with communication lines, harmonic
3 10
measurements, harmonic elimination - using active (shunt, series and hybrid) and passive (shunt and
series) filters.
Power Conditioners
Power factor correction, zero voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, load balancing using
4 load compensation techniques: passive shunt and series compensation, DSTATCOM (Distribution 10
Static Compensators), DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorers), UPQC (Universal Power Quality
Improved Power Quality Converters
Single ac-dc converters, bridgeless isolated converter, bridgeless non-isolated converters, multi-pulse
5 07
converters, multilevel converters, line commutated converters, power quality improvement in SMPS,
UPS, drives, welding systems, lighting systems, and renewable energy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply various concepts of power conditioning.
CO2 Design converters for harmonic mitigation.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
H. Akagi, E.H. Watanabe and M. Aredes, “Instantaneous power Theory and applications to 2007
Power Conditioning,” IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons.
Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality: Problems and Mitigation 2015
Techniques,” Wiley.
3 J. Arrilaga and N.R Watson, “Power System Harmonics,” John Wiley and Sons. 2003
A.E. Emanuel, “Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow,” IEEE Press, 2010
John Wiley and Sons.
TP.S. Revuelta, S.P. Litrán, J.P. Thomas, “Active Power Line Conditioners: Design, Simulation 2016
and Implementation,” Elsevier publications.
Course Name : Distributed Generation
Course Code : EL3004
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of importance of DG, various available
generation technologies. Gain knowledge regarding the interconnection standards. Know the importance of power
electronics for DG applications. Understand the impact of DG integration on power quality, transmission system operation
and power system protection.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction: sources of energy-solar, wind, combined heat and power, hydro, tidal, wave, geo-
1 thermal; interface with the grid: direct machines coupling with grid, full power electronic coupling,
partial power electronic coupling, distributed power electronic interface, impact of type of interface on
Interconnection Issues and Standards
Intermittence issues, regulatory and interconnection standards-IEEE 1547/ framework, constraints on
2 operational parameters: voltage, frequency, THD, Response to grid abnormal operating conditions, 06
fault Ride Through (FRT) Capabilities.
Technical regulations for interconnection
Overview of technical regulations, active power control, frequency control, voltage control, technical
3 solutions for new interconnection rules. Feasibility of integrating large-scale grid connected DG, 06
policy, market and regulatory interventions, regulatory challenges, viability of DG integration in
deregulated electricity market.
Power Electronics and DG Systems
Relevance of power electronics in DG applications, power quality requirements and source switching
using SCR based static switches, power converter topologies, model and specifications for DG 10
4 applications, filter designs, harmonic reduction. Control of DG inverters: phase locked loops, current
control and DC voltage control for stand-alone and grid parallel operations; control objectives:
constant P-Q, constant current, P-V control, P-f and Q-V droop controls, virtual synchronous generator
Transmission System Operation in the Presence of DG
Impact on transmission system, fundamentals of transmission system operation, frequency control
5 balancing and reserves, prediction of production and consumption, restoration after blackout, voltage 10
stability, kinetic energy and inertia constant, frequency stability and angular stability, fault ride
through, storage, increasing hosting capacity.
Impact on Power Quality
5 Fast voltage fluctuations, voltage unbalance, low frequency harmonics, high frequency distortion,
voltage dips, increasing hosting capacity.
Protection System in the Presence of DG
Over current protection, failure of over current relay coordination, blinding of protective relays,
excessive fault current, generator protection, increasing hosting capacity; unintentional islanding: anti-
islanding relays, anti-islanding standards, types of islanding detection schemes-active, passive,
communication and hybrid for synchronous generator and inverter based DGs; super conduction fault 10
current limiter, adaptive relay coordination schemes for over current relay coordination.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Familiarize with objectives of distributed generation, different distributed generation technologies and
interconnection standards.
CO2 Understand the importance of power electronics for DG integration.
CO3 Familiarize with different control objectives of DGs.
CO4 Gain knowledge regarding the issues with DG adoption.
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
Renewable Energy- Power for a sustainable future, third edition, Edited by Godfrey Boyle,
1 2013
Oxford University Press,
Amirnaser Yezdani, and Reza Iravani, “Voltage Source Converters in Power Systems:
2 2009.
Modeling, Control and Applications”, IEEE John Wiley Publications
Dorin Neacsu, “Power Switching Converters: Medium and High Power”, CRC Press, Taylor
3 2006
& Francis
Microgrids: Architectures and Control, Nikos Hatziargyriou (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-
4 2013
72068-4, 340 pages, December 2013, Wiley-IEEE Press
Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks, S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury and P.
5 2009
Crossley, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, U.K
Integration of distributed generation in power systems, Math Bollen and Fainan Hassan,
6 2011
Wiley-IEEE press
Technical literatures- research papers published in power system and power electronics
related reputed journals and IEEE standards.
Course Name : Digital Applications in Industrial Power Engineering
Course Code : EL3005
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the digital technologies for effective
performance of power system, such as real time monitoring. Students should be in a position to identify major drawbacks
of digitization and their counter actions.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Transforming Electricity via Digitally-Interconnected Systems
Digital technologies for enhancement of power-generation operations (such as for thermal generation
plant): combustion dynamics monitoring system, heat recovery steam generator tube-leak monitoring,
emission monitoring, leaking-valve prioritization, dynamic high-pressure steam temperature and flow
1 adjustment, air-in-leakage monitoring, heat tracing. 10
Tech-enabled Ecosystem
Automated monitoring, simple interface for operators, digital dispatching, predictive analytics,
automated worker and material preparations, end-to-end digital work management system, real time
fuel tracking, centralized control rooms, management based on data.
New Trends in Energy Sector
Three-Ds and S+3E trend in energy sector, evolution of digital engineering, building information
2 10
modelling (BIM), virtual and augmented reality, VR/AR, digital twinning. recharging the energy
industry with smart grids, big data, IOP.
SCADA Applications in Power Systems
3 (i) origins of SCADA, real time control, data acquisition, monitoring and event processing, (ii) field 06
practices of SCADA.
4 Definitions, applications, intervening systems, data requirements, outputs, measurements and 06
Data Handing in SCADA
5 Data storage, archiving and analysis, data aggregation, data transport, Smart grid, micro grids and 08
integration in power systems, smart metering.
Real Time monitoring Central Station and its Requirements
6 08
Hardware system configuration, protocol stack.
Disadvantages of Digitization and Remedies Cyber-sabotage, virus attacks on electrical systems,
7 08
data handling, malfunction of protective system, etc. Counter actions to overcome cross-cutting risks.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire the knowledge of digital technologies for effective performance of power system, such as real time
CO2 Students will be in a position to identify major drawbacks of digitization and their counter actions.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
William J. Dally, Stanford University, California, John W. Poulton, “Introduction To Digital
Systems Engineering,” University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Publisher: Cambridge
1 2012
University Press-1998, online: 2012.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139166980.002
William J. Dally, John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering,” Publisher
2 2008
Cambridge University Press Year 2008, ISBN 9781139927475
D.K. Kaushik, “Digital Electronics,” Publisher: Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi,
3 2005
John Crowe, Barrie Hayes-Gill, “ Introduction to Digital Electronics,” Engineering Books,
4 2021
2021 (pdf format) https://www.engbookspdf.com/Electronic-Books/Complete-Digital-Design-
Dr.M.K.Khedkar, Dr.G.M.Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
5 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010.
6 Relevant websites.
Course Name : Developing and Advanced Technologies in Power Sector
Course Code : EL3006
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of emergent technologies in power sector.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Developing Technologies
Smart grid, Na and Thermo-Electro-Chemical Converter, Betavoltaics, robotics and drones, IoT and
1 cloud computing, energy efficient lighting and electrical apparatus, Graphene Supercapacitors. Energy 06
systems from the viewpoint of 3E+S. 3E+S, emission reduction global options 2010-50. Indian
energy technology strategies and development activities.
Future Energy Sources
2 Renewable technologies, Flexible Generators, recycling radio waves, optical rectenna, pulp energy, 08
fuel from the sky.
Advances in RES
3 Concentrating solar power, Floating wind turbines, printable organic solar cells, biomass gasification 08
for power generation, microbial fuel cell for power generation,
Digitization of Power Sector
4 Digitally-interconnected power systems. Digital Technologies for enhancement of power-generation 10
operations, Tech-enabled ecosystem, smart grids, big data, IOP, energy storage.
Future Challenges in Power Sector
Optimization of generation portfolio, adoption of smart grids, distributed generation based on
5 10
renewable energies, efficiency improvement/ cost reduction, value driven regulations, Global Futures
Intelligence System (GFIS)-challenges in energy and science and technology.
Emerging Technologies in Power Sector
6 AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML applications in Power sector, Battery Energy Storage System, 14
Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of conversant with existing and emerging technologies in power sector.
CO2 Know about the future challenges in power sector.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 John Twideu and Tony Weir, “Renewal Energy Resources” BSP Publications, 2006. 2006
M.V.R. Koteswara Rao, “Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional” BSP
2 2006
Publications, 2006.
Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy Power For A Sustainable Future”, Oxford University
3 1996
Press. 1996
4 C.S. Solanki, “Renewal Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners” PHI Learning.
Peter Auer, "Advances in Energy System and Technology". Vol. 1 & II Edited by Academic
S. A. Abbasi, Naseema Abbasi, “Renewable energy sources and their environmental impact”,
6 2001
Prentice-Hall of India, 2001
7 S. L. Sah, “Renewable and novel energy sources”, M.I. Publications, 1995 1995
Dr. M. K. Khedkar, Dr.G.M. Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
8 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010
Power Systems of the Future
The Future of The Electric Grid
10 2011
Electric Energy Challenges of the Future
11 2012
Course Name : Power System Stability and Dynamics
Course Code : EL3007
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of Power system stability, machine, load and
frequency stability enhancement of stability.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power System Stability
States of operation & system security, stability problems faced by power systems, impact on power
1 06
system operation and control; concept of equilibria, small and large disturbance stability, single machine
infinite bus system.
Steady state stability
Use of load-flow studies for (i) steady state stability of power system, (ii) management of reactive power
2 resources, (iii) determination of available transmission capacity, (iv) margins to security and stability, 10
(v) congestion management in the transmission network. Importance of load flow study under pre-fault,
post fault power system operating conditions.
Transient stability
Review of swing equation and it’s solution by equal area criterion for (i) sudden change in mechanical
input, (ii) sudden loss of one of parallel lines, (iii) short circuit at one end of line, (iv) short circuit away
3 10
from line ends, (v) line reclosure. Swing equation solution by (i) indirect methods, (ii) direct method:
importance of synchronizing and damping torques, significance of fault clearing time, reclosure, in
terms of transient stability of power system; methods to enhance transient stability.
Small signal Stability (Dynamic Stability)
State space representation concept, eigen properties of the state vectors, characteristics of small – signal
stability problems, small signal stability of a single machine connected to infinite bus system through
4 10
Heffron-Phillips constants – Effects on excitation system – block diagram presentation with exciter and
AVR. Small signal stability of a multi machine connected to infinite bus system; methods for
enhancement of small signal stability.
Frequency Stability
Stability issues in interconnected power systems, definition of control area, – inter connected systems,
5 AGC in single area control – block diagram representation – steady state analysis – dynamic response – 10
proportional plus integral control; AGC multi area system – modeling – static and dynamic response –
tie line bias control.
Voltage Stability
Definition and classification of voltage stability, mechanism of voltage collapse, analytical concept of
6 voltage stability for a two-bus system, reactive power and voltage collapse. Expression for critical 10
receiving end voltage and critical power angle at voltage stability limit for a two-bus power system,
determination of voltage stability using sensitivity indicator, indices.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Power system stability
CO2 Machine, load, and frequency stability.
CO3 Enhancement of stability.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Prabha Kundur., “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1994
2 Taylor C.W. “Power Systems Voltage Stability”, McGraw Hill NY 1994
3 Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol I, Elements of stability 2017
Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol III, Synchronous Machines”, John
4 2017
Wiley & Sons
5 1. Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Wollenberg “Power Generation, Operation & Control” 3 rd edition, 2013
John Wiley and Sons.
6 K.R. Padiyar, “Power systems Dynamics stability and control”, B.S. Publisher. 2003
Anderson P.M., and Foud A.,” Power system control and stability” John Wiley and Sons,
7 2006
8 Power System Dynamics & Stability’ P.Sauer & M.A.Pai , Prentice Hall, 1998 1998
Narain Hingorani, et al, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts And Technology Of Flexible AC
9 Transmission Systems,” IEEE Press Standard Publisher Distributors, Delhi-110006,1st Indian 2001
Course Name : Advanced Power System Analysis
Course Code : EL3008
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the fundamentals of power system analysis.
To understand algorithms and mathematical foundation required for power system analysis.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Power Flow Studies
Review of 1-φ load - load flow studies using Y-bus, Gauss- Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Fast
decoupled power flow, Z-bus formulation for load flow solution, sparsity techniques, DC power
1 10
flow. Distribution systems load flow analysis- backward sweep forward sweep, direct approach-
based load flow analysis, Comparison of various methods of load flow solution, AC-DC load flow,
inclusion of renewable energy generation in load flow analysis.
Three Phase Networks
Three phase network elements, three phase balanced network, transformation matrices, three phase
2 unbalanced network elements; algorithm for formation of three phase bus impedance matrix; 06
modification of three-phase bus impedance matrix for changes in the network; 3-φ load flow
Network Fault and Contingency Analysis
Fault computation using Z-bus, short-circuit calculations for three phase networks using Z bus; 07
contingency analysis for power systems.
State Estimation in Power Systems
4 Introduction, basics of Least squares estimation technique, static state estimation of power systems, 05
bad data treatment, network observability and pseudo measurements, hybrid state estimation using
SCADA and PMU measurements, state estimation applications.
System Optimization
Strategy for two generator systems – generalized strategies– effect of transmission losses -
5 sensitivity of the objective function- formulation of optimal power flow-solution by Gradient
method; optimal power flow: solution of optimal power flow (OPF) – the gradient method, linear 14
sensitivity analysis. LP methods – with real power variables only – LP method with AC power flow
variables and detailed cost functions; security constrained optimal power flow; interior point
algorithm; bus incremental costs.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the modelling, analyze the power system in the study state.
CO2 Apply the contingencies arising in the system under different conditions.
CO3 Do the state estimation from line measurements

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher
1 Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 2nd edition. 2004
2 Grangier& Stevenson , “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill International Studentss Edition. 2003
3 P.M. Anderson, “Analysis of Faulted Power Systems”, IEEE Press Book. 1995
Glonn N. Stagg and ahmed H. El-Abiad, “Computer Methods in Power System Analysis” McGraw
4 Hill,International Edition 1988

5 George L.Kusic, “Computer-aided Powersystem Analysis”, Prentice Hall. 1986

6 J.Arrillaga, C.P. Amold and B.J. Harker, “Computer Modeling of Electrical Power Systems”, John 1983
7 M.A. Pai, “Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition 2017
8 O.I. Elgard, “Electric Energy Systems– An Introduction”, TataMcgraw Hill 1971
Course Name : Digital Power System Protection
Course Code : EL3009
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of overall idea of different types of static
relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in power system protection

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Philosophy of Protection
Qualities of relaying - definitions - characteristic functions; classification –analog-digital- numerical;
1 06
schemes and design-factors affecting performance –zones and degree of protection; faults-types and
evaluation; instrument transformers for protection.
Basic Elements of Digital Protection
Signal conditioning: transducers, surge protection, analog filtering, analog multiplexers, Conversion
2 subsystem: the sampling theorem, signal aliasing, error, sample and hold circuits, 09
multiplexers, analog to digital conversion, digital filtering concepts, the digital relay as a unit
consisting of hardware and software
Relay Units
Sequence networks-fault sensing data processing units- FFT and Wavelet based algorithms and
3 09
differential equation-based algorithms: phasor estimation techniques-DFT and least square estimation; -
travelling wave protection schemes.
Protection of Power System Apparatus
Protection of generators – transformer protection – magnetizing inrush current – application and
connection of transformer differential relays – transformer over current protection. Bus bar protection,
line protection, distance protection–long EHV line protection, power line carrier protection.
Recent Advances in Digital Power System Protection
5 Digital protection techniques based on wide area measurements with PMUs or FDRs, digital protection 09
techniques based on wireless technology (Wi-Fi- Wi-Max- Token Ring, etc.)

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and their sequence components using DFT 2
2 To develop code to compare the response of half cycle DFT, quarter cycle DFT and recursive DFT phasor 3
estimation algorithms during faults.
3 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and sequence components using least square 2
error phasor estimation algorithm
4 To develop code for distance relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
5 To develop code for directional relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
6 To develop code for differential protection scheme for transformers 2
7 To develop code for differential protection scheme for alternators 2

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of different types of static relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in
power system protection
CO2 Develop code for implementing protection algorithms.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
A T John and A K Salman- Digital protection for power systems-IEE power series-15, Peter 1994
Peregrines Ltd, UK, 1997.
T S. Madhav Rao, Power system protection static relays with microprocessor applications, Tata 1994
McGraw Hill Publication, 1994.
Badri Ram, D.N. Vishwakarma, Power system protection and switch gear, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
4 A. R.Warrington, Protective Relays, Vol .1&2, Chapman and Hall, 1973. 1973
5 Gerhard Ziegler-Numerical distance protection, Siemens, 2nd ed, 2006. 2013
6 S.R.Bhide “Digital Power System Protection” PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.2014. 2003
7 A.T. Johns and S. K. Salman, “Digital Protection of Power Systems”, IEEE Press, 1999. 2006
A.G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”, Wiley/Research 1998
studies Press, 2009.
9 L.P.Singh, “Digital protection”, New age publishers, 2 nd Edition 2017
Course Name : HVDC and FACTS
Course Code : EL3010
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of the control
and operation of high voltage DC and flexible AC Transmission system. Analyze the effect of different FACTs devices to
the operation and control of power system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to HVDC
1 Introduction to HVDC transmission, comparison of HVAC and HVDC, advantages and disadvantages 02
of HVDC and HVAC system.
HVDC Converters and Control
DC system components and their functions, converter configuration, principles of DC Link control and
converter control characteristics, types of converters for HVDC systems, firing angle, current and
2 extinction angle control, DC link power control, synchronization techniques for power converters. 10
HVDC controls, forced commutated HVDC converters, capacitor commutated converters for HVDC
applications, numerical examples on HVDC applications, voltage source converters for HVDC
systems, modern HVDC trends.
Power Flow and Harmonic Analysis
Mechanism of active and reactive power flow control, reactive power in AC systems, the reactive
power load of a converter, reactive power sources within a converter station, controlling converter
3 09
reactive power, voltage step changes, effects of harmonics in AC power systems, sources of harmonics
in AC power systems, pulse number and harmonic cancellation. DC harmonics, characteristic and non-
characteristic harmonics, harmonic filter design, types of filters.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
Definition of FACTS, constraints of maximum transmission line loading, benefits of FACTS,
uncompensated line, shunt and series compensation, phase angle control, SVC and STATCOM,
4 operation and control of: TSC, TRC and STATCOM. Compensator control, TSSC, SSSC, static 10
voltage and phase angle regulators: TCVR and TCPAR, operation and control applications; UPFC:
circuit arrangement, basic principle of P and Q control, independent real and reactive power flow
control, Sen transformer.
Power Flow Control Using FACTS
Introduction to interline power flow controller, compensation devices, STS, SSC, SVR, backup energy
5 supply devices, special purpose FACTS controllers, thyristor controlled voltage limiter and voltage 11
regulator, thyristor controlled braking resistor and current limiter, system static and dynamic
performance improvement with FACTS controllers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Compare EHV AC and HVDC system and to describe various types of DC links.
CO2 Choose proper FACTS controller for the specific application based on system requirements.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 K.R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission System” New Age Intl. Co. 2002
N.G Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible 2001
AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
V.K. Sood, “HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power 2008
3 Systems,”
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4 T. J. E Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,” John Wiley & Sons. 2010
Course Name : Electric Drives
Course Code : EL3011
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of fundamental concepts of electric drives, and
analyse speed control & braking of DC and AC machines using power electronic converters.

