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Historic Buildings at Chitpur in Kolkata: Problems and Prospects Through Urban Conservation and Planning

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Historic Buildings at Chitpur in Kolkata: Problems and Prospects Through

Urban Conservation and Planning

Article  in  DISP · March 2012

DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2012.702987


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1 author:

Shivashish Bose
Jadavpur University


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Study on historic riverfront elements in Kolkata View project

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Historic Buildings at Chitpur in Kolkata: Problems

and Prospects Through Urban Conservation and

Shivashish Bose

To cite this article: Shivashish Bose (2012) Historic Buildings at Chitpur in Kolkata: Problems and
Prospects Through Urban Conservation and Planning, disP - The Planning Review, 48:1, 68-82,
DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2012.702987

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02513625.2012.702987

Published online: 12 Oct 2012.

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68 disP 188 · 1/2012 Historic Buildings at Chitpur in Kolkata:
Problems and Prospects Through Urban
Conservation and Planning
Shivashish Bose

Abstract: Kolkata (historically Calcutta) is a lin- Gobindapur, which constituted the north, cen-
Dr. Shivashish Bose studied
Bachelor of Architecture and ear city that has grown along the eastern bank tral and south of what was then Kolkata, from
Master of Architecture/Urban of the river Hugli (also spelled Hooghly, and tra- the Bengali merchant Sabarna Raychoudhury.
Design at the Jadavpur University ditionally called the Ganges, in the West Bengal Charnock amalgamated the three villages and
in Kolkata, India. After several
State of India. It served as the capital city of Brit- seeded the British Empire in India. The British
research- and study-visits abroad
(such as in Rome, Paris, Swit- ish India from 1773–1910. The British developed initially built a fort, a church and some houses
zerland, Greece) he joined the colonial architecture mostly in the central busi- in Kolkata. A survey of Kolkata made in 1706
Jadavpur University as a Reader ness district and the residential area designated showed eight Pucca (permanent brick houses)
in 2004 and presently is Associ-
for them. In the Chitpur area of north Kolkata, and 8000 Kutcha (temporary mud houses with
ate Professor. He also practices
architecture and conservation in the Indians constructed buildings following Eu- a thatched roof), with two streets and two lanes
Kolkata. ropean styles, but modifying parts according to and a population of 22,000. In 1756, the num-
their own social customs, individual choices and ber of Pucca houses increased to 498 and Kut-
dictation – thus introducing a new style which cha houses to 14,450 (Ghosh 1996), and there
was termed “Bengal Baroque” by some and gen- were no less than 27 big streets and 52 smaller
erally called the “indigenous style”. Other old streets (Deb 1905). The British dug the Maratha
buildings also follow certain architectural typol- Ditch in 1742 to protect the British territory in
ogy and bear the history of eminent personali- the central part of Kolkata. Eleven km in cir-
ties of the society, thus constituting an overall cumference, it defined the boundary of Kolkata
cultural setting. However, many old buildings at the time (Ghosh 1996). The city experienced
are in bad physical condition and have legal its first planned intervention in terms of town
litigation. Meanwhile, tremendous real estate planning, land use, zoning and development in
development and uncontrolled traffic circula- 1757 after the British defeated the King of Ben-
tion within this historic district are destroying gal (Nawab Siraj-ud-Doullah) in the battle of
the buildings, the historic cultural patina and Plassey (in Murshidabad) and acquired adminis-
the essence of the place. An urban design and trative rights from the newly appointed King for
planning solution is to be sought which would territorial expansion of Kolkata (Cotton 1909).
encompass the conservation of historic and old It became the capital city of British India in
buildings and elements of the area as well as 1773 (Cotton 1980) and remained so up to 1911
control over development for cultural compat- when Delhi became the capital city of India
ibility and environmental sustainability. (Sinha 1990). Early important places of develop-
ment in Kolkata by the British were:
• Dalhousie area as the British administrative
Introduction citadel and the central business district of the
nascent city
History has recorded the existence of Kolkata • Esplanade Park Street/Chowringhee area as the
since the twelfth century. Kolkata was under residential, commercial, educational and recre-
central Mughal Rule and under the provincial ational area of the British and other Europeans
Nawab (king) of Bengal up to the late eighteenth • Riverfront area for commercial and recre-
century. Many European nationals such as the ational activities
Portuguese, Dutch, French, Danes and Arme- • Chitpur area, mostly along the Chitpur Road,
nians came to areas on the western side of the (now Rabindra Sarani) as the residential, com-
river Hugli near Kolkata during the sixteenth mercial and educational area of native Indians
to seventeenth centuries and mostly settled (Figs. 1, 2).
in these areas (Ghosh 1996). It was Job Char- Early architectural developments by the Brit-
nock, a British merchant who came to Kolkata ish were around the Dalhousie area with the
on 24 August 1690 (Cotton 1909; Deb 1905) construction of the Writers Building (ca. 1780),
and bought three villages on the east bank of the Government House (presently the Gover-
the river Hugli called Sutanuti, Kalikata and nor’s House, ca. 1804), Bengal Bank Building
disP 188 · 1/2012 69

Fig. 1: Map of Kolkata showing

heritage areas.
(Source: Bose 2008, 2010)

Fig. 2: Map of Chitpur area

in north Kolkata.

