This Article is is explaining the true site of the Fathers house. The time of our true adoption as sons. The truth of God's Sabbath Day, plus The Crisis of the Bottomless Pit, etc.
This Article is is explaining the true site of the Fathers house. The time of our true adoption as sons. The truth of God's Sabbath Day, plus The Crisis of the Bottomless Pit, etc.
This Article is is explaining the true site of the Fathers house. The time of our true adoption as sons. The truth of God's Sabbath Day, plus The Crisis of the Bottomless Pit, etc.
This Article is is explaining the true site of the Fathers house. The time of our true adoption as sons. The truth of God's Sabbath Day, plus The Crisis of the Bottomless Pit, etc.
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''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
Part 32. The House Of God! For years many, many people every Sunday, Saturday or whenever, have aithully attended Chur!h servi!es in what is termed "y many the house of God # have never remotely $nown what the house % Temple o &od is. Some have thought that they $new, "ut only to a degree, 'ust enough to appease the conscience as it were. (he adversary has !areully $ept this se!ret very well guarded or when peoples minds are suddenly opened to this truth - as it has to some already - there will "e su!h a !hange in many lives that it will "e stupendous. ''For the Lord has His eye upon mankind as upon all the tribes of Israel.'' )e!h *+,". Can we "elieve that &od would ma$e this de!laration even in the -.(. (hat .is eye was upon A// 0A1231D as .is hand was upon 3srael even then. 4hy5 ''For all souls are mine, says God'' ''For the earth is the Lord's & all they who dwell therein.'' ''For the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His Temple.'' His corporate temple. And it will happen to ''eery man in his own order.'' r time! (han$ &od66 For &od $nows who are .is, - every man - # every man that has "een, is now, # shall "e "orn are his !reation # all have within themselves the '0ost .oly Pla!e' in their own a"idin# place within whi!h is the Temple of God. ''For it is God which works within you both to do of His own !ood pleasure.'' ''"hat house will you build for me# or what is the place of my rest$ %ays the Lord. &et# the 'ost Hi!h dwells not in temples made with hands# as says the prophet.'' A!ts 7+89%8*. David as$ed the :uestion. ''One thin! hae I asked of the Lord# that will I seek# in(uire for# and )insistently* re(uire+ that I may dwell in the house of the Lord )in His presence* all the days of my life# to behold and !a,e upon the beauty )the sweet attractieness and the deli!htful loeliness* of the Lord and to meditate# consider# and in(uire in His temple.'' Psa 27+8. 1ow even though David ere!ted a tent whi!h housed the '$r% of the Ta"ernacle' # was a dwelling pla!e or &od it was a type or metaphor o the true ta"erna!le whi!h was # is 0A1, a (a"erna!le whi!h &od pit!hed # not that whi!h man "uilt. ''In my distress I called upon the LO-.# and cried to my God+ he heard my oice out of his temple# and my cry came before him# een into his ears.'' Psa ,9+;. 4here did the voi!e o David !ome rom5 ut of His temple, out o his innermost "eing. <very human "eing was !reated in the image o &od, "ut alas, ''"hat is man that &ou are mindful of him# and the son of )earth/born* man that &ou care for him$ &et &ou hae made him - man, all men - but a little lower than God )or heaenly bein!s*# and &ou hae crowned him with !lory and honour.'' Psa 9+8=>. (he ?oung's version puts it this way. ''0nd caused him to lack a little of Godhead.'' 3s that not "eautiul5 (his is reerring to every man, it matters not who you are that are reading this at the moment, 3 do not !are what your status is - neither does God - .e does not ta$e into !onsideration how low you have dropped into the drug, al!ohol, or any other vi!e or s!ene, you are &od's !reation # within you i you !an re!eive it 3S (.< D4<//31& P/AC< -F &-D # it is your prerogative, privilege # eternal right to ta$e advantage o that whi!h is within you # e@perien!e a ellowship with the <(<R1A/ -1< who is part o your very own sel, ''For in him we lie# and moe# and hae our bein!1 as certain also of your own poets hae said# for we are also his offsprin!.'' A!ts ,7+29. (his is your (RA< 3D<1(3(?. For you are the .-AS< (.< (<0P/< -F &-D. As one has said there are S-1S -F &-D right now sitting on "ar stools who do not yet $now that they are o the ele!tion. 3 am hoping that this is not upsetting any o our do!trinal or legalisti! opinions. 4e are 1-4 (-DA? e@perien!ing the (hird Realm or 0ost .oly Pla!e e@perien!e.