Total No. of Lectures: 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Electric Drives
The power semiconductor drive and its elements, dynamics of the motor load system, the converter
1 05
motor system, speed control and multi-quadrant operation, review of torque-speed characteristics of
DC motors including motoring and braking.
Phase Controlled Converter DC Drives
2 Single-phase and three-phase half, full and dual converter-controlled DC drives, torque-speed 08
characteristics and braking of converter fed DC drives, closed loop control.
Chopper Controlled DC Drives
3 05
Single and multi-quadrant converter control, motoring and braking operations, closed loop control.
Induction Motor Drives
4 Equivalent circuits, torque-speed characteristics, operations with unbalanced source voltages and non- 06
sinusoidal supply, starting, speed control and braking, multi-quadrant control.
AC Regulators Controlled Induction Motor Drives
5 03
AC regulators circuits, four-quadrant control and closed loop operation.
Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drives
6 Variable frequency (constant E/f and V/f) control of induction motor fed from VSI and CSI, multi- 07
quadrant operation, closed loop control, control of slip-ring induction motor.
Synchronous Motor Drives and Control
7 CSI-fed synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed 04
brushless DC motor drives.
Special Drives
8 Switched reluctance motor (SRM): principle of operation, torque production, modes of operation; 04
stepper motors: principle of operation and types, torque production.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled thyristorized converter 01
2 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper 01
3 To obtain four quadrant operation of DC motor using IGBT based DC chopper 02
4 To obtain speed control performance of induction motor using v/f control 02
5 Speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled and semi controlled thyristorized
converter and compare various AC and DC side performance parameters
6 Speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper and evaluate the performance using
different chopping frequencies
7 Speed control of induction motor using v/f control and obtain dynamic behaviour of the machine when
changing from one frequency to another
8 Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital controller 01
9 Speed control of BLDC motor drive using digital controller. 01
10 Speed control of switched reluctance motor using digital controller. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand fundamental concepts of Electric Drives.
CO2 Analyze various power electronic controllers for AC and DC drives
CO3 Analyze and compare closed loop control strategies for AC and DC Drives.
Text/ Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
G. K. Dubey, “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1989
New Jersey.
2 G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, Narosa publishing House. 2010
G K Dubey, S R Doradla, A Joshi, RMK Sinha, “Thyristorised Power Controllers” New age 2012
international publishers.
3 Bimal K. Bose “Modern power electronics and AC drives” Pearson Education, Asia. 2003
4 B.N. Sarkar, “Fundamental of Industrial Drives”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. 2011
5 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electrical Drives, 3 rd edition”, Springer. 2001
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design,” John Wiley and sons.
7 P C Sen, “Thyristor DC Drives”, wiley-interscience publication. 1981
8 Ned Mohan, “First Course on power electronics and drives”, MNPERE. 2011
9 PiotrWach, “Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives”, Springer. 2011
10 S. K. Pillai, “A First Course on Electrical Drives”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 2012
Course Name : Advanced Power Electronics
Course Code : EL3012
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of analyze, evaluate and design advanced
switching techniques for DC-DC converters, multilevel DC-AC converters, AC-DC converters and multipulse converters
for power quality improvement.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Non-isolated DC-DC Converters
Non-isolated switch mode dc-dc converters: converter transfer function, buck, boost, buck-boost,
1 05
fourth order converters, bipolar output voltage converters, effect of converter non idealities, switch
utilization factor.
Isolated DC-DC Converters
Isolated switch mode converters: transformer circuit configurations, buck derived isolated converters-
2 04
single ended forward converter, half & full bridge converter, push pull converter, boost derived
isolated converters.
Soft-Switched Converters
Soft switching dc-dc converters: resonant converters, ZCS and ZVS topologies, generalized analysis of
3 04
ZCS, zero voltage and zero current transition converters; voltage and current mode control of PWM
DC-AC Inverters and Fault Diagnosis
Methods of harmonic reduction, current source inverter, variable DC link inverter, boost inverter,
4 05
introduction to inverter circuit design, three-phase inverter- open circuit & short-circuit fault diagnosis,
fault tolerance techniques.
Multilevel Inverters
Multilevel inverters: introduction and basic concept, types of multilevel inverters (diode clamp, flying
5 capacitor, cascaded), switching device currents, DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, features of 06
multilevel converters, applications of multilevel inverters: reactive power compensation, back to back
intertying and adjustable speed drives.
Resonant Inverters
6 Resonant pulse inverters: introduction, series and parallel resonant inverters, ZVS and ZCS resonant 05
AC-DC Rectifiers
Line commutated rectifiers: 1ø and 3ø half and fully controlled rectifier configurations with R, RL and
RLE load. Continuous and discontinuous conduction mode; definitions of fundamental real power (P)
7 06
and reactive power (Q) of converters and associated VAR Diagrams, effect of source inductance on
output voltage, phase control of output voltage and inverter mode (line commutated inverter),
necessary precautions in the inverter mode.
Harmonic Reduction in Multi-pulse AC-DC Rectifiers
8 Multi pulse methods for harmonics reduction: introduction to multi pulse methods for reduction of 02
harmonics: principle of cancellation of harmonics.
Phase-Shift AC-DC Converter and PWM Rectifiers
Determination of phase shift and vector representation, analysis of 12-pulse converter (Wye-Wye and
9 05
Wye-Delta) configuration for 30-degree phase shift, introduction to PWM rectifiers: power factor
corrected rectifiers.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of isolated DC-DC converters. 02
2 To study the operation of non-isolated DC-DC converters. 01
3 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
4 To simulate the full bridge converters. 01
5 To study the operation of voltage source and current source inverter. 02
6 Operation of variable DC link inverter. 01
7 To study the operation of multilevel inverter. 01
8 To simulate power factor corrected rectifier. 01
9 To simulate the resonant inverters. 01
10 To study the operation of 3-phase line commutated rectifier. 01
11 To study the operation of power factor corrected rectifier. 01
12 DSP based control of PFC rectifier. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze, evaluate and design advanced switching techniques for DC-DC converters.
CO2 Analyze advanced switching strategies of DC-AC converters and analyze multilevel DC-AC converters.
CO3 Analyze advanced AC-DC converters and multi-pulse converters for power quality improvement.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
B.R.Pelly, “Thyristor Phase Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters”, John Wiley and 1971
2 L Gyugyi and B.R.Pelly, “Static Power Frequency Changers”, John Wiley and Sons. 1976
Guy Seguier, Christian Rombaut and Robert Bausiere “Power electronic Converters: Volume 1987
2 AC-AC Conversion”, North Oxford Academic Publishers.
4 R.S.Ramshaw, “Power Electronic Semiconductor switches”, Chapman and Hall. 1994
R.W.Erickson and DraganMaksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, KLUWER 2004
Academic Publishers.
M H Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India 2013
Pvt Ltd.
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design”, John Wiley and sons.
Marian K Kazimierczuk, “Pulse-width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters”, John Wiley 2008
and Sons.
Course Name : Power Electronics in Renewable Energy System
Course Code : EL3013
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge on the selection of suitable power converter
for renewable energy application. To impart knowledge on the design power converter for renewable energy system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Potential of renewable energies in India’s future power generation, need of power electronics for
1 02
power generation from renewable sources, impact of power electronics on energy system, challenges
of the current energy scenario: the power electronics contribution.
Solar PV Systems
Solar PV characteristics, grid requirement for PV, power electronic converters used for solar PV,
2 10
control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding mode, grid synchronization, PLLs, battery
charging in PV systems, matrix converters.
Wind Energy Conversion
Wind turbine characteristics, grid requirement for wind, PMSM and DFIG for wind generators, power
3 08
electronic converters for PMSM and DFIG, control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding
Electrolyzer and Fuel Cells Systems
Introduction to fuel cell and electrolyzer, types of fuel cells, power converter for electrolyzer
4 10
operation, PV based green hydrogen generation, power converters for fuel cell application, series-
parallel connections of power converters.
Power Electronic Converters and Control for Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Need for hybrid systems, types of hybrid systems, multi-input single output converters, multi-input
5 multi-output power converters, cascade operation of converters, parallel operation of converters, AC- 12
DC-AC converters, MPPT and off-MPPT mode operation of converters, model predictive control
technique for hybrid renewable energy system, concept of microgrid and co-ordinated control.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain solar PV characteristics. 01
2 To study the operation of buck and boost converter for solar PV system. 01
3 To simulate solar PV MPPT using P&O and INC algorithm. 02
4 To simulate solar PV system in grid-connected mode. 01
5 To study the operation of solar PV system in islanding mode. 01
6 To simulate matrix converter for solar PV application. 01
7 To obtain electrolyzer and fuel cell characteristics. 02
8 Parallel operation of DC-DC converters for hybrid renewable sources. 01
9 Parallel operation of DC-AC inverters for hybrid renewable energy system. 01
10 To study the operation of series-parallel connected DC-DC converters. 01
11 Energy management strategy of hybrid renewable energy system. 01
12 To obtain the performance of hybrid battery-supercapacitor energy storage system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Design different power converters namely AC to DC, DC to DC and DC to AC converters for renewable energy
CO2 To provide knowledge about the stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2014
Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications,” Wiley.
Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, “Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and 2011
Wind Power Systems” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Suleiman M. Sharkh, Mohammad A. Abu-Sara, Georgios I. Orfanoudakis, Babar Hussain, 2014
“Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Sudipta Chakraborty, Marcelo G. Simões, William E. Kramer, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2013
and Distributed Energy Systems” Springer.
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, “Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy” CRC 2013
M. H. Nehrir, C. Wang, “Modeling and Control of Fuel Cells: Distributed Generation 2009
Applications,” Wiley.
Course Name : Design and Realization of Power Converters
Course Code : EL3014
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of information about power converter circuit

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Semiconductor Devices
Ratings and specifications of power semiconductor devices: silicon MOSFET, silicon carbide
1 05
MOSFET, gallium nitride FET, IGBT, static and dynamic characteristics of switching devices,
losses in power semiconductor devices – switching and conduction losses.
Design of Driver Circuits
2 Necessity of isolation, pulse transformer, opto-coupler, gate drive circuits - silicon and silicon 06
carbide MOSFET gate driver, IGBT gate driver, gallium nitride gate driver.
Design of Protection Circuits
3 MOSFET and IGBT protection circuit, snubber circuit, overvoltage protection, overcurrent 04
protection, gate protection.
Design of Power Electronic Circuit
Selections of components, different sections of power converters, types of grounds - analog and
4 power ground, multi-layer printed-circuit-boards (PCB), power PCB, issue of signal integrity, PCB 11
design, harness design, bus bar structure, electromagnetic interference (EMI), conducted and
radiated EMI, EMI filters, different types of capacitors for power electronics applications.
Design of Magnetics
Core materials- ferrite core, powder core, amorphous core, METGLASS core; core types – toroidal,
5 05
laminated core; selection of winding wire – litz wire; bobbin, high frequency inductor design for
non-isolated power converters, high frequency transformer design for isolated power converters.
Thermal Design
Electrical analogy of thermal components- thermal resistance and impedance, temperature rise, heat
6 04
sink, guidance for heat sink selection – mounting types, thermal calculations, cooling methods,
thermal protection, enclosure design.
Converter Product Design
7 03
Packaging of power converter, art in power electronic product design.
Design Consideration of Power Converters
8 04
Case studies for design of rectifiers, inverters, SMPS, UPS and resonant converters.

Number of
List of Experiments:
1 LT spice simulation of power semiconductor devices. 01
2 LT spice simulation of power converters. 01
3 Performance of gate driver circuit. 01
4 An experimental study on MOSFET/IGBT protection circuit. 02
5 PCB design using Eagle PCB software/design spark PCB. 01
6 PCB design for various power converters. 02
7 High frequency inductor and transformer design. 02
8 To obtain the performance of rectifiers. 01
9 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
10 Implementations of DC/DC buck and/or boost converter. 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand components of power converter circuit.
CO2 Design power converters.
Text/Reference Books
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design,” 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 L.Umanand, "Power Electronics Essentials and Applications", 1st Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed. PHI. 2005
4 Abraham I. Pressman, Keith Billings., “Switching Power Supply Design,” 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill. 2009
5 Henry W Ott, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering,” John Wiley & Sons. 2009
François Costa, Eric Laboure, Bertrand Revol, “Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power 2014
Electronics,” Wiley.
Mark I. Montrose, “EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory, and Layout Made 1998
Simple,” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Keith Billings and Taylor Morey, “Switch mode Power Supply Handbook,” 3rd Ed., McGraw- 2011
9 Philip T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics” Oxford University Press. 2004
Course Name : Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converters
Course Code : EL3015
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the design of different components for
power converter Systems. Impart knowledge on the design of closed loop compensators for DC-DC Converter.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Electronic Converters
Introduction to basic DC‐DC converter topologies - buck converter, boost converter, buck/boost
converters, advanced power electronics converters, various applications, , basics of utility power
1 04
conversion, isolated and non-isolated converter circuits, types of power converter models, voltage
source stiff inverters, current source inverters, switching function representation of three-phase
converters, three-level inverters, multilevel inverter topologies.
Converter Modelling
2 Steady state modeling of the power converters, DC transformer model, loss modeling, dynamic 08
modeling of the power converters, AC modeling of converters, state-space averaging.
Converter Analysis
3 Steady state converter analysis, transfer functions and frequency domain analysis, extra element 05
Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converter
Purpose of pulse width modulation (PWM), fundamental concepts of PWM, PWM Analysis by duty
cycle variation, PWM at low switching frequency, concept of a space vector, triangle-comparison
based PWM, space-vector based PWM, control of power converters, voltage source and current source
4 10
inverters. Modulation of single-phase voltage source inverters, modulation of three-phase voltage
source inverters, zero space vector placement modulation strategies, modulation of current source
inverters, over modulation of an inverter, carrier-Based PWM of multilevel inverters, space vector
PWM for multilevel converters.
Control of Power Converters
Feedback control design, voltage mode and current mode control, control of inverters and rectifiers,
5 09
control challenges, limitations of analog control techniques, need for digital control in DC‐DC
Implementation of Controllers
6 Analog and digital implementation of the controllers, advanced analysis and control techniques applied 06
to power electronics converters, simulation validation of converter modelling.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the concept of state space modelling and analysis power converters and their control.
CO2 Design state feedback controllers and observers for dc-dc converters and multi-level inverters.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 P. T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics,” New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 1998
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed.,PHI. 2005
R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer Academic 2004
5 I. Batarseh, “Power Electronic Circuits,” Wiley. 2004
J. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht, and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison- 1991
Wesley Publishing Company.
D. Grahame Holmes, Thomas A. Lipo, “Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters: 2003
Principles and Practice,” Wiley.
V. Bobal, J. Bohm, and J. Fessl, “Digital Self‐Tuning Controllers: Algorithms, Implementation 2005
and Applications” 1st Ed., Springer.
Francesco Vasca, Luigi Iannelli, Eds., “Dynamics and Control of Switched Electronic Systems: 2012
9 Advanced Perspectives for Modeling, Simulation and Control of Power Converters”, Springer,
1st Ed.
Course Name : Advanced Electric Drives
Course Code : EL3016
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of DC,
induction and synchronous machine modeling. Impart knowledge on permanent magnet machines and their control.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Modeling of DC Machine
Kron’s primitive machine model (two axis model), statically induced EMF, rotational or dynamically
1 induced EMF, generalized torque expression of Kron’s primitive machine, mathematical model of DC 04
machine (shunt, series, separately excited), steady state characteristics with armature and field control,
dynamic behavior with constant flux.
Modeling of Induction and Synchronous Machine
Modeling of three phase symmetrical induction machines (IM) in abc variables, synchronous reference
frame and arbitrary reference frame, park reference frame, torque expression in d-q frame, induction
2 08
machine modeling in arbitrary reference frame; synchronous machine modelling: voltage and flux
equations in the natural reference and dq frames, dynamic modelling of PMSM, dynamic modelling of
BLDC motors.
Control of DC Motor Drives
3 Review of conventional power electronics control DC drives, state feedback control and sliding mode 06
control of separately excited DC machine.
Advanced Control of Induction Machines
4 DTC of induction motor: introduction, space vector control of induction motor: principles of vector 08
control, direct vector control, derivation of indirect vector control.
Control of Synchronous Motor Drives
Synchronous motor drive control : zero direct‐axis current (ZDC) control, maximum torque per ampere
5 08
(MTPA) control, direct torque control (DTC), power factor control (PFC); control of brushless DC
motor, vector control of PMSM in park reference frame.
Control of Special Motor Drives
Control of switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives: switching angle control, current control, direct
6 08
torque control; closed loop speed control of SRM, converters for stepper motors, open loop and closed
loop control of stepper motors.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of DC series, shunt and separately excited machine. 03
2 To simulate state feedback control DC drive. 01
3 To simulate sliding mode control of separately excited DC machine. 01
4 To obtain the performance DTC induction motor drive. 01
5 To simulate vector control induction motor drive. 01
6 To simulate sliding mode control induction motor drive. 01
7 To obtain the performance of vector controlled synchronous motor drive. 01
8 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMSM drive. 01
9 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMBLDC motor drive. 01
10 To obtain the performance of switched reluctance motor. 01
11 To simulate closed loop control SRM. 01
12 To simulate closed loop control stepper motors. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the fundamentals advanced electric drives, machine modeling, vector and direct torque control.
CO2 Utilize the knowledge acquired on permanent magnet machines and their control.
CO3 Control various types of electric drives.
Text/ Reference books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
P.C. Krause, O. Wasynezuk, D.S. Scott, “Analysis of Electric Machinery And Drive Systems,” 2013
2 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electric Drives,” Springer. 2000
3 R. Krishnan, “Switched Reluctance Motor Drives,” CRC Press. 2001
4 R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, And Control,” Prentice Hall. 2001
5 P. Vas, “Vector Control of AC Machines,” Clarendon Press Oxford. 1990
6 Peter Vas, “Sensor less Vector and Direct Torque Control,” Oxford University Press. 1998
Course Name : Advanced Control Systems
Course Code : EL3017
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of state variable analysis and design, digital
and optimal control, neural network of fuzzy systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
State Variable Analysis and Design
Introduction, concepts of state, state variables and state model, state models for linear continuous-time
1 13
systems, state variables, diagonalization, solution of state equations, concepts of controllability and
observability, different types of canonical forms.
Control System Design in State Space
2 Pole placement design using full state feedback-regulator and tracking systems, observers, full order and 06
reduced order observers, observer based compensator design.
Optimal Control Systems
Introduction, Parameter optimization: servomechanisms, optimal control problems: state variable
3 09
approach, the state regulator problem, the infinite-time regulator problem, the output regulator and the
tracking problems.
Introduction of Digital Control
Digital control systems: advantages and disadvantages of digital control, representation of sampled
4 06
process, z-transform, z-transfer function, inverse-transform and response of linear discrete systems, z-
transform analysis of sampled-data control systems, z-and s-domain relationship.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
5 Introduction to neural networks and fuzzy systems, intelligent control, models of neural networks and 08
fuzzy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of state variable analysis and design.
CO2 Acquire knowledge of digital and optimal control systems.
CO3 Acquire knowledge of neural network and fuzzy systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age Intl. Pvt. Ltd. 1993
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata. 2010
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Referemce Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Digital Control State variable methods by M Gopal. 2003
Course Name : Optimal Control Systems
Course Code : EL3018
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of about various optimal control notions and
develop optimal control techniques for various kinds of systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Introduction
Introduction to optimization, optimal control issues and frame work.
State Feedback Control
2 State feedback for regulation and tracking, observer based compensators and separation property, steady 10
state tracking with observer based compensators, related examples.
Optimal Control: General mathematical procedures
3 Formulation of optimal control problem, performance indices, calculus of variation, minimum principle, 10
dynamic programming, related examples.
Optimal Feedback Control
4 Linear state regulator, continuous time linear state regulator, use of linear regulator to solve other linear 10
optimal control problems, Minimum time control of LTI systems, stability analysis, related examples.
Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control
5 Stochastic processes and linear systems, optimal estimation for linear continuous & discrete time 07
systems, stochastic optimal linear regulator, stability analysis, related examples.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Design and analyze the closed loop system with linear state feedback control laws.
CO2 Design the observers and observer based controllers.
CO3 Implement stochastic optimal control concepts on the different control problems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited. 2015
Linear State-space Control Systems by Robert L Williams II & Douglas A. Lawrence, John
2 2007
Wiley & Sons, INC.
3 Linear Optimal Control by B D O Anderson and J B Moore, Prentice Hall. 1990

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Dynamic Programming by R E Bellman, Princeton University Press. 1957
2 Introduction Stochastic Control Theory by K J Astrom, Academic Press.
Course Name : Digital Control Systems
Course Code : EL3019
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of digital control systems, design and
analyze the stability and performance of digital control systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Digital Control Systems
1 05
Discrete time system representation, mathematical modeling of sampling process.
Modeling Discrete-Time Systems by Pulse Transfer Function
2 07
Z-transform, mapping of s-plane to z-plane, pulse transfer function, related examples.
Stability Analysis
3 07
Jury stability test, stability analysis using bi-linear transformation, related examples.
Time Response Analysis
4 Transient and steady state responses, time response parameters of a second order system, related 07
Design of Sampled Data Control Systems
5 Root locus method, controller design using root locus, nyquist stability criteria, bode plot, lead 10
compensator design, lag compensator design, lag-lead compensator design in frequency domain.
Deadbeat Response Design
6 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response, practical issues with deadbeat response 06
design, sampled data control systems with deadbeat response.