Year Area (sq km) Population Source

1698   7.531 - Wilson, Early Annals I, p. 286

1794  20.222 - A. K. Ray, A Short History of Calcutta, p. 58
1891  53.147  681,560 Census 1891
1901  83.151  847,796 Census 1901
1991 185 4,399,819 Census of India 1991 Tab. 1: Area and Population
in Kolkata (Early growth and
2001 185 4,580,544 Census of India 2001 later municipal area).
2011 185 4,486,679 Provisional Population, Census of India, 2011 (Source: Nair, 1990; Census
of India, 2001; 2011)

(ca. 1806; demolished in 1996), Town Hall (ca. Tagore, Rajendra Lala Mitter, Banamali Sarkar,
1813), etc. (Ghosh 1996), to mention a few. Madan Mohan Dutt, Govindaram Mitter, Nub-
However, Bhattacharya wrote, “According kissen, Omichand, Ram Mohan Roy, Baisnab
to the Magistrate’s Surveyors of 1819–20, there Charan Seth, Gouri Sen, Sobharam Basack,
were a few “upper roomed houses” (8.3 per cent) Sukhamay Ray, Ramdulal Dey, Jadulal Mallick,
and “lower roomed houses” (13.4 per cent); Kali Prosonno Sing, Prasanna Kumar Tagore,
whereas straw huts constituted 54.2 per cent and Jatindra Mohan Tagore, Manmatha Ghosh, Khe-
tiled huts 24.1 per cent” (Bhattacharya 1990). lat Ghosh, Raja Dinendra Narain Roy, Nandalal
Gradually, the city developed in a linear direction Mullick (Fig. 3), Nilmoni Tagore, Dwarakanath
both in the British and native populated areas. Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore (Nobel Laureate
in Literature in 1913) (Fig. 4), Rajendralal Mal-
lik (Fig. 5), Shama Churn Law, etc. (Deb 1905;
Historic buildings at chitpur Lahiri Choudhury 1990).
These wealthy merchants had business trans-
The wealthy native gentlemen and merchants actions with the British and even lent money to
with titles Raja (meaning king) and Maharaja the East India Company (British) (Deb 1905) to
(meaning superior king) built their palatial establish a business. Their business and social
houses in the Chitpur area. Some of the most and involvement with the British and their social
mentionable persons and family members were and financial status had an influence on the
Raj Bullabha, Nundkumar, Ram Charan, Gonga development of their residential architecture
Gobvinda Sing, Radhakanta Deb, Darpanarain in extravagant styles. People of this region also
70 disP 188 · 1/2012 However, much of the ornamentation or or-
ders did not follow true European orders or
details, but those of Hindu architecture from
north India such as Rajasthan, variations of
Egyptian architectural motifs or Islamic tradi-
tional architectural elements, or completely na-
tive Bengali styles and ornamentation with im-
ages of gods and goddesses, etc. For example,
a temple at the end of the courtyard is never
a European phenomenon. Because of such a
unique mixture of architectural elements from
Fig. 3: Clockhouse of Mullick different styles, these buildings were termed as
on Chitpur Road. “indigenous” (meaning native) and also “Bengal
Baroque” by art historians, critics and common
people (Ghosh 1996). Regarding the uniquely
contributed to the renaissance (development in mixed style of architecture, Moorhouse wrote,
all fields of art, literature, education, cultural “But if you confront each building separately
forms, social revolution and reform, science and head-on, you often find yourself goggling at
technology, commerce and small scale indus- a perfect rhapsody of architecture. There will
tries) of Bengal during the nineteenth and early be a doorway set between Doric columns with
twentieth centuries. To commemorate their “AD 1879” carved into the pediment above.
contribution to the growth and development of On either side of this, where there ought to
the city, many of the roads of Chitpur region are be windows, there will be rooms open to the
named after them (Cotton 1909; KMC 1981). street instead, with trade going on inside; and
Traditionally, architectural expressions be- pilasters will spring away above, to a wrought
fore British influence were of two types, one ac- iron balcony on the first floor, which will be
cording to Bengal’s temple architecture and ver- partly enclosed by Early English arcading and
nacular architecture, and the other with Islamic which will also be provided with wooden shut-
tradition (Lahiri Choudhury 1990) mastered by ters that neither the early nor the late English
masons from Persian areas mainly. After the ex- ever needed in their climate. Above this will
posure to the European Neo-Classical style of come another storey, whose window openings
architecture, wealthy people built their palaces have been carved in a faintly Mogul style; and to
in a mixed style where facades with porticos hav- top it all off there will be a stone balustrade with
ing Tuscan, Doric, Ionic or Corinthian columns, Gothic ogees piercing it so that, from the other
Fig. 4: House of Rabindranath pediments or pilasters, articulated and orna- side of the street, you can even see the hoofs of
Tagore, now Rabindra Bharati mental parapets with figures and statues (like the large stone horse that is galloping across
the buildings of Andrea Palladio), courtyards the roof – or the hem of Aphrodite’s dress as
Fig. 5: Marble Palace of with colonnaded verandahs, etc., were the chief she gracefully bends to pour the contents of her
Rajendralal Mallik. components of architecture (Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9). urn on to the pavement far below” (Moorhouse
disP 188 · 1/2012 71

Fig. 6: Ground floor plan of Bose

House at Bagbazar.

Fig. 7: Detail of façade column

capital at Bose House.