Please allow me to !ite a phrase rom 0ary 4ood. Buote+= ''(he reason that others !annot see a (hird Day is "e!ause o the a!t that our !ons!iousness has "een rapture=d or cau#ht up.'' =+ An:uote. , ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''
1ow this has "een our e@perien!e all along in progressing rom one de#ree of #lory into another # on!e we "egin to understand the (hird or 0ost .oly Pla!e Realm, we realise that, as in any urther revelation it is most easily misunderstood "y those whose conscious awareness' are not yet at that level. 3 am not meaning this in a proud way, "ut i we give it some thought this has always "een so.
2omin! To 3e Glorified I4 His %aints! 3n other words Christ is now ma$ing a personal second appearance in meCus,''when he comes to be !lorified in his saints and marelled at in all belieers on that day'' which has already "e#an. 2(hes ,+,Da. 0oatt. Please ta$e note 31 .3S SA31(S. &od is !hanging our separated or lowered !ons!iousness into a Christ !ons!iousness. (he reason that we !ame into a conscious awareness originally is that &od wished to reprodu!e .imsel. Firstly &od who is love wanted to reprodu!e himsel in /ie, /ove # &odliness. Eesus was saying to the Eews, to AS # to the 4.-/< 4-R/D, that 3 am the pattern Son, what 3 am you really are also, # as you use FA3(., you will realise that you !an # will "e the same also. (a$ing the En,D+3D=3; te@t into !onsideration ''I and my Father are one.......for what !ood work do you stone me$......because you bein! a man make yourself God!..... 5esus said# Is it not written in your law# I said# &ou are !ods$ If he called them !ods# unto whom the word of God came# and the scripture cannot be broken1 %ay ye of him# whom the Father has sanctified# and sent into the world# &ou blaspheme1 because I said# I am the %on of God $'' # !oupling it with ''3ut wheneer a person turns - in full repentance - to the Lord# the eil is stripped off and taken away.'' 2Co 3+,;, A0P. Also , ''&et if eer it should reach a turnin! back - fully - to the Lord# the coerin! - or veil - is taken from about it.6 2Cor 3+,;. C/F. 3 "elieve that Eesus was not only reerring to the time that the sons o &od would e@perien!e the !hange - of incorrupti"ility - "ut even "eore the !hange that we would "e 'where I am there you may be also' En ,8+3. (his verse is not reerring to - #oin# to heaven - the way many have "een led to "elieve - & is a very instilled "elief amon# most &hristians - "ut ater Christ returned # issued the outpouring o the .oly Spirit, even to us today it is reerring to the here # now. 3 this is not so then 3 would hum"ly as$ an e@planation o this phrase ound in "oth Rev 2+2; # 3+2,. ''0nd he who oercomes is ictorious.'' (he irst verse is alluding to ruling with Christ the se!ond verse is reerring to sitting on the same throne as C.R3S( # the FA(.<R. A!tually they are "oth saying the same thing. (hese are alluding to the ,88,DDD, - an unidentifia"le num"er - the 0an=!hild, the maniestation o the sons o &od, ''those who follow the Lamb whereer He !oes //// redeemed from amon! men as the first/fruits for God 7 the Lamb.'' Rev ,8+8.
1ow the :uestion 3 wish to as$ is thisG 3 we do not over!ome in the here # now # realise that when we read - ''for the perfectin# of the saints, for the wor% of the ministry, for the edifyin# of the "ody of &hrist. $nd this until we all come into the unity of the faith and of the %nowled#e of the 'on of God, to a full-#rown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of &hrist('' <ph 8+,2=,3. 02EF, - is this or the here # now5 3 we thin$ that it is going to ta$e pla!e ater a rapture into the s%y o what proit, # how !ould it "e an over!oming on our part i &od does it with a Hip "ang # your there on the throne without ever over!oming in the here # now5 ''He has raised us up to sit to#ether & #iven us )oint seatin# with Him in heavenly places *+.'' /et us now hear what Paul has to say to us in the "oo$ o <phesians.