List of Experiments Number of

1 Discrete time state space modeling for SISO system. 01
2 Discrete time state space modeling for MIMO system. 01
3 Time response analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
4 Time response analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
5 Stability analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
6 Stability analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
7 Design of lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
8 Design of lag compensator for discrete time system. 01
9 Design of Lag-lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
10 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response. 01
11 Design of Root locus for discrete time system. 01
12 Implementation of Bode plot for discrete time system. 01
13 Implementation of Nyquist criteria on discrete time system. 01
14 Project 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply the concepts of signal processing and digital control.
CO2 Apply z-transformation for digital control system.
CO3 Design and analyze the digital control system for the various kinds of physical systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Digital Control and State variable methods by M Gopal, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company
1 2008
2 Discrete-Time Linear Systems: Theory and Design with Applications by G Gu, Springer Science 2012
& Business Media.
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Discrete Control Systems by Y Okuyama, Springer London. 2014
2 Advanced Discrete-Time Control by K Abidi, J X Xu, Springer Singapore. 2015
Course Name : Robust Control Systems
Course Code : EL3020
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of robust control techniques, design and
analyze various robust control techniques for linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Vector spaces, linear subspaces, invariant subspaces, vector norms and matrix norms, singular value
decomposition, semidefinite matrices, description of linear systems, operations on systems, state
space realizations for transfer matrices.
Feedback Interconnection & Stability
2 07
Well-posedness, internal stability; coprime factorization, stabilizing controllers.
Uncertainty and Robustness
Uncertainty representations, uncertain polynomials, boundary crossing theorem, Kharitonov's result,
3 10
edge theorem, stability of polytope of polynomials, sensitivity and complementary sensitivity, linear
fractional transformation (LFT), robust stability.
Singular Value
4 03
Properties, applications and stability, robustness and sensitivity.
Linear Quadratic Regulators
5 08
Return ratio and difference, design of LQR and robustness analysis.
Other Robust Control Techniques: LQG/LTR
6 Design and its robustness analysis, related examples, H2 and H∞ control techniques and their design 09

Number of
List of Experiments
1 State Space realization of SISO system 01
2 State Space realization of MIMO system 01
3 To obtain the various norms of matrix, signals, vectors and systems. 02
4 To implement LQR control for SISO system 01
5 To implement LQR control for MIMO system 01
6 To implement LQG/LTR control for SISO system 01
7 To implement LQG/LTR control for MIMO system 01
8 To implement H∞ control technique for SISO system. 01
9 To implement H∞ control technique for MIMO system. 01
10 Applications of robust control techniques in real problems 02
11 Project 1 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of basics of robust control.
CO2 Apply the design approaches such as LQR, LQG/LTR.
CO3 Analyze robustness of the control systems.
CO4 Design robust control algorithms on the engineering systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Essentials of Robust Control by Kemin Zhou and J C Doyle, Prentice Hall. 1998
2 Multivariable Feedback Design by J M Maciejowski, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1989
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Feedback Control Theory by J C Doyle, B Francis and A Tannenbaum. 1992
Robust Systems Theory and Applications by Ricardo S Sanchez-Pena and Mario Sznaier, John
2 1998
Wiley & Sons.
Course Name : Non-Linear Control Systems
Course Code : EL3021
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of nonlinear system theory, develop and
analyze the control of non-linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Number of
Lecture Wise Breakup
Introduction 08
1 General Properties of linear and non-linear systems, perturbation theory, and perturbation
dynamics, controllability and observability of non-linear systems, Lipschitz continuity, existence
and uniqueness of solution of non-linear systems.
Modeling of Non-Linear Systems 05
2 Modeling of simple mechanical systems, degree-of freedom, configuration spaces and state-space
representation, equilibrium points/operating points, Jacobian linearization.
Mathematical Notions 04
3 Notion of vector field, trajectories, vector field plot, phase plane portrait, positively invariant sets
and classification of equilibrium points.
Qualitative Analysis of Second Order Systems 07
Second-order systems, periodic solution, Bendixson's theorem and Poincare-Bendixson criteria.
Notions of Stability of Non-Linear Systems 05
5 Lyapunov theorem, small gain theorem, describing function method, asymptotic stability,
exponential stability.
Lyapunov’s Stability Notions and its Variants 05
6 Stability analysis using Lyapunov's direct and indirect method, La Salles's invariance principle and
its examples.
Non-Linear Control Techniques 08
Feedback linearization, variable structure control, nonlinear observers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply practically the various concepts on the non-linear systems under different conditions.
CO2 Design and analyze the non-linear control systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Applied Nonlinear control by J J Slotine and W P Li, Prentice Hall. 1991
2 Nonlinear Systems by H Khalil, Macmillan, 3rd edition. 2002
3 Nonlinear Control Systems: Analysis and Design, H J Marquez, Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience. 2003
4 Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems by A Astolfi, L Marconi. 2008

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Non-linear control for underactuated mechanical systems by I Fantoni, R Lozano, Springer
1 2002
Science & Business Media.
2 Nonlinear Control Systems by A Isidori, Springer, 2nd edition. 1989
4. Major Specialization Courses

(i) Power Systems (Any Four)

Course Name : Power System Operation and Control

Course Code : EL4001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the economic load dispatch, unit
commitment, power system operational security and dispatch.
Total No. of Lectures – 42
Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Economic Dispatch
Economic dispatch of hydro, thermal, hydro-thermal generating units, dispatch problem solution
1 methods (any two), economic dispatch with & without transmission line losses, Base point and
participation factors, penalty factors.
Frequency Control and AGC
Review of theory of frequency dynamics. Multi-area frequency dynamics. Load-frequency and tie 09
2 line power flow control. Theory of Automatic Generation control, AGC implementation methods.
Unit Commitment
Introduction, constraints, Priority lists, Integer Programming, Dynamic Programming, Lagrangian 06
Relaxation and Neural Net Methods.
Interconnected Systems Operation
4 Need of system interconnection, Operating policies, Economic interchange, Optimal multi- area 05
Energy Management Systems and Real-Time Control
Energy management systems, Software systems, Computer hardware resources and configurations,
5 Data management. Communications and distributed computing, Expert systems for contingency and 09
security evaluation, event analysis, system restoration and reactive control, Short range load
forecasting, SCADA.
Power Systems Operational Security and Dispatch
Review of security concept and state of operation, contingency analysis; generation dispatch;
6 dynamic security; power system state estimation; maximum likelihood weighted least- squares 07
estimation; and measurements; network observabilities and pseudo-measurements; applications in
system control.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of the Economic load dispatch and frequency control.
Acquire knowledge of the interconnected system operation, energy management and power system operational
CO2 security.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No.
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Wood and Wollenberg “Power Generation Operation and Control”, John Wiley. 1984
2 OI Elgerd “Electric Energy Systems, Theory”, McGraw Hill 1983
3 Mahalanabis et al., “Computer-aided power system analysis” Tata McGraw. 1988
4 Anderson & Fouand “Power system control and stability” Lowa State University Press. 1977
5 “Fundamentals of Supervisory Systems” IEEE Tutorial Course Text, 91EH0337-6PWR. 1991
Course Name : Smart Grid Technologies
Course Code : EL4002
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of fundamentals of smart grid technologies
such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations, microgrid and distributed energy sources, power
quality management in smart grid, information and communication technology for smart grid.

Total No. of Lectures - 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Smart Grid
Evolution of electric grid, concept of smart grid, definitions, need of smart grid, functions of smart
1 grid, opportunities & barriers of smart grid, difference between conventional & smart grid, concept of 05
resilient & self-healing grid, present development & international policies in smart grid, case study of
smart grid, CDM.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 1
Introduction to smart meters, real time/dynamic pricing including ToD pricing, automatic meter
reading (AMR), advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), outage management system (OMS), plug in
2 hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), vehicle to grid, smart sensors, smart appliances and building 10
management systems (BMS), energy management systems (EMS), customer empowerment and
engagement using technology and interactive applications and business analytics, work force
management and field force automation.
Smart Grid Technologies: Part 2
Smart substations, substation automation, feeder automation, SCADA, assessment management
through condition based monitoring, geographic information system (GIS), intelligent electronic
3 09
devices (IED) & their application for monitoring & protection, grid storage like Battery, / SMES,
/pumped hydro, / compressed air energy storage, thermal Storage, wide area measurement
system(WAMS), phase measurement unit (PMU).
Microgrids and Distributed Energy Resources
Concept of micro grid, need & applications of micro grid, formation of micro grid, issues of
interconnection, protection & control of micro grid, variable speed wind generators, fuel cells, micro
4 12
turbines, captive power plants, integration of renewable energy sources, demand side management
through energy efficient/BEE rated appliances and automated demand response, load research, energy
audit tools to save wastage.
Power Quality Management in Smart Grid
Power quality & EMC in smart grid, power quality issues of grid connected renewable energy sources,
5 power quality conditioners for smart grid, Volt-Var optimization, reactive power compensation, asset 11
optimization using smart grid technologies, power management and management of peak load using
smart grid technologies.
Information and Communication Technology for Smart Grid
Home area network (HAN), / neighborhood area network (NAN), / wide area network (WAN).
different communication technologies and protocols like bluetooth, /Zig-Bee, /GPRS, /Wi-Fi, /Wi-
Max/RF/PLC based communication, mesh communication network etc., integrated communication
6 09
infrastructure with integrated network monitoring system, advanced business analytics, basics of
CLOUD computing & cyber security for smart grid, big data storage, convergence of operational
technology and information technology, ERP, significance of enterprise service bus (ESB) to
implement SOA, use of software as a service (SaaS) applications.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 To analyze smart grid technologies such as smart measurements, smart technology for smart substations.
CO1 To analyze microgrid and distributed energy sources, power quality management in smart grid.
CO3 To analyze information and communication technology for smart grid for further power system applications.
Text / Reference Books
Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response”, CRC 2012
Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai “Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in 2009
Electric Power Systems”, Wiley.
Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, “Smart 2012
Grid: Technology and Applications”, Wiley.
4 Jean Claude Sabonnadière, Nouredine Hadjsaïd, “Smart Grids”, Wiley Blackwell. 2012
Tony Flick and Justin Morehouse, “Securing the Smart Grid”, Elsevier Inc. (ISBN: 978-1-59749- 2006
Peter S. Fox-Penner, “Smart Power: Climate Change, the Smart Grid, and the Future of Electric 2010
Course Name : Power Conditioning
Course Code : EL4003
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the various power quality issues. To
understand the active compensation techniques used for reactive power compensation, load balancing, power factor
correction and load voltage regulation.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power Quality
Overview and definition of power quality (PQ), sources of harmonic pollution, international power
quality standards and regulations, power quality monitoring, power quality problems, loads which
1 05
causes power quality problems, power quality measures and standards - IEEE guides, standards and
recommended practices, IEC standards, harmonics: important harmonic introducing devices, effect of
power system harmonics on power system equipment and loads.
Power Definitions and Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory
Concepts and evolution of electric power theory, electric power definitions; instantaneous power
2 theory: basis of the p-q theory, Clarke transformation, p-q theory application to 3φ-3 wire and 3φ-4 10
wire systems; modified p-q theory, instantaneous abc theory, comparison of p-q theory and
instantaneous abc theory, synchronous reference frame theory and applications.
Harmonic Problems in Power System
Harmonic effects within the power system, interference with communication lines, harmonic
3 10
measurements, harmonic elimination - using active (shunt, series and hybrid) and passive (shunt and
series) filters.
Power Conditioners
Power factor correction, zero voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, load balancing using
4 load compensation techniques: passive shunt and series compensation, DSTATCOM (Distribution 10
Static Compensators), DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorers), UPQC (Universal Power Quality
Improved Power Quality Converters
Single ac-dc converters, bridgeless isolated converter, bridgeless non-isolated converters, multi-pulse
5 07
converters, multilevel converters, line commutated converters, power quality improvement in SMPS,
UPS, drives, welding systems, lighting systems, and renewable energy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply various concepts of power conditioning.
CO2 Design converters for harmonic mitigation.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
H. Akagi, E.H. Watanabe and M. Aredes, “Instantaneous power Theory and applications to 2007
Power Conditioning,” IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons.
Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality: Problems and Mitigation 2015
Techniques,” Wiley.
3 J. Arrilaga and N.R Watson, “Power System Harmonics,” John Wiley and Sons. 2003
A.E. Emanuel, “Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow,” IEEE Press, 2010
John Wiley and Sons.
TP.S. Revuelta, S.P. Litrán, J.P. Thomas, “Active Power Line Conditioners: Design, Simulation 2016
and Implementation,” Elsevier publications.
Course Name : Distributed Generation
Course Code : EL4004
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of importance of DG, various available
generation technologies. Gain knowledge regarding the interconnection standards. Know the importance of power
electronics for DG applications. Understand the impact of DG integration on power quality, transmission system operation
and power system protection.
Total No. of Lectures – 56
Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction: sources of energy-solar, wind, combined heat and power, hydro, tidal, wave, geo-
1 thermal; interface with the grid: direct machines coupling with grid, full power electronic coupling,
partial power electronic coupling, distributed power electronic interface, impact of type of interface on
Interconnection Issues and Standards
Intermittence issues, regulatory and interconnection standards-IEEE 1547/ framework, constraints on
2 operational parameters: voltage, frequency, THD, Response to grid abnormal operating conditions, 06
fault Ride Through (FRT) Capabilities.
Technical regulations for interconnection
Overview of technical regulations, active power control, frequency control, voltage control, technical
3 solutions for new interconnection rules. Feasibility of integrating large-scale grid connected DG, 06
policy, market and regulatory interventions, regulatory challenges, viability of DG integration in
deregulated electricity market.
Power Electronics and DG Systems
Relevance of power electronics in DG applications, power quality requirements and source switching
using SCR based static switches, power converter topologies, model and specifications for DG 10
4 applications, filter designs, harmonic reduction. Control of DG inverters: phase locked loops, current
control and DC voltage control for stand-alone and grid parallel operations; control objectives:
constant P-Q, constant current, P-V control, P-f and Q-V droop controls, virtual synchronous generator
Transmission System Operation in the Presence of DG
Impact on transmission system, fundamentals of transmission system operation, frequency control
5 balancing and reserves, prediction of production and consumption, restoration after blackout, voltage 10
stability, kinetic energy and inertia constant, frequency stability and angular stability, fault ride
through, storage, increasing hosting capacity.
Impact on Power Quality
5 Fast voltage fluctuations, voltage unbalance, low frequency harmonics, high frequency distortion,
voltage dips, increasing hosting capacity.
Protection System in the Presence of DG
Over current protection, failure of over current relay coordination, blinding of protective relays,
excessive fault current, generator protection, increasing hosting capacity; unintentional islanding: anti-
islanding relays, anti-islanding standards, types of islanding detection schemes-active, passive,
communication and hybrid for synchronous generator and inverter based DGs; super conduction fault 10
current limiter, adaptive relay coordination schemes for over current relay coordination.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Familiarize with objectives of distributed generation, different distributed generation technologies and
interconnection standards.
CO2 Understand the importance of power electronics for DG integration.
CO3 Familiarize with different control objectives of DGs.
CO4 Gain knowledge regarding the issues with DG adoption.
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
Renewable Energy- Power for a sustainable future, third edition, Edited by Godfrey Boyle,
1 2013
Oxford University Press,
Amirnaser Yezdani, and Reza Iravani, “Voltage Source Converters in Power Systems:
2 2009.
Modeling, Control and Applications”, IEEE John Wiley Publications
Dorin Neacsu, “Power Switching Converters: Medium and High Power”, CRC Press, Taylor
3 2006
& Francis
Microgrids: Architectures and Control, Nikos Hatziargyriou (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-
4 2013
72068-4, 340 pages, December 2013, Wiley-IEEE Press
Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks, S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury and P.
5 2009
Crossley, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, U.K
Integration of distributed generation in power systems, Math Bollen and Fainan Hassan,
6 2011
Wiley-IEEE press
Technical literatures- research papers published in power system and power electronics
related reputed journals and IEEE standards.
Course Name : Digital Applications in Industrial Power Engineering
Course Code : EL4005
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the digital technologies for effective
performance of power system, such as real time monitoring. Students should be in a position to identify major drawbacks
of digitization and their counter actions.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Transforming Electricity via Digitally-Interconnected Systems
Digital technologies for enhancement of power-generation operations (such as for thermal generation
plant): combustion dynamics monitoring system, heat recovery steam generator tube-leak monitoring,
emission monitoring, leaking-valve prioritization, dynamic high-pressure steam temperature and flow
1 adjustment, air-in-leakage monitoring, heat tracing. 10
Tech-enabled Ecosystem
Automated monitoring, simple interface for operators, digital dispatching, predictive analytics,
automated worker and material preparations, end-to-end digital work management system, real time
fuel tracking, centralized control rooms, management based on data.
New Trends in Energy Sector
Three-Ds and S+3E trend in energy sector, evolution of digital engineering, building information
2 10
modelling (BIM), virtual and augmented reality, VR/AR, digital twinning. recharging the energy
industry with smart grids, big data, IOP.
SCADA Applications in Power Systems
3 (i) origins of SCADA, real time control, data acquisition, monitoring and event processing, (ii) field 06
practices of SCADA.
4 Definitions, applications, intervening systems, data requirements, outputs, measurements and 06
Data Handing in SCADA
5 Data storage, archiving and analysis, data aggregation, data transport, Smart grid, micro grids and 08
integration in power systems, smart metering.
Real Time monitoring Central Station and its Requirements
6 08
Hardware system configuration, protocol stack.
Disadvantages of Digitization and Remedies Cyber-sabotage, virus attacks on electrical systems,
7 08
data handling, malfunction of protective system, etc. Counter actions to overcome cross-cutting risks.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire the knowledge of digital technologies for effective performance of power system, such as real time
CO2 Students will be in a position to identify major drawbacks of digitization and their counter actions.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
William J. Dally, Stanford University, California, John W. Poulton, “Introduction To Digital
Systems Engineering,” University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Publisher: Cambridge
1 2012
University Press-1998, online: 2012.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139166980.002
William J. Dally, John W. Poulton, “Digital Systems Engineering,” Publisher
2 2008
Cambridge University Press Year 2008, ISBN 9781139927475
D.K. Kaushik, “Digital Electronics,” Publisher: Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, New Delhi,
3 2005
John Crowe, Barrie Hayes-Gill, “ Introduction to Digital Electronics,” Engineering Books,
4 2021
2021 (pdf format) https://www.engbookspdf.com/Electronic-Books/Complete-Digital-Design-
Dr.M.K.Khedkar, Dr.G.M.Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
5 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010.
6 Relevant websites.
Course Name : Developing and Advanced Technologies in Power Sector
Course Code : EL4006
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of emergent technologies in power sector.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Developing Technologies
Smart grid, Na and Thermo-Electro-Chemical Converter, Betavoltaics, robotics and drones, IoT and
1 cloud computing, energy efficient lighting and electrical apparatus, Graphene Supercapacitors. Energy 06
systems from the viewpoint of 3E+S. 3E+S, emission reduction global options 2010-50. Indian
energy technology strategies and development activities.
Future Energy Sources
2 Renewable technologies, Flexible Generators, recycling radio waves, optical rectenna, pulp energy, 08
fuel from the sky.
Advances in RES
3 Concentrating solar power, Floating wind turbines, printable organic solar cells, biomass gasification 08
for power generation, microbial fuel cell for power generation,
Digitization of Power Sector
4 Digitally-interconnected power systems. Digital Technologies for enhancement of power-generation 10
operations, Tech-enabled ecosystem, smart grids, big data, IOP, energy storage.
Future Challenges in Power Sector
Optimization of generation portfolio, adoption of smart grids, distributed generation based on
5 10
renewable energies, efficiency improvement/ cost reduction, value driven regulations, Global Futures
Intelligence System (GFIS)-challenges in energy and science and technology.
Emerging Technologies in Power Sector
6 AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML applications in Power sector, Battery Energy Storage System, 14
Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of conversant with existing and emerging technologies in power sector.
CO2 Know about the future challenges in power sector.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 John Twideu and Tony Weir, “Renewal Energy Resources” BSP Publications, 2006. 2006
M.V.R. Koteswara Rao, “Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional” BSP
2 2006
Publications, 2006.
Godfrey Boyle, “Renewable Energy Power For A Sustainable Future”, Oxford University
3 1996
Press. 1996
4 C.S. Solanki, “Renewal Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners” PHI Learning.
Peter Auer, "Advances in Energy System and Technology". Vol. 1 & II Edited by Academic
S. A. Abbasi, Naseema Abbasi, “Renewable energy sources and their environmental impact”,
6 2001
Prentice-Hall of India, 2001
7 S. L. Sah, “Renewable and novel energy sources”, M.I. Publications, 1995 1995
Dr. M. K. Khedkar, Dr.G.M. Dhole, “A Textbook of Electric Power Distribution Automation,”
8 2010
university science press, New Delhi 2010
Power Systems of the Future
10 The Future of The Electric Grid 2011
Electric Energy Challenges of the Future
11 2012
Course Name : Power System Stability and Dynamics
Course Code : EL4007
Credits : 4
L T P : 4-0-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of Power system stability, machine, load and
frequency stability enhancement of stability.

