Tutorial - Tutorial - Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration With SAP NetWeaver - Microsoft Docs
Tutorial - Tutorial - Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration With SAP NetWeaver - Microsoft Docs
Tutorial - Tutorial - Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration With SAP NetWeaver - Microsoft Docs
s article
ario description
ng SAP NetWeaver from the gallery
igure and test Azure AD SSO for SAP NetWeaver
igure Azure AD SSO
igure SAP NetWeaver using SAML
igure SAP NetWeaver for OAuth
s tutorial, you'll learn how to integrate SAP NetWeaver with Azure Active Directory
e AD). When you integrate SAP NetWeaver with Azure AD, you can:
t started, you need the following items:
An Azure AD subscription. If you don't have a subscription, you can get a free
account .
SAP NetWeaver single sign-on (SSO) enabled subscription.
SAP NetWeaver V7.20 required atleast
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
enario description
SAP NetWeaver supports both SAML (SP initiated SSO) and OAuth. In this tutorial,
you configure and test Azure AD SSO in a test environment.
entifier of this application is a fixed string value so only one instance can be
nfigured in one tenant.
Sign in to the Azure portal using either a work or school account, or a personal
Microsoft account.
On the left navigation pane, select the Azure Active Directory service.
Navigate to Enterprise Applications and then select All Applications.
To add new application, select New application.
In the Add from the gallery section, type SAP NetWeaver in the search box.
Select SAP NetWeaver from results panel and then add the app. Wait a few seconds
while the app is added to your tenant.
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
nfigure and test Azure AD SSO with SAP NetWeaver, perform the following steps:
nfigure Azure AD single sign-on with SAP NetWeaver, perform the following steps:
Open a new web browser window and sign into your SAP NetWeaver company site as
an administrator
Make sure that http and https services are active and appropriate ports are assigned
in SMICM T-Code.
Sign on to business client of SAP System (T01), where SSO is required and activate
HTTP Security session Management.
= Copy
login/create_sso2_ticket = 2
login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1
login/ticketcache_entries_max = 1000
login/ticketcache_off = 0 login/ticket_only_by_https = 0
icf/set_HTTPonly_flag_on_cookies = 3
http/security_context_cache_size = 2500
rdisp/plugin_auto_logout = 1800
rdisp/autothtime = 60
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7 Note
= Copy
Go to Transaction code SAML2 in business client of SAP system [T01/122]. It will open
a user interface in a browser. In this example, we assumed 122 as SAP business client.
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Provide your username and password to enter in user interface and click Edit.
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7 Note
Generating Service Provider Metadata:- Once we are done with configuring the
Local Provider and Trusted Providers settings on SAML 2.0 User Interface, the next
step would be to generate the service provider’s metadata file (which would contain
all the settings, authentication contexts and other configurations in SAP). Once this
file is generated we need to upload this in Azure AD.
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
b. Click on Metadata.
c. Save the generated Metadata XML file on your computer and upload it in Basic
SAML Configuration section to autopopulate the Identifier and Reply URL values in
Azure portal.
In the Azure portal, on the SAP NetWeaver application integration page, find the
Manage section and select Single sign-on.
On the Set up Single Sign-On with SAML page, click the pencil icon for Basic SAML
Configuration to edit the settings.
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On the Basic SAML Configuration section, if you wish to configure the application in
IDP initiated mode, perform the following step:
a. Click Upload metadata file to upload the Service Provider metadata file, which
you have obtained earlier.
b. Click on folder logo to select the metadata file and click Upload.
c. After the metadata file is successfully uploaded, the Identifier and Reply URL values
get auto populated in Basic SAML Configuration section textbox as shown below:
d. In the Sign-on URL text box, type a URL using the following pattern:
company instance of SAP NetWeaver>
7 Note
= Copy
ServicePrincipal Object ID is to be set by yourself first or you can pass that also
SAP NetWeaver application expects the SAML assertions in a specific format, which
requires you to add custom attribute mappings to your SAML token attributes
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
configuration. The following screenshot shows the list of default attributes. Click Edit
icon to open User Attributes dialog.