'',ay He #rant you out of the rich treasury of His #lory to "e stren#thened and reinforced with mi#hty power in the inner man "y the -Holy. 'pirit -Himself indwellin# your innermost "ein# and personality.. /0 ,ay &hrist throu#h your faith -actually. dwell 1settle down, a"ide, ma%e His permanent home2 in your hearts! ,ay you "e rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, /3 That you may have the power and "e stron# to apprehend and #rasp with all the saints -God's devoted people, the e4perience of that love. what is the "readth and len#th and hei#ht and depth -of it.( /5 -That you may really come. to %now -practically, throu#h e4perience for yourselves. the love of &hrist, which far surpasses mere %nowled#e -without e4perience.( that you may "e filled -throu#h all your "ein#. unto all the fullness of God -may 2 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' have the richest measure of the divine 6resence, and "ecome a "ody wholly filled and flooded with God Himself.!'' <ph 3+,*=,* Amp. ''*ow the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly7 and your whole spirit, and soul, and "ody "e preserved "lameless at the comin# of our Lord 8esus &hrist.'' ,(h >+23. Dar"y. As there are degrees in our !onse!ration, as we progress rom one degree o glory to another, so the lid is "eing lited on end time revelation. -ur level o repentan!e $eeps stride with what is "eing revealed # as we repent or turn from what is outdated, this in turn !auses us to deepen our !onse!ration, then as we - more fully - turn to the /ord the F<3/ is lited to suit. ''For whoeer has )spiritual knowled!e*# to him will more be !ien and he will be furnished richly so that he will hae abundance1 but from him who has not# een what he has will be taken away.'' 0at ,3+,2. A0P. 1ow this urther spiritual understanding will only in!rease when # ater we !ome to $now the (RA< lo!ation o (.< .-AS< -F &-D..... (o add, a great part o this urther understanding or /3&.( is ound in the truth o, Our Full 0doption 0s %ons! 4ith this parti!ular theme there seem to "e diering ideas "ut 3 "elieve that we are mostly saying the same thing "ut e@pressing it in dierent ways, a!!ording to the situation that we are in at the time. 3 very mu!h li$e the way that "oth &eorge .awtin # David 4e"er another 2ingdom writer e@plain it. (o ela"orate urther on what we have "een saying, 3 now share something that David 4e"er has written on the three stages o adoption in the original .e"rew amily # the !omparison with what &od's sons are now, # are to e@perien!e. Buote += 6For the an8ious lon!in! of the creature waits ea!erly for the reealin! of the sons of God. For the creation was sub9ect to futility# not willin!ly# but because of Him who sub9ected it# in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slaery to corruption into the freedom of the !lory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation !roans and suffers the pains of childbirth until now. 0nd not only this# but also we ourseles# hain! the first/fruits of the %pirit# een we ourseles !roan within ourseles# waitin! ea!erly for our adoption as sons...6 IRomans 9+,*=23J
Keloved, even a "rie glimpse into this passage o s!ripture rom Romans should reveal to us that the Ladoption o sonsL or the unveiling o the Son in ullness in a !ompany o sons is something whi!h yet lies ahead or the "ody o Christ. 4e, who have re!eived a measure o the Spirit now wait ...&R-A131&/? 4A3(6 or our adoption as sons. 4e were oreordained unto adoption as sons, "ut the a!tual adoption is something or whi!h we are now waiting. (hus, this LadoptionL is not simply the matter o our !oming into the amily o &od through regeneration o our spirit, "ut rather, it is something whi!h is the end result o &od's iery dealings with us unto the ull and !omplete surrender o our souls6 3 would li$e to ta$e a :ui!$ loo$ at the lie o Eesus as it is revealed to us in the &ospels "e!ause in .is lie we !an see a pattern whi!h reveals the three stages o spiritual growth in a "eliever ... rom inan!y Ite$nionJ ... to pu"erty Ite$nonJ ... to maturity IhuiosJ. (his is revealed in Eesus' manger "irth and !ir!um!ision on the eighth day, to .is appearing in the temple at age ,2, to .is adoption !eremony and .is Father's pro!lamation o .is Son=ship at the Eordan at age 3D IL3DL is the "i"li!al num"er or LmaturityLJ. (he pattern shown to us in the lie o Eesus, is also revealed to us in the lie o the average 3sraelite male Iwhi!h 3 mentioned earlierJ. Eesus then spiritually ampliies or us that pattern with .is lie. 3n the lie o the average .e"rew "oy there were three ma'or events whi!h drew "road pu"li! attention to him. (he irst o these events was his LCir!um!ision,L whi!h o!!urred when he was an inant, at eight days old. (his was the moment that he was mar$ed as a L!ovenant manL in 3srael, and was !ele"rated throughout the !ommunity. 