Total No. of Lectures – 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power System Stability
States of operation & system security, stability problems faced by power systems, impact on power
1 06
system operation and control; concept of equilibria, small and large disturbance stability, single
machine infinite bus system.
Steady state stability
Use of load-flow studies for (i) steady state stability of power system, (ii) management of reactive
2 power resources, (iii) determination of available transmission capacity, (iv) margins to security and 10
stability, (v) congestion management in the transmission network. Importance of load flow study
under pre-fault, post fault power system operating conditions.
Transient stability
Review of swing equation and it’s solution by equal area criterion for (i) sudden change in mechanical
input, (ii) sudden loss of one of parallel lines, (iii) short circuit at one end of line, (iv) short circuit
3 10
away from line ends, (v) line reclosure. Swing equation solution by (i) indirect methods, (ii) direct
method: importance of synchronizing and damping torques, significance of fault clearing time,
reclosure, in terms of transient stability of power system; methods to enhance transient stability.
Small signal Stability (Dynamic Stability)
State space representation concept, eigen properties of the state vectors, characteristics of small –
signal stability problems, small signal stability of a single machine connected to infinite bus system
4 10
through Heffron-Phillips constants – Effects on excitation system – block diagram presentation with
exciter and AVR. Small signal stability of a multi machine connected to infinite bus system; methods
for enhancement of small signal stability.
Frequency Stability
Stability issues in interconnected power systems, definition of control area, – inter connected systems,
5 AGC in single area control – block diagram representation – steady state analysis – dynamic response 10
– proportional plus integral control; AGC multi area system – modeling – static and dynamic response
– tie line bias control.
Voltage Stability
Definition and classification of voltage stability, mechanism of voltage collapse, analytical concept of
6 voltage stability for a two-bus system, reactive power and voltage collapse. Expression for critical 10
receiving end voltage and critical power angle at voltage stability limit for a two-bus power system,
determination of voltage stability using sensitivity indicator, indices.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Power system stability
CO2 Machine, load, and frequency stability.
CO3 Enhancement of stability.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Prabha Kundur., “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1994
2 Taylor C.W. “Power Systems Voltage Stability”, McGraw Hill NY 1994
3 Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol I, Elements of stability 2017
Kimbark E.W. “Power System Stability and Control – Vol III, Synchronous Machines”, John
4 2017
Wiley & Sons
5 1. Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Wollenberg “Power Generation, Operation & Control” 3 rd edition, 2013
John Wiley and Sons.
6 K.R. Padiyar, “Power systems Dynamics stability and control”, B.S. Publisher. 2003
Anderson P.M., and Foud A.,” Power system control and stability” John Wiley and Sons,
7 2006
8 Power System Dynamics & Stability’ P.Sauer & M.A.Pai , Prentice Hall, 1998 1998
Narain Hingorani, et al, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts And Technology Of Flexible AC
9 Transmission Systems,” IEEE Press Standard Publisher Distributors, Delhi-110006,1st Indian 2001
Course Name : Advance Power System Analysis
Course Code : EL4008
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the fundamentals of power system analysis.
To understand algorithms and mathematical foundation required for power system analysis.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Power Flow Studies
Review of 1-φ load - load flow studies using Y-bus, Gauss- Seidel, Newton-Raphson, Fast
decoupled power flow, Z-bus formulation for load flow solution, sparsity techniques, DC power
1 10
flow. Distribution systems load flow analysis- backward sweep forward sweep, direct approach-
based load flow analysis, Comparison of various methods of load flow solution, AC-DC load flow,
inclusion of renewable energy generation in load flow analysis.
Three Phase Networks
Three phase network elements, three phase balanced network, transformation matrices, three phase
2 unbalanced network elements; algorithm for formation of three phase bus impedance matrix; 06
modification of three-phase bus impedance matrix for changes in the network; 3-φ load flow
Network Fault and Contingency Analysis
Fault computation using Z-bus, short-circuit calculations for three phase networks using Z bus; 07
contingency analysis for power systems.
State Estimation in Power Systems
4 Introduction, basics of Least squares estimation technique, static state estimation of power systems, 05
bad data treatment, network observability and pseudo measurements, hybrid state estimation using
SCADA and PMU measurements, state estimation applications.
System Optimization
Strategy for two generator systems – generalized strategies– effect of transmission losses -
5 sensitivity of the objective function- formulation of optimal power flow-solution by Gradient
method; optimal power flow: solution of optimal power flow (OPF) – the gradient method, linear 14
sensitivity analysis. LP methods – with real power variables only – LP method with AC power flow
variables and detailed cost functions; security constrained optimal power flow; interior point
algorithm; bus incremental costs.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the modelling, analyze the power system in the study state.
CO2 Apply the contingencies arising in the system under different conditions.
CO3 Do the state estimation from line measurements

Suggested Books:
Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher
Sr. No Publication/
1 Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 2 nd edition. 2004
2 Grangier& Stevenson , “Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill International Studentss Edition. 2003
3 P.M. Anderson, “Analysis of Faulted Power Systems”, IEEE Press Book. 1995
Glonn N. Stagg and ahmed H. El-Abiad, “Computer Methods in Power System Analysis” McGraw
4 Hill,International Edition 1988

5 George L.Kusic, “Computer-aided Powersystem Analysis”, Prentice Hall. 1986

J.Arrillaga, C.P. Amold and B.J. Harker, “Computer Modeling of Electrical Power Systems”, John
6 willey&Sons 1983

7 M.A. Pai, “Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd Edition 2017
8 O.I. Elgard, “Electric Energy Systems– An Introduction”, TataMcgraw Hill 1971
Course Name : Digital Power System Protection
Course Code : EL4009
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of overall idea of different types of static
relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in power system protection

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Philosophy of Protection
Qualities of relaying - definitions - characteristic functions; classification –analog-digital- numerical;
1 06
schemes and design-factors affecting performance –zones and degree of protection; faults-types and
evaluation; instrument transformers for protection.
Basic Elements of Digital Protection
Signal conditioning: transducers, surge protection, analog filtering, analog multiplexers, Conversion
2 subsystem: the sampling theorem, signal aliasing, error, sample and hold circuits, 09
multiplexers, analog to digital conversion, digital filtering concepts, the digital relay as a unit
consisting of hardware and software
Relay Units
Sequence networks-fault sensing data processing units- FFT and Wavelet based algorithms and
3 09
differential equation-based algorithms: phasor estimation techniques-DFT and least square
estimation; -travelling wave protection schemes.
Protection of Power System Apparatus
Protection of generators – transformer protection – magnetizing inrush current – application and 09
4 connection of transformer differential relays – transformer over current protection. Bus bar
protection, line protection, distance protection–long EHV line protection, power line carrier
Recent Advances in Digital Power System Protection
5 Digital protection techniques based on wide area measurements with PMUs or FDRs, digital 09
protection techniques based on wireless technology (Wi-Fi- Wi-Max- Token Ring, etc.)

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and their sequence components using DFT 2
2 To develop code to compare the response of half cycle DFT, quarter cycle DFT and recursive DFT phasor 3
estimation algorithms during faults.
3 To develop code for estimating voltage and current phasors and sequence components using least square 2
error phasor estimation algorithm
4 To develop code for distance relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
5 To develop code for directional relay scheme for transmission lines. 2
6 To develop code for differential protection scheme for transformers 2
7 To develop code for differential protection scheme for alternators 2

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Acquire knowledge of different types of static relays and its applications, and about the modern techniques used in
power system protection
CO2 Develop code for implementing protection algorithms.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
A T John and A K Salman- Digital protection for power systems-IEE power series-15, Peter 1994
Peregrines Ltd, UK, 1997.
2 T S. Madhav Rao, Power system protection static relays with microprocessor applications, Tata 1994
McGraw Hill Publication, 1994.
Badri Ram, D.N. Vishwakarma, Power system protection and switch gear, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001
4 A. R.Warrington, Protective Relays, Vol .1&2, Chapman and Hall, 1973. 1973
5 Gerhard Ziegler-Numerical distance protection, Siemens, 2nd ed, 2006. 2013
6 S.R.Bhide “Digital Power System Protection” PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.2014. 2003
7 A.T. Johns and S. K. Salman, “Digital Protection of Power Systems”, IEEE Press, 1999. 2006
A.G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”, Wiley/Research 1998
studies Press, 2009.
9 L.P.Singh, “Digital protection”, New age publishers, 2 nd Edition 2017
Course Name : HVDC and FACTS
Course Code : EL4010
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of the control
and operation of high voltage DC and flexible AC Transmission system. Analyze the effect of different FACTs devices to
the operation and control of power system.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to HVDC
1 Introduction to HVDC transmission, comparison of HVAC and HVDC, advantages and disadvantages 02
of HVDC and HVAC system.
HVDC Converters and Control
DC system components and their functions, converter configuration, principles of DC Link control and
converter control characteristics, types of converters for HVDC systems, firing angle, current and
2 extinction angle control, DC link power control, synchronization techniques for power converters. 10
HVDC controls, forced commutated HVDC converters, capacitor commutated converters for HVDC
applications, numerical examples on HVDC applications, voltage source converters for HVDC
systems, modern HVDC trends.
Power Flow and Harmonic Analysis
Mechanism of active and reactive power flow control, reactive power in AC systems, the reactive
power load of a converter, reactive power sources within a converter station, controlling converter
3 09
reactive power, voltage step changes, effects of harmonics in AC power systems, sources of harmonics
in AC power systems, pulse number and harmonic cancellation. DC harmonics, characteristic and non-
characteristic harmonics, harmonic filter design, types of filters.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
Definition of FACTS, constraints of maximum transmission line loading, benefits of FACTS,
uncompensated line, shunt and series compensation, phase angle control, SVC and STATCOM,
4 operation and control of: TSC, TRC and STATCOM. Compensator control, TSSC, SSSC, static 10
voltage and phase angle regulators: TCVR and TCPAR, operation and control applications; UPFC:
circuit arrangement, basic principle of P and Q control, independent real and reactive power flow
control, Sen transformer.
Power Flow Control Using FACTS
Introduction to interline power flow controller, compensation devices, STS, SSC, SVR, backup energy
5 supply devices, special purpose FACTS controllers, thyristor controlled voltage limiter and voltage 11
regulator, thyristor controlled braking resistor and current limiter, system static and dynamic
performance improvement with FACTS controllers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Compare EHV AC and HVDC system and to describe various types of DC links.
CO2 Choose proper FACTS controller for the specific application based on system requirements.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 K.R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission System” New Age Intl. Co. 2002
N.G Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible 2001
AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
V.K. Sood, “HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power 2008
3 Systems,”
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4 T. J. E Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,” John Wiley & Sons. 2010
(ii) Power Electronics & Electric Drives (Any Four)

Course Name : Electric Drives

Course Code : EL4011
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students should be able acquire the knowledge of fundamental concepts of electric drives, and
analyse speed control & braking of DC and AC machines using power electronic converters.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Electric Drives
The power semiconductor drive and its elements, dynamics of the motor load system, the converter
1 05
motor system, speed control and multi-quadrant operation, review of torque-speed characteristics of
DC motors including motoring and braking.
Phase Controlled Converter DC Drives
2 Single-phase and three-phase half, full and dual converter controlled DC drives, torque-speed 08
characteristics and braking of converter fed DC drives, closed loop control.
Chopper Controlled DC Drives
3 05
Single and multi-quadrant converter control, motoring and braking operations, closed loop control.
Induction Motor Drives
4 Equivalent circuits, torque-speed characteristics, operations with unbalanced source voltages and non- 06
sinusoidal supply, starting, speed control and braking, multi-quadrant control.
AC Regulators Controlled Induction Motor Drives
5 03
AC regulators circuits, four-quadrant control and closed loop operation.
Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drives
6 Variable frequency (constant E/f and V/f) control of induction motor fed from VSI and CSI, multi- 07
quadrant operation, closed loop control, control of slip-ring induction motor.
Synchronous Motor Drives and Control
7 CSI-fed synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor drive, VSI-fed 04
brushless DC motor drives.
Special Drives
8 Switched reluctance motor (SRM): principle of operation, torque production, modes of operation; 04
stepper motors: principle of operation and types, torque production.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled thyristorized converter 01
2 To obtain the speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper 01
3 To obtain four quadrant operation of DC motor using IGBT based DC chopper 02
4 To obtain speed control performance of induction motor using v/f control 02
5 Speed control of DC machine using full wave fully controlled and semi controlled thyristorized
converter and compare various AC and DC side performance parameters
6 Speed control of DC machine using first quadrant chopper and evaluate the performance using
different chopping frequencies
7 Speed control of induction motor using v/f control and obtain dynamic behaviour of the machine when
changing from one frequency to another
8 Speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using digital controller 01
9 Speed control of BLDC motor drive using digital controller. 01
10 Speed control of switched reluctance motor using digital controller. 01
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand fundamental concepts of Electric Drives.
CO2 Analyze various power electronic controllers for AC and DC drives
CO3 Analyze and compare closed loop control strategies for AC and DC Drives.

Text/ Reference Books:

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
G. K. Dubey, “Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New 1989
2 G.K. Dubey, “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, Narosa publishing House. 2010
G K Dubey, S R Doradla, A Joshi, RMK Sinha, “Thyristorised Power Controllers” New age 2012
international publishers.
3 Bimal K. Bose “Modern power electronics and AC drives” Pearson Education, Asia. 2003
4 B.N. Sarkar, “Fundamental of Industrial Drives”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. 2011
5 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electrical Drives, 3 rd edition”, Springer. 2001
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design,” John Wiley and sons.
7 P C Sen, “Thyristor DC Drives”, wiley-interscience publication. 1981
8 Ned Mohan, “First Course on power electronics and drives”, MNPERE. 2011
9 PiotrWach, “Dynamics and Control of Electrical Drives”, Springer. 2011
10 S. K. Pillai, “A First Course on Electrical Drives”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd. 2012
Course Name : Power Conditioning
Course Code : EL4012
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the various power quality issues. To
understand the active compensation techniques used for reactive power compensation, load balancing, power factor
correction and load voltage regulation.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Power Quality
Overview and definition of power quality (PQ), sources of harmonic pollution, international power
quality standards and regulations, power quality monitoring, power quality problems, loads which
1 05
causes power quality problems, power quality measures and standards - IEEE guides, standards and
recommended practices, IEC standards, harmonics: important harmonic introducing devices, effect of
power system harmonics on power system equipment and loads.
Power Definitions and Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory
Concepts and evolution of electric power theory, electric power definitions; instantaneous power
2 theory: basis of the p-q theory, Clarke transformation, p-q theory application to 3φ-3 wire and 3φ-4 10
wire systems; modified p-q theory, instantaneous abc theory, comparison of p-q theory and
instantaneous abc theory, synchronous reference frame theory and applications.
Harmonic Problems in Power System
Harmonic effects within the power system, interference with communication lines, harmonic
3 10
measurements, harmonic elimination - using active (shunt, series and hybrid) and passive (shunt and
series) filters.
Power Conditioners
Power factor correction, zero voltage regulation, reactive power compensation, load balancing using
4 load compensation techniques: passive shunt and series compensation, DSTATCOM (Distribution 10
Static Compensators), DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorers), UPQC (Universal Power Quality
Improved Power Quality Converters
Single ac-dc converters, bridgeless isolated converter, bridgeless non-isolated converters, multi-pulse
5 07
converters, multilevel converters, line commutated converters, power quality improvement in SMPS,
UPS, drives, welding systems, lighting systems, and renewable energy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply various concepts of power conditioning.
CO2 Design converters for harmonic mitigation.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
H. Akagi, E.H. Watanabe and M. Aredes, “Instantaneous power Theory and applications to 2007
Power Conditioning,” IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons.
Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Quality: Problems and Mitigation 2015
Techniques,” Wiley.
3 J. Arrilaga and N.R Watson, “Power System Harmonics,” John Wiley and Sons. 2003
A.E. Emanuel, “Power Definitions and the Physical Mechanism of Power Flow,” IEEE Press, 2010
John Wiley and Sons.
TP.S. Revuelta, S.P. Litrán, J.P. Thomas, “Active Power Line Conditioners: Design, Simulation 2016
and Implementation,” Elsevier publications.
Course Name : Advanced Power Electronics
Course Code : EL4013
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of analyze, evaluate and design advanced
switching techniques for DC-DC converters, multilevel DC-AC converters, AC-DC converters and multipulse converters
for power quality improvement.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Non-isolated DC-DC Converters
Non-isolated switch mode dc-dc converters: converter transfer function, buck, boost, buck-boost,
1 05
fourth order converters, bipolar output voltage converters, effect of converter non idealities, switch
utilization factor.
Isolated DC-DC Converters
Isolated switch mode converters: transformer circuit configurations, buck derived isolated converters-
2 04
single ended forward converter, half & full bridge converter, push pull converter, boost derived
isolated converters.
Soft-Switched Converters
Soft switching dc-dc converters: resonant converters, ZCS and ZVS topologies, generalized analysis of
3 04
ZCS, zero voltage and zero current transition converters; voltage and current mode control of PWM
DC-AC Inverters and Fault Diagnosis
Methods of harmonic reduction, current source inverter, variable DC link inverter, boost inverter,
4 05
introduction to inverter circuit design, three-phase inverter- open circuit & short-circuit fault diagnosis,
fault tolerance techniques.
Multilevel Inverters
Multilevel inverters: introduction and basic concept, types of multilevel inverters (diode clamp, flying
5 capacitor, cascaded), switching device currents, DC-link capacitor voltage balancing, features of 06
multilevel converters, applications of multilevel inverters: reactive power compensation, back to back
intertying and adjustable speed drives.
Resonant Inverters
6 Resonant pulse inverters: introduction, series and parallel resonant inverters, ZVS and ZCS resonant 05
AC-DC Rectifiers
Line commutated rectifiers: 1ø and 3ø half and fully controlled rectifier configurations with R, RL and
RLE load. Continuous and discontinuous conduction mode; definitions of fundamental real power (P)
7 06
and reactive power (Q) of converters and associated VAR Diagrams, effect of source inductance on
output voltage, phase control of output voltage and inverter mode (line commutated inverter),
necessary precautions in the inverter mode.
Harmonic Reduction in Multi-pulse AC-DC Rectifiers
8 Multi pulse methods for harmonics reduction: introduction to multi pulse methods for reduction of 02
harmonics: principle of cancellation of harmonics.
Phase-Shift AC-DC Converter and PWM Rectifiers
Determination of phase shift and vector representation, analysis of 12-pulse converter (Wye-Wye and
9 05
Wye-Delta) configuration for 30-degree phase shift, introduction to PWM rectifiers: power factor
corrected rectifiers.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of isolated DC-DC converters. 02
2 To study the operation of non-isolated DC-DC converters. 01
3 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
4 To simulate the full bridge converters. 01
5 To study the operation of voltage source and current source inverter. 02
6 Operation of variable DC link inverter. 01
7 To study the operation of multilevel inverter. 01
8 To simulate power factor corrected rectifier. 01
9 To simulate the resonant inverters. 01
10 To study the operation of 3-phase line commutated rectifier. 01
11 To study the operation of power factor corrected rectifier. 01
12 DSP based control of PFC rectifier. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze, evaluate and design advanced switching techniques for DC-DC converters.
CO2 Analyze advanced switching strategies of DC-AC converters and analyze multilevel DC-AC converters.
CO3 Analyze advanced AC-DC converters and multi-pulse converters for power quality improvement.