1971). He further wrote, “There is a small thesis

to be written by somebody on Calcutta’s rooftop
monuments alone; not only horses and Aphro-
dites, but lions rampant, hawks stooping, and Fig. 8: Main courtyard of Bose
naked young ladies reclining rather brazenly as House at Bagbazar.
well” (Moorhouse 1971).
Historically, the Chitpur Road, thriving with
traditional craft-oriented commercial activities
and connecting the northern part to the south-
ern part of Kolkata, flourished as the most im-
portant backbone since the early growth of the
city. The urban pattern developed at Chitpur
over the centuries is very organic with its narrow
and irregular street layout, very large palatial
and contrasting small buildings, and courtyards,
either isolated in a large plot or attached on two
sides and abutting on the road. Urban design
elements of this area include intimate views and Fig. 9: Architectural character
vistas, landmarks, street façades, symmetrical of a building.
and non-symmetrical forms, decorative orna-
mentation, articulated parapets (Fig. 10), sym-
bolic elements, surprise elements, old street
furniture, and some curvilinear street patterns
producing serial vision (Bose 2010). Apart from
economic value, the traditional craft-oriented
industries – making clay images of various gods
and goddesses at Kumartuli (Fig. 11) for worship
during Hindu religious festivals (Bose 2009,
2010), and various small-scale industries and
commercial activities along Chitpur Road have
also been uniquely related to the socio-cultural Fig. 10: Statue of Queen Victoria
life of Kolkata since the growth of the old city. on a parapet.
72 disP 188 · 1/2012 courtyard, other courtyards were designated es-
pecially for in-house women, servants and so on
based on the hierarchy and the spatial possibil-
ity within the architectural plan. Up to the later
part of nineteenth century, women were not al-
lowed to come in front of men other than their
husbands or immediate family members unless
covered by veil or behind a curtain for privacy
and obscurity (Patri 1985). Most of the build-
ings have a large and decorative Naach Ghar (a
dance room or levée room) (Lahiri Choudhury
Fig. 11: Image-making Industry 1990) with Mogul influence on the first floor.
at Kumartuli. The buildings are basically two stories
(Fig. 13). A third storey was added later to
some buildings. Bricks available for construc-
The nearby riverfront ghats (a structure with tion were of many types, common rectangu-
steps leading to the water) (Fig. 12) provide for lar (250 × 125 × 75 mm), thin and large rectan-
bathing, and the recreational, social and reli- gular, chamfered/decorative edge rectangular,
gious activities of the society (Bose 2008). quarter-circular and semi-circular with varying
The design of residential palaces and even diameters, and beautiful decorations resulted
small buildings of Chitpur followed a typical from corbelling and good craftsmanship. Lime,
type of construction with a load-bearing struc- sand and brick dust along with some other poz-
tural system. Generally, a building has a central zolanic materials were used as mortar (Ghosh
courtyard surrounded by rooms with a running 1996). The buildings have a stepped brick foun-
verandah and balcony in the form of circulation dation or arched foundation in their substruc-
corridor facing the courtyard. The entrance to ture and thick walls (minimum 550 mm wide)
the building is connected to the main courtyard, in the superstructure. The buildings featured
and at the end of the main courtyard of any large thick brick walls for the rooms, thick decorative
building, there is a large single-storey decora- columns for the verandah, arched openings for
tive temple called Nat-Mandir or Thakur Dalan doors, windows and entrances, generous room
(Lahiri Choudhury 1990) (Fig. 8). The courtyard height, wooden beams and rafters and later iron
acts as a community space during religious ritu- joists and tees (since ca. 1875), floors in terra-
als and social festivals, and at other times an in- cotta tiles and lime concrete often with marble
troverted open space for the inhabitants and vis- as a top finish, lime terracing on top of the roof,
itors and provides natural light and ventilation and decorative parapets.
to the surrounding rooms. Palatial buildings Circular columns were of Tuscan, Doric,
Fig. 12: Riverfront Ghat for have more than one courtyard, for example, the Ionic, Corinthian or mixed type of indigenous
public activities.
Bose House at Bagbazar (Fig. 6) has five court- character and followed the order, e.g., by having
Fig. 13: Public urinal in front yards and one palace at Pathuriaghata origi- a Doric capital on the ground floor, then an Ionic
of heritage building. nally had seven courtyards. Apart from the main capital on the first floor. Twin columns, decora-
tive columns (with a cluster of eight small circu- elected from those wards every five years. It has disP 188 · 1/2012 73
lar columns surrounding a square section), and various divisions which have responsibility for
later, cast iron columns were also used. Usually, providing water supply; taking care of drainage
the height of the first floor rooms is higher than and sewerage; solid waste management; main-
those of the ground floor. Terracotta balusters tenance of roads and street lights; granting per-
and cast iron design work were used in the rail- mission for the display of advertisements and
ings. Staircases were made of wood or stone. Fair- hoardings; functioning of primary schools and
ies are one of the most used sculptural elements health care units; granting permission for the
at the parapet, while lions were a feature on the erection of new buildings and the demolition of
wall posts at the entrance gates. The building old dilapidated buildings; identification, decla-
generally has a raised plinth over a low-height ration and restoration of heritage buildings and
basement (part of an arched foundation) to pass precincts; maintenance of parks and gardens;
air through it to retard rising dampness at the su- collection of municipal tax for property (build-
perstructure. The architecturally grand and sty- ing) and licenses for business; etc. (KMC 2012).
listic buildings stand out as graceful landmarks, However, in case the political party that governs
form beautiful vistas, impart the sense of place, the state and the political party that governs
and give identity to the city (Bose 2008, 2010). the municipal corporation, both empowered