In the User Claims section on the User Attributes dialog, configure SAML token
attribute as shown in the image above and perform the following steps:
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
d. Click Save.
On the Set up Single Sign-On with SAML page, in the SAML Signing Certificate
section, find Federation Metadata XML and select Download to download the
certificate and save it on your computer.
On the Set up SAP NetWeaver section, copy the appropriate URL(s) based on your
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
From the left pane in the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory, select Users,
and then select All users.
Select New user at the top of the screen.
In the User properties, follow these steps:
a. In the Name field, enter B.Simon .
b. In the User name field, enter the username@companydomain.extension. For
example, B.Simon@contoso.com .
c. Select the Show password check box, and then write down the value that's
displayed in the Password box.
d. Click Create.
In the Azure portal, select Enterprise Applications, and then select All applications.
In the applications list, select SAP NetWeaver.
In the app's overview page, find the Manage section and select Users and groups.
Select Add user, then select Users and groups in the Add Assignment dialog.
In the Users and groups dialog, select B.Simon from the Users list, then click the
Select button at the bottom of the screen.
If you are expecting a role to be assigned
to the users, you can select it from the Select a role dropdown. If no role has been set
up for this app, you see "Default Access" role selected.
In the Add Assignment dialog, click the Assign button.
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For configuring End points for trusted Identity provider (Azure AD) go to Trusted
Providers tab.
Press Add and select Upload Metadata File from the context menu.
Upload metadata file, which you have downloaded from the Azure portal.
In the next screen type the Alias name. For example, aadsts and press Next to
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
Make sure that your Digest Algorithm should be SHA-256 and don’t require any
changes and press Next.
On Single Sign-On Endpoints, use HTTP POST and click Next to continue.
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
Go to tab Trusted Provider > Identity Federation (from bottom of the screen). Click
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
From the pop-up window, select Unspecified from the Supported NameID formats
and click OK.
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
Give the User ID Source value as Assertion Attribute, User ID mapping mode value
as Email and Assertion Attribute Name as
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name .
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Note that User ID Source and User ID mapping mode values determine the link
between SAP user and Azure AD claim.
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st SSO
Once the identity provider Azure AD was activated, try accessing below URL to check
SSO (there will no prompt for username & password)
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7 Note
The above URL should take you to below mentioned screen. If you are able to reach
up to the below page, Azure AD SSO setup is successfully done.
If username & password prompt occurs, please diagnose the issue by enable the
trace using below URL
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
In this example we want to connect the OData service: DAAG_MNGGRP with OAuth to
Azure AD SSO. Use the technical service name search for the service DAAG_MNGGRP and
activate if not yet active, already (look for green status under ICF nodes tab). Ensure if
system alias (the connected backend system, where the service actually running) is
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1/7/22, 8:23 PM Tutorial: Tutorial: Azure Active Directory Single sign-on (SSO) integration with SAP NetWeaver | Microsoft Docs
Then click pushbutton OAuth on the top button bar and assign scope (keep
default name as offered).
For our example the scope is DAAG_MNGGRP_001 , it is generated from the service name
by automatically adding a number. Report /IWFND/R_OAUTH_SCOPES can be used to
change name of scope or create manually.
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7 Note
When registering an OAuth Client we use the SAML Bearer Grant type .
7 Note
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For more details, refer OAuth 2.0 Client Registration for the SAML Bearer Grant
Type here .
tcod: SU01 / create user CLIENT1 as System type and assign password, save it as need
to provide the credential to the API programmer, who should burn it with the
username to the calling code. No profile or role should be assigned.
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Select the already added SAML2 IdP – Azure AD from the dropdown list and save.
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Click on Add under scope assignment to add the previously created scope:
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Click finish.
xt Steps
you configure Azure AD SAP NetWeaver you can enforce Session Control, which
cts exfiltration and infiltration of your organization’s sensitive data in real time.
on Control extends from Conditional Access. Learn how to enforce session control
Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps.
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