Text/ Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
B.R.Pelly, “Thyristor Phase Controlled Converters and Cycloconverters”, John Wiley and 1971
2 L Gyugyi and B.R.Pelly, “Static Power Frequency Changers”, John Wiley and Sons. 1976
Guy Seguier, Christian Rombaut and Robert Bausiere “Power electronic Converters: Volume 1987
2 AC-AC Conversion”, North Oxford Academic Publishers.
4 R.S.Ramshaw, “Power Electronic Semiconductor switches”, Chapman and Hall. 1994
R.W.Erickson and DraganMaksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, KLUWER 2004
Academic Publishers.
M H Rashid, “Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications”, Prentice Hall of India 2013
Pvt Ltd.
N Mohan, T.M. Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters applications and 2006
design”, John Wiley and sons.
Marian K Kazimierczuk, “Pulse-width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters”, John Wiley 2008
and Sons.
Course Name : Power Electronics in Renewable Energy System
Course Code : EL4014
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge on the selection of suitable power converter
for renewable energy application. To impart knowledge on the design power converter for renewable energy system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Potential of renewable energies in India’s future power generation, need of power electronics for
1 02
power generation from renewable sources, impact of power electronics on energy system, challenges
of the current energy scenario: the power electronics contribution.
Solar PV Systems
Solar PV characteristics, grid requirement for PV, power electronic converters used for solar PV,
2 10
control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding mode, grid synchronization, PLLs, battery
charging in PV systems, matrix converters.
Wind Energy Conversion
Wind turbine characteristics, grid requirement for wind, PMSM and DFIG for wind generators, power
3 08
electronic converters for PMSM and DFIG, control techniques, MPPT, grid connected and islanding
Electrolyzer and Fuel Cells Systems
Introduction to fuel cell and electrolyzer, types of fuel cells, power converter for electrolyzer
4 10
operation, PV based green hydrogen generation, power converters for fuel cell application, series-
parallel connections of power converters.
Power Electronic Converters and Control for Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Need for hybrid systems, types of hybrid systems, multi-input single output converters, multi-input
5 multi-output power converters, cascade operation of converters, parallel operation of converters, AC- 12
DC-AC converters, MPPT and off-MPPT mode operation of converters, model predictive control
technique for hybrid renewable energy system, concept of microgrid and co-ordinated control.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain solar PV characteristics. 01
2 To study the operation of buck and boost converter for solar PV system. 01
3 To simulate solar PV MPPT using P&O and INC algorithm. 02
4 To simulate solar PV system in grid-connected mode. 01
5 To study the operation of solar PV system in islanding mode. 01
6 To simulate matrix converter for solar PV application. 01
7 To obtain electrolyzer and fuel cell characteristics. 02
8 Parallel operation of DC-DC converters for hybrid renewable sources. 01
9 Parallel operation of DC-AC inverters for hybrid renewable energy system. 01
10 To study the operation of series-parallel connected DC-DC converters. 01
11 Energy management strategy of hybrid renewable energy system. 01
12 To obtain the performance of hybrid battery-supercapacitor energy storage system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Design different power converters namely AC to DC, DC to DC and DC to AC converters for renewable energy
CO2 To provide knowledge about the stand alone and grid connected renewable energy systems.
Text/ Reference books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Haitham Abu-Rub, Mariusz Malinowski, Kamal Al-Haddad, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2014
Energy Systems, Transportation and Industrial Applications,” Wiley.
Remus Teodorescu, Marco Liserre, Pedro Rodriguez, “Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and 2011
Wind Power Systems” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Suleiman M. Sharkh, Mohammad A. Abu-Sara, Georgios I. Orfanoudakis, Babar Hussain, 2014
“Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Sudipta Chakraborty, Marcelo G. Simões, William E. Kramer, “Power Electronics for Renewable 2013
and Distributed Energy Systems” Springer.
Fang Lin Luo, Hong Ye, “Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy” CRC 2013
M. H. Nehrir, C. Wang, “Modeling and Control of Fuel Cells: Distributed Generation 2009
Applications,” Wiley.
Course Name : HVDC and FACTS
Course Code : EL4015
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of the control
and operation of high voltage DC and flexible AC Transmission system. Analyze the effect of different FACTs devices to
the operation and control of power system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to HVDC
1 Introduction to HVDC transmission, comparison of HVAC and HVDC, advantages and disadvantages 02
of HVDC and HVAC system.
HVDC Converters and Control
DC system components and their functions, converter configuration, principles of DC Link control and
converter control characteristics, types of converters for HVDC systems, firing angle, current and
2 extinction angle control, DC link power control, synchronization techniques for power converters. 10
HVDC controls, forced commutated HVDC converters, capacitor commutated converters for HVDC
applications, numerical examples on HVDC applications, voltage source converters for HVDC
systems, modern HVDC trends.
Power Flow and Harmonic Analysis
Mechanism of active and reactive power flow control, reactive power in AC systems, the reactive
power load of a converter, reactive power sources within a converter station, controlling converter
3 09
reactive power, voltage step changes, effects of harmonics in AC power systems, sources of harmonics
in AC power systems, pulse number and harmonic cancellation. DC harmonics, characteristic and non-
characteristic harmonics, harmonic filter design, types of filters.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems
Definition of FACTS, constraints of maximum transmission line loading, benefits of FACTS,
uncompensated line, shunt and series compensation, phase angle control, SVC and STATCOM,
4 operation and control of: TSC, TRC and STATCOM. Compensator control, TSSC, SSSC, static 10
voltage and phase angle regulators: TCVR and TCPAR, operation and control applications; UPFC:
circuit arrangement, basic principle of P and Q control, independent real and reactive power flow
control, Sen transformer.
Power Flow Control Using FACTS
Introduction to interline power flow controller, compensation devices, STS, SSC, SVR, backup energy
5 supply devices, special purpose FACTS controllers, thyristor controlled voltage limiter and voltage 11
regulator, thyristor controlled braking resistor and current limiter, system static and dynamic
performance improvement with FACTS controllers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Compare EHV AC and HVDC system and to describe various types of DC links.
CO2 Choose proper FACTS controller for the specific application based on system requirements.

Text/ Reference books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 K.R. Padiyar, “HVDC Power Transmission System” New Age Intl. Co. 2002
N.G Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible 2001
AC Transmission Systems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi.
V.K. Sood, “HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power 2008
3 Systems,”
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
4 T. J. E Miller, “Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,” John Wiley & Sons. 2010
Course Name : Design and Realisation of Power Converters
Course Code : EL4016
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of information about power converter circuit

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Semiconductor Devices
Ratings and specifications of power semiconductor devices: silicon MOSFET, silicon carbide
1 05
MOSFET, gallium nitride FET, IGBT, static and dynamic characteristics of switching devices, losses
in power semiconductor devices – switching and conduction losses.
Design of Driver Circuits
2 Necessity of isolation, pulse transformer, opto-coupler, gate drive circuits - silicon and silicon carbide 06
MOSFET gate driver, IGBT gate driver, gallium nitride gate driver.
Design of Protection Circuits
3 MOSFET and IGBT protection circuit, snubber circuit, overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection, 04
gate protection.
Design of Power Electronic Circuit
Selections of components, different sections of power converters, types of grounds - analog and power
4 ground, multi-layer printed-circuit-boards (PCB), power PCB, issue of signal integrity, PCB design, 11
harness design, bus bar structure, electromagnetic interference (EMI), conducted and radiated EMI,
EMI filters, different types of capacitors for power electronics applications.
Design of Magnetics
Core materials- ferrite core, powder core, amorphous core, METGLASS core; core types – toroidal,
5 05
laminated core; selection of winding wire – litz wire; bobbin, high frequency inductor design for non-
isolated power converters, high frequency transformer design for isolated power converters.
Thermal Design
Electrical analogy of thermal components- thermal resistance and impedance, temperature rise, heat
6 04
sink, guidance for heat sink selection – mounting types, thermal calculations, cooling methods, thermal
protection, enclosure design.
Converter Product Design
7 03
Packaging of power converter, art in power electronic product design.
Design Consideration of Power Converters
8 04
Case studies for design of rectifiers, inverters, SMPS, UPS and resonant converters.

Number of
List of Experiments:
1 LT spice simulation of power semiconductor devices. 01
2 LT spice simulation of power converters. 01
3 Performance of gate driver circuit. 01
4 An experimental study on MOSFET/IGBT protection circuit. 02
5 PCB design using Eagle PCB software/design spark PCB. 01
6 PCB design for various power converters. 02
7 High frequency inductor and transformer design. 02
8 To obtain the performance of rectifiers. 01
9 To simulate the resonant converters. 01
10 Implementations of DC/DC buck and/or boost converter. 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand components of power converter circuit.
CO2 Design power converters.
Text/Reference Books
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design,” 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 L.Umanand, "Power Electronics Essentials and Applications", 1st Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 2009
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed. PHI. 2005
4 Abraham I. Pressman, Keith Billings., “Switching Power Supply Design,” 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill. 2009
5 Henry W Ott, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering,” John Wiley & Sons. 2009
François Costa, Eric Laboure, Bertrand Revol, “Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power 2014
Electronics,” Wiley.
Mark I. Montrose, “EMC and the Printed Circuit Board: Design, Theory, and Layout Made 1998
Simple,” Wiley-IEEE Press.
Keith Billings and Taylor Morey, “Switch mode Power Supply Handbook,” 3rd Ed., McGraw- 2011
9 Philip T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics” Oxford University Press. 2004
Course Name : Modelling and Control of Power Electronic Converters
Course Code : EL4017
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the design of different components for
power converter Systems. Impart knowledge on the design of closed loop compensators for DC-DC Converter.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Understanding Power Electronic Converters
Introduction to basic DC‐DC converter topologies - buck converter, boost converter, buck/boost
converters, advanced power electronics converters, various applications, , basics of utility power
1 04
conversion, isolated and non-isolated converter circuits, types of power converter models, voltage
source stiff inverters, current source inverters, switching function representation of three-phase
converters, three-level inverters, multilevel inverter topologies.
Converter Modelling
2 Steady state modeling of the power converters, DC transformer model, loss modeling, dynamic 08
modeling of the power converters, AC modeling of converters, state-space averaging.
Converter Analysis
3 Steady state converter analysis, transfer functions and frequency domain analysis, extra element 05
Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converter
Purpose of pulse width modulation (PWM), fundamental concepts of PWM, PWM Analysis by duty
cycle variation, PWM at low switching frequency, concept of a space vector, triangle-comparison
based PWM, space-vector based PWM, control of power converters, voltage source and current source
4 10
inverters. Modulation of single-phase voltage source inverters, modulation of three-phase voltage
source inverters, zero space vector placement modulation strategies, modulation of current source
inverters, over modulation of an inverter, carrier-Based PWM of multilevel inverters, space vector
PWM for multilevel converters.
Control of Power Converters
Feedback control design, voltage mode and current mode control, control of inverters and rectifiers,
5 09
control challenges, limitations of analog control techniques, need for digital control in DC‐DC
Implementation of Controllers
6 Analog and digital implementation of the controllers, advanced analysis and control techniques applied 06
to power electronics converters, simulation validation of converter modelling.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the concept of state space modelling and analysis power converters and their control.
CO2 Design state feedback controllers and observers for dc-dc converters and multi-level inverters.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
N. Mohan, “Power Electronics- Converters, Applications and Design”, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & 2003
2 P. T. Krein, “Elements of Power Electronics,” New York: Oxford Univ. Press. 1998
3 M.H. Rashid, “Power Electronics-circuits, Devices & Applications,” 3 rd ed.,PHI. 2005
R. W. Erickson, D. Maksimovic, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics”, Kluwer Academic 2004
5 I. Batarseh, “Power Electronic Circuits,” Wiley. 2004
J. Kassakian, M. F. Schlecht, and G. C. Verghese, “Principles of Power Electronics”, Addison- 1991
Wesley Publishing Company.
7 D. Grahame Holmes, Thomas A. Lipo, “Pulse Width Modulation for Power Converters: 2003
Principles and Practice,” Wiley.
V. Bobal, J. Bohm, and J. Fessl, “Digital Self‐Tuning Controllers: Algorithms, Implementation 2005
and Applications” 1st Ed., Springer.
Francesco Vasca, Luigi Iannelli, Eds., “Dynamics and Control of Switched Electronic Systems: 2012
9 Advanced Perspectives for Modeling, Simulation and Control of Power Converters”, Springer,
1st Ed.
Course Name : Advanced Electric Drives
Course Code : EL4018
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of DC,
induction and synchronous machine modeling. Impart knowledge on permanent magnet machines and their control.

Total No. of Lectures- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Modeling of DC Machine
Kron’s primitive machine model (two axis model), statically induced EMF, rotational or dynamically
1 induced EMF, generalized torque expression of Kron’s primitive machine, mathematical model of DC 04
machine (shunt, series, separately excited), steady state characteristics with armature and field control,
dynamic behavior with constant flux.
Modeling of Induction and Synchronous Machine
Modeling of three phase symmetrical induction machines (IM) in abc variables, synchronous reference
frame and arbitrary reference frame, park reference frame, torque expression in d-q frame, induction
2 08
machine modeling in arbitrary reference frame; synchronous machine modelling: voltage and flux
equations in the natural reference and dq frames, dynamic modelling of PMSM, dynamic modelling of
BLDC motors.
Control of DC Motor Drives
3 Review of conventional power electronics control DC drives, state feedback control and sliding mode 06
control of separately excited DC machine.
Advanced Control of Induction Machines
4 DTC of induction motor: introduction, space vector control of induction motor: principles of vector 08
control, direct vector control, derivation of indirect vector control.
Control of Synchronous Motor Drives
Synchronous motor drive control : zero direct‐axis current (ZDC) control, maximum torque per ampere
5 08
(MTPA) control, direct torque control (DTC), power factor control (PFC); control of brushless DC
motor, vector control of PMSM in park reference frame.
Control of Special Motor Drives
Control of switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives: switching angle control, current control, direct
6 08
torque control; closed loop speed control of SRM, converters for stepper motors, open loop and closed
loop control of stepper motors.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study the operation of DC series, shunt and separately excited machine. 02
2 To simulate state feedback control DC drive. 01
3 To simulate sliding mode control of separately excited DC machine. 01
4 To obtain the performance DTC induction motor drive. 02
5 To simulate vector control induction motor drive. 02
6 To obtain the performance of vector controlled synchronous motor drive. 01
7 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMSM drive. 01
8 To obtain the performance of vector controlled PMBLDC motor drive. 01
9 To obtain the performance of switched reluctance motor. 01
10 To simulate closed loop control SRM. 01
11 To simulate closed loop control stepper motors. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the fundamentals advanced electric drives, machine modeling, vector and direct torque control.
CO2 Utilize the knowledge acquired on permanent magnet machines and their control.
CO3 Control various types of electric drives.
Text/ Reference books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
P.C. Krause, O. Wasynezuk, D.S. Scott, “Analysis of Electric Machinery And Drive Systems,” 2013
2 Werner Leonard, “Control of Electric Drives,” Springer. 2000
3 R. Krishnan, “Switched Reluctance Motor Drives,” CRC Press. 2001
4 R. Krishnan, “Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis, And Control,” Prentice Hall. 2001
5 P. Vas, “Vector Control of AC Machines,” Clarendon Press Oxford. 1990
6 Peter Vas, “Sensor less Vector and Direct Torque Control,” Oxford University Press. 1998
(iii) Control Systems (Any Four)

Course Name : Advanced Control Systems

Course Code : EL4019
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of state variable analysis and design, digital
and optimal control, neural network of fuzzy systems.

Total No. of Lectures- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
State Variable Analysis and Design
Introduction, concepts of state, state variables and state model, state models for linear continuous-time
1 13
systems, state variables, diagonalization, solution of state equations, concepts of controllability and
observability, different types of canonical forms.
Control System Design in State Space
2 Pole placement design using full state feedback-regulator and tracking systems, observers, full order and 06
reduced order observers, observer based compensator design.
Optimal Control Systems
Introduction, Parameter optimization: servomechanisms, optimal control problems: state variable
3 09
approach, the state regulator problem, the infinite-time regulator problem, the output regulator and the
tracking problems.
Introduction of Digital Control
Digital control systems: advantages and disadvantages of digital control, representation of sampled
4 06
process, z-transform, z-transfer function, inverse-transform and response of linear discrete systems, z-
transform analysis of sampled-data control systems, z-and s-domain relationship.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
5 Introduction to neural networks and fuzzy systems, intelligent control, models of neural networks and 08
fuzzy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of state variable analysis and design.
CO2 Acquire knowledge of digital and optimal control systems.
CO3 Acquire knowledge of neural network and fuzzy systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age Intl. Pvt. Ltd. 1993
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata. 2010
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Referemce Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Digital Control State variable methods by M Gopal. 2003
Course Name : Optimal Control Systems
Course Code : EL4020
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of about various optimal control notions and
develop optimal control techniques for various kinds of systems.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Introduction
Introduction to optimization, optimal control issues and frame work.
State Feedback Control
2 State feedback for regulation and tracking, observer based compensators and separation property, steady 10
state tracking with observer based compensators, related examples.
Optimal Control: General mathematical procedures
3 Formulation of optimal control problem, performance indices, calculus of variation, minimum principle, 10
dynamic programming, related examples.
Optimal Feedback Control
4 Linear state regulator, continuous time linear state regulator, use of linear regulator to solve other linear 10
optimal control problems, Minimum time control of LTI systems, stability analysis, related examples.
Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control
5 Stochastic processes and linear systems, optimal estimation for linear continuous & discrete time 07
systems, stochastic optimal linear regulator, stability analysis, related examples.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Design and analyze the closed loop system with linear state feedback control laws.
CO2 Design the observers and observer based controllers.
CO3 Implement stochastic optimal control concepts on the different control problems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited. 2015
Linear State-space Control Systems by Robert L Williams II & Douglas A. Lawrence, John
2 2007
Wiley & Sons, INC.
3 Linear Optimal Control by B D O Anderson and J B Moore, Prentice Hall. 1990

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Dynamic Programming by R E Bellman, Princeton University Press. 1957
2 Introduction Stochastic Control Theory by K J Astrom, Academic Press.
Course Name : Digital Control Systems
Course Code : EL4021
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of digital control systems, design and
analyze the stability and performance of digital control systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Digital Control Systems
1 05
Discrete time system representation, mathematical modeling of sampling process.
Modeling Discrete-Time Systems by Pulse Transfer Function
2 07
Z-transform, mapping of s-plane to z-plane, pulse transfer function, related examples.
Stability Analysis
3 07
Jury stability test, stability analysis using bi-linear transformation, related examples.
Time Response Analysis
4 Transient and steady state responses, time response parameters of a second order system, related 07
Design of Sampled Data Control Systems
5 Root locus method, controller design using root locus, nyquist stability criteria, bode plot, lead 10
compensator design, lag compensator design, lag-lead compensator design in frequency domain.
Deadbeat Response Design
6 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response, practical issues with deadbeat response 06
design, sampled data control systems with deadbeat response.

List of Experiments Number of

1 Discrete time state space modeling for SISO system. 01
2 Discrete time state space modeling for MIMO system. 01
3 Time response analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
4 Time response analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
5 Stability analysis of SISO discrete time system. 01
6 Stability analysis of MIMO discrete time system. 01
7 Design of lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
8 Design of lag compensator for discrete time system. 01
9 Design of Lag-lead compensator for discrete time system. 01
10 Design of digital control systems with deadbeat response. 01
11 Design of Root locus for discrete time system. 01
12 Implementation of Bode plot for discrete time system. 01
13 Implementation of Nyquist criteria on discrete time system. 01
14 Project 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply the concepts of signal processing and digital control.
CO2 Apply z-transformation for digital control system.
CO3 Design and analyze the digital control system for the various kinds of physical systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Digital Control and State variable methods by M Gopal, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company
1 2008
2 Discrete-Time Linear Systems: Theory and Design with Applications by G Gu, Springer Science 2012
& Business Media.
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Discrete Control Systems by Y Okuyama, Springer London. 2014
2 Advanced Discrete-Time Control by K Abidi, J X Xu, Springer Singapore. 2015
Course Name : Robust Control Systems
Course Code : EL4022
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of robust control techniques, design and
analyze various robust control techniques for linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Vector spaces, linear subspaces, invariant subspaces, vector norms and matrix norms, singular value
decomposition, semidefinite matrices, description of linear systems, operations on systems, state
space realizations for transfer matrices.
Feedback Interconnection & Stability
2 07
Well-posedness, internal stability; coprime factorization, stabilizing controllers.
Uncertainty and Robustness
Uncertainty representations, uncertain polynomials, boundary crossing theorem, Kharitonov's result,
3 10
edge theorem, stability of polytope of polynomials, sensitivity and complementary sensitivity, linear
fractional transformation (LFT), robust stability.
Singular Value
4 03
Properties, applications and stability, robustness and sensitivity.
Linear Quadratic Regulators
5 08
Return ratio and difference, design of LQR and robustness analysis.
Other Robust Control Techniques: LQG/LTR
6 Design and its robustness analysis, related examples, H2 and H∞ control techniques and their design 09

Number of
List of Experiments
1 State Space realization of SISO system 01
2 State Space realization of MIMO system 01
3 To obtain the various norms of matrix, signals, vectors and systems. 02
4 To implement LQR control for SISO system 01
5 To implement LQR control for MIMO system 01
6 To implement LQG/LTR control for SISO system 01
7 To implement LQG/LTR control for MIMO system 01
8 To implement H∞ control technique for SISO system. 01
9 To implement H∞ control technique for MIMO system. 01
10 Applications of robust control techniques in real problems 02
11 Project 1 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of basics of robust control.
CO2 Apply the design approaches such as LQR, LQG/LTR.
CO3 Analyze robustness of the control systems.
CO4 Design robust control algorithms on the engineering systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Essentials of Robust Control by Kemin Zhou and J C Doyle, Prentice Hall. 1998
2 Multivariable Feedback Design by J M Maciejowski, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1989
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Feedback Control Theory by J C Doyle, B Francis and A Tannenbaum. 1992
Robust Systems Theory and Applications by Ricardo S Sanchez-Pena and Mario Sznaier, John
2 1998
Wiley & Sons.
Course Name : Non-Linear Control Systems
Course Code : EL4023
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of nonlinear system theory, develop and
analyze the control of non-linear systems.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Number of
Lecture Wise Breakup
Introduction 08
1 General Properties of linear and non-linear systems, perturbation theory, and perturbation
dynamics, controllability and observability of non-linear systems, Lipschitz continuity, existence
and uniqueness of solution of non-linear systems.
Modeling of Non-Linear Systems 05
2 Modeling of simple mechanical systems, degree-of freedom, configuration spaces and state-space
representation, equilibrium points/operating points, Jacobian linearization.
Mathematical Notions 04
3 Notion of vector field, trajectories, vector field plot, phase plane portrait, positively invariant sets
and classification of equilibrium points.
Qualitative Analysis of Second Order Systems 07
Second-order systems, periodic solution, Bendixson's theorem and Poincare-Bendixson criteria.
Notions of Stability of Non-Linear Systems 05
5 Lyapunov theorem, small gain theorem, describing function method, asymptotic stability,
exponential stability.
Lyapunov’s Stability Notions and its Variants 05
6 Stability analysis using Lyapunov's direct and indirect method, La Salles's invariance principle and
its examples.
Non-Linear Control Techniques 08
Feedback linearization, variable structure control, nonlinear observers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Apply practically the various concepts on the non-linear systems under different conditions.
CO2 Design and analyze the non-linear control systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Applied Nonlinear control by J J Slotine and W P Li, Prentice Hall. 1991
2 Nonlinear Systems by H Khalil, Macmillan, 3rd edition. 2002
3 Nonlinear Control Systems: Analysis and Design, H J Marquez, Hoboken: Wiley-Interscience. 2003
4 Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems by A Astolfi, L Marconi. 2008