3 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' (he se!ond ma'or event was his LKar=0itHvah,L whi!h too$ pla!e as he was a"out to enter into pu"erty. (he word Kar=0itHvah a!tually means La son a!!ounta"le,L and this signiied the time, not only when he was held a!!ounta"le or $eeping the Commandments o &od, "ut also when he was to "e!ome an apprenti!e under his ather in the amily "usiness. (his, too, was !ele"rated as a very spe!ial event in the lie o the !hild, 'ust as it is today. (he third event was what was $nown as the L.uiothesia,L or the Iyoung man'sJ Ladoption !eremony.L (he word L.uiothesiaL means LSon Pla!ement,L and indi!ates the time when a male !hild rea!hed what was !onsidered to "e the age o maturity Isomewhere around 3DJ. At this time, the ather o the young man would pla!e his hand on the head o his son and openly pro!laim, 6This is my beloed son in whom I am well pleased!'' 3 "estow upon him now all o my ri!hes and power and authority Ithrough power o attorneyJ so that he might a!t on my "ehal in all o my aairs.L Keloved riends, !an you see that the three e@perien!es that are des!ri"ed in the lie o an 3sraelite male, and the three stages shown to us in the lie o Eesus, are to "e spiritually dis!erned so that we may understand &od's enduring pro!ess or our own spiritual growth into sons5 Can you now understand why Eesus would say to 0ary and Eoseph at age ,2, L2now ye not that 3 must "e a"out 0y Father's "usiness5L Can you see that .e was pro!laiming .is 'ust then entered apprenti!eship under the Father5 At that point Eesus was 'ust entering an ,9 year stage o Llearning the amily "usinessL so to spea$. .is Son=ship !eremony at the Eordan whi!h would Lulil all righteousnessL and laun!h .is glorious Son=ship ministry would not "e perormed until .e rea!hed the ull stage o Lmaturity.L (he .oly Spirit's des!ent li$e a dove upon Eesus was in essen!e the hand o the Father !oming upon the Son to pro!laim .is Son=ship ministry6 (he Father said, 6This is 'y 3eloed %on in "hom I 0' well pleased!6 0any o us have not understood the ull ramii!ations o those words, or that !eremony, until now. Kut there is now a great light o revelation "eing shed upon su!h things in this day. 4hy5 Ke!ause the time or our adoption as LsonsL is drawing nigh "eloved. -ur Father is preparing to "estow the ri!hes and the power and the glory o .is 2ingdom upon a people, and that without measure6 Kut .e won't give that power to spiritual inants6 1o, .e won't. 1or will .e give it to spiritual !hildren... Kut the Father is waiting Ias is all o !reationJ to "ring orth sons. (his is the pre!ious ruit o the earth or whi!h the .us"and=man has "een patiently waiting. 0ay the /ord give us the gra!e to endure the trials and the !hastening that we must suer unto son= ship, and that, so that .e may have that !ompany o sons upon whom .e !an pla!e the great authority and power that is needed to rule and reign with .im in the 2ingdom o &od.... ''een we ourseles !roan within ourseles# waitin! ea!erly for our adoption as sons...6 =+ An:uote.
(his is all a part o the ulilling o the ne@t two verses # are very mu!h part o ea!h other. The 2risis Of The -ealisation Of The 3ottomless :it! ''4ow the 9ud!ement ;crisis< of this world is comin! on )sentence is now "ein# passed on this world*. 4ow the ruler ;eil !enius# prince< of this world shall be cast out ;e8pelled<. 0nd I# if and when I am lifted up from the earth# will draw and attract all men )Gentiles as well as 8ews* to 'yself.'' En ,2+3,= 32. A0P. (he 'udgement is in the understanding that this so !alled ruler or adversary is none other than our mista%en identity whi!h i we allow it will lead us in the way o the world, things that are on the outside, things o the lesh, things o what we !an see, tou!h # hear, ''For where your treasure is there will be your heart also.'' 0oney, !ars, et!. As 3 read re!ently. ''The true mar% of a son is when he as%s most often for spiritual blessin!s instead of temporal "lessin#s. ne will %now that he is no lon#er num"ered amon# those who mind earthly thin!s# when in all his see%in#, he see%s only those thin#s which are a"ove, ''where 2hrist sits on the ri!ht hand of God.''