through the general election, are different, then
a conflict and mode of non-cooperation arises
Heritage declaration to some extent.
In 1959, the World Health Organization
Though the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (WHO) recommended the preparation of a mas-
claims that it was established in 1727 (1726 by ter plan for the improvement of the water supply
other opinions) by Royal Charter and Directive and sewerage and drainage for the entire Cal-
of King George I, (KMC 2005; Bose 2008), Nair cutta Metropolitan District (CMD, now KMD)
wrote that there was no civic or municipal au- and the creation of a single authority to carry out
thority in Kolkata at that time (Nair 1990). Ac- the plan. The Calcutta Metropolitan Planning
tually, the Third Charter issued by King George Organization (CMPO) was set up by the Govern-
III in 1793 considered for the first time health, ment of West Bengal in April 1961 and with the
security, comfort and convenience of the inhab- Ford Foundation’s assistance and advice, pro-
itants of Kolkata (Bose 2008). Nair wrote, “The duced the Basic Development Plan (1966–1986)
demand for municipal services grew after 1773, in 1967 for the CMD (Ghosh 1996). It was a
when Calcutta was elevated as the capital of pragmatic plan for the development of Kolkata
British India. But statutory civic services began that had three underlying objectives: – (1) to ar-
only in 1794, when municipal administration rest the deterioration of the civic infrastructure,
was shifted from the Collector to the Justices of (2) to use the existing capacity better to deliver
the Peace for the Town of Calcutta” (Nair 1990). urban services, and (3) to make provisions for
Deb wrote, “By Act IV of the Bengal Council for massive new growth. It proposed a large num-
the year 1876, the Justices handed over their ber of projects in traffic and transportation, wa-
administrative functions to a Corporation con- ter supply, sewerage and drainage, slum im-
sisting of seventy-two commissioners, of whom provement programs, etc., but it contained no
two-thirds were elected and the remaining third prescription for the conservation of heritage
appointed by Government” (Cotton 1909). Nair buildings and precincts (CMPO 1966). In 1970,
wrote, “The first elected Mayor assumed office Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority
in 1924” (Nair 1990). The Kolkata Municipal (CMDA, now KMDA) was formed as the exclu-
Corporation (KMC) of the present day con- sive agency for planning and project execution
sists of 141 wards comprising an area of 185 sq in CMD. However, the KMDA also does not in-
km and having a population of nearly five mil- clude the scope for architectural and urban con-
lion; its population density as per Census 2001 servation in Kolkata (KMDA 2010–2011).
was 24,760 per sq km (Census 2001). In 1984, In India, Lord Curzon (Governor General
41 wards (101–141), mostly from the fringe ar- of India from 1899–1905) formulated the first
eas, were added to the city proper (with 1–100 policy for conservation. Preservation of ancient
wards in 104 sq km) because of population in- monuments and remains was made statutory
crements and rapid urbanization (Kundu, Nag with the enactment of The Ancient Monuments
1996; KMC 2012). The KMC is an autonomous Preservation Act in 1904, which had provisions
body partially supported financially by the state for the acquisition of archaeological monu-
government and governed by 141 councilors ments or remains and their protection and pres-
74 disP 188 · 1/2012 ervation by the Archaeological Survey of India, (built in 1813 and owned by the KMC) was pre-
founded in 1861 (Menon 1989). In respect of scribed for demolition by government in 1980
privately owned and/or publicly owned histori- (Davies 1985; Gupta 1998) but was restored
cal monuments declared “protected” by the gov- from 1996–1998 by a public–private partner-
ernment for their maintenance, The Ancient ship (Bose 2008, 2012) made up of the Govern-
Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Re- ment of West Bengal and the Kolkata Municipal
mains Act of 1958 provided for exercising effec- Corporation in partnership with a private orga-
tive control over the monuments in India. But, nization through “A Homage Trust”.
unless declared “protected” by the government, The KMC Act of 1980 (passed by the West
there is no control on heritage buildings owned Bengal Legislature under West Bengal Act LIX
by private sector (Bose 2008). In general, old of 1980) did not mention anything about the
buildings in Kolkata owned by central and state conservation of heritage properties in Kolkata.
governments, were repaired periodically by the The revised KMC Building Rules of 1990 again
respective Public Works Departments. did not specifically mention conservation of her-
The awareness and need for architectural itage properties. The first declaration of a list of
conservation was voiced first in Kolkata in the heritage buildings in Kolkata by the State Gov-
1970s by a couple of professors: Prof. Santosh ernment was published in 1996 (CMDA 1996)
Kumar Ghsoh (then Chief Architect of State and through the Building Permit Manual pub-
Government and Planner) and Prof. Nisith lished by the KMC in 1998 (KMC 1998), which
Ranjan Ray (historian and Curator of the Vic- included only seventy-two such buildings. This
toria Memorial Museum in Kolkata). Prof. Ray raised immediate criticism from the owners of
formed the Society for Preservation, Calcutta in traditionally acknowledged heritage buildings
1980 with an objective of raising public aware- in the city and the learned people of the soci-
ness for the conservation of historic buildings ety. In 1999, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation
of Kolkata (Law, Chakraborty 2010). However, a prepared a primary list of heritage buildings,
gross conservation movement in the city started formed the Heritage Conservation Committee
in 1990 during the city’s tercentenary celebra- to make recommendations for the declaration of
tion by the state government. An international heritage status for buildings and to monitor con-
conference organized by the West Bengal Chap- servation actions taken for the heritage buildings
ter of the Indian Institute of Architects held of Kolkata, and to initiate the work of surveying
in Kolkata in 1990 was addressed to conser- and documenting primarily listed buildings for
vation as well as other issues of cities. The au- an inventory (Karforma 1999–2007).