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Non-linear control for underactuated mechanical systems by I Fantoni, R Lozano, Springer
1 2002
Science & Business Media.
2 Nonlinear Control Systems by A Isidori, Springer, 2nd edition. 1989
5. Minor Specialization Courses

Course Name : Electrical Machines

Course Code : EL5001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of constructional features and principle of
operation of various types of electrical machines, such as, transformer, DC machine, induction motor and synchronous

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Concepts
1 03
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials, concept of mmf and flux density distribution in machines
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials, construction and operating principle of single phase
2 transformer, induced emf, ideal transformer, equivalent circuit of practical transformer, losses, 09
efficiency and regulation, open circuit and short circuit tests, parallel operation of single phase
transformers, construction and types of three phase transformer
DC Machines
Operating principle and construction, emf and torque equation, methods of excitation of DC
3 09
generators, external characteristics of series, shunt and compound generator, types and operating
characteristics of DC motor, different methods of starting, speed control and braking of DC motors
Induction Motors
General construction features, rotating field theory, per phase and approximate equivalent circuit,
4 10
production of torque, torque speed characteristics, no load and blocked rotor test, methods of starting
and braking, speed control. Introduction to single phase induction motor
Synchronous Machines
Construction features, derivation of emf equation, equivalent circuit, cylindrical rotor machine
performance with constant synchronous reactance, armature reaction, generator external characteristics
and voltage regulation, efficiency and losses in synchronous generator, parallel operation of
5 11
synchronous generators.
Operation of synchronous motor, effects of armature reaction, effect of change in load and field
excitation, electromagnetic power in salient and cylindrical rotor motor, methods of starting of
synchronous motor

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain external characteristics of a DC shunt generator 01
2 To obtain external characteristics of a DC series generator 01
3 Speed control of a DC shunt motor by varying armature circuit and field circuit method 02
To perform open and short circuit test on a single phase transformer and determine a) equivalent
4 01
circuit and b) efficiency
5 To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of single phase transformer by direct loading 01
6 Parallel operation of two single phase transformers 01
To perform open circuit test and block rotor test on a three phase induction motor to draw
7 01
equivalent circuit
8 Determination of the performance characteristics of a three phase induction motor by load test 01
9 To perform speed control of three phase induction motor using various methods. 02
Variation in the active and reactive power of an alternator connected to an infinite bus by (a)
10 02
varying excitation and (b) varying mechanical power input.
11 To obtain the power angle characteristics of a two generator system 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Have knowledge of construction and principle of operation of various types of electrical machines
CO2 Analyze and evaluate the performance of various types of electrical machines
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
1 Electric Machines by D P Kothari and I J Nagrath, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited 2017
2 Alternating Current Machines by M.G Say, Pitman publishing Ltd 1976
Electric Machinery by A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, Tata
3 2013
4 Electrical Machinery by P S Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers 2011
The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines by Albert E Clayton & N N Hancock,
5 1974
CBS publishers and distributors
Electric Machinery and Transformers by Bhag S Guru &Huseyin R Hiziroglu, Oxford University
6 2000
7 Electrical Machinery and Transformer by Irving L. Kosow , 2nd Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall 1991
8 Electric Machinery by P.K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorti, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai 1993
Course Name : Electrical Power Systems
Course Code : EL5002
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of power generation, transmission,
distribution and various protection equipment
Total No. of Lectures – 42
Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Electric Power Generation
Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy, thermal, hydroelectric, diesel, nuclear power
plants, solar, wind geothermal, tidal, MHD power generation; power plant economics: load factor,
1 12
demand factor, diversity factor, plant factor, tariff, depreciation. Power factor, importance and
improvement techniques of power factor, distributed generation: centralized and distributed generation,
advantages and disadvantages, different definitions of DGs, generation and storage technologies.
Electric Power Transmission
Overhead and underground power transmission systems, arrangement of conductors, transmission line
supports and their location, economic span, choice of transmission voltage, line insulation types, string
efficiency, impulse ratio, arcing horns and rings, failure of insulation; phenomena of corona: critical
disruptive voltage, advantages and disadvantages of corona; calculation of transmission line inductance
2 and capacitance: GMD and GMR, bundled conductors, transposition, representation of short, medium
and long lines, ABCD
line constants, performance analysis of transmission lines using nominal T and π methods.
Electric Power Distribution
Classification and arrangement of distribution systems, voltage drop calculations in radial and ring
mains, comparison of different AC/DC distribution systems; underground cables: different types, 08
3 insulation resistance, capacitance of single core cables, grading of cables, capacitance of three core
cables, sheath effects.
Protection Equipment in Power Systems
Types of protective equipment and functions: relays, fuses, re-closers, circuit breakers, isolating
switches; bus bar arrangements, isolating switches, fuses: function, types, operation and rating, main
equipment in substation. Substation layout, different Bus bar schemes, types, ratings, theory and
4 characteristics, construction, characteristics and applications of HRC fuses; protective earthing objects: 12
earthing resistance of hemispherical and single driven rod, earthing arrangements; different types of
neutral earthing, calculation of neutral shift, earthing of substation equipments, protection against over
voltages: ground wire, shielding angle rod gap, horn gap, impulse gap, valve type and non-linear
arresters surge absorbers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of electrical generation, transmission and distribution.
CO2 Acquire the knowledge of various power system protection equipment and their functions

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No.
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 H Partap, “Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy” Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi 1975
2 W.J.M.VanBommel, “Road Lighting,” Kluwer Technische Boeken, Macmillan 1980
3 Utilization of Electrical Energy by JB Gupta, Kataria Publications, Ludhiana 1968
4 Open Shaw Taylor, “Utilization of Electrical Energy,” Pitman Publications 1962
C.L. Wadhwa, “Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power,” Wiley
5 2011
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
Course Name : Power Electronics and its Applications
Course Code : EL5003
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the selection of suitable power converter.
To impart knowledge on the application of different power converter topologies.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Overview of Power Semiconductor Devices
Power electronics versus linear electronics, scope and applications, interdisciplinary nature of power
1 04
electronics, power semiconductor devices - MOSFET, IGBT, TRIAC, SCR: construction, operation
and switching characteristics.
Gate Drive and Protection Circuits for Power Devices
Gate drive circuits for power MOSFET/IGBT, gate drive circuits for SCR/TRIAC: isolation of gate
2 and base drives using pulse transformers and opto-coupler, UJT triggering for SCR, protection circuits 06
for power devices: snubber circuits, current protections – fusing, fault current with AC source, fault
current with DC source.
AC-DC Converters
3 Phase controlled rectifier, single-phase half-wave and full-wave controlled rectifier, single-phase semi- 06
converter, three-phase half-wave and full-wave controlled rectifier, three-phase dual converter.
DC-DC Converters
4 DC-DC converters: working principle of buck, boost and buck-boost converters, control strategies, 09
control circuit design, synchronous converters.
DC-AC Converters & AC Voltage Controller
DC-AC converters: single phase full bridge inverter, three phase voltage source inverter for balanced
5 10
load, need of sine PWM inverters, control circuit design of single and three phase inverters, single
phase AC voltage controller.
Power Electronics Applications
HVDC transmission system, On-line and Off-line UPS, power electronics in battery charging
6 07
applications, power electronics in induction heating, electronic lamp ballast, power electronics for
electric drive applications, power electronics converter for renewable energy applications.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 An experimental study on MOSFET and IGBT gate driver circuit. 02
2 A study on overload protection of MOSFET and IGBT. 01
3 To obtain the performance of single-phase controlled rectifier. 01
4 To obtain the performance of three-phase controlled rectifier. 01
5 To obtain the performance of buck, boost, buck-boost DC-DC converters. 02
6 To simulate synchronous converters. 01
7 To obtain the performance of single-phase full bridge inverter. 01
8 To obtain the performance of three phase full bridge inverter. 01
9 To simulate the AC voltage controller. 01
10 To simulate the on-line and off-line UPS. 01
11 To simulate the power converter for electric drive application. 01
12 To obtain the performance of power electronic converter for battery charging. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze various power electronics converter circuits and understand their applications.
CO2 Understand the use of power converters in commercial and industrial applications.
Text/ Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Vinod Kumar, Ranjan Kumar Behera, Dheeraj Joshi, Ramesh Bansal, “Power Electronics, 2020
Drives, and Advanced Applications. CRC press.
Frede Blaabjerg, Tomislav Dragičević, Pooya Davari. “Applications of Power Electronics” 2019
Volume 1, MDPI.
3 Muhammad H. Rashid. “Power electronics: devices, circuits and applications.” Pearson. 2017
Course Name : Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation
Course Code : EL5004
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical
quantities, construction and operating principles of electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and
errors in measurement and apply knowledge of measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering.

Total No. of Lecture- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Functional elements of an instrument, static and dynamic characteristics, errors in measurement,
1 statistical evaluation of measurement data, standard and calibration. Measurement of error, accuracy 04
and precision, significant figures, types of error, statistical analysis of data, probability of errors,
limiting errors.
Analog Instruments
Electromechanical instruments – moving coil, moving iron, electrostatic instruments, current, voltage
2 10
and power measurements, induction type energy meter, frequency meter, power factor meter,
megger, magnetic measurements, instrument transformers.
Sensors and Transducers
Classification of transducers, selection of transducers: resistive, capacitive and inductive, piezo
3 08
electric transducers, optical and digital transducers, transducers for measurement of displacement,
temperature, level, flows, pressure, velocity and acceleration.
Bridge Measurements
Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge, AC bridges and their application for the measurement of self-
4 07
inductance and mutual inductance, Wagner ground connection, measurement of capacitance,
measurement of low and high resistance.
Analog Electronic Measurement
5 Analog electronic voltmeters, tuned and sampling voltmeters, analog electronic wattmeter and 05
energy meter.
Signal Generators and Analyzers
6 Introduction to signal generators, characteristics of signal generators, multi-vibrators, CRO, 03
harmonic distortion and spectrum analyzer
Digital Electronic Measurement
7 Digital counter-timer and frequency meter, time standards, digital voltmeter and multimeter, 05
accuracy and resolution considerations, comparison with analog electronic instruments.

List of Experiments: Number

of Turns
1 To calibrate DC voltmeter by direct reading of DC potentiometer 01
2 To measure active and reactive power in a single-phase circuit by one wattmeter method 01
3 To measure active and reactive power in a three-phase circuit by two wattmeter method 01
4 To measure power and power factor by two wattmeter method incorporating instrument
5 To calibrate a single-phase energy meter with the help of a wattmeter 01
6 To measure voltage, current and impedance by oscilloscope 01
7 To measure frequency and phase difference of a sinusoidal AC voltage using CRO 01
8 To study a strain gauge and plot its response to an application using Wheatstone bridge 01
9 To plot the characteristics of a thermistor and calibrate it for temperature measurement 01
10 To measure insulation resistance using megger 01
11 To measure sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge in half bridge and full bridge mode using strain
12 To plot I/O characteristics of various inductive, capacitive and optical transducers 03
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical quantities, construction and operating principles
of electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and errors in measurement
CO2 Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
CO3 Apply knowledge of measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Measurement Systems – Application and Design by E.O. OECbeling, McGraw Hill
1 1990
Publishing Company
2 Principle of Measurement and Instrumentation by A.S. Mooris, Prentice Hall of India 1999
Instrumentation for Engineering Measurement by Dalley, J.W., Riley, W.F. and
3 1999
Meconnel, K.G., John Wiley & Sons
A course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instruments by A.K.
4 2000
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by A.D. Helfrick and W.D.
5 1990
Course Name : Linear Control Techniques
Course Code : EL5005
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of linear control techniques and design
linear control techniques for various engineering applications.

Total No. of Lectures- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Control Theory
1 03
Basics of open loop and closed loop systems, importance of feedback systems.
Performance Analysis
2 06
Second order system’s time domain and frequency domain analysis.
Stability Analysis
3 07
Routh’s Hurwitz criteria, root Locus Technique, Nyquist technique, Bode analysis Method.
Design of PID control
Basics of P, PI, PID control, Types of PID control tuning methods: Ziegler Nichols and related
4 10
methods, loop shaping, pole placement method and closed‐loop performance and stability, related
engineering examples.
Design of Lead Lag Compensators
5 06
Lead compensator, Lag compensator, Lead-Lag Compensator, bode analysis and related examples.
Design of Internal Model Control (IMC)
Basics of IMC, Design of IMC for linear systems, time delayed systems, design of IMC for time
6 10
delayed systems, IMC based PID controller, performance and stability analysis for various engineering

Number of
List of Experiments
1 To obtain the time responses of first order and second order RLC circuits. 01
2 To simulate the various responses of the linear system using linear system simulator. 01
3 To study and implement the temperature controlled system. 01
4 To study the performances of open loop and closed loop systems. 01
5 To implement the characteristics of stepper motor interfaced with microprocessor. 01
6 To study the closed loop performances with P, PI and PID controllers. 01
7 To implement lag, lead and lag-lead compensators. 02
8 To study and implement the various characteristics of DC motor position control system. 02
9 To study the AC position trainer kit and analyze its performances. 01
10 To obtain the time domain performances of first order and second order system using MATLAB. 01
To draw Nyquist plot of open loop transfer functions and examine the stability of the closed loop 01
12 To obtain the Bode frequency response for first and second order system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge about the performance and stability analysis of control systems.
CO2 Design various kinds of PID controls and compensators for control of systems.
CO3 Design and analyze the internal model based control techniques for different kinds of physical systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Control Systems Engineering by I J Nagrath and M Gopal, Wiley Eastern. 2008
2 Linear Control Systems by B S Manke. 2010
3 PID Controllers, Theory, Design and Tuning by K J Astrom. 1995
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata, PHI. 2009
3 Adaptive Internal Model Control by Aniruddha Datta, Springer. 1998
Course Name : Utilization of Electrical Energy
Course Code : EL5006
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of electric heating, air-conditioning and
electric welding, illumination, electric traction, EV, electrolytic electro – metallurgical process

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Heating and Welding
Electric Heating, Resistance ovens, Radiant Heating, Induction Heating, High frequency Eddy Current
Heating, Dielectric Heating, The Arc Furnace, Heating of Buildings, Air – Conditioning, Electric
1 08
Welding, Modern Welding Techniques.
Electrolytic Electro – Metallurgical Process: Ionization, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis,
Definitions, Extraction of Metals, Refining of Metals, Electro Deposition.
Introduction, Radiant Energy, Definitions, Laws of Illumination, Polar Curves, Photometry,
Measurement of Mean Spherical Candle Power by Integrating Sphere, Illumination Photometer,
2 Energy Radiation and luminous Efficiency, electric Lamps, Cold Cathode Lamp, Luminaire Fittings, 10
Illumination Design for Different Purposes (indoor: domestic, office, industrial offices, outdoor:
street/road, floodlighting, industrial, security), characteristics of Good Lighting. Luminaire
characteristics etc., energy efficient luminaires.
Electric Traction
Speed - Time Curves and Mechanics of Train Movement: Introduction, Speed - Time Curves for Train
Movement, Mechanics of Train Movement, Train Resistance, Adhesive Weight, Coefficient of
3 Adhesion. Motors for Electric traction: DC motors, AC motors. Characteristics of traction motors. 08
Speed Control of motors (DC, AC). Braking: Introduction, Regenerative Braking with Three Phase
Induction Motors, Braking with Single Phase Series Motors, Mechanical braking, Magnetic Track
Brake, Electro – Mechanical Drum Brakes.
Electric Traction Systems and Power Supply
System of Electric Traction, AC Electrification, Transmission Lines to Sub - Stations, Sub – Stations,
Feeding and Distribution System of AC Traction, Feeding and Distribution System for DC Tramways,
4 Electrolysis by Currents through Earth, Negative Booster, System of Current Collection, Trolley 08
Trams, Trolley Buses and Diesel – Electric Traction: Tramways, The Trolley – Bus, Diesel Electric
Electric Vehicles
Configurations of Electric Vehicles, Performance of Electric Vehicles, Tractive Effort in Normal
5 Driving, Energy Consumption. 08
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of electric heating, air-conditioning and electric welding
CO2 Illumination, electric traction, EV
CO3 Electrolytic Electro–Metallurgical Process.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals Theory, and Design by
1 2005
Mehrdad Ehsani et al CRC Press 1st Edition, 2005.
Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction G.C. Garg Khanna Publishers 9th Edition,
2 2014
Utilization, Generation and Conservation of Electrical Energy Sunil S Rao Khanna Publishers 1st
3 2011
Edition, 2011.
6. Open Electives Courses (OECs)

Course Name : Electrical Machines

Course Code : EL6001
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of constructional features and principle of
operation of various types of electrical machines, such as, transformer, DC machine, induction motor and synchronous

Total No. of Lecture -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
General Concepts
1 03
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials, concept of mmf and flux density distribution in machines
Magnetic circuits and magnetic materials, construction and operating principle of single phase
2 transformer, induced emf, ideal transformer, equivalent circuit of practical transformer, losses, 09
efficiency and regulation, open circuit and short circuit tests, parallel operation of single phase
transformers, construction and types of three phase transformer
DC Machines
Operating principle and construction, emf and torque equation, methods of excitation of DC
3 09
generators, external characteristics of series, shunt and compound generator, types and operating
characteristics of DC motor, different methods of starting, speed control and braking of DC motors
Induction Motors
General construction features, rotating field theory, per phase and approximate equivalent circuit,
4 10
production of torque, torque speed characteristics, no load and blocked rotor test, methods of starting
and braking, speed control. Introduction to single phase induction motor
Synchronous Machines
Construction features, derivation of emf equation, equivalent circuit, cylindrical rotor machine
performance with constant synchronous reactance, armature reaction, generator external characteristics
and voltage regulation, efficiency and losses in synchronous generator, parallel operation of
5 11
synchronous generators.
Operation of synchronous motor, effects of armature reaction, effect of change in load and field
excitation, electromagnetic power in salient and cylindrical rotor motor, methods of starting of
synchronous motor

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To obtain external characteristics of a DC shunt generator 01
2 To obtain external characteristics of a DC series generator 01
3 Speed control of a DC shunt motor by varying armature circuit and field circuit method 02
To perform open and short circuit test on a single phase transformer and determine a) equivalent
4 01
circuit and b) efficiency
5 To determine efficiency and voltage regulation of single phase transformer by direct loading 01
6 Parallel operation of two single phase transformers 01
To perform open circuit test and block rotor test on a three phase induction motor to draw
7 01
equivalent circuit
8 Determination of the performance characteristics of a three phase induction motor by load test 01
9 To perform speed control of three phase induction motor using various methods. 02
Variation in the active and reactive power of an alternator connected to an infinite bus by (a)
10 02
varying excitation and (b) varying mechanical power input.
11 To obtain the power angle characteristics of a two generator system 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Have knowledge of construction and principle of operation of various types of electrical machines
CO2 Analyze and evaluate the performance of various types of electrical machines

Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
1 Electric Machines by D P Kothari and I J Nagrath, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited 2017
2 Alternating Current Machines by M.G Say, Pitman publishing Ltd 1976
Electric Machinery by A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, Tata
3 2013
4 Electrical Machinery by P S Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers 2011
The Performance and Design of Direct Current Machines by Albert E Clayton & N N Hancock,
5 1974
CBS publishers and distributors
Electric Machinery and Transformers by Bhag S Guru &Huseyin R Hiziroglu, Oxford University
6 2000
7 Electrical Machinery and Transformer by Irving L. Kosow , 2nd Edition, 1991, Prentice Hall 1991
8 Electric Machinery by P.K. Mukherjee and S. Chakravorti, 2nd Edition, Dhanpat Rai 1993
Course Name : Electrical Power Systems
Course Code : EL6002
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of power generation, transmission,
distribution and various protection equipment
Total No. of Lectures – 42
Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Electric Power Generation
Conventional and non-conventional sources of energy, thermal, hydroelectric, diesel, nuclear power
plants, solar, wind geothermal, tidal, MHD power generation; power plant economics: load factor,
1 12
demand factor, diversity factor, plant factor, tariff, depreciation. Power factor, importance and
improvement techniques of power factor, distributed generation: centralized and distributed generation,
advantages and disadvantages, different definitions of DGs, generation and storage technologies.
Electric Power Transmission
Overhead and underground power transmission systems, arrangement of conductors, transmission line
supports and their location, economic span, choice of transmission voltage, line insulation types, string
efficiency, impulse ratio, arcing horns and rings, failure of insulation; phenomena of corona: critical
disruptive voltage, advantages and disadvantages of corona; calculation of transmission line inductance
2 and capacitance: GMD and GMR, bundled conductors, transposition, representation of short, medium
and long lines, ABCD
line constants, performance analysis of transmission lines using nominal T and π methods.
Electric Power Distribution
Classification and arrangement of distribution systems, voltage drop calculations in radial and ring
mains, comparison of different AC/DC distribution systems; underground cables: different types, 08
3 insulation resistance, capacitance of single core cables, grading of cables, capacitance of three core
cables, sheath effects.
Protection Equipment in Power Systems
Types of protective equipment and functions: relays, fuses, re-closers, circuit breakers, isolating
switches; bus bar arrangements, isolating switches, fuses: function, types, operation and rating, main
equipment in substation. Substation layout, different Bus bar schemes, types, ratings, theory and
4 characteristics, construction, characteristics and applications of HRC fuses; protective earthing objects: 12
earthing resistance of hemispherical and single driven rod, earthing arrangements; different types of
neutral earthing, calculation of neutral shift, earthing of substation equipments, protection against over
voltages: ground wire, shielding angle rod gap, horn gap, impulse gap, valve type and non-linear
arresters surge absorbers.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of electrical generation, transmission and distribution.
CO2 Acquire the knowledge of various power system protection equipment and their functions

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No.
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 H Partap, “Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy” Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi 1975
2 W.J.M.VanBommel, “Road Lighting,” Kluwer Technische Boeken, Macmillan 1980
3 Utilization of Electrical Energy by JB Gupta, Kataria Publications, Ludhiana 1968
4 Open Shaw Taylor, “Utilization of Electrical Energy,” Pitman Publications 1962
C.L. Wadhwa, “Generation, Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Power,” Wiley
5 2011
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
Course Name : Power Electronics and its Applications
Course Code : EL6003
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the selection of suitable power converter.
To impart knowledge on the application of different power converter topologies.