8 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' (he thought that we shared in our last issue regarding the adversary "eing !ast into the "ottomless pit, ''"ottomless'' meaning that whi!h has no oundation, will "e a great help to all o us in over!oming, when we realise that a!tually ''the ruler of this world - our mista%en identity is bein! cast out ;e8pelled<.'' (his is the same thought that is given to us when we read ''0nd then shall that "icked be reealed# whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth# and will destroy with the bri!htness of his comin!+'' 2(h 2+9. (he "rightness o .is !oming meaning ''That He is comin! to be !lorified I4 His %aints'' 3 we !an re!eive it the only world that this ruler, evil #enius, prince, wic%ed one, or $ntichrist, is "eing !ast out o, or "eing consumed from with the spirit of His mouth is the 4-R/D that is within us. Eesus said that ater 'He was lifted up from the earth - the resurrection He would draw = dra# as a ma#net - 7 attract all men to Himself.' 1ow mysel 3 see this to mean also that when .e - our true &hrist identity is lited up cau#ht up, rapture-d, ascended, 43(.31 AS # ta$es us away rom our earthly mundane way o thin$ing, # our whole desire is set only on rising up # away rom our !arnality et!. 3nto the high pla!e o "elieving who we really are now, S-1SG # the realising # e@pe!ting o -AR FA// AD-P(3-1, 'to wit the redemption of our bodies.'
''T0>? 4O THO@GHT for your life# what you shall eat# or drink# what you shall put on. Is not the life more than meat 7 clothes. or your needs, top-line motor cars, etc, T0>? 4O THO@GHT for tomorrow# for after these thin!s do the G?4TIL?% - un"elievers - seek. 3@T %??> FI-%T the KINGDOM OF GOD 7 His ri!hteousness 7 0LL TH?%? THI4G% %H0LL 3? 0..?. TO &O@. 4o man can sere two masters+ for either he will hate the one# and loe the other1 or else he will hold to the one# and despise the other. &e cannot sere God and 'ammon# or worldly thin#s. ''For your Heaenly Father knows what you hae need of.'' (hese sayings are ound in 0att ;. Buote += ''9icious is the enemy, "ut : shall smite him & destroy his plans to hinder ,y people from movin# forward into their callin# & destiny. : will completely destroy the wor%s of the enemy in the midst. : will dethrone him & esta"lish ,y throne. ;ecause you are willin#, : shall come to you & assist you. : shall hear your cries of intercession & "rin# li"erty. This is the day promised to you. This is the covenant : have made with you. This is the promise fulfilled that you & your household shall "e saved.'' =+ An:uote. Ky Shirley /ise. - !ourse the (hrone o &od is in .3S (<0P/< # 'ye are the temple = house - of God.' God's "onderful %abbath .ay! A very wonderul part o this end=time message is that in the truth o the millennial $ingdom, it is the Sa""ath day o all Sa""ath days. 3t is the Day of God. All the rest were only metaphors or types or shadows o the R<A/3(?. 4hen Eesus went into synagogue on the Sa""ath day # !onronted a man with an un!lean spirit # !ast it out, .e was demonstrating "y type or a para"le that in the wonderul $ingdom Sa""ath, that the "ondages o the adversary or the prin!e o the power o the air - aer - that now dwells or rules in the hearts o un"elievers, will "e !on:uered cast out # ta$en away. Eesus also healed the man who was "orn "lind - on the 'a""ath - showing that there will "e not "e any "lind, literally or spiritually. 3n ages past the adversary has 'blinded the minds of them that beliee not' "ut in the day approa!hing, &od's ''wonderful 'a""ath day'' there will "e no eils to mar or to !over man's understanding, '' for God shall lead "y a way that was not heretofore %nown'' # with a !lear # open understanding % the vision of God will "e opened up so !learly that all will "ehold the glory o &od. So our great Eesus demonstrated to us this wonderul para"le o healing the lame man, showing us that in the great $ingdom Sa""ath that there will not "e one person that will not "e a"le to wal$ the wal$. 3n !omparison with today there are so many who have given up "e!ause o either dii!ulty or misunderstanding o what is e@pe!ted or how to wal$, or may"e dis!ouragement, "ut in the millennial Sa""ath reign the 'lame man shall leap as an hart.' So too the healing o the man with the withered arm represents those whose e@perien!e has dried up # withered "y the roots. 4e may also noti!e that .e raised the dead on the Sa""ath day, remem"ering that ''He is the resurrection & the life.'' espe!ially o that day as it will "e the !ompleted many mem"ered &hrist in a!tion on that wonderul day. 4hen .e shall > ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' reign as 2ing o 2ings in the glory o .is Father's $ingdom we shall also as 2ings # Priests reign # minister with # as .im. ''0nd saiours shall come upon mount Aion to 9ud!e the mount of ?sau1 and the kin!dom shall be the LO-.'%.'' -"a ,+2,.