thor was a participant and presenter of a pa- The author was hired by the KMC to do
per at that conference (IIA-WB Chapter 1990). this research between 1999 and 2004 and sur-
The Centre for Built Environment (henceforth veyed and documented about seventy of the
CBE, a non-profit society in Kolkata) took up a most important heritage buildings finally mak-
joint research project with French collaboration ing reports that contributed to the prepara-
(IPRAUS of Paris) for the identification and doc- tion of the inventory of cultural properties in
umentation of historic buildings in the Chitpur the city for the first time. However, in the latter
area from 1992–95 in which the author worked part of 1990s and early 2000s, the KMC intro-
for three years. CBE organized the International duced the amended Building Rule 425(A-P),
Conference on Architectural and Urban Con- which addressed the preservation and conser-
servation in 1994 in Kolkata and published the vation of heritage buildings. Later, the KMC de-
Proceedings Volume in 1996. Some private ar- fined the grade of heritage buildings, provided
chitects and organizations, such as the Kolkata a list of such buildings in Kolkata, and through
Chapter of the Indian National Trust for Arts the power of Building Rule 401 prevented the
and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), etc., were also demolition of any declared or listed heritage
putting efforts into raising awareness for heri- building in the city through its publication in
tage buildings. From 1996–1998, the Govern- February 2009 (KMC 2009). The published
ment of West Bengal prepared the Calcutta En- list of graded historic buildings of Kolkata in-
vironmental Management Strategy Action Plan cludes a total of nine hundred and twenty-three
(CEMSAP) with technical assistance from the buildings (KMC 2009). Many buildings of Ch-
British Overseas Development Administration. itpur are properly identified as historic build-
CEMSAP included recommendations for action ings. The KMC has published a list of conserva-
on architectural and urban conservation in its tion architects who are eligible to deal with the
proposal for environmental management plan- conservation and restoration of listed historic
ning of Kolkata (CEMSAP 1996). The Town Hall buildings in the city (KMC 2012).
Problems buildings, shopping centers, multiplexes, etc., disP 188 · 1/2012 75
more than for any consideration of the resto-
Many factors contributed to the difficult and ration of cultural properties. Equally, the need
inappropriate management of urban develop- for augmentation and development of matching
ment in recent history: infrastructures became urgently required. The
• The great famine of Bengal in 1943 maximum impact of the great upsurge of devel-
• The strongest freedom movement in Bengal opment since the 1990s in Kolkata has resulted
against British during the first half of twentieth in a categorical demolition and erosion of the
century historic and old ordinary buildings, settings and
• The partition of Bengal into two parts (east be- open spaces (Fig. 14). From April 2005 to March
ing Bangladesh, and west being West Bengal) at 2010, five successive financial years, the total
the time of India’s independence in 1947 with number of building proposals sanctioned for
great communal rioting and a huge population construction in the municipal corporation area
reflux from Bangladesh and vice-versa alone was 17,819 and the total area sanctioned
• Urban squalor and decay was 9.46 million sq m (Banerjee 2010) (Table 2).
• Political turmoil Obviously, most new buildings were built by de-
• The Naxalite (Communist Mao and Lenin-fol- molishing old low-rise ones.
lowers) movement In contrast, the conservation movement in
• Social unrest during 1970s Kolkata found its practical legal and adminis-
• The political supremacy and administrative trative instrumental base in 1999. The state gov-
power of the Communist Party in state govern- ernment restored only a few government-owned
ments from 1977–2011 buildings, and some owners of private build-
• The subsequent slower economic recovery ings restored their properties with their own
• An outstanding debt of the state government funds. Thousands of others are still neglected
to the central government and other fund- with varying levels of dilapidated condition
ing agencies amounting to Indian Rupees (Figs. 15, 16) and non-listed but good old build-
two-lakh crore (Rs.2,00000,0000000; in In- ings are being demolished. Meanwhile, by the
dia, one lakh means 1,00,000, and one crore dawn of the twenty-first century, the more press- Fig. 14: Schematic graph showing
means 1,00,00,000), or Euro 29393609829 ing problems became those of environmental the rate of demolition of old
buildings, growth of new build-
(about Euro 29393.6 million as on March 30, pollution, energy crisis, global warming and
ings and the area of conflict /
2012, conversion rate Euro 1 = Rupees 68.042; climate change, and the necessity for sustain- under threat.
Source: http://www.x-rates.com/d/INR/table/html) able development was urgently felt, however, the (Source: Bose 2008)
in 2011 (Roy Chowdhury 2012)
Moorhouse sarcastically wrote, “The con-
temporary politics of Calcutta and West Bengal
can scarcely be held responsible for conditions
at the R. G. Kar Hospital, where patients lie on
the floor because there are not enough beds,
and where a casualty block whose foundation
stone was laid in 1963 has still made no further
progress towards completion by the end of the
decade. They cannot be held responsible for a
water supply which by 1965 was supplying no
more than 28 filtered gallons per head of popu-
lation each day, whereas in 1931 it had managed
to produce 52.3 gallons for every person in the
city” (Moorhouse 1971). KMC claimed in 2005
that its water treatment capacity was 350 million
gallons per day (KMC 2005).
However, the Indian economy was opened to
the global economy in 1991 by the central gov-
ernment and the effect of globalization by the
middle of 1990s was that large investments in
real estate development caused a boom in Kol-
kata. The market force that was gradually gain-
ing momentum was based on the development
of high-rise residential buildings, commercial
76 disP 188 · 1/2012
Year Total Floor Area Total Number Number of Buildings Number of Number
(April to March) Sanctioned for of Buildings Sanctioned above 5 Residential of Other
Construction Sanctioned floors up to 40 floors Buildings Buildings
(in sq m) Sanctioned Sanctioned