Total No. of Lectures -42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Overview of Power Semiconductor Devices
Power electronics versus linear electronics, scope and applications, interdisciplinary nature of power
1 04
electronics, power semiconductor devices - MOSFET, IGBT, TRIAC, SCR: construction, operation
and switching characteristics.
Gate Drive and Protection Circuits for Power Devices
Gate drive circuits for power MOSFET/IGBT, gate drive circuits for SCR/TRIAC: isolation of gate
2 and base drives using pulse transformers and opto-coupler, UJT triggering for SCR, protection circuits 06
for power devices: snubber circuits, current protections – fusing, fault current with AC source, fault
current with DC source.
AC-DC Converters
3 Phase controlled rectifier, single-phase half-wave and full-wave controlled rectifier, single-phase semi- 06
converter, three-phase half-wave and full-wave controlled rectifier, three-phase dual converter.
DC-DC Converters
4 DC-DC converters: working principle of buck, boost and buck-boost converters, control strategies, 09
control circuit design, synchronous converters.
DC-AC Converters & AC Voltage Controller
DC-AC converters: single phase full bridge inverter, three phase voltage source inverter for balanced
5 10
load, need of sine PWM inverters, control circuit design of single and three phase inverters, single
phase AC voltage controller.
Power Electronics Applications
HVDC transmission system, On-line and Off-line UPS, power electronics in battery charging
6 07
applications, power electronics in induction heating, electronic lamp ballast, power electronics for
electric drive applications, power electronics converter for renewable energy applications.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 An experimental study on MOSFET and IGBT gate driver circuit. 02
2 A study on overload protection of MOSFET and IGBT. 01
3 To obtain the performance of single-phase controlled rectifier. 01
4 To obtain the performance of three-phase controlled rectifier. 01
5 To obtain the performance of buck, boost, buck-boost DC-DC converters. 02
6 To simulate synchronous converters. 01
7 To obtain the performance of single-phase full bridge inverter. 01
8 To obtain the performance of three phase full bridge inverter. 01
9 To simulate the AC voltage controller. 01
10 To simulate the on-line and off-line UPS. 01
11 To simulate the power converter for electric drive application. 01
12 To obtain the performance of power electronic converter for battery charging. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Analyze various power electronics converter circuits and understand their applications.
CO2 Understand the use of power converters in commercial and industrial applications.
Text/ Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Vinod Kumar, Ranjan Kumar Behera, Dheeraj Joshi, Ramesh Bansal, “Power Electronics, 2020
Drives, and Advanced Applications. CRC press.
Frede Blaabjerg, Tomislav Dragičević, Pooya Davari. “Applications of Power Electronics” 2019
Volume 1, MDPI.
3 Muhammad H. Rashid. “Power electronics: devices, circuits and applications.” Pearson. 2017
Course Name : Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation
Course Code : EL6004
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical
quantities, construction and operating principles of electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and
errors in measurement and apply knowledge of measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering.

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Functional elements of an instrument, static and dynamic characteristics, errors in measurement,
1 statistical evaluation of measurement data, standard and calibration. Measurement of error, accuracy 04
and precision, significant figures, types of error, statistical analysis of data, probability of errors,
limiting errors.
Analog Instruments
Electromechanical instruments – moving coil, moving iron, electrostatic instruments, current, voltage
2 10
and power measurements, induction type energy meter, frequency meter, power factor meter,
megger, magnetic measurements, instrument transformers.
Sensors and Transducers
Classification of transducers, selection of transducers: resistive, capacitive and inductive, piezo
3 08
electric transducers, optical and digital transducers, transducers for measurement of displacement,
temperature, level, flows, pressure, velocity and acceleration.
Bridge Measurements
Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin bridge, AC bridges and their application for the measurement of self-
4 07
inductance and mutual inductance, Wagner ground connection, measurement of capacitance,
measurement of low and high resistance.
Analog Electronic Measurement
5 Analog electronic voltmeters, tuned and sampling voltmeters, analog electronic wattmeter and 05
energy meter.
Signal Generators and Analyzers
6 Introduction to signal generators, characteristics of signal generators, multi-vibrators, CRO, 03
harmonic distortion and spectrum analyzer
Digital Electronic Measurement
7 Digital counter-timer and frequency meter, time standards, digital voltmeter and multimeter, 05
accuracy and resolution considerations, comparison with analog electronic instruments.

List of Experiments: Number

of Turns
1 To calibrate DC voltmeter by direct reading of DC potentiometer 01
2 To measure active and reactive power in a single-phase circuit by one wattmeter method 01
3 To measure active and reactive power in a three-phase circuit by two wattmeter method 01
4 To measure power and power factor by two wattmeter method incorporating instrument
5 To calibrate a single-phase energy meter with the help of a wattmeter 01
6 To measure voltage, current and impedance by oscilloscope 01
7 To measure frequency and phase difference of a sinusoidal AC voltage using CRO 01
8 To study a strain gauge and plot its response to an application using Wheatstone bridge 01
9 To plot the characteristics of a thermistor and calibrate it for temperature measurement 01
10 To measure insulation resistance using megger 01
11 To measure sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge in half bridge and full bridge mode using strain
12 To plot I/O characteristics of various inductive, capacitive and optical transducers 03

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of principles of measurement of electrical quantities, construction and operating principles
of electrical instruments, their static and dynamic characteristics, and errors in measurement
CO2 Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
CO3 Apply knowledge of measuring instruments to other areas of electrical engineering

Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Measurement Systems – Application and Design by E.O. OECbeling, McGraw Hill
1 1990
Publishing Company
2 Principle of Measurement and Instrumentation by A.S. Mooris, Prentice Hall of India 1999
Instrumentation for Engineering Measurement by Dalley, J.W., Riley, W.F. and
3 1999
Meconnel, K.G., John Wiley & Sons
A course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instruments by A.K.
4 2000
Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (Pvt.) Ltd.
Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by A.D. Helfrick and W.D.
5 1990
Course Name : Linear Control Techniques
Course Code : EL6005
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of linear control techniques and design
linear control techniques for various engineering applications.

Total No. of Lectures- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Control Theory
1 03
Basics of open loop and closed loop systems, importance of feedback systems.
Performance Analysis
2 06
Second order system’s time domain and frequency domain analysis.
Stability Analysis
3 07
Routh’s Hurwitz criteria, root Locus Technique, Nyquist technique, Bode analysis Method.
Design of PID control
Basics of P, PI, PID control, Types of PID control tuning methods: Ziegler Nichols and related
4 10
methods, loop shaping, pole placement method and closed‐loop performance and stability, related
engineering examples.
Design of Lead Lag Compensators
5 06
Lead compensator, Lag compensator, Lead-Lag Compensator, bode analysis and related examples.
Design of Internal Model Control (IMC)
Basics of IMC, Design of IMC for linear systems, time delayed systems, design of IMC for time
6 10
delayed systems, IMC based PID controller, performance and stability analysis for various engineering

Number of
List of Experiments
1 To obtain the time responses of first order and second order RLC circuits. 01
2 To simulate the various responses of the linear system using linear system simulator. 01
3 To study and implement the temperature controlled system. 01
4 To study the performances of open loop and closed loop systems. 01
5 To implement the characteristics of stepper motor interfaced with microprocessor. 01
6 To study the closed loop performances with P, PI and PID controllers. 01
7 To implement lag, lead and lag-lead compensators. 02
8 To study and implement the various characteristics of DC motor position control system. 02
9 To study the AC position trainer kit and analyze its performances. 01
10 To obtain the time domain performances of first order and second order system using MATLAB. 01
To draw Nyquist plot of open loop transfer functions and examine the stability of the closed loop 01
12 To obtain the Bode frequency response for first and second order system. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge about the performance and stability analysis of control systems.
CO2 Design various kinds of PID controls and compensators for control of systems.
CO3 Design and analyze the internal model based control techniques for different kinds of physical systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Control Systems Engineering by I J Nagrath and M Gopal, Wiley Eastern. 2008
2 Linear Control Systems by B S Manke. 2010
3 PID Controllers, Theory, Design and Tuning by K J Astrom. 1995

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata, PHI. 2009
3 Adaptive Internal Model Control by Aniruddha Datta, Springer. 1998
Course Name : Utilization of Electrical Energy
Course Code : EL6006
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of electric heating, air-conditioning and
electric welding, illumination, electric traction, EV, electrolytic electro – metallurgical process

Total No. of Lectures – 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Heating and Welding
Electric Heating, Resistance ovens, Radiant Heating, Induction Heating, High frequency Eddy Current
Heating, Dielectric Heating, The Arc Furnace, Heating of Buildings, Air – Conditioning, Electric
1 08
Welding, Modern Welding Techniques.
Electrolytic Electro – Metallurgical Process: Ionization, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis,
Definitions, Extraction of Metals, Refining of Metals, Electro Deposition.
Introduction, Radiant Energy, Definitions, Laws of Illumination, Polar Curves, Photometry,
Measurement of Mean Spherical Candle Power by Integrating Sphere, Illumination Photometer,
2 Energy Radiation and luminous Efficiency, electric Lamps, Cold Cathode Lamp, Luminaire Fittings, 10
Illumination Design for Different Purposes (indoor: domestic, office, industrial offices, outdoor:
street/road, floodlighting, industrial, security), characteristics of Good Lighting. Luminaire
characteristics etc., energy efficient luminaires.
Electric Traction
Speed - Time Curves and Mechanics of Train Movement: Introduction, Speed - Time Curves for Train
Movement, Mechanics of Train Movement, Train Resistance, Adhesive Weight, Coefficient of
3 Adhesion. Motors for Electric traction: DC motors, AC motors. Characteristics of traction motors. 08
Speed Control of motors (DC, AC). Braking: Introduction, Regenerative Braking with Three Phase
Induction Motors, Braking with Single Phase Series Motors, Mechanical braking, Magnetic Track
Brake, Electro – Mechanical Drum Brakes.
Electric Traction Systems and Power Supply
System of Electric Traction, AC Electrification, Transmission Lines to Sub - Stations, Sub – Stations,
Feeding and Distribution System of AC Traction, Feeding and Distribution System for DC Tramways,
4 Electrolysis by Currents through Earth, Negative Booster, System of Current Collection, Trolley 08
Trams, Trolley Buses and Diesel – Electric Traction: Tramways, The Trolley – Bus, Diesel Electric
Electric Vehicles
Configurations of Electric Vehicles, Performance of Electric Vehicles, Tractive Effort in Normal
5 Driving, Energy Consumption. 08
Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains, Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire the knowledge of electric heating, air-conditioning and electric welding
CO2 Illumination, electric traction, EV
CO3 Electrolytic Electro–Metallurgical Process.

Suggested Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals Theory, and Design by
1 2005
Mehrdad Ehsani et al CRC Press 1st Edition, 2005.
Utilization of Electric Power and Electric Traction G.C. Garg Khanna Publishers 9th Edition,
2 2014
Utilization, Generation and Conservation of Electrical Energy Sunil S Rao Khanna Publishers 1st
3 2011
Edition, 2011.
Course Name : Signals and Systems
Course Code : EL6007
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of classification of signals, systems,
impulse response, convolution, LTI systems, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, z-transforms,
sampling, and its applications.

Total No. of Lectures-42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Types of Signals & Systems and Their Representation
Continuous-time and discrete-time signals, energy and power of signals, periodic-aperiodic signals,
1 even-odd signals, standard signals: unit impulse, unit step, ramp, exponential and sinusoids. 08
Transformations of the independent variable, continuous and discrete time systems, system properties.
LTI Systems
2 Impulse response, convolution integral and convolution sum, LTI systems’ properties, LTI system 06
characterization by linear constant coefficient difference equation.
Fourier Series and Fourier Transform of Signals
Fourier series representation of continuous and discrete time periodic signals, convergence, properties
3 of Fourier series, Fourier series and LTI systems, application of Fourier series in filtering, Fourier 12
transform representation of continuous and discrete time signals, Fourier transform properties, Hilbert
transform and its properties, system characterization by linear constant coefficient difference equation.
Laplace and Z-Transform
The Laplace transform, region of convergence, properties of Laplace transform, initial and final value
theorems, inverse Laplace transform, system functions, poles and zeros of system functions, analysis
4 12
and characterization of LTI systems using Laplace transform, z-transform, region of convergence and
pole-zero plot for z-transform, properties of z-transform, inverse z-transform, analysis and
characterization of LTI systems using z-transform, stability criterion.
Sampling and Reconstruction
5 Sampling theorem, classification of sampling, aliasing, anti-aliasing filter, analog to digital conversion, 04
signal reconstruction.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of various signals, systems, convolution, LTI systems.
CO2 They will analyze the spectral characteristics of signals using Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace
transforms, z-transforms, and understands sampling, which will also help understand other introductory courses.

Suggested Books:

Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of

Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Hamid Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, Prentice Hall,
1 1997
2nd Edition
2 S. Haykin and B. Van Been, “Signals and Systems” , John Wiley & Sons, 2 nd Edition 2003
3 B. P. Lathi, “Linear Systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press, 2 nd edition 2006
Course Name : Optimization Techniques in Engineering
Course Code : EL6008
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various linear, nonlinear and evolutionary
optimization techniques to solve complex real world optimization problems in different fields of engineering

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Classical Optimization Techniques
1 Introduction to optimization and its scope in engineering, classical optimization techniques: single 05
and multi-variable problems, saddle point, Lagrange multiplier, Kuhn-Tucker condition.
Linear Programming
2 Standard form, geometry of LP problems, simplex method, duality in linear programming, quadratic 06
Nonlinear Programming
Exhaustive search, interval halving method, golden section method, interpolation methods,
3 unconstrained optimization techniques: direct search methods, indirect search (descent) methods, 14
constrained optimization techniques: sequential linear programming, sequential quadratic
programming, penalty function method, augmented Lagrange multiplier method
Dynamic Programming
4 Multistage decision processes, concept of sub-optimization and principle of optimality, linear 05
programming as a case of dynamic programming
Modern Optimization Techniques
5 Genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization – application to engineering 12
problems, no free lunch theorem, introduction to multi-objective optimization

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Form mathematical model of optimization problems and also distinguish between linear and nonlinear models
CO2 Solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler sub-problems using dynamic programming
Solve real world constrained optimization problems using genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and particle swarm

Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
1 Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice by Singiresu S. Rao, John Wiley & Sons 2009
Engineering Optimization: Methods And Applications by A. Ravindran, K. M. Ragsdell, G. V.
2 2008
Reklaitis, Wiley
Optimization for Engineering Design-Algorithms and Examples by Kalyanmoy Deb, Prentice Hall
3 2012
4 Linear and Non Linear Programming by David G Luenberger and Yinyu Ye, 3 rd Ed, Springer US 2008
5 Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms by Xin-She Yang, Luniver press 2010
6 Operations Research: An Introduction by H. A. Taha, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 2017
Course Name : Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Course Code : EL6009
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of neural networks and fuzzy systems,
different structure of neural networks, development and implementation of algorithm and their applications, design neural
networks and fuzzy systems for different applications.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Biological neuron, models of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), characteristics of neural networks, 04
different types of learning of neural network.
Fundamental Models of ANN
2 Mcculloch–Pitts, Hebbian, Perceptron, Delta, Owstrar, Boltzman, Adaline, Madaline: architecture, 05
algorithm and applications.
Feed Forward Networks
3 04
Back propagation, Radial basis function: architecture, algorithm and applications.
Self-Organizing Feature Map
4 Kohonen self-organizing maps, Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), Max net, Hamming net- 04
architecture, algorithm and applications.
Feedback Networks
5 03
Hopfield net: architecture, training algorithm and application for discrete and continuous net.
Associative Memory Networks
6 03
Hetero, auto and bi-directional associative networks: architecture, algorithm and applications.
Application of Neural Networks
7 03
Application of neural network in engineering areas.
Introduction of Fuzzy Systems
8 Fuzzy logic, classical sets and fuzzy sets, operations on fuzzy sets, properties of 09
fuzzy sets, crisp and fuzzy relations, membership functions, fuzzification, defuzzification.
Fuzzy Rule Based System
9 Formation of rules, decomposition of rules, aggregation and properties of fuzzy rules, fuzzy inference 04
Applications of Fuzzy Logic
10 Fuzzy logic applications in various areas including power systems, image processing, control systems, 03
industries etc.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
Have knowledge of concepts, different structure design, implementation of algorithm, and applications of neural
Apply the concepts and rule based fuzzy logic system, design and implementation of fuzzy logic controllers in
engineering areas.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
Fundamental of Neural Networks-Architectures, Algorithm and Applications by Laurene Fausett,
1 1993
Neural Networks- A comprehensive foundation by Simon Haykin, Macmillan Publishing
2 1994
Company, New York.
3 Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications by Timothy J Ross Wiley Students Edition. 2010
Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Neural Networks-A classroom approach by Satish Kumar, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2005
Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB by S N Sivanandam, S Sumati and S N Deepa, 2006
Tata McGraw Hill.
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic using MATLAB by S N Sivanandam, S Sumati and S N Deepa,
3 2007
Course Name : Renewable Energy Technologies
Course Code : EL6010
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of develop an understanding of properties
of solar and wind energy resource, their operation and component specifications. Design of renewable energy systems for
domestic, commercial and industrial applications.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Basics of energy, energy and power, estimation of energy bill, conventional energy sources, limited
1 03
fossil fuels, environmental impacts of fossil fuels, world energy scenario, energy scenario of India,
solar energy potential, solar radiation; global, direct and diffuse solar radiation.
Solar Cell Technologies
Conversion of solar energy into electricity - photovoltaic effect, equivalent circuit of the solar cell,
analysis of PV cells: dark and illumination characteristics, figure of merits of solar cell, efficiency
limits, variation of efficiency with band-gap and temperature, efficiency measurements, high efficiency
2 12
cells, recent developments in solar cells, role of nano-technology in solar cells, thin film solar cells, dye
sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, solar PV systems and their components, battery rating,
inverter rating, solar PV lantern, stand-alone PV system for home lighting, solar PV water pumping
Solar Thermal Technologies
Solar thermal energy system, absorption and radiation, solar cooking system, types of solar cooker,
solar distillation system, operation of solar distillation, solar heating system, types of heating system.
3 08
Types of Solar Thermal Collectors
Flat plate solar collectors, evacuated tube solar thermal systems, concentrated solar collectors,
parabolic trough, parabolic dish, fresnel reflector, heliostat power plant.
Wind Energy
Wind flow, power in the wind, wind energy conversion; efficiency limit for wind energy conversion,
types of converters, energy derived from a wind turbine, aerodynamics of wind rotors, power ~ speed
4 and torque, speed characteristics of wind turbines, wind turbine control systems; conversion to 10
electrical power : induction and synchronous generators, grid connected and self-excited induction
generator operation, constant voltage and constant frequency generation with power electronic control,
single and double output systems, reactive power compensation.
Biomass, Small Hydro, Tidal and Geothermal Energy
Biomass resources, biomass conversion technologies, biogas plants, biomass co-generation, ethanol
5 from biomass, small hydropower systems: overview of micro, mini and small hydro systems, wave 09
characteristics, conversion systems and their performance features application, introduction to
geothermal energy conversion.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To estimate solar irradiation at a given location. 01
2 To obtain the I-V characteristics of solar cell for different irradiation and temperature. 01
3 To estimate the PV output power with different solar cell technologies. 01
4 To determine power sharing curve of standalone PV-battery system for different DC loads. 01
5 To evaluate the effect of variation in tilt angle on PV module power. 01
6 To simulate a standalone solar PV system for residential load application. 01
7 To do a techno-economic analysis of standalone solar PV system. 01
8 To evaluate the sizing of stand-alone and grid connected PV battery system. 01
9 To simulate solar maximum power tracker in normal operating condition. 01
10 To simulate solar maximum power tracker under partial shading condition. 01
11 To evaluate the electric power generation from concentrating solar thermal systems. 01
12 To evaluate the electric power generation from wind farm at different locations. 01
13 To obtain the wind energy power curve. 01
14 Effect of load on wind turbine output. 01
15 To evaluate the sizing of hybrid PV-wind-battery system for a given location. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand various solar cell technologies.
CO2 Acquire knowledge about solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind energy, small hydro and biomass technologies.