(his is all has to do with the senten!e that is now "eing passed on this world # has "een in a!tion sin!e the time that Eesus was lited up - resurrected - rom this world. (he time now has now es!alated # is ast drawing to the time o in!reasing 'udgement %risis. (here are some sad, "ut to the "eliever yet e@!iting times to happen, to he who is ound in the will o &od, # wonderul !omort is ound in the ollowing verses.
''The L<= is my shepherd( : shall not want. He ma%es me to lie down in #reen pastures7 he leads me "eside the still waters. He restores my soul7 he leads me in the paths of ri#hteousness for his name's sa%e. >es, thou#h : wal% throu#h the valley of the shadow of death, - this realm o our lowered !ons!iousness - : will fear no evil7 for thou art with me( thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. He prepares a ta"le "efore me in the presence of my enemies7 He anoints my head with oil( my cup runs over. 'urely #oodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life7 and : will dwell in the house of the L<= for ever.'' Psa 23+,=;. 0 :relude Of The True %abbath! ''0nd he said unto them# Berily I say unto you# There be some here of them that stand by# which shall in no wise taste of death# till they see the kin!dom of God come with power. C 0nd after si8 days 5esus took with him :eter# and 5ames# and 5ohn# and brou!ht them up into a hi!h mountain = a transcendin# e4perience - apart by themseles+ and he was transfi!ured before them+ D and his !arments became !listerin!# e8ceedin! white1 so as no fuller on earth can whiten them. E 0nd there appeared unto them ?li9ah with 'oses+ and they were talkin! with 5esus. 0ar *+,=8. Revised. As with mu!h o what Eesus said there were at least three depths involved, the literal, the spiritual # the propheti!al. -uter Court, .oly Pla!e, # (he 0ost .oly Pla!e. Also remem"ering that there was the east o Passover, the east o Pente!ost # the east o (a"erna!les, i this was all one as some have suggested then &od would have had one east or all, "ut we are told that there was separation time "etween ea!h separated east, i it was in the wisdom o &od to separate these easts ea!h with # or a spe!ial purpose, who are we to suggest any dierent. (here is a deinite important reason or every single a!t o &od. 1othing is haphaHard in the wor$ings # wonderul plan o &od. Ps 9*+,> Amp. (he a"ove 0ar$ * te@t also !ontains a para"le o what is to happen in our very near uture. And ater S3M DA?S meaning on the S<F<1(. DA? - a metaphor of the seventh thousandth year millennial rei#n - Eesus too$ with .im the three dis!iples - typifyin# an elect company - o the inner san!tum as it were, AF(<R si@ days # not on the si@th day. .e "rought Peter, Eames # Eohn AP into a .3&. 0-A1(A31 APAR( K? (.<0S</F<S. (hen .e was transigured - metamorphosed - "eore them. (his is also propheti! regarding the e@perien!e the ele!t sons are to have as in the "irth o the man=!hild. Peter gives his own a!!ount o this in 2 Peter ,+,;=,*. ''For we did not follow cunnin!ly deised fables# when we made known unto you the power and comin! of our Lord 5esus 2hrist# but we were eyewitnesses of his ma9esty. FG For he receied from God the Father honour and !lory# when there came such a oice to him from the e8cellent !lory# This is my beloed %on# in whom I am well pleased+ FH and this oice we ourseles heard come out of heaen# when we were with him in the holy mount. FI 0nd we hae the word of prophecy made more sure1 where/unto ye do well that ye take heed# as unto a lamp shinin! in a dark place# until the day dawn# and the day=star arise in your hearts+ CJ knowin! this first# that no prophecy of scripture is of priate interpretation.'' 2 Pe ,+,;=2D. Revised. 4e have this sure word of prophecy # are e@horted to ta$e heed until the DA? DA41S # the DA? S(AR Eesus Christ arises - in His fullness - in our hearts. 