2005–2006 2060177.773 4160 73 4119 41

2006–2007 2062665.422 3324 70 3268 56
Tab. 2: Rate of Construction of 2007–2008 1527151.972 2893 69 2850 43
Buildings in Kolkata Municipal
2008–2009 1991453.943 3668 64 3614 54
Corporation Area.
(Source: S. Banerjee, Deputy 2009–2010 1819277.046 3774 80 3718 56
Manager of Systems, Kolkata Average/Year 1892145.231 3564 71 3514 50
Municipal Corporation, 2010)

need for the great upsurge of development in 1999–2004 survey and documentation of listed
the city could also not be denied. On one hand, heritage buildings of Kolkata by the author for
the dire necessity for physical and infrastructure the KMC, he observed and recorded that many
development in the city to respond to popula- owners consider their heritage buildings to be
tion increases, a generation of economic devel- liabilities rather than assets for various reasons
opment (overdue since Independence) and the (Bose 2008). Moreover, uncontrolled and in-
opportunity for a better built environment, and compatible additions to many historic buildings
on the other, respect for cultural property, sym- and their surroundings, as well as gradual devel-
pathetic care and conservation of dilapidated, opment and encroachment of slums and squat-
decaying and utterly neglected heritage build- ter settlements in historic areas are great threats
ings, elements and precincts caused a conflict for the sustainability of the historic district and
to arise in the city (Bose 2007). Generally, archi- its environment. Added to this is the inadequacy
tects want more possibilities for development of very old and worn out urban service systems
so that architectural practice flourishes. While with a definite need for upgrade. Many parts
market forces cannot be ignored, the question of historic areas have narrow roads and lanes,
becomes how to promote conservation as part of which are inadequate for modern vehicular traf-
development and how to find an environment- fic movement and service network upgrades.
friendly application for the management of ex- Hence, the modern aspiration of urban living in
isting building stock. tune with globalization and the scale of amenity
Fig. 15: Courtyard of a dilapi- Because of placement at valuable locations, offered by the consumer industries is not ful-
dated building.
the historic and old ordinary buildings are filled by living in such historic areas (Bose 2010).
Fig. 16: Parapet detail of dilapi- highly vulnerable to being replaced by modern Many parts of the old city get water-logged dur-
dated Dolls House. buildings for huge economic profit. During the ing monsoon season resulting in damage to the
old buildings and danger to the health condi-
tions of the inhabitants (Bose 2008).
Large-scale real estate development in and
around Kolkata with a huge rise in land prices
has induced a tendency in owners of old build-
ings and land properties to negotiate with real
estate developers for new architectural devel-
opment and their respective economic profit
and modern accommodation. Many people of
the present generation (fifth to seventh from
original owner/s) owning historic properties feel
the loss of a sense of belonging to their inheri-
tance just because they are dissatisfied by the
absence of modern facilities in their properties.
This feeling is aggravated even more because
such buildings do not always suit the present
nuclear family structure (broken away from the
traditional joint-family structure) and the need
for privacy by the present generation. In ad-
dition, many present owners lack the proper
economic means to restore and modify those Environmental problems, energy crisis disP 188 · 1/2012 77
properties architecturally to their required suit- and old buildings
ability. There are also multiple ownerships and
tenancy in many old buildings, often with le- Meanwhile, for some time now air pollution lev-
gal disputes amongst the owners and between els have become quite alarming in many parts
the owners and the tenants and the litigation of the city. The Pollution Control Board of the
can continue over decades without being re- Government of West Bengal observed in 2005
solved. While there is a huge rise in municipal that 30% of the air pollution occurs from the
taxes presently, many owners receive the lowest construction of buildings and infrastructure in
rents – set decades ago with no increase in the Kolkata, while 55% occurs from vehicles (WB-
amount and sometimes painfully through rent PCB 2005–2008). The groundwater level in the
control on existing legal litigation with tenants. city is receding alarmingly. In a report submit-
The state government or municipality does not ted to the Calcutta High Court by Scientists of
provide support funds for the conservation and the Central Groundwater Board recently, it was
restoration of private heritage properties. stated that groundwater (aquifer) levels in the
There is a common belief among people that city has been depleted by 7 m to 11 m (Reporter
conservation is problematic work and it costs 2007). The quantity of extraction of groundwa-
more than modern construction, plus mod- ter everyday in Kolkata municipal area has been
ern buildings provide desirable nuclear fam- estimated to be around 868.9 million liters. The
ily space. Moreover, many of the old materi- Government has not been able to increase the
als, techniques and traditionally skilled masons supply of filtered water from the river to meet
and laborers of old building construction are the huge and ever-increasing demand for wa-
not available in the present market and society. ter from the excessive population and housing
Unless restored and maintained by the private development in the city. There is also the fre-
owner/s, a heritage building does not enjoy mu- quent phenomenon of power failures in the city,
nicipal tax exemption or a partial waiver. Mean- mostly in summer, but also in other seasons,
while, many buildings can not be restored by disrupting normal life and work. The Calcutta
their owners, either from a lack of economic af- Electric Supply Corporation (CESC), which has
fordability, or even if they have their own funds, provided electricity to Kolkata since the nine-
because of existing legal litigation with tenants teenth century, confirms that the maximum de-
or co-owners. During the early 2000s, attempts mand (in megawatts) has risen from 774 MW in
to generate revenue by the KMC by allowing 1990–1991 to 1238 MW in 2000–2001 and 1359
large modern development at the heritage site, MW in 2006–2007 (Samajpati 2007). Parks and
just sparing the historic building itself is only open spaces are very inadequate for this size city.
against conservation ethics as far as the au- With respect to the global scenario, the concern
thenticity and cultural setting of the site is con- for excessive exploitation of non-renewable en-
cerned. There is a lack of motivation by the ergy, global warming, climatic change and envi-
government and the plural society of Kolkata to ronmental pollution has created new thinking
include architectural and urban conservation in about sustainability (WCED 1987; IPCC 2007).
the management planning policy for develop- The common objectives to be attained in any
ment in the city. Political will for conservation development/construction work for sustainabil-
is poor and more case-specific and publicity- ity are: resource efficiency, energy efficiency,
oriented than holistic and appropriate to the optimum water consumption, waste prevention,
proper need of the city (Bose 2008, 2010). How- pollution prevention, harmonization with the
ever, the historic part has been losing authentic- environment, recycling of materials and archi-
ity of its traditional characteristics and physical tectural reuse (Websites 2004–2007).
setting fast enough. There are three universities From the perspective of environmental sus-
and institutes in the state that impart educa- tainability and energy conservation, the his-
tion in architecture, urban design and town and toric and old buildings are to be seen from
regional planning. But none offers a Master’s a new perspective of achieving sustainability
Degree (2 years) level course in architectural through their management and not demolition.
conservation, and the subject is just one elective The great challenge in management of existing
(optional) course in one semester in the cur- building stock is to project and define how old
riculum of Bachelor Degree’s (5 years duration) buildings can be conserved and intervened to
(Websites of Jadavpur University, Bengal Engi- prepare them as compatible urban structures to
neering and Science University, and the Indian live and work in the present day’s requirements,
Institute of Technology – Kharagpur). thus ensuring the continued presence and uti-
78 disP 188 · 1/2012 lization of existing urban mass towards sustain- with a projected useful life of 40 years would
ability (Bose 2008). cost about 48% of the cost of a new building
of the same space area and volume (Lichfield
2009). The author advocates that for continuity
Architectural and urban conservation as of use of old buildings, physical interventions
the prospect may partially disregard the code of conservation
ethics, except for extremely important histori-
The historic built environment is the multiple cal buildings, for achieving the desired result
layers of the chronological, multidisciplinary of physical strengthening and adaptability for
development of a community in a series of time- modern use (Bose 2008).
frames and is a large part of any city’s capital Minimizing non-renewable resource con-
resource. Apart from their socio-cultural and sumption is a primary objective in sustainable
urban design values, historic buildings repre- design and construction. Conservation and con-
sent a lot of materials, engineering and artis- version for adaptive reuse and integration into a
tic craftsmanship, as well as the investment of new development or the new seamlessly into the
energy and finance. They generate works for old, have this basic objective to reduce resource
the maintenance and utilization of the build- demand while offering achievement of the goal
ings themselves and enhance economic growth in terms of the regeneration of usable space
through usage and cultural tourism. Old ordi- and environmental quality improvement, while
nary buildings are also to be valued as useful retaining the patina of cultural development of
existing mass, material and energy resources. a community with all its values. Hence, conser-
Conservation, which continues the useful life of vation and conversion of old buildings is to be
an existing building or fabric and adapts exist- understood as a tool of sustainable development
ing structures to new requirements as an alter- (Bose 2005–2010).
native to demolition, is a sustainable develop-
ment approach.
Technological advancements have created Recommendations
enormous possibilities to preserve, conserve,
restore and convert old buildings with mitiga- The historic core of Rome is a declared World
tion for problems of rising dampness, rainwa- Heritage City. Rome remains Eternal Rome be-
ter penetration, poor air ventilation, structural cause of the principles of urban conservation
decay and inadequacy, service systems degra- controlled through the master plan. Bringing
dation and other physical factors (Bose 2008). the conservation of the historic center of Rome
Modern facilities can be skillfully inserted into into an urban conservation purview was started
existing buildings and fabric to give them adapt- in 1883 and was implemented through various
ability (Schittich 2003), and yet in Kolkata such master plans since then through to the Mas-
examples are seldom found. In 2008 and 2010, ter Plan of 2000. Presently the Municipality of
the author upgraded all service systems, along Rome (Commune di Roma) is entrusted with
with structural restoration and strengthening, the responsibility of conservation and preser-
and the necessary modifications for bring spa- vation of the heritage as well as cultural land-
tial suitability to modern requirements for his scape in and around Rome. The Master Plan
40-year-old ancestral home. The cost of resto- (Piano Regolatore) of Rome regulates controls
ration and modernization of the old fabric was and guides urban and architectural conserva-
much less than it would have been to build a tion, structural restoration and internal modi-
new house of the same standard and facilities. It fications of buildings in the historic centre of
confirmed what Prof. Sir Bernard Feilden said in the city. Maintenance of the volume of urban
1994 during his teaching at ICCROM (Interna- mass at any part of the historic center has been
tional Centre for the Study of the Preservation prescribed and should be strictly followed. Us-
and Restoration of Cultural Property in Rome, ing this rule, the old and existing urban mass
Italy) in the Architectural Conservation Course in the already beautifully composed spatial set-
where the author was a participant, “Skilful re- tings is maintained and restored. Internal con-
habilitation of historic buildings can be eco- version of some buildings is allowed only after
nomical, often costing only two-thirds of new critical scrutiny by the competent administra-
buildings of the same area and saving the cost tive authority.
of renewing the infrastructure” (Feilden 1994). To cope with the pressure from modern re-
Another extensive study reveals that for qual- quirements, new planning ideas are being im-
ity improvement for an old, existing building plemented in the surrounding region through
augmentation of the traffic routes and devel- ing the State, the Communist Party was ousted disP 188 · 1/2012 79
opment of housing and other necessary func- through democratic process by the opposi-
tional entities (Jokilehto 2009; Porzio, Degni tion party in May 2011, headed by Ms. Mamata
2009). Prof. B. M. Feilden and Prof. J. Jokilehto Banerjee who is now the Chief Minister of the
suggested that management of historic urban new State Government. The Finance Minister
areas should involve an analysis of urban mor- Mr. Amit Mitra has asked for a grant from the
phology, property management with regular in- Center to cover the interest and repayment ob-
spections and a maintenance strategy, modest ligations of the State for a period of three years
rehabilitation schemes, and social input and (Roy Chowdhury 2012) as economic relief.
consultation with occupants (Feilden, Jokilehto Under the broader conservation plan, the
1993). They also suggested that a conservation buildings and historic elements of Chitpur area
plan should define the proposed conservation are primarily, to be identified, preserved and re-
policy and degree of treatment, and the norms stored, misappropriations corrected and discor-
and regulations for implementation (Feilden, dant elements removed, and control over new
Jokilehto 1993). However, the case of Chitpur in development in this area is to be introduced
Kolkata is not the same as Rome or the historic to retain and enhance the traditional character
sites of developed countries, especially in Eu- of the “Place”. Augmentation of infrastructure,
rope. Here in Chitpur, one can see existence of such as a drainage system, water supply, traffic
two beautiful old buildings beside two very ugly and transportation routes and systems, etc., is
buildings with poor structural conditions and also to be done. Recommendations for urban
with tin or tiled roofs perhaps, or besides two conservation and planning for this area should
new buildings with bland architectural char- include:
acter not matching with the old in mass, form, 1. Restoration of buildings, modification of
height and ornamentation. There are assets as structures for conversion and adaptive reuse
well as discordant elements (liabilities) existing 2. Restoration of façades of buildings in case the
simultaneously within a polluted built environ- restoration of the entire building is not feasible
ment. Furthermore, there is every possibility or legally possible because of ownership prob-
that the historic building itself is in a decayed lems and standing litigation
and neglected condition. However, function- 3. Rectification of physical and mass appear-
ally, the area is thriving, though too congested ance by removal/appropriation of discordant el-
and chaotic. That also reflects the extreme sur- ements, temporary/unauthorized façade treat-
vival capacity of human beings of various so- ments or additions, removal of inappropriate
cio-economic conditions in a plural society in advertisement hoardings
such a city. Thus, case-specific prescription is 4. Enhancement of the streetscape through im-
required for the Chitpur area emphasizing ur- provement of sidewalks, installation or upgrade
ban conservation within an overall framework of of street furniture and introduction of land-
urban planning and regulations. For example, scape elements
tourism that highlights a form of heritage walk 5. Exploring measures for controlling Chitpur
and a visit to Kumartuli and riverfronts is to be Road as a pedestrian road by disallowing vehic-
planned, managed and promoted along with ular movement except for tram and auto rick-
providing minimum basic facilities to tourists. shaw along it from 8:00–20:00 and through bet-
This planning approach should also be the ter utilization of two parallel roads: Strand Road
same for historic parts of many other cities in along the riverbank on the left of Chitpur Road
India as per the author’s opinion based on his (looking north) and Chittaranjan Avenue on the
education, professional and life experiences. right side, which are already linked by cross-
However, the Central Public Works Department roads through Chitpur Road
(CPWD) of the Government of India is mean- 6. Introduction of control mechanisms over fu-
while planning to demolish the original struc- ture development by introducing special build-
ture of the bungalows designed by Edwin Land- ing bylaws for this historic area and allowing
seer Lutyens who planned New Delhi (capital construction of new buildings with controlled
city of India) in the Lutyens’ Bungalow Zone height, compatible architectural style, fenestra-
(LBZ, a heritage zone) and construct at least tion and color and only at suitable places with-
four bungalows in the space of one “to use the out disturbing the existing heritage (cultural)
floor area ratio more judiciously” (as per Ur- character
ban Development Secretary Mr. Sudhir Krishna) 7. Introduction of special treatment at selected
(Sobhanak 2011). Meanwhile, after thirty-five and sensitive areas such as the Kumartuli im-
years of being in administrative power and rul- age-making zone
80 disP 188 · 1/2012 8. Introduction and enforcement of new (legal city. “Appropriate Development” should be the
and municipal) rules to restructure the rent slab goal of any society and the answer to the ques-
and define the responsibility of the tenants with tion “what is appropriate” for any society has to
regard to compulsory maintenance and restora- be found out and formulated by the society it-
tion of the properties they use self (Bose 2008). A good coordination amongst
9. Raising a conservation fund by the govern- various departments of the state government
ment and municipality to support conservation and the municipal authority, along with people’s
projects and to provide loans and grants to own- participation is very much required for the ful-
ers of heritage buildings, and exploring the pos- fillment of the common goals of the community
sibility of inclusion of the private sector to take in Kolkata.
an active partnership with the government in
urban conservation works. Possibilities are also
to be explored to find external aid funds for ur-
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Nair, P. T. (1990): Civic and Public Services in Old
Calcutta. Calcutta – The Living City. Volume I:
The Past. Edited by S. Chaudhuri, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, Kolkata, p. 224. Websites Visited (2004–2012)
Patri, P. (1985): Ek Je Chhilo Kolkata (in Bengali, http://www.epa/greenbuilding;
meaning ‘There was a Calcutta’). Pratikshan Pu- http://www.greenbuilder.com;
blication Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata, p. 67. http://www.arch.hku.hk (2004–2007);
Porzio, P. L.; Degni, P. (2009): Source of Infor- http://www.jadavpur.edu;
mation. Detailed discussion on Conservation http://www.webteam.iitkgp.ernet.in/academic/­
and Planning of Rome and Region held on ugcore1.php
Dr. Shivashish Bose
10.06.2009 at their offices with Mr. Porzio, So- http://www.x-rates.com/d/INR/table/html (visited on
Associate Professor
printendenza per I beni Architettonici E Paesag- 31.03.2012)
Department of Architecture
Jadavpur University gistici per Il Comune di Roma and Ms. Degni
Kolkata – 700032, India of Ministero per I Beni E Le Attivia Culturali,
shivashishbose@yahoo.co.in Roma, Italia.

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