Text / Reference Books

Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 C.S. Solanki, “Renewable Energy Technologies: A practical guide for beginner,” PHI. 2009
2 C.S. Solanki, “Solar Photovoltaics - Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications,” PHI. 2015
3 Jenny Nelson, “The Physics of Solar Cells,” (Imperial College, UK). 2003
Vaughn C. Nelson and Kenneth L. Starcher, “Introduction to Renewable Energy, (Energy and the 2015
Environment) 2nd Edition,”.
Wagner H. and Mathur J, “Introduction to Hydro Energy Systems: Basics, Technology and 2011
Operation”, Springer.
Course Name : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Course Code : EL6011
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objective:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of architecture and instruction sets of an
Intel microprocessor along with the idea of assembly language programming and also familiarize with the architecture of
8051 microcontroller.

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor
1 Introduction to microprocessors and microcomputers, Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture, pin 04
configuration, CPU architecture, registers, control unit.
Instruction Set of 8085 Microprocessor
2 Machine language instruction formats, addressing modes of 8085, instruction set of 8085, timing 06
diagrams, T-states, machine cycles, instruction cycle.
Assembly Language Programming with 8085
3 Example programming in assembly language using 8085 instructions, use of arithmetic, logical, 08
data transfer, stack and I/O instructions in programming, interrupt in 8085
Basic Peripherals and Their Interfacing with 8085
Memory interfacing, programmable peripheral interface (8255), programmable interval timer
4 (8253), programmable interrupt controller (8259), keyboard/display controller (8279), DMA 08
controller (8237/8257). Interfacing analog to digital data converters, interfacing digital to analog
dataconverters, serial communication interface (8251)
Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor
5 Architecture, organization and pin out details, register set, memory segmentation, minimum mode 08
and maximum mode of operation.
Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller
6 Overview of architecture and pin diagram, memory organization, register banks, external code 08
memory access, external data memory access, addressing modes.

List of Experiments: Number of

1 To study and interface 8255 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
2 To study and interface 8251 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
3 To study and interface 8259 chip with 8085/8086/Pentium Trainer system 01
To interface and control a stepper motor using the stepper motor controller card and stepper
4 01
motor drives
5 To acquire a unipolar analog signal and convert it into a digital value using A/D Card 01
6 To acquire a bipolar analog signal and convert it into a digital value using A/D Card 01
7 8085/8086 based experiments for data transfer operations 01
8 8085/8086 based experiments for arithmetic operations 01
9 8085/8086 based experiments for logical operations 01
10 8085/8086 based experiments for sorting 01
11 8085/8086 based experiments for data conversions 01
12 8085/8086 based experiments for interfacing various add on cards 03

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Explain the functioning of microprocessor and microcontroller
CO2 Do projects based on interfacing
CO3 Enhance the programming skills
Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
Advanced Microprocessors & peripherals by K. M. Bhurchandi & A. K. Ray, TMH
1 2013
2 Microprocessor & Interfacing by Douglas V Hall, TMH Publication 2006
Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085 by R.S. Gaonkar,
3 2013
Sixth Edition, Penram International Publishing
4 The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey, Prentice Hall 2009
The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using assembly and C by Mazidi MA,
5 2007
Mazidi JG and Mchinlay RD, Pearson Education
NPTEL video lecture on microprocessor & microcontroller
Course Name : Electric Vehicles
Course Code : EL6012
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of electric and hybrid vehicle operation and
architectures. Impart knowledge on energy storage and electric machines technologies for the electric vehicles.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EV) development, past, present and future, comparison with IC engine drive
vehicles, social and environmental importance of hybrid and electric vehicles, impact of modern drive-
1 trains on energy supplies, basics of vehicle performance, vehicle power source characterization, 07
transmission characteristics, mathematical models to describe vehicle performance, basic concept of
hybrid traction. Introduction to various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow control in hybrid
drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Propulsion Unit
Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles, different types of motors used
2 in EV and their torque-speed characteristics, configuration and control of DC motor drives, 10
configuration and control: induction motor, permanent magnet motor, switch reluctance motor drives;
drive system efficiency.
Energy Storage in Vehicles
Introduction to energy storage requirements in hybrid and electric vehicles, storage types: battery,
3 09
supercapacitor, flywheel, and fuel cell based energy storage and its analysis; hybridization of different
energy storage devices.
Battery Chargers
4 Fundamentals of EV battery pack design, AC and DC Chargers, low voltage DC fast charger for 03
electric vehicles, alternate charging sources – wireless & solar, battery management system.
Power Converters in Electric Drive Vehicles
5 Converter topologies: bidirectional DC-DC converters, bidirectional T-type converter, resonant 03
converter, multilevel two-quadrant converter, PWM inverters.
Energy Management and Control Strategies
Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles, classification of
6 06
different energy management strategies, comparison of different energy management strategies,
implementation issues of energy management strategies.
Electric Vehicle Case Studies
7 Design of a battery electric vehicle (BEV), design of fuel cell electric vehicle, design of hybrid electric 04
vehicle, design of more electric aircraft.

Number of
List of Experiments:
1 To obtain the performance of lead-acid and li-ion battery energy storage. 02
2 To obtain the performance of supercapacitor. 01
3 To simulate lead-acid/li-ion battery and supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system. 02
4 To simulate the I-V characteristics of fuel cell. 01
5 To obtain the difference in performance of AC and DC chargers. 01
6 To simulate the DC fast chargers for electric vehicles (EV). 01
7 To simulate the battery management system. 01
8 To obtain the performance of bidirectional DC-DC converters. 01
9 To simulate sine PWM inverters. 01
10 To obtain the performance of – permanent magnet, induction and switched reluctance motors. 02
11 To simulate the battery based EV. 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Develop the electric propulsion unit and its control for application of electric vehicles.
CO2 Analyse different power converter topology used for electric vehicle application.
CO3 Interpret working of different configurations of electric vehicles and its components, hybrid vehicle
configuration, performance analysis and energy management strategies in HEVs.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Iqbal Husain, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals”, 3rd edition CRC Press. 2021
2 Tom Denton, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Taylor & Francis. 2018
Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, Kambiz M. Ebrahimi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid 2018
Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles”, Taylor & Francis Group.
4 John Miller, “Propulsion Systems for Hybrid Vehicles,” Institute of Electrical Engineers, UK. 2004
Chris Mi, M A Masrur, D W Gao, “ Hybrid Electric Vehicles – Principles and applications with 2011
practical perspectives,” Wiley.
6 James Larminie, John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, Wiley. 2003
7 C.M. Jefferson & R.H. Barnard, “ Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion,” WIT Press. 2002
Course Name : PLC and SCADA
Course Code : EL6013
Credits : 4
LTP : 4-0-0
Course Objective:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various skills necessary for industrial
applications of PLC, data acquisition system and communication networks using standard devices, applications of

Total No. of Lecture- 56

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Computer Based Control
Implementing control system using computer or microprocessor, computer-based controller, hardware
1 configuration and software requirements 06
Distributed Control System
Meaning and necessity of distributed control, hardware components of DCS, DCS software
Introduction to PLC
PLC vs microprocessor / microcontroller / computer, advantages and disadvantages of PLC,
architecture and physical forms of PLC
2 06
Basic PLC Functions
Registers: holding, input and output registers, timers and timer functions, counters and counter
Intermediate PLC Functions
Arithmetic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other arithmetic functions,
number comparison and conversion
3 10
Data Handling Functions of PLC
Skip function and applications, master control relay function and applications, jump with non-return
and return, data table, register and other move functions
Bit Functions of PLC
Digital bit functions and applications, sequence functions and applications
4 Advanced Functions of PLC 12
Analog input and output functions, analog input and output modules, analog signal processing in PLC,
PID control function, network communication function
PLC Programming
5 PLC programming languages, ladder programming, mnemonic programming and high level language 10
Supervisory control vs distributed control, layout and parts of SCADA system, detailed block
schematic of SCADA system; Functions of SCADA system: data acquisition, monitoring, control, data
6 12
collection and storage, data processing and calculation, report generation; MTU: functions, single and
dual computer configurations of MTU; RTU: functions, architecture / layout; MTU-RTU
communication and RTU-field device communication; applications of SCADA

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Gain knowledge of various skills necessary for industrial applications of PLC
CO2 Understand the basic programming concepts and various logical instructions used in PLC
CO3 Solve the problems related to I/O module, data acquisition system and communication networks using standard
CO4 Design and analysis of general structure of an automated process for real time application using PLC and

Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
1 Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M. Gopal, Tata McGraw Hills, 3rd Edition 2008
2 Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction by D.E. Kirk, Dover Publications 2004
3 Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Methods and Applications by John Hackworth 2008
and Frederick Hackworth Jr, Pearson Education
4 Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers by Gary Dunning, Thomson, 3 rd Edition 2006
Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Application by John W. Webb and Ronald A.
5 2002
Reis, Prentice Hall India
SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition by S.A. Boyer, ISA: The Instrumentation,
6 2010
Systems, and Automation Society
7 PLCs & SCADA : Theory and Practice by R. Mehra, CRC Press 2012
Course Name : Advanced Mechatronics
Course Code : EL6014
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of about design, development and control
of intelligent systems

Total No. of Lecture - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Systems and Intelligence
Classification of system, mechanistic system classification, mathematical model and function,
machine, parts of machine, concepts of machine, classification of machines based on function and size,
1 04
introduction to induction motor, stepper motor, servo motor, linear motor. System intelligence,
properties of intelligent system, system intelligence levels, human intelligence system, future
generation system’s intelligence level, expressing system intelligence.
Hardware Concept of Mechatronics
Transducers and sensors: resistive, inductive and capacitive transducers, ultrasonic transducer, laser
ultrasonic, hall effect sensor, variable reluctance sensor, pressure sensor and accelerometer. Signal
2 07
condition devices: analog and digital circuits and devices. Controllers: microprocessor based system,
microcontroller based system, PLC based system. Actuators: mechanical, electrical piezoelectric,
hydraulic and pneumatic, electromechanical
Software Concept of Mechatronics
3 04
Programming languages: assembly, C, C++, MATLAB, ladder, Simulink etc. Real time system
Modeling of Mechatronics System
Systems modeling and simulation, transfer function, system response, linear /non-linear system
analysis, system stability, real time systems, computer-based instrumentation systems, software design
4 06
and development for real time systems (tools), monitoring systems, data recording and logging, visual
simulation, MATLAB simulation for sensors, simulation for signal conditioning devices, simulation
for actuating devices, virtual instrumentation.
Intelligent Control Techniques
Interfacing controller to system, on-off control, digital logic controller, sequence controller,
5 supervisory controller. PLC: micro PLC, modular PLC, i/o addressing, memory organization of PLC, 05
programming of PLC, application example. SCADA, HMI, advanced control applications in
Design and Development of Mechatronic Systems
Product design, traditional and mechatronic design, product component selection, possible design
solutions, transducer-ADC interface design, development of transducer-ADC interface, transducer
interface configuration with amplifiers, design of transducer-Op Amp analog interface circuit(s). AIA
6 08
design, AIA circuits for transducers, DAC-actuator interface design, AIA circuits for actuators,
examples of case studies: pick-and-place robots, engine management systems, automatic car park
barriers, barcode readers, antilock brake systems, autonomous mobile robots, wireless surveillance
CNC and Robotics
Conventional milling machines, numerical control machines, features of CNC machinery, components
of CNC machines, working of CNC machines, axis of motion in CNC, applications of CNC machines.
7 05
Evolution of robots, definitions, types of motions of robots, functions of robots, governing laws of
robotics, robotic terminologies, classification of robots, basic classification, general classification,
broad classification, standard classification.
System Fault Finding and Trouble Shooting
Introduction, watchdog timers, fault detection in sensors, fault detection in signal conditioning devices,
8 self-testing components, methods of systematic fault location, fault detection in actuators, fault 03
detection in controlling devices, methods of fault location, self-diagnostic test, emulator board,
software simulation, ladder program testing
List of Experiments: Number
of Turns
To study the characteristics of LVDT using linear displacement trainer Kit & compare with ideal
1 01
To measure the strain of the metal strip using strain gauge trainer kit & compare with ideal
2 01
To measure the angular displacement of resistive & capacitive transducer using angular displacement
3 01
trainer kit & compare with ideal characteristics
To obtain the characteristics of RTD, Thermistor, thermocouple with hot and cold junction thermal
4 01
trainer kit & compare with ideal characteristics
5 To study different types of actuators 02
6 To experimentally study PLC interfacing of I/O and I/O addressing 01
7 To perform any basic sequence programming using PLC 01
8 To study various components of stepper motor and servo motor 01
9 To study various components of induction machine and synchronous machine 01
10 To study various components of DC machines and transformers 01

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the process involved in design, development and control of intelligent systems
CO2 Understand working of any intelligent system
CO3 Design and develop their own system of interest

Suggested Books:
Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
Sr. No. Publication/
1 Mechatronics by Tilak Thakur, Oxford University Press 2016
2 Mechatronics: A Multidisciplinary Approach by W. Bolton, 4th Edition, Pearson 2008
3 Mechatronics by Dan S Necsulescu, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. 2001
4 Mechatronics Principles, Concepts & Applications by Nitaigour P Mahalik, Tata McGraw Hill 2017
5 Mechatronics: An Integrated Approach by C. De Silva, CRC Press 2005
Book by HMT Limited, Mechatronics, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
6 1988
Course Name : Optimal Control Systems
Course Code : EL6015
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of about various optimal control notions and
develop optimal control techniques for various kinds of systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
1 Introduction
Introduction to optimization, optimal control issues and frame work.
State Feedback Control
2 State feedback for regulation and tracking, observer based compensators and separation property, steady 10
state tracking with observer based compensators, related examples.
Optimal Control: General mathematical procedures
3 Formulation of optimal control problem, performance indices, calculus of variation, minimum principle, 10
dynamic programming, related examples.
Optimal Feedback Control
4 Linear state regulator, continuous time linear state regulator, use of linear regulator to solve other linear 10
optimal control problems, Minimum time control of LTI systems, stability analysis, related examples.
Stochastic Optimal Linear Estimation and Control
5 Stochastic processes and linear systems, optimal estimation for linear continuous & discrete time 07
systems, stochastic optimal linear regulator, stability analysis, related examples.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Design and analyze the closed loop system with linear state feedback control laws.
CO2 Design the observers and observer based controllers.
CO3 Implement stochastic optimal control concepts on the different control problems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age International (P) Limited. 2015
Linear State-space Control Systems by Robert L Williams II & Douglas A. Lawrence, John
2 2007
Wiley & Sons, INC.
3 Linear Optimal Control by B D O Anderson and J B Moore, Prentice Hall. 1990

Reference Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Dynamic Programming by R E Bellman, Princeton University Press. 1957
2 Introduction Stochastic Control Theory by K J Astrom, Academic Press.
Course Name : Advanced Control Systems
Course Code : EL6016
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of state variable analysis and design, digital
and optimal control, neural network of fuzzy systems.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
State Variable Analysis and Design
Introduction, concepts of state, state variables and state model, state models for linear continuous-time
1 13
systems, state variables, diagonalization, solution of state equations, concepts of controllability and
observability, different types of canonical forms.
Control System Design in State Space
2 Pole placement design using full state feedback-regulator and tracking systems, observers, full order and 06
reduced order observers, observer based compensator design.
Optimal Control Systems
Introduction, Parameter optimization: servomechanisms, optimal control problems: state variable
3 09
approach, the state regulator problem, the infinite-time regulator problem, the output regulator and the
tracking problems.
Introduction of Digital Control
Digital control systems: advantages and disadvantages of digital control, representation of sampled
4 06
process, z-transform, z-transfer function, inverse-transform and response of linear discrete systems, z-
transform analysis of sampled-data control systems, z-and s-domain relationship.
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
5 Introduction to neural networks and fuzzy systems, intelligent control, models of neural networks and 08
fuzzy systems.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of state variable analysis and design.
CO2 Acquire knowledge of digital and optimal control systems.
CO3 Acquire knowledge of neural network and fuzzy systems.

Text Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Modern Control System Theory by M Gopal, New Age Intl. Pvt. Ltd. 1993
2 Modern Control Engineering by K Ogata. 2010
3 Discrete Time Control Systems by K Ogata. 1995

Referemce Books:
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
1 Automatic Control systems by B C Kuo. 2009
2 Digital Control State variable methods by M Gopal. 2003
Course Name : Medical Instrumentation
Course Code : EL6017
Credits : 4
LTP : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of various types of instruments used in
medical applications

Total No. of Lecture- 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Introduction to Bio Instrumentation
1 Problems encountered in measuring a living system, electric shock hazards, safety codes for electro- 03
medical equipment.
Sources of Bioelectric Potentials
2 Resting and action potentials, propagation of action potential, the bioelectric potential with special 05
reference to ECG, EEG and EMG.
3 03
Recording electrodes, electrical conductivity of electrodes, jellies and creams
Transducers in Medical Equipments
4 Displacement, pressure, body temperature measurement, photoelectric transducers, optical fibre 04
Biomedical Recorders
5 04
Electrocardiograph, electroencephalograph, electro-myograph biofeedback instrumentation
Patient Monitoring System
6 System concepts, cardiac monitor, bedside patient monitoring system, measurement of heart rate, pulse 04
rate, blood pressure measurement, temperature, respiratory rate, catheterization of laboratory instrument.
Methods of Heating Tissues
7 Physiological effect of heat, short wave diatherapy, infra-red radiation, microwave diathermy, 03
surgical diathermy.
Biomedical Telemetry and Telemedicine
8 03
Introduction and application to biomedical engineering.
Modern Imaging System
9 Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging system, thermal camera based on IR sensors, 08
image reconstruction techniques.
Therapeutic Equipments
Pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, pain relief through electrical stimulation, haemodialysis machine, 05
electronics in anaerhetic machine

List of Experiments: Number of

To study the ECG machine, pick up ECG signal, display it on CRO and to find the duration of P, R and
1 02
T Wave
2 To plot experimentally the relationship between the surface EMG and muscular force. 02
3 To pick up EEG signals and study their patterns. 02
4 To study an MRI system available in the field. 02
5 To study the frequency spectrum of EMG on a display devices using a moveable band pass filter. 02
6 Visit to a medical equipment manufacturing industry 02
7 Visit to a hospital/ clinic to study various patient monitoring equipment and use of telemetry in medicine 02

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Acquire knowledge of biomedical instruments
CO1 Analyze different signal, telemetry and telemedicine
CO3 Acquire fundamental knowledge of various therapeutic equipments
Suggested Books:
Sr. No. Name of Book/Authors/Publisher Year of
1 Bioinstrumentation by John G. Webster, John Wiley & Sons 2004
Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements by Leslie Cromwell, Fred J. Weibell & Erich A
2 2001
Pfeiffor, 2nd edition, PHI
3 Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation by Khandpur, McGraw Hills Education 2014
Course Name : Energy Storage Systems
Course Code : EL6018
Credits : 4
L T P : 3-1-0
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to acquire the knowledge of the fundamentals, technologies and
applications of energy storage. To impart knowledge on the suitable energy storage medium for renewable energy system.

Total No. of Lectures - 42

Lecture Wise Breakup Number of
Storage Needs, variations in energy demand, variations in energy supply, interruptions in energy supply,
1 transmission congestion, demand for portable energy, energy storage for power systems, role of energy 04
storage systems, overview of energy storage technologies: thermal, mechanical, chemical,
electrochemical, electrical, efficiency of energy storage systems.
Electrical and Chemical Energy Storage
Batteries types, supercapacitors, superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), charging
methodologies, state of charge (SoC), state of health (SoH) estimation techniques, battery modelling.
2 08
Mechanical and Thermal Energy Storage
Flywheel, pumped hydro storage, aquiferous cold storage and cryogenic storage, high-temperature
storage (PCM).
Hydrogen Production and Storage, Fuel Cells
3 05
Electrolyzer technologies, hydrogen storage technologies, fuel cell technologies.
Mobile Storage System
4 05
Storage requirement for electric vehicle, grid-to-vehicle (G2V), vehicle to grid (V2G).
Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
5 Hybrid energy storage requirement, high frequency and low frequency energy storage mediums, 05
configurations and applications.
Applications of Energy Storage Systems
Storage for - solar energy, wind energy, fuel cells; energy storage in microgrid and smart grid, energy
6 10
management with storage systems, increase of energy conversion efficiencies by introducing energy
System Integration of Energy Storage Solutions
7 05
Power generation units and grid management.

Course Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the need of energy storage systems.
CO2 Acquire knowledge pertaining to various ways to store energy, its analysis and use.

Text/Reference Books
Year of
Sr. No. Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/
A.G.Ter-Gazarian, “Energy Storage for Power Systems”, Second Edition, The Institution of 2011
Engineering and Technology (IET) Publication, UK.
Francisco Díaz-González, Andreas Sumper, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt,” Energy Storage in Power 2016
Systems” Wiley Publication.
A. R. Pendse, “Energy Storage Science and Technology”, SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2011
New Delhi.
Electric Power Research Institute (USA), “Electricity Energy Storage Technology Options: A 2010
White Paper Primer on Applications, Costs, and Benefits” (1020676).
Paul Denholm, Erik Ela, Brendan Kirby and Michael Milligan, “The Role of Energy Storage with 2010
5 Renewable Electricity Generation”, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - A National
Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy - Technical Report NREL/ TP6A2-47187.
6 Detlef Stolten, “Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications”, Wiley. 2010

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