4hen5 3n the seventh day, or the seventh thousandth year, whi!h is the millennial or Sa""ath day o the /ord, whi!h will "e a very .3&. 0-A1(A31 # (RA1SC<1D31& <MP<R3<1C< to all who are ulilling this role. ; ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' The ?ternal :lan 7 Timin! Is In God's "isdom 7 :ower! 4e hear o some well meaning theories # statements "eing propounded as to why none have not yet made the !hangeover. 3 realise that there are a lot o a!tors involved, espe!ially in our own minds. 3 wish to hum"ly suggest that it may have something to do with the plan o our eternal !reator &od # .is wonderul wisdom # timing. ''?very man in his own order or time''. As ar a 3 am !on!erned ''He is wor%in# all thin#s accordin# to His will & purpose'' whi!h would in!lude the time a!tor. 3 would not go so ar as to "lame others as to why they have not yet maniested. Please allow me to :uote on!e again rom &eorge .awtin. 1ow 3 $now that to some that this may seem to "e a !ontradi!tion in terms "ut 3 personally see mu!h wisdom in this small e@tra!t. Buote += '' (he natural mind does not $now what is good or what is evil. 3t does not $now that the '' house of mournin# is "etter than the house of feastin#,'' or that ''sorrow is "etter than laughter, or "y the sadness o the !ountenan!e, the heart is made "etter.'' 3 su!h an evil as pain or sic%ness "rings us nearer to &od, then it is no lon#er evil, "ut #ood # is no more worthy o re"u$e. (o the spiritual man the will of God is not a cross "ut a crown, or it is his daily delight. 3t is his meat # drin$, his 'oy # satisa!tion. 4ithhold a man rom the will o &od # he would die o utter longing. .e has learned the meaning o the te@t, ''$s the heart pants after the water-"roo%s, so pants my soul after thee h God.'' =: An:uote. (he will o &od is not the same or everyone # it is not wise to 'udge everyone "y our own e@perien!e # opinion. 0 2ontrite Heart! 3n the dense orest o words 3 was lostG 3n the letter o truth was tiredness # ear, Kut in thy Spirit only, are shade water # rest. Goldsmith. A ew days ago 3 was meditating eeling a little sorry or mysel as a !ertain a!:uaintan!e snu""ed me "e!ause he through another riend had "een shown one o our arti!les. 1ow usually this would not worry me too mu!h "ut or !ertain reasons it did. As 3 was sharing this with the /ord, .e suddenly spo$e within my spirit # inormed me that 3 was no "etter than the a!:uaintan!e in :uestion. (hen suddenly the words o the song !ame to me. '3y this shall all men know that you are my disciples if ye hae loe one to another.' 3 wish now to apologise to any that are reading these pagesG to any who 3 have "een short or have not shown the gra!e that 3 should have in not returning good or evil, or may"e 3 should say or what 3 have thought was evil. 3 have "een in the way long enough to $now that i 3 do not o"ey the leading o the /ord when .e spea$s that it will "e detrimental to "oth mysel # the ministry. 3 was also given insight as to why this has "een so long in !oming. Some o us have things in our "a!$ground that have long "een orgotten # are many times hidden to us simply "e!ause we do not wish to "ring them out o the !loset # a!e them. 0ay &od "less you ea!h # all. -eachin! 'aturity! A num"er o years ago 3 was given a dream, whi!h shoo$ me up # warned me that i 3 asso!iated with those that were not o son=ship that 3 would easily slip "a!$ # "e easily snared # ta$en. (he dream was so real # poignant, that 3 very readily too$ heed # es!aped the snare that was a"out to entrap me. 3 still than$ &od or that dream. /ately sin!e 3 have "een seeing the reality o the "ridegroom # the "ride, namely the man=!hild # the woman in the wilderness. A strange new eeling or the "ride has "egan to interest me. (hese are the thoughts 3 am now re!eiving. 4hen "oys are young they don't as a rule want to mi@ with little girls # visa versa, the little "oys li$e to play "oys games # girls li$e to play with dolls or su!h li$e. Kut alas "oys mature # so do girls # at a !ertain age maturity develops # attra!tion "egins. Suddenly 3 am very interested in the woman in the wilderness. As we mature # we $now our status # the little girls are no longer going to em"arrass us "e!ause they are dierent, we now $now who we are. Eust re!ently 3 had a &od ordained e@perien!e, a riend o mine met some people who had not long started some meetings. .e went to a meeting # was very impressed with the pro!edure # that they have gained :uite a ew in a very short while. .e thought that it would "e good i 3 were to meet the man in !harge. 7 ''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death'' So at a"out 3pm 3 meandered around there, 'ust "eore 3 arrived - this man %new nothin# a"out me as my friend had never mentioned me - &od spo$e to this man # told him 3 am sending a man who is to prea!h the message tonight, he no sooner re!eived these words that 3 then drove around the !orner # got out o the !ar, he as$ed me who 3 was, # 3 mentioned my riend. .e said you are to prea!h tonight. &od immediately gave me a three=old theme. (he upshot was that with a partly !ollapsed lung we "rought a message on re!on!iliation with an anointing with a dieren!e. <veryone was amaHed as 3 will "e 79 ne@t "irthday. 0y riends &od is a"out to do something 1<4 A&A31. (he woman is waiting in the wilderness as it were. 3 do not !ompletely understand it. Kut many o us are no longer little "oys # 3 am very interested in the woman. Are we understanding this66 3 am not in ellowship there, "ut we are availa"le any=time. The :romised Land! 3 did so appre!iate along with many others 3 am sure, the enlightenment that our "rother E. Preston <"y gave us in his last arti!le on the true meaning o the Pom!"ed #and "eing Christ. 4e are always learning - we alone do not have it alto#ether, "ut to#ether we have it all - we are a wonderul !orporate "ody with many a!ets. 3n support to this thought 3 was !onsidering only yesterday this powerul propheti!al verse.
''Then will the LO-. be 9ealous for his land# and pity his people. FI 0nd the LO-. will answer and say to his people# 3ehold# I will send you corn# and wine# and oil# and you shall be satisfied with it1 and I will no more make you a reproach amon! the heathen+ CJ 3ut I will remoe far from you the northern army# and will drie him into a land barren and desolate#- the prince of this world shall "e cast out - with his face towards the east sea# and his hinder part towards the utmost sea# and his odious scent shall come up# and his ill saour shall come up# because he has done !reat - or terri"le - thin!s.'' Eoel 2+,9=2D. ''Thus he shall come to his end# and none shall help him.'' Dan ,,+8>. 3 thin$ that we !ould also mention that the - "ottomless pit - would also "e a part o this deal. Amen. 0!ain 0 Boice From The :ast! :renaeus7 /@A to a"out BAA $.=. N Kishop o /yons. .is nearness to the apostles ma$es his testimony most interesting. 3renaeus did not "elieve evil would last orever. 3n his treatise $#ainst Heretics, he wrote in Koo$ ,,,, !hap. 23, O;+P
''4hereore also .e drove him IAdamJ out o Paradise, and removed him ar rom the tree o lie, not "e!ause .e envied him the tree o lie, as some dare to assert, "ut "e!ause .e pitied him and desired that he should not !ontinue always a sinner, and that the sin whi!h surrounded him should not "e immortal, and the evil intermina"le and irremedia"le.'' --- 3renaeus. 2 Rom 9+2D=2,. A0P. 0ll of this is !reatly helped when we realise that we are the House of God! Klessings to all. $!%%en &y Ralp' Knowle", A()("%. *+,,. 3 we have "een prone to human error in this arti!le it is not purposely, # 3 trust that a little $indness would allow or any ault, # that we will !onsider # im"i"e the "etter or spiritual part o that whi!h is presented # intended. R